VOL. XIII. NO. 28 0 | Professional Cards 1 1 J Hugh B. York, M. D. Microscopy, Electrotheiapy, X-Ray Diagnosis, Specialties Office over Farmers tt Merchants Bank Office hours, 8 to Jo a. ta., 7 to 9 p. m. Office 'phone 60 - Nij:ht 'phone 63 Wm E. Warren - J. S. Mioses Drs. Warren & Rhodes Physicians and Surgeons"" Office in Bigfjs Drug Store • 'Phone 29 Jos. H. Saunders, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Day 'Phone 53 - Night 'Phone 40 Williamston, N. C. Dr. R. L. Savage of Rockv Mount, will be at the At lantic Hotel fourth Wednesday in each nacuth to treat dis;ases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and Fit Glasses. A. R. Dunning - J. C. Smith * Dunning & Smith Attorneys . t Law Williamston - North Carolina Robersonville, North Carolina Burrous A. Critcher - Wheeler Martin Wheeler Martin, Jr. * Martin & Critcher Williamstom •; North Carolina 'PHONtI 23 S. Attorney-at-Law Greenville, N. C. - Williamston, N. C. Greenvnlle Long Distance I'honc 328 STA. NEWELL Attorney at Law Williamston • North Carolina Clayton Moore Attorney at Law Williamston - North Carolina John E. Pope General Insurance, Life, F;ie. Health, Accident, Live Stock Real Estate - Brokerage Williamston - North Carolina Offifce on Main Street r mmmm \ I Society Pressing j . . Glub . . o. C. Price, Manager J I Phone No. 58 £¥ Up-to-Date Ckaing, | Pressing, /Dyeing and | Tailoring Very careful attention ■ given to Ladies' Kid Gloves, Fancy Waists I I Coat Suits and Skirts M | f| Club Rates for Men - I Clothjes called for and I delivered I CJj * or R)se Co. I Merchant-Tailors, Chi- I ! ca g°> ih Ji /•" v ■"V •. : - v "• ' - THE ENTERPRISE ' '• 1 fit* ' •' •*'. • , . v '- . . •*, • Tax Noticfe ! North Carolina—Martin County. I, J. C. Crawford, Sheriff of Martin Countv, have this day levied on the following tracts or parcels of lacd lying and being in thejCpuuty afortsaid; and w?ll sell the same for cash before the court house dcor of said countv on Monday the 6th day of May 1912 for the taxes due aud unpaid for the year 1911 unless the same is paid on or before that date. Th ; « the Ist day of April 1911. J. C. CRAWFORD, Shreiff of Martin County. ■ JAMESVIIXE TOWNSHIP Name ' Taxes Cost Total Ange, Frances, 75 acres Browning land $ .60 $1.30 % 1.90 Davis. H H, 51 acres, res. 4.25 1.30 5 55- Jones, JE, 45 acres land, res. r.So 1.30 310 Wynn, Martha, 100 acres land, res. .91 1 3° 2 2 ' Wyno, JH, 4} ncres Stewart James land .60 1.30 1.90 Lucas, Thomas, 380 acres Warren Neck land 7. So 1.30 910 Hollidny, James A, 14 acres laud, res. .60 1.30 1.90 Alexander, R.R, 14 acres land, res. 3.98 1.30 5.28 Boston, Joseph, 9 acres land, res. 2.81 130 411 Davis, Richard, 13 acres Dave Sherrod laud 2.37 1.30 3.67 Detnpsey, Susan, 10 acres Warren Neck land .34 1.30 1.64 Grav, Thomas, Sr, 1 town lot ' 1.56 1.30 2.86 Gee, Harrison, 40 acres land, res. 506 1.30 6.36 Gamtt, Louis, 7 acres Haywood James .31 1.30 161 Holoman, WG, 1 one town lot 5.23 1.3° 53 Jarvis, Amy, estate, 1 town lot .91 1.30 2.21 Langlev, J H, 1 acre land, res. 3.40 1.30 4.70 Land, Martha, estate, 1 town lot .91 1-3° 2>21 Mann, Mary E, 1 town lot .9 1 T -3° 2 -2 i Pierce. Lawrence, 20 acres land, res. 2.71 1 30 4.01 Riddick, Stephen, 43 acre land, res. • 3.33 r.30 4.63 St3ton ( JT, 1 town lot --- « - -3 1 * 1 -3° t. $ 1 Williams, Charley, acre land. rc6. -9 1 '-3° 221 Walker, J J, 2 town lot 4- T 5 1 3° 5 45 Waters, Sprah, estate, 'jyi acres, re*. . 1.20 1.30 , 2.50 Collins, Andrews, 1 town lot 2.40 1.30 3.70 Nichols, Wm, est., 1 town lot & 7 acres land .92 130 222 Harrtll, John, 20 acres land, res. 1.20 1.30 2.50 WILLIAMS TOWNSHIP J , _ ... _ _.. _ : . •; RoberuT. Viney, 5 acres land, ree. 2.01 1.30 3.31 Swain, Frances, acre store lot. 2.40 - 1.30 3.70 GRIFFIN TOWNSHIP Gilliam, RL, :o acies Mary. Corey land. 31 1.30 161 Hodges, Richard, 27 acres County line land. 31 t,30 1.61 Stalling*, Kader, 140 acres land res." / 5-'5 «3° 6 -45 BEAR GRASS TOWNSHIP Osborn, JJ, 3 acres land adj A L Rogerson. 15 130 145 Wynn, lohn'H, heirs, 5 acres laud adj Mc G Wynn. 31 1.30 1.61 Rogcrson, Stewart, 26 acres land res. 4.43 1.30 5.73 Sheppard, Edna, 126 acres land adj J H Sheppard. 3.71 1.30 401 WILLIAMSTON TOWNSHIP 1 . Swain, Heirs, one lot swamp land. 1.25 1.30 2.55 Bagley, A, 2' town lots res. 3.00 1.30 "'■•9.30 Bond, Mack, 1 town lot. 4 80 1.30 2.10 Dußgan. Wiley. 1 town lot adj Bagley. - 60 1.30 1.90 Finch, Wm, agt wife, 1 towu lot. 1.33 1.30 2.63 Griffin, Rhodrn, 1 town lot res. 3-4° '-30 4*7° Hassell, Eliza, 30 acres hnd res. i.so 1.30 2.90 Loyd, Hannah, t town lot vacant. ' s 16 r.30 1.46 Mathews, Claud, 1 town lot vacant. ' ' 2.49 1.30 3,79-- Price, OC, 1 town lot vacant. ' 2.60 130 3.90 Purvis, Wm, 1 town lot. 2.49 " 1.30 3.79 Riddick, Henry, 1 town lot res. 1.00 1.30 2.30 Spruell, Minnie, 1 town lot vacant. 20 1.30 1.50 Gray, Williams, estate 7 acres land adj SL A. 1.40 1.50 270 Williams, Joe, 1 town lot res. 4.44 1-3° 5-'4 CROSS ROADS TOWNSHIP Briley, Ed, 1 town lot.' 3.72 1.30 5.02 Lawrence, Simon, 2 acres land ac'j Blount Chance. 66 1.30 1.96 Roberson, Geo D, 25 acres land adj H Chance 2.80 130 410 Teel, Guc, 56 acres land adj Henry Bowen. 357 130 5.17 ROBERSONVILLE TOWNSHIP Bryant, J H Sr, 65 acres of land adj John Mayo. 6.27 1.30 7.57 Nelson, WA, 56 acres land adj Ed Jolly. .• Q.OO 1.30- 10.30 Powell, JB, 1 lown lot in Parmele. 60 r.30 1.90 Warren, Joe, 1 town lot in Robersonville. ' - 12 1.30 1.4/2 Andrews, Oscar, r town lot in Parmele. 2.85 1.30 4.15 Barnhill, Martha, 1 town lot in Parmele. 31 r.30 1.61 Bullcck, George, 32 acres land adj I S Riddick 3.33 1.30 4.63 Council, Alfred, 40 acres land adj Mc Moore. 2.40 1.30 3.70 Everett, JW 1 town lot iu Partnele r.05 r.30 2.35 Forrest, RF, 42 acies laud adj A Wynn. 2.40 K3O 3.70 Howell, Rov, 25 acres land adj JII Everett. 91 r.30 2.21. Long, Robert, 1 town lot iu Parmele. 60 130 190 Moore,'M C, 29 acres land adi Alfred C. 2.40 1.30 3.70 Moore, Bob, $ town lots m Robersonville. 2.09 130 3.39 Mayo, John, 2 lots in Parmele. 3,-17 1.30 447 Robersqn, Wiley, r town lot in Robersonville. . Smith, Peter, 9 acres Jandjdj J H Eryant. 2.73 1.30 f 4.03 Teel, Jim, 1 town lot in Robersonville. 2.07 r.30 3.37 Turner, Robert, 1 town lot in Pprmele .60 r.30 1.90 Williams, Church, 1 town lot iu Robersonville 2.it t.30 3 41 Parmele EccL Lum. Co, ro town lots, Parmele t2.co r.30 13-30 1 (Continued on page 5.) 1 WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, APRIL 26. 1912 Halifax Bacon Brought to Martin A large number of people from Martin County whose veins are full of sporting blood, attended the races at Scotland Neck Wednesday. The race track at that place is one of the finest in the State and those Halifax folks are enthsiastic over it and own plenty of animals that can show their heels to every otner horse save when Martin County is represented. Then there is some thing else doing for old Martin always trots alone the best in borsefitsh as in many other feat ures It is estimated that morei than a thousand people siw thej race? aud yelled for their favorites. | while the Oak City Hand rendered "Everybody's Doin'*lt," aud other popular airs to try to keep the spirits of the Halifax folks from sinking below normal But this was a thing impossible as the re- j suit of the heats knocked things j into smithereens. Tlie tree for all race WHS cutered by Little Ruby, Windsor Maid, Limber Twig aud Plyuu.utii Rock. The latter broke,a reiu and across' plowed ground he rushed with the I speed of a tornado leaving all com j petri&rs behind on the track. For j three heats Limher Twig, owned! bv Dr. W. E. Warren, of William-j etou and driven by J. Paul Simpson, j proved himself the superior and! easily carried off the honors, money ' and cheers of ; the 400 Mr rtin Coun- j tv men. - The time imde by | this racer was 2:24 and ID the 2:301*00, Farmer Gectiy, ] the blood bav son of the famous! John R. Gentry, owned and driven I by Dr. John D. Biggs, trotted! under the pole with an easy stride! anead of Silver ttndtrand Electric] Sign. The last, a road race, wis, j I entered by Gve horses and Perry I Jenkins won first honors. By train and autos a crowd of Williamstcn people went to enjov j the hospitality of the Halifax peo ple and to bring home the best in | ' the prizes and purses. They had a \ good time and were treated royally by those fine folks who took their j defeat with perfect good feeling | and who extended a cordial invita tion ''to come up again." Republican County Convention The republicans of Martin Couu ty met here a: the Court House Monday afternoon and were called to order by Wheeler Martin, Chair man of the Executive Committee, j The chairman stated the purpose -ot the convention which was to ' elect delegates to the State, Con- j greasioual and Senatorial conven- j tions. Joseph M. Sitterson ws*. elected chairman and C. C. Fugan j secretary. John R. Mobley, Wheeler Mar- i tin, Jr., John L Hinesand Wheeler I Martin, Sr , were elected delegates j and A. C. Smith, R. E. Grimes, j J M. Sitterson and H. D. Cowan alternates to the State Convention, j J. T. Price, J. L. Davenport, W. • JS. Vick and Wheeler Martin were 1 elected delegates and W. Watters,' John F. Hardison, Duffy Mines and J. S. Ay en* were chosen alter- j nates to the Congressional Conven- j tion, W. T. Coburu, Simon Manning,! William Peel and M. S. Fagan were elected delegates, and Warren \V. Watters, James Jackson, An-! gustus Taylor and H, D. Ayers were elected alternates td the Sena torial Convention. , Thefe being no fnrtfter business the convention then adjourned. Dr. J. T. R. Neil. Prop. River side Drug Co., Greenville, S C. writes recently, "I have beerf a practicing physician and druggist tor over 35 years and sold and ad ministered many kidney medicines but none to equal Foley Kidney Pills. They are superior to any I ever used, and give the quickest and most permanent relief." Need Reforming; It has been recently noted by the thinking citizen that the inanuers of many of the boys and girls in this town need reforming and need it bad. The younger set is simply running amuck. To one who was at the Citv Hall on Wednesday and Thursday nights of list week—es pecially to a stranger—the scene was a jjood representation ot a, crowd of roughs, needing only the popping ot" pistols to make the thing complete. On Wednesday night, "The Mystery of the Maine'' was on tle programme. To every American man, woman and child | any mention of the should be treated with reverence, for with in her shattered quarters remained for thirteeu ye ars thfe bodies of the brave men who went into the har bor of Havana on a mission of peace to help a down trodden p-o I pie. But the exhibit here Was! I greeted with cat calls, whistles and | | noisy y» lis. Thursday night a large number! 1 of the audience, mainly the younger ' J boys and giils, 110 donbt, decided j I that the previous night was too 1 mild and so proceeded to warm up! ! things. The Sludebaker Company, | !of Detroit, had arranged to have! several thousand feet of films to exhibit their automobile, construe-1 J tion. Many of their have j j been sold here and much interest j I was manifested in the exhibit, and j !it was, too,, a fine showing of the 'making of cars which stand for j strength and beauty. The pictures! 1 were most interesting and the races j were splendid exhibitions of the lendurance of the cars. But the! !exhibitbr ha i great dilfiriilty in! .making himself heard. He was j j giving a free and vjet was M+u j I accorded the courtesv due a taenia?. I I Many people in the audience) i were thoroughly disgusted and) j many were angry, but no effort was j 1 made to ej ;ct the little r.cisy things I j and they are ev.de itly not taughr j Ito be have. Tiie management ot j ! the Opera House should have en-1 i forced order. Such conduct i.i ia! 1 | ciliated to keep people trom at- J tending shows. The town shouhl ! jbe free from such a stain It peo ple will not behave, m;ilu: theui. The habit of ill manners is growing and in the end will v.'ork gr.atj | harm. Begin to stop it now. Mission Services j The services being conducted at j | the Episcopal Church by Ktv. Joli-n j R. Matthews, of Manchester, Kng-T j land,, will close Sunday ulght. I Each morning there is a Bible I Study, which is both instructive land interesting, Mr. Matthews'! j clear explanations of Bib.'e truth! J appealing to every one. At night, j , the discourses are strong, fortifulj I and Convincing —the earnestness of j | the man making his words . sink 1 I deep into the minds and hearts of i the congregation. Sunday morn-' j iug services w'iil be at 11 o'clock! I and again at Bin the evening. Atj , 3:30 he will speak to the men oniy. j The public is tuosft earnestly' in-, vited to hear Mr. Matthews at each j 'of the remaining services. "Polly in Politics" The S.nior Class of the High School presented "Polly in Poli tico" at the City Theatre ou ""Fri day night last. A large audience witnessed the play which wks of fun from beginning to end. Mist- Carrie Alexander and Maurice Watts were the leading characters. They were supported by A. M. Jordan, Duke Critchcr, Walter Jenkins and Misses Fannie Man ning, Sallie and Allie Hadley. A neat sum was realized from the sale of seats. st.oo a Year in Advance ROBERSONVILLE NEWS licraS Local Happenings and People who are Coming and Going, Here, There and Yonder as Gathered by our Regular Corres pondent. S-viral from here attended the races nt Scotland Neck Wednes day. Eli Rogers, of Eeens, was in town Tuetday. | A. R Dunning was here Friday j on husi -ess. R. M. James. o( Scotland Neck | and Charlie Jam?*, of Gi'-'.nl, | were here Monday. Misses Lula D. Sauls, .ty | Md'e a:;c! My rn i I light spe ',&» I day with Miss Sallie Smith. j Mrs. Lyda Parker spent Werines j duv m Williamston. Several from here attended the i M. F„ Distiict Couier nee rt Bethel ) this week. I j Misses DolHe Mae. Bowers, Myr !na Might, Messrs. Cecil Everett i j and Jodie Woolard witnessed the j pl.iy at Be'hel Moaday night. * | N. C. Everett spent Monday in ! Ay den. Mrs R >sa Haley and childreu, j ot Goldsl oro, visited relatives here ! this week. Mrs. Kate Tripp in Whichards j with her daughter this week. Miss Daisy Taylor, of Williams* J ton, is visiting Miss Sarah Green | litis week. I j Rev. D. W. Davis, a prominent : 1 svine of the Christian Church, de j liveud n vejy able address here 1 Tue-da\ ni#h: at the Graded I School building. Immediately ] alter toe uddre?a, Miss Rnuls Rave j a high'.v enjoyable musical tnter j tuiument consisting of twenty or i more numbers'. There wasq-iite a j miiuher of persons ppeseni of ! whom .'eenied well plc?sed with I noth address and programme. The ! annus! commencement of the f | School will take place on the t't j wist. Hon. Johr. H. Small wi * | liver the address at two o'cL~.. l# . ! tn., and the exercises of the school I will begin at b o'clock. The puh- Ihe is cordially invited to these ex ercises. r * Commencement Exercises The I li«h School will close here ..on May 31 d, anyl the graduation exercises will begin at 10 o'clock a. in. The programme is a» fol low: Song by the School. Salutatory, Walter Jenkins, . History, Maurice Watts. I " Mr.cbeth and Lady Macbi *•. | A Contrast," Allie Hadlty. , Prophecy, Fannie Manning, j Will and Testament, Maitha j Ward. Valedictory, Sallie Hadley, Address by Hou J. Bryan j Grimes. Delivery cf Diplomas. Adjournment. The Danger After £h;o lies often in a run down system. | Weeklies*, nervoustess, lack of appetite, energy and ambition, with disordered liver and kidneys often follow an attack of this wretched, disease. The greatest need then is Electric Bitters, the glorious tonic, blood pnnfier and regulator of stomach, liver and kidneys. Thou sands have proved that WoihfT der fully strengthen the nerves, build tip the- system and re* ton t9 health and good spirits aftf r& attack of Giip. If suflVriu 'jy them. Only 50 cents. So! "j| perfect satisfaction guarante Saunders & Fowden.

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