vol. xin: no. 25 Professional Cards Hugh B. York, M. D. » Microscopy, Electrotherapy, X-R3y Diagnosis. Specialties Office over Farmers & Mei chant» Back Office hours, 8 to 10 a. n».. 7 to 9 p. w. Office 'phone 60 - 'v-hone 63 Wm. E. Warren - J. 8. Rhodes Drs. Warren St Rhodes Physicians and Surgeons Office in Biggs Drag Store • 'Shout 79 Jos. H. Saunders, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Dajr 'Phone 33 - Night 'Phone 40 Williamson, N. C. - 1 j Dr. -R. L. Savage «% , of Rockv Mcunt, wilM«e at the At lantic Hotel fourh W«l n esday in each month to trtat diseases of the Eye, Ear, Noie and Throat and Fit Glasses. A R Dunning - J. C. Smith Dunning & Smith Attorney s-at-L^w Wdlinmston - Noith Csrolin * Rohersonville. Nor.li Car ilina Burrons A. Critcher - Whtvler llartio } Whc*!er Martin, Jr. Martin Sc Crilchcr A t-La w Williamston - North Carolin;. > • 'PUOS* 33 S. J. Everett Attorney -at-Law Greenville, N. C. - W'illianiiitin, N. (. Ctetnville IX>HK ni»t»nce Phone 328 S. A. NEWELL Attorney at. Law WilHamston • Noith Cnrol'tih John E. Pope Gcnnal Insurance, Fiie. nesllli, Acckh nt, Live Stock Real Estate - Brokerage Williamson • N«dth Office on Main ,S:ie«*t TimnuMwt«OM3;r^«cttxti»ci^ I Society Pressing p . . Gtub . . | 10. C. Price, Manager | Phone No. 58 q Up -to-Pate Ciu.injr, | Pressing, Dyeing and Tailoring (|j Very careful attention given to Ladies' Kid Gloves. Fancy Waists I Coat Suits and Skirts Club Rates for Men. • ' Clotlies called for and |j delivered \ Agents for R«»st! C". \ Mercliatit-Tailnis. Lp « ,:i y *• . =-r —— —~ ■' Power ef Ore V'oid A word !b a ttttte il'Jjig, itot' fciw • word h;?s tc;n 'Jrtrtwiy ( for Bcctl or for »-*■ i i ■■ .....j,- J sti,-. ; Mm .. . ' Tax Notice ! North Carolina—Martin County. I, J. C. Crawford, Sheriff of Martin Couutv. have this dfcy levied on the following tracts or parcels of land lying and being in the County aforesaid; ami will sell the same for ctsh before the court house door of said county on Momlny the 6th day of May 1912 for the taxes, due and unpaid for the year 1911 unless the same is paid oti or before that date. This the day of April rtjii. J. C. CRAWFORD, Shreiff of Martin County. JAMESVILLH TOWNSHIP Naae Taxes Cost Total Ange, Ffan«.>., 75 acre* }>rc »nlng land $ .60 $1.30$ 1.90 Duvis. II H, 51 aw, rev 4«5 ■•3® 5-551 Davis, HL, acres, ies. I 3.33 130 Gardner, L 8., 5 dfires lat>d ret. • 2.81 «-3° 4* 11 Jone*, JH, 45 acrea land, tes. • 1.80 1.30 3.10 TVel, Josephine, 10 acrt- land, rea. .60 1.30 190 Wynn, Maito.*, 100 acres land, res. S»> *3° 321 Wynn, JH, 4J acres St» wart James land .60 t.30 1.90 Lucas, Thomas, 38oa:'es Wmren Neck land 7.80 1.30 910 Hoillday, Jatnus A. 14 arrfi. land, res. .60 1.30 1.90 Alexander, HR, 14 acres land, ies. * 3.98 1.30 5.38 Boston, Louisa, 44 acret: land, res. •" 2.09 1.30 339 Boston. Joseph, 9 acrts land, res. 2.81 130 411 [Davis, Richard, 13 acie*; Dave Sherrod land 2.37 1.30 3.67 Denipsey, Sussm, 10 acres Wairen Neck land .34 1.30 1.64 Gray, Thomas, Sr, 1 town /ot • 1,56 1.30 286 Gee, Harrison. 40 BCICH land, res. 506 *.30 6.36 Garrett, Louis, 7 acres Hnyuood James .31 1.30 161 Holouton, WO, 1 one town tit 5* 2 3 1 -3° 6-53 JaTvis, Amy, estate, ftt wn lot 1 .91 1.30 2,21 Laoglev, JH, t acre land, res. Land, Martha, e-itate, 1 town lot .91 130 -2,21 Moore, SL, *cres P Sherrod land .60 1.30 1.90 Mann, Mary K, 1 town k>t .91 1.3° 221 Pierce, I.aw r »*n 20 3f - htfdi res. * 2.71 130 4.01 Riddick, Stephen, 43 u-r-t laud, ree. 3.33 t-3°* 4*»3 Staton, J T, 4 town M -3 1 '-3 0 Williams, fba-lev, land, r». .91 »*3® 221 W.illtr, JJ. a fmvr io 4.15 1 3° 545 Waters, Sarab. *. ,«atc. 7;•« acn s, res. 1.20 1.30 2.50 Cu.I.DH, Andivwr. 1 town k>i '» 2.40 1.30 3.70 Nichols, We e>t., 1 towi lot it 7 acrisland .92 t3O 222 Hairtll, Johi , f» acres latiS. res r.20 1.30 2.50 ' WILLIAMS TOWNSHIP Powell, WI, acres Intnl. ies. 6.84 I-..J0 8.14 Roberts. Viney, 5 acres land, x-x, 2.01 (.30 3.31 Smiih *;i\i >'m,» iMvid, 13 acres Hadley land. 3.57 130 487 Swain, Hrainv, Jfc acre star.* lot. =.40 '-3° 37° OV.IFhIN TOWNSHIP Corc>,J-R Sr. 133 ;r"rt:i Un* .vts. 3.72 t.30 502 Corey, Kttthin T8 a iej !iu'.d res. 3.33 1.30 463 C»ire\, John Sr, heirs, soo'. i.etes land J Cotey. 2.40 1.30 3.70 Gill am R I-, .0 aties Sim, 1 ? Cony land. 31 1.30 161 Hodge*, Richard 27 acres County line laud. 31 1.30 1.61 Stailings, r>o acres L'nri:. 2.11 1.30 3.41 Stallingrv ader, 140 ures land res. 515 11 50 6.4,5 BKAR CRASS TOWNSHIP Osfeoin, JJ. a. rex land k'J AI. ' Wynn, Tohn H, h'-ii' n acres 'and fdj Mc G Wynn. 3' '.3° 1 Rogerson, Stewart, 26 .tt'Ti'i tid reK 4.43 1.30 5.73 Sheppart!, I'Moa 126 .ferti land adj J H Sfceppajrd. 3,71 ' 1.30 4.01 WIUJA\ISTON TOWNSH IP I Urig sJ S '1: ' 1 '0: tim. tend, GI, Whitley 35.20 130 36.50 '• " " " " N. S. Pttl I . I Sw iiu, rieti'S| one lot swamp iaud. i.2.5 I.Jo 2.55 I Biulcy, A, 2\twn lotfljr.es. 8.00 1.30 - 9.30 I liot d, Mack, 1 town lot. * . 80 1,30 2.10 Wiley. 1 town lot adj Bagley. 60 1.30. t j(> Finch, Vv'm, agt wtfe, 1 town lot. *»33 i-3° 2.63 Gtiffin, Uhoden, 1 tows lor res 340 1.30 4.70 ilaasell, JBlita, 3o acres l«r.d res. 1.60 1.30 2.90 Loyd, Haaoali, i town lot vacant. 16 1.30 1.46 Mathews, ClaC'L 1 lot vacant. 2.49 1.30 3.79 Price, O C, 1. town lot vacant. 2.C0 130 3:90 Purvis, Win. t town Jot 2.49 1.30 3.79 Riddick, Henry, 1 tov*n lot ies. r.oo 1.30 230 Shepherd, Florrecca, 3 acres laud res. - t.2i 130. 2.51 Si>rudl, Minnie, 1 town lot vacant. 20 1.30 ,1.50 Statcu, Harmon, 1 town lot'. * 60 1.30 1.90 Gray, William?, 7 acres land adj SL A r.40 1.30 270 WillTatn*. ltd, 1 town Ic' a residence 447 '-3° 57 s | WiUiamn, Joe r to»rn Int rer. .1 4.44 '-3 0 5-74 ,CROSvS ROADS TO WNSHIP x locyt r —3.7^ —130 5 02* l.a'vrtnre, Si '' n, 2 acre* land adj Bionnt Chance. 66 1.30 1.96 ko! .-J.-WSJ, Ge-i D, 25 actt.4 land adj H Chance T .1 Cu;. 5.'; H-r'i land adj Henry Bo wen. _3 [ _L —' &>.iiUv&SQKVi P — !^ [ i' ' antr j tl.. 65 ucrty of land adj-John Mayo. 6.27 1.30 7.- 7 '"Xcf-Km, U A 56 acre, hihd adj Ed Jolly. q.oo 1.30 ra.3o Powell, J,B, J town I 4 in' Patnitle. 60 1.30 1,90 \iS. *ien". j oyy 1 town lot in tfobersoiiville. 4 iz. 1.30 . f -jj • - (so.uiMKiU.ip.ges.) ■ i . v i / ' ' . . ~ . WILLIAMSTON, N. C.. FRIDAY, APRIL 5, IQI2 ACTUAL STARVA TION Facts About Indigestion and Its Relief That Should Interest You Although Indigestion and Dys pepsia are so prevalent, most peo ple do not thoroughly understand their cause and enre. Tbere is no reason why most people should not eat anything they desire—if they will only chew it carefully and thoroughly. Many actually starve themselves into sickness through fear of eatlug every good-looking, goodsmelling, and good • tasting food because it does not agree with them. The best thing to do is to' fit yourself to digest any good food. We believe we can relieve Dys pepsin. We are so confident of this fact that «*c guarantee and promise to supply medicine free of all cost to every one who will use it, who is not perfectly satisfied with the results which it produces. We ex ■ act no promises, aud put no one under any obligation whate%-er. Surely, nothiug could he fairer. We are located right here and our reputation should be sufficient as surauce of the genuineness of our offer. We want every oue troubled wirh Indigestion or Dpspepsia in any form to come to our store and buy a box of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets. Take teem home aud gfve them a reasonable trial, according to direc tions. Then, if not satisfied come to us and get your money back. They are very pleasant to take; they aid to soothe the irritable to strengthen aud invi gorate the digestive oigaar., .'aid to promote u heaJtlay aiul natural btfwel action, tbhs lending to per fect and healthy dig stion and as similatiou A 23c. package of Rexall f)ys pepsia Tablets furnishes i j da>j* treameut. In ordinary cases, this is sufficient to produce a cure In more chronic r3Sti«, a longer treat ' nienl, of cotme, is necessary, nnd depends upon the severity of tbe trouble. For such cases, we have two larger sizes which sell for 50c. and SI.OO. Remember, you can 1 obtain Rexall Remedies is this community only at our :*tore —The Rexall Store. The ij. R. Rings lhug Co. I Es-Gov. C.-B. Aycock IDcad As we to pre:;s, new*, comes that Lx-Gov. A', cock di-d in Bir mingham, Ala while making an addte-s last night. To the whole h-tate ibis comes as a calamity for tio sou of the commonwealth was more highly Ilii health had been broten for some time but he was still active and hue? entered the senatorial race. It looks Like A Crime to separate a boy from a box of Bucklin's Arnica Salve. His pimples, hoilb, scratches, knocks, sprains aud burises demand it, aud its quick relief for burns, scalds, or cuts is hi* right. Keep it handy for boys, also girl-. Heals every thing healable and does it quick. Unequal for piles. Only §5 cents at Saunders Sc Fowden. Doctors to Meet » The Martin County Medical As ' sociatloti vviirentcrtaiu the physi cuius of seven Coautus here 011 j0 .. ! next Wednesday, April 10th. The. j nie?ti n t--; —the City 1 lail a banqtTtit Wi!: >ie "given i at>hq Atlantic Hold. Tify meet 'ins promises to he very inUrr:-..ting ■•: id instru-iiye. Dra.^'/Worreu, i Rhoder and Saunders havu charne f of the arrangements for tht enter jtainment of the guests. Robin Hood ana Guy 1 • » - bonre The sheriff of Nottin*)' «et an eiioriuoug pne 1 •>' head of Robin Ho »0 : Gisbornc, a skilful h»c'" » mined to win the prix.- > ' himself to Sherw-oo I Koir-t 1 o John and Rohiu c»uh' -I-M stranger and knew irw - »v 1 that he had oomt- to some o- ■ 1 errand which it wmld W « •'«•: them to find out. Lnt J |,M • posed that he shonld go td-.ue sound the stranger. R uuwilling to entrust the il e matter to him, aud L'til. J 1 in a huff. Robin bad son)'' ph fa -a * with the intruder, promis- d• • • - would lead him 10 Roln H did lead him into the lit an ' " forest. He some feats to while away th nmr had some merrv sj»oti io, ; t. each admired the other V. n.n . 1 use of the long how kt.» length revealed hts 1 1 Guy his errand. Thc> >-nr. t-■ fight till the death uf OI)i I • '.II other, and there In-gnu i.s J ful an exhibition of beion. e ui as history records. Robin footing and Guv HHS ib u possession of his htl|iless >.■; Robin'sinipunun iie ir>i.. ■ > Virgin wws heaid ami feet ugHin He soon Iml v t q . ed his opponent W t'.i kin note of compassion l -r • i>'» man and 11 grim j st over l i t essity of putting tbe wort . 1..11 the best man, he with Guy and then deal lace beyond L Mounting a HI ho 'e' .' | to the .sheriff and niiiu>u .i 1 j selt of Gi->boiin . >l of Rob>n Hood. TIK 1 j sheriff would have te \ I with money, but 1 be hr. I tbnl the sl.iying ul iba* \ 0 7 Robin Hood, «»vn wn.i | and hurried a*at, 1 > 1 ents he anv uni Se.it i«: fioai the s!urilT s >«ii.ic • rescured him Then • I Little Jolm tied hand '! pecting to l*e biiiikied I I ! him. Then sif L j fulest home, be ie-i in e | clot !iny» and 1 111 ] »- is n-> ■ j Gif borne no mote Ciiiy of Gisb- r> e •> il the procession o 1 VI '•> Stato Norui.il College G I>r J T. R Ne.l I' | sidt Dfiii: CoT, Giee v j writes recentlv, '1 1 « • practicing phv>tti hi o> ■ I for over 35 \ er- nl . I ministereu mm\ ki IM but non» to ►ij i d Kii ! Pills. They me s>■!« 101 i lever used, an l ut-e 1 i| I and mo.'t perm nt-ni K II Date For H.tvU Governor Kituhm bo date tor the el ciio.-nnosi Bagley, who on AUKII- I S assassinated Chi.*i ol l'-»i'. The execution wilt 1 k the State prison at k ii- . 17th, between th.- limns eleven o'clock. Alffl iSt A MifcCl One of the inoa> st 1 »■ ever seen in any 111 mi , ~ VV. B. ii'ii j was effected veirs • li "He had such a « r; idi' i he wiites, "that ab . . thought hv- wa . i t'.ou, but he b Ui i.s f) New DiiCoveiy-. mi J cured by ten ,bnt;l s fsutnrl ' :tud wf * i V [ . • - - -- * — I pounjj, l f >r in ill >- i family • ha - use t 1 remedy (or C > us 1 ; : excljjlei). ie>a > r '■ rellablj a.i • .» i .rr **l - » \ ' c.entH and $ 1 .0 f 1 ! at Saund t-. iV I'\j. . oo a Year in Advance kOBERSONVILLE NEWS ITEMS Local ffsppenings and People who are Coming and Going, Here, There and Yonder as Gathered by our Regular Corres pondent. Mtsd raes Charlie and VVilHe Hursf, of Oak City visited relative* here thin week. Mrs. B. H. XoheiEon, r *! Point, was in towa Wednev J unfits Everett, of Palmyra, nt'e»- i!e I the annual meefitigolth***firlh holder* of ibe bank here Wedncs* d-iy. J. H. Everett, of Oak City, wa* here Mom lay. Miss Vivat> Rives, of neai if unilton, was here Monday. (1. M. Roberson vent t« Viitiamstoo Monday. Messrs. J. C. Keel and W. JL \K»rton went to Oak City Wednt»> day. H. Sbepheid an# Ada Norman, wbo spent severa# Jays' in Monroe last week, »>tnrnei lioun: Monday. Mrs. Whit Moort, of [.ipeiu Satuidiy here. Is!d r Sunday, of Wilmington I he'd htrvicis at the Primitive 1 i• «ti-» Church Monday. 3 ve' al from bere attended tbe inve Baptist Unionnear Rocky ; Mount SuuJay. Kev. N. 11. Shepherd spent tbe .- ok t-nd at Fremont. Si-v ral from 1 ere "Buste* iirnvu" it WiPLmsfen Friday '" *'>t. \i,» Maromie Taylor, of Ever* i• , speut the vve;k eml wit! ''* i, .• ; Jim s. mi- K. J. Ne'son rtturue ;> r\fl fiusday. '■! r. and Mrs. lvmer Parker and i nut r, of u-, spent Sunlay v; ti \lis. J. li. Con^kton. I'll • rn .nv friends of Mrs. D. HF. • i .ti' I ! regret very mt:ch to bear • id r i eut ii!ne*-si. I t «.- it«.'ius of last week, if was t 'l Hiat W A. Roberson & Ca, v . I Umld ahi ggy factory. This ii i nor. The fa tcry will be ■ •'■• l y «he D B. Parker Buggy ..' mi ,iiiv.- li- | L. Sturnes, Hickory, N. s iii ine p ist suffered severely M lit and lu.ig trouble, nA r u-e I Foley's Honey ".'1 -r 0 . n ijund for this and it i i n.-nedi it: satisfaction and re -11 vts me pitas ore to rc • u i ii I ill s preparation for sore it, lio>rs;-ne-s, or any ufil'ctfoa • rut ruat or lungs. 1 knew It i. i lo .ill daiiutd for it." Sauo •ij, \t I'o vdcti. Embroidery Club Vi" E nhroidt ry Club m-. t with •in-, M ay Hasstll on March 22nd, '! »as most delightfully enter* a. it. Mis-, H sstll is an tnibis • i.- tiKMwbtr of the Club and inuJi towaui making tbe ii e 1 u - 1 leasant and instructive. e t nueting will be held wi:h 'i Difoorali FUming on Kssttr • l • I IV, G. Collins, Foslmisti nt e ;itt. N' J. advises his ' lita i iiiy *lll Foley's Hone rufl i' Oo 11 >'»nti 1 ih? best rein !ar ll I ev/i:r tried. I had a la mji that left me complete ■ »1 1 : d, +mt aftr taking half • e »i F I y's Honey and T.«r •> .1 1. ilk* coughing rpells ci. l et-ed. I wish to siy. it 1.1 i-' trs.it/' Sauuders & Fow-

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