VOL. XIII, NO. 20 J Hugh B. York, M. D. Microscopy, Electrotherapy, X-Ray Diagnosis. Specialties Office over Farmer# & Merchants Bank Office hours, 8 to 10 a. ta„ 7 to 9 p. in. Office 'phone 60 - Nij{ht 'phone 63 WOl. li. Warren y J. S. Rhode* Drs. Warren & Rhodes Physicians and Surgeons Office in Bigg* Drug Store - Phone 29 Jos. H. Saunders, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Day 'Phone 53 - Night 'Phone 40 Williamston, N. C. Dr. R. L. Savage of Rockv Mount, will be at the At lantic Hot*! fonrth Wednesday in each month to treat diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose aud Throat and Fit Glasses. A. R. Dunning - J. C. Stuitb Dunning & Smith Attorney s-at-Law Williamston - Noith Carolina Robersonville, North Carolina v Burrou9 A. Critcher - Wheeler Martin Wheeler Mat tin, Jr. Martin & Critcher Attorneys-at-Law WilliamstoS —- North Carolina 'PHONK 23 S. J. Everett Attorney-at-Law Greenville, S. C. - Williamston, N. C. Greenville Long Distance Phone 32S S. A. NEWELL Attornes at Law Williamston - North Carolina Society Pressing . . Glub . . O. C. Price, Manager Phone No. 58 Up-lu-Date Cleaing, Pressing, Dyeing and Tailoring * Very eareiul attention ® given t> Ladies' Kid H I Gloves, Fancy Waists 1 Coat Suits and Skirts A Club Rates for Men. A Clothes called for and S delivered Rose & MerchanfcvJVdors, Chi- I cago, 111 . ** * '"** ~~ C j The "Chifci's Welfare" move ment has challenged the attention of thoughtful people everywhere. Mothers . are natural supporters, and will find in Foley's Houey and Tar .Compound a most valuable aid. Coughs ar.d x colds that unchecked led to croup, bronchitis* *nd pneumonia yield quickly to the healing and soolhinU qualities of Fcley's Honey and Tar Cora pound. Saunders & Fowden. \ ~ —'WT' -v THE ENTERPRISE i ' • ■ ! • •-» , In Honor of Miss Nicholson Reported Maurice Dnnstan Walts w&s host to a pleasant party of friends on Washington's birthday at the residence of Mr. anil Mr*. Albeit S. Coffield and entertained inhdnor of their house- guest. Miss Winifred Nicholson, of Washington, who is one of the most popular young women who visit Williamston. The Interior decorations betokened the spirit of the day, the color scheme being red 1 , whitKaid bine Tne guests were received at the door by Miss Lettie Critcher acd Prof. A. M. Jordßn. Miss Susie Purvis and Roger Ctitcher ushered them into the cloak rooms. After returning souvenirs were finned oti the guests by little Misses Mary- Gladys Watts and Lidie Cook, who ushered them to the guest room, where they were presented to the host and guest of honor, Miss Nicholson, and served with puueh. Passing thence to the- adjoining room, they were served with hot chocolate and wafers by Misses Fannie Biggs Martin, Fannie Murt Manning and Sallie Hadley. When the guests had arrived, a vote for the most popular couple was taken aud Miss Nicholson and Clay ton Moore received the highest number of votes. Later rcfresh freshments were served. The menu cousisted of ham and pepper sandwiches, sliced tongue, l'rtncli potatoes, pickles, cracker?, beaten biscuits, salted peanuts, stuffed dates, cream and cake. The cream was moulded in chocolate hatchets with a bust of Washington in white adorning them. At 11 o'clock the guests repaired to the dance hall ou Main street where to thepleastng sttains of A! exander's Orchestra, they enjoyed the dances of the Colonial period uutil 12:30. Those invited were: Miss Wini- Nicholson, of Washington; Misses Sallie l)uuu,Lettie Ciilcber, Susie and Anna Beth Purvis, Ollie Meadows, Martha and Hattie Lou Ward, Allie Hadley, Katie Blount, Neta May Baker, Fannie Murt Mnuning, Sallie Hadley, Fannie B. Martin, Mary Gladys Watts, Lidie Cook; Mesdames A. S Coffield, J. S. Cook, Wheeler Martin, John I) BiggsjiMess. Wheeler Martin,Clay ton and Maurice Moore, Burrotis, Roger and Duke Critcher, S. R. and J. W. Biggs, J. B. Hopkins, W. H. Gurkin, L. C. Bennett, F. M. Shute, Harry A. Biggs, Leslie Fowden, Bruce Whitley, Julius Peel, C. A. Baker, A. S. Coffield, John D. Biggs, Hugh B. York and A. M'. Jordan. C. A. Glossner, 24 Ontario St., Rochester, N. Y., his rccoverd from a long and sever attact of kibney trouble, hss enre being due to Foley Kidney I'ills. After detailing bis case, he says. "I am only iiorrjr I did not ltarn sooner of Foley Kidney Pills. In a few day's tim my backache completely left me and I felt greatly improved. My kidneys became stronger, dizzy spells left uie nnd I was 110 logner annoyed at night. I IcJ 100 per cent better sine* tiring Foley Kidney Pills." Saunders £4 FowdeD. Embroidery Club The Embroidery Club bold a most delightful meeting with Miss Anna Crawford on Friday after noon last, ct her home on the cor ner of Church and Smithwick streets. There were only a few of the members present as it is in the season of Lent. But those preseut had a very pleasant hour, having as guest of honor, Mrs C. D. Carstdrphen. The hostess gave as souviuers very danty needle books and served delicious refresh ments. The next meeting will be held with Mrs. A. R. Dunning | March Bth. WILLIAMSTON, N. C.. FRIDAY, MARCH 1. 191 a Birthday Party Master Bryant Bennett, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Carstar phen, celebrated his fifth birthday Monday afternoon at his Uvnne on Smith wick street. A large nwmlter of his youag friends were invited and went, each carrying tome gift for the young host. From 3 to 5:30 o'clock, the i!tt!c Folks assist ed by a few older ones, rorored and played game*, sang to piano ac companiment and had a jolly good time. Maste: Lon Hatsell. who is gifted with a voice of icmarkablc power for one of his tender > ears, delighted the with his ren dition "The Hobble Skirt." A chorus of girls from the primary department of the Graded School delighted every one w ilh ihcir songs and received frequent entores. Fruits, cream and cakes wore ser ved in the dining TOOUI, the table being beautiful with candelabrar. holding live candles, r.ll aglow with light and the birthday Cf.ke artisti cally ornamented and upon which burned five caudles. , AVOID HARSH DRUGS Many Cathartics Tend to Cause: 1 Injury to the Bowels j f you are subject to coustipation, you should avoid strong drugs and cathartics. They only give tem porary lelief and their reaction is frarmful and sometiems more annoy ing than-constipati n. They in no way effect a cure and their tendency is to weaken the already weak organs with which they come in contact. We honestly believe; the we have the best constipation treatment ever levised. Our faith in it so strong that we bell yt ua the poaitive guarantee that it shall not ccst the user a cent if it does not give entire satisfaction an J completely letficdy constipetiou. This preparation is called liexall Orderlies. The«: are prouipt, soothing, and most effective in action. They are made of a recent chemical discovery. Their principal ingredient is odor less, tasteltsp, and colorless. Com bined with other well-kuovvn ingredients long established for their usefulness in the treatment os constipation, it forms a tablet which is eaten just like candy. They may be taken at anv lime, either day or night, without feu of their causing any inconvenience whatever. They do not gripe, purge, nor case nnnsea. They act with causing auy pain or excessive looseness of the bowels. They are ideal for children, weak, delicate persons, and aged people, as wv!! as for the mo*t hearty person. They pome in three sizes packegas. 12 tablets, 10 cents; 36 tiblets, 25 cents; 80 tablets, .50 cents. R«em tnber, you can obtain themouiy at our store —The Re/.tll Store. The 3. R. Biggs Drug Co. Two Things. The Henderson Gold Leaf tells us what will bring happiness and prosperity. Will We do what the Gold Leaf says: "There arc two things that tend very mucL toward bringing happi ness and prosperity to a community. The first of these is good roads, and the second is to get rid of all the I criminal element in itt citizenship. So if acommuuity will put its crimi nal aud Jaw breaking element to building good roads, it vu!! soon find itself 011 the rqad to happir.e: 5 and prosperity."—Commonwealth. ft., G. ColHrs, J Pr}rrMsa? c "*'*r J Baruegat. N. J., was troubled with a severe la grippe cou;zh. He t>nys: "I would be completely ex aus ted after each fit of violent coughing. 1-bought a bottle of Foley's Honey Tar Compound and before f had taken it all the coughing Spells ha.: had entiily ceased. It can't be beat." Ssunders & Fowden. $ A GREAT DISCOVERY 1 » Certain Ingredients That Really Promote Hair Growth when Properly Combined Reaorcin is one of the most effective prem destroyers ever discovered by science? aud in connection with Beta Napthol, which is both gcrpiicidal and ( autisrytic, a combination is formed which destroys germs which robj the lair of its natural nourishment, ] aud also creates a clean, healthy i condition of the sculp, which prevnts th: development of ntw germs. Pilccarpin, although not a color ing matter or d«e is a well-known ingredient for restoring the hair to its natural color, when the loss of hair has been caused by a disease cf the scalp. These ingredients in proper combination, with alcohol added as a stimulant and for its well-defined [nourishing properties, perfect per jhaps the most effective remedy that is known for scalp and hair troubles. ' We have a remedy which is 1 chiefly composed of these | ingredients, in combination with other extremely invaluable nsedi jciual agents.. We guarantee it to [positively cure dandruff and to I grow htir, even though the scalp in spots is bare of hair. If there Is any vitality left in the roots, it j will positively cure baldness, or we will refund your money. It the scalp has a glazed, shinv appear ance, it's an indication thatVhald- I ness is permanent, but in other I instances we believe baldness is ! curable. We want every one troubled with scalp disease 01 lose oFhiTr to try Rexall "93" Hiiir Tonic If it ; does not cureUandrulT and grow | hair to the satisfaction of the user, we will wiliout question or quibble feturu every cent paid us for It. We print this icurantee on every bottle. It li.is effected n positive cure in 93 per cent of cases where put to a practical test. Rexall "93" Hair Touic is ( entirely unlike, and we think, in I every partcular, better than any- j thin# else we know of for the pur- { pose fur which it is prescribed We , urge you to try tills preparation at! our entire risk. Certainly we know! of ns better gurautee to give you. | Remember, you cun obtain Rex ill j Remedies in Rochester only at ourj store—The Rexall Store. The S. j R. Biggs Drug Co. - ■ ■ j How Cold Causes Kidney Disease Partly by driving blood from the j surface arid congesting the kidr.py.s, and partly by throwing too much work upon them. Foley Kidney Pills strengthen the kidneys, give tone to the urinary organs and restore the normal action of the bladder. They are tonic in action, quick in results Try tbciu.l Saunders & Fowden. Colored Teachers' Meeting 4 - ■ * - " j Th# regu'Qr nit;*"tin?; of the Col-' ored Teachers Association of Mar-1 tin County will be held in the col- j ored Graded .School Saturday,! March gth, beginning at ujoji. in. j Th» meeting promises to be a very j helpful one, and every teacher is j ured to attend. W. C. Chance, President. Backicr.e Afmcsi Unbearable Is and almost certain result of kidney trouble. I). ToouiSy. 803 K. Olive St., Bloomington, 111., wayg: "I sqtfeitd with backache and pains in rnv kidneys which were almost unbearable. * I gave ffyey Kidney Pills a good trile, and they done wonders for mo. Today I can do a hard day's woik and not feel the effects." Saunders & Fowden. . . Ballard-Brown j ' (Reported) i Last Sunday, the Smithwick , Creek Cburch was filled to its great est capacity and at 11 o'clock a wedding party adyanced up the aisle in the following order: Ben jamin Manning with Miss Millie Roebuck, Raleigh Manning with Miss Delia Roebuck, Claude Roe- I buck with Miss Florence Manning, jOctavius Manning with Miss Allie | Roebuck, Paul Ballard with,. Miss Hula Manning. These couples took positions in front of the pul j pit and awaited the coming of the bride -and groom, Mr. William B. | Ballard and Mr-. Hattie Manoiug] J Brown. Elder Ashley Mizell, in his usual pleasant style, rend the ! English ceremony unci pronounced them man and wife. After receiv ing the congratnytions of their friends, the wedded pair remained until the close of the church ser : vice aud then departed for their ! home in Poplar Point Township. The Rroom is the son of J. R. , J Ballard and his bride is the acconi 'jpliahed daughter of William K. : Manning. Gritlius Township loses '!ondof its nio-'.t popular women dud ' 1 and Poplar Point has gained there 'i by. > ] *—»**— »j Simmons Like Martin j "When Bailey found that be had | no chance to secure the leadership {of the minority of the Senate he (set Martin up cud bv a fluke Mar tin got it. As soon as his victory was announced —and lit* did not j get it without a straggle—the first 1 and cnlv contest of the kind, per 1' Imps, in the history of the party - ;ihe Republicans were siezed with a ; delirium of joy. They congrathlnt led lheihsi:!vei. The stand pat Re ! publicnn press of this town were in nu ecstasy and the true Dem ocrat* in distress. In short we [want Democrats to lead Democrats. ; We wane leaders on the Democratic side of the Senate who will carry ;dismay, and not comfort, to the other wide. That is what we want [and that is what We are going to i have. j "Then there is Simmons, of ; North Carolina. He is a Detno jcrac of the Mari in brand though la little bolder. He makes no con- Iceabnentof his position ou the ! tariff. Hailing froui a cotton State jhe will vole for any duty on lutu- I bcr that the most insatiate stand -1 patter can propose. 1: is notorious {that I.orimer owes his seat in the ! Senate to the activity of the bum -1 her Trust in bis behalf, whether 'corruptly or r not. Simmons not only voted to vindicate the Chicago boss, but he made a labored argu ment in bis support. Martin was moro "discreet," eise he had never been "leader." Aldrich, Penrose, Smoot and Co would be delighted with a Democratic side made up of jSiminonses aufi Martins." —Sel. Repals Attack 0! Death. "Five years ago two doctors told ;me 1 had only two years to live." ; This st3rth"np v tnt' j iuem was made i by Still man Green, Malachite, Col. j 1 They told me 1 would die with j comumption. It was up to me 1 then to try the best luny medicine land I began-to use Dr. King's New j Discovery. It .was well J did, f»r today I am working and believe I {owe my life to this great throat land lung ette that has cheated tire ~r-!v- of•' another victim." Its folly to sillier with coughs, colds or other throat and' lung trouble* now. Take the cure that's safest. Price 50 cents and SI.OO, Trile r T>ottle Lee at Saunders &L Fowden. Making Wood cf "Urn* Science, with rtn eye to tho mnnu -1 facturo 0!' artificial wcod from a 1 :\ur, is now expsrimetstiiif; !n London. At the outsot it \r> rropcßed to utilize tho process for the manufacture of matches, and It la clnimed tho cost ijlll be leasened. si.oo a Year in Advance ROBERSORVILLE NEWS HEMS Local Happening and People who arc Coining and Going, Here, There and Yonder as Gathered by our Regular Corres pondent. Miss Lizzie Mooring v|«*m *he week-cud at Stokes. N. M. Worsley, of 0 »kC?t nay been here this week. Mrs A. R. Dunning of Vrliium* ston is visiting her sister W r *. Misses A Hie G. Little a-i i joi.isie Jones, of Bethel, w ere here ! rinav. Mr. and Mrs. L. R of Whicliants. -.pent Sunday btje. Rev. Morris Bertrea held at the Methodist Chnrrh Ajonday nijZJUt. «/' Messrs. Will Everett \*»d Wilt Salslituy left Tuesday lor Okla homa. Mrs. J. B. Quartern:tt« spell ing somi- time with her tin si: bur at Raleigh. Miss Maud Holliday, c.! Jatli'-.s vilfcr, stopped here en rotiv ftorn. Baltimore. f Mr. aud Mr.-). Justns T\\ iu v of Palmyra, spent the week tif re with friends. Mrs. ft. L. Smith and rv.ildreo spent tbe week-end with be: sisrter at Williainston. Mrs. G. M. Roberson and chil dren spent the week end A»ih rela tives at WiUiamstoo. The many friends of Mrs 3. W. Outterbiidge regret very > ■. ,n to learn of her recent il'.nts.v Miss Vara Tiipp, ot 11 >.; load, spent several days here «.- !■ her cousin Miss lycua Parker. N A. K, Smith and sou, ed by Dr. J. li. Ward anj j. C. Smith, went to Ralegh M tmi'.ny on the former's automobile. • A very pretty maraiige wug sol emuized at the home oi the brhie near Oak City, when Mis* Ora Taj lur and Mr. Silas Hrfuv. w-re given the sacred vows bv ktv. C. L. Howard, of Kin-.ton, Meudrl shoru's wedding march bt-iEj? bc-rt tifullv rendered by Mis'* ljr:>.. V.ir ker. The bride is the on; ter of Mr. Henry Tav!or, ted the groom is the son or M: lierrjr House and has a position > 'h W, A. R jber .on & Co. Thtv •;,'•!! re side on Church Street. Ninbteca Miles a S'ecsw Without a jar, shock >r disturb ance, is tbe awful sprreu o'. c> :r ewrth. through space. Wt wonder at such case nf nature's rn >exaent, and so do those who take Dc. King's New Life Pills. Nc >;rip irj qr f ho distress, jujj lough work that brings good hean ii and tine feelings. 25c Sauce. 1 -.* s* & Fowden. Two New Enterprise The S.crertary of s'aw has lasted papers cl inroi|X. .• .liu to two companies in Martin County within the past week. Ttiv Rober sonville-Tar-River Hosiery Mjlls.pf Robersonville, with authorized eapi ta 1 of £125,000 and si6'6oo paid in by J. H. Roberson and fiftcer. other stockholders' has been re-organized and will b?gin operations. This industry is ihe first of tb ki ;d ia \I-ir ni Co' nty «?:a v.i!_l ;u»ca* much to Robeisonville. The W.lliamstod Electi'ic. Com pany nas bc-u organized by C. Manning, J. W. Manning ontl -W. C M inning, J r Tnls company will do electric lighting and deal in fuel and icc- The authorized capital is $25,000 and ;.,000 has been paid in. W. C. Manning is aho owner and managtv of the : 'telephone Company and the ac- I quisition of the light plant will "greatly enlarge his services to the ; public.

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