VOL. XIII. NO. 2 7 I Professional Cards Hugh B. York, M. D. Microscopy, Electr.nheiapy,X-Ray Diagnosis, Specialties Office over Farmers & Merchants Bank Office hours, 8 to 10 «. nr., 7 to 9 p. ni. Office 'phono 60 - NijrW 'phone 63 Wm. E. Warren - J. S. Rhodes Drs. Warren & Rhodes Physicians and Surgeons Office in Biggs Drug Store 'Phone 29 Jos. H. Saunders, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Day'Phoue 53 - Nigbt'Phone 40 Williamston, N. C. x Dr. R. L. Savage of Rockv Mount, will be at the At lantic Hotel fourth Wednesday in each month to treat diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and Fit Glasses. A. R. Dunning - J. C. Smith Dunning & Smith Attorneys Law Williamston - North Carolina Robersonville, North Carolina Bnrrous A. Critcher - Wheeler Martin Wheeler Martin, Jr. Martin & Critcher Attorney s-at-Law Williamston - North Carolina 'PHONK 23 S. J. Everett Attorney-at-Law Greenville, N. C. - WiJHauwton, N. C. Oreeuvi'le Long Distance Phone 328 S, A. NEWELL Attorney at Law Williamston • North Carolina Clayton Moore Attorney at Law Williatnstou • ■ North Carolina John E. Pope General Insurance, Life, l-i*e. Health, Accident. Live Stock Real Estate - Brokerage Wifliamstcn - North Carolina Office on. Main Street Society Pressingj . . Glub . . I 0. C. Price, Manager Phone No. 58 V Up-to-Date Cleairg, t Pressing, Dyeing and Tailoring Very careful attention given to Ladies' Kid Gloves, Waists Coat Suits and Skirts Club Rates for Men. Cl©thes called for and delivered Agents for Rose & Co. Merchant-Tailors, Chi cago, 111 A 4 . - " ..v !. ' • ■ ' Tax Notice ! North Carolina—Martin County. I, J. C. Crawford, Shetiff of Martin County, linvc this day levied on the following tract? or parcels of land lying and being in th: County aforesaid; and will sell the same for cask before tbe court hou-c dcor of said c unty on Monday the 6tb day of May 1912 for the taxes due and unpaid for tbe year 1911 unless tbe same is paid on or before that date. This the Ist day of April 191 1. J. C. CRAWFORD, Shreiffof Martin County. JAMESVILLE TOWNSHIP Name Tuxts Cost Total Angc, France?, 75 Browning !aad $ .60 $1.30 $ 190 Davis. HH,SI a res res. 425 I 3° 555 Jones, JB, 45 acres laud, rts. 1.80 1.30 310 Wynn. Martha, 100 acres land, res. .91 13? 221 Wynn, JH, 47 acres Stewart James land .60 1.30 190 Lucas Thomas, 380 acres Warren Neclc land 7.80 1.30 910 Holllday, James A, 14 acres laud, res. .60 1.30 1.90 Alexander, RR, 14 acres land, res. 3.98 13° 5 28 Button, Joseph, 9 acres land, res. 2.81 130 411 Davis, Richard, 13 ecrts Dave Sherrod land 2.37 1.30 3.67 Dempsey, Susan, 10 acres Warren Neck laud .34 1.30 164 Gray, Thomas, Sr, 1 town lot ' 1.56 130 286 Gee, Harrison. 40 acres land, res. 506 1.30 636 Garrett, Louis, 7 acres Haywood James .31 130 161 Holoman, WG, 1 one town lot 5.23 1.30 6.53 Jarvis, Amy, estate, r towu lot .91 1.30 2.21 Lauglev, J H, 1 acre land, res. 3 4° '-3 0 4-7° Land, Martha, estate, 1 town lot .91 1.30 2.21 Mann, Mary E, 1 town lot ,91 J. 3° 2 21 Pierce, Lawrence, 20 acres land, res. 2.71 130 401 Riddick. Stcpheu, 43 acre land, res. 3-33 '3° 4 6 3 Staton, JT, 1 •ow.i lot .31 »-3Q 161 Williams, Charley, acre land. res. .91 '-3° 2 21 Walker, JJ, 2 town lot 4»5 1 3° 545 Waters. Sarah, estate, acres, res. ~ 1.20 1.30 2.50 Co'.lius, Andrews, 1 towu lot " 2.40 1.30 3.70 Nichols, Wm. est., 1 town lot & 7 ucrcs laud —rs« 130 222 Kartell, John, 20 acres* land, res, i.?o 1.3° V.-50 • WILLIAMS TOWNSHIP Roberts. Viney, 5 acres land,res. 2.01 4.30 3.31 Swain, Frances, acre storo lot. 240 130 3.70 GRIFFIN TOWNSHIP Gilliam, RL, 20 acres Mary .Corey land. 31 * 1.30 161 Hodges, Richard, 27 acres County lint land. 31 130 161 Staliiwys Karier, 140 acres land ves. 5.15 3°' 6.45 BEAR GRASS TOWNSHIP 0->born, JJ, 3 acres land adj A L Rogerson. 15. 130 145 Wytiu, John H, heirs, 5 acres land adj Mc G Wynn. 31 1.30 1.61 F*>gT r **H'i utim land tea. —— - 4'43 ' 573 Shep;>ar?, Edna, 126 seres laud :„dj JII Sheppatd. 3.71 r.30 401 WILLIAMSTON TOWNSHIP Swain, Heirs, one lot swamp land. 1.25 tJo 2.55 BagLy, A, 2 town lots rea. 8.00 1.30 930 Bond, Mack, 1 town lot. 80 1.30 2,10 Duggan, Wiley, 1 town lot adj Baglty. 60 1.30 190 Finch, Wm, ngt wife, 1 town lot. 1.33 1.30 2.63 Grifiin, Rhrxlf r, 1 town Jot r«s. 340 1.30 4-7° Hansel!, Eliza', 30 acres land le's i.fo 1.30 2.90 j Lo)d, Hanuab, r town lot vacant. 16 1.30 1.46 Mathews, Claud, 1 town lot vacant. 249 1.30 3.79! Price, OC, x town lot vacant. 260 130 3.90! Purvis, Wm, 1 town lot. 2.49 r.30 3.79 Riddick, Henry, 1 town lot res. 1.00 130 230 Spruell, Minnie, 1 town lot vacant. 20 t.30 150 Gray, Williams, estate 7 acres land adj SL A. 1.40 1.30 270 Williams, Joe. r town lot rts. 4.44' 1.30 5-74 CROSS ROADS TOWNSHIP Briley, Ed, 1 town lot. , 3.72 130 5.02; Lawrence, Simon, 2 acres land adj Blount Chauce. 66 1.30 1.96 Roberson, Geo D, 25 acres laud adj II Chance 2.80 130 4.10! Teel, Gus, 56 acres land adj Henry Bowen. 387 130 5.17 ROBERSONVILLE TOWNSHIP J*H Sr, 65 acres of land adj John Mayo. 6.27 1.30 7.57 Nelson, WA, 56 acres land adj Ed Jolly. 9.00 1.30 t0.30 Powell, JB, 1 town lot in Parmele. 60 r,30 1.90 Warren, Joe, 1 town lot in Robersonville. 12 r.30. 142 Andrews, Oscar, r town lot in Parmele. 2.85 1.30 4.15 Barnbill, Martha, 1 town lot in Parmele. 31 t.30 x.61 Bullock, George, 32 acres land adj I S Riddick -3 33 130 463 Council, Alfred, 40 acres land adj McMoore. 2.40 1.30 3.70 Everett, JW t town lot in Parmele 1.05 1.30 2.35 Forrest, RF, 42 acres land adj A Wynn. 2.40 1.30 3.70 Howell, Roy, 25 acres land adj J H Everett. 91 t.30 2.21 Long, Robert, 1 town lot in Parmele. 60 1.30 r9O Moore, MC, 29 acres land adj Alfred C. 2.40 1,30 3.70 Moore. Bob, 3 town lots in Robersonville. 2.09 i.y r i.u> Mayo, John, 2 lots in Parmele. 3.17 1.30 447 Roberson, Wiley, 1 town lot in Robersonville. 2.59 1.30 3.89 Smith; Peter, 9 acres land adj JII Bryant. 2.73 1.30 4.03 Ttel, Jim, 1 town lot in Robersonville. 2.07 1.30 3.37 Turner, Robert, 1 town lot in Parmele .60 r.30 1.90 Williams, Church, 1 town lot in Robersonville 2.11 r.30 3.41 Parmele Eccl. Lum. Co, 10 towu lots, Parmele x 2.00 1.30 *13.30 WILLIAMSTON, N. C\ FRIDAY, APRIL ig, 1912 Honor Roll Pur the mouth ending April sth, j 912. i -t. Grade. —Annie Euuise Craw ford, Martha Harrison,' Stella Ward, Allen Peed, Saturate Jolly. 2nd. Grade.—Estelle Cowing, Rolai.d Jelly, Jule Carr Wynn, Marv G. Watts, Martha S. Hassell, Ethel Hirris, Iconise Harrison, flu! ah Biker, Ralph Edwards, William Carstarphen, Lida Cook, Elizabeth Hurra*, SaJlic Brown. 3rd. Grade.—Arthur, Clarence ani Oscar Ayers, Hazel Betben, Halciiih Bradley, Estelle Crawloid, Janie Edwards, Samuel Gardner,' Mary Bvlle Harrell, Francis Man ning, Charles Knight. 4th, Grade - GarUnd, B. anil Mattie Lou Anderson, C. D. Cftr-tarphen, Mary King and 'Wjl lipni Ellison, Sum Harrell, William Manning. sth. Grade.—Bessie Page, Shel ton W colard, Louise Robertson, Blanche Mooie, Una Bradley. 6th Grade.—Carrie Ded White, Svlvia Upton, CJeorge H. Kent, James li. Harrell. Harrell Thomas, Fannie B Martin. 7th. Grade. —Fitzhugh Robert sou, Mary Bradley, Robert Peel, Clyde Anderson, Richard Smith. Bth. Guide.*- Leona Page, Daisy Manning. yth. Grade.—Eva Peel, Leroy Auderson, Ollie Roberson, \*ctes Dowel 1, Frances Ku, gilt, Josephine Robertson. io'.h. Grade. —Maurice Watts, Fannie M. Manning, Martha Ward, Walter Jenkins, Allie l ladley. Royal Arch Masons Couoho Chapter No. 12 Royal Arch Masons met in special session ~beie Wednesday afternoon at 5 o'clock and continued until 12 m Seven candidates were exalted ami the work was most interesting. Theie were visitors from Washing ton and a numbi r of out of-towu nn tubers wen- here. The interest in the work of the Chapter is mark ed and tbe membership is growing. There were about forty in atteod miCc? at t !u- urteTiiyg. After tbe buskins, sessiotr was (iver, rupper'was nerved at the At l intic Hotel. The menu Was ix- J'Cf.lent refreshing after so ir.c.uy hours in the Lodge room j Synches arid clever rfpartec made tbe hour croucd the board n de lightful one Major Neal Dead The death of Major John li. Nenl occutred at the heme of Mrs. Kate Dunn in Scotland Neck on Sunday. lie was sever.ty-three \ ears old and had been prominent in politics of bis county tor some vears. During the Civil war, he was a gallant officer, belonging to Wade Hampton's cavalry. Major Neal bad been married three tunes and leaves five children a sister and mother, tbe latter be ing niuety-four years old. He was the uncle of Dr. J. H. .Saunders of this town. His visits here were very frequent and be had many friends throughout thecounty, who regret to learn of his death. York-Blount The following invitation has been received: Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Blount request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter \ - gate > . —r- ■ -tO"" Dr. Hugh Brantley York on the morning of Wednesday May the first at half after seven o'clock Methodist Episcopal ChUrcb Williamston, North Carolina No cards in town. , 'i v.. • 'i- Leap Year Dance Only at rare intervals is woman given the opportunity to exhibit her ability to provide for the pleas ure of the sex tint declares-her "uncertain, coy, and hard to please." This opportunity comes, however, on every fourth year, when she can, without fear of cou traduction, assert her right to risk and not wait the asking. The young women of Williamston on Thursday evening of last week, demonstrated their power to please and arrange the menu* for giving delight to their friends of the op posite sex. To the Masonic Hall, which had been attrrctively decor ated, each young woman escorted her partner, having called for him at his home. Alexander's Orches tra was playing beautiful airs and at 0:30 the dancing be»;au Jed by Mr. and Mr. C. B. Hassell. The men wore evening clothes and the women were gowned in lovely cos tumes which made the scene more attractive. There were thirty num bers on the dance cauls and the hour was late when these were finished. The management of the affair wis perfect and tbe young rntn enjoyed being tbe recipients of such a delightful favor. During the evening punch was served by Mrs. C M, Lanier. After tbe dance, there were lun?heous served at tbe homes of Mr. and Mra. J P. Simpson, Mr. and Mr?. C. B. Hnstell and Mr. and Mrs K H Crawford. These were pleasant endings to an evening fraught with so much that makes tl»6 heart merry and free from care The ladle* dancing and their partners Were: Miss Clara Jones and Julius Peel; Miss Hannah Vic Fowdeti and J. W. Biggs; Miss Kssie Peel «'.nd Wheeler Martin, Jr.; Miss Cirrie Alexander aod Dr. J. S Rhodes; Miss Anna Beth Purvis and Clayton Moore; Miss Eva Gainor and A. M. Jordan- Miss Anna Crawford atid Harry A, Biggs; Mis-« Irene Smith and Leslie Fowden; Miss I:n!»d!e Morten'and N\ C. Everett, of UoVr-ouvilli:, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hassell. Mr. and Mrs. J. i*. ftitupsou, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Dunning, Mr. and Mrs. I ? . W. Iloyt, Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. An drews, 01. Robersonville. Stags: Dr. T. K. Hughes, U. M. llal-s, Cecil Ecereit, Maurice Watt-. Patronesses: Mrs. J. G. Status, Mrs. C. M. Lnnier, Mrs. A. H. Smith, Mr?. \V. H. Crawford. Mission Services Rev. John R. Matthews will be giu a .'cries of services in the Epis copal Chiircb her? on N'onday night, Aptd j.'iid. Mr. Matthews is.an Englishman and a profound Bible student and has been wonder fully successful iu bis inissioas throughout the State. His services and sermons appeal to every one who hears them and the people cf the town are cordially requested to assist in these services as Mr. Matthews has made a selection of familiar and standard hymns which he desires to be used duting the week. One of the chief features of the meeting will be the Bible Readings at 10:30 o'clock each morning. Those attending are asked to bring their Bibles and thereby gain the greater benefit. Tbe serAices at night will begin at 8 o'clock. There will be three services on Sunday, Ike 28th, at 11 and 8 and one for Men'at 3:^0T11 the afternoon. Mr. Matthews is coming here to bring a message to tbe community —to do good to everybody and the public is cordially invited to hear him and to assist in the services, so as to make them profitable to tbe town. I si.oo a .tar in Advance R(MRSONVILLE NEWS ITEMS Local Happenings and People who are Coming and Going, Here, There . and Yonder as Gathered by our Regular Corres pondent. . * Judk'v. Ilobbs, of Williamston, was in towu Tuesday. Mr*. Harper Peel aud Miss Msrthn Council, of Hamilton, were here Friday. E. A. Taylor attended court at Washington this week. Things are tuov : ng rapidly r.tthe hosiery mill and *vcrk will l-s;{in next week. Mrs. Pitlmm and little daughter returned to Greenville Monday after sometime here. Several from here attended the show at Greenville Monday. Robetsouville expects to be the manufacturing city in Martin County. Mr. and Mrs. Tnoms Roberson, of Scotland Neck, spent the week end here with relatives. A. R. Dunning, of Williauiston, was in town Tuesday. Miss L : zzie Roberson returned home from Scotland Neck Friday. Mights Beltie Roberson, Anoie Mooring, Fnye Everett, llattie Wyun and Reta Robtrson spent the Weekend wi:h Mi-s I.ucile Rober son. The Ret ai! Merchant.* Associa tionlnat here Wednesday. Among those wlio attended from out of town were R. W. Salsbury, J. H. Everett, J. L. Peikins, James Peel, Julius Barnhill aud Thomas Andrews. Drath of an Infant . Susie Ba'.;er, the li't'e* dnuyhler of Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Sauuiier3, died Sattrrdav afternoon, April 13th, bt tween the hoi'is of four and The little babe came to _ bka? i-hn ho«ae on Januaty Ist. 1912, -> •:£ though frail and delicate as llowerp, the '.ittle ho:'y, had respond ed to the tender care of its parents aud gave promise of a life which would become the future joy of the household. . But the Under flower was not for earth and «o God took it to that Heavenly Garden there to :-.hed a fuiler find sweeter fra grance am >•)• the uuge's. Sunday t.lternoon, the funeral set vices were conducted from the Episcopal Church by the rector, Rev. M. K. Bcthoa. The tiny caS-. - ket covered with beau'iful flowers, was borne in by F. W. Hoyt, J. G. Staton, McKimmou Sautidefs and Eevlie Fowdtu. The ititfir mejit was in-the Baptist Cemetery and loving hands laid sweetest blossoms upon the little mound. Among the relatives who were here from other towns were Mr. aud Mrs. Jack Saunders, of Kius tou, McKimmou Saunders, of Washington, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bovle, Miss Hattie Dardeu and E. B. Dardeo, of Hamilton. Tfie Danger After Gric lies often iu a run-down system. Weekness, nervousness, lack of appetite, energy and ambition, with disordered liver and kidneys often follow an attack of this wretched disease. The greatest need then Is Electric Bitters, the glorious tonic, blood purifier and regulator of stomachniver aud kidneys. Thou sands have proved that they won derfully strengthen the nerves, build up the system and restor; to health and good spirits aftf ; an attack of Grip. If sufferinf tsy them. Only 50 cents. Soli >,» d perfect satisfaction guaranteed by Saunders & Fowden.

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