I THE ENTERPRISE POBLtanKD KVFaV FRIDAY K. C. UTfbLIAM C. MANNING. EniTOB jtIitSCKIPTION KATES O.it v. »r • \ - - - SI.OO fUx \ - .50 Xfcrtw tlMllhS • - - • 7 5 atricriy Cash In Advance ~ Advertising Kates Application tu>e«.-1 I'tb' Prm' Oflirr at WlllUmMoil, )• W, C. " S» -jond C'ULM MHU Malti r Friday, March 1, tQi2 If V M'ii should yet prohibition some f ksi:: Ntnh Catolinaivould get ao ' dry ' lint a good summer breezeccui i carry them off iu a jiffy. There S '*o doubt-*ltft tiie Dtjn ocrat caii iviil h» ve Tedrly tfce inriprf'-ih'e tor an opponent. Taft seem 'nnaole to curiy lui end of 'he log The liqoi r men tlie country are ire 1 bcc.iuse 61 the movement to ;,vi' women the bal lot. They I vavw- for alarm tor with the f• dh.t in the huuls of the good wo» k »* of the coun.ry, there will he u >,ei.eral cleaning up of things. W. rjv-n «nd cbiidren have suffered more train u debauch ed manhood than from anything eise In the world, and together they could protect the husbands and fathers who ar not manly enough to protect themselves. Tnis is will known to thec'ibtillers iu the U 'itt d ;>t/tcti and hems- ilie cry of alum. Just a Difference The storv of Oroide \Vashi:n;t >n aod his father's cherry tree is fa miliar to every school boy iu the luiid. He owned the ileed, because h*' Ji'ouM not tell a lie even to es cape punishment. He also >l* vlfiK-J th»t he would not li'Md t!ie • lV.cc of President three tein:- at.d ad: orfed strictly to his word. Roosevelt said that he would un-. der no circumstances be a candidate for n third term. Perhaps lie lr.d a vision of the i:nmort:.l Washing ton then. Since then l.e has lost sight of the vision and I cdju-t like Ananias did in the K-u t.-ne when people received tu»u» iluect punjjlunetit tiian in thes. tin. •. Washington is as much iiivi- to- | day iti the bcirts of country- | men is when he was laid to res: in thr>t hTerra toward which all Atneri-, cans turn their steps of d. votloti. He is loved for his goodnc.-s- a d j of truth. The wiry CoUim l j IloostvoU w!'l be i - emcmb;r.ri liLi lies and fickleuess. Boys' Corn Clubs > Tim TlrfraKrßi.SK is always clad to Ht-e every goad thing move for ward, and titanas readv to !; :'p. It has urged the formation of Beys' Coru Clubs throughout the county, because the young and corn-grower will become the pros perous and intelligent farmer cf the future. In order to promote this forward movement among the boys cf the county, we will oiler the fol lowing prizes lor 19 12: Pirst.-—Three years' subscription to Tim ENTERPRISE to the boy that makes the best mark as a c rn- j grower in each township of Martin | Oouuty. Second.—Two years' subscrip-l Uon for the second best yield. Third,—One years' subscription lor the third best yield. This corn muat be planted, fer tllired and harvested under the rules of the N. C. Buys' CornClu. «s prescribed by the State Depart ment of Agriculture. These rule may be had from the Department or from Prof. R. J. Peel, Supt. of Sducatioa of Martin County. Prof Peel will be tho judge nnd prizes will be awarded at once upon lus decision. There are ten town ships in the comnty and this means thirty hoys in the county can get *et sixty yean subscription free, lad at the same time gain ksow |edge which will be of grert value to them In future yean. DODSON LIVER TONE BEATS CALOMEL No Need Now to Risk Your Health Taking Dangerous Drugs New Remedy is Guar anteed Next time your liver Rets slug gish and you feel dull and head achy *0 t > Saunders Sc. Fowden drug store and get a bottle of the successful medicine, Dodson's Liver Tone. It will start >our liver, gently but firmly, and cure an attack of constipation or bilinu .ness without any restriction of habit or diet. Dodson's Liver Tone is a pl-as-1 ant tasting vegetable liquid, for both children or gr>wn people. Its use is not followed by any of the bad after effects which »;>:r,e tirae follow taking calomel. ~ Slunders it Fowden drug store] will give von vour monev back it | you do not find a perfect stibsfitute j for calomel. A CLASSIC NOTE. « "Archimedes," read tho pupil, "lean ' od from bit bath, shouting: 'Kureka' | Eureka!'" '"One moment, Jame«," th« teaobor eajH. "What iu the meanini of 'Ku i reltft?'" " 'Eureka' means 1 bare found It."" ; "\>i> "til Wbnt l.au AcMmedes 1 found?" Jiuncfl hesitates n nic»ment, then ventured hopefully: "The soap, mum."—Christina IntoM- C*Jncer. Gloiicus Nevs coinei from Dr. J. T Curtiss, IKvight, lvau. He writes. "I noli only have cured ond ca>e of eczemu J in my patients with Klectrie Kilters, but also cured myself by tliem of | the si me disease. I feel sure they ' will benefit an v case of eczema.") This shows what thousandr have; proved, that Klectii - Kr'ttrs is a| Imost effective bl*>?■! puritier. lis] jau excellent remedy for eczema, tiitter, salt rheum ulc-jrH. boils and running sores. It stiintilawe liver, kid.ivs Hi id b-j-vttv expels persons, iiylps digestion. builds up the 1 st r- n\j\ h. I'ri.v 50 ; Satisfaction j guaranteed bv Sauudvrs X: Fowden. j The Sweirt Thinfl. Clara—He suyti he thinks I :ira tin | Direst girl In town. Shall ! ask lilra I to nail? Snrtih —No, dour; let hlro | k*ep cm thinking BO.~ Town Topics. 1 To Motors—And Others. You car. Kncklt.u's Arnica Slave to cut" t oiliiren >.t c/enia, r.o-Ues tetter, chafings, -jc.ilv and ,;tns:«,l humors, as v. oil as their tccidi-.ital iujuries.—cuts, burns, | ;to , with perfect safety" Nothir.ji else heal-> so ipiukh, I*vjr boils, tticei:' old, i rnntnc or twer -ores j ■), piles it ti .' i'(i ijua'.. :5 cts .it S tutivlTi's «N; l*'o vdvn. Notice I HAVING «jti.iiiJ:'.-l .IN leii'.tntr.Un- ■ :•*»« I I the Iwtaw «•.* Vhuinv Coiinr*.! lecri.i-eii; Nr»ti«'s? is hvti-iiy '.ivh'i K- ,!! |M-r«on> UnM;n)i cliilnis mist - ii 1 '• v.*le to wrfs- nt tliem t'» the •ir.i'.ctfii.t.oi 1 . loi j »j --inent ut Dnlc N C. , «• r\ or ilie 71 li day »>t I'VhrViftrv III ;, r* IhU i;o tict; will bv ;»!eml in •hci'' wnv. y, j All perwj'ia iinlehted t.» *.;i.lcstute n:e j rccjnesteit t'i rauke inuucliuti; piy::u-ut.;; Thi ! 7111 1 iv o' I't-b'v J-9 . T. 11. COUNCIL, MM 1 A CoiiJ, LsKripos. Than PAeansaH j Is too often t'-.e tat.il sequence, .m i c lUp.hs that luiujt or. weaken I I the systviu and lower the vital j resistance Foley's Honey and Tar Compound is a reliable medic- 1 m« that stops the rough promptly bv heali'ig the c«ui:e; soothes li e inflamed air passages, r.utl checks ihe cold. Keep always on hand, [kvfns substitutes. Srtutiders & ! Fowden. _ . . . j Foley -Kidney Pills I TONIC IN ACTION - QUICK IN KIWITI | Give prompt relief ftvni BACKACHE, I KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLE, RHEUMATISM, of tfio KIDNEYS, * INFLAMMATION ol the nLADDER and all annoyin; URINARY (tiREQULARITIES. A jutitive boon to MIDDLE AGED and ELDERLY PEOPLE and for WOMEN. IIAVK HIGHCST RCCONMbhuATIOH B- A. Dnrli, (Bl Wa.ibln/rtot> St., nrfllai Cod,, it in his STitli yot.r. 110 wrlUn ut: "I Uto IfiUilj HOflerwl mneh fi o«o my I i4t>e » and bind. ser I had Wfcw backarii««»ud cuy t\c:»«f •( tio» rts 100 tnqMjii, eMainiv ran to lnnft tnoob IIMB 'Ol ' ; Mwl 'i ww iirawwwwwwwwMwaMM—w t: Biranm «■Min i—«———aaai I Parker Brothers, II Bachelors Cayjrftli:. WI, by AWKIUIKI Llwrar» Haw.) Jannu Parker pushed bi-k his chuir fVoia the table, and looked about the room' critically. "Oome to ibiiik o It." he observed siofl'ly, "thin Xß don't look aj thej^dld when mother wan here." "Look pretty v;eli considering how busy we are outalde nil day," an swered hia younger brother Wllliaiu. "Tbal's juo". tho point. Will! We're use.l U> It. and so Vfc doa't notice wiiat a ru? we're geltli'B into. What »-e netKj i« a womun in the bouse — I've fc tit for a long time Aud It ap pears to nie »ha., seeing you are the younger and the handaom« r It's your duty to get married. Mver think nbotK It?" "Never," answered William. "Well. 1 tniian what I say. I*ll give you tlx *ft!Onthu to tind a wife, aad If you do not., I'm blamed if I dont get married tuyuelf!" "C.o ahead," said Willinm. "There aro plenty of nice giria to choose frorti," continued- .Inaon. 'There i« Mary Ituslicell, neat, pret ty, and sm;frt as a steel trap I guest thini;* would slum* wjth bor here!" "When I do get married," William interi'c.htiV curtly, "I shall chooie my oun i?ir!!" "Oh, to b! sure; I just ntentloned ber cs an example! You'd better think ov*r what. I suy." To his auuojii, it-, Willium found thnt ho d!d think! But not of the capable Ms r y IhjsUnel) "I can see what would happen to ua IT Mary wrs to come kere." be said tn Mnisi'.'f art he hoed iot in tbo lower lot that afternoon "She K»ve me ber opinion the olbor evaing. She believes in modern things aad means to i.uTe I bora! I gueai Jason will have to do the marrying If any Is dotio!" "Hut." vl tspered n persistent voice. "Mnry 1Iu3l«cioll the only girl who would metre nootl farmer'* wile Ho you tneau to r.av you intond yM) jll •■ SV- \3®y I rkf, 'r# *>T™> 1 "s;ie Gav/« Me Her Opinion." j !o if! a girl's white hunde, and tirlphf. | hah* tkitt in combtd rh (vn Women j lo mx. comb tbolrs, blind you to other charms?" cfutfanrcd the volc.o. ' iaud!i - tiln^'ij. ".-Jie has fi.no clothon j r»ci! a lively linio there in town The; family (mat her, and dopend | en !ui a* !• oUt» belonged to tlieai. What rhri care about you and your 'lu'et, old-fashioned hosr.e up [ hTi> anion;; .the hills?" \Yi!llr.i.-i y.vimt>d at, the iinnoesibn !• j It. How had ho come to let ri Kliji lit 1 L-ir, llko liUi'.y Rodding get miob hold on him? "I've just wot to forjjet It," lie wild j Kt Inst,- "hi't I can never marry any other 4^rl!" Hlvti William Parker walked, aj low day's later, into the judge'B side j noreli riMl ram: the (toarbell, his heart ■ hoßi tumultously. 7Uv' door opened, and the pretty little in;id (stood before him "Oil.' Mr. Parker, you haw nu»rt> «£?'>'; I «n.i 8* r.orry to toll you wg shall »if>t rc«d them." Tlie f yea shn rawed to his filled I with tear#. "\Vh;ii 1* the trouble?" asked Will lam In Ills direct manner. The Kiel stepped 6ut, r'ojin:; the I ":o«r after bor. "Sit (?ow»," tihe motioned to a . hntr. . "I've Jurt 1;ot to talk with ucm :ae, and you—have always bwn •0 V."d" *• William tut down, dumbly. "It really i::H't anything so dread fill." sise tried to cay cheerfully "it r.'mply means I am out of a place! The family have gone away for Mru. Hueaol's health, and the house is to lie closed today." "BO? there roust ho plenty of other Hlo4lk who- will want you." Btara ir.u-od William. "There arc no other boußes like this, la this t.mall place, you eve," she explained, Btnillug ut hie dint res* "I *N;>eet to go to work in the factory tomorrow —you know I haTe my mother lo care for." * "But ttat Is Impossible." criod Par ker. "Thpro Is a place I could go to. In the country;" she continued. stranfe'y comforted by his interest; "but I can not leave mother alone " "And you would go?" Incredulously. "Indeed yea, if I could!" " "Then Lucy, will you—" He paused, confused by bis own audacity. Lucy looked at him, and a beauti ful blush (raw m bar cheeks. ..>!* ¥iVtr' 'llnli'* ■ ' •• "Can tk«.t be true, dew?" h« ©rl®d. taking ter hands. "( thought 1 nu too rough and plain for rou: I never dared droam yon would cure fpr me Win you in wry me today, Lucy, and let me taku cure of you and your tsotfcer?" "Oli, 110." briatlifctl Lucy, "not —to- I day!" ( "LUtfirt. l?ur tirl. I've loved you / for weeks. liut 1 could not bring my- j Kelt lo tell you because 1 thought j there wim no hope. 1 cannot have , you in that dreadful factory, child. Come home with me today, and aa toon HH she can got ready we will couie back after your mother." t Lucy laughed nervously. "[hit T nevor board of uucli a thing." * she , - * Well, you n.ivwr were married bo fore, v?ere you!" I Not until be lod liU wife into tbc 1 p!uSHXiit oIU-fafihtoued farm houae i Old William Purkor conrfido/ the con dition of his housekeeping. "i ought not to have brought you s here," lip said contritely, "until I had had things put to rights a little, poor * girl!" , ' "ilut It looks vnry well considering c the time you apout in the bonne," da- i c'ared i,u«-y atoully. "And what a doliglUful room!" o They went over tho house togeth er , m 'Oil, 1 lo»o it already," cried tho " girl. "You've no Idea how proud I nti) nt tbone' lovely oifl-forthioned UllUgK." "Yuu ciuat 3 a thinj;s to suit your-j oc-lf," .laid the himlvitid proudly. i \ • I would not change a thing for the J world, li l«» too denr uud homelike as | it U!" Jar,on , Parlter ixiuiod ia aiuaze mi nr. a. tho kiti hon door. Huppor wua j \ nearly roody in tho big kitchen that ; uoinohow wore a chauged a.poct . "(}otn« in, .hiaon, and ineot my j wiie." i-fcJlfd his brother cheerfully. "Wo thought we'd have suppor leady l ay the time you cauia up." 1 Juaon walked in. "I —! hope you'll bo very ho m.inaxod to ataoi- | nwr, before ha c'n; ted bark toward - tiie barn. Ile—4lda't like it!" criixl Lucy. "Indeed ho did —h> as only sur prised, aa wall ho might bo," declared hnr iiosbaßd "I will go out and see him. drrtr." I've takon your advice," naid Will ii'.m, wlteu bo found his brotlier in! M > harneaa room "I sue you have," annwored Jiuioa. , greal lcoft, mi'.n, 1 never thought of your doing it I I v. ili nim bly trying to hronk tho Ice to toll you that Mary and 1 bad decided 'o net married. Ohrlutrnas!" DANGER I*l MERE SOUNDS , s French A-ctreis Thought She Was Being Insulted When Russian Asked for Cloak. j A Ransilar who. although ho hns | heon snTOo r?;iic in P.nr's, known little! or nothing of t!c French Incguogo. ' hi'. jtifi. lieon licntnci.rd lo a munth'n i'lipriHonir.cmt for I'avinr assaulted a pollcenmn. lie li*d also been cccimed . of hnvlin: ir.Kit'i.nd the Hgent of the i~ law, I.iU be v.;;') iii"«i;ltie} on that I count ;ifti r an mfclan-itlon from bis j eotmsd ilmi too word which the po llcerenh regarded aa objucUonablei wan :ilso -i Itui.aisn word, nntl perl feclly iurjoeoct. 'Ft? m-y j»f ..einnhnalßlns his nreru tnvnt Multrc Lonjruet related an I aTOos*ni; nnecdolc. A few months ngol a Puruilan Actreey, who *ari perform ing at a fU. Pcterfburg theater, wis] Invited in dojetincr hy a urand duke. On heai'in.w a furious exclamation, I foilowi-d by the no.'so of a couple of claps a moment a'ter her arrival he rushed Into tlte hall to soe what wa«i Koini; on. - I "What ia the taattor?" he M;kr>d "Your scrv;!Tif\l3 ar* impudent f«}lljw."l she replied; "he ran up to me v.lien! 1 came in iird called me horrid I • HBJISCB" -I* "What >' 1 he fljv?" the prnnd U:ike j lminlri:i!. conaideruhiy puzzied. Then nhe rt neat.cd a toii[ile of words which ove dreadfully abusive in fVcnrh. '1 lie unlucky man had simply inked her iW her cloak In his own touguc, and the seuiidfi were so very aimilar that she Imagined she was being insulted, nnd i«sented Ihlajn a spirited man ner. The juiJge gn'atly ou:used, and tho counsel gained his point Duke Was No Common Mao. Two tif Britain's greatest llgblora, TiOrd Nelson, the hero of Trafalgir, and the iluko of Wellington, nick nauicrl "Old Noroy," met but once tn ibelr (Ives, and that meeting occurred in the little hall of 10 l>iv;ning utrost Reside the noalat old fireplace there they entered luto a general oouverua tlon. and Nolson was so impressed with the duko that he askeS a servant who was the man with tbo striklns noso. "MaJ. Qyn. Sir Arthur Wellealey, my lord," replied the rervant, astounded at the Bailor's ignorance. "Ah!" said Nelson. "I thought he waa no common man." —(lecar Friebpt, In "No 10 Downlns Street," National Magazine. Talking Shop. "Not married yet?" enclalmodd Haron Fucash "I don't see what can bo the matter with tboee Americans You have one of thu finest titles on the list!'' "Tee.' replied Lord Luvrui; "but have notloed that our worst titles art. frequently our boat seUora." The OlQnal. I Mffl. flainicr —l lion : see the Darta' parlor lit up pn Wednesday evenings ( any more. s I Mra Kaboux—Then It nost be trua that Oracle ia engaged. Report of the Conditio* of the Bank of Martin Coant j Williamitou, N*. C. at the cloee of basi net* Feb. 10, 1912 ■RSOCRCBS: Loaae and Discounts 1150,684.29 Overdraft* 6.104.15 All otht-r stocks bonds, mtgs 3,376.00 Banking house far. and fixt'rt 1 ,>150.00 Dee from banks and banker* 33.79$ 23 National bank notes, etc. 13 580.55 Total 1*58.392.31 LIABILITIES . Capital Stock 9 16,000.00 Surplus I'and 17,000.00 Undivided profits, lest current / eKpente* and taxei paid 5.709.21 Nota* and bills rediscounted t0, 000.00 Time certificates of depo«it 38,516 56 Deposits subject to check 122,136.54 Total 9208,392.31 SUU- of North Carolina, Coanljr of Martin, I, C. H. Godwin, Cashier of the sboee-aamed tank, do tolrmoty swear that the above *|ate aieat is tme to the l*,.t of icy bsowltxlce sad belief. C.l| GODWIN, Caahier Corrtd—Attcat: j. G& Godard, Wane a H. a'KS*. W C. Mitauiug, Sirectora. SutMCribri! and won lo liefore nu.*,this jhday of Pet/, lifts Knrrous A. Critcher. Notary Public J. B. SPELLER • to Wood, Shinulec, Poultry, Eggs, Furs, Wall Paper aad Ba.s-Lal! Supplies William.-tou - North Carolina EGGS FOR HATCHING! From Four Good breeds Single Comb Brown Leghorns single Comb Rhode Island Reds . Barred Plymouth Rocks Silver Lace Wynndotts Sitting of 15 Eggs SI.OO Satisfaction Guarantted audt'CoS 01* come to sec .James D- 3owen a Route 1 Williafnston, N. C. a. oven 66 YEARS' Tn«.nc MARKS CoprntQ»ri 3 &c. JiOfdiW % n ? kf»toh nn*l Cnt!»»n mw (fuioklT usfftTf:'! 11 our opinion froo wbeilHT an ittVttnil'iii 41 P"lChV«*bhk onnf]«l«ntJ»l. onl'numti tcnlfrae oMcit mrwf forr.'H'MriUirpn.iciita. rufs.nt.' t«fcen ihit»urb Mur.a fz Cubict-olTc fjtrriM noti. f t fiou*. chnr*\ in Ui J Sdir.jific .Hmericsu, A HANDSOMELY TIIRNTMTRA JJirpQwt c\r. ni'.ju. »•'! «»f unjr i ift«i JouronJ. Tfrnit. f • »p ir: f »ur Uio;:ttii. M* by uU ronwlcai«»r^. MUKN *Ca KewYor:; BRALOH OH6ISSTEB SPILLS DIAMOND £& BRAND A n LAt>m » "* n V ran* t w for S A t»AMONi> I a ,-ii.i.s -a 1 o siid/A C.O! r> «!'•. • ».«!«•, :"txl \mb Hil>!o.U 1 > r.r. So C rr.ur.. R«j «F Ti«.» V/ ";•! •! r,!. f ■ rJ.*.':!~3.TT3 ' V .» Pll.i.n, tor tr itv-fvo Wi-sf -r ril I ,*i SOLD L-r ALL URHGOJSTS EVERYWHERE , Wood's Seeds For ISI2. Our New Descriptive Catalog i« fully up-to-dattfwand tellr. adl about tne Lrst Garden and Farm Seeds. F.very farmer and gardener should Hive a copy of this cata log, which has long been recog nized as a standard authority, for the full and complete infor mation which it gives. • We are headquarters for Grass and Clover Seeds, Soed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Pots, Soja Em as and all Farm Seeds. Wood's Descriptive Catatotf mailed free on request. Write for it T W. WOOD & SONS, - *lchT»and. V* . Report of tie condition of the Bank of Hamilton Hamilton, N. C.. at the close of buiiaeaa Feb. 20, 1911. rbsocrcks; Loans and discounts 132,918.90 Banking houae furniture and fixtures 5 co.oo Due from banks and bankers 19,00a.ti Cash iterns 396.47 Gold coins 130 50 Silver coin including all minor coin currency 558.79 National Hank notes, etc 991.00 554,477.87 UABIUTIBS: Caftftal stock $ 5,000x10 Surplus fund 3,009.00 Undivided profits less current exj*?rises and tuxes paid 1,024.72 Time certificates- of deposit 6,358.59 Deposit* subject to check 39.249.68 Cashier's checks outstanding 844.89 554.4n.87* State of North Carolina, County of Martin, jw; I, K. A. Council. c*>hier of tlx »V>ve named Uiak, do •Jlcmnty xwenr that the above ita*e tmnt it true to the l>?*t o! my knowledge and belief. F„ A. COUNCIL. Cashier. r Correct—Attest: T. U. Slnde, F. L. Clad- Mon--, P. t. Sllsbury, Director*. SutrwiW md ttwjra to before mc this 17 day of I'eh. iv | J. A. Daveuport Notarv IHblicJi Farmers and Merchants Bank Willianston, N. C., nt the close of busi ness Feb. 20, 1912 RUsorRC vs: Loans and Discounts $1^8,096.52 Overdrafts. 506.79 Blinking House, furniture and Fi*tnres ' ' io.c 00.00 Demand luans __ 3,000.03 Due from batiks and bankers 16,025.60 Silver coin, including all minor coin currency 4.J24.38 *302,153.29 r.iAßiX,iri£S*. Capital Stock * J25,000.00 Surplus Fund 10,000.00 Undivided profits less current expe:js>es and taxes paid 2,^7.5.S Tiuie certificates deposits 61.288.64 Deposits s.tbject to check i0j, 947.51 Cashier's check outstHtHiini; 1025.16 Certified Check 24.40 $202,153,29 Mat* of North Carolina Ccnintj of Martin, sa. I, Frank F. I'agin, Ctohieroi the alio re named tank, do M'fmalj Mtmr that the above state ment i» true to the !«cs>t of mr knowledge nod tx-'Hef. Prank F. I ncmi, Cashier. , Correct—Atte-t J.lO. li A Hawll, c. U. Carstarphen. Directors. Subscribed and sivc.ru to before ate, tin- i J . day of Feb. i')i2. Asa T. Crawford. Nctaiv Public. REPORT OV THE CONDITION OF THK Bank of Robersonvilie 1 Rober.icnville, N. C.. at the close of bus iness Feb. 20, J912, RKSOt7RCKSI I Loans und discounts f 5.1,654,06 ! OVefifr.if!a 2,669.67 I Hanking house $2,540.05; fur niture and fixture* £lOl4 39 3,604,44 I Due from banks and banker* 32,509.53 I Sitver coins, etc. - 2,997.75 Total , f -6.435 45 I.IAB I I.I'I IRS ; Capital stock * 15,000.00 Surplus fun«t s 8,700.00 Undivided profits, less current I expenses aiui isxis pa id 2,930.71 Time certificutt-s of deposit 12,316.32 j Deposits subject to check 207.81 I Cashier's checkj out:;t .ndiuK 28060 Toti'l _ t 96,435 5 1 Mara or Ki.atn c/vaotis' A, County of Mattin. hs:— J, J. A. Mircll, caaliler of the ahove i:k UaL, (lo solemnly swear thai the above statement * true to the teat of my knowledge and beli. f, J. A. MIZ KIX, Csihw r Correct Attest: J. C. RobertM>a. K. A. Haiti y, A. H. Kotiersoa Directors. Subscribed und sworn to bef'ctv Pie, th;s j'th. day of Feb u,:z. J. C. SMITH Notary Public. Repoit of the Condition oi the Bank of Oak City Oak City, N. C., at {he close of bssinese Feb. 20, 19 ti UHSOCRCKS Loans and discounts ? 15,464.81 Overdrafts 209.43 Banking house fur. and fixt'rs less expenses 390.85 Due front banks and bankers 14,296.83 Gold Coins 125.00 Silver coin, including #ll minor coin currency 506 52 National bank notei, etc. 2.300,00 Total % 33.j93.44 jjAßii.mas Capital stock $ 5,000.00 Surplus 150.00 Undivided profits, etc. 352.91 Time certificates of deposit 7.818.90 Deposit subject to check 19,51 a 76 Cashier's checks outstanding 6O 87 Total f 33,2^.44 State of North Carolina, County of Martin, 11. " I, n. M Woraley, Cashier of the aboveuaced bank, do solemnly swear that the abort atate raeut Is true to the'beat of my knowledge and belief. B. M. WORSI.KY. Cashier. Correct—Attest; H. S. Beetett, H. E. HarreU. J. C. Row, Directors. f. Subscribed aad sworn to before Be this >8 day of *eh„ i«ta. J. A. UODBS. C.B. C.