THE ENTERPRISE Published Weekly. WILLIAMSTON, N. 0. After all It le no Sunday afteruooi stroll to tile soutb pole Tbe speed mania baa Its dangers U railroading as a ell Is In motoring. Aeroplane records continue to b broken almost aa often aa aeroplanes Modern railroading gets a »ldeswlp« every time a spectacular wreck oo curs. A man la generally willing to worl for nothing at a tblng that lan't wortt doing. A club haa been organised In New York to boost good playa It will not be overworked. Not until the queen tries to cook ■ meal on tbe king s new stovs will tb« true test come. Tbe man who loves old-fasbloßed winters has been csugbt studying « seed catalogue Persons who clamored for an old fashioned winter are said to have ceased clamoring. if there Is a Bleeping volcano undei „ the Panama canal the thing (or U tc do !■ to sleep on. Hlg feet may indicate n big brain but most women would rather have beauty than brains. A French couple made their wed ding tour In an aeroplane. An actual case of "fly with me." A New York highwayman held up a poet. Hut then mistakes will happen, even In the robbery business. Railroads propose to advance the rates on hay, but other breakfast foods can be shipped at the old price Thus far the announcement of scien tists that blondes are doomed has not caused a slump In the peroxide mar ket. The stoneless plum has been evolved by human sclci.ce. Hut as yet tbe waterless milk is a drama of the future. A New >*ork woman called a police man when a mnn proposed to her on the street. Probably utraid that he'd get awav. A New York legislator proposes an antl-treatlng bill. If It goes through, bow will the native New Yorker get bis drinks? The man who flew from l»ndon to Paris the other day went up six thou sand feet for the purpose of avoiding snowdrifts. Vascar girls have formed a fire brigade; but It Is supposed that they will dispense with the book and lad der company. According to a London professor the most humane way to kill an oyster is to eat him. Hut suppose one does not like oysters? The California surgeon who re moved his own appendix only proved that some persons will do anything tc escape paying a doctor bill. In view of the threatened baseball Investigation, perhaps the umpires will take the hint and not require as much talking to this summer. A Chicago preacher man urges a school for courtship. It always Beemed to ug that courtship was a branch of learning that needed no school. The man w ho predicted a hard win ter Is mighty chesty, but there Is con solation in the knowledge that he has to pay his coal bill like tbe rest of ua. It appears (hat 2,000 fewer books were published In this country last year than In 1910. This Is distinctly good news to lovers of good litera ture. Anion* the new flilds In education Is the proposal of a woman to, teach 4 girls to flirt. Before long the appetite to have everything taught will re quire a course In teaching young duck» to swim. "if your feet aro cold, you are dls pleased about something," says an emi nent authority. It Is true also that oft In the stilly nlgbt, when your wife's feet are cold, you are displeased about something A London magistrate has decided that a cabman cannot recover a fare from an Intoxicated person, but prob ably London's cabmen will go right on recovering several fsres at a time from Intoxicated persons. Now a Spanlr.b prince Is trying to get the royal consent to his msrrlsga with an American girl. If the royal —— .. ties only knew the truth of the matter, they would substitute entreaties for the match for mere consent, for tbe American girl is the queen of creation. Twenty-five rats, dyed pink, have been let loose in the streets of Se attle for investigation purposes. But the effect of those pink rats suddenly appearing to late convivial citizens go ing home is likely to cause some hid- MEXICO IS WARNED BY UNITED STATES UNCLE SAM HAS TIRED OF STATE OF ANARCHY IN SOUTH ERN REPUBLIC. WILL BE NO INTERVENTION United States Will Not Stand for At tacks on Americana and for Dam age of American Property. Washington.—Warning was issued by the United States to tbe Mexican government aa well as to Gen. Pas cual Orozco, chief of the revolution ary forces, that "it expects and must demand that American life and prop erty be Justly and adequately pro tected, and tbat this government must hold Mexico and the Mexican people responsible for all wanton or illegal acta, sacrificing or endangering Amer ican property or interests." The attitude of the United States, as expressed to both tbe Federal and rebel authorities Is that any maltreat ment of American citizens "will be deeply resented by the American gov ernment and people, and muat be fully answered for by the Mexican people." / Acting Secretary Huntington Wll son of the state department, who is sued special Instructions to Ambas sador Henry Lane Wilson at Mexico City at Chihuahua, authorized the statement that intervention was not' contemplated by the United States. Ambassador Wilson was ordered to communicate at once the views of the United States to the Mexican mln inter for foreign affairs and a copy of his instructions was likewise sent to Marlon American consul at Chihuahua, with special represen tations addressed to General Orozco. Orozco recently refused to recog nize Mr. Letcher as the American consular representative because the United States withheld recognition of the rebel cause. The representations to Orozco accuse him of "practical murder" of Thomas Fountain, • an American gunner, enlisted with the Federals, summarily executed last week when taken prisoner by the In surrectos. Though declining to justify partici pation by Americans on either side of the revolution, the United States expressly stipulates that American combatants when taken prisoner must be given humane treatment in accord ance with the international rules of war. BROTHERS KILL 13 PEOPLE Wave of Crime Near Birmingham Wa» Work of Two Brothera. Birmingham, Ala—The murder mys terieß of Lewlaburg have at laßt been partially cleared. Confessions were obtained from Arthur and Walter Jones, brother, In which they acknowl edged to nine murders, as follows: Wllliaril 11. Rhea, white, shot from ambush. In 19*19. George Shumaker, white; shot on Five Mile vreek bridge, in 1905. L. V. Evans, white; shot from am bush, October 3, 19H. Sam Thomaß, Will Spencer. Louis Ixiwry, Handsome Woodruff, Robert Malone, Shep Chancy, all colored. Neither of the Jones brothers has yet said anything about the murder of J. W. Kllard and his son. S. S. TITANIC HITS ICEBERG Largest Vessel Afloat With 1,300 Souls Aboard, Strikes on Mountain of Ice. Cape Race, N. F.—The steamship, the Titanic called "C. Q. D.," and re ported having struck an Iceberg. The steamer said that immediate assist ance was required. Half an hour af terwards another message came re porting that they were sinking by the head and that women were being put off in the lifeboats. The weather was calm and clear, the Tltanlc'a wireless operator re ported and gave the position of the vessel 41.46 north latitude and 50.14 west longitude. The Marconi station at Cape Race notified the Allan liner Virginian, the captain of which Immediately advised that he was proceeding to the scene of the disaster. Wheat Advances 10 Cents ■ Bushel. Chicago.—Ten cents a bushel ad vance in the price of wheat waa tbe worst crop scare In the United States since 1907. More than four cents of the big rise took place in about as many minutes of bedlam on 'change. Again and again the price receded only to jump once more up to the high figures which had startled the nerves of even the most hardened plnngerß in the pit. The strain con tinued with but alight cessation till the jangling gonga at the cloae clear ed the speculatora from the floor. Roosevelt Taika of Penn. Victory. Oyster Bay, N. Y.—"We hit them middling hard," Mid Colonel Rome velt of hts victory In the Pennsy!?«- nta primaries. The colonel was great ly elated, and exhibited a heap of telegrams sent him extending congrat ulations. Colonel Roosevelt was ask ed whether in his opinion hla nomi nation was now probable. "1 would not aay that," he responded. The re sult In Pennsylvania, he said, pleased him particularly because he consid ered it an expression of popular op- GREAT STEAMSHIP TITUG IKS - AFTER STRIKING All ICEBERG * * ' WHEN STEAMERS THAT ANSWERED "S. O. S." CALL REACHED THE PLACE WHERE ACCIDENT OCCURRED, THE TITANIC HAD SUNK, AND ONLY SITS Or THE WRECKAQE WE RE TO «E SEEN. THE WOMEN AND CHILDREN WERE TAKEN OFF FIRST A Wirslsss Message From the Steam er Carpathia Glvss a Partial List «f the Pssengsrs Who Were Rescued From the Titanic. New York.—More than one thou sand five hundred persons, It Is (ear ed, sank to death when, within less than four hours after she crashed into an Iceberg, the mammoth White Star Lino steamship Titanic, bound from Liverpool to New York, on her maiden voyage, went to the bottom off the Newfoundland banks. Of the approximately twenty-two hundred persona on board the fltaat liner, tome of them of world-wide prominence, only 866 are known to have been saved. The White Star Line offices in New York, while keep ing up hope to the last, were free to admit that there has been horrible loss of life." 1 . Accepting the early estimates of the fatality list as accurate, the disaster Is the greatest in the marine histpry of the world. Nearest approaching it in magnitude were the disasters to the steamship Atlantic in 1873, when 574 lives were lost, and La Bourgoyne in 1808, with a fatality list of 571. Should It prove that other lines, no tably the Allan liners, Parisian and Virginian, known to have been in the vicinity of the Titanic, hud picked up other of her passengers, the extent of the calamity would be greatly re dticed. This hope still remains. News of the sinking of the liner and the terrible loss of life In conse quence came with all the greater Bhock because hope had been buoyfd up all day by reports that the steam ship, although badly damaged, was not In a sinking condition and that aU her passengers had been safely taken off. The messages were most ly unofficial, however, and none came direct from the liner, so a lurking fear remained of possible bad news There came flashing over the wires from Cape Race, within 400 miles of which the liner had struck the Ice berg, word that at 2:20 o'clock, Mon day morning, three hours am) flfty\ live minutes after receiving her death blow, the Titanic had sunk. The news came from the steamship Caipathia, relayed by the White Star Liner Olympic, and revealed that by the time the Carpathia, outward bound from New York and racing for the Ti tanic on a wireless call, reached the scene the doomed vessel had sunk. I>ft on the Burface, however, were lifeboats from the Titanic and In them, as appears from the meager re porta received were aome 86fl sur vivors of the disaster. These, accord ing to the advices, the Carpathla pick ed up and Is now on her way with them to New York. For the rest, the scene as the Car pathla came up was one of desola tion. All that remained of the $lO.- 000,000 floating palace, on which near ly fourteen hundred passengers had been voyaging luxuriously to this side of the Atlantic, were some bits of wreckage. The biggest ship In the world had gone down, snuffing out In her downward plunge, It appears, hundreds of human lives. A significant line in the Cape Race dispatch was the announcement that of those saved by the Carpathla near ly all were women and children. Should It prove that no other vessel picked up any passengers of the sink ing liner this mfght mean that few of the men on board have been saved, aB the proportion of women and chil dren among the passengers was large. The same facts would likewise spell the doom of practlcaly the entire crew of about eight hundred and sixty. In the cabins were 230 women and children, but It Is not known how many there were among the 740 third class passengers. In the first cabin there were 128 women and 15 children, and in the second cabin 79 women and eight children. Liner Was Insured for $5,000,000. London. —The Titanic was insured at Lloyds for J5.000.000, No definite information is obtainable as to the amount of valuables on board, but it is generaly understood that the ves sel took diamonds of the estimated value of $5,000,000, consigned to deal ers. She also took a large amount of bonds. A member of a prominent firm of underwriters said: "Even If the Titanic reaches port her owners will have to calculate on a loss of at least $750,000, but if she becomes a total loss It will be an extremely serious matter. Futrelles Aboard the Titanic. Atlanta. —Among the passengers aboard the 111-fated llper Titanic were Jacques Futrelle, the author, a former Atlantin, and hla wife, who w#i Miss Msy Peel, an Atlanta girl. The Futrelles were returning to America to take up their aummer abode in their home at Ccltuate, Mass. They visited Atlanta during the past Christ mas holidays, and went aboard as soon as they returned to New York from the South about the middle of January. They vlalted Gibraltar, It aly, London and Swltaerland on their trip abroad . ; Boston.—A wireless message picked up relayed from the Olympic says that the Carpathia is on her way to New York with 866 passengers from the steamship Titanic aboard. Tbey are moatly women and children, the message said, and It concluded: "Crave fears are felt for the safety of the balance of the passengers and crew." Partial List of Passengers Saved by Btesmer Carpathia. Cape Race, Newfoundland.—Follow ing in a partial list of the first cabin passengers who were r.esued from the Titanic: Mrs. Edward _W. Appleton, Mrs. Hose Abbott, Miss C. M. Burns, Miss I>. D. Cassebero, .Mrs. William M. Clarke, Mrs. H. Chibinace, Miss E. G. Crossble, Miss H. E. Crossbie, Mist* Jean lllppach, Mrs. Henry B. Harris (wireless version Mrs. L. Y. B. Har rls), Mrs. Alex llalvernon, Miss Mar garet Hays, Mr. Bruce lsraay, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kimberly, Mr. F. A. Kenyyman, Miss Emile Kenchcn, Miss CI. F. lx>ngley, Miss A. F. Leader, Miss Bertha Lavory, Mrs. Ernest Lives, Mrs. Susan P. Rogerson, Miss Kmlly B. Rogerson, MTB. Arthur Hog erson, Master Allison and nurse, Miss K T. Andrews, Miss Ninette Panfort, Miss E. W. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. D. Illshop, Miss Mary ('lines, Mrs. Sin grid Undstrem, Mr. Gustav J. Issuer, Miss Georgietta Amadlll, Madame Mellcard, Mrs. Tucker and maid, Mrs. J. B. Thayer, Mr. J. B. Thayer, Jr.. Mr. H. Woolmer, Miss Anna Ward, Mr. Klch M. William, Mrs. J. Steward White, Miss Marie Young, Mrs. Thom as Potter, Jr., MTB. Edna 8. Roberts, Mr. H. Blank, Miss A. Hasina, Mrs. James Baxter, Mr. George A. Bayton, Mms. Bonnell. Brs. J. M. Brown, Miss G. C. Howen, Mr. and Mrs. R. I>. Beckwith, Countess of Rothes, Mr. C. R. Olmane, Mrs. Jacob P. (word missing). The above list was received by wireless at Cape Race Station from the steamer Carpathia. In spelling and initials, it does not correspond with the list as cabled from Ixindon. Mistakes were due to the hurried wireless transmission and relays. In one Instance, a Mrs. L. Y. B. Harris Is named In the wireless Hat, but on the passenger list as announced here there was only a Mrs. Henry B. Har ris, and there were a number of sim ilar discrepancies. Boston. —Among the names of sur vlvors of the Titanic picked up by wireless from the steamer Carpathla here were the following: Mr. and Mrs. L. Henry, Mi*. W. A. Hooper. Mr. Mile, Mr. J. Flynn, Mies AUco Fortune, Mra. Robert Douglas. Miss Hilda Slayter, Mrs. P. Smith, Mrs. Rraham, Miss Lucille Carter, William Carter. Mlas Florence Rob Mlsb Roberts, Miss Cummins. Mrs. Florence Ware, Miss Alice Phillips, Mrs. Paula Mungo, Miss Rosle , Miss Mary •, Mrs. Jane , Miss Bertha . (Last four names were missed.) Notable persons, travelers on the Titanic, whose fate was in doubt in the lack of advice as to the Identity of the survivors, were Mr. and Mrs. John Jacob Astor. MaJ. Archibald Butt. Charles M. Hayes, president of the Grand Trunk Pacific of Canada, his wife and daughter; W. T. Snead. Benjamin Guggenhelln. F. D. Millet, the artist, and J. O. Widener of Phil adelphia; Mrs. and Mrs. Isldor Straus. J. B. Thayer, vice president of the Pennsylvania railroad; J. Bruce Is may. Henry B. Harris, the theatrical manager, and Mrs. Harris, and Col. Washington Roebllng, builder of the Brooklyn bridge. White Btar Officiate Talk. New York.—Vice President Frank lin of the White Star Line conceded that thete had been "a horrible loss of life" in the Titanic disaster. He said that he had no Information to disprove the dispatch from Cape Race to the elfect that only 875 pf the paasengers and crew had been res cued. He said that the monetary loss could not be estimated, although he Intimated that It would run Into the millions. "We can replace the mon ey." he added, "but not the lives. It Is horrible." Taft AnxloMs About Archie Butt. Washington.—President Taft was In gTeat anxiety fdr news of his aide, Capt Archibald Butt, who was on the Titanic. New York.—The following message from President Taft was received by Vice President Franklin : "Have you any Information concerning Major Butt? If yon will communicate at once, would greatly appreciate." The answer was; "Sorry to qay, I have no definite Information. As soon as jreceived will notify you." • j.. •. •... » -. . . •» CLARA RAW 4 - PASSES AWAY CAUSE OF DEATH WAS CHRONIC PNEUMONIA—WHOLE NATION MOURNS LOSS. FOUNDED THE RED CROSS Miss Barton's Services to Humanity Were Rscognizsd by Foreign Countries. Washington.—Clara Barton, founder of the American Red Cross Society, died at her home in Glen Echo, Md. The cause of her death was chronic pneumonia, with which she was stricken about a year ago. Her broth er, Stephen Barton of Boston, was with her when she died. Miss Barton was born at Oxford, Mass., In 1821. Miss Barton had been confined to her home, "Red CrosS," at Glen Echo since last fall, when she returned from a visit to New England. It. was thought her trip was beneficial, but soon afterward she was taken severely 111. She celebrated her 90th birthday anniversary December 25, when she received many messages of congrat ulation from all parts of the world. Clara Barton might probably be call ed the Florence Nightingale of Amer ica. Like her British prototype her works of mercy were not confined to her native land, but wore carried even Into the eastern hemisphere. She Will be written down in history as the founder of the Red Cross in America, but her powerful personality also made an Indelible Impression upon the international organization Itself through her active participation in the periodical conferences at Geneva, Rome. Vienna and St. Petersburg. During her lifetime she received many decorations from foreign coun tries In recognition of her services to humanity and her varied experiences have been recorded In permanent form in her liberal contributions to. literature. GENERAL FRED GRANT DEAD Son cf Famous Civil Wsr Lesder Psssss Away in Nsw York City. New York. —Gen. Frederick D. Grant, commander of the department of the east and son of the famous Civil war general, died suddenly st the Hotel Buckingham, where he had been secretly taken by his physicians. Although there had been rumors of €Kneral~ Grant's illness and reports that he would never again take up his duties on Governor's Island, news came as a distinct shock to the pub lic. According to Dr. Robert Abbe and Dr. Edward B. Dench, his physi cians. the death of the general was caused by heart failure. He had been suffering for some time, they assert ed in an official statement, from "dia betes and attendant digestive disturb sncea." General Grant's death vacates the post which, next to that of chief of stair. Is regarded as the most Import ant In the army—eommander-ln-chlef of the eastern division. This posi tion is of such Importance that It can not long be permitted to remain va cant. hence It Is probable that very soon after the funeral It will be nec essary to detail an officer of high rank to the position, probably MaJ. Gen. William A. Carter, now aßalstant chief of staff. Electoral Fuss Decided by Law. Washington.—Again a controversy has arisen aa to the size of the elec toral college which will choose the next president. By some, it Is con tended that the size of the present house, rather than the new house to be elected In November, Is the deter mining factor, and the suggestion is made that the department of Justice be asked for an opinion. In I*l2 there were 218 elector*, though the congress expiring March 4, 1812, con tained only 178 members. A similar situation exlated In 1832. again In 1872 and again In 1892, and the same precedents were followed. There Is no room for doubt that the electoral college of thla year will consist of 531 members. Drastic Measure Against Futures. Washington.—Another anti-option bill la being framed by the bouse committee on agriculture, of which Repreaentative John Lamb of Virginia Is chairman and will be reported to the house at an early date. No difficul ty Is anticipated in passing the meas ure through the house, but Its fate In the senate Is giving the friends of the measure cause for concern. At the last session a drastic and antl optlon bill was sent over to the sen ate, and never came out of commit tee. Soldiers Quiet Q. O. P. Rioters. Bay City, Mich.—Taft and Roose velt men in Michigan politic*, refus ing any basis or compromise after twenty four hours of conferences, gt the atate Republican convention, at tempted to put a quart of delegates Into a pint measure and in so doing precipitated one of the moat bitter conventions In the history of the state. Two sets of leaders and dele gates, Taft and Roosevelt, fought out their issues to the point where the state militia wars needed to maintain SWEET SLUMBER BROUGHT BACK Hn. WUte, UnaUt to Sk*pT«B> H«w She Broagfe Back Naftval Sle«p. Oastonla, N. C.—Mrs. Ellea Whits, of this city, M7>: "I Buffered for several years with womanly trouble*. 1 could not rest at night I began taking Cardul. the wom an's tonic, and before 1 had finished one bottle I-eould sleep whU. It Just acted like a charm. Since taking Cardul I have been In better health than tor ten years. It la the best medleta# 1 ever used. It did me more good than the doctors. I can oertalnly recommend Cardul to all suffering women, for I have been greatly benefited by Its use. It will build them up. Card at has been worth Its weight hi gold to me, for BOW I am well and hearty." No matter how long-standing the trouble, Cardul will help. It la % tonic remedy. It Is prepared for worn en to bring relief from womanly all menta. II helps aleeplessness, one of tha moat common symptoms of nervous breakdown. It helpa build nerves and system. Made from atrlctly vegetable In gredlenta, It baa no lU-effecta on any organ of the body, but acta naturally, gently and safely. Tou can rely on Cardul. It will do for you what it baa done for thou aanda of othera. It will help you. Try It N. B Write lal ladles' AirIMTT CUtIMOH* MHlrtaa Ca., Chat tnmmmmm, T»i., In Special laatrac ttou, Ml M>Hl* l»*. "HW« Trcat ■*■l tor Wmwi," Mat la plala wrtf t«r, m mw»t GENUINE CHARITY. De Roada —I'm doln' me beat t' re lieve th' unemploy'd. De Barn*—Wot are youae doln* far 'em? De Roada—l'm tryln' ev'ry day not to git work. PIMPLES ON FACE 3 YEARS "I waa troubled with acne for three long yeara. My face waa the only part affected, but It caused great disfigure ment also Buffering and loaa of aleep. At Spat there appeared red, bard pimplea which later contained white matter. I Buffered a great deal cauaed by the Itching. I waa In a atate of perplexity when walking the atreeta or anywhere before the public. "I used pilla and other remedlea but they failed completely. I thought of giving up when nothing would help, but aomethlng told me to try the Cutl cura Soap and Ointment. I aent for a Cutlcura Booklet which I read care fully. Then I bought some Cutlcura Soap and Ointment and by follow In* the dlrectlona I waa relieved In a few daya. I uaed Cutlcura Soap for waah lng my face, and applied the Cutlcura Ointment morning and evening. Thia treatment brought marveloua results ao I continued with It for a few week* and waa cured completely. I can truthfully say that the Cutlcura Rem edlea are not only all, but more than they claim to be." (Signed) O. Bau mel, 1018 W. 20th Place, Chicago. HI.. May 28, 1911. Although Cutlcura Soap and Ointment are Bold by drug gists and dealera everywhere, a sam ple of each, with 82-page book, will be mailed free on application to "Cutlcura," Dept. L, Boston. Supreme Faith. "I gave my wife a check for 81.(H*> yesterday." $ "What was the cause of your liber alityr "1 knew ahe'd never have the nerve to try to caah It." „ Burdueo Liver Powder Nature's Remedy: la purely vegetable. As a cathartic, Its action Is easy, mild and effectual. _ No griping, no nausea, makes a sweet breath and pretty com plexion. Teaches the liver to act. Sold by all medicine dealers, 25c. Comparative Values. "My wife can make a tart reply."* "My Wife can do better than that Bbe can mak« a pie speak for Itself." War fOLM Blir Hicks' CAFTDIHS |S tfca bast reaiadr—re- Bsvya the acklaf ated favafiahaaas—curaa tha Ooli Ml MMMW nonaal aaaSlOoaa. It's egtartalauaaSlataiy. ®c., aad 40c. Unless a man la chicken hearted he's seldom henpecked. GirMd Tsi: $ purifjlae tba blood, eradl *{"" Dyspepsia and tnaay fihfoilo irtntriti 1 ■■ ■ ■■ AH things are for the best—and •very one Imagines be'a the best