There's No Risk If/Diis Medicine Does Not Benefit You Pay Nothing * • if A phys'cian who made a specialty of stomach tfoubles, particularly dyspepsh, after years of study per fected the formula from which Rexall Dyspej»virt T ablets *rt- m uie. Our experi* nee with Rexall Dys pepsia Tablets ends ijs to believe 4hrm to be the greatest remedy known for the relief of acme tudi gestion and chronic dyspepsia. Their ingredient- are soothing and healing to the inflamed mtm!>i.iucs of the stomach. " Tiey are iich in one >f the greatest digestive aid aids kuo mi to medicine T i» relief thev :tff'>ril is almr>*t imruedi ate. Their u-e wrh auJ y fur a short time bring- almin —a —e Mttion —of the! pains caused by -t iinaeh disorders Rex i'l Dv*re >si i Tablets will jn nure healthy appetite, aiddi>*t stion and promote nutrition. As ev d ence of our sincere faith in Rex ill Dyspepsia-Tablets, we a-k vou t>i try them at our risk. If tliev do not give you en'ire sat sfacion. we will return \oti hs mont-y you pai l ■u" for them, without que ton or formality. They come in three •izes, ptices 25 cents, 50 cents and $1 oo> Remember yon can obtain the:n only at —Tne Rexa!] Store The S. R. B gg -D>ug Co. . '_ ■ , ..»»/, N The Quicker a c> Id is gotten rid of the less the'danuer from pneu monia and other Serious disca e. Mr. B. W. L. Hall, of Waverly, Va , sa\s: ' I firtn'y believe Cham berlain's C>ugh Remedy to he ab solutely the lest preparation 011 the market,for colds I h ve recom mended it t*> my friends and they all acree with ine." For sale by All Dealers. A Beautiful Calendr , Mr. Frank F Fagan, the clever Cashier ot ihe Farmers and Mer chants Bink, .has presented tin ofhtye a veiy handsome calendar. It is a reprwdnction of "Morning, Vale of the Tieignac, Fran*,'* a famous painting by Gaston An*-" lade. The-e cal ndars from year to year remind one of the jafetv, soundness and security of this bank which sends out attractive souve olre. Thp calendar is the work of the Thomas D Murphy Company, of Red Oak, lowa COUGHS AND COLDS. I Took Pe-rn-iiOi : ::'v f; U- ■■■ . J - i •»' •: m ; ■ :•■%>>■. ; 1 J - - f ♦ •••' - | V;' : r *• * I ],£&& A j.f. I ffc »' 1 f | " 'CO4 TtWTH st'w-- 1 L'f }t tou fyp iw J 1 ' rri'-C 1., foi' -I'iti--. v : : > y ieyneHJ— I cjin ch«Mi'uliy "moan IV—'na »# ».u etfeouva. eurn» tor •«V --iil rpWd. iei T'nt fero .iu']iar>'..c lto •my plmU) ▼JLU testimonial lit ar v putJ _■ . - T »;)ti 1-1' IcA ■ 1 1 * JIO4 V.'iuftilngtoir, I), 0. J Co«:'1 Net SmtlfHor ftti -. • .".frs. A. 1.-. Wetzirl, JfCiOUiu tH.,T rrt ft > JfaJ., wriUM: '•When I begsrt Ut t«koyonr lti« I eouid not sinc-H. .ir m uliun h • Ill ritig- Nov 1 «.au both suaSIT ' i.- ,? •. - ' v -V.'bcn I yn»r treatment my wal texritilc. I l>:ut buzzing'and Chirping noieos in my hoad. ( t-*Xolloiredyour ;:tviee tullhfally und tcolfi Penwif fti y a told me. Now I plight say I ain ♦'l want lo go and visit my mother t;.d see the doctor übo caid I tra» not long for thus worl I. I will tell biiu u %-~s Pcruaa that C tred mc." l'eople to liquid medlrrluo#\ now fe. Una tablet*. OT an ideal Laxative,. (| Don't Be Bald Nearly Anyone May Se cure a Splendid Growth of Hair We have a remedy that ha; a re cord of growing hair and cuting baldness .in 93 out of everv too cases whe*e used according to directions for a letsonable length Of time. That may ?eem like a strong statement—it* is, and we mean it to be, and tio >% one should doubt it untVl h»ve put our claims to an actual test. We are 81 certain Rexa'.l "93" Hair. Touic v\ill cure tfantirull. pie vent ha Id net**, stimulate the scalp utid hair rio's, stop falling hair and > grow new hair* that \*e jK-tsnnaily give o«r positive" glivantee to re fund every penny paid us for it in evetv instance where it does not Kive entire satisf tctiou to the user.j Rexall "93" Hair T »nfc is as pleasant to u e as clear sprii g water It is delightfully p»rfumeH, and does not gieise us; gntn the hair. T>vo sizes, 50*. wud $\ oo With 1 ur jtut'ian el>ack, um ceitainty no risk Sod onl> at our store —Th" Rexall Store Tor S R HK T I) u Co 7 POSTED ' « All persons .are hcrtby forbi«ldtti to hunt with' Klin or di»x, or in anyway trespass on my lands in Jatnesvillc Towdship, adjoi-ing Roanoke River, Varieu Neck Creek and the lands of Salinger, Berry, Normau, !ucus aad Hampton. This December 22nd. 1910. 12 23-4t Allie 0. Blount. Trustee's Sale By virtue of authority of a Deed of Trust* executed to me by B. W Bryant and Mrs. Bryant oti the 30111 da> of I)eretiil»er, 1908 aud duly reeynleil in the tester's ofhee in Martin County in Book VVV I'agf 464 to secure the payment of a certain bond beating efen date therewith, and the stipulations in •aid Deed of Trust not having been com plied with "I 1 shall expose at public auction, for cash at 1:30 p. bj. Monday the 16th dav of January 1911,' at the Court house door in Williatiibtou in Martin County, the following property: Be tig an acre lot in the town of Wil Hamilton, with a two rooiy house there on taring on Church Street anil being one-half a block from Main Street, being the land deded by Sylvester Hus-ell to Laveuia Williams us set foith in Book MM'Page 185 Martin County Registry to which reference is made. This December 15th, 1910. S. J. KVERETTr IS 23 4t Trustee. Cam* Natural. "Johnnie!" * / "Vessuiu," "When did you learn to swear?'t»_ . "Leurn-to awoar?" • " "Yes." "Never did learn." • "Johnnie. I just heard jrpu bwearing soiuethiiig frtgtitful." "Never dM learn nohuw. Guess I was Juat botit that way." Mercenary Maid. "Ethel r "Xes, dear.'' "Do you believe In "long engage* meutsV" "Thnt dcprnila." "Ou'wf«it ?" "SVlietber there Is a richer'nian lu sight or not." f 1 * Found It Eis/i 'TJIh wif diver s v. itb tilm." 1 "\Vhnt harmony! Waybo sUe U afraid of him " "No; sb» has a rulnd of h"r own." j "Kut do tlielr bv-rrrs alti avs beat 11 s j oner* "Yes; he always strrtea with her." A Minor Luxury. "Wait for lue a tu'iMrin. I iriu*t run over to the butcher MIIO|».". "A)'hiJt fort" "I want to order a ,iM»rierhouae sienU for dltitu r.," "1 ih Ui;bt you t. lU me yon couldn't afford/ini automobile." T Exceliant. . ."What would you ndvl&e a fell.iw to do that Is broke." **r>ri)fe,e?" , 1 "Ye*." "I should idvLe him to find employ ment in a repair Bhop."" Bo!itary Gra.idure. "Where did he get his title ot gen eral ?" l , "In u an revolution A 1 "Was he kind to the privates?" "He never saw nny." • -- Haa Yat to Matriculate. /,j "What school did you attend t 'The acbool of eitperlence." "I never heard of that." r "No? Well yon are slated tot It •U right, then." fit, "" • jv ■§ M -S. V - ''v-.1, ■«' Vv "i- - i._*. ... .-.v -• * TOBACCO FLUES .» * . . • - ' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • t *■-' . • •• y -• -; v Have Woolard to maKe FLUES and You will hay£ r the BEST J JI. . / CARTS AND WAGONS " T MADE TO ORDER v , Wollards Combined Harrow and Cultivator J. L. WOOLARD WILLIAMSTON, N. C. ;jw-« .* ; ••. *"• % ' £.4.'* * t • .. ...... i— . — — NOTICE! ■■■■■■■■■ . > I will sell at Alition to the Highest Bidder on Monday January 2, igii at my! Residence 5 miles from Williamston, near Brown" 1 s Springs, the following property: One two horse wagon, three plows, live cultivators, one corn sheller, one buggy, one log cart, hogs, chickens, farming im plements, geese,. household and kitchen furniture and stable manure. Terms of Sale Cash. John M. Mizell This Dec, 15, 1910. ' 1 Lime For Farms - . . f I WK ARK again selling LIME for Farming purposes. The highest grade 98 per ctut } ure litne in hn!k or fiesh ground, screerud and sacked. No water about it. Heady and eotiveniCht to : i V apply to the land AT ONCK. Fanners Shonlit Not Buy Ready Slack ed Lime—Such as hydrated lime as they would gtt per cent, wa ter, anil prepared lime is still worse—when \ou would only 28 per cuit liine, making only Hi*., to a ton ami 30 lbs, of Potash. And thin having to haul 1420 lbs, of filler tint is wothless, when yfiu can ■j' v ' » 4 get a ton qf fresh lime analy zing 98 per 'cent pure lime for hall the ptice. Let us st 11 jou early and save itKtuy. January is tbe time to - handle liuie. • - ' N. 5. Peel & Co. - WILLIAMSTON, - - NORTH CAROLINA -P*. *+- YOU CAN' NEVER KNOW The Vatoe and (Vniven it-nce of a HANK ACCOUNT' until you U»ve tr> J one. Wl.i ever ynu f«-1 -dispoM-d u# tesi the iHHUer*'? ithiill yon with the i et k wiry bi'i k*,l>i..n»t anil iiiforiiKtUon . . We Pay . . A FOUR PER CENT 4 ■ on time deposits 3_. Bank of Robersonvilk Knbfrrsonville, N. C. R. H. HAKCROVU, A S. Robkkson, ■ President, . Vice-£res. - J. A. MIZRIJt,. Cash lKK. Notice Having qualified a« Fxecutor upon the Estate ot >arah J. Robnf*on deceased; Notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against said Estate - ent them to the undersigned for pay men} on or before the 28th dav of Nov 1911, or this notice will be plieaded in bar of their recovery. » All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate ptrment. This 28th day of N»v., 1910 G. L. ROBERSON ia.-a-6t ; Executor. Wlfl ."* W.,1 * •*?*-- .... .w- *- " '-- ' -JL**, i ' *" ~ "■ ~~ •" - w* \ - ■ ' ■- m 1# 5T |p 'JS •£> yff *jSf VSS •&•£?•£) *£J yff 'l'.For the Next 30 Days WE WILL OFFER OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF- Ck Dry -Goods, Notions, Clothing, Hats, Caps, O ' ■ . , Boots and Shoes . ♦ . mr , a jW At Actual Gost Toe Gush **3B . g!fc Q| X It will be to your interest to come in and let us show you auything _ you may need in the above line's. 3HL Come Early Before Stock, is Picked Over \B|? Yours to please, % 0 O. ,K. Cowing Company g Williamston, - - - North Carolina * ecc-cc-e c-c-c- ccc- c-c-c- c-c-^^ I 150 SKIRTS ISO y. That must be sold. All we as is that you examine them aud consider • these Prices: - *' M ? $2.00 and $2.50 Skirts $1.39 ? ? ; 3.00 44 1.79 ? ? 3.50 41 1.98 ? ? 4.00 »♦ • 2.25 ? ? 4.40 14 5.00 ' 2.98 ? i 1_ - Exceptional Bargians in Shirt Waists ——— —, " § : : - | . ' . : *v ■ These Skirts and Shirt Waists must go j between now and the first of the year re jgardless of cost. — 1 —— . ' 1 ■■ M . . , ; • 'J™ M Bargains in Shoes & Pants jM The New Store * . ' ■" • - ' * V- A. K. Hatem (Store f oruierly occupied by The City Furniture Co.) Williamston, - - North Carolina "DAD, HERE'S' TO YOU" *, / r We haprcned in a home the other night, and over tbe parlor door saw the .legend worked in letters of red, "What is Home Without a Mother?" Across the room was another brief, "(lod Hl ss Our Home " Now. what's the matter with "God Bless Our Dad?" He gets up earlv, lights the fire, boils au and with liis boots wipes off the dew of the dawn while many a" mother" is sleeping. He makes the weekly handout for the! butcher, grocer, milk man and baker, and his pile is badly walloped before he has - ' been home an hour. , If there is a noise during the night dad is kicked in the back aud made to go down stairs to find the burglar and kill him. Mother darns the socks, but dad bought tbe socks in the first place. atid the needles and the yarn afterwards. Motlur does tip the fptnrbnt dad bought it all, and jars and sugar cost like the mischief. Dad buys the chickens for the Sunday dinner, carves himself and draws the neck from the ruins after every oue > else is served. 'What is Home Without a Mother?" Yes that is all right; but what is liorne without a fatbei? Ten chances to one boarding house, father is under a .slab, and the landlady is the widow., here's to you--\ou've got your fault-; \mi may liave lots of 'em—but you are all right, and k\e will Hr,is-, sou wlipn \ou're >;otu;. T ' Of course you will miss dear old Daddy when he is .gfone? How about it. Dad? Are you insured in the NEW-YORK LIFE? CLAYTON MOORE, Representative WiJliunuiton, .North Carolina .

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