A Confession. BUrtled by convincing evidence that they were the victims of sertoua kid ney and bladder trouble, number* jft prominent people confess they have found relief by u*tng KURIN Kidney and Bladder Pills. For salfe by all medicine dealers at SSc. Burwell 4k Dunn Co.. Mfrs., Charlotte. N. C. Great Bystem. "This winter air Is nice and fresh." ■> said the brisk cltlsen. '•That's where you are wrong," re plied the man from Chicago. "It's the same old air; It only seems fresh be cause it has been In cold storage." AFTEII THE DOC/on FAIMD. Even the most stubborn oases of malaria yield to Ellalr "In the summer of 1§»«. I contracted the disease known as Malaria. After a your'* fruitless treatment by a promin ent Washington physician. I was en tirely cured by your KUslr ■abek."- Itrasle O'Hairan. Troop K. 6th tJ. BCav. It Is equally good for bilious disorders. Kllstr Bahek, 6ft cents, all drufffflats. or Kiocsewskt A Co.. Washington, D. C. The New Wife. Hubby—My dear, won't you Sew on a button for me before you go out? His New Wife—The cook may posat. bly- do It for you. But please bear In mind you married a typewriter, not a sewing machine. When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Kr« Rented*. No Smarting—FVela riue—Act* yulnkl*. Try U for K*d, Weak, Waterjr Ryea and (irftnulKtrd Kyellda. Illua trainl Book In each I'ackuff*. Murine Is compounded bf our Orolltli-nut a "I'atont Med icine "■-but tnsd In wcceeaful I'hralcianr I'rav- Uc« lor many year*. Now dedicated to the Pub lic and told br l>ru*«1«l» at Ko and 60c per Hot He. Murvne Mja Holm In Aeepllc Tube*. Ho and too. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Ohloego His Work. u "An electrician ought to be a social BUCCeSS." ' Why an electrician especially?" "Because he Is bo well posted on current topics." Uie Allan's Foot-Ease The antiseptic powdi r to be shaken Inte the shoes or tired, tender, smarting ach ing, swollen feet. It makes your f eet feel easy and makes walking a Delight. Sold everywhere, 25c. For free trial package, vidrcss Allen H. Olmsted, I.e Hoy, N. I. The Easiest Answer. Teacher —Thirty eggs at 55 cents a do/.en Is what? PjiipH—lt's—lt's outrageous, Blr. — Boston Evening Transcript. To keep artificial teeth and bridge work antlseptically clean and frco from odors and disease germs, Paxtlne Antiseptic la unequaled. At drug gists, 25c ft box or sent postpaid on re-; celpt of price by The Paxton Toilet Co., Boston, Mass. What the world needs Is less good advice and more good example. ONLT (INK "IIROMO GriNINE." That U I.AXATIVH HItOMO yiTIN IN K. look for tlm Hlgnntur* of K. W. UltOVlfi. I.mnl Ibn Woild «T*r u> Cur* * Cold Id One IMy. Ibc. Women lean toward mystery, but men lean toward mastery. (>arfl«lil Tea liisufon u normal action of the liver. Many a married man has a chaperon In his wife. Consumption Cheoked and In Early Stages, Cured by MILAM the great Reconstructive tonio and blood renovater We do not set forth MILAM as a Cur® for consumption, but it hag proven so bene ficial to such patients that we bclievej and aie supported in our belief by a practicing physician, that MILAM will arreit incip ient tuberculosis or consumption in its early stages. We know that it greatly benefit* : even those in the advanced stages. Read the following Scrofulltic Consumption City of Danville, State of Virginia—To-witi 1, Kdmund B. Meade, Notary Public in and for the City of Danville, State of Vir ginia, do hereby certify that Abram Word, of Danville, Va., to me well known, did ap pear before me, and being duly sworn, de poeeth and says as follomi "For ten years prior to August, 1909, I was under tne care of a regular physician, l.ast spring this doctor told me ha could do me no good, and I tried another for tour months without receiving any benefit from him. In August, 1909, I began taking Milam, and am now able to do my work without difficulty, my appetite is good, and I can eat and digest any food. My trouble was said to be Scrofulitic Consumption, and I was wasted away to a shadow. I was so weak that I could hard ly walk when I commenced on MILAM. I regard MILAM as a truly valuable reme dy in all cases of blood trouble, whether eruptive, or proceeding from a lack of full, free circulation. I have recommended MILAM to about twenty of my friends, and so far as I hsve seen or heard from them, they all spesk in the highest terms of It, and are recommend ing it io their friends. It was particularly beneficial to me In aid ing digestion and building up an appetite." (Signed) ABRAM WORD. In witness to the above. I have hereunto set mj hand end the seal ol my oftloe. this 3rd day Of March. A. D.. 19tft. EDMUND B. MEAD,'. J-. a JtF" Aeh ywr druggist er writs far hssklst MJ*m MdUdae Cojac. v«. CANCANCER BE CUREOI IT CAN! The record of lb* Kcl lam Hoapltal I* wltbnol per* I lei la blauiry, barlnscuredUiaiajcured paruumilr wit bunt the i»e of Ibe knife, or I-S*r over SS pet cent, oflbe U'%mj bundredaot nutcrer* frua cancel wh'rbit baa treated during ibe pant flfteea 7cere Wo have been ixlurneAb t Ibe Heoato and Wl» hsaie of Vlic'.nla. We Uaarulea'larCaraa KELLAM* HOSPITAL tmrt WtMslsOieef, W)stsfsii Wm. SOME INDUSTRIES OF NORTH STATE THE MOST IMPORTANT ONEB ARE THOSE OF COTTON, TO BACCO AND LUMBER. THE STATISTICS ARE GIVEN Fourth Most Important Induatry la That of Extracting Oil From Cotton Beed or Refining Crude Cotton Seed Oil—This Induatry on Increase. Charlotte.—The three great manu facturing Industries in North Carolina are those of cotton, tobacco an 1* lum ber. In 1909, as shown by the ceneuj of 1910, they gave employment to t'»,- 435 wage earnersrthelr products were valued at f142,192,000, tbe raw mate rial was valued at 176,038,000 and the value added by manufacturing was $67,164,000, the three representing very nearly 66 per cent of the total value of all the manufactured products In North Carolina. The fourth most Important manu facturing Industry In North Caroliua, as shown by the report of the United States Census Bureau, Is that which la primarily engaged in extracting oil from cotton seed or In refining crude cotton seed oil. The statistics given for oil, cotton seed and rake show that In the five years, 1904-19>9. the percentage of Increase In the value of the products of the business was greater than any other of the Im portant Industries of the state, reach ing $8,504,000. In 1909 It became the fourth of the Important Industries of the state, passing the flour and jrlst mills and the furniture Industries, which In 1904 had been In the fourth and fifth places. The large Increase In the value of the products was due In part to the rise in value of crude cotton seed oil, yet the Industry Is one that Is grow ing year by year outside of this rise In price. Iq 1909 there were 53 estab lishments engaged In the business, with 1,165 employes, the value added by manufacture being $1,414,000, show ing the value of the raw material to have been $7,000,000, the value ot the product having been $8,604,000. Views of North Carolina, "Picturesque North Carolina" will be th«« subject of a new moving pic ture that will soon be made and plac ed on view. It la the purpose of tht promoters of the enterprise to visit many of the scenic points of Interest in the various parts of the state, in cluding Cape Hatteras, Klttyhawk, Nags Head, and other places on the coast. Bath, the oldest town In the state, the rice and truck farms around Wilmington, the piedmont country, the mountains, Blowing Hock, Toxaway, Ashevllle, Waynesvllle, and the Van derbilt estate at Blltmore. The pic ture will be about 1,000 feet In length. A soon as It Is finished, It will be showp In Charlotte and then sent throughout the state. Politics In Surry County. Politics are beginning to be whis pered a little on the streets and pub lic places, but no far it Is hard to And out much about who's who or what's what. Ex-Judge George P. Veil is the choice of our people for corporation commissioner. For United States senator, the wishes of our peo ple are protty well divided now be tween Simmons, Clark and Kltchln, with the chances In Simmons' favor, ahhough It will take a primary to Bet tie it. As to the governor, no name Is mentioned In connection therewith, save that of Craig. Undergoing General Resllnement. The contest In North Carolina Dem ocratic ranks over the United States senatorship Involving the seat held the past two terms by Senator F. Simmons Is undergoing a general re allnement since the tragic death of former Clovornor Chas. —Br - Aycock, whose candidacy was looming up omenously for the other three candi dates Simmons, Governor W. W. Kltchln and Chief Justice Walter Clark, of the supreme court. Quick Campaign To Raise Funda. Then is to be a quick campaign In raising the needed funda to erect a statue In honor of the memory of Charlea Brantley Aycock, North Caro lina's beloved son, who lately "fell on sleep." Steps were taken In the mat ter Immediately after the adjournment of the Aycock memorial meeting, when the executive committee of the Aycock Memorial Aaaoclatlon met and determined to proceed at once with plans for organisation of Aycock Monument Associations In every sec tion of the state. Beneficent Work Being Dona. The launching on Irwin's creek, west of Charlotte, of the second dredge boat provided by the Mecklenburt Drainage Commission ynder special act of the last legislative for the clear ing up of the swan*P lands of the coun ty has directed attention to the benef icent work now being dotW by this body. Aside from Improving the adja cent lands ar/1 thereby enhancing their value, tht movement means the abolition of the mosquito and therefore the substantial betterment of l~Mlth ooflllttons thro aghout the county. 1 ; —' NORTH CAROLINA^ WINS CASE Ths Com mere# Court DKMN With ttw State In (te Rat* Contention Against ths Railroads. Raleigh.—The United States Su preme Court has handed down a deci sion in favor of the North Carolina Corporation Commlaalon against the Norfolk and Western Railroad, secur ing a general reduction on freight rates from Cincinnati to Winston-Sa lem and Durham, and also the reduc tion of the local rates from Roanoke to Winston-Salem and from Lynchburg to Durham. / ( Attorney General Blckett was seen and being aaked hla opinion, said: "Of course I am gratified that the case waa decided in pur favor. It was fought very stubbornly not only by the Norfolk nnd Western but the Southern, the Seaboard and the At lantic Coaat Line. Thla flght was made because the railroads feared, and we hope that ultimate benefits of the decision will reach much further than the order of the Interstate Com merce Commission In this freight case. I fall to see how the Southern Railway can keep from putting in the reduced rates to Greenaboro. The Southern will have to meet the re duced ratea to Durham and at Win ston-Salem, or quit handling any of this traffic, and If it does most the rates at Durham and Wlnaton-Salem, then under the long and short haul clauae of the Commerce Act it will have to put in tbe same rates at Ureenaboro and at all points between Greenaboro and Winston-Salem. More Arrests In Lake Mystery. Although a month has expired alnce the first Interesting developments In the Myrtle Hawkins mystery and the next term of court will no convene for a month yet, Interest haa by no means died out In this caae, which haa attracted auch wide attention and carries with it many baffling features According to one man who haa taken great Internet In the matter alnce the body of Myrtle Hawkins waa found In Luke Osceola on the morning of Sep tember 10, and who will follow the proceedings closely, It would be no surprise to him If developments more sensational than any of the paat In this case takes place Immediately. It Is a known fact that Investigations are being made along certain llnea which tend to euinesh others Into the case and clarify the mystery. North Carolina New Enterprlaea. The following charters were laaued by the secretary of atate: Shuts Brick Company, of Monroe, to manufacture sell and deal In brick. The authorised capital Is 12,000, all subscribed by J. T. Shute. C. W. Shute and J. K. Hhute The Andrews and Waddell Furniture Company, of Ooldsboro, changes Its name to the Wayne Furniture Com pany and Increaaea Its capital atock from >5,000 to $25,000. J. F. White Is president and T. A. Henley is secre tary. The Odell Hardware Company, of Greensboro amends Its charter so as to extend Its business to other branches and Increaae its capital from $200,000 to $500,000. Charles H. Ire land la president and J. Norman Wills Is secretary. Intend® to Form Association. Mr. L. E. Tufts, secretary of ths Durham Commercial Club, has return ed from Greensboro. High Point and Charlotte, where he went for the pur pose of Interesting the commercial clubs and business men of those cities In the organization of a Statewide as sociation to make the fight for better freight rates for North Carolina cities. The secretary of the Durham club found all of the cities very favorable to the pym suggested. In the neit few weeks he will visit Raleigh, Wil mington and other cities of the east ern part of the state. Wake Medical Boclety Meeting, In the chamber of commerce rooms the Wake Cbunty Medical Society held its regular meeting with a gratifying attendance and a unity upon medical Inspection of the schools that pleased greatly the gentlemen Interested In public health. At this meeting Dr. J. Allison Hodges, of Richmond, an emi nent speclallat who migrated from ftyettevllle to Richmond, waa the guest of the society. Democratic Executive Committee. The Democratic county executive committee of Durham met and select ed August 1 aa the time (or the pri mary for selecting the county officers. Considerable effort was made to have the committee adopt the legalized pri mary system which requires those par ticipating In to take an oath to support the Democratic ticket with the perjury penalty attached, but same was passed over. A committee was appointed to draft the rules gov erning the primary and report to the committee. Bank at HHlsboro Robbed. Hlllaboro became feverish with ex citement when It was known that safe crackers had blown the vaults of the Bank of Orange with nitroglycerin and gotten away with something like 15.- 000 in cash, all they had on hand with the exception of some loose change .which was left scattered over floor. The Job clearly indicated the work of expert yeggmen, the doors of the large safe Inside the vault also the door to the burglar chest being literal ly blown to pieces no effectively had the powerful explosive done its work. A SEVERE SICKKESS LEAVES THE KIDNEYS WEAK After recovering from a severe apell I of sickness some time ago, 1 was all run down and suffering from poor blood. I would have pains In my back and hips and my kidneys bothered me all the time. I started taking Swamp- Root upon the recommendation of a friend and found it waa juat what 1 needed. My blood became all right and after taking a few bottles, I was surprised at the effect it had on my kidneys. They were entirely cured and 1 have much to be thankful for that your great remedy did for me. Toura very truly, W. O. BLACKMON, Phenix City, Ala. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 14th day of July, 1909. w. J. mm, justice of UM P>»W. •r. MOT AC* Prove What Swamp-Root WW D* For Yea Send to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Bingham ton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. It will con vino* anyone. You will also re ceive a booklet of valuable informa tion, telling all about the kldneya and bladder. When writing, be sura and mention this paper. Regular tlfty cent and one-dollar alee bottles for sale at all drug stores. If Not Better. Copy Reader—Say, this line, "In the Clutches of a 1/oan Shark," is a few letters too long. How shall I change It? Night Editor—Perhaps the word "Jaws" will convey the Idea Juat as well aa "clutches." for HBtVACHl—Hkehs* CAFt DINK W bether Iron Colds, H»l, Stomach or Nervous Troublaa, Capudlne will ratter* you. It's liquid—pleaaant to take—acta Immedi ately. Try It. 10a., Kc-, and AO cent aAt -'rug /oraa> Many a man Is dlasattstied with his lot becauao it is too near hia neigh bor's. Mrs. Wtn*low'a Soothing Syrup for Ohlldiea trrihlni, eoftana tb« ;um«, reduree Inflamma tloo, alia/a paln.curn wind oolle, Ko m bottle. He who lends money without se curity borrows trouble. Oarfleld Tea, for the Ilia resulting from Im pure blood, is a remedy of tried eftlcacy. Drink befora retiring. Ambition la a good thing, but don't fly higher than you can roost. 9k>m&n/ From Forty-Five to Fifty Are Much Benefited by '^.4 Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. The "change of life" is a most critical period in a woman's ex istence, and the anxiety felt by women aa it draws near is not without reason. When her system is in a de ranged condition, site may be predisposed to apoplexy, or con gestion of some organ. At this time, also, cancers and tumors are more liable to form and begin their destructive wort Such warning symptoms as sense of suffocation, hot flashes, headaches, backaches, dread of impending evil, timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irregularities, constipation, vari able appetite, weakness and inquietude, and dizziness, are promptly heeded by intelligent women who are approaching the period in life when woman's great change may be expected. These symptoms are calls from nature for help The nerves are crying out for assistance and the cry should be heeded in time. Lydia R. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is prepared to meet the needs of women's system at this trying period of her life. It invigorates and strengthens the female organism and builds up the weakened nervous system It has carried many women safely through this crisis. p«made Vaseline jBBi A choice dressing and preservative for the hair. Highly reSoed; delicately perfumed. IM Checks dandruff sad keeps sealp la healer condition. Pomade Vaseline Is pat up la attractive botUea and In collapsible tubes. Insist oo Pomade VASELINE. If your dealer do* not oarry It, write us. We will also bejrtxt to Md joe frae lllo«tm«*d hooktet app .dwerlfe- .."B Cketebrough Manufacturing Company IT State SteM* tOsanhJ.il 4) New Ymk ZL B 20 Pretty Rooms in this j'REE BOOK —don't you want to see them ? Peep into other people'* new home* and get the bieit idea* for your twr decorating. Our book tells about the FREB Color Plus our expert designer* will send you for any room* vou wish to decorate. You will be glad te know more about Alabastine The Beautiful Wall Tint •a IUIMII la eater ead seek? M la ate* la tto aa expeaaire atMt bcaa theesh It aaate hi ha Sai nil ia« er pdat. relnalai enlace i|p»f hank ■a 4 mil >iili the ml* >SS* Ihhintsi Sea. Com farThaal aa the aaliaaad Is eaataa M an. hi Mrmc tlaae aa awy all wUt eeld sua ead pat aa. DM aal «htp. peel er rah e£ 16 Saeadtal Celan ead With ss«r Ctltr Plant IgIHSHSJMK pes MI tmsih kttv* tht man artistir htmt inymr U€tghb*rho»d. Sand far mm FUC BOOK Miaptt. whkstes. I\H/I Secular TUai Ik. I Alabastirie Company Ika Ist 00, lot t, IH Ms St LfifiSSjr I^We are headquar- Ls ■ m m ten for Eggs, Poultry, I |B|e|% Fruiti, Putatoe* and I 1111 Vegetables. If you ■ V II ll ■ reliable firm and . Uvf house, ship us. We guarantee highest market prices and prompt re turn*. Quotation* sent on application.. WOODSON-CRAIG CO.,lnc. Mfor 41 years we bare trained wet »nl women f >." inluv* tlretbuai ■ a.colles n Virginia, • i a-coinl In aouth to own ta bnlldln*. No vacations. Wrlta for Cat^aA. **l ninßai.Cil iwei."— Jf\ VAnltfC and Bltth Orada IVUIIAIVN riniahlnf. Hall LBffim Oldera (flren Hpe rnillUv rial Attention. Price a reaaonabla. rfJKwService prompt. Send for Price Llat. "ej unutt AST steas, cuiunw, a. c, ONE CASE OUT OP MANY TO PROVE OUR CLAIMS. St Anne, 111.— M I was pussing through the change of life and I was a perfect wreck from female troubles. I had a displacement and bearing down pains, weak fainting spells, dizziness, then numb and cola feelings. Some times my feet and limbs were swollen. I was irregular and had so much backache and headache, was nervous, irritable and was despondent Sometimes my ap petite was good but more often it was not My kidneys troubled me at times and I could walk only a short distance. " I saw your advertisement in a paper ana took Lydia R Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, and I was helped from the first At the end of two months the swel ling had gone down, 1 was re lieved of pain, and could walk with ease. I continued with the medicine and now I do almost all my housework. I know your medicine has saved me from the grave and I am willing for you to Eiblish anything I write to vou, r the good of others."—Mrs. ESTBUJL. GILLISPIB, RF.D. NO. I Box 34, St Anne, niinnfa. The Sum and Substance of beli* a aubecriber to thia paper ia that yeu and your family become attached to it. The paper becomea a member of the fiunfly and ita coming each week will be aa welcome aa the ar rival of anyone thafa dear. It wfil kaap yoo Informal am tbm doings ot tbe communitr and tba te«>lm of tba ta regularly adTertbed wfll enable Tjm t» ri— «ta «a | We're Opposed | Mail Order Concerns Because— "Tbey Um m* MbiM • cast to (dfcja ilm iriM* ot oar Uiwm" Ermj cant mind b j Am from thia commodity k a dmmct lom la out an^aa la alamt nay caee lb«r price* caa be aa ngbl ban, ■ without delay ia racei*iag good* M and the poaaibiity oi aialataa I ia tiling otdara. Bat — The na total buna a Irak k to kqrwU* gootk ara Lb tap art. Local pnde it utuelly itcted aty ia the pai if lib m played today. Therefore Mr. MeacKaal aaJ Badaata IMaa. Moft your le.4l.rinn with tkaar awa watpnat — ■ Advertise! Tbe local bald ia yaw*. AB yea aead do it to avail rour eell of tbe opportunity aSeted. Aa admtieeawal at lb it papa* will catry your lata buaV*daoi Koiaet ia tba eoat mmkj. hia tbe fee atadiuw ai killing your ynliil taa petfcer. A tpace ibtt daa wea't aoal ■nrb Caaa b ■ aad taa at abaal fe. ■ wwrfiCrW. IN ALL COOWT*I*». I I Mmmm *W wui MM* TO! I ■«■■) andqjUn Ikt toirmt. I hM u4 hMiiiiwul tatda fl I "* *" O4 ** MM,I KILL the COUCH us OURE 1W LUNGS Dr. King's New Discovery Rffl C 8^ 8 J23*. *HD ALL THWOAT AND LUWQ TUCUBUT. DUABAVT ■* HTACrSOAI "K, OB XOVSY _ IV) YOU km of aoyoaa fwhobiM cawffa to read, who hM not ttn that dp at a railroad croniaf ? If »i »r; aw hM »«» h at mm dm or Mhtr, than wkgr wml th« rallrofcd lat tha «%n ret •way? Why doca tha railroad company cootlnaa to k«n 4om aifti at mi 7 croaafafr Mapba poo think, Mr. Merchant, "Moat avarybody hoowa my atara.ldoß'thava in admiba " Your rtora and w |arfi iml mora «4nrtkh| than tha raß raada bm4 4a to warn peopta »o "Look Oat for tha Can." H WotMof ia arer coaaplatad hi tha adnrtWnf world. Tha DtpaiUaim B«oraa ara a *anr |«x>4 wataplr tha/ ara I aontfoiaaßy ad 1 mMiio—aod they ara loh| a I If h papa tarao akm ada Vaond aWot Chriatmaa tkoa, h ca*> M tahdparil] pay poo to ran ad. ■ TantoaoMntaahootantha*oo. Iwl It'* Jort boaiaeaa. (hat's aS. ta LKI ADVERTISE in PXrvTHIS PAPER .

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