BANK OF MARTIN COUNTY WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA ' ' I .> • '-ft' • "• * ; k t\ ;iV/ ;, n —.. . . " .* We have just closed our Twelfth Fiscal Year and invite your inspection to the Statement published below. * ~• : . V • ( The year just loosed was by far the most successful in the liirtory* of our Institution, both in Deposits and Earnings; our total assets having reached almost One-Quarter Million Dollars. Our deposits show that we have $11.61 for each dollar of Capital Stock. This is by far the largest porportion of any Bank in this section and shows how great the confidence the business public has in our Institution. We hope to continue to receive the same liberal patronage from our friends and stand ready and willing at all times to help any legitimate Enterprise consistent with SAFE and CONSERVATIVE BANKING _ ~ ■. —... ■ .. 1 .. ■ -'-J. j 1 - jl i .. ■ ■ . , ; Twelfth Anni^Statement at Close of Business January 31, 1912 . , / \ / Loans and Discounts - - $158,089.51 Capital Stock $ 15,000.Of) Stocks and Bond - , - - 2,375.00 * ✓ Surplus and Profits - ■ 22,524.46 Furniture and Fixtures - • t 1,850.00 Deposits - 175,513.84 Cash in Bankff~ - 60,723.79 Kedtecounted • - - 10,000.00 $223,03840 ©yD -v $223,038.30 4 PER CENT PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS - J. G. GCDARD, President J. G. STATON, Vke-Pres. A. R. DUNNING. 2d V-Pres. C. H. GODWIN, Cashier , v A************************ : LOCAL ITEMS 5 All noticru ftuhlUheil in IliU column, wtirre **»-rniie i» to be drfivt'd. wit li* clittfjivd ui llf rutr of ioc.Tit* h llu*.', (coi'.ut his wonla to u linf), en'li will U* luiwtc on ran cuntr.ict*. —The Game is on. —S'i far tile ground hog's calen dar has been correct. —lO cent ginhnms .t v cent. —C. P. C rstsrphen & Co. —Motion pictures give both in- Mructiou and pleasure. Ain't \ou going tonight? —Next Wednesday is Valen tioe l).ty, and Monday t2tlu is 4he birthday of —ls cent giuhatns, (Sun and Tab proot,) at ij)i cent. —C. I). Carst-iphen ft Co. —Ju-t received 1000 yds. of the best percale going at to cent. —C. D. Carstarphen & Co. —Carolina is in to win. —-Dr. Joshua Taylor, Jos. T\ Taylor aud W. B. Rodman Jr., were in town today on business —"You can't have too much of a good thing," so see the pictures tonight and every time. Don't bank your money out of the connty, for art no better banks than Marliu County has. —Ain't you going to the moving picture *how tonight? There will ibe something doing, sure. —Farmers desiring to purchase stock and good stock can tind where to go by examining the ad columns. —Don't Watch tbe Gsme —get in it and help Carolina to win. —FOR SALE.—Pure bred R. 1. Reds and Brown Leghorn roosters, young and in fine condition.—W. Jtk.. Ellison, City. ~~~ r—The small increase tH Ttre price of cotton brought a few mote bales cm the market Many (farmers in this section are still holding their fc ' " ' I —li. L. Susuiau, Pres. of the j Washington Horse Exchange, has gone to St. Louis to purchase a car load of horses and mules Notice ad iti tins issue* the young men who j received licenes ti practice law was Wheeler Marin. Jr., the sou of Col. and Mrs. Wheeler Martin. He will be associated here with his father and B. A. Ciitcber. —New athi this week: Rogcrson & Co , W. A. Koherson & Co., G. W. Roberson. B. T. Cowper., Bank of Martin £ounty. Keep your eve' on these and the other ads in these columns, and reap the benefit. —Clayton Moore, who tool: a course in law at the. University stood for license this week and won out. He ts the second son of the latejames li, Moore, who was one of tlie greatest lawyers the State has produced in years. , —J. B Cherry sold 7,ooopounds of his tobacco crop at Rocky Mount last week at an average of fourteen cents. What do you know about that for tobacco? Better plant a | little this year. Good seed can be' had right here in town. j Wood's Seeds Foi' 39>1£2. O' - New Descriptive Catalog i* fulJy up-to-date, c.r.d tolJa all obout the best Garden and Farm Seeds. Every fanner and pnrde nej should have a copy of this cata log. which taa rrrivi. ( nized ucs standard authority, for the full and complete infor r.iatiou which it gives. We are headquarters fa: Grass ana Ctovcr Sscds, Socd Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Seta BeajuS e.nO all Farm Seeds. Ww, s Catalog mailed free on requaat, V/rite for it T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen. - R*chr»wJ, Va, • f*, \v--; ■ ' ' 5 PERSONAL BRIEFS I F. U. Baruet. went to Dover, Va., on Monday. j Re*. M.JBethea went to Hamilton j Thursday. J. M.S. Salsbury was. here from! I Hawiton Monday. MtasSailie Dunn has been visit ing litre this Week. Dr. aud Mrs. J. W. Williams, of Kveretts, were here Monday. W. C. Manning went to Norfolk Wednesday 011 business. Harry A. Biggs is visiting North ern cities for several weeks. W. H. Biggs bus been in Rich mond on business this week.* > Cbas. Baker went U> Richmond Monday lo consult a Kpeeinlist. Miss litta Nuuti, of New Bern, was the guest of Mrs. T. F. Harri son while in town. Messrs. l\ H. Davenport aud F. L. Gladstone were tu town Thurs day on business. Miss Elizabeth Pope >pent the week-end here with Mi>s Mr.riha Cotteu Crawford. Mr. aud Mrs. lid ward McMasters, aiter visiting their daughter, Mrs. F. U. Barnes, left Monday for their home. Mrs. Walter Taylor and thildreu, who have been viiiting their parents here for several weeks, left Satur day for Augusta, Ga. Tbev wfere accompanied as far rs Flcreuce, S. C., by Mr. aud Mrs. G. P. Mc Naughton. N. Hi WOI'MJ»P NOW No more limping for Tom Moore of Cochran, Ga. "I liad a bad sore on my instept itiat nothing seemed to belp till I used Bucklen's Arnica Salve," he writes, "but this won deffirr litilcr SOCO cured — Heals old, running sores,, ulcers, boils, burns, cuts, bruises, eczema or pike. Try it. Oufy 25 cents at Trustee's Sale | ny v-line of authority of u de.t] of Tnivt t'jemted to mc by Primus J'.rown and wiic, LtiCtaidj Htoivn, on the 6th d.ij ot December unit dtdj lecorded in tlie R»H*isti;r'i othec in M:irl!n County ito Book V. V. V., JMge ';"3 to seeute the payment i( ccrt&iu l.oiula bearing even date ther« «\itlr. und the stipulation-) in Haid I>«ed nf net having been, com plied with, 1 fr-hail expose Ht public ate- I tion, for easb, on Monday, the 19th day ' of Feb, iqia, at 12 M at Conn Home dour i in Martin County, the following property:' The tract of land convej ed by Hi fay lor am! wife SaJ.ih V. Tay lor to Primus j ilniwn on the 6lh day of 1 >ecetuber, 10*59,, of record in the public lejlstry of Murtiu I I County. Commonly known «s the "Con- Klelois land adjuiaiog the land of Mis. Nettie Tee! aud other#, conuitiitiK 20 acres more or l\s.. \ This January jith. Mc (>. Taylor. Trustee. 2S* C SE::! Slvde lCllisoti, Jr. vs Julia Ellison \ The uetendnut, above t-.uned, Julia Hl lismi, will t*i.e notice that an aotion en titled as atiove, has bten eommenctd in the Superior Co:irt ?f Ma'tm -County, slid action be: ok brought Vy the plain tiif against the defendant for a dloOlu tion of (be bond of matrimony between j plain till and defendeni, nnd the said de leiulant will further take notice that she is reqtiired to appear at the next Term o* tlia Superior Court of said County to In held «ri the second Monday after the first Monday of March rsia, at the Court house of said County in WilliaiUston, N. C., and answer or danntr to the complaint iv said action, or the Conrt for thfe relief demanded in mid i» 11 plaint. This a6tb Jan. 1912. J. A. ironßs, a 2 Clerk Superior Court. Notice of Administration Having this day quali6ed as Adminis trator upon the es'.dU of the luiy C...1 C. Harrell, 1 hereby notify all peNons in debted to said esti.te to mate paymetit to me, ana I ■ also jnotifiy all j>er&ocs having claims and demands of any character against the said estate to present sir re to rae properly itihiized aud verified by the first day of February A. D. tqrj, or this notiee will be pleaded in bar of a recovery thereon. This January 9th, 12)3. w: P. H ARRET,L, Adm. " Winston St Matthews, Keltord, N. C. Attorneys ' Notice Having qualified as administrator upon the Estate of Cbaritv Coun(!tl Notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against said Estate to present them to the umlcrslKn/,;d for pay ment nt Xh\K C)i V, ST. C., on or before the 7UI day of Febiuaryiqry, or this no tice wffl be plead in bar of their recovery. All arsons indebted to paid estate are requested to make immediate payment. Thi-! 7th dn*-rvi- - -- 1 Notice Under and by vijtue of an order ol tlie | Superior of JJnrtin County made ha the special jTii tedings entillel J, H, I l->>ell«.-r. Administrator of A. XV. Rodders I vf> Salamander Rogers, T. Chert*} und | wife, Calndonia Cherrv; the undersigaed ; commissioner, will on Monday, tbe 41b j day cf February, ion, at 12 o'clock at the Court house door door in Willinn>*ton K C. ofTer sale tc sale to tlie higbest bid der for cash, thu following described tracts of land: tst Tract: . Beginning at the N. E. Corner of A. W. Rodgers land and st»otit 70 yds Kick from the road running a line paraled with suid road and along Henry Rodger* and Bob Simmons' luck line, 126 yds; thence BTrv Short's said line, a West direction 70 yd*: thence back to pamlel line, thence back a paralel line with the first mentioned, t?6 yds, said A. W. Kodgers line; tbence alotig his fine to the hetnwnirg; coutninirg !*4 «cr*s, more or less. Jnd Tract. Adjoining Boi> Simmons' and fathers end commencing on the point of Simmons' and Rogers' luud and run ning thence South 35 rods to Mrs.Short's corner; tbence nest 35 yds to a point in Miles Rogers' line; thence a paralel line with the first line to tbe begiuutag. Both of tbene tmcts we sold snhjert to the Dower Right of the widow of A. W. Rodger*, deceased. This the 3d day of Feb. 1912. B. A. CRITCDUR, Com. * Certificate of Dissolution [To All to Wliom These Presents May Come—Greeting: __ Wher-is, It appears to my satisfaction, bv duly authenticated record of tbe pro ceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous contest of all the stockholders, deposited in my office, that the I'armele Normal ond Industrial Institute Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal rvffire is situated '7 the town of Fatraeie, Coui;ty of Mar tin, State of North Carolina H. I>. High smith being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon >honi process may be served), has complied with the re quirements of Chapter at, Revival of lyos, entitled "Corporations," piclimi nary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now, Therefore, I, J, Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of the Stale o£ North. Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 2 day of Norem ber, 1911, file in my office a duly execut ed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said coqwrction, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the pro ceedings aforesaid arc now on file in my salfToffice as provided hy law. In Testimony Whereof, 1 have hereto set my hand and Rffixed my official jScal, at Raleigh, this 2 day of November, A. D. 1911. ~V" T 1 f -ffMff \ ; .,= _ Mortgage Sale By authority ''Mortgage Deed" executed to Hy Drt-w Man ning and Jrvlti Gay on the 5111 day of 1 June 1909, and duly recorded in the Reg- • inter's otfice in Maitin County, in booh WWW, pajje ;,06, to secure the payment lof a certain bond bearing even date therewith, anil atipulatiom in said Mortgage Deed not having been com plied with, 1 shall exwwe ut pnblic auc tion, lor cash on Mondvy, the 2(>th day of February 1912, sit 12 o'clock ui. at the Court house door in Mar:in County, the following prro]*rty: • Beginning on the Main road wading from Goose Nest to Tarboro, ut the line .V dividing the Wliitfield and Allbritton land, running Southwest with raid line five sere;- in length, thence at right an gles from said line one acre wide tlience a parallel Hue to tbe road. Thence along said road to the first -station. This 73d dav of Jan. 1012. JOHN STATON, Mortgagee. Trustee's Sale By virtue of authoiity of a Deed of Trust executed to me by B. J. Si Tin im on the nth day of May 1909 and doly 1 recorded in the Register's, office in Mar tin Conuty in book VVV, page 988, to secure the payment of a certain tend 1 "Caring even date therewith, and tbe I stipulations in said deed of tnut not bar ing been complied with, 1 shall expose at public suction, for cash, on Monday February s6, J912, at 2 o'clock p. in., jn front of the j.ostofiico in Rober-wxivtlle, - N. C„ the following land. One lot 01 parcel at -laud lying and being in Martin County, N, C.. desefflfc ed as follows: Beginning at K. J. Roberson's corner in the new road leading from the town of Roberscnville, N. C„ Tin J. L. Rober son, W. T. Britton and others to tbe 014 G/%euville and Hamilton rond. Running ' thence with said foad yd.;, thence Northwardly paralled with the K*st line of said Roberta .S3 yds. Ther.ce West erly paralled with said Rohenxm's North line 122_,H yds. Thence Southwardly to said Roberson's North comer, tlienoe withsaid Rotersou's line to the begin, ning, containing one acres more or less and being the some land cornered "thi* - to said K. J. Roberson by A. "S. HyeretC und wife, Haitie E. 1 his 26th day of Jan, 1912. JOHN T. ROSs, Tmstee. Aa Epilenic cl Usugfefng Is sweeping over the town. Old and q Tf > illd th 4 straiu i particular-.- hard on lit tle children and oa cldery people. Foley's HoDty and Tar Coaipound iso .juick, safe sad reliable cure **» -1'