THE ENTERPRISE l* ' * « ■ ——r —s " prai.tsnmj KVM.v kriday N.C. / Wi:.U Ul C. MAN'S f NO. liWTOR SLUSCRIPTION KATES One Vctr • • J:. uo >* Six Mouitiu • • -5° Tt»r«* Months • • • .25 Strictly Cash lo Advance Advertising Rates n« thr li>*e Office «t Williamitan, H. I. Second Cl*** Mail Mutter. Pr iday, Febuuarv »6, i£)ia Kttp - i'Ui eye on the man % iu tbi i«di:ic. I contest. Tnete is plent) tun eyit to do the veiling. Rvtiv r'tw da>. w then i't- rumors that n pc. i'.a> factory wj'.i he erect edhire, d «t eou se, Mich a thing sl: old l>v Hut it would be more sat u.r> :l w\: could he boid the i.i ( iidii)g i:; iMurse >| elec tion. A p..*:-tit ratlciy us William- Ston won! • '»• another case of "hit tJng the %> 'itor berr'* ••vheie n? g»ow 'em t" pine b. . During the iuohwi l j inuar\ 10,424 74') 1 >. -I if! -utjs L-u win sold int he Sale, 4,;,;, 1,000. lbs above the sale* tor the 101 rt>pond period las* ye " Of the total gales during tin-tr.oi't!-, William:, tou sold 46,5: : i»nd Rob: rsonvillt 20,480, making a tot 1! i f 66,992 lbs. sold in th>- county. The pros pects lor a goo 1 * iar ?or tb«. weeo are very proud org and c itr tanner*) would be ssifo ii. plurdiug a crop. If the fitiy-one young tutu who received tbeir licenses 1 m practice* l;*w in the courts ot North CftrcHissi last week nil. bi:' rem .in fr.e tc> their profession, tit) wiM he a mightr force lor j.o. 1 ariu.i'U thi* people. A tnu law) c-r is rr.i lionoi lo any com mum t\ Hut it is 11 scii fact that 100 manv uxo in the pro ___ fession are sin pi v .■,•*. hll i 1 y 1 '.it' 11 and .so lose siiilit ot their sworn obligation to uphold tin- ! ivvs c>f tluir State mtd Naii ts. Tupping Coiton We have been furm-dud bv I H. Guru all us with figure- of th« K salt of cotton topping for the y«.n 1911. Th'«s expt ruteiM v. as ;on ducting 011 Ibe iarmof-C W K» t • an the R«ad under >ht directions ot the. Slate 1)*>» artiiient of Agriculture. Rvery condition of soil, irrtih.t. 1 and cultivation wih ihe same. Mi. Ourganus began topping Jit!v and topped one reuv eve v nth T dav until Au>;u.-t Bdi. Ti:l r-.-suit wis that the untapped 18 pro duceil 1175 11m. of herd eott n> against 1167 lbs. produced 'm tin 18 rows topped. This w oild ituh cate that tupping does not p> v :sn« especiaby so in a dry >ear, whet* one of the principal things i.s toj*t t a good growth of weed. Prospects of a Road _ The Raleigh of Tuesd i\ contained the information Hint there were pto-pects of a railroad being built fro-u Littleton to Hatnil ton. The news is good, for it vill Open up a fine section of Martiu County aud bung great u> Ham !l:on. The road would rur from the Northern end of Hiiiif.ix Couuty through the towns of Brinklevvilie, E .field, Scotland Meek, Palmyra on to Hamilton. A. Paul Kitchin who is very much interest rd in the matter, says that One proposition is that the people along the proponed route pay for the blueprints, wbich will cos ss.ooi Busine.s men in Scotlan 1 Heck approve of the proposition ■nrl wiM do whst »kev cun to hel" the movement. The people o* Hamilton, uo doubt, will laves' largely in anything which will hel. their town. It ii hoped that the road will be built In the near In t»re. UH far Qarraan Pm, |>a»t dopoaiia iu nortbareat Qer »&&>■ tue to be UMC SB fuel (or tii& oi olecUicaJ tatugy.. To Our Subscribers For the first year in the history of otir b»!»ingiw, we hare not smt statement to our J-übseribcrs. We have relied upon their desire to help us keep things moving by coming forward and paying the smnll amount due from them. Collections? have teen below the mark and we are urging; each sub scrtter to noiic:; his label and scud in the amount due. Unless this 1h done we shall hare to issue state ments, which is every business man's way of collecting. We pre ier uvoultng the uec.ssity of seucl iiig #i;t»:raents But the cost of publication is great —few of. our aatttenberu, perhaps, realize the aumiitn of money that is trxpeuded etch week for the paper *!tich doc* cot o«t thetn two cents pci copy Wt! kel that in >st of onr friends who are iti hi rears liftve just net. I cted to Mod tis thr-ir amount and this i- i reminder to t hetn HAIR HEALTH If You Have Scalp or Hkifr Trouble. Accept This Offer Wh*n prorr ,t- vour money bac'»* t>u th • mere asking if Rexall "9.V' 1:1 air TOIPC >'oes not do as "we claim it will, )un • crl:»u»ly have no res on for even li»v.t,itnu to try it We do not afford to so strongly eu dorse Rex.iH ' .*,'' Hair Tonic an«i cot;tinUK to sell it is we do, if it did not da (ill we claim, Should onr enthusiasm curry us away, and Rvxall "9.", ' Iln'.r Tonic nut uive eutt;e sat'Maction 'o 1 lit- iist*rp, thev would lose faith in us and out statements, and in consequence our buHine'.s prestige would suffer. Therefore, when we aH-tir? vou that Kexnll "03" Hair Tonic will promptly erndiente durdritff, stimu late hair gtovvth an I Movent^ pre mature baldness, >OJ may rest AS sut'ed we know what .\e atetaljanj.' a^ont. uV honestly believe that Rexali "y,V ' lf« 411 Tonic wiido more than any other liu in aw "TjjelicT lowartf tutor tig hair g owth i.nd tiaii iiealih. I 1 ts not •.r asv and will not- j,um t-;v>ca! j-uj hair or cause pevtuam lit stain. l! is as• pleas nit to use a pure cold water. It comes in two s:2es. Iri ,e 50 cents nnd ii.oo Remember, you can obta»n it cuiij ai our ttore, —The iiexall Sior . 'l'lieS. ii iJisctfß Drug Co , ~ I A!iaosi Los! Hi; lift S.' A S;i>!, » i Mason, Mich , win tiev r forget his - terrible expeun .1 Men-iks* storm. "It gn ve nie ) dte.tdf;d told," he writes, "thai msv.ll severe pains in niv chest , so ■ ' was hard for nie to brent lie. -A ivi. M'ov 'gave •!»: several t.'oscf i>t I Jr. Uny • Ne - i) so>v«ry which giettt tcl'.ef. The doctor v-ud I on 'he vene of j»: .u moni'i, but in c .Miime uiui 'e I ii-rovety. I did s » i.nd two • t le-i ... mpleteh ciued is!—.'' l ( ml this quick, safe, reliable tmdi tiie for COUKIIS. colds, or any th'oat i r linn; trouble. Price and ii.oc Trial hut t !•- free. Guarau ie«d- hv launders & Fovvden. £ui Aquatic 1.1/3. Tti; I'toiH'h Aculemy of J.'oiunos hot. *r*r m 1 to utilise a Hubtor rcnituv. if. -r ».t Li t tty UlO study ol nqup.Hc aiitaia!? for ranny geurmttoas »ct of the I'ear.b of Kunltgbt. Wood's Seeds F'oir 1912, Our New Descriptive Catalog is fully up-to)atc, and tells all about the brat Garden and Farm Seeds. Every fy.rmcr and gardener should have a copy of this catn ; loj*, which l:ns long been recog nized as a standard authority, [ for the full aud complete infor ! motion f/hich it gives. We are hradqtiafters for Cms and Clover Seeds, Seed Prrtatoc?, Seod Onts, Ov Pem, Sola Boi'X3 uid dl Farm Seeds. Vfoi U'fi fowrfrlive Catalog mailed fro= on inquest. Write for it. T. W. WOOD & SONS. fifefrrnen, - Richmcad, Va. CALOMEL MUST HURT YOUR LIVER Every* Time You Take thi* Power fii! Drug You are in Danger. Take Dodson's Livct Tore Instead Calomel is made from mercary. and while tnercaey ha 9 many uses, it is a tiling to swallow. It calomel stays in the system very long tt silivates. Even when it works naturally, its after effects are often vbad. Saunders 8c Fowden has a liver I medicine Called DortaOn's Liver j Tone which is postively guaranteed j to take the" placa of calomel. It . stimulates the liver just enough to start it working, and does not maki you sicker thm ever— a.i calomel j often does. Do'.son's Liver Tone j wou't force you to stop eating or j working after taking it. It is as j beneficial for children as for adults j Try a bottle to-day under Sana ; deis fc F nvdon's guarantee. You! know this s'.o e is reliable. Tlie Buick is tbe best—the Gov j jinment • \perts say* so. | First La Grippe. Then Bronchitis That wa> the case with Mis. W. ! S. Bailey, McCreary, Ky. "My \ wile taken down with a sevete ] attack of la grippe, which run into 1 bronchitis, y.he conglied »s tbo' \ she had consumption and could not j jsU-ep at night. Thf first bottle of j j holey's Honey and Tnr Compound j gave her so much relief that she continued using it until she wasj (itrnianeiitly cured." Satmder k Fowden. j. bTspeller" I Dealer in [Wood, Shingles, Poultry, liggs, P'urs.j Wall Paper and Baseball* Supplies Williamstou - North Carolina I North Carolina, | , Supericr Court ! Martin County, \ 1 Blade Ellison, Jr. * „ v » ... "JuT ii ~ "RlTi/«T>rf The defendant, nhovenamed. Julia Hl lis':i. will t.ike untie: tli.U un uclion en-1 tilled KM above, hl* been commenced in the S'iCourt of M trim Couutv, iml art it'll Tjejilj; l)l\H!;>!VrTTy TTvf" {>1*11!- I UIT .t the dctciidaiu (or a disolu ti'H) ul tlie botid of matrimony hitweni plaintiff ind the mid ile tv. iil iuiili.-r take notice that she i. rerpiir I to nppeur i«t the iii-Kf Term o' | j I;t'.upi i iot C.nirt ut said Gmnlv to be | lu l l on I lie second Monday niter the I liit,t Monday trt March lyi i, at the Court* | {haute 01 sod County H: 'Vilhani-tuli N. ; jC., tti] i ..!i'.H'"r or iliinur to the Complaint | :n mi id a.diou, or the Court tor die relief i dein nileil in "aid complaint. This »hi!i }nu. Kin, J. A. lltilißiS !•;> Clerk SuvieMcr Court. oo vr.Ana '' t V » ' Us. J\ i>vi-no n f l..'t' - h mwj il-w 1 m«r n.,;ci;'r i Mil inir o|iiiiiu« Ifio* .'il't'r mi ' Itvut ■>*' -m i M rr.tml lf piitotauliliv umriniiitra. i.»!••» •i..i:ilyci!a!iwi\lli»l.HAhOCOOS i'a«fi>« »on:. Im>». ikciuit r«» ««*wnnc iitliH'ia. I'r*. n:« tuhvu tlirnynh Ilium /i (». rutiulvo dlnniii tul. c, \rlfticiiscti»r*is, tulli# Sckdtfic flm^kaa. A hivi.lMWiot/ Hliidtr.tli'O \wl!r. J.-.r-o-t rir pnluii«>ii vt »a» mnciiilllo Joantal. Trfiix, t"l a Ti'ir: ltmrni»utlu,(L SuiUUytil notrna iilert. MUNN&Co. 3O,O^-NewYor:i n.-4'.-.t.'ti Utli tv l .'i F HU Wnjifrtugton. D. C. Fs'ey Kidney Pills rONIC IN ACTION • QUICIt IN RISUUT* Give prompt relief from BACKACHE, KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLE, RHEUMATISM, CONGESTION of tb« KIDNUYS, INFLAMMATION or tbe BLADDER and all annoying URINARY tRRLGULARZTIKS. A pocitiv? boon to MIDDLE AOBD and ELDERLY PEOPLE and for WOMEN. HAVE HIQHEOT RECOMMENDATION 8. A. «!I Vrn»hln«t«B 31.. Coonai-srUla, lull., is Hi his Jfilh > jgf. lit. v.'riu>s usi l 'l bttrt .aCC'Uf suSured n.ucb fi-vi:* mj Itidii* h noil blail. kr I had NTor* back acbaa and iny k ithiKj actmu ros ton frcc)>.«it, cawtn> ran to ).>m mnrhhJmb it and in my Wander Umr« r.-a» om »,,n» pain. I toi.k Pnloy Kldfi*r Will far torn* ia.l aai aw (re* >f nil trnjil/r *nd «-vio abl» vo ;s i;p us.l I'olo.v PUUi Ea?« at* tickost rucoiomondatiou. ' iiHSOMBTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND A«k Wrancvt for CITT-CirER-TKR'S A DIAMOND 11 HANI> I'tl.l.S In Urn nvl AN Con sittaliic li to*, fctul-"! viili LUcvw) aiu'jon. I'Aka ko inuka. tini ( !twV/ UninrrWt inil 3»\ b t CUI-C!u!s.Tr.KM > ' VIiXOKD lIttAKD FII.LH. for twiutr &T --jre.ire as r« !t,:'- Vwsf Rf'tiV Sold by all orqgci •ni.Lij Uttih Ifb vj »it U fftvi :■.» Wiley Rogerson & Company § ROBERSONVILLE, - - NORTH CAROLINA g We have just moved into our New Building and are now in a better position than ever before to serve our friends and public generally. We have added to our stock a full line of GoffinS and Gaskets, all sixes and prices. CARTS AND WAGONSS Besides the wagons we make ourselves, we carry a stock of the well-known TllOrnhill Wa&OIlS. ' If you want a strong and durable cart, we have it. S? Complete Stock of Paint, Varnish and kinds of Oils • .. W Your Repair Work to Us j|J Job and Repair Work Promptly executed by skilled W workman. "Send it to us, we can fix it." * 3jjj! —— _ g Saw and Plaining Mini Attached! © WILEY ROGERSON & COMPANY | ROBERSONVILLE - - - NORTH CAROLINA ILK JL 4T 9 t ° a i oats and Shirts ! oaaeamfumssssam/ammaummmmaß rw»; 3?>:e'B:*;fiKi3iaauH£ Wo have a large and beautiful assortment of Hats and Shirts which we are closing? at. ✓ This is positively the best opportunity you will have this season to buy such g*ouda as these at the price. Big Stock—All sizes WILL MOVE NEXT WEEK Next week I will move my stock to the James store on Main street and will bo glad * * to serve my friends and public generally there G. n. Roberson -.' f - , ■ ' Robersonville - - North Carolina 4 ■ - - - ' ' • r -- ' . :4- - -