VOL. XIII. NO. 22 • Professional Cards "1 Hugh B. York, M. D. Microscopy, Electrotheiapy, X-Ray Diagnosis, Specialties Office over Partners & Merchants Dank Office hours, 6 to 10 a. ni.. 7 to 9 p. m. Office 'phone 60 - Night 'phone 63 . 1 m m 1 , 11 i f Wm. E Warren - J. S. Rhodes Drs. Warren & Rhodes * - - > Physicians and Surgeons Office in Bijigs Drtig Store 'Phone 19 - Jos. H. Saunders, M. I). Physician and Surgeon Day 'Phone 53 - Night 'Phone 40 Williamston, N. C. Dr. ,R. L. Savage of Rockv Mount, will be at th«' At lantic Hotel fourth Wednesday in each mouth to treat diseases of the Eye, liar, Nose and Throat and Fit Glasses. A. R Dunning - J. C. Smith Dunning & Smith' Attorneys-aV-Law Williamston • 'North Carolina Robersonville, North Carolina Burrous A. Critcher - Wheeler Martin Wheeler Martin,"Jr. } ~ Martin & Critcher \ Attorncys-at-Law Williamston - North Carolina 'PHONB 23 S. J. Everett Attorney-at-Law Greenville, N. C. - Williamston, N, C. Greenville Long Distance Phone 328 S. A. NEWELL Attorney at Law Williamston • North Carolina r —^ Society Pressing ] . . Glub . . ; O. C. Price, Manager j Phone No. 58 1 i Up-to-Date Cleaing, 1 Pressing, Dyeing and ( Tailoring j t Very careful attention given to Ladies' Kid [ Gloves, Fancy Waists I jj £oat Suits and Skirts U Ciub Rili* Men. ClothftS called for and delivered £jj Agents for Rose & Co. Merchant-Tailors, Chi cago, 111 . • - • Vf The "Child's Weifire'' move ment has challenged the attention of thoughtful people everywhere. Mothers are natural supporters, and will find in Foley's Honey and Tar Compound a most valuable aid. Coughs and colds that unchecked led to croup, bronchitis end pneumonia yield quickly t6 the healjcg-and soothinS qualities of Foley's Honey and Tar Com- "J pcand. Saunders & Fowden. •• •" • -• THE ENTERPRISE MANY PEOPLE IN MARTIN COUNTY ARE SUFFERING WITH HOOKWORM DISEASE f 1 A State Specialist has Come to Open Dispensaries for Free Examination and Treatment of the Disease—Everything Free Every Man, Woman and Child Should be Examined for Hookworm Disease and Other Disease v Due to the Intestinal Parasites » SCHEDULE , The dispensaries will be open from 9n, tn. to 3 p. m. at the following places. WILLIAMSTON—Saturdays, March 16, 23, 30. April 6, 13, 20. JAMESVILLE —Tuesdays, March 19, 25, April 2, 9, 16, 23. EVERETT—Wednesdays, March 20, 27, April 3, 10, 17, 24. ROBERSONVILLE —Thursdays, March 21, jB, April 4, u, 18, 25. HAMILTON —Fridays, March April 5. OAK ClTY—Fridays, April 12, 19, 26. "tUSTORY Hookworm dissase has existed in foreign oouulries for ceuturies but it has beeu only a few years since it was first discovered and found to ibe so prevalent in America. Be fore this it was thought that the large nnmber of weak and pale people were sJ because of inherited physical defects aud could not be cured. Now however this has been proven not to be the case, that most of these people are so owing to the Hookworm infection aud cau not only be cured but restored to health in a remarkably short tiu-e DESCRIPTION Hookworm disease is caused by small worms from a quarter to a half inch is length, resembling a white thread. Thev attach them selves to the inner lining of the small bowel, suck blood, inject a poison into the system, leave bleed ing areas and set up a chronic in Showing ground itch, prodnced experimentally by placing on the wrist soil contaminated with excrement from a Hookworm patient. Ground itcb on the feet is prodnced in the same manner by toil pullution MODE OF ENTRANCE INTO . THE BODY About 90 per cent ot the case* begin as ground itcb. dew itch, or toe-itch as it is variously called The worm burrows through the skin on the foot, and in doing so sets up an inflamation on the foot that gives rise to this condition After penetrating the skin they get into the blood stream and are car ried around tcr v the upper part ot the intestine, jnst be-low the stom ach which it their feeding ground Here they attach themselves to the lining of the intestines and begin to suck the blood of the individual About 10 per cent of the case-* are infected by contaminated drink ing water, or by eating lettuce, strawberries or water cress that has been ituprope'ly washed. HKH Tliic shews the worms ia the skin alter they bava bored throti&h it*nd caused the ground itch. The warms next xct into the blood-streams and gradually work their way to tbeinteatines— their feeding grouud. • WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1912 flamation from their bitetT* The i eggs of hookwotms pass with the t excretions from the bowel of the , infected person, and if spnitary j closets ate not used, they hatch out in the soil into worms, too small to , be seen with unaided eye, which , enter the system in several ways, I though usually through the feet , causing ground itch, you should be examined and satisfy yourself about , the disease. ! . PREVALENCE 1 About oue half of the people, all ' classes, old and young, have this disease. DISTRIBUTION Found chiefly in warra climates 1 where heat, moisture and oxygen 1 produce the most ideal condition ! for hatching the eggs cf the worms ! as tluy are deposited in the soil by those storing from the disease* Cold kills them. SYMPTQNS The symptoms of hookworm dis ease vary in many individuals, and stimulate many diseases. A very mild case, probably, bas no symp toms, complains of nothing and shows no signs And in such a cas-, the disease can be discovered only by an examination of a por tion of the stool with a microscope. However, a severe case may show one or more of the following symp toms: ground itch, fever, headache, indigestion, sarene-s in the abdo meo and chest, hi art burn, dizzi ness, paleness, swelling in the face and ankles, tired feeling, forgetful neCfl filjnted growth, palpitation of the li-ait, of breath ner vousness, h ,4, d general weakness. 1* : DIAGNOSIS (How to tell whether you have disease) Four methods: first by the symp * toms aud signs present; second, by a microscopical examination of the bowel excretions to determeue the presence of the eggs; third, by find* . iug the worms in the stool after taking the medicines: fourth, l»y the improvement in health after e treatment. REMEMBER f That the dispensaries will be held t at the places, and on the dates men ) tioned above. Come to any one of 1 the places. It ■' requites two or j The worm has now completed it* course from the soil to the small intestine hat fssteued itself tirmly to the inner lining of the bowels, and is ' 1 ~~i? ... BTu kinr; the Ottlltn'u »Jrwl , The dispensaries will he directed by representatives from the State Board of Health. Dr. T. E. Hughes, assisted by Mr. L. M. Hales. Mr. Hales is an expert microscoplst from the State Labora tory of Hygiene at Raleigh. Everyone should bring to the dispensary a small portion of his bowel action in a little box, and have it examined with the micros cope for hookworm eggs and eggs of any other intestinal worms. In a mild case, the disease cannot be discovered without A miscroicopic examination. Don't fail to have a microscopic examination, and sat irfy yourself that you have no in testinal worms. If you have hookworm disease you are not only handicapped in your lifes work both mentally and physically, but you are also a menace to the rest of the family, to Representing the hookworm eggs, one of which is just hatching; also a shell from which the worms have passed. The eggs hatch in the soil, and one egg may batch a number of worms Dear Doctor — Understanding I disease will be worth anything, I that you are collecting a few tes- j shall be glad for you to use it in' timonials concerning thjy result ef- , the humanitarian cause, fected by curing bookworm disease, As a youth I was pale, anemic, if my personal experience with the and generally speaking, was iu Papilla and heo!ts " ■ 1 intfcßtino Cterlna and ovariiui tubeu Vulva Anu* '_■ ■ - •'...' J — A female hookworm, which may lay several thousand eeqs dailv. All of cn»c nr» * . . ' .... throe treatments to cure each case. Only one treatment will be given to a person at one time, but a sec ond, third, and, fourth treatment, if necessary, will be give each suc cessive week. So visit the dispen sary on the opening day in order that you will have time to receive the necesiary number of treatments befcre the dispensaries leave for another county. Don't wait for the last duy. Tae State and Cimiitv hate made appropriations necessary to main tain the dispensary work. It is your duty to take advantage of the; opportunity. This is your only j chance. It lasts only a few weeks your neighbor, and to the entire : commauity. Why? Because you are a source of infection to. other people. During each bowel action, maoy hookworm eggs are expelled with the excreta, which, if deposit ed in the soil, hatch into worms which may infect anyone coming in contact with the polluted soil. How may hookworm disease be prevented? First, by the sanitary closets, aud the proper disposal of the intestinal excretions, which prevents toil pollution. Second, by wearing shoes, which prevents ground itch, and washing the hands thoroughly after handling contaminated soil. Third, do not drink muddy wa ter, and eat uncooked vegetables unless they ate thoroughly washed. Talks will be given at each dis pensary on Hookworm Disease and Rural Sanitation. sE.oo a Year in Advance A FAIR OFFER Your Money Back if You're not Satisfied We pay for the medicine u:ed during the trial, if our remedy fails to completely relieve you of oi.sti -1 pation. We take all the 1 i-k. You ire net o'dig >led to us in anv way whitever.it vou accept our offer. Th;:t'e a mighty broad st ituuent, Wiit We iD'.'rtn every word of it. Coulu anything I* tnaru fair for yoi.? A most scientific, coiumon-seuse treatment is Rexdl Orderlies, v/bich are eating like candy. Thvir ac tice principle is a recent scientific discovery that is odorless, colorless and tasteless; very pronouace I, yet gentle aud pleasant in action, and particularly agreeable in ev;ry way. They do not cause diarrhoea, nausea flaiu'ence, griping, or auy incon venience whatever. Rex ill Order lies are particularly goo 1 for child ren, aged aud delicate persons. If you suffer from chronic or habitual constipation, or the asso ciate or dependent chronic ailments we urge you to try Rtxall O'derlws at our risk. Remember you cau get tbfttu in Williamston culy at our store. 12 tablets 10 tent-; 36 tablets 25* cents; 60 tablers soputs. Sold only at our store —Tbe Rexall Store. The S. R. Biggs D. ug Co. Ua« for German Peat. Peat deposit* In northwest Ger many are to be used aa fuel for the dere'npoieat of electrical eneray. Repels AttKk Ot Death. "Five years ago two doctors told me I bad only two years to live." This startling statement was made by Stillman Green, Malachite, Col. ' They told me I would die with consumption. It was up to me then to try the best lung medicine and I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery. It mrs well I did, for today I am working and believe I owe my life to this great throat aud lung ctre that bas cheated the grave of another victim." Its folly to suffer with coughs, colds or other thioat and lung troubles now. Take the cure that's safest. Price 50 cents and $1 00. Trile bottle free at Saunders & Fowden. poor health, never able to accom plish much work. As time went on pehraps on account of my weak ened condition, I became ruptured aud went to the hospital for an operation. My blood was so weak that I could not stand the opera tion. An examination was made which showed that I was suffering with a severe case of hookworm disease. I was treated and rt once I began to improve. In the space of two weeks I was so much im proved that I was able to take the operation. I then began to develop and within two years gained sixty pounds. I have since graduated at the University of North Caro lina, played football on tke 1908 class team, represented Carolina in an intercollegiate debate, and am uow strong and healthy and weigh 165 pounds. A enre will transform a man. I therefore urge our weak blooded men, women aud children to be examkied and treated. PAT RIC M. WILLIAMS, Burgaw, N. C. Sept, 20, 1910.