MRS, SCOTT WELL AGAIN Good News from Martin Telia of Timely Recovery. Details Retarding the Case. Martin, Tenn^—Mrs. Oennle Scott, of this city, says: "For years, I was troubled, mora or leas, with womanly troubles. Sometimes I would hsve shortness of breath, and smothering ■pells. I tried several doctors, but they only gave me temporary relief. At last I tried Oardul, the woman's tonic, snd found It to be the medicine cutting my case. I was quickly re lieved by It, and now, for the first time In years, I am very well, snd enjoy good health. I praise Cardul for these good re sults. I recommend the medicine to my friends, because I know it Is good, safe and reliable. It helped me wonderfully, snd I can truthfully say that Cardul Is the best medicine I finve ever taken." Be sure that Cardul. the woman's tonic, will bring you help, if you will use It regularly, snd for a reasonable length of time. You know you can depend on Car dul, because you have read of so many who are enthusiastic in its praise. Cardul has stood the test of time, the supreme teat of merit. Cardul Is successful. It has been found to relieve womanly pain and build up womanly strength. Try Car dul: it will help you. If. n.—Write tei U4IM' Adrlaerr D»»f, rhattuHii Medicine Co., Chat- Team., far Special lutnw tloaa, aad Mf*(t fcaak, "Hoa* Treat- BMI far Woam," east la plate wrap per, aa reqaeet. Tho happiest people In the world are those who are most easily flat tered. Constipation causes and acrioualy aggra vates many diteaiet. It it thoroughly cured by Dr. Pierce's Pellets. Tiny sugar coated granules. Any man ought to get three square meals a day If he is able to work and able to keep from being worked. OHI.Y ONK "RKOMO QCIKINK." n»* ta I.AXATIVI BROMO UUIMINK. Look fot tb« tlfnatnr* of I. W. OROvk IMd Um World ovor loCurea Cold In One IMj. Me. THE WAY NOWADAYB. Hoax—My daughter fes* reached the age when a girl begins to think of marriage. Joax—Just seven years old, eh 7 Awful Suspicion. Freddie had been sick for some time, and when his father came into the rooiil to see how be was the youngster surprised him by his ques tion*. ( "Why do you aik If I owe the doc tor anything?" inquired his father. "Because," replied Freddie, "the medicine he's been giving me lately is something fierce, and I think he's taking it out A me."—Judge. SURPRISED DOCTOR. Illustrating the Effect of Food. The remarkable adaptability of Grape-Nuts food to stomachs so dis ordered that they will reject every thing else, is illustrated by the case of a woman in Raclae, Wis. ( "Two years ago." the says, "I was attacked by a stomach trouble so se rious that for a lons time I could not take much of any sort of food. Even the various kinds prescribed by the doctor produced most acute pain. "We then got some Grape-Nuts food, and you can imagine my surprise and delight when I found that I could eat it with a relish and without the slight est distress. "When the doctor beard of it he told me to take several small portions each day. because he feared I would grow tired of It as I had of all other food. -• "But to hia surprise, (and that of everybody else), I did not tire of Qrape-Nuts, and became better day by day, till, after some weeks, my stom ach entirely recovered and I was sbls to eat anything my appetite craved. "My nerves, which had become so weakened that I feared I would be come insane, were also restored by the Grape-Nuts food In connection with Postum which has become our table beverage. I appreciate moat gratefully and thankfully the good that your food preparations have done me, and shall be glad to answer any letters ln«utring as to my experience." Name Xlvea by Postum Co, Battle CreA, ML* Read the little book, "The Road to Wellville," la pkgs. "There's a rea son." Mwmw Ml the eWve totter* A.aew prgss.'ss.iß'sga Js. THE ME COUNTY FARMER'S MEETING MUCH BUSINESB 18 TRANSACTED AND COME IMPORTANT RES OLUTIONS ADOPTED. HAD A SMALL ATTENDANCE The Convention Bcored The Method of Reporting Sales In The Cetton Market.—The Farmers Advised and Urged Not To Bell Cotton Seed. Raleigh—Wake County Farmers' Convention met in regular session in the court house and besides transact ing the regular routine business pass some important resolutions relative to the work of the convention. The resolution in question scores the method of reporting the delivery sales in the various cotton markets and the same as being unfair. The convention also urged the farmers not to sell their cotton seed to the oil mills while the present insufficient prices prevail. It is claimed the prices now do not even pay for fer tilizer value. The convention was called to order by President J. M. Templeton, of Cary. It was a postponed one and then was not a very large on ac count of the condition of the roads. The officers of the convention are: President, J. M. Templeton; Vice president, C. N. Newcomb; secretary treasurer, T. Ivey; executive commit tee, L. J. Atkins, W. G. Crowder and P. H. Mangum. The resolution passed regarding the reporting of the sale in the cotton marketa is as follows: Whereas, the custom appears to prevail In reporting dally sales in the various cotton markets of the country the distinction is not made between actual cotton and futures. Resolved, That our members of Congress be requested to endeavor to have enacted such a law as will pre vent this unfair practice being longer continued and that all such reports show the sale of actual cotton made and futures sold. Baptist Sunday School Institutes. Baptist State Sunday School Sec-, retary E. L. Middleton of Raleigh has about completed the arrangements for a series of Sunday school institutes that will run right along each week from now until June 1, the first one being at Sanford. There will be at least one institute for each associa tion throughout the state before the year is out. Those already arranged to take place before June 1 are to in clude Red Springs, Witservllie and Wilmington. And Mr. Mddleton Is to be assisted in this work by Rev. Hight C. Moore, editor of The Biblical Re corder; L. E. M. Dreeman, J. H. High smith, N. B. Broughton and others. Authorizss Exchange of Courts. An exchange of courts Is authorized by Governor Kitchin between Judge M. H. Justice and Judge H. A. Fou shee so that Judge Justice will hold Rutherford court, beginning February 6; Burke county, March 11; and Yancey court beginning March 25. Judge Foushee will hold Craven court beginning February 6, Febru ary 12; Carteret court, beginning March 11; Pitt court, beginning March 18; and Jones court, beginning April 1. Hat Ordered Release of Hodgin. Judge Cook ordered the release of Ed Hodgin upon ball of fI.GOO for his appearance at the February term of superior court. Hodgin has been in jail for more than a month upon a grand jury indictment charging the murder of John Love near Jamestown last October, and his release was the result of habeas corpus proceedings by hid counsel. Members of Crew Clinging to Masts. Six or seven men of the crew of an unidentified schooner which was wrecked on Diamond Shoals, are clinging to masts and rigging of their sunken vessel while life savers and revenue cutters are making frantic efforts to rescue them. Electric Chair For Negro. The jury in the case of Will Logan, colored, who was charged with the robbery and murder of Fred Hendlcfc •on, at Blewett Falls, some time ago, brought In a verdict of murder. Un less Judge Whedbee sets the verdict aside or some commutation is made by the governor, Logan will suffer death in the electric chair. The case of Thqplas Flake, charged with the shooting of Sam Smith at Lllesvllle last October was called and the de fendant pleaded guilty to manslaugh ter and was sentenced to 10 years. Woman Burned By Explosion. • As a result of using kerosene oil to kindle a fire, Mrs. Peter Farrell of Fayettevllle was painfully and per haps fatally burned at her home on Monticello Heights. Mrs. Ferrall was alone In the house at the time and rushed onto the piazza, from whence she fell to th» ground, the clothing being almost entirely burned from her body before a passing ne gro woman extinguished the flames. The force of the explosion was so great that the stove was blown to the i top of the house. MAY LOSE THE NORFOLK LINE Charlotte Must Wake Up—Should Adhere-to The Request for Ter minal Sites In This City. Charlotte.—Charlotte stand a very good chance to lose the annexation of the Norfolk Southern. This is what Mr. W. S. Alexander, chairman of I the special committee from the Great er Charlotte Club, haa to say about it and he speaks not to unduly alarm, but duly to interest the people and the business interests of Charlotte in the opportunity. "The Norfolk South ern haa not determined to oome to Charlotte," says Mr. Alexander. "It can get its line to Knoxvtlle, Tenn., more directly by leaving Charlotte out, but its directors would like to get a local connection. They think that the people of Charlotte should furnish terminal sites if they go to the additional expense of building a line from Concord to this city. As I understand their plans, it ia the aim of the directors to build from Ral eigh to Concord, to connect with Ruth erfordton and then directly run to Knoxville, Tenn. The building of a road to Charlotte means that the ad ditional distance between Concord and Charlotte must be covered where as the more direct route would be from Concord to Rutherfordton. "I am still hopeful that the busi ness Interests of Charlotte will re spond to the call for subscriptions. Wo hardly expect to raise the full amount that will be necessary to procure the terminal sites that are desired, but we do want to be in a position to confront the directors of the road with a respectable donation as an evi dence of the public Interest In the en terprise." Forsyth County Needs Road Bonds. An issue of $12f % 000 In bonds tor construction and maintenance of roads to Forsyth county is needed, according to a statement of Mr. W. L. Spoon, road engineer of Forsyth. The money is actually needed to pay off debts of $125,000 which origina ted in road-building in the last few years. The county has an income an nually for road-building of $76,000. The debt should be gotten rid of first, says Mr. Spoon, and then the income of $75,000 a year would make poßoi ble the construction and maintenance of a fine system of roads. During the few months Mr. Spoon has been road engineer of Forsyth he has done splendid work, utilizing tnoney in practical fashion and the county com missioners and the public generally are giving him high praise for what he has already accomplished. An Attempted Jail Delivery. The prompt action and forethought of Jailer John Branch of Wilming ton and the ready assistance offered him by one of the negro prisoners are all that prevented the probable escape of twenty-five men confined In the county jail awaiting trial in superior court. Jailer Branch suffered no in juries other than some painful bruises and scratches. Robert Hennigan, a big negro, held on a charge of store breaking, was the leader in the at tempted delivery. Elkln and Alleghany Railroad. The work of building tbe Elkln and Alleghany Railroad la proceeding and would have made greater headway had not the weather been bad. Some three milea of the road bed at the up per end la to be aurfaced and the weather continues ao cold that this work haa been suspended during the cold frozen weather. A tariff sched ule has been made out and adopted by the state corporation commission. We understand the passenger rate will be three cents the mile this rate is admissible under tbe law for short lines. Will Try and Qet Another Bond laaue. The chamber of commerce of Greenaboro has begun agitation of an other bond issuo for street Improve ment, the amount desired being SIOO,- 000. 1 At present the proerty assess ment will not permit of this Issue and It la hoped by the bond promoters that the next aasesament of property will show sufficient Increase of taxable wealth as to legalize a bond ißaue for the 1100,000. At present only $50,000 could be iaaued were the people to vote for It. Judge Makes Interesting Decision. Judge Makes Interesting Decision. In connection with a bankruptcy g case, Judge James E. Boyd at Ashe . vllle, made a decision of vital interest. It was that partners should not be ! allowed a personal property exemp tion of SSOO out of the partnership property until the debts of the part nership had been paid. He held that the partnership la an entity, and would not come under the exemption provision of the state constitution. „ The ruling is a 1 the more interest log . because Supreme Court of North Car olina has rendered a contrary decision. To Elect Or. McKee's Successor. 1 The board of directors of the Cen -1 tral State Hospital for Insane will . meet at the institution January 30 i for the purpose of electing a succe*- I sor to the lamented Dr. Jas. McKee > as superintendent of the hospital, fn i the meantime Dr. Charles J. Jenkins y Ja in temporary charge. He is A caj»- I didate for tse superintendency as It . Dr. Louis J. Picot, second assistant physician. Dr. Picot for a number , of years was an active member o' > the board of directors, having resign ed when be was elacted physician. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES Chijf An Closilj Observing Public Health Conditions. An examining physician for one of the prominent Life Insurance Com panies, In an Interview on the subject, made the astonishing statement that the reason why so many applicants for Insurance are rejected la because kid ney trouble ia so common to the American people, and the large major ity of applicants do not even auspect that they have the diseaae. He atatea that judging from hla own experience and reports from druggists who are conatantly In direct touch with the public, there ia one prepara tion that haa probably been more suc cessful in relieving and curing these llseases than any remedy known. The mild and healing Influence of Dr. Kll oer's Swamp-Hoot la aoon realised. It itanda the highest for Its remarkable record of cures. We And that Swamp-Root Is strictly in herbal compound an" we would ad rise our readers who feel in need of luch a remedy to give it a trial. It la hi sale at all drug stores in bottles of '.wo sites —fifty cents and one-dollar. However, if you wish first to test its wonderful merits, send to Dr. Kilmer ft Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., for a sam ple bottle, absolutely free. When writ ing be sure and mention this paper. NOT MUCH OP A GENTLEMAN. (HiflrSie K|| Jones—lf you keep on abusing me I may forget that I'm a gentleman. Mrs. Jones —You wouldn't hav© much to forget. DISFIGURED WITH CRUSTS "Some time ago I was taken with eczema from the top of my head to my waist. It began with acales on my body, 1 suffered untold itching and burning, and could not aleep. I was greatly disfigured with scales and crusts. My ears looked as if they had been most cut off w4th a razor, and my n«ck was perfectly raw. I suffered untold agony and pain. I tried two doctors who said I had eczema in Its fullest stage, and tßat it could not bo cured. I then tried other rem edies to no avail. At last, I tried a set of the genuine Cutlcura Remedies, which cured me of eczema when all sis* had failed, therefore I cannot pralae them too highly. "I suffered with eczema about ten months, but am now entirely cured, and I believe Cutlcura Remedies are the best skin cure there is." (Signed) Miss Mattle J. Shaffer, R. F. D. 1, Box $, Dancy, Miss., Oct. 27, 1910. "I had suffered from eczema about four years when holla began to break out on different parta of my body. It started with a fine red raah. My back was affected first, when it also spread over my face. The Itching was almost unbearable at times. I tried different soaps and salves, but nothing seemed to help me until I began to use the Cutlcura Soap and Ointment. One box of them cured me entirely. 1 recommended them to my sister for her baby who was troubled with tooth eczema, and they completely cured her baby." (Signed) Mrs. F. L. Marber ger, Drebersville, Pa., Sept. 6, 1910. Although Cutlcura Soap and Oint ment are sold everywhere, a sample of each, with 32-page book, will be mailed free on application to "Cutl cura,," Dept. L, Boston. , "Myra, how long has Joe Nevlus been going with you?" "About 18 years." "That seems an awful long time." "Yes; I sometimes wonder If Joe's ever going to ask me to marry htm." When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy. No Smarting—Feel* Viae—Act. Quickly. Try U for Bed, Weak, Watery Eye. and Granulated Eyelids. Illus trated Book In each Package. Mnrine la Compounded br our OcnlMU—not a "Patent Med- Maa" —but used In saocmsful Physicians' Prac tice for naay ynars. Mow dedlcuiod lo the Pub lic and sold br l>rugglsts at 3So and 60c per Bottle. Marina Hye SalTeln Aseptic Tubes, 2fo and 60c. Murine Eyo Remedy Co., Chicago Chorus Girl Repartee Trixle —O' you're not such a much! Zaza —No? I don't see any Pltte burg millionaire's picture on your bureau, either!— Christmas Puck. Important to Mother* Examine carefully every bottle or CABTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that It Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria . A man may have his price, but It takes a woman to make him feel like a bargain counter remnant. Wheth.r from Cold*, Heat, Btoraacb or Nervous Trouble*, Cnpudlne will rellere yon. It'a liquid-pleMant to take—acta I aimed ately Try It. 10c., 23c., and SO ccuta at drug etorea. Most of us have repair shops for j ..•ir broken promises. After the Party. "Well, George, I hope you are pleased with yonrsejf." "Suffering Samson, what have I done now ?" j "Oh, nothing, of courae. What did you say to that aristocratic Mrs. Pingleton?" * "Well, what did I say?" "And right after I warned you against your awful breaks. You said to her: 'How time flies! I suppose your young hopeful will soon put on long trousers.'" " 'Well, what's the matter with that? Friendly, wasn't it?" "Friendly! Mrs. Pingleton haa but one child, and ahe's a young woman of 20!" RACKED WITH PAIN. An Awful Blefle of Dropsy and Rheu matism. Mrs. Emma V. Harms, 508 S. Jeffer son St., Mobile, Ala., BayB: "I was so racked with pain I almost went fran tic. My elbow joints got stiff, t knees swelled and I could not raise my hands. The merest touch made i me Bcream. I sat in a chair for five months, and for over a year I did not see the street 'Nobody thought I would recover. I im proved, however, after I began taking Doan's kidney pills and was Boon well. "When Your Back Ib Remem ber the Name —DOAN'S." 50c,a1l stores, j Foater-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. A Celebrated Basso. "When Herr Growler began to sing did you not observe how our hostess glanced apprehensively at the win dows?" "Yes. I dare say she was afraid the window-panes would be shat tered." Why Do We Die? Vital statistics classified show the respiratory organH to be the feeble point in man. Diseases of the lunga are out of all proportion in fatality. Take Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein for coughs, colds and consumption, and Whooping Cough. At druggists, 25c., 50c, and SI.OO a bottle. Pretty Big. "My new hat is pretty big." "I thought so. too, but when I get the bill for it it made your hat look like the head of a pin."—Roseleaf. TO 1)111 V K OCT MALARIA ANO HIJILO UP TnH SYSTEM Tnko tho Old c mnJard GIIO 'K'H 'i AHTKI.BBH CHILL TONIC. Yo no what yon aro IM'AUM The ( >rtnt 1;- li .ilaii.l printed o. e »»rjr bottle, ftliowt It U atuiply ' »uinlii> and I rot* In u UMteleM form, an ' tho DM nit effectual form, fc'or grmmu IMHiplo aud children. 60 cent*. The man who is compelled to toe the mark may develop Into a chronic kicker. Hamlin* Wizard Oil is recommended by many ldiysioiatiH. It ii uned in many mik lic ami private hoapitals. Why not Loet> a bottle on hand in your own home* It's easier to secure a patent than it is to convert It Into cash. riI.KS CUBED IN OTO 14 I)AY> , TotirdruKJi 1 * 1 will rttlodU money If I'A/.O OTKT- MhNT fad. (« run rut mm of Itching, Blind, Bleed) n* •" Protruding I'llm In «u>Mdayii. 60u. Even If a woman can't afford a new hat she can criticise her neighbor's. lira. Wtnilow'a Soothing Syrup for Children teething. aoftena the tfinufl, reduce* Inflamma tion, el lay h pain, curnn wind colic, 25c a bottle. Ono thing rarer than a day In June la a woman who has nothing to say. The Fountain Head of Life .-A Is The Stomach\j^m A man who ha* a weak and iimpaired itoaaack and who don not properly digest hit food will toon find that hie Mood hae bceore HI weak and impoverished, and that hi* whole body ta iitrayaily and insufficiently nourished. Dr. PIERCE'S GOLDEN MEDUBXL DISCO VEST « makea tbe atomach atrong, promote* the Uom et ■ dlieetlre laleem, reatoree tbe leaf appetite, mmbem aaalmllatlon perfect, Invigorates tbe titer mmd purltlea and enriches tbe blood. It t» the great timed aaaSar Iteeh-buUdtr and reatoratlre nerre tealc. It makea mem atroni la body, active la colmd and tool Im fntf&emeat. This "Disoovery" i* a pure, (Jjycerio ntrsct o t Aaseriaaa auxfioal roots," absolutely free from aloohol and all iojnnoM, hbManahf All it* ingredient* are printed on Its wrappen. It hae me wlaliinilii with wont nostrum*. It* every ingredient is endorsed by ike liailma in ell the — NITI* of medicine. Don't.accept a secret nostrum as • substitute tor Ate time-proven remedy o* SHOWN COMPOSITION. ASK root mamaou. They Mat know of many cure* made by it during past 40 year*, rift* im yomr evs ■rifhfaiiliuinl. World'* Diapatwary Medioal Association, Dr. ILV. Pierce, Pres., Huflalo, N. Y. W. L. DOUGLAS *22% *2.50, $ 3, *3.50.*4 &*5 SHOES £ M All Stylea, All Leathers, All Siaas and Widths* JSti for Men, Women end Boys. THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FFLB WK FOR OVER 30 YEARS fmf THE NEXT TIME YOU NEED SHOES g*lf jE]} give W.L. Douglas shoes a trial. W. L. ! J Douglas name stamped on a shoe guar- L/ antees superior quality and more rahse J for the money than other makes. Ha $1 name and price stamped on the bottoms JM&/L protects the wearer against high price* / and inferior shoes. Insist upon baring l/ffllfca genuine W. L. Douglas shoea. |MH r —\ Take no substitute. 'SIdiSJSSST &s&rml I TO OBJ) KB ST KAIL. flhsasS—t Bwsywksra-IN Charges Prepaid. / |fW.l.PonfUssho»sar*notsnMUiy—rnaa,*—*»>waw^Tsa#aMaa*saw*Sa>» lX fool as shown lo modi: suU ssyls «se —A wtatb n—ltr wons; - W "IMIil or cap to*; IMMI, or IMML I »*» *»l—lja - a 7 n—lm th» woAd. HliaCitilSßas. W-LWaTl^lM%«tKAsaisnJhss Special Offer This paper is printed from ink made in Savannah, Ga. by the SOUTHERN OIL & INK CO., Savaaaak. 6a. Price 6 cents > per 1 pound, P. O. B. Savannah. Your patronage solicited. SfREE I «M WW) pereoer •k* I* Mlloua, cuntot y»ul atkMMjr i>um mmhtm llw tiloml 10- •n4 lir t (m pwkKt*' «* ay P»w-P»w mil*. I nal to proT« (hull (hay pMttlvely «UT» !»-- jtotohna, Beat Btom m*. KMlu, Wind*. •fM infallible carv fafßsMlpMlon. Tok» Ikla I MI *mw to »1t» mfltvniM of free pMkt •tn. I tokaall tto rtok. *»M by dnarirM* (orSentottW. Vto ilm packap tddrta^ r*L mmm+.n* iMM a*. PMjaMtMa. Mifen, IhbTm Ewfllwi Hitter's Jej* Vast. wttr mmtt H ■■§ rMCU«MtIkh( th« ollM> It to ■to It. Joy >J«t oim time. ■ -mmrnrn«to\lMlto—>■ hutWTqBBI JOT." I FOR HORNET STINGS. T "I feuhw mm* Mrafeaa llaatang LlnW-B mcmtiue illfcißt allnu u4 have found ■ It at «nOnt Want At one time my I m>«MMbalM| bjrknwu but jourß liaiant fKUjrunl her. ] have r«cot»-H ■wlri it to tttm hudrada ot time*." 2tc.K>i.ll«haU«> Dm AGa^lSlgrwl Rnlotm Oray Hair to Natural Color —MM—III A— Wll TWITNRMIWIFIMLI ITALT IRLWHILHI^OA' XANTHINE CO., Richmond, Virginia Wk>iMn, ItMjt'cJwrtJto'toakr amdnal mthmtU pnpntlti. Tuffs Pills mmmi thaw priMn, ai wn«y reitow to tfca baarafe tlialr satanl partotoltlc antlM. i iririiiii iipMtt| • Ml fa It* Mi pagans WANTED 100 mu W"** ~7TI Bookke«»pt»* »iuf a it it t»m*Tot jg fiS I W. N. U, CHARLOTTE, NO. 4-191 Z.

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