VOL. XII. NO. US f5 1 ■ ' • ACT AUTHORIZ ING BOND ISSUE The Legislature Passes "Act to Allow the People of Williamston Town ship to Vote on Bonds-- The Amount Not to Ex ceed Forty Thousand Dollars A n net to authorize the comms .rioners of Martin County to issue bonds tor the purpose of buiklipg and imp'oving the public roa is of. Willi itn-.tou townsjii;) in saTH ooun ty and pjovidiug fur the nuinteu ance of same. The Geneal Assembly of North Carolina do enact: Section i That for the purpose of building aud otherwise improv ing the public roods of William, t >n township in Martin county, th board of commissioners of said county are herelfy authorized, en powered and directed to issue not exceeding. iu total amount' forty thousand dollars in denomiua tions of not less than five hundred dollars and not mire than owe thousand dollar.-, bearing interest from the date of thtir issue at a rate not exceeding six per ceut per annum, payable semi annually at such place as the said commis sioners shall name on the first days of January and July of each year Sec. 2. That the said bonds shall be made payable thirty yeais from the date thereof, and shall bear ou their hee the purpose for which and the authority by which they were issued provided that the said board of commissioners miy, in their discretion, issue same for, treeuty years instead of thirty yeais The bonds and coupons shall be numbered consecutively and sbal: be signed by the chairman of the bo-irdof commissioners signed by the rvgister.of (hells of the county and bear the corporate seal of sai 1 county of Martin. S-C. 3. A record shall be kept by said board iu a s-pat ate bo k for th »t purpose of all bonds so d to -Ahorn s Id, the am urn :nd d it of and.maturity o! t ici? b _•»», a d its number, also in s one b » ,j a like record.ofjypnds redeemed aud bobda shall be tie troywd wlnn it d toed! S-C 4 In or er to pay the in terefct on the binds and cuate sinking fund with which to pay th» principal of said bonds wlie i du and to create a Tun ! fur the p* r maiient impiovt meats audio mam. tain s rid road", after built, tht board of comms i nets shall an nually compute and levy at the time"of levying other taxes a suffi cieut special tax upon all polls and real and personal property in Wil liamston township subject to taxa tion for state and county purposes, obserying constitution d equation between the tax ou property and the tax ou noils. - Sec said tax when col lected shall be kept separate and apirt from all other taxes, and shall be used only for the purposes fjr which it was levied and collect ed. Any commi-sioner or other person who shall, bv vote or other wise, appropriate said taxes for any other purpose shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, provided, that if the tax collected in any one vear shall exceed the sum required to pay in terest, provide smkiug fund or maintain said roads the same may be used in purchasing any of the said bonds. Tnat said tax shall be TCtried frot& year to year uatil said bonds are paid. Sec. 6. That i*. shall be the duty of said board of commissioners to invest iny and all moneys arising trora the special tax for sinking funds in the purchase of any of said bonds at not more than par; but in case noue of said bonds can be pur ' THE ENTERPRISE chased, the said commi>ei u r>iuav deposit such funds iu any safe ban! oy banks at such rate of interest n thry may be able to secure,-and no bonds shall" b; signed or sold until' actually n-ed.d for i;BUe. Tie b>nd> provided for in thi» tectini, sb ill b.' ('epo-.iTedT!T"srafs Cafe Tt signaled by said board of co pmis sioners> and only ra wn out on the order of the board of.cormnts-iom rs. r r*ier to be of record and shall issued for such -otns as slvull be ne'edtd for the work of one ye..r. isec. 7. ■ That sod bonds shall not be sold for less than par. S«:c. 8 That for the purpose ot receiving and paying out tli m uu-y receive ! for said b lids the hoard ot commissioners for .«aid county shall receive at d pay cut said: money upon the order of the chair man of s.iid board ot commission!: rs, counteisigned bv the... register of deeds. Tfiat the said bond oil commissioners shall provide a sep arate account fot s.ij funds. That the treasurer of th* county of Mar tin shall be the treasurer of said funds, ami shall record in a-sep arate book all amounts received and all amounts paid out upon order signed by the chairman of the board of commissioners, and c>un tersigned by the r-gister of detds. * Sec. 9 For the purpose of carrying this act into effect, the board of commissioners shall have power to lay out, change the loca tion of, grade, aud otherwise im prove the public loads of said Township. They may buy and hold any kind of property necessary for the permautut improvement of said roads. They,, may appoint or employ all necessary engineers, agents and' laborers, skilled or uu sktlled, and do all things n- cessarv to organize and t O!tdnet an effective system of permanent road building The hoard of coaimissiuueis snail, 01-O, have power to let to contrac to's the construction ot any or ail of the unproved roads. Sc. ro. Jf, in prosecuting the 'Voik, any per oti (l-uinsdullage on account of the laxmg out or the constructing of HUV roads, the sam 'shatl He adjndgt t an I d» ti rmrrn d >v arbitratofs, o ie to be tin sen by he coifinissiorjyr-, a- d otje l>> tie c.' lima' t Iftistse cannot agne thev are to ci oosi thv third p f-o i Kither party may appeal t> to» S iperior Cou' t Sic. ti. 1 hat-in order that thi provisions of tlr's ifct shall be ttjou • ullv carrkd- o >t, ...the bo.rl ,cmtnty contmi>-siTirners e'e- t at hny reifnlat nut tit gan inM igtn , C'ipable man who shall be known as road supervisor lor wil iam-toi. township, an i the said ' supeii-or upon accepting said, office shah execute*o the said board of c m uii->sio: ers a good and sufficient bond as in discretion of said couot> board of comm ssioners in addition to an official oath for the faitl>fttl discharge of the duties impo-ed by this act, ■S..-C -44. That Said supervisor shall have full control of all high ways in the tow ish'p, and sbali have power to work all hands now liable for road duty Under the general road law of the State; to hire free labor and teams, make contracts for work, or buy team and tools for the execution of said work, provided, however, that any bands liable for road duty, can pay the sum of five dollars per year in lieu of such road duty. Sa d amount to be paid to the county treasurer and placed iu the road fund of said township. The treas urer's receipt for said sum of five dollars shall clear any Jiand iu said township from road duty for said year. Sec. 13. That said board of shall have the power to hire said spervisor and to fix the salary of same; and in their discre tion to discharge him after ten days , WILLIAMSTON, N. C.. FRIDAY, MARCH 10, iqii ... - -r - ' ' ' SS' ■ ' • * I*. ~ it? hmtUt ... • " ..» notice, it 111 their discreMou such action becomes necessary. Se \ 14. "'That the snid county commissioners shall from th* Stall. Pri-00 authorities, if deemed wKe to do so, a number of cpnv'Cts suffliciei-t to carry out the provis- this aci; end-the State Pri- MIU authorities are hereby authoriz ed aud empowered to liire to the coym ssio.ieri ot Martin county ft in'nmhcr of «-nnvicts sufficient to build svd rt ad, and to charge said boat'd pi-co tinty commissioners the u Uvil price now being patd to the S .tc Prison for - ?uch convicts wli n si hired tor such work. Sec 15. That the hoard of com mt-sioi.ers cf M-irt;u equity mav off- r s id bonds for sa'e or any pirt tlverrof at any time afu-r ihe ratifi cit ion of iht-> ;■"ci after giving t* enty divs notice uf same. In their dis ci etion they may issue a smaller amount than forty thousind dollars it s tid work ctu be done for a less amount Tnat the roads of Wil li ifnstou township shall all he put in good condition tog«.tlur with the ot tiiat part of the town of Williamston known as Main and Haukhtou stree's b ginning ou the one at ttie riytr and same to the railroad crossing at the tiwii limit. Beginning on the ot her at the public cemetery and ruuning to the corner of Haughton street and down Haughtou street to the railroad cros>iug at the town limit. Sec. 16. That the treasurer's commission on all niomy received and out under this act shall be the same as is now provided by law for the school fund of said conntv. S c 17 That the provisions of said act shall not become operative untii approved by a nu»j >rity of the v> 1.-s caM in said township 111 man ner and form as follows, to wit: Tnat upon the petition of not less th ift twenty-fi.ve "of the bona fide voters of said township to the hoard of commissions of said county at ariv dI its ifnul it ni 1 tuigs it shall f>e the 'iu'y or said board to order an iLcti m h II in township for it e purpose of ratification or tion. ri.tilic at ion of sail act.-, , Th it s.iid board shall give'twenty ila\s notice of satd election l>y ad Vert 1 iilg same in toe n- ws,> >p.-r publi hid in William-tun, .North CuohiiA ah.d pahliug stuic fit the J jC>urth ue do >r. That sod lioi.rd siiaii l-o 11 pp- mi a r» gi-t-?»r ami t \o j't Ig'.'S of eT ction at the.meet inv, when su hj e ;ti»m i-. pie->eiiled. That sa rf t h-rHnn shall lw? h Id at Ihe city hall afad those in favor of sai;l b uid i-:ue •-h ill vote a ballot ''For'road bonds" un 1 those op posed, a ballot "Against road bords." Tnat the registration books for siid election shall be those used in said township at the ia-.t general election of o e thou , sand nine lmndred aud ten; and, i they shal ! be kept open during the ! entire period of th.: twenty days above referred to for the registra tion of any voters who have be come qualified since the last elec tion. That the said registrar and Judges of election shall canvas.-, the said votes, and make return thereof to the said board of commissioners If, upon a canvass of said votes, it is ascertained that a majority of the votes cast are in favor of said bond issue, then this act to be in full fotcft and effect otherwise to be in effective. Sec. 18. That this act shall be in force from and after its ratifica tion. . In the General Assembly read three times and ratified, this the 24th day of January, 1911. W. C. NEWLAND, President of the Senate. W. C. DOWD,- Speaker of the House of Respresen tatives. Examined and found correct. Concert Tour Oxford Orphan . age Singing Class .»("i* The Singing Ch.ss of 1911 tron the Oxfoid Orphan; ge stalled on the fitst or Eastern concert tour 011 Thursday, Match 2. Tbe first t^u■ will closi.* in 8 or to weeks, torn! after afbrief rest a second tour Will begin. K !* Tbetfe annua! concerts have re u lud a really high standard of ♦Xcehuue The children aud \tftio ...csonipauy tbeni represent a vety near to the hearts ofoo r peojiie. Even if the tour and enter rlinineut-i were not iutfe interest of a grent work, the character of Hibe.concerts would merit large and | Cbtr.,l patronage. An admission! tV' i--, as a rule, charged and for thi- the chi'dreu certainly give full V i!u. and more. '| * qj The Iu ids brought to this itisti tution through these touis htlp Ituch in its maintenance. Today it is providing for 330 children and, sitice it was established in 1872, by the Grand Lodge ot Masons of Not th Carolina, ino e than 2600 girls and boys have come directly utulei its blessed ministiy, Never have the benefit of this noble insti tution been restricted to the cliil dren of Masons. The primary con ditions ot admission have always be. 11 the destitution, the-ueed of the children. •> - While the management of the Oxford strive to txer cise the stricttst economy consistent with effectiveness in the work, we have information that an increase of its annual income is now tsseii tial for its ma nteuauce cveu up to its present standard of tfficieucy. Suiely our yvhole people will see to it that this woik is not rtstricted ol luck of financial support The Glass begins its first t'otrr better equipped than usual and | w tti blight jirospects for a most jsuccessful tour: Our people will delight to p rt jroiiizetht* concertssoo Ito be given, jit is our privilege to continue to ns-.ist in fhis and 111 any other way a - ause so worthy. Subscribe to THK IANTHKI'KISK I Suggestive Questions on the §unday School Lesson Oor Bib] • O e-tiosr I.oc->! C!tib i' I >oking up a d v,e .'.re 1111 «■ h en ioura>jed. It is wry rent rl.ubh MOW tin se (pie-'io s liilere.-.t, even j the gtfrn r 1 pubii •. I ij a mistake to sup.p se, a-> '-'.iiic tte.T "llti-. | ■ - .litest is t.H'ftjn.J CHC Usive'_y to! ■niulti. Hri !.t toy s and glilsc. lii ; t ike up these simple studies, and ! ! mav comply wall the cundi ions as their Seniors, and a-e ju,t as likely to win a solid gold' iu d d or one of J the other prizes. The prixieobj cr ! of this Bible Qins'ion Club is to get i old and young to re.nding the Sun 1 day School L$ oris, and to ponder the Suggestive Question*. In must 1 nof be forgotten that ,in an-wcrtng questions it is legitimate to get all! help which is uecessary. Anybody can cut out and sign the coupon each week, and can read the lesson and the questions This does not take skill, but it does take uit-thod, and it means the unspeakable benefit of reading these studies from week to week. You will find it to he a great benefit to join some Bible Class, and g t the luelp and tnthusi astn which comes from company. You will m.ed THE ENTERPRISE in order to read the questions and get the necessary coupon; you had better subscribe at once. If you are a subscriber, theu send the paper to some person wltom you think this course of reading will help. Send in your .subscription now, and get tbe benefit of the special rate. Use tbe attached cou pon. Diamond Wedding The most pleasant and interest ing. social event of the season wis enjoyed here today, when P.ofvs sir S W otitle 1 bridge and wife celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of thtir mn-rri rg which to, k rl.icr on March &h, ISSI. Everything CotTv-pired t gather to' make the occasion aujoyable to all present, j The ladies of the ti,wii ag eed to give tin m a pleasant 'surpr'istf am! tried to k- ep it a Se.:rei from them and the school here who were par ■ . * ifCipaiit? T.r it v . ♦ Prof. tt' rhiidge labored in ti is bias native county lor fi'ty ytars or more, during which time.he wis liberally patronized, and was the instrucor of inatiy who are now ! successfully employed in usesul occupations in this and olht r S'atts Among them aie lawyers, ministers, uuuiutacturers, merchants an J far tners. The superintendent of edu cation said that he found his stud ents the most thorough tint lie examined He is yet a friend and promoter of the of education and has been honored as such by his home people. Therefore the teaclur- aud pupils of the graded school here-came in a body to hi residence at 3 o'clock and were Hned up before the hospitable home. A canvas \VHS drawn across the poirch upon wh cli wdre the word "Welcome" and the dates 1851-1911 The letters and figures weie formed of ivy. The parlor of the home was beautifully decorated wish evergreens aud beneath a bell of evcrgrtens sat the bride and groom to leceive the congratulations of 1 heir fiiends. On a circular stand iu the center of the room, repos d a lovely bou quet around which burned sixty friudles of various colors,- The s hool sang beautifu'ly: "My Country 'tis of Tliee " A sho/t ad hess w s mole be Elder M T, Lawrence and prayer was offered. Refreshments c insisting of cake (tiU h ill 111 de weie serv'i d every- Hii'iy pu se. t.' l'r f. Eisou, of the graded srhotil maile • oriK' beaut itnl r«miarks to wbi h tiie bride and gr 011 very f-■clinjjly .renpoii ied. Th ;e were 110 di'ituou is given, but 11 e more ;ri 1 ss pii :s of love sin 1 friendship-w re p ti>e! out; in ;.'>und me-. Mr 'Hid Mt h i d-, ol N :ii Ik, -eut gilt-, o: IDV«- y red c.im.it'oo- ano ijth r f'.»i iiito.Viij ga'et- ll >ral off 1 Tir ".a 11 e 1 Was wui thy of .n: s r i-! a'lid -ii».uilo ;ave b«." 11 til aphed lor + r Vi'ion, Tbe / vi ::t will lon/, be r nitni'ieiid bv 11,0-e wh > had t!;e 1 pi :».»iVg«-»4 -w-sii+ng—■ M' > a:uhj Mrs,, Uotterotidge many happy ye irs togeti:er R%«l ersouville. N C. Match r 1 Mu hof we call love at ficst sight ftiils wheu 11 comes thej second, soier vie*v. —~ ♦ +■' A fierce Night Alarm is the hoars', startling cough of a child, suddenly uitackcd by croup. Often it aroused Cbamblin ot Manchester, 0., [R. R. No. 2] for their four children were greatly subject to croup .'.'Sometimes in severe attacks," he wrote "we were afraid they would die, but since we proved what a certain remedy Dr. King's New Discoyery is, we have no fear. We rely on. it for croup and for coughs, colds or any throat or lung trouble." So do thousands of others. So may you. Asthma. May Fever, I,a Grippe, Whooping Cough, Hemor rhages fly before l it 50c aud $1.00.. Trial'bottle free. Sold by Saun ders & Fowden How often in utt'£r blindness We tread our better nature's flat And test milk of human kindness For its per cent of butter fat? =Judge. St.oo a Year in Advance RO BERSOIS VILLE NEWS ITEMS Local Happenings and People who are Coming' and (iofngf, Here, There and Vonder as Gathered by our Regular Corres pondent. I. B. Caffield was in'tonn T.utjs- ? .j day. IT. C. No.rman is in Virginia ntf es.fi. J C. Andrews went to Norfolk r tie via v Dr,'J E Ward Went to BitWl " Tue*day Vv . 11 Everett. Jr.. t spent Sunday ill Bethel. If T. Taylor went to Wiilinms ton Tucsdav. Ernest Carson, of Oaklev, was in town Snndav. j Harvey RubetsOn is on the sick list this week. G C. Taylor we.it to R >cky Mount Sunday. G. H. Biker, of Hamilton, was in to.A'ti Friday. T. C Robertson went to William ston Wednesday N. C Everett, of Gold Point, was in town Sunday. Roland James-of Scotlitid Neck, was in town Sunday. T A Fletcher, of Wiuterville, was in town Saturday. The Band under Prof Stnythe is making rapid progress. J W. Tavlor is off to Norfolk and other business points. Miss I v 'zz*e ROberson returned home from Betlitl Friday. 151 der M T Lawrence, of II auiil- J toil, was in town Monday. Miss Fancy Tax lor, of Gold Point, was tn town Sunday I Mi-s B lie Bnette, of Washing ton, is vi-.itinMrs J T. R M ss I,es-te of Stokes, is. visitiurelatives h-re this week. !■ 11. Ko'i'i o', Jr , went to W lli on-t'i-i Tu : ay oil business. . Mi s Sal lie Sm'fh -sp-nt Tyes lay here wi u Miss M>rna II Kht. M s-; Anni ' l! t'i P.irvis of :ioar Hanii'toij attend d*te dance here .. . ..j. Mi--. I.ula I) St lis -penf s»-vernl da\s I .si w k her p-uetr.s at Is >»i fo k. Mi- • li. " • R .!)-,• r on eii'ert -intd • ; uma t r of Bet f.-.eud- M nday Mt-s I'ca i Jenkin-., ot ()ik'ey, -j .Tit Sun lav with Miss Lizzie Mooring. . % ■ Masses Addie and Lishie Coburn, o! near Gold Point, were in town Saturday. Miss Hveretf, of Gold Point, spent Sunday with Miss- M> ma 11! vf ht. Mis; Marjori Evans, trimmer for R. L. Snrtft tk Co , hat) arrived for V/ the spiinj/ season. Miss Rosa Biker.of Palmyra,who has been visiting Miss Bettie Rob erson, returned home Monday. Embroidery Club The Junior Embioidery Club held their last meeting at the resi dence of Mrs. John D. Biggs in East illiamston. The nietting was called to order by the Presi dent, Mis. Biggs, and a new en rollment, of names and rules were vbtcd on. After the business meet ing refreshments were served to the young ladies and their invited gen tlemen friends, who greatly enjoyed the hospitality of the hostess. The next meeting will be held with Miss Lettie Critcher on Monday evening the 13th inst.

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