VOL. XIII. .NO. 17 • 11 *' Professional Cards | Hugh B. York, M. D. Microscopy, Electrotherapy, X-Ray Diagnosis, Specialties Ofice over Farniefs Jfe Merchants Bunk OSes hour*, S to 10 r. ill., 7 to 9 p. m. Office 'phone 60 - Night 'phone 43 Wn. E. Warren . - J. S.Rhcxlet. Drs. Warren & Rhodes Physicians and Surgeons Office in Bigg ß Drug Store - 'Pboce 29 Jos. H. Saunders, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Day 'Phonp 53 - Night "Phone 40 Williamston, N. C. Dr. R. L. Savage of Rockv Mount, will be at the At lantic Hotel fourth Wednesday in each month to treat diseases oi' the Eye, Ear, No?e and Tbront and Fit Glauses. A. K. Dunning - J- £• Smith Dunning & Smith Attomeys-at-Law Williamston - North Carolina Roberso'.iville, North Carolina Durrous A. Critcher • Wheeler Martin Martin & Critcher Attorneys-at-Law Williamstun - North. Carolina 'IHONH S3 S. J. Everett Attorney-at-Law Greenville, N. C. - WiUlatnutoa, N. C. Greenville L,onDistance Phooe 32^ Society Pressing ] . . Glub . . I O. C, Price, Manager J Phone No. sft Up-to-Date Cleaing, | Pressing, Dyeing and I Tailoring Very careful uttention given tn Ladies' Kid Gloves, Fancy Waists Coat Suit? ami Skirts Club Rates for Men. Clothes called for and - delivered , Agents for Rose & Co. Merchant-Tailors, Chi cago, 111 rbOWEB S1 'I When you wan: the best, remem ber we are at your service Choice roses, carnaiions, vsllies, violets and wedding outfits in' the lateststyfafs ' "'• ;■ ;;'' Floral offerings artistie«lfy arrang-. Ed at short notice • ' , if/ v When in need of pot plants, rose bushes,, evergreens, shrubbery, hedge plants and shade trees, mail |y£j|elegrapli or telegraph your order to J. L. O'Quinn & Co. iliW' - - - J a !z • St. ail.-j. . THE ENTERPRISE CONFIDENCE We Back up Our State ment with Our Personal Reputation and Money We ace so positive that we can relieve constipation, no» matter how chrehric it may be, that we offer to furnish the medicine free of all cost if ff? fail. We thnk that it is worse than Uflelrss to attempt to cure constipa- tion with cathartic drugs. Cathar tics may do much hntm. They may cause a reaction, iiritatr and weaken the towels, and make con stipation more chronic. Constipation is often accompain ed and may be caused by weakness of the nerves and muscles of the large intestine or colon. To expect a cure you must therefore tone up aud strengthen those parts and res tore them to healthier activity. The discovery of the active prin ciples of our remedy Involved the labor of skiltul research chemists. This remedy produces results such as are ex|«cted from the best known intestinal tonics, and it is particularly prompt iu us results. We want you to try Rexall Or derlies on our guarantee. They are exceedingly pleasant to take aud are ideal for children. They apparently net directly on the nerves and muscles of tbe bowels, i having, it wuu'.d seem, a neutral I action .on other organs or glands, j They do not purge or cau«e incon vience. It they do Vict positively cure chronic or habitual constipa tion aud thus relieve the myriads of associate or dependent chronic ailments, your money will be re funded. Try Rexall Orderlies at our ri'k. Thice sues of roc , 25., and 50. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies ih this community only at our store—The Rexall Store, The S. H. Biggs Drug Co. Office Force Honored On Friday evening la*t, THK ENTKRPRJSK fore? WAS entertained at the home of the Editor by his charming daughter, Mis# Fannie Murt Manning. Several othei friends were present and the even ing was most pleasantly spent iti games and music and song. At 10:30 a delicious salad course with hot chocolate and wafers was serv ed. The Editor assisted by the other members of his family enter tained in true Southern manner—a menner which is recognized the world over as the most gracious. The guests were: Miss Hannah Vic Fowdeu, Miss Frances Knight, Miss Sallie Hartley/ Miss Hattie Thrower, Fred M. Sliute and Wal ter Jenkins. Siwckiig Sounds in the earth are sometimes heard before a terrible earthquake, that warn ot the coming peril. Nature's warnings are kind. That *ull pain ache in the back warns you the Kidneys need attention if you would escape those dangerous ma ladies, Dropsy, Diabetes or Bright's disease. Take Electric Bitters at ouce and see backache fly and nil your best feeling* return. "My son received great benefit from their use for kidney and baldder trouble." wntes Peter boudy, South JRockwood, Mich., "It is certainly a great kidney machine." Try it. 50 cents at Saunders & Fowden. A Belled Eagle About two years ago an eagle was caught in a trap fin the Roa noke river and carried to Williams tour There he was belled and tuhrcd loose. Since then he has been seen several times. Twice iu the last two weeks he has been seen, and the bell bes.nl ringing, near Speller Last year 3 belled bufczard was seen in Windsor. It looks like somebody'' has sense enough to "bell a buzzard" I —BO v ~~.ji. r , m - ■; " ■ : ■ WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 0. 1912 1 ■ , yj ■ - V Mondav was farmers' day in Williamston, but owing to the ex tremely culd weather the crowd was limited. The regular program was carried out despite the small crotol and v those present were greatly helped. A. L. French spoke on std& raising and drainage, tw> important subjects to this county. The proper care of fruit trees was nbiy discussed by S. B. Sbaw and 12 S. Misaps emphasized the im portance of gmwiug all needed sup plies at home. He has charge of the farm demonstration work in the State. Good roads, a work Which is en gaging the attention of the entire South, was discussed by Dr. B. Winslovv, of the United States de partment of good roads. This work in Martin County has taken definita shape, especially In Will iamctoo Township, which was ihe first in Eastern Caroliuo to vote money for better roads. The women were instructed by Mrs. Charles McKimmon, of Ral eigh, and Miss Lucy Webb, ot Wairen County. These Institutes are very instruc tive und the farmers of Martiu County have benefitted greatly thereby. During the time these meetings have been held, there has been a larger improve ment in agriculture among this people. A LIBERAL OFFER We Guarantee to Relieve Dyspepsia, if we Fail the Medicine Costs Nothing To unquestionably prove to the people that iudigystioit and dyspep sia can be permanently relieved and thut Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets will bring about this result, we will furnish the medicine absolutely free if it fails to give satisfaction to r.ny one using it. The remarkable success of Rex all Dyspepsia Tablets iadue to the high degree oi scientific skill used in devising their formula as well &s to the care exercised in their manu facture, whereby the well-known properties of Bismuth-Subnitrate and Pepsin have been combined with Carminatives and other agents IJi.-mnth-Subnitrate and Pepsin arc constantly employed and re-' cognize! by the entire medical pto fession ns invaluable in the treat ment of indigestion and dyspepsia. | The Pepsin used in Rexall I)ys . pepsia Tablets is carefully perpared i so as to dayjlop Its greatest efficien cy. Pepsin supplies to the diges-1 tive apparatus one of the most ini- i portant elements of the digestive I fluid. Without it tbe dige.-iioii and j assimilation of food are impossible. [ The Carminatives posses proper ties which aid in revieling the dis turbance and pain caused by undi-' geste-i food. This combination of these ingredients makes a reuiedy invaluable for the complete relief of indigestion and dyspepsia. We are so certain of this that we Hige you 10 try Rexall Dyspr;p*ia Tablets on oar own tierson/l guat autee. Three sizes, 25 cents, 50 j ce»nts, und SI.OO Remember, you' can obtain Rexall Remedies only at i our store —The Rexall Store. Tbe j S, R. Biggs Drug Co. / A Wa»!cg Agaiast Wet Feet Wet and chilled feet usually af fect tha mucous membraue of the nose, throat and lungs, and la grip pe, bronchitis or penumonia may result. Watch c'arefuliy, particu lary the Children, and for the rack iag stubborn coughs give Poleyls Hofte?y and Tar Compound. |t soothes the iuflamed membrane?. I and heals the cough quickly. | Farmers' Institute OAK CITY ITEMS Zeb M. Wbitehurst was in town Tuesday* ' * Mrs. Alligood and little daughter, of Bath, are visiting here. Edtnoud Perkins made n living trip ti> Greenville Monday. Miss Annie May Daughteridge spent the week-end at home. Mr. aud Mis. J. I, Hines made a flying trip to Scotland Neck Mon day. Mrs. Mary House has moved from her country home to Oak City. , ' . Thcjyauaft people speut a joy ous time at the Leap Year Bill Fridiy night. Wilson Chesson, of Belbavea, is spending H few davs wilh T. W. Davenport. Mrs. John House and sister. Miss Sue Edwards, spent a few dajs in Scotland Neck this* week on busi ness. In spite of the disagreeable weather,(there was a good congre gation to lieai Mr Crisp at the Bapti-t Cbuich Sunday, / Brimming with Fun In the history of cornedv here, nothing has so excited tho risibili ties of an audience as did "Along the Kennebec" which was present -14l on Monday night by a strong J company that is touring the South 'after a th New i York. The play is a New Englnhd one with scenes laid along the J Kcntvfbcc River in tbu good old I State of Maine, Tbe characters ; are simple folks, following the cus toms of their forefathers. Th-j man I who dislikes to laugh nud to keep [on laughing.should not go to see ! this comedy. From the fir.-It peep one gets rif the stage until tbe cur tain goes down on the last act, there is a contiurual roar. It basin it, however, some seriousness ami a villain, of course, who fails in his dastardly work aud .becomes a vie tim of his own plotting* Each role was played well with appro priate stage setting. It th* com pany should ever desire to come to Williamston again tnev can be as sured a full house. Missionary Society x Miss Etta Nunn, Secratury of the C. W. P.. M. for the States of Noith aup South Carolina, arrived here Monday and Wednesday afternoon orapinzed a society, The meeting was held at tbe residence of MrsT. F. Harrison and the organization was perfected with ten women.Mrs. A. K. Dunning was chosen Presi dent Mrs" T. F. Harrison, Vice President Mrs. Theodore Koberson, Secretary, Mrs. J. W. Auderson, Treasurer, and the meeting will be held on each Monday after the 2nd Sunday in the month. The women composing thifi so ctety arc all earnst workers to the Christian Church and will carry 011 the wotk for missions with a fidelity which must bring results. Miss Nunn ia a splendU organirer and is in thorough touch with the work. Buys Newspaper At the re-sale of the Durham Sun, R. O. Everett became one of the owners of the paper. Mr. Everett is a son oi Martin County and is a young attorney of Durham, where he lis> mane himself prom inent not only in his profession but iiV everything which makes for the betterment of the town and State He has taken much interest in the temperance movement in Nortlj Carol!na-a«d—bo—cati— always be found on the side of morality. Martin County takes jufct pride in all ber sons who go' into other parts to battle with life nod Mr. Everest's Martin County's Banka Whenever the progress of a state, countv or town is noted, the banks therein are mentioned as represent ing the highest mark in that pro gress. If tbe bankvi are prosper ing, then the people are 'for they after all are the actual promoters of these financial institutions. It is not always the wealthy men who support these local banks, but the farmers and small depositors who gradully swell the antiunl state ments. Taking ibises * basis, it will be seen th«t Martin County is ou the upward movement as the six bauds 111 thc-county. have made wonder ful strides towards that high water malic of progress. People are more than ever realizing how important n hank is to atiy v community, and even the man with only a few dol lars prefers to deposit them where safety lie-. Tiie Bank of Martiu County and the Farmers nud Merchants Bank being situated in Williamston have as a matter of course the lnrgest trade. Together with the other four in the county, they form a chain of security for the people, and stand behind , all good enter prises which hujld for things worth while. The two former institutions from recent statements* aggregate £469,266 67, nearly half a million, with deposits amounting to $381,- 241.72, far above a quarter of & million. , There. is no need to place money in foreign banks. With banks here, one each at Oak City, Hamilton aud James vllle, iliv facilities are splendid and courtesy and security art' assured tbe depositor and borrower. Stockholders Meeting , The twelfth annual meeting of the Stockholders of the of Martin County was held in their Banking rooms on last Tuesday evening. The President's report proved very satisfactory to the Stockholders as the followiug figures culled from the report would indicate: The Bank gained in deposits dur ing the past year ever $67000, and its nut earnings over all expenses showed a fraction over 25 per cent. The liumber ot new accounts opened during the year showed materia) gains, as well as total as sest, which appreximate 8225,000. AI! of the old board of Directors were rfe-elected and the By-Laws so amended so that an additional Director could he placed on the Hoard and Sherifl J. C. Crawford was elected to the position. All of the following officers were re-elected: J. O. Godard, President, J. G. Staton ist. Vice-Prest., A. R. Dfimiing aud. Vics-Prest. and Atty lor the hmk. The officers and Directois enter upoo their duties for tlie coming year with the conviction that with the c?b«operation of the Stockholders and friends of the Bank, that the present high water, mark of the past year can be equalled, if not excelled. Almost Lost His life S. A. Stid, of Mason, Mich., will [never forget his terrible-exposure to a storm. "It gave tne ! a dreadful cold,'-' he writes, "that caused severe pains in my chest, so ft Was hard for ine to breathe. A neighbor ;;ave tne several doses "of Dr. King's, New Discovery which brought gteat relief. (The doctor said I was on the verge of pneu monia, but to continue with the Discovery. I did so anil two bot tler compel*:ty "cured, "upT 7 Use only this quick, safe, reliable medi cine for coughs, colds, or any throat or lung Irouble. Prir/» 50c ond ' •• /* ;t 1 ' > ' \ ' . , sr.oo a Year in Advance . , :H ROBIRSONVILLE NEWS ITEMS Local Happening and People who are Coming and Going, Here, There and Yonder as Gathered by our RepuSar Corres pondent. G. \r. Kofjcr.-ion lias bough? nut the J. W. Taylor & Co. A. 8. Robcr-on went fc Oak City Tuesday on bu-ioess. R. K. Grimes went lc Richmond Tuesday to purchasestock. 'Mrs, Kate Tripp and little dangb ter spent last week at Wbicharda. Miss Selma Everett spent ike week end with Miss fitttie Kubet -5011, ¥ Mws Dora johnsou of ce.:i Gold Point is spending the week-end here. Miss Blount Johnson, of Oak City, is visiting Mrs. J. T. Rods this Vcek. Miss Annte Mooring ; s pcnt »Stv®- day with Miss Minnie Bryant at Gold Point. | Mi-'ses ICmmii, Nolle aad Jo***- phinc Robert gan spent tbo week end at Gnudjjji;. Messrs. Ce.-il iivf-rett aud llr.-k Ross attended * dance JC Oak City hist Friday eyeuiajr. Ktner P. I>. Geld preached a mrst intemtirig sermon to a te.n congregation at the Piiaiitive Bap tist Church Sunday. .—Bttrnen and family, .of Q,*k Ciij . vifi :ed nerrhUmlv,-, ?•**. and Mrs. J. K. Cotgleton : pent Sunday ne.i: Stokes. ¥ Mesdatre- B.irrb*W «/ ! >iid M.uniitjg, of near Btthel, sprat the week end with Mrs. Sarah Kotierson. .Some: incitement wa* canned hy a runaway boric nn Saturday. G. P. Bnllovk wilb a friend were driv ing aud tbc ar.tiuui frightened by au auto aud ran dtwn Main Street, striking a post and .uiash- Inu the buggy. Mr. Bullock and his friend escaped in;cry. Blatud i 6 A Wcikcr "1 blamed my heart for etvere distress in my ieft side fcr '.rco yearn," v/rites W. Fvav.", D.mville,' Va , "but I knoiv now it w ,*«* indi gestion, as I)r. Kings Men* Life Pills completely.cured me. " Heat for stomach, livei and kidney trou bles, constipation, headache or cW bility, 25c. at Saunders & Powden. The Buick's Popularir/ S. R. Biggs recently received the 1 following telegram: From New York at tbc opening oi their shows: "Show opened witk largest-emird ever known in any New York show. Buick cecnpj* icg the space of honor. is the ceo tirr of attraction. More orders tak en for Buick Cm* 0:1 opening night than ever before in the history of this or any other i-how." From Buffalo, N. Y. at the dose 6f their show: ' 'Show j n*t c;oßed pot-ty sticccat ftil ever held here. Resulted la more sale of Buick Cars for imined* iate delivery than any show every held in Buffalo. The new line ra a sensation here.'' first La Grippe, Then Brenefcllis That wa.-> the case with Mrs. W. S. Bailey, McCreary, Ky. "My wife was taken down with & severe attack of la grippe, which run into bronchitis, gbe coughed as tho' she had coH;"*">pi'"" Tmld»ftf ' sleep at night. The first bottle of Foley's Houey_gjnd Tar Com found gave her so mtich relief that sht continual n«?nc i» vwt.M «•*«»«

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