| LOCAL ITEMS j »«#•»«»»»»»•»»*♦♦•»♦♦♦••♦» All uotlrc* pibllnhtd iu ttaU column, wtatre revenue (a to he derived, will be charged nt Die rate ot (OOUU a line, (count »lx wonJ* to a tine), each U«ue will he made on oa|( contract*. —Attend the Misson servicee next week. —Watch the candidatcp, how they grow! —Two runaways on Monday hut no (lim ine done. —Owing to cloudiness, the ecli pse could not he olv.erved here. —Some rock baw been caught here this week hut the water still remains high. —John H. Thrower went to Ouk City Tuesday to lelieve the agent of the A. C. L. there. —There will he services in the Baptist and Methodist Churches 011 Sunday morning and night. , —A tin can, a pole with line and hook and a man at the big end re minds one that spring is here. T-T. C. Cook is preparing to make some additional -improve ments to his residence near the railroad stntou. —There will be ft meeting of the Republicans here 011 Monday for the purpose of selecting delegates to the State Convention. —He sure to fee the races at Scotland Neck, Wednesday, April 24th. Lunlttr Twig and Farmer Gentry will repieseut Martin County, liver j body go and boost Martin County. —He >^ri j to sto the races at Scotland Neck, Wednesday, Apiil 24th. Limber Twig and Farmer Geutiy wll represent MaitinJCouu ty. Everybody go and boost Mar tin County. —Be sure to see the races at Scotland Netk, Wednesday, Anril 24th. Limbtr Twig and Fanner Gentry will represent Martin Coun ty Everybody go and boost Mar tin County. —"Tut? Mystery of the Maine" was exhibited here 011 Wednesday night and the Citv Hall was pack* ed. The pictures showed every detail of the work done to r.vs.: the battleship. —An e>»". laid '•>> a hen here has been exhibited as a curiosity be cause it had on the outer shell a death tit lin. t stinke—presenting the appt»icn't of having been em bo,se.i. It was tiimply a freakish act ot tiit"hi 11, perhaps,, to came a little comment, Dan J |o' e"e, S.iDville, , is so glad he 1 coi.tittmptini and regained his h alth, that he writes about i: tor tl e 1 enriit of others. 4 I li'il a iou.,!i which hung cm tor two 5 ears when 1 bewail using Foley's llont'v .'id Tar Compound. I kept no n ii Ihe cough finally left me and 1 vuined i:i weight from 113 t>l S5 pounds*. Iu tw ; years have ifnn stion>„> and healthy. ail front ih ire of Foley's lloisey and Tar Compound, \\hie!t cured me.' 1 Saunders & Fowt!e»v.« Reduced Rates Confederate Reunion Macon Ga. May 7-9 th Account al o\\ occasion the Atlan tic Coast Line, the Standard Kail road ot the offers special reduced round trip rates from all stations. SELLING DATES; May 5, 6, 7, and Bth, 1912 FINAL LIMIT: To reach original starting poiut not lat er than midnight of May 15th, 1912, unlessweposited for ex tension by original purchaser, with Jos. Richardson, Special Agent, 414 Fourth st., Macon Ga,, not later than May 15th, and upon payment fee of 50c. limit may be extenden to June 5, iy'2- For rates, schedules, reservations gtc, call on Local Ticket Agent 01 address T. C. WHITE, rV9999*9V¥¥9V*V9V¥¥**VVV* PERSONAL -BRIEFS J ; W. S. Rhodes was here from 1 Hamilton Sunday. Mis:* Delia Ray is visiting frieuds in Tarboro this week. ! Dr. W. K. Warren went to Rich mond last wetk on business. Miss Clvde Hassell went to Oak City last week to visit friends. J. O. Guthrie, of Raleigh, was here Wednesc'av on business. Caot. G. J. Studdert, of Wash- was in town Wednesday. Mrs. J. P ISoyh; and Miss Hattie Darden returned home Wednesday. S.J. Everett was in town on professional business on Wednes day. Mis* Delia Topping, of JameH ville, i.4 visiting relatives here this week. James Dunning, of Aulander, has been here tbiw week vi-iting A. R. Dunning. Mr. and Mis. F. U. Baroes and , son have been in Pocomoke City this wetk. Mrs. Arthur Anderson has been in Rocky Mount this wevk with relatives. Mrs. C. B. Hassell and little daughter aw in Wilson with Col, and Mrs. John Woodard. Editor Manning returned from a business trip to Brunswick County on Saturday, and Monday left for Norfolk accompanied by Attorney IL W. Stubb?. For Register of Deeds I hereby announce myßelf a can didate for the office of Register of Ceeds of Martin County, and ask my friends and Itllow Democrats to give me their support, which I as.-ure tliem will be appreciated. I And if elected I promise to till the r oflice to the best of uiy ability and to lender to each f.nd every one the . proper courtesy due t letn. Respectfully, I). J. MKKKS. | RELIEVE YOUR STOMACH JWe Will Help You Do It. | Read Our Qua ran tee . Dysrjtp?ia may be completely . eradicated i ' pr-'ic ly tivitle 1. We ( Isell a remedy that we positively .(guarantee will completely relieve . indigestion or dyspepsia, or the , medicine used during the trial will t j cost the user nothing. Tin.-* renieiiv ' .■« been named Ut-xall Dvv.pep'ji-t ["ablet". Cer } tuiii'V to oft i ct ul i I>.• more fair, I land fit' I.tier shotihi be pioo'f posi -9 [live t' it kexa'l Dyspepsia Tablets , ti't; a dej end able temed* . 1 Ina.-iunch as the medicine will j cost you l othing if it dot'!? not . I benefit jou, we'uige'you who i.re ,• sntferuu; with indigenti/m or d\s -1 ' pepsi.i to try Rcxall Dyspepsia •1 Tnblcts. A 25-cent box contains I j enough medicine for fifteen days' 1; treatment. For chronic - cases we '; have t i »o large .sizes', 50 cents and j Si.oo. Remember, you oats obtain - 1 Rex nil Remedies only at our stote j —TLe Rexall Store. The S. R. I Uiggs Drug Co. Do not drag along with a kidney (ailment that saps your suengbt causes terrible had;aches, sleepless ness, nervousness, and loss of ap j petite. Take Foley Kidney Pills. U Thty quickly cure all kidney niu! bladder ailments. Saunders & # Fowden. Don't Be Hoodwinked - into the belief that bend and Oil baud mixed is either as cheap or as good n.« Pure paint made by modern machinery. The analysis and Guarantee on everj ca'i of sge ir tells its own tale. Iluve you seen it? _ FOR SALE BY W. H. WILLIAMS ' Wllliamston, N. C.J ' ' • ' . /■' . ' ■ _ I~ ~1 KlL>|> bIGC j Yoa can positively destroy .all ■ chicken lice and vermin with I Pratt'* Powdered L»lco 1 Killer. Increase your poultry I profits thia season by using PratU I guaranteed hcc killer. Prico 23c and 50c. Anderfoii, Crawford & Co. , 1 J. L. H swell & Co. ■ i C. D. Carstarplien & Co. Harrison Bros. Free Poultry HooU and 1912 jj : , Aim mac RUPORT OK THE CONDITION OP Till! j Bank of Robersonville Roberscnville, N. C., at the close of b'js Iness Fell, so, 19T2. resources: Loans and discounts . f $4,654 06 Overdrafts 2,669 67 Flanking house Jj,s4°o,V, fur niture and fixtures >V 6o 4 Due from banks anil bankers 3a.5c9.53 Silver coins, etq, 2,997-75 Total | LIA.BII.IHKS: -Capital stock f 15.000.0n Surplus fund . 8.700.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses nnd taxes paid 2,930 71j Time certificates of deposit 12 316 3.' I Deposits subject to check 57,207.82 Cashier's checks outi.tanding 250.60 „ Total * 96,435.45 Btatb of kohth c.»*oi:n, County of Martin. I ss;—l, J. A. Miirll, canhier of tht a».ove named l ack, do lolrtnnly mttr Chat the abovt statement it true to the of my knowlolgt and belief. J. A. MIZEJ.I,, Cashier Correct Attest: J. C. Robertson. K. A. Bailey, A. S. Uobersou Director*. Subscribed and swjru to hefore me, thi* :7th. day of Feb. 1911. J. C. SMITH Notary I'lilllc. Rewrt of the Condition of the Bank of Martin County Willuniston, N. C., ot the close of btisi -• ness Feb. 20, 19' a nr.soußcm: Loans und Discounts ,150,684.29 : Overdrafts 6,104.25 AT) other stocks bonds, tntga 3,370.001 Fankiug house fur. and tixt'rs 1,850.00 Due fiom batilfg and baiikera iSationid bank notes, eto. 55 Total — — f 203.392 $T 1.1 ABIMTIIiS . Capital Stock I 1 ij.coc.oo Surplus Fund 17,000.00 I Undivided profits, less curcut ex[n.'U«iei) aud tajoi paid 5,709.21 I Notes and bill# it-discounted I,' 000.00 Time certificates of deposit $>>,316.56 • Deposits subject to check 1:1.156.54 ; Total / Stjtcnf Koitli Carolina, County*if Slnrtin, i«s: r, C. It. Oodwiu, C«» 1) f r if the ithove-neiued "■ l.uuV,, dr. solemnly svrtiir tJiit ti c »Vve state ; *>eut 1* tr.ic to the best t'f iry k'i;«\:>)ttt ami • belief. Q, H. GODWIN'. Cssluer Correct—Altt-si: J, t.misril, \• .1 rr«a H. llir-(.H, W. C Mil imiiljf, Dlttdot". j hiibscribtil'rnd utor*> lobekte nie.thls sSilay •if I'f" 1. Hurt us A. t niiher. N' l **l v l übltc i The Ideal Barber Shop }J. U BARNHILL, Pup. Wiilintnston 1 - North Crolina • Snnlliiry hi Rnspoct. • The Ideal Pressing Club I 1?. R. BARNHir.L, I'top. It j Wiilinmstou - North Carolina p All kind-; of Cleaning, I':ess iug and Tailoring. Special at tention v;ivt-it t«» I.adtis Gar y. Rii'Rts, Club rates foe ir.cn— t clothes enllid for an>! returned. Phone 136 . Satisfaction Guaranteed! il Almost A Miracle. Oue of the most startling changes ever seeu in auy man, according to I- \V. B. Holsclaw, Clarindor, Tex., 19 was effected years ago io his brother. "He had such a dreadful cough,'-' • he writes, "that all our faimly thought he was going into consump tion, but he began to use Dr. Klog's New Discovery, and was completely cutcd by ten bottles, Now he is sound aud well and weighs 218 pounds. For many years our family has used this wonderful remedy for Coughs and Colds with excellent results." It's quick, safe, reliable and guaranteed. Price 50 and $. 100. Trial bottle free at Saunders & Fowden. .w " x 4 , NOTICE! h—' . - 4 V « . A Convention of the Republicans ot Martin County is hereby called to meet at the Court House in Williamston, on J- / ;■ -- f . * ' : | Monday, April 22, 1912 at 12 o'clock M. to elect delegates to the State Congressional and . Senatorial Conventions and transact such other business as may *" . w -• r * - ' ' ! come before it. By order of the Executive Committee. C. C. FAQAN, WHEELER MARTIN, Secretary Chairman !&s!ss for Hatching F R 0 M —v r Mammoth Bronze Tur keys, $3.00 and $3.50 per dozen. "Ringlet" 8. P. Rocks and Single Comb W. Leghorn Eggs, Sl.OOand $1.50 per sitting of 15. $6.00 per hundred. My Turkeys and Rocks won the ribbons and special prize at the Rocky Mount Poultry Show, December iqtt Oakhurst Poultry Farm, __ R. I; , p. 3, WilLiamston, N. C. Notice I»y virtue of authoiity of a Deed of i Tri'.Rt executed to u;e by lieniv Rrgers ! and wife, Maitlm Roger?, oa the 16th, I ' day of May, 150; and duly recorded in j iitte Uegiiter't otT:c% in Martin County in I ' j Bock I'. P. I'. I'fgc 2 >6, to secure the J j payment of a centaur bond bearing even ! | dati* tliiiewilh and the utiijuliitions in j I j «aid Deed of Tnut not having been bom- j plied villi, I sha'd at public auc tion for cash on the 6tb, day of May, I . 1912 r.t I J j'elov lt ct the Cui.rt. Home j door i*i Williauis'.nii, N. C , the follow* I i"S property. Begiuuit);.: Lb'" Penelope Keys Cor ner on tlie Main Strict, vhic'u is North 58 decrees East S*, ]H>les to a light wood . .stob; thence South dogioes East 33 H-2.S poles to the Old Town lice; thence South $6 decrees VvV -t 8 2-5 poles. Thence North ?) decree' Wet 33 fl 35 II poles to the beginning containing one I acre more or leas. This the 3rd Day of Apiil, 1912. \V. C. MANNING, ' Tnivtec. '| J. B. SPELLER J .. Dealer in 1 J Wood, Shingles Poultry, Kggs, Furs, Wall Papa and Rasvbal! Supplies j Willi :mston ■ North Caroliua EGGT?OR HATCHING - ! , : Hroni Five Good Breeds Single Comb Brown Leghorns > Single Comb Rhode island Reds Barred Plymouth Rocks Silver and White , Wyandotts [ Settings of 15 Eggs * SI.OO Delivered r 75c at Home 1 , Satisfaction Guaranteed I _r addresser come to see > ; dames D. Bowen Route 1 Williamston, N. C. ■ V >.'W -I*. : . . r« f ' affe TOBACCO FLUES Have Woolard to make your FLUES and You will have the BEST CARTS AND WAGONS MADE TO ORDER Wollards Combined Harrow and Cultivator J. L. WOOLARD WILUAMSTON, N. C. I -sa—4 the —| IfPenn Mutual Life Insurance Co.| ijj* 1 PHILADELPHIA 2? I if p Is a purely mutual company and is one 9; ijj| of the Oldest. Safest, Sanest, and lw Strongest Insurance Companies in "w j IJI America |5 % z \m Noted for its liberal contracts and large Dividends for its policy holders Jp Is. A. NEWELL, Agents :jj| I also represent several of the J # strongest Fire Insurance Companies II I I ; ■ bEEDS FOR SALE ( 35 cents per dozen—The Enterprise j V~ (Continued from page i.) HAMILTON TOWNSHIP _ Bennett, GH, 3 acres Isaac Walker land 5.07 1.30 6.37 Barnhill, Ferd, 50 acres Sher rod laud 3.16 1.30 4.46 Everett, Arden, 1 town lot, its. 1.99 1.30 3.29 Robert, Roundtree, acres land adj.C H Baker 1.21 1.30 2.51 Savage, Pennie, 4 acre land adj. C H Baker 20 1.30 1.50 GOOSE NEST TOWNSHIP Hyman, JF, 49 acres load adj. J T Hyman 3.00 1.30 4.30 Long, LF, 75 acres land adj. Turner 6.00 1.30 7.30 Brown, Eli, 5 acres land, (E P Hyman) 36 1.30 1.66 , Ellisou, Shade, 5 acres Jones land .31 1.30 1.61 Howell, Dan L, 2 acres land (Fields) 3.24 1.30 . 4.54 Hooker, Ben, 50 acres Peterson land 2.40 1.30 3.70 Jones, George. 11# acres Jones land t.51 1.30 3. Si Jone*, Richard, 1 town lot 5.15 I-30 jij James, HA, 11 acres Jones land .79 1.30 a. 09 Kuight, Willie & Bro, 70 acres Brown land. 3.00 1.30 4.30 . Staton, Joe H, 25 acres Harrell land 3.80 1.30 5.10 Williams, Edward 12 acres land adj Green x 2.55 1.30 3.85 Watd, Henry, 12 acrefc land adj Wynu 2.16 1.30 3.46

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