THE ENTERPRISE PUBLISHED KVERV FRIDAY WUlUmtlon. N.C. WILLIAM C. MANNING. EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATES OttS "-fear - -* • - #I.OO S!r Months 5© Three Month» - • J 5 Strictly Cash lo Advance Advertising Rate# Application Entered »t the Po»t Office at Williimston, • N. C. •» Second ClaM Malt Matter. Friday, April 10, 1912 The campaign against hookworm is still poing 0:1 in Maniu County, aari many people have found great benefit from the treatment, ft is a wonderful thing that the Stite aud County for the :kc Curoliua is nndisputably (f>. ,e radical s> in ipoint) for Cql. Roosevelt. The adminlstra tiou has 110 f 1 i lids stv.; ouiotjp the oflscc holders nrai tbcv cannot s'c-rn the t:«:c. liu: then tb.e wily hunter 1 has nnnr, hatd tV" snmothj over. Pity lie is sucb. a liar. (jne .f the finest tribntt-s paid to the miuioiy of Charles B. Ay-1 cock was the resolution authorizing j tilt publication of bis uuucbvc.'cd speech in tlu. pages of theCougn-ss ionai Record. His words sprung | from the p: .'id t.f a man true j to Democratic principles and a j lit..!'. Mil ot love I'.n his Str-t' u «' J Nation. The undelivered speech of thr j lamented Aycock which appeared | in but?' Ncv« i Observer of Suuda; ' was a clear call to ever) 1). nnxir' !■; :t -. I. '0 thr pi'MC, !»'s •»! the j party. He f.-«vercly' -ai'iyigm'tt Tin-1 protection pt licy for which t cj Republican party stands at d i v.lnch the 1 ).*mocr;.tic platfouul coudemus. A careful leadinsi of j the speech will give one a larger j idea of the dead statesman ami J fii.n trengtbeu our faith in the | pr.n sof the ITeuiorratie j arty. I .lie Great Disaster/ Til'* 1 >s« .>1 t jar thousmidsu '« nio persons 011 tin* ill-fated steam ' 'Titanic" gives us another evidrn that man's eiToris a;anist are futile. Man hr.s bnilded 11 ; things—things which bespeak p | miud God-liice, but whenever the forces of nature combine against his stiuetnaes, then we are an added !e-on yt. our tiailty. Th j ilouliti the Mt%si>is»i>pi is vet j another of o;u wcukue-s, for the levtts buiit b\ the hand c>l j man wi re .-s straw to the ru'h of mighty waters with destruction on I their bosom. The magmticant ' Titanic" with its living freight crumbled in the I fog and ice of the Northern Allan- 1 tic. The builders and captain felt that all things would be safe be cause of the immensity of the ves sel Too soon they reckoned, for now the uobie ship lies at the bot tom of the ocean and with her hun dreds of souls, whoj too, felt secure. Thns again and again we are taught tbat nothing is safe from destruction in this life. There is but one thing sure and that is the immortality fff the soul. Yet men and woman take no thought of this aud like the passengers on the ill fated ship, are indifferent to danger. What is so frail as the humau life? This disaster teaches 11s the un plesant truth that we are heie to day and goue tomorrow. Man is mighty—God giyea him wisdom but he c&nnot stand before the providences of Him who rules and orders this world. Mrs. J. L. Starues, Hickory, N. C. has in the past suffered severely with throat and luug trouble, «ad says, "I Foley's Honey Tar Compound ior this and it gave me *zx icdiate satisfaction aud re lief. t gives me pleasure to re cootr. id this preparation for sore * throat, hoarseness, or any affliction of the throat or lungs. I know it will do all claimed for it." Saun ders & Fowden. PLEASANT TASTING LIQUID MEDICINE Acts as Quickly as Calomel, Takes j the Place of Calomel, and is f Absolutely Harmless i Dodson's Liver Tone is the name | of the new vegetable tonic which Saunders & Fowden drug stoie re commends as a pt-ifect substitute for calomci. Without causing any restriction of habit or diet,Dodson's Liver Tone starts the liver to work-' _ing and cures con-tif ation, bilious ness, etc., wit Lout any harmful aft er-effects. • The fact that calomel is iDwicuiy has many ~\ topic who are I afraid of nitreuri:l po snning from i using it. Calomel is :t pood' thing) to l*t a'oue. A'l persou* car. n«e \ Dcfl-onV Liver T n.-, whether they have been in tin habit oi tah in>4 -( calouu-l or not. for it i« trliie'y i veg'.tjbL u! cauuoi do us-rm. I Sjuud'.M low den drugstoie willj give the tnonev t ack to any «ii s-»:«t- j isfied purchaser. I'rice fitty cents, j North Carolina Ran Over Virginia I As i- • : ti3?h"l".' ■: cuy, 'be 01 i I North State ; .»: j ed ft on: of Vtr I ginia in tSe : tin. t i produce tit.i I lar«e. t amrcnt i 'business lor . i , | Mil .laud hi!' Insurance Cumpji.y • Liuvii! ; the m>:ith-.of F.-bnnry an j M uch. Ti. or. •. an", e-t''b.i h- ' jUs General Aye.'i % 'at \N tUiaPiwo-'i t last It 11 h". ! pl.t.- ;1 the i r\f. tnent in t . lianas of 'H. K i . • Cowp.-r, n*s -V': ai Ancv m.r.i .vli.j \- , j al.w.ys u i I ;t. wy'tk iu w'.a'i v.: Icuhpany 1 11: ay i.e. F. ~,ff»ei.l ; i i.:n> A'.- I e 'Joe on .• ■! th (•! ic-t mi ' stronger «i.mi a:i:e- mi »iv outfit r* , I a company w.-n.h tab K 1 : ! > *y, | press ;) 1 •»t• v c.'i! s erva'i v • ]i; ilino 1 I faitlvto Inlievc that wi' i a corps «>t : ! M(;e\ H alive in the hv ;crTibi 1 ; build gnat t!ii;j;s for this cm- j j muuity. | The conU.-t waged r>s he comet h men wot thy to npresent sic u a; company and Virginia lis; be j 1£5,5000. Any on* 1 j j struggle might have known tlu I result, •f■ n r vrtrrtrrtin —rivnl a^e^iev4- l was icpresented I. v I .vo men, Mr. j Cowper is a within him »1 f ! his unfading ener,;v and untalter , tn; faith cotn> v ned with the libcial :contracts issued i.v the Maryland I Life-, forme I ;m armor whkh even j Old Virginia cnu! ! no l . jen-lr.Ue. With Mt. Cowper are working vho are hn-lifH oud can. j bring iu .the bu-inesn, au l they hav;- heen doirtg »t. The officers of the Maiyluud Life oiu'.iatnlate f j Mr. Cowper upon in ?sph-udid j tuude so • 0011 after hiH'appolntuieut j | to the general ftgtucy, and his suc cess is a C'ininliraent to the State, County ai.d town in which he lives I It is hoped that 1 e will continue to add business to business nud cstab I lish largei headquarters here. II Looks Like A Crime to separate a boy from a box of I Bucklin's Arnica Solve. His j pimples, boils, scratches, knocks, Ispraius and buris>.s demand it, and its quick relief for burns, scalds, or cuts is his Keep it handy for boys, also girli. Heals every thing beatable aud does it quick. Unequal for piles. Ouly .25 cents at Saunders & Fowden. New Ordinance At the meeting of the Town Commissioners ou Tuesday night the followiugordiuance was passed. That it shall be uulasful for any automobile to speed over ten (10) miles per hour within the corporate limits of the town. Further that all automobiles must carry lighted lamps after suuset. Violation of this ordinance will subject owner to a fine of $ 5 00 for each offeuce. Puis End To Bid Habit. Things never look bright to one with "the blues." Ten to one the trouble is a sluggish liver, filling the system with bilious poison, that : Dr. King's New Life Pills would i expel. Try them. Let the joy of : better feeling end "the blues." ' Best for stomach, liver 25c. at Saunders & Fowden. I Look! Mr. Farmer f I - ■ s 0 At the High Prices of Horses arjd Mules. ~ Just think about it, We can R nE* of One I I,J It' 1 • • „ ' If -X *$ The -ir.-cv French C'.;ach* Stallion HCHO, No, 4232, in the French Coach Registry of France, X „ wM '».*> Whose Pedigree !. ; :;. Os hack to 1732 out of Martlet Childes. hy Dariey Arabian is now ready service at Iho '• 'ables of the Martin I .ive Stock Company, W-iliiamston, N. C. Terms, X ( ■* . ' r % Rla| 1 >i* to insure, $25.00. Special attention given to boarding and caring for m&nes. * & ~■■". " W 0 Mfurtio Live Stocli Company w -0 ! jSotice -I —— : | Having qualified a* AdMriui.''Lr;,'ur j j the F.Htnte of Sui-au J'.'iies ilcte scd; Na- j lire it hereby l iver. t> «1J | trma'j hald- I I iti£ claim!) t . u «nii Issleu- W> j.rrscnt 1 I them loiht. u!i(ifisi ? >:t i In; OH 1 lor beforo tlif 33d tl. v i f 3li:rc)i I'>r3, or I j thin notice will he plead in b.*r i»f tlirirl I recovery. I All per 00 b indebted to Estate ;u«! I II educated to uitihc hnuudiate paunot, I | I'll it 23d day of Murcb, 191: IVJV w. r. iivai.vw, Al'.'.K W. T. Gilly, :i prominent dealer ' in L'einsinßtou Cap, Va.. was o bo',lured with l.idney and bladder trot»1»!c that be could tiOt attend to business. He says, *'l hail severe pains in my back aud kidneys and bad to up to fiftet 11 times l each ninbt. Saw Foley Kidney Pills advertised &ud bought two bottles, and soon tett gruit relief, and was entirely cuted. No longer disuubed at night, but sleep till morning." Saunders it Fowden. All) ■■■' ling n r ■■ h «»d (If *rrrlni quickly imcerlnln our opinion freo wlmtiicr mi lnvenlV.ll 1« probulily piUontftbH. Cotuiuiinlo.'*. 1 inn*»irletly i'>nalimtlHl. HAMIBOOK 011 Patotita «.» nt lr*«. OliHwt naency for aecuruiapal cuin. I'm nuts tnkfii through Munn A Co. rocelra tpfcUil ttoitcf, without cburae, In thn Scientific American. A lmntlsomelT tllmlrntixt wooKlv. n'r cuUllou of iinr aolontltlo Journal. Term*, |:4 a ve«r; (our tuotitbi, Bold by #ll nenadmiler*. MUNN Hew Yorli Bnuich Ofllee, C 35 F BU Washington. D. C. Foley Kidney Pills TONIO IN ACTION - QUICK IN RESULT* Give prompt relief from BACKACHE, KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLE, RHEUMATISM, CONGESTION of the KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION of tb« BLADDER and all annoying URINARY IRREGULARITIES. A positive boon to MIDDLE AQED and ELDERLY PEOPLE and for WOMEN. HAV« IIIQHCGT RECOMMENDATION B. A. tBI Washington St.\Conaprcvill«, [ Jnrt., is lu year. Ho writes us: 1, 1 hate ■ . J. auu u ' urh from my kidneys and blad. : i»t 1 bail »m «r» backnrliesacd roy kidney not ion *as top frequent, cntifira mo to lose ipnoh iltn it niglit. and In my bladder thnro was conn ant ►am. I took Fole* Kidney Pills for aomo time, ind nm now fro* of all troublo and naain able to w> tip and around. Foley Kidney Pilla have ms kigbectreoomoiondati. n." I r Sy O W B 92 Si Win 11 \mi want I'll!- btrs-t, i|niri:t-| her we sue ft*, your service j. . Choice rises, carnations, rallies,! violets DL' I wedding outfits in the la'.t st >t vks * Flcril "flurji'gs firtistical!v i'.rrauj?- j ed at .'.bolt notice When in u-.'td of pot plaulu, lose! I bushes, evergreens, slnubbtry, I beside plants and shade trees, | telegraph 01 teh giaph your order to | J. L. O'Quinn & Co. Pkoue 14a Raleigh. N. C. , , I bULEY KIDNEY PHLSI ; | CUGXACKC KIONKYS AMD SUOO3H ! Trustes's Sale By virtue o! authority of a Deed of Trust executed to me by W. E. Ballard on the and. day of Jaiiuarj 1 , 191 1. BEI! duly recorded in the Register's office in Martin County in Book Z. Z., page 145 to secure the payment of a certain bond liearing even date therewith, and the stipulations iu said Deed of not baying been complied with, 1 shall ex pose at public auction, v for cash on Mon day, the of April 191 a, at ra o'clock in. at the Court House Door in Martin Couuty, the following property: Beginning at J. R. and M. W. Ballard's corner ou the Williamston and Hamilton road; tlieuce down the road SH 4-5 poles; thence N. 89 W. to Conoho CreeV; tlieuce up said Creek to a cypress, M. W. Bal lard's corner; thence S. 87 E. to first station, containing 99 acres more or less. This 14th. day of March, 19t2. W. C. MANNING, Trustee. SPILLS WAMONO BRANO LAMES I —-R All jonT IVjrstit for CTTI-CH PS-TER'S A DIAMOND BHAND RI3-L,S in RED md/£ GOLD wetallie BONO, veiled vritu NI-.\o/ Ribbon, Tvil >lO iircr.R. liny «» jovty/ DnnM and a>k for fUI-CHrft-Ttu» V BI AXSKII BttlKll P11.1.S for tTvntT-fi*>j year*regarded n« Pc:t,Safest, Always SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Notice to the Farmers Or MAIiTIN GOIINTY That i. P. R. Rives, am offering Farm rights , | Por Sale at $5.00 and up, for erecting Wire Fence or any make without Post. This de vice was Patented Jul> 24, 1906, by. L). D. Long, of Conway, Ark. I have three-quar ters of a mile of the fence on my farm 2 1-2 miles from Hamilton. This is no fake, come I and see for yourseif. Absolutely hog proof P.R. RIVES, {Hamilton North Carolina Headquarters For Genuine I Kentucky Horses and Mules! j Also buggies, carts, wagons, harness & bicycles Wejhave the Right Kind - We have the Best Kind We have the Chaptest Kind , Because we buy them from the people that raise them right our in the Blue Grass Region of Old Kentucky, where the best ones grow. Come to See Us. IWASHINGTON HOSRSE EXCHANGE CO. Washington. N, G. B. L». busman. Pres. & Man. - Jos. L. Biggs, Asst. Mas. For That Headache TAKE BROMALGINE .v. . „j • Does not Depress the Heart 5c at soda fountains - - ioc, 25c and 50c bottles For sale by SAUNDERS & FOWDEN •

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