| , LOCAL ITEMS | ?/' All notices pahUiihed In (kit column, wheir , nvtau tt to be derived, will b« ch»fgrd at the Mtofwcniii M»*. (couat ais wordu V. a Uae)e*ch law. aped*! r«te» will be made on . laaa contract*. —School jppened on Tuesday morning. —There have been a L-wchinxes in residences in the town this wctk. 5 or 6 doses "00(3" will cure any of Chills and Fever. Price 25c. —Work on the Method st par ~~ sonaga is proceeding wiihntfficuby owing to the tains. The Bnrd of County Commis sioners met Monday with Cba rm in Burras presiding. ' 5 or 6 doses "BGO." wll cure any case of Chills and Fever. Price 25c. —Luke L. Robeison has removed with hisfjm.lv -laa farm—ai i^r mele, which he his purchased. —Rev Ru'us Bradley will preach at Hjwilton Sunday morning and night. T'lo public is invited to bear him —The banks and postoflLe weie closed Mondav and a gerieial stii in financial circles gave evidence of the New'Yeir. —*Rtv. G W, He'k wiil preach at the Masonic Hall on Sunday morn ing and night. Tne pill lie is in vited to heat hi iti. —The New Year has"been vety ... wi-t so far. It is better to have the heavy -ra4n:*ll iu.-tbe summer when crops are growing. —The next meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary will be held ut the home of Mrs J G. Staton on the 12 inst , at 3:3o o'clock p.m. —STRAYED.—A stiay heifer yearling a'toiit one year old has bei u at my place since March. The owner will please come for it —W. W. Griffin, Williamston, N. C. —Santa C!au>e paid a visit to all the Sunday School pupils in town, and the little folks ig well as the big ones.were delighted with him ! as 11 sflit 17 "B ith tire ml sslcm scbortsi in Ihe country, one at School House and lie oilier at blade s had 'trees which gave much enjoyment. —Grover W. Hardison, who has for years bs en A salesman tor An ders-oil, Crawford & lias accepted a pjsiUou as travel-ug salesman for panv and began work with ill 111 ou Monday. Mr. Hardison was 011 c of the most popular salesmen in the town and the custonnrs of the firm will greatly him. He has minvfrumls who wish lor him unbounded succe.-s 111 his new p» si tion. —William-ton has curiosity if 011 other—a 15 ox> market liou-e and no stall occupied. People will have to eat salt herrings and western pork for awhile. It is a situation which entaiU a hardship 011' the public who must eat to live Be ter put up a tu.irki t across the river and have a canoe delivery. This would be unique, at least. It is * odd that other towns cau support a a maiktt aud ikey not so . a> this. —The Directors of the Farmers and Merchants Bank met on Mon day night at 8 o'clock. A divi dend of eight percent was declared, the remainder of the earnings to be pieced in the undivided profits. The regular annual meeting will l:e held on January ißih at 2 o'clock p m. This yerr has been the best in the history of the Bank A full •tatement ot the condition of the affairs of the Bank is to be found - on the local pane aud will be inter esting to those who watch the growth of things. —To hatch and raise chickens one muit use artificial means I have tried a good many makes of incubators and I have settled down on "The Old Trusty made by M. M. Johnson." Any one wishing to purchase one, I keep them in stock at factory prices, they are warranted by the maker «nd myself. Fall instructions with each machifte. Apply to J. B. McGowan (Uncle McAdoo) Wil- C. For refetence-saa W. H. Gurkin. * ~ t6 y. i '.»> 'lit..- —. 1 i i i i t PERSONAL BRIEFS S 3*4 Maurice S. Moore was in Everett Sunday. F. M. Shute spent last week with relatives iti New Bern. Henry Everett, of Oak City, was in town Monday on business. W. Fountain Xipscouib spent Cbi'SUiw.H lure with rcbtivta.—■ —- Roland Hobbs, of Spring Hope, was here last week with relatives. Dr. Reed Bo>d, of Richmond, spent the holidays here with friends. J. L. Davenport, of JamesviUe, was in town on busimss Wednes day. , Miss Winnie Nicholson, of Wash ington, is-yisiUwg Mrs. A.-Sr~ field. Mlas Perlie Wolf,- of Plymouth, visaing her sister Mrs. F. K. Hodges. James Mitchell, of Philadelphia, is rn town this week, the gue>t of Mr. and Mrsr F. K. Hodges. Miss Peele returned from N >r;olk Wednesday where site has been spending the holidays. Misses Ireue Smith and Delia Lanier attended thc / dances at r Hamilton and Scotland Neck last week. • . Mrs. W. P. McCraw, of Taiboro, and Mrs. P. I, M inga, of Norfolk, are visiting their mother Mrs. Mollie Peele. Misses Mai'V Shelburn, Ethel Skinner and Margaret Blow, of Greenville, were guests of Mis. J. W. Watts while in tow n. H. M Stnbb-i, Edwin Ward, Luke l.amb, Elbtrt Peel, Haywood Knight and Grover Godwin lett this week -for Cliaptl Hill OiP Soldinr Tor'ured "For years I „tnff*ied unifpeuk able tortuie from indigestipn, coti st'patiou and liver trouble," wrote A K. Smith, a war veteran at Erie, P.i , "but Dr. King's New Life Pills fixed me a>l rglit. They're simply great." Try them tor any stomach, liver or kidney trouble. Only 251 "at Saunders & Fowden. POSTED « All persons Hre hereby futbidden to hunt with gun or. dog, or in anyway trespass on tny lands in Jnmesville Township, adjoi' in n Roanoke River, Warren Neck Creek and the Inttrt* ot Fagau, Sallinger, llerrjr, Norman, I.nct s and ll«Ript»H, Tins December mid. lyio, 12 jv4i Allie 0. Blount. Throw Away Your Old Policies but do not fail to have us isane a new one. Because you have escaped fire so for don't think you are sure of never havitiK oue. You are juat aa liable to be burned out tonight as any otie. KRFP UP YOUR FIRF. INSURANCE and let some on: else take chancea. Or der us to usue a new policy today and secure the protection you need now as much aa you ever did in your life. Fire like death, if no respector of persons. K; B. CRAWFORD INSURANCE AGBNT, Godard Building | Humor and | Philosophy J A B/DVACAA J*. SMITH A PERT PARAGRAPHS. "pVtRY man baa plenty of friend who can tell blm Just, where h> made his mistake, but the friend wh eal) and will give hlrr»- a straight 4fi la more rare than fresb water pearls, raddle your own rnnoe, but don't let a large pink idiot rock it. Contluual pegging away aud golnn without sleep Is the price of three square meals a dnv,- The end seat hog Is the only one of his species that hasn't a market value Many, nlfis. too many, cooks spoil the broth. Call no man happy till tbe graft In vestigating committee has O. K 'dtilm The world is full of men who can tell the other fellow how to do it. _ —.———Th»'Ancient Past. ———_. On th* level. It la hlgh'tims We arose ami cm nut tty time. And I hope 'twill m my time That th- awful blow will fall On ftic pesky little Kinner Who iHirt's In and t i sea his dinner On the fatur and the thinner As lie makes an evening sail. Very truly It Is awful That the creature should he lawful 1 nave often «ot rny craw full ' When I strelrhed to take a nap. On my pate, rotund and niassy, Though admitted to tie classy. Trailed the lltUe varrnlnt aassy And then deftly dodifeg ajUap. tVe are Sold by doet.As skillful That he carries round a bill Will Of the kind of fc'«nri? that Kill full \ Many a man tjefpt'' hta tlmo. ■> All too toiiK with bVm we trllle. Wo fjhouid qd the family rifle And with fi'ad should All linn nigh full, Ending thus his lit.■ of crime. ■** Sending a Substitute-- ■ "I hoard u tiiiiti phmnhig to brt?ak Into your house tonight."' "(ioiid. I.et him lIIOIIM. "Hut he Is a litirirlnr." • "1 don't care what lie Is. will gei there about the tittle I usually arrlv« In-the * morning, mid never fear bin what my wife will lend to blm." How Could Me? "She says "her husband won't listen to reason." "Well, he won't." "He must be fierce." "Meek as Moses." "Then why won't tieV" , .■ > "There isn't any wisdom at home to listen to." Explained. "Pa" "Yes. dear." "What tsr alimony?" , '•A I ftnony V" "L'li hull " "it is the ftooby prize In the mntri monlal game " He Was On. "Are yon fond "Well. 1 like flue to tunc the bap pipes tuning up." "I said music." "Oh. I see. No, |o tell the trmh I don't care anything about it." —Natural "A whole train load of habies weni from New York to New Orleans." "TVhat for';" ' "Adoption." "Havc.poodle dogs become as scarce as Hint?" Playing Safe. "I see you haye bought an nuto." "Yes, and if Is a dandy." ■ "l thought you considered autos dan gerous t" "l do to the people who are walk ing," All Alike. "And how much mo|ney doea your wife spend?" "Much as nn.v woman does." "How Is thai?" "All ber husband earns." To Be Sure. "Where are you bound for, old man?" "Oolng Ashing." "Fishing? What for?" "To have something to yarn about when I get back?" Reduced Rates. "She can tell your fort una" "How much?" "Fifty cents." "I know a bartender who will tell It for a alekel." . f* - I i' I*'' * Undoubtedly. "Would you call it a timely hint?" "What?" "Telling the young man caller that It la nearing 11 o'clock." - . „ . , . , Just a Misdemeanor. Perhaps you may not understand, But there must be a reason For everything, but it is true That whiakera are aot treaaoa. V .Trustee'* Safe 'i By virtue of authority m» Owl of Trnet executed to me bv B. IW. Bryant and Mrs.' Bryant ' «Sft„tha.jptb day pt December, 1908 and duly recorded iu the Hegister.'a office in Martin Cdunty iu BcxikVVV Page 464 to secure the payment of a certain bond bearing evau date therewith, and the stipulation* in said Deed of Trust not having been com plied with, I shall expose at public auction, for cash at 1:30 p. in. Monday the i6lti day of January isii, at the Court-home dtor in Wilitamston in Martin County, the following property: Be.fag an acre lot iu the (pwn of Wil liamston, with a two room house there on, bring on Charch Street and being one-tyilf h block froui Main Street, being the land deeded bv S)lventer Haittll to Laveriia Williams as gel forth in Hook MM Page 185 Martin County Registry to which reference is made. This December 15th, 1910. S. J. EVBRHTT, 1 j 23 4t Trustee. Notke In re Closing up of the Partnership of J. W. SbetTod & Hrotiier On ai-rniylt ilf r>r J W Sherrod, late of the county of Martin State of North Carolina, and member of the partnership of J. '.V. Slierrod and Brother it is my duty as the surviving partner to wind up the business of the aforesaid partnership; this is to give no tice to all persons having claims agatnst the afdresaid partnership to present tliein to the undersigned at Hi. field, N. C , on or before the sth day of Dec. 1911 or this notice will be pleaded iu bar of their recovery; Al| persons indebted to the atoresaid partnership will please make immediate settlement. This Dep. sth 1910. W. L. SHERKOD, Surviving partner of J. W Sherrod & Brother. IJ*4t Notice We have for sate a tract of land lying in Kob rsonville 'lVynslip, Maitui County containing 27} acres more or less, about ioj acres open, ot a sandy loam soil; 183 acres are well covered with long and short straw pjties, suitable for milling purposes aud domestic uses, good stock ratine with running water; good water ai d healthy location; being witbin two miles of the railroad; in the best section and within two miles of one of the best schools and liest markets in ihe county. Will sell for |,\6op 00 as follows: Ciish, $1*00.00;-the» remainder in four equal installments interest each year. Write or see either 11. K. Llarrell, ft. J. Hverett, Oak City, N. C, Greenville, N.C. 12 9 tf Notice By virtue of a power of sale -contained Sll a certain deed of tru>t to me as trustee and hearing date 27 January, 1909, by Joseph 11. Wynn and wifn Alice Wvnn. and duly recorded in the public Registry of Martin County in Book VYf to secure the payment of a certain bond bearing even date therein mentioned,ami the stipulations in taid deed f trust not having been compile 1 with, and at the request of A. S. Kohersou a Co , the restuy cue ttu-t therein named, I shall 011 Saturday the 7th day of January 1911, at a o'clock ]i. 111. ni front of the Hank of Roberaonville. in Kobersonville, N. C. Martin County, « fTer at public sSle to the highest bidder, '*» r cash, the following tract or parcel of lant( to-wit: Lying and being in Cross Roads Town ship, adjoining the lands Mary M.Wynn and others, and heginuingjat u light wood ■sUb .it trhtr corner oi the hoiise-place, running tlj.etice a Soulherly;coitrsfe along Marv M. Wyiyi's to the run of Trantus Creek, thence up said creek to Thos. Mirell's corner, thence along said M hell's line to a lightwood stob, and Easterly coarse to beginning, con taining 25. acres, n.oie or less. This Dec. sth 1910. 12 9-4t J C. SMITH, Choice French and Holland Bulbs \ Hyacinths, Narcissus, Daffodil!*, Tulips, Frassias, Easter and Callo Lillies. PLANT EARLY FOR BEST RESULTS All Seasonable Cut Flowers Furn ished at Short Notice * * * * * ****** Palms, Pern* aud all Hot-house Plants For Decoration. Rose Bushes, Shrubberies, Hedge . and Shade Trees in Great Varieties. Ask for Price-list. Phone, telegraph and mail orders Prom ply Riecuted by J. L. O'Quinn & Co. Phone 140. Raleigh, N. C. 1 The Farmers & Merchants Bank WILLIAMSTON, N. C. * I / '• ««•#»# • * Statement of Condition.Dec. 31, 1910 Resources: Liabilities: and discounts $143,126. 21 Capital Stock $ a.5.000.0* Banking house 7,500.00 SurjJw & piofiu fH,3£p.oo^ Furniture and fixtures 3,000.00 Nefprofis 1910 4,39003 Due from banks 27,949.38 Total surplus & prifits 12,740.05. Cash harfd 9.434.45 $191,010.04 191,010.04 j * / H " *. Paid in Dividends - - $7,650.00 Comparative Statement of Deposits: j December 31, 1906 - $ 85,931.44 December 31, 1908 s - - 111,092 33 December 31, 1910 - , - - 153,270.01 _i—, Depository of The State of North Caro lina And The County of Martin John D. Biggs, Pres. C. D. Carstarphen, V-Pres. Frank F. Fagan, Cashier L. H. Harrison, Ass't Cashier i t ,V; t . r « \J Mr. Business Man ! • We will give your ■. orders for Job Work careful attention MANNING and HASSELL '■ . ' Sambo! a , KENTUCKY SPANISH JACK. Color, | black. 3 years old and weighs 860 lbs. Register number 50652, have been purcha*- ' ed by the Robersonville Jack Co. He is now i ready for service fend will be found at R. E. ' Qrimes' stables in Robersonville during sea- son 1911. This is the finest Jack in the / v, ' counrtry. Your Patronage solicited. For i further information apply to A. S. ROBERSON, Sec.

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