LADTCORLTHE^OFTTH^ JACKET A ' „ brfiAjmAtt jPAxKAsjr \* a J C AUTHOR OF WJIBN WILDERNESS WAS KLNGVK i ILLUSTRATIOHS Br^CTnURTWIIUAHSCHT 1 JwnwjirJMTXWD&MazcMXX SYNOPSIS. A* at art opens In a Confederate tent ■ft a critical itx» of the Civil War. Qen Lm Imparts to Capt. Wayne an Important ■Mac to Longstreet. Accompanied by M. Craig. an old army acout. Wayne statu on his mlsaloh. They set wlthla ■m Im of the enemy and In the dark ■sib Wayne la . taken for a Federal of ■eer aad a younc lady on horseback la it »SSI In lUs cttargß She la a northern girt and attempt* tp escape. One of the MTM RKTunM and Omi* roes through wftfc tke dispatcher. while Wayne and My Mr of the North are left alone. They see* shelter In a hut and entering It In the dark a huge mastiff stacks Wayne. Tfce gtrl shoots the brute Just In time. owner of the hut. Jed Bungay, and Ms wife appear and soon a party of ■SMssaen approach. They are led by a claiming to be Red towrle. but who P*e>ea to be MaJ Brennan, a Federal oftVser whom the Union girl recognises. orders tha arrest of Wayne as S spy "d ne Is brought before Sheridan, wno •areatens him with death unleas hs ra »ag» the secret message. Wayne believes Brennan to be the wife of MaJ. ■lennati He Is rescued by Jed Bungay, who starts to reach Qen. Lee. while Wayne In dlagulee penetrates to the ball "wa. beneath which he had been Im- Hjwin*. He le Introduced to a Mlas SDaarand barely escapes being unmask ed. adltb Brennan. recognising Wayne, y 'be will save him. Securing a paaa •nreegli the lines, they are confronted by ■'sgaan. who Is knocked senseless. Then. NMlng Edith adieu. Wayne makes a •aan for liberty. He encounters Bungay; ■*•7 the Lee camp and are sent With reinforcements to Join Early. CHAPTER XXl.—Contlnuad. With the ardor of young manhood I looked forward to the coming battle, whan I knew the mighty armies of North and South would once again coateat for the fertile Shenandoah. It waa to be American pitted against American, a struggle ever worthy of •h* god a. Slowly I rode back down tha files of my men, marking their attgnment and accoutrements with practised eye, smiling grimly as I * pctad their esger faces, war-worn and Ireeaed by exposure, yet reanimated fcy hope of active service. As I watched them thus, I thought again those many other faces who once *od« sa these men did now. but wbo had died for duty even as these also sight yet be called upon to die. One hundred and three strong, gay In bright new uniforms, with unstained banner kissing the breese above our ■nvd young beads, we rode hopeful ij forth from Charlottesville scsrce three years before, untried, undis ciplined, unknown, to piece our lives willingly upon the scared altar of our ■atlve State. What speechless years «( horror those had beet); what his tory wo had written with our naked steel; what scenes of suffering and death lay along that bloody path we travelled! Today, down the same red road, our eyes still sat grimly to the northward, our flag a torn and ragged remnant, barely forty men wore the "D" between the crossed sabres on their slouched brown hats. In Bplte of all recruiting. Tha cheer in my heart was for the living ; the tear In my eye was for (he dead. "Colgate," I said gravely, as 1 ranged up beside him at the rear of the troop, "the men 100 it exceedingly wall. and do not appear to have Buf fered greatly because of sbort ra tion*" "Oh. the lads are always in fins fettle when they expect a fight," bo answered, his own eyes dancing as he swept them over that straight line of backs in his front. "They'll scrap the hatter for being a bit hungry,—lt ■akaa them savage. Heats all, Cap tain. what foolish notions some of thoaa people on the other side have ef us Southerners. They seem to think we are entirely different from themselves; yet I reckon It would pus sle any recruiting officer up yonder •o show a finer lot of fighting men than those fellows ahead there." I rode slowly forward to my own Position at the bead of the troop. As I swung my horse Into our accustomed position 1 was too deeply buried in reflection to be clearly conscious of Mch that was occurring about ma. Suddenly, however, I became a ware that aome one. nearly obscured by the ssveloplng cloud of dust, was riding without the column, in an Independ ence of military discipline not to bo permitted. In the state of mind I was then tn this discovery strangely ir ritated me. "Sergeant." 1 questioned sharply, of tha raw-boned trooper st the end of the first p'atoen. "what fellow is that Tiding out yonder?" "It's ther pesky little cuss as come la with ye yesterday, sir," he returned with a grin. "He's confiscated a muel somewbar an* says he's a gota' back ham 'h»g o' we una" Carious to learn bow Jed bad asaerged from bis arduous adventures, 1 spurred my horse alongside of him. The little man, bending forward dubiously, as If fearful of accident, waa riding bareback cm a gaunt, long legged mule, which. Judging from all outward appearances, must have been some discarded asset of the quarter master's department. " "Going home. Jedr I asked, as ha fltencod up aad saw me. "Jtot aa durn quick aa I kin git dhar." ha returned emphatically. "By wmm. Cap, I ain't bin 'way frofn llariar daag aa this afore In twelve year. jKeckoo she thinks I've skedaddled far ■Md this time, an: 'ill be a takln* 'bout soma things as a muel." He eyed his mount critically, t "Durned if ever I thought I'd git astraddle o' any four-legged critter ' agin." he said, rubbing hlmsslf as if | in sudden an| painful recollection of the past "But 1 sort* r picked up this , ysre muel down et ther corral, an' he's 1 tew dum wore out a totln' things fer | >ou uns ter ever move of fen a walk. i sorter reckon it's a beap easier a clttln' yere than ter take it afut all ther way ter ther countings." It was long after dark th ® second day when, thoroughly wearied, we turned Into an old tobacco field and made camp for the night. To right and left of our position glowed the cheery llres. telling where Early's command bivouacked in line of battle. From the low range of hills In front of where wis rested one could look acroee an Intervening valley, snd see far off to the northward the dim flames wLlch marked the position of tho enemy. Down tn the mysterious darkness between, divided only by a swift and narrow stream, were the blue and gray pickets. The opposing forces were sleeping on their arms, msklng ready for the death grip on the morrow. As I lay there thinking, wondering what might be ray fate before another nightfall, seeing constsntly in my half dreams the fair face of a woman, which made me more of a coward than I had ever felt myself before, . I was partially aroused by the droning tones of a voice close at baud. Lift ing myself on one elbow I glanced curiously around to see where it originated, what was occurring. Clus tered about a roaring fire of rails were a dozen troopers, and In the midst of them, occupying the post of honor upon an empty powder keg, was Bungay, enthusiastically reciting Scott. 1 caught a line or two; " 'At once there rose so wild a yell Within that dark and narrow dell. As all the fiends from heaven tha* fell Had pealed the battle-cry of hall.'" and then the droway god pressed down my heavy eyelids, and I fell asleep.— CHAPTER XXII. The Battle In the Shenandoah. To me It has always seemed re market) . that after all my other bat tle experiences—Antietazn, Gettys burg, the Wilderness, ay! even In cluding that first fierce baptism of fire at Manassas—no action in which I ever psrtlcipated ahould remain so clearly photographed upon memory as this last desperate struggle for su premacy In the Shenandoah. Every minute detail of the conflict, at least so far as I chanced to be a lersonal participant, rises before me as I write, and I doubt not I could trace today each step taken upon that stricken field. The reveille had not sounded when I first awoke and, rolling from my blanket, looked about me. Already a faint, dim line of gray, heralding the dawn, was growing ctaarly defined In the east, and making manifest those heavy fog-banks which, banging dank and low, obscured the valley. The tired men of my troop were yet lying upon the ground, wrapped tightly in their blankets, oblivious of the deadly work before tbem; but I could hear the horses slready moving uneasily at their picket-ropes, and observed here and there the chilled figure of a sentry leaning upon his gun, oddly distorted in form by the enveloping mist Directly In advance of where we rested, a long hill sloped gently up ward for perbaps a hundred yards. Its crest topped with a thick growth of young oak-trees, yet seemingly devoid of underbrush. No ''troops were camped In our Immediate front, and feeling curious to ascertain something of our formation, as wall as to ex amine the lay of the land between us and the position occupied by tbe enemy. I walked slowly forward, un hindered. until 1 attained the crest Tbe fog yet held the secrets of tha valley safely locked within Its brown hand, and I could penetrate none of Its mysteries. It was lIVCi gazing down from some headland Into a si lent unvexed sea. But direetly across from where I stood, apparently along the summit of another chain of low hills similar to those we occupied, I could perceive the flames of numerous camp-fires leaping up tnto sudden radiance, while against the brighten ing skv a great flag laxlly flapped Its folds to the freshening breeze. Evi dently our opponents were first aatlr. and the headquarters of some division . of the enemy must be across yonder/ As I gazed, other fires burst forth to left and right as far as the unaided eye could carry through the gloom, and I was thus enabled to trace dis tinctly those advanced lines opposing us. KxperUnce told me their poshion must be a strong one. and their foroa heavy. As I turned to mark our own forma tion, tbe roll of drums rang out while the quickening notes of the reveille sounded down the long llnaa of slumbering men. Life returned, as If hy magic, to thoaa motionless forms, uid almost in a moment all below me the ser7ice, «i the? stretched away commingled upon either hand.' We were evidently stationed close to the centre of our own position. The In tervening ground sloped so gently for ward, while the hill crest was so thickly crowned with trees. It looked an Ideal position from which to advance In line of ettack. Upon my right there appeared a break In the solidity 6f onr line, but even as i noted It. wondering at the oversight, the dense front of an Infantry column debouched from a ravine and, march ing steadily forward, filled the gap. ' I could distinctly mark the wearied manner In which the men composing It flung themselves prostrate on the hard ground the moment they were halted—doubtless all through the long' hours of the black night they had been tolling on to be In Urn*. Aides were galloping furiously now among the scattered commands. Tbe obscuring tog slowly rose from off tbe face of tbe valley, but all tbe central portion remained veiled from view. Suddenly, as 1 watched, tbe brown cloud beneath me was rent asunder here and there by little spits of fire, and It was curious to ob serve how those quick spiteful darts of flame swept the full length of my vista. 1 could distinguish no reports, —lt Was too far away,—but realized that the opposing pickets had caught sight of each other through the gloom. Then a big gun boomed almost direct- * —i — On Foot and Dying He Reached Our Front. ly opposite rae, Its flame seeming like a red-hot knife rending the mist This had barely vanished when a sudden cheer rang out upon my left, and I turned In time to behold a thin, scat tered line of gray-clad Infantrymen swarm down the steep slope Into the valley. With hats drawn low, and guns advanced, they plunged at a run Into the mist and disappeared. Our skirmishers had gone in; the ball had opened. I had tarried long enough; any moment now might bring "boots and saddles," and If I possessed the slight est desire for a breakfast to fight on, It behooved me to get back within our lines. The memory of that ani mated scene In front still fresh upon ma, bow quiet and commonplace ev srythlng appeared down there in the hills. "What has become of Bungay?" I questioned of Colgate, who was lying upon his back with eyes fastened on a floating cloud. "Do you mean the little mountaineer who came In wfth us laat night?" 1 nodded. "Oh, his mule bolted at the first shot over yonder, and the little fellows is after R. He'a down the field there somewhere." How time dragged! The battery to left of us went into action, and began f.ring rapidly; we could mark the black figures of the cannoneers at the rearer guns, outlined against the sky o-er the crest, as they moved quick ly back and forth. Twice they bore motionless bodies to the rear, and laid tbem down tenderly beyond the fierce zone of fire. Then the heavier pieces of artillery farther down the line burst into thunder, and we silently watcbsd a large force of Infantry more slowly paat us up the long alope until they halted in line of battle Just i behind Its summit, the advanced file# lying flat upon thsflr faces and peeK j I ln*orer Bat so orders cane for us. behind the drifting powder cloud. The ever-deepening roar of ceaseless con test had moved westward down the valley, when an aide wheeled his amoklag horse In front of the Colonel, spoke a dosen hasty words, pointed * Impetuously to tbe left, and dashed off down the line. Tbe men leaped to their feet In eager expectancy, and as the "Fall In, fall In there, lads," echoed Joyously from Hp to Hp, the kindling .eyes and rapid movements • oleed unmistakably the soldier spirit. We moved westward down the long, bare slop« In tbe sunshine, through a half-dozen deserted, desolate fields, and slong a narrow, rocky defile lead ing Into a deep revlne. A/t the mouth of the ravine we cams forth Into tbe broad valley, and halted. Just In front of us, scarcely a half-mile dis tant. were the fighting lines, partially enveloped Jn dense smoke, out from which broke pstches of blue or gray, as charge succeeded charge, or the wind swept sside the fog of battle. The firing was one continuous crash, while plunging bullets, overreaching their mark, began to chug into our own ranks, dealing death Impartially to horse and man. The captain of the 'troop next mine wheeled suddenly, a look of surprise upon his face, and fall backward into the arms of one of his men; with an Intense scream of Agony, almost human, the horse of my first sergeant reared and came over, crushing the rider before he could loosen foot from stirrup; the Lieuten ant-Colonel rode slowly past us to the rear, his face deathly white, one arm. gripping blood, dangling helpless st his side. This was ths hardest work of war, that silent agony which tried men in helpless bondage to unyielding discipline. I glanced anxiously along the front of my troop, but they re quired no word from me; with tightly set Hps, and pale, stern faces, they ueld their line steady as gi'anlte, clos ing up silently the rsgged gaps torn by plunging balls. "Captain," said Colgate, riding to where I sat my horse, "you will see that the paper 1 gave you reaches home safe If I fall to come out of this?" I reached over and gripped his hand Lard. "It will be the first thing I shall remember, Jack," I answered earnest ly. "But we may have It easy enough after all —It seems to be an Infantry affair." He shook his head gravely. "No," he said, pointing forward, "they will need us now." As he spoke it seemed as though the sharp firing upon both sides sud denly ceased by mutual consent. The terrible roar of small arms, which bad mingled with the continuous thunder ' of great guns, died away Into an in termittent rattling of musketry, and as the heavy smoke slowly drifted up ward In a great white cloud, we could plainly distinguish the advancing 1 Federal lines, three ranks deep, stretching to left and right In one vast. Impenetrable blue wall, sweep- 1 lng toward us upon a run. Where but ' a brief moment before the plain ap- 1 peared deserted, it was now fairly alive with soldiery, the sun gleaming 1 on fixed bayonets, and faces aglow I with the ardor of surprise. Some one 1 bad blundered i The thin, unsup- 1 ported line of gray infantry directly 1 In our front closed up their shattered ranks hastily in desperate effort to ( stay the rush. We could see then) Jam- I mlng their muskets for volley fire, &nd tben, with clash and clatter that * drowned all other sounds, a battery of 1 six .black Tons came flying madly past' 1 us, every horse on the run, lashed Into frenzy by his wild rider. With carriage and caisson leaping at overy Jump, the half-naked, amoks-begrimed cannoneers clinging to thair seats like monkeys, tbey dashed recklessly for- i ward, swung about Into position, and I almost before t£e muzzles had been well pointed, were burling canister t Into that bins, victorious advance. 1 Hew those gallant fsllows worked! « their cms Mag l»to air at ess* discharge, their movements clock work! Tense, oagei, expectant, every hand among us hart gripped on kabre hilt, we waited that word grhich sure- ly could not be delayed, while from ' 'end to end, down the full length of eur straining line, rang out the yell of exultant pride. "Steady, men; steady there, lads!" called the old Colonel, sternly, his own eyes filled with tears. "Our turn will come." Torn, rent, shattered, bleeding, treading upon the dead and mangled In rows, those Iron men In blue came on. They were as demons laughing at death. No rain of lead, no hall of canister, no certainty of destruction could check now the fierce impetus of that forward rush. Ood knows It was magnificent; the supreme effort of men Intoxicated with the enthusi asm of war! Even where we were we could see and feel the giant power In those grim ranks of steel—the tat tered flags, the stern, set faces, the deep-toned chorus of "Glory, glory, hallelujah," that echoed to their tread. Those men meant to win or die, and they rolled on as Cromwell's iron cldes at Marston Moor. Twice they staggered, when the ( mad volleys ploughed ragged red lanes through them, but. only to rally and press sternly on. They struck that crouch ing gray line of Infantry, fairly buried It with their dense blue folds, and, with one fierce hurrah of triumph, closed down upon the guns. Even as they blotted them from sight, an aide, hatleas and bleeding,* his horse wounded and staggering from weak ness, tore down towsrd us >along the crest. A, hundred feet away his mount fell headlong, but on foot and dying he reached our front "Colonel Carter," he panted, press ing one hand upon his breast to keep back the Veiling blood, "charge, and hold that battery i.ntll we can bring Infantry to your support" No man among us doubted the full meaning of It —we were to save the army I The very horses seemed to feel a sense of relief, hands clinched, more tightly on taut reins to hold them In check; under the old battered hats the eyes of the troopers gleamed hungrily. "Virginians!" and the old Colonel's voice rang like a clarion down tbe breathless line, "there Is where you die! Follow me!" Slowly, like some mighty mountain torrent gaining force, we rode forth J a walk, each trooper lined to pre cision of review, yet Instinctively tak ing distance for sword play. Halfway down the slight slope our line broke Into a sasr,> trot, then, as the thrilling cotes of tbe charge sounded above us, we swept forward In wild, impetuous tumult. Who can tell tho story of those seconds that BO swiftly followed? Surely not one who saw but the vivid flash of steel, the agonized faces, the flame of belching fire. 1 recall the frenzied leap of ray horse as we struck the line ere It could form Into square; the blows dealt savagely to right and left; the blaze of a volley scorching our faces; the look of the big Infantryman I rode down; the sudden 'thrust that saved me from a levelled gun; the quick swerving of our horses as they came In contact with the cannon; the shouts of rage; the blows; the screams of pain; the white face of Colgate aa be reeled an; fell. These are all In my mem ory, blurred, commingled, Indistinct, yet distressful as any nightmare. In some way, how I know not, I realized that we had burled them back, shat tered them by our first fierce blow; that the guns were once again ours; that fifty dismounted troopers were tugging desperately at their wheels. Then that dense blue mass surged forward once again, engulfed us In Its deadly folds, and with steel and Lullet, sword and clubbed musket, ploughed through our broken ranks, rending us In twain, fairly smothering Uu by sheer force of numbers. I saw t-e old Colonel plunge head-down Into ruck beneath the horses' feet; tho Major riding stone dead In his saddle, a ghastly red stain In the centre of his forehead; then Hunter, of E, went down screaming, and I knew I was the senior captain left. About me scarce a hundred men bat tled like demons for their lives In the I midst of the guns. Even a3 I glanced a.'.lde at them, shielding my head with uplifted sabre from the blows rained upon me, the color-sergeant fluni, up his hand, and grasped his saddle pom mel to keep from falling Out of his opening fingers I snatched the splin tered staff, lifted it high up, until tho rent folds of the old flag caught the dull glow of tbe sunlight. " —th Virginia!" I shouted. "Rally oa the colors!" I could see them coming—all that was left of them—flphtlng their way through the press, cleaving tbe mass with their blows as tbe prow of a ship cut the sea. With one vicious jab of the spur I led them, a thin wedge of tempered gray steel, batter ing, gouging, rending a passage Into that solid blue walL Inch by lncb, foot by foot, yard by yard, slashing madly with our broken sabres, battling as men crazed with lust of blood, our very horses fighting for us with teeth and hoofs, we ploughed a lane of death through a dozen files. Then the vast mass closed In upon us, roiled completely over us. There was a flash, a vision of frenzied faces, and I knew no more. (TO BE CONTINUED.) An Inspiration. "Professor McMuddle Is very In genious In twisting things around to lllitetrate bis theories. Is be not?" "Yes, I believe be proposes to tske the fact of ths champagne troubles in France nearly overturning the gov ernment, to Illustrate ths ourss ol drink." SUFFERED FIFTEEN YEARS. A CM* of Chronic Kidney Trouble siM How It Was Permanently Cured. P. P. Semmel, Sr., 236 N. «th Bt., h»- high ton, Pa., aajc "For over It years I Buffered from kidney trouble. Mr kidneys were weak; the accretions contained sediment f J1 and paaaed with * smarting sensation. '3 Sharp paina shot wPJL/f through my body and bent me almoat doo- I became so had could not drive to my work. After doctoring without b«neflt, I began taking Dona's Kidney Pills and soon received relief. • Continued use cured ma. I believe Doan'a Kidney Pills saved my life." "When Your Back Is Lame, Remem* ber the Name-DOAN'S. 60c. all stores. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. T. WHAT HE WAS DOINQ. ' "Did you fall, my aon?" "Naw! 'Course I didn't! I'm Jest takin' a mud bath by me doctor'a or ders!" lAWYER CURED OF ECZEMA "While attending school at Lebanon, Ohio, in 1882, I became afflicted with boils, which lasted for about two years, when the affliction assumed the form of an eczema on my face, the lower part of my face being Inflamed most of the time. There would be water-blisters rise up and open, and wherever the water would touch It would burn, and cause another one to rise. After the blister would open, the place would scab over, and would > burn and itch ao as to be almost un bearable at times. In this way the sores would spread from one place to another, back and forth over the whole of my upper lip and chin, and at times the whole lower part of my face would be a solid sore. This con dition continued for four or five years, without getting any better, and in fact got worse all the time, so much so that my wife became alarmed lest it prove fatal. "During all this time of boils and eczema, I doctored with the best phy sicians of this part of the country, but to no avail. Finally I decided to Iry Cutlcura Remedies, which I did, tak ing the Cutlcura Resolvent, applying the Cutlcura Ointment to the sores, and using the Cutlcura Soap for wash ing. In a very short time I began to notice Improvement, and continued to use the Cutlcura Remedies until I was well again, and have not had a re currence of the trouble since, which Is over twenty years. I have recom mended Cutlcura Remedies to others ever since, and have great faith fa them as remedies for skin diseases." (Signed) A. C. Brandon, Attorney-ate Law, Greenville, 0., Jan. 17, 1911. Although Cutlcura Soap and Ointr ment are sold everywhere, a sample of each, with 32-page book, will be mailed free on application to "Cutl cura," Dept. L, Boston. Hadn't Brought It. Teacher (disgustedly)—My boy, my boy; where is your Intuition? Boy—l ain't got any. I'm only here a few days, and I didn't know what I had to git.—Judge. ROUGH ON RATS, for Noxious Animals, lSe ROUQH ON ROACHES, PowderISc; Liquid 15c. ROOOH ON MOTHS, Powder 25c, by exp'ss 40c. ROUGH ON ANTS, Powder, 25C. ROOOH ON BEDBUGS, Liquid, 25c. ROUGH ON FI.KAS, Powder,SoaporLiq'd 25c. ROUGH ON HKN LICE, Dust Powder, 15c. ROUGH ON LIMBERNECK, 50C. Express, 75c. ROUGH ON SKKETKRS, SPIDERS, etc., 25c. ROUGH OH HEN LICK, Spray Liquid, 25c. ROUGH ON CORNS, Liquid, 25c., Halve, 15c. ROUOH ON BuNloNS,Liquid2sc; Powder, JSC. At druggists and ooontrr stores E. S. WELLS, Chemist, Jersey City, N. J. The Proportion. Knicker—Did he speak at a dinner? Bocker —No; ho ate at a talk. For COLDS and CHIP Hloks' CAPUDIXB In the beat remedy— r» lleves the aching and feverish lies*—cures the Cold and vestures normal conditions. It'a liquid—effects Immediately. 10c., 26c., and6oa. St drug stores. Wealth may not bring a man hap piness, but It surrounds him with s multitude of would-be friends. Dr. Pierce's Pellets, small, sugar-coated, easy to take as candy, regulate and iDviff-' orate stomach, liver and bowels and cure constipation. Too often the man with the hoe gets the worst of an encounter with ths man with the gold brick. Kro. Wtnslow's Soothing Bjrrnp for Chlldroa testbing, softens the ffiitni, reduces Uon. allays palm, cures wind 00110. Mo • tiuHla Some of us are born foolish and never outgrow it. OKIT OKI "BBOMOQPIMM." Many people suffer intensely on* tmsglnary Injuries ..... J

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