THE ENTERPRISE. • • PfBLISHKO KVKRY FRIDAV IT & HASH KM., PROPRIKTORH Williamson, N, C. WILLIAM C. MAHNING. HNITOR JOHN* W, HASBRLL, MANAGER SUIJSCRIPriON RATES One Year • -. - fl.oo Six Months ... - .501 Three Months .... .25 j Strictly Cash in Advance Advertising Kates on Application Entered tl the Po«*t O filer lit Wllinm*lob, i If. C *» Second Cl***' Mutter. Friday. February iQ. 'o' 1 Tat | layed a g tne of piliticsj tvhan lie hedged the House up a'nd got ihe vo e for Sin- Prunedco in the Pa i a tea Ktp'Siiftn 10 lies'. t>t I'MHS'JJtIU 'e 110-l—(+t Ct» iL'il i I i- We-t as tIuKS Hitii is s'■ 11 10-t to tbe With the r.e r l ee' closed and soci il clubs « --1 r i 1• I in tin serv i it; OF IIMX'U i'*, North C ito lina will be i ll site grvu-rd rg-t+ti. j The prohibition law \v l, be letter en'f"reed with thee ad-Ud Save the St it-:* Iroin th; cuts.; ot rum! - • Ttte Progressive Firmer I>r Janua r y 28th, is a splendid issue of j thit be-t of all Southern firm journals. It is a farm «qu'pnnlit special and sets tortli the greit value ol macl inety'and up 11 dHe tools on the farm. Tne old way"ad II illti the s ill ts being left for memory only—to make tlie b-st crops the farmer must employ the modern means anil haven propei knowledge of soil prepira'.iou and seed sefection. If one should examine nttr sub scription list, he vwu'd find a greit majority ot thein t•» be farim r-s unit the he t of thecln-sin Martin conn tv. We are inter*«-ted in whateve» ill fere sis them, and derrc tn ;tid a as pos able in the building up of the home- which these men de light to own S ( > from time to tinie we urge better and itiipr^vt-d 111 thods in tanning and such aiticles as are helpful Thjls it is that we make our leading arti cle this week 'Coin on tie S nith ern H .rms " livirv man l uo«s the importanc-.' of the cereal, mid that its cultivation is to * 1 * the** ul the latuicr. ■ The Sulz r bill now pen ling be fore Congress will give a Parcels Post system to tbe country. The express companies are wotkitig diligently to pievent the pass ige of any such nie.iyir ■ It the farmers keep still and they are the ones' most intere-utd in a l'aiytd- r>st, tht*M companies will block tin pas sage of tie bill. There >e mi to be disoder 111 ou' po-tal tegul itious. For m-tance a p iattd book can be mailed f't 8 cents per p> u vl, it 'lie book is I I ink it e> sK 16 cell's per ' pound: a .pound of raw chestnuts co>ts 8 cent'- —when roasted thev can rot uo for less than "1 '■» cents. This savins 111 rea-onaMe and wo ks a h itd-h»p 011 tlie sender, It is denied that* the Pane's Post would injure the let.ul merchant, btcause be would have the same prinl, ge the fi>rmer and the 1 utter would preter tuning these same goods from him instead of ordering be fore examination The d.vtllers a'.uiig rnrul routes have not ptoj e* ly cons dered the situ ion, so are t iking li't'.e in:ee-t in the mutter. Kansas has a law which prohibits public drinking cups on the trains, stations, public schools ami other places where the general public quench their thirst. This is a nerdtfd precaution iu every State. If diseases are to be combated there must be the strictest observance of sanitary laws. Many meu and women have died with lothsome diseases by becoming infected from drinking from a cup Vhich vile lips had touched There have been cases in our own county, and some thing should be done to prevent in fection. The individual should il - ' ■ protect -himself by refraining from using a public cup.- u ile>s dire necessity foces him.' People of refined taste and strict obs rvcr» of j cKarvlines in their homes, have bseu Keen to drink at the town we'l be- i cati-e they were thoughtless and impatient. Some who are d seised j. have often tlie habit of paying" no attention to the siftty of th ir fcl l wtn.-n. Tlie healthy and the nnortunate one- are cq la'ly care- ' less. Lite Sited at Daath's Dosr ' I ntv» r felt «-> near tin grave. " ! vtites W. R. Patterson of Wei button, Tex., as When a frightful [, c mgli and lnng trouble pulled me down to too pounds, iii"" >pi e of doctor's t eitmeut., for two ye;ir> ; My f.itber, mother and two' .-iO-trs! ied ( f con uinpti jn, and that I am live today is due solelv to I)r. • *- 3 ' " • k'imr's Nrw I) scovery, wl i h rmn l tely cured Ine Now I "ei^hj IS7 pi und> and have been well aral :ro»g for yeats" - Quick, .safe, >ll re, its theb st r«me ly on euthl or rough-, 10' - lagripp at lima j croup, and all 1 h'o t % a'*d ltingj troubles 50c. and $1 x). Trial; b t'tle free. Gu irantetd by Sa'uri ilers Fowdeu. t A Time For Action The kil ilig of Duputy Shir II Mnnifynl at WiNon by the m-gio We-it, vva-i appalling to everv goad whi'e man. woman and child, and j the best class of the negroes in the- j State. Within the past two year's several men in the discharge of j their sworn duty, have lost their lives by the acts of desper adoes. The situation i-. serious Snl presents a pioblem dillicult to! solve. I-. it for the lack of a healthy sentiment beljjnd enforcement of, laws, and that there are a number; of p.*ople of both race; who arej willing to sheild the de-p-'radoe*? ] Men ot position in eu h toAn rind j hain 1-t wink at the continue* I vio-1 11' i 111 of the 11 w, and of ten ci i tic ise ! Llie office s fir eiulangei ing the ; valety oi the guilty ones Blind tigeis walk to and froj because they know that men ot in-1 (1 lenfe are shielding them and crit j icisiuii the watchfulness of the ofli j . cers. Tlure is too nut h so called ! sentiment in the land Tilings that are worth while are sneered at I an I the stench whiih nrist s tiom evil doing is a sweet smejling -ivnr, 111 the nostrils of rainy. Surely 1 the titties are perilous and there an ; ipiak'ng hearts in the 1 uid Re:ans ot wickedness and vice It is well that our present I.egis lat nre' should be brought faee to. face With the situation mule pi lin er by the Wilson tragedy. If tlure is a rente ly, it should be used and 1 used quickly. We cannot believe] that men really desire wtong doing' for the mere sake of it; time is a| motive- behind it all, an I sel- | fishness is ruining the live- of mat j and \vomen. It is the ba*uirle! which has fastened its-df -on t-hgj | foundation of our social life and i,- j taking the strength away We can but believe that some, day., p*-r-1 haps, riot for distant, that right eousin ss wil I cover the et 11 li snd" that all the vilene-s will lie.* before- I the purity of meu and wom u. V, id speed the day. Kor Aged People Old Folks Care ful in Their Selection of Regulative Medicine have a safe, dependable and altogether ideal remedy that is par ' adapted to the require ments of age 1 people .md persons of weak coustitutions who suffer from constipation or other bowel disorders. We are so certain that it will relieve these complaints aud give absolute satisfaction in evetv particular that we offer it with our personal guarantee that it shall cost the user nothing if it fails to sub stantiate our claim*. This remedy is called Rexall Orderlies. Rexall Orderlies have a soothing, healing, strengthening, tonic and regulative action upoa tbe bowels. Thev remove all irritation, dryness, soreness and weakness. They re store the bo.vels and associate or gans to more vigorous and (healthy activity. Tiiev are eaten like candy, may be taken at any time without inconvenience. f .do not can-e any griping, nausea,' dia rrhoea, exc s-.ive loo>e,iess, flatu- U nee or other dis effect. Price 25c. and 10c. Sold pnfy at ,our store —The Rexall Store. ?he ,S. K. B Drug Co, An undertaker kno-vs'a lot of j '"dead ones" that he! J* unable to Inny p A pine of fl mnt-1 danj ened with i Chatnbeil 'in's i„imm tit and bound j on the «ff tied parrs i« superior to j any plaster. When troubled with' j lame hark or pains in the *ide or' chest give it a tin! and you arej certain to tie niore than pleas d | with the prompt relief wimh it af-I I fords. S''l Ibv all 1» ah in. - L A house can ahvass be painted 'nn ! be ma !e. to 1.-ok g oil, but a | woman's tare r in'i iKv.iyS, Wife GaUlip Toe Advice 1 "My wife w uied me to take our I iiov to t ;e flnr'or to dire an uvjly il» ill " write.'* I> 1 1 a We af S loud, I ' 1 -. .I. 'put bucklen's |Am ma Si'venu it ' She did so, 1 ' ami. it run- I the I oi' ie -linrt time '' | Otm-Kes! i sealer of 1! irus. Scalds.: Cut-, Onrn*. 'Bru'se«i,SpraitW, Sw* 11 iit s H, st Pi! tire «»11 rth« Tr> ; • it. Only 25c at ,S ui.ider- & Fo«v j den. J 11 j v to cure a cold is a qfies-tion \ iii wirmrriultWTrreTiTlefested 'jtnflr 1 nii'v. ChiimU 1 lam's Cough Riin edy has won iu ureal imputation j and immense vile I» v its remarkable \ ; t- 11 sen! cubic It can always be jdepended upon For sale by all J dealers. CATAWRITAL ASTHMA. One I'olflt' of / v - l- trr*c T^? s . ■".• v. !v : I " Wl I !A MR. F, L. BQULLIQUN 11/T'».' F- I It'lt' 1,1 ,li if N . '.ill* Sl»if i.VjL si,, 1,111 It "'li. .■J'U.. wriH•-: I • I liiiyo been a Mifforrr with t! " uilh 1 jfii i ('r ntiont font* years, aitd I tried tl!fTurejit Kinds "f niediei neg 11114J Mt'd n-»i Wad rfnyeridlef for it. '• I tried \f>air medicine*., houuht a Imil* J tl" d' t'l'iainiv, and afler takini! about j half of'lt 1 must «uv that I RTiVe 11..• 11 t H i-Mluna Miiei'. I'.i-fore I took 1 lie lived j i uie I did not know what tl was to j.*o ! to lied Without havlnt: I In* asthma." Systemic Catarrh. 1 Mr. Saiiuicl nuideii, Till Njrtnj.-Ileld jAn ~ Sum in it, N. .1.. writes: ••In the falKof li'«) 1 had repeated eultU which developed into j t.\ -ii inio catarrh. • It left trio very iva-aU and'alt run down. When 1 ;or ui> In the nee ttintf i it w • .aid take »lout an hour to gut my I head iirul throat elear. i "I I alio left me With ft "'very we. 'l. "[ all-.unne, «»siipiy feeti rryhnfiy eima- tr;- iw'.iieh I -Ihonjrht — ll I for ' Wedk antl All 1 whieli 1 tried dif- Hurt Down, jf . rout remodi'ea • ■•«»1 .. i 1 Villi very little improvement. . ••I finally decided to i;ive I'cruj.i a trial, with thi> (list dose. | Miir taking three hottles 1 oft- I t'.rely I "eused. 1 cannot fpeak in toe ' ti gh terms of your \noiulei ful dl«eoy i try. Perun.v." i Vriina is manufactured l>y the 1 Peiiiua Drug Mtg.Co.,Columbus, Ohio, Notice We bstre for sale a tract of land lying jin Rober&otiville Township, Martin County, containing 273 acres mot* or i j less, about too acres open, of a sandy ■ | loam soil; IX3 Hcres are well covered with I tou£ aud short straw pines, suitable for milling purposes and domestic uses; 1 good stock range with running water; ' good Water and healthy location; being • within two miles of the railroad; in the - best section and within two miles of one of the best schools and best markets in the county. Will sell for $3600.00 as follows: Cash, $1300.00; the remainder i» four equal installments with interest each year. Write or see either , H. K. Harrell, S. J. Everett, [ Oak City, N. C. Greenville, N.C. it 9-tf. The Origin of Roystcr Fertilizers. * \ ' • Mr. Royster believed that success awaited the Manuiactui-er of Fertilizers who would place quality above other considerations. This was Mr. Royster's idea Twenty-seven years ago and this is his idea to-day; the result has been that it requires Eight Factories to supply the demand for Royster Fertilizers.4 • % ■ - s F. S. ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY, V *' ~ • FACTORIES AND SALES OFFICES. V.* * NORFOLK,VA. TARBORO, N. O. COLUMBIA, 8. C. BPARTANBURQ. S, O. »•' MACON. OA. COLUMBUS, QA. MONTGOMERY, ALA. BALTIMOtIC. MO. TOBACCO FLUES ■£K23S..»/. xxsKrmmtm'HittMn lll iiimn f "1 have Woolard to make your FLUES a and Vou will have the BEST CARTS AND WAGONS MADE TO ORDER Wollards Combined Harrow and Cultivator J. L. WOOLARD WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Notice ItV virtue of a power >f sa'e *ontai icd in a certain Mortgage-deed executed t' trie an mortgagee, ami bearing d*te 3*> November, nineteen hundred ami five hv Robert I> I>anc\ anil wile, Rebeica l»ancv, ami duly recorded in the public Registry of Martin County in Book certain bond therein mentioned. and the "tipul.iiions in said mortgage deed not. haviiivubeen complied with, 1 shnll, on Saturday the 4tli day of Marc'i, nineteen hundrett and eleven,"-at —two u\ luck, after noon, at the Couit House dour in Williatntton, North Carolina. Martin Conirtv, offer at put>!ic sale to the high e>-t bidder, for cash, the following de scribed tract or parcel of land, to wit: Situate in Kobersonvilte Township Martin County, and in and near the town of Parincle N. C , adjoining the lands of Henry Peel and others, and beginning j at a corner in said PceTy'lirie, running i thence along said K-eFsline s»o >ards a Southerly cou ae to a New Komi near George Williams' home, thence along said-road 158 yards to a corner, tlietice a S»t*therly course parallel with the first line mentioned «oo \ a'd* to a corner tin- ce 15S yards to the heyiitninif. frnd containing sixteen acrep, more or less, arid being a part of the tract of lands jwrrhased front K. Whir li >rd b> Turiitr Jenkins. This January jo. lg'i. H TURNER JKNKINS, Dunning & Smith, , Moi\gagee Attys. Notice Having qualified as Administrator of the Kstate ot Simon Hland, deceased latf of Martin Countv, North Carolina, this is to notify, all persons having claims avraiust the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undetsigned at Hamilton, N. C., on or before the 3d day of January mil, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please tir ke immediate pay ment. This 3d day of January 1911. F. L. GLADSTONE, i-6-6t Adm; S ; tnon Bland. Notice North Carolina, Martin County. Notice is hereby given to the public that application will be made to the Governor of North Carolina for the pardon of J. H. Hyman ami Jesse Barlow convicted at March term of the Superior Court of Mar tin county for the crime of attemp ting to burn a house, and sentenced to the penitenfary for four and two years respectively. This 28th day ot Jan. 1911. Harry W. Stubbs, Martin & Critcher, Attorneys. V Trustee's Sale By virtne of authority of a Deed of Tfust esecntt'il ti: me by T. A. Stevenson and wife, Sallie Stevens >n, on the 19111 lav of November,' 19116, ami dnlv re c«rded in llir Retisier's olfite in Martin County in Hook JTI' «t2". tos cure the pavnient of a certain bond, bearing even date and the stipulations in said Deed of Trust not having been ootnplied with, I shall expose at oublic auction, for crtstr, on the 27th d&y of February, at 12 M. at the Court House door in Martin County the follow ing property: Ist Tract. The land dreded to T; A- Stevtnson tir \V A April 13!h, 19.3, and recorded in Book KKK, page 12s of .Martin County Records, to which reference is made for description. and Traet. Being the same laud coil- j veyed to T A. Stevenson hy «. It Kcl-1 niomboti, died dated November 17th, I 19. 6, recorded in biH>k ( page 56.5, Martin County Records, to whit h deed | reference is made, Ist Tract containing 15 acres, more or lew Tract containing 34 acrt». more or less. ' v January 27th. 1911. W. C MANNING, a- 3 Trustee Notice North Carolina, Mnrlm County. In the Superior Court Indoie the Cierk. S. J. Everett, Adinr, of Gray Williams vs». Laura C iuton atut husband John Clinton, William Johnson as d wile Drusilla Jobnson, Rausotn Dug v>inß and wife Mary aud Ann e W T illiams The defend tuts above named will take notice that an action eutitled as above has been .commenced be fore the Cleik of the Supeti >r Court of Martin Countv, to stlllhe lands belonging to Grey WiUtatns, deceased, to cr ate for the purpose of paying the indebtedness of the said Crey William*; aud the defendants will further take notice that they ate required to appear at the office of iht Clerk of the Su perior Court on the second day of March, 191 1, aud answer or demur to the petition in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said petition. This 31st day of January, 1911. A. HOBBS, 2 3 C'erk Superior Court Notice OHvirtK qualified as Administrator upon the Fstate of R, W, Cleary, deceased; Notice is hereby given to all ""persons JuiUiiJJiT claims against said estate to pre-,; •eut them to to the undersigned for pay on or before the 29th day of December 1911 or this notice will be plead in ~t>ar of their All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make im mediate payment. This 29th day of December i6ftt . \V. 11. BIOGS, Adtn. Trustee's Sale I t By virtue of atTtttryjj:y of a Deed of Trust ex.ecuied to niV by Web ster S Williams nud Laura* 1 liams on the 10th day of Febrsray I 1903, and dulv, recorded in the | Register's office in Martin County, in BF ok GGG, Page 146, to secure the payment of a certain bond bear ing even date therewith, and the stipu'atious in said Deid of Tiust not having bte.i corrpli*d with, I shall e*i ose at public auction, for cash, on Tuesday the 14M1, day of .« February 1911, at the/Bank of Hamilton, in Hamilton in Martiu Countv, tlie following property: Beginning at Sherrod and Baker coiner on Liberty St , thence alrtig said street to a ditch, J. L- Barn h H's line; thence parallel w'th Liberty st .along-A. Slier rod's litre 66 yls to Win Sykes' line thence along Wn. Sykts'. and Cob Odd lie low's and Mrs Donghts line 50 yds to She rnl & Baker's line, | thence along Sherrod & Baker's nine 68*3 vds to Liberty st the be nitniii g. Containing by estimation t '4 acres more or less Jan. 14 191 1. . 1 20 C H. BAK>:K. Trustee. Trustee's Sale By virtue of authority of a deed lof trust executed to me by Corde lia Redriick on the 23d day of July 1908*, and duly recorded in the reg ister's office of Martin County iu book VVV, page 29, to secure the ptyinont of a certain bond bearing even date therewith, and the stipu lations in saVl deed of trust not hiving been complied with, I .shall expose at public auction, for cash, on Monday the 27 h day of Febru ary 1911, at 12 o'clock m, at the Court House door in Martin Coun tv the following property: A tract o( land adjoining Adol phtjs Reddick and others, begin nirg at Adolphus Reddick's corner on the road leading from Williams ton to Jamesville thence up said road to a ditch, theuce along said ditch across the field 19 the run of Peter Swamp, thence up-therun of said swamp to Adolphus Red dick's corner, thence along Adol phus Reddick's line to the begin ning, containing 12 acres, more or less. 0 This 26th day of Jan. 1911. 1 28 EU GURGANUS, Trustee. 9

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