£ LOCAL ITEMS 8 AH HUH* fnMUktd ia iht* (thßi wSere ittfnit U to be derived. *11! be rtiipii »t the mttof io c»nt» a line, (rc*i«t *ii words !o a Hnt), each 1-me. wil! made cn oog contract*. —Pay your poll tax btfore next Wednesday. —School will close May 3rd. Ad dress by the Secretary of State. —Tte picture stow has erggged a vHudiville for next week. Pay your poll tf.x av.d be eligible for voting at the important ele':tiot:s this f ill. —Horse racing baa become again the fad of «osue of our ritizeus and Halifax soil is the crown! cf the battle royal. —Next Wednesday is May-day and wiil be celebrated at the S'.ate Normal and Industrie! Institute ia gocd old Engbsh st\le. —Tbe Board or Health of tee State line asked that the ministers in North Caiolina observe April 28th ns Saniteiy Sunday Some plain words 011 tti subject would be very appropriate in this town. —There ha> been a tin:e when a man who desired to fish 011 Sunday would sneak away to seme (juiet spot wheie he was uDteen. Now it is the usual thing to fish openly and boldly, though there are the fcatne laws of God and ui.m prevail ing Dan J. Joyce, Sanville, Va., is so glad he escaped consumption and regained his health, that he writes about it for the benefit of others. "I ha.i a cough which hung on for two years when I began using Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. I kept oa until the cough finally left me and I gained in weight from 113 to Iss pounds. In two year? have grown stroni* and healthy, all from the ot Folev's Honey and Tat Compound, which cured me." Saunders & Fowdcn. BALD HEADS NOT . WANTED Baldness is too Generally Considered a Sijjn of Advanced A^e A held headed person ilc*.**; not have au equal cuance wit 11 on** bhsstd with a heiithy hsad cd ban becau-ie baldness is too generally accepted as an indication of age Many lar »e c«.ip nations haveestab -1 siicd an ::ge limit, and tef ise to > to men owr 35 years of age as new tinf In t en. Probably 05 p.r criit of bald headed people may ivg.v.ll a ijood be:ul of healthy !ivr >f tie- will felloe our advice ai d accept our cfTcr. We have a remedy that ue positively K'larantee to giow h*ir on iay bead, unless the roots At the h:dr are entirely dead, tlit ir follicles eki.-e 1 and the scalp has become ghzed and shiny, \Ve want pro pie 'o try tlrs remedy at our iitk, with thedi-ticci uuderslanding that unless it does ex telly what we claim it w..11, and gives satisfaction in every Respect, we shall make no charge vvrlh'c Tyaredy .used rtrinr. j» the trial. We know exactlv what we are talking about, and with this offer back ct on! siateirctns no out should scotT. doubt our word, 01 hesiiatc to put our remedy U> an actual ic^t We want tvery one in \VjlPains ton wbois suffering from any scalj or basr trouble, dandruff, falling hair or baldness to try our UexMl "93" 11 air Tonic. We want them to use it regularly—sav until tbre« bottles have bren u*ed—and if il dots nut-eradicate dandruff, cleanse aud reftegh the .scalp, tiuhten the hail uTlts roots, and grow new hiurflW will return every cent paid us remedy for the mere ask iug. There is no formality expet ed, and we exact uoabligation frorr the user whatever. We are established right here ir Williamston. aud make this ofle: with a full understanding that on: business success entirely de{>end! J? upon the sort treatment w ; e ac cord our customers, and we' wouh not dare make the above offer un leas «e were positively, certain tha we could substantiate it in ever) paiticular. Remember, you cat obtain Kexall Remedies in thf community only at our store —Thi Rexall Store. The S. R. Bigg! Drug Co. I U '/ . *2- ■ ■ 1 ■».' j . -tit ' . . 1 I I PERSONAL BRIEFS | ' Matthew Wilson, of Norfolk, is a here visiting bis family. Q J Mrs. Bettte Newberry is at home : this week from Roper, t' * ! Richard Martin was here from j Rooersonville Monday. J. S. Peel, of Everetts, was in j town on business Tuesday. Curiis Ikthe* spent the week lend he r t- with hit; parents. > I I J. G. Staton ;nd W. C. Manning Iwtiit to Rrcky Mount Wednesday. Miss Pattie Dowell is at hon:e U1 from Mt. Olive where she has been a J teaching. Mrs. W. P. McCraw, of Tarboro, , | ttas been visiting friends here lur ; the past week. 31 Mrs. Henry T. Hicks, of Raleigh, lis the guttt cf Mrs. W. H. Craw ford this week. : i s | Mrs. Kate Tripp and little daugh- I i ter, left Monday after a visit to i | Mr~. 3. A. Newell. ' j Mis, Betlie Harrison, of Norfolk ii> visiting Mrs. K. J. Peel en 1 llaughton Street, J. J. Stroud went to Roberson- M ville Monday to begin the etection ' J of a large buggy factory there. . | Miss Delia Lanier, who has been . i teaching music at Severn, has com pleted the term and is at home lot til ft summer. THE EFFECTIVE LAXATIVE Tastes Like and is Eaten Like Candy In .our experience in the handling ' ol drugs ami medicines, we believe 1 we have never had experience with 1 any Kemvdy that gave such gieat ' satisfaction to our customers as do ■ Rexall Orderlies. This Remedy is not like any other laxative or cath artic, Ii ccntaint; all the good fea tures of other laxr.tives, but uuu& 0! their faults. Our own faith in Rexall Orderlies is that we eff-.r them to ' you with our own positive personal guarantee, that if they do not thoroughly satisfy you, you only | need 101 l us and wt will hand back " j to you every penny ye n p rid us for *; t ic'tu. Theivfoie, in trying them 1 j upon our recnruiuendßtioH you take ' i no risk whatever. j Kejf&H Orderlies taste like and ' j are eaten like candy. They Oo not ' j gripe-, c« mi?nausea, excessive loose -3 ness, or any other annoyance. | They act so easily that they may be ' taken at uuv time, day or night. ! Tni.*v are particalailv eood for I I - chi'. '.ren, agelr or cleiicate ptrsoi.s, ' i Thev_£re pvt up in convenient tab lets : : three sizes of packages. r j Frice, !oc., 25c., and 50c. Rem-imber, Rexall Remedies cm " | be obtained in this cpmmunitv only "j at our store—The Rexall Store. S. U. Biggs Drug Co., Williamston, t! N. c ; ■l* • * * For Register of Deeds | I hereby announce myself a cau - didate for the office of Register of ; Cceds'of Martin County, and ask v my t'rie-.uls and .fellow Democrats II jto give tne their support, which I ' assure them will i:e appreciated. '* i And if elected I promise to fill the P ; olYice to the best of my ability and .j! to render to each find every one tbe a j proper courtesy duet'lem. Respectfully, G D^J.MSEKS. ;j TAKE THIS TIP ■" 1 It is impossible to make n mistake it ■" ! buying Point if you demauil of the dealti n • an analysis of the paint he offers you ! He can furnish if if be sells I mm , a j 3 l)o not accept habstibutes. Ie FOR SALE BY' ;A ! W. H. WILLIAMS I WlHiamaton, N. C.| j PREDECESSORS OF CAPT. LUX } I b Colonel Baucsier, General Zurlinden | and Others Have Escaped Frcm Pritcnc in Germany. About a dozen precedents for the eacape of Captain Lux from hi 3 Ger i man priaon can be found In the his tory of the f ranco-German war, and a large proportion cf the heroes of , them lived to .become famous. 0 A notable case was that of General '(then colonel) Satnaler, ultimately j i commander-in-chief of the French army, who was detained at Grandenr., In the extreme east of Prussia. It if. said that he put his holster to bed in stead of h!mt;elf, hid In an obscure corner of the fortrem until nightfall, j and then, having obtained t din- j guise by the help of hia orderly, was . | allowed to walk out of , the main prison gate. i He crossed the frontier to Poland 1 and returned to France byway of J Austria and Italy. General Zurlinden was another I'ris- J oner who pot out of his prfr.cn at [ Slogan in Silesia, on Christmas eve. j r He made his way In disguise through ! Benin, Frankfort and Karlsruhe to ; Basel, a feast which was not difficult j ' for bitu, a*, being an Aleutian, he i ■ spoke German quite as well as his j laiiors. Thirdly, we may note the expert ■ . nnr:efc cf M. l'aul Deroulede, who efi- I , caped from Breslau, and It Is piquant j to recall thai that vehement anti- ; Semite dlfi not disdain to disguise | liimnelf as a Polish Jew. Ho was very ; nearly betrayed by a peasant v.bom i i be had bribed to guide him into 80-} benila; but ho drew his knife with K rerooiottn gesture and the peasant changed his mind, with the result ! that M Deroulodc saw the final fights of the war as a sublieutenant of Tur ves. I CHILDREN A RECENT FIND Not Before the Nineteenth Century Were Thoy Truthfully Portrayed in Literature. Children were only found yesterday. Before tho nineteenth century tho I child mind and the child heart were not supposed to have enough ID them j to lntorert the majestic adult. It Is true that vou linii a delightful baby in ; Homer; rtnif in Virgil thero ia tta prettiest glimpse cf a little girl, and up and down In the classics you may ; ' meet half a dozen other pleasant L ahudotv* of children, —But- thev arc , only shadows, only at the most, charm ing pictures. They give you much ' ua 11 they wile painting or sculpture— ■ for In children's body's art has always hud Interest enough—only what a jhild looks Hi:e. the pretty WeaUnesi, th'e' IBBtlEcl for play, the Stve &>«. ture and movement. .Net till the "re -4 turn to nature," not tli! the spirit or I romance wwwi on th»-waiarg at -Ute-l ' end ol the eighteenth century, do you j i find poetrf beginning to - tiil cf tile j t thought and faith In a child's mind, I the mysteries opiluichild's heart, the fancies that arc droaftis and the fan ■ ales that aro visions. ay think i that they brm> gone too tar't tat 4 they read Into childhood the laborious phil -1 osophizitig and sometimes the labored ! ; sentimentality ol the adult. Hut r.o j one who lows children will deny that . the best of the children in nineteenth j century books fcavo a far richer real ity, a Tar fuller Ufa any ihat wero born In early works. Atd some of the best are In Dickens, — London Tel-1 e graph. An Indian Day. In the dew-bespangled sunrise, while the nlr was caressingly coed, we went forth to ride along the river bank ami beside fields of yellow mustard or dun stubble; then, on our return to the shadowed tents, a bath, breakfast, and tho day's occupations; then again. In the swift dusk of evening, when fur tlvo Jackals rent the twilight stillness with walling and demoniac laughter, or the silver bark"" of littlo foxes echoed over tho mist-veiled iic»-fields, white under the moon, we gathered In comfortable deck chairs In a great, diiu aisle of the mango strove, while the tents Shone orange in the lamp light., to tajl stories of the deaths of kinds, or listen to the Police Chota flahib, who had a pretty. H -ntlmental f tenor, singing "The Long Indian I- Day."—Charles johniston, in the At lantic. s Some Shakeapcart St^t'ttlco. A Shakespearean enthusiast with f much leisure timo otf hU hands and d a regular mania for statistics has dis covered that the plays of Shake speare contain 100,007 linefe and 814,- 780 words. "Hamlet" is th ■> longest pipy, with 5.9.10 line-", and ;:i*, "Com edy of Errors" the shortest, with 1.777 lines. Altogether the plays contains 1,277 characters, of which 157 tare fe males. The longest part is that of Hamlet, who has 11,610 words to deliver. The n part with the longest word in it is •r that of Costard in "Love's Labor's i. Lost," who tells Moth thi\t he Is "not so long by the head as hohorificabill tudinitatibus." r Ativlco F'om Kindly Busy Body. "Oh. my! Your house hiss an odoi of burning milk. Don't ybu know how to avoid that?" asked the K. B. B. "I didn't think It was so terrible. I'm sure. Everybody has accidents ol that kind," said the woman she wan visiting rather irritably. "Now it's nil right, of course, I don't mind it, my dear, but next time Just sprinkle some salt ou the stove at once after tho milk Is spilled and you will avoid that unpleasant odor." * ■ r— g^£. No L»ice |J Ccinfeittble, healthy tenri More ■ e#g> —mere profit—Houses free I froi.i lice are sure when vou use 1 Pratt* Powdered Lico Killer. If >ou kill the lice you get more tygn. 20 and 50c. AndeifOu, Crawford & Co. J. L. Husiell & Co. C. D. Carstarpfcen & Co. JJJHurmon Bros. * B B Free Poultry Book (and 1912 | S Almanac MillllHHl'lMllmM lj j REPORT OP Tun CONDITION OP 7HK Bank of Robersonville ' P.olx;rsc.nvn!!e, N. C., at the close of bus inebs Feb. 20, 1912. RCSOtIRCKS: j Luit:* hs'l discounts | 54.65406 1 Overdrafts 2,669.67 j Hanking house f>2,J4o 05; fur i oiture and fixtures 11014.39 Tn-e f'ont berks aid bankers 32,509.53 j Silver .coins, etc. 2,997.75 Total f 96,435 45" UABfZ,ITIES: | Cepitai stock $ 15,000.00 j Surplus fund —r- 8.700.0 c Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 2.930 71 Time certificates of deposit 12,316 32 DejosiU subject to cheik 57,107.8? Cashier's checks oututanding ;8o 60 Total f />,435.5 Static nv NORTH caaoLiws, County cf Martin. Hi*:—l, J A. Mizell, cn»hier of the above- Einifd batik, do tokmnly swear that the abevt •iiit* meet it trur to the tent of my koowledg* and belief. J A. Mlzni.L, Caahier Coireit Attest; J. C. Kobeitsou, R. A, Bailey, A. S. Kohersoti Directors. a*vtfworn to before we, thin 27th, day of >V!» i v :2 J. C. SMITH Notary PuMJr. Rerxtrt of the Condition of the Bank of Martin County ; \Vyi)amt,rou, N. C., at the close of bus;- nest Feb. 20, 1912 rksoitrCl^,: Loans and Discounts 1150,6^4.29 Overdrafts 6,104.35 All other stocks l>oiids, mtgs 2,.>75 00 Banking4touae ftur. and hxt'rs 1,850.00 Due from bankr ard bankers 33,7'JH aj National bank noteM, etc. '3.5^-iS Total t2c8,3,92j;i U'.BIUTIR.M • I Capital ritock f t5.000.0v Snrpltis Fund 17,000.0 c Undivided profits, less current I rarjtetwe# »nd tajies paid 5,709.21 Notef. and hill' rediscountetl 10 000.00 Time certlficatea of dejxisit 38,526 56 ficjoF-it 1 subject to check 122,156,54 Totfil , f208.302.31 j "1 North Curolina, County of Ntartin, 4*. I I, C U.OOiiwin, CftftMer of the alwre-named j hatic. io * >!en»oly »we«r that the above state* j fciett! ► true to tnt of in)* kfiowlec\>,e and J belief C. H, GODWIN, i ashltr I Correct—At Iff t: J. G. C.t.Uard, Warren H. lUuj s - C. tnri, I S'i*»»cnhtd and «*v»t»rn tol»efore mc.thla j^day [of )"eb, iViJ. Bufruus A. CrUcUer. t Notary Public jlhc Ideal| ; Barbcr Shop ti. U. BAKNHILL, Prop. WilliamSton - North Carolina Chairß---White Barbers Only Snnltary In Bvory Rospoct j The|ldeal|Prcssi'ng Club B. R. BARN HILL, l'rop. jWiHitrmston - North Carolina ! All kinds of Cleaning, Press* ing and Tailoring. Special at tention Riven to Lndies Gar uients. Club rates for men cictbos. called for and returned. Phone 136 I Satisfaction Guaranteed! Almost A Mirzclc. M . One of the most startling changes tvi'r.yeen in any man, according to ' \V. B. Holsclaw, Clarendon, Tex , , was effected years ago in his; bi other. 1 "He hud such a dreadful conglt," f he wiites, "that jtll our "faimly thought he was going into cohsump -1 tiou, but he began to use Dr. King'? j New Discovery, and was completely i icured-by teu Now he is ' ; sound and well and weighs 218 pounds. For many years our f family has used this wonderful 8 remedy for Coughs and Colds with , excellent results." It's quick,-safe, t reliable and guaranteed. Price 50 1 j cents and $. too.. Trial bottle free J at Saunders & Fowdeu. \ 5C99999999999999 S v. : J; |f> THE i I Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co.| S OF PHILADELPHIA i *' f# 1 Is a purely mutual company and is one 4$ 9| of the Oldest, Safest, Sanest, and xfr Strongest Insurance Companies in *ii America 4* %> Noted for its liberal contracts and £ large Dividends for its policy holders "f? jg ; ii| I |s : A. NEWELL,. A gen t| U I also represent several of the J jfr strongest Fire Insurance Companies f| p»«—wwnwwMitn——a—— Headquarters For Genuine Kentucky Horses and Mules! Also buggies, carts, wagons, harness & bicycles Weghave the Right Kind v -• We have the Best Kind We have the Chaptest Kind t L > Because v:e buy them from the people that raise them right our in the Blue Grass Region of Old Kentucky, where the best ones grow. Come to See Us. I [WASHINGTON HOSRSE EXCHANGE CO. Wastiln&ton. N, G. B. L». Susrnan, Pres. & Jinn. - Jo&. L». nigsc,,.A'nt. Mao. 8 /■ • a EFeel That Thump-ety-Thump? tnlsK>. Absolutely... No ncetauilip. no morphine __ Yet it's quick and pleasant to takt BROMALQIN E * a rapid headache and neuralgia cure'' >t soda fountains - - !OC, 25c and 50t bottles For sale by SAUNDERS 6c FOWDEN 1 iir.t iinrnin ■wmniiim umih nm iw a— ni;nimn with— lnrmrr ■ RusseJl & McKinley Comedy Co. and 2000 feet of pictures tonight at City Hall TOBACCO FLUES Have Woolard to make your FLUES and You will have the BEST CARTS AND WAGONS MADE TO ORDER Wollards Combined Harrow and Cultivator J. L. WOOLARD WILLI AMSTON, N. C. • " • * • (Continued from page 1.) HAMILTON TOWNSHIP Bennett, GH, 3 ncres Issac Walkei land 5.07 1.30 6.37 Barohill, Ferd, 50 acres Sherrod land - 3.16 1.30 4.46 1 Everett, Arden, 1 town lot, res. 1.99 1.30 3.29 ' Robert. Roundtree, 21 '4 acres land adi.C II Baker 1.21 1.30 2-51 Savage, Pentrie. 4 acre land adj. C H Baker 20 1.30 1.50 GOOSE NEST TOWNSHIP H>tn33, JF. 49 acres land adj. J T Hyman 3.00 1.30 4.30 Long. LF, 75 acres laud adj. Turner 6.00 1:30 7.30 Brown, Eli, 5 acres land,.(E ' 36 1.30 1.66 • Ellison, Shade, -5 acres Jones land .31 1.30 1.61 ; Howell. Dan L. 2 acres laud (Fields) 3.24 1.30 4.54 ( Hooker, Beu, 50 acres Peterson land 2.40 1.30 3.70 ■ Jones, George. 1 ifi acres Jones land 2.51 1.30 3.81 1 Jones, Richard, 1 town lot . 5.15 1.30 6.45 1 James, HA, 11 acres Jones land .79 1.30 2.09 , Knight, WilliV&Bro, 70 acres Browu land, 3.00 1.30 4.30 ) Staton, Joe H, 25 acres Harrell land 3.80 1.30 5.10 ; Williams, Edward 12 acres land adj Green 2.55 1.30 3.85 Ward, Henry, 12 acres land adj Wynn 2.16 1,30 3.46