The Sum and Substance of being a aubecriber to thia paper is that ycu«snd your family become attached to it The paper become* a member of the family and its coming each week will be as welcome as the ar rival of anyone that*a dear. It «U keep fwi Informed on the doing* of the community and the bergejne of the BMtthtßH nfdul; adverthwd wfll enable 700 to eere many rtmie the oeet of the eubecription. ""| We're Opposed | Mail Order Concerns Because— f| They hare HW contributed • cm to furthering (La iniinill el eel tew* — Ewy eeet rmixJ by ||hb fieia the comniwuty k e dncl lew to out merchant*— la elmoM every ceee their price* cee be Bel here, wuhout delay in receiving good* U ■ end the potability oi oiieutkee B ih illkg octiert. But — The natural human trek i» to buy where good* are cheapeat. Local pride M smelly eecoed ary in the game el lite ae played today. • Therefore Mr. Merchant and Buatne** Man. aee your competitor* [with their ewe weapon* — M ed~ti* Advertise! Tike local (eld it yourt. All you ooad do it to arrul rour mil of (be opportunist* oaered. Ae edvertieeineal ie thw paper will carry your Biiep into hundred* oi bone* ie tka eeei. nuaok r. ki* the *ere*l endiiiie el kiltieg your put* it eeea y«eior. A tpece thi* mm coat meek. Ceeae k I mi *ae m aboet k f£o edTtndjT»ow te obWa ;i**»im y trade iwi* ■ foifcm Srm bovm Iter, I *My und vfltn tkt fUnt. Pjtjjrt fii UfrfefemMi Prtetio* trol«*l**ty. I see auk I KlLLth COUCH I Ml CURB TH« LUWCB Dr. King's New Discovery FBBCBKf B^ft. I ALL THBO-tT A»D LOfWTIMWgtM. I A UAB AKTXXD S ATIB7AOSOZI I OB MONlf RrVtJUPgP. _ DO YOU know of ssyoae who b old enough to read, who hst sot seen that sign st s railrosd crossing? Ueeeiyoue kae eoen h at MOM time or other, then why doeaa*t the railroad let aign rot •way t Why doee the rellroed compwy contlite to keep theee m|H et etery rrneeing 1 Maybe yoa think, Mr. Merchant "Molt everybody kaoee Bf store, I don't kare to tlrnllw. Tear mom and yoar (node need mere advertfctog then the US* reada aeed 4e to worn people to "Look Oat far the edit.* With tog le ever rnmpleted ia the tdmiMi world. The D»f erunint Btorse ere a wrf >ul MMBflt tkry era sniittofrsjy advertiafaia— and toey we weduaaßy eetog a foodbnstoeaa. tf It papa to taa a tow ada Vaead ahont Cbriatmaa time, It cer takdf wW pair yea te rented- JL ITilaiti^ia*«rt4» CB L ADVERTISE in PjrjkTlHS PAPER VENICE A CITY OF DREAMS Many Charma for tha Tourlat In Thia Picturesque City of Italy. To the wanderer in Italy, Venice has a peculiar attraction. Arrive there at sunset, or, better atlll, by moonlight, and you will fancy yourself trans planted to some city of dreams. With dayllgkt thia feeling may wear off to some extent, although there Is never, at any time, aa much bustle and stir In Venice aa In other towns. Morning, noon or night, Venice has a fascina tion all her own. This la partly due to the fact that she la a city built on tha water. To explore Venice and to become In timately acquainted with her, a gon dola is not a necessity, rather It la a luxury for aunset evenings and moon light nlghta. It ia a delightful ex perience, and not a difficult one, to 1 find one's way about Venice on foot; quaint, old world cornera are discov ered, blta of ancient architecture, carved doorwaya and little bridges, with a feast of color here, there and everywhere. Apart from all th« beauty of scenery, there Is the en thralling Interest evoked by her his tory and traditions. Among the traditions we read that St. Theodore was the first patron ! saint of Venice, to be superseded later | on by St. Mark. The wanderer in ' Venice becomes familiar with th | Lion of St. Mark. More prominently than anywhere Is It to be seen on ont of the columns on the Plazzetta ' whilst on the other Is St. Theodore j These columns of beautiful red and j gray granite are supposed to hav« 1 come originally from Syria. They j were erected by a Lombard engineer —Christian Endeavor Monitor. BABY'S ECZEMA AND BOILS "My son was about three weeks old when I noticed a breaklng-out on hla cheeks, from which a watery aub stance oozed. A short time after, his arma, shoulders and breast broke out ! also, and in a few days became a solid | scab. I became alarmed, and called our family physician who at once pro- | nounced the disease eczema. Tha lit tle fellow was under treatment for j about three months. By the end of that time, he seemed no better. I be came discouraged. I dropped the doo tor'a treatment, and commenced tha use of Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and In a few days noticed a marked change. Tha eruption on his cheeks was almost healed, and his shoulders, arms and breast were decidedly bet ter. When ha was about seven months old, all traca of the eczema was gone. "During hla teething period, hla head and face were broken out In ! boils which I cured with Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Surely he must have been a great sufferer. During ! the tlme.of teething and from the time i I dropped the doctor's treatment, I j used the Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment, nothing else, and when two years old he was the picture of health. I His complexion was soft and beauti ful, and his head a mass Of silky curia. j I had been afraid that he would never I be well, and I feel that I owe a great deal to the Cutjcura Remedies." (Signed) Mrs. Mary W. Ramsey, 224 E. Jackson St., Colorado Springs, Col., Sept. 24, 1910. Although Cuticura Soap and Ointment are sold by drug gists and dealers everywhere, a sam ple of each, with 32-page book, will be mailed free on application to "Cuti cura," Dept. L, Boston. Msnila to Play Tennis. The city of Manila Is building ten tennis courts for the use of the public in the sunken gardens opposite the city hall. The courts will have the accompaniments of baths, lockers and reading rooms, which will be made by transforming the bastion near Vic toria gate into an up-to-date club. Burdueo Liver Powder Nature's Remedy: is purely vegetable. As a cathartic, lta action Is easy, mild 1 and effectual. No griping, no nausea, makes a sweet breath and pretty com plexion. Teachea the liver to act Bold by all medicine dealers, 25c. Taught by Experience. Okea—ls there a green grocer near here? Owens—No; they're all "wise." ton (win, TONIC. Toe know what roe are letting. The formal* I* plainly ptlnt.d on ererr bottle, •howlng It 1* •Imply Quinine and Iron in a laateleee form, and the moat effectual form, for grown people end children. IS eanta Paw Knows Everything. Willie —Paw, what is a family cir cle? Paw—A wedding ring, my son. Wor HBADACHK —Hicks' CAPI'DIIfV Whether from Colda, Beet, Stomach or Hcrruua Troubles, Capudlne will relieve you. It'e liquid—pleea*nt to take—acta Immedi ately. Try lu 10e., tbc., and 10 cente at drug etorea Tha Scotchmen are the heaviest on the average ot all Brltiah subjects. More Important then the choice of Presi dent is the selection of Garfield Tea as th* remedy for oonsUpatf on and biliousness. The term reverend was firat appllec to a clergyman In 1657. " Mrs. Wtßßlm'B Boothlnr Byrup tor Children teething, eoftena tbr jpuma, reduces Inflamma tion, allays pain, enree wlad colic, lie a bottle. A man never complaina of bia wife's relatione—if she hasn't any. Garfield Tea Is admittedly the simplest and beat remedy for ooaeUpattoa. German silver la an alloy of nickel, oopper and alno. e - * ' A . -t . - JfIIMIONAL SUNMTSOM LESSON (By E. O. SELLERS, Director of Bm> Ing Department, The Moody Bible In stitute of Chicago.) FOR JU NE~2~ HYPOCRIBY AND SINCERITY. GOLDEN TEXT—"Take heed that you do not your rlghteouaneaa before men, to be Been of them; else ye have no reward with your Father which la In Heaven."— Matt «:L Someone has called attention to the "buts" of God as recorded In the Scriptures, showing that they always lead to something good and contraata them with those of men that are always the Introduction to some derogatory re* mark. In something resembling thla the words of Jeeus, "Take heed," are tremendous with Import. Doing was the greatest thing In the Jewish religion that Jesus came to set | aside when he eatabllahed his new | kingdom. It la easy for a man to try j to do for himself In order to merit Ood'e favor. It Is hard to let Ood do i for na and we to accept Ma finished j work. In this lesson there 1» one inclu sive word and three Ulustrallona. Thla word la the word "righteousness" sub- I stltuted In the Revised Version for J the word "alms" In verse one. The three hues of application or illustra tions used are, first, that we shall make our righteousness secure by so doing our alms aa not to be seen of men; second, that In the saying of ! our prayers w« shall not, like the hyprocritee, desire to be seen of men, and third, that In the keeping of our fasts and our vigils we do them, not, as do hyprocritee, that the multitude* may observe and comment thereon. In another lesson upon this manl- I festo of Jesus we studied the subject | of the law and In It he summarised it all by telling ua that except our rlghte ousness shall exceed the rlghteouaness | of these Scribes and Pharisees, whom { John the Baptist designated as a gen- I eratlon of vlpera—hypocrites, we ahall In no wlae enter Into this new kingdom which Jesus came to establish. Righteousness He Demands. In the lesson Jetfus shows ua the difference between their rlghteoua ness and the righteousness which he is demanding of the eubject of his kingdom. He demands that our righte* onsneaa ahall seek It* approval not ; from nor among men but of God. The | motive which must govern ia the j glory, not of man but of 6od, not man'a approval but the approval of ! God. In verse two tie word "alms" la retained and hence the flrat lllus ( tratlon has to do with our "doing of I alms" i. e., our relations to men about ns, our right-neaa. The doing of alms | has no fundamental connection with ' any question of honesty between man j and man. The doing of alms accord ing to the strict lnterpietatlon of civil | law la no part of duty. There Is no | reason why the buslnsss man ehould give away his earnings provided he is Just In his dealings abd does not de fraud in hla transactions. Yet we do aee men making great, gifta and bene factlona to the cause ««f philanthropy. Why T Jesus lays bitre the aecret when be says, "that they may have the glory of men." Next Jesus takes up the subject of prayer. Again our attuntlon Is drawn to the fact that the exorcise of prayer haa but little to do with our relations to men. True it Is these relations muat be right befoi*e we can come to God acceptably but prKyer is to be di rected to God and not to man. Apart from our belief In God, why should we pray? Commercial or other inter-rela t ion ships do not require prayer, why then prayT The keen blade of Jesus' logic again reveala tho innermost se cret, "that they may be seen of men," and euch an idea of r.'ghteousness is repugnant in the kingdom of Jesus. We now come to the third illustra tion, the keeping of fasts. Pasting does not and never has appealed to the natural man. Naturally It la re pugnant and dlatasteful and yet we aee men making a show of fasting and imposing a like burden upon others, why? "That they may be aeen of men." Is there, then, no place for, nor ministry in fastini? Certainly there ia. True fasting however, con sista in foregoing and abstaining for the "glory of God." God the Final .ludge. It Is a sad fact that much of our len ten faatlng and of our Abstemiousness upon Fridays Is that it shall be seen of men and not because of any real ap preciation of the underlying need or sense of the principles of faatlng. Thla leason is a great warning that if we condition our righteousness upon the approval of man It will have no re ward whatever of God. The ostentar tioua or unctioua display of phil anthropy will receive its reward from men and weighs naught Followed through thla lesson applies to all the walks of life. For Illustra tion, to adulterate food for gain and yet appear active In church for the upbuilding of a reputation. This false ness is the sin that lies back of graft and corruption and that allows Amer ica to bare "the worst governed cities In the world." It la quite notlcable that there Is not a single personal pronoun in thla model prayer. It begins with God, leads us through his dealings with man and back once more to him to whom all glory belongs. NEWS OF THE TAR HEEL STATE The Lateet News of General Intereat Collected From Many Towns and Countiea of the Btate. High Point.—The city board of edu eatlan haa added the eleventh grade and our achoola, under the efficient auperintendency of Mr. Thornwell Haynes, are In a most flourishing con dition. Hickory.—C. A. Webb & Co., of Ashevllle, have bought $26,000 of the Hickory township road bonds at $26,- 813. These are 6 per cent bonds and run for 20 years. Work will begin on the roads aa soon aa machinery can be secured and arrangements made for securing the top soli which will be used Instead of the sand clay. Raleigh.—A. H. Eller, chairman of , the State Democratic executive com mittee, has Issued the call for the state convention to meet In Raleigh, 1 Thursday, June 6, at 12 o'clock noon, | to nominate candidates for governor Mid other state offices, to declare a party platform, to elect delegates to the national Democratic convention. p , Spencer.—Postmaster J. Rufus Dor sett has been advised by the Postof- Ace Department that the salary of the | postmaster at Spencer has been in . creased 16 per cent, effective at once. > The increase in salary ia based upon , Increased business secured In Spen . cer during the year ending March 31. [ Bupplles have been received for the , postal savings bank, which is to be f Opened June 10. Salisbury.—The Salisbury Indus -1 trial Club held an Important meeting ] and passed resolutions favoring a drainage of all creeks and swamps in ' Rowan county by dredging. The mat -1 ter of securing dredge boats for this purpose has been taken under con ' slderatlon by the county commission ers. J. H. Warburton, secretary of ' the club, was appointed to present the resolutions of the club at the next meeting of the commissioners. Raleigh.—Mr. M. T. Ray has return ed from Concord, where he attended and was elected pre|ldent of the North Carolina Order of Bons of America, a great fraternal order for the upbuilding of American citizen ship and moral education. The order was In session for several days and closed with the Initiation of sixty new members by the court of Con cord, assisted by Judge Fred A. Pore, „ National President of Summerfleld, N. I. I Durham. —Supposed mad dogs hav« ! appeared In the city for the last few j days and two men that were bitten have gone to Raleigh to take the pas teur treatment. A mad dog ran amuck and before he was killed bit several dogs, a little boy and a man. The dog sprang at the throat of D. S. | Cates but missed and instead bit him In the chest. Before the dog could get loose to bite again Mr. Catei ; caught him by the neck and choked him to death. | ,'Winston-Salem. —The city council has Just finished the budget for the next fiscal year, the appropriation for all departments, exclusive of the watei and sewerage, which, It Is estimated, will be self-sustaining, being $266,302. i The tax rate has been raised from $1.30 to $1.76 and It Is believed thai the revenue will fully cover all the appropriations. An Increase in the tax rate was made necessary on a© count of additional bonds sold during the year and to cover some improve ments contemplated In all depart monts. Klnston.—As Its parts In Kinston'i health campaign now undergoing, one of the local cotton mills has complet ed what la perhaps one of the model mill villages in the country. The set tlement known as Caswell, la the ex treme western suburb of the city, and is ideally located, being bounded by Mitclielltown, an exclbsive residen ital section, on two sides, and by the Neuse river on the south and west. Caswell Is a spotless town In reality, and according to health offi cers who inspected it, the little village Is without a single tuberculosis sus pect, and Is nearly 100 per cent Im mune against typhoid and Its kindred - diseases. r Waynesville. "Roy Flncher, of i Clyde, a youth of fourteen summers, who was hoboing or swinging a . freight train from Clyde to Canton, by some cause fell and was run over and killed by the train. He was the young est son of Bird Flncher, a traveling salesman. Greenville.—Fire of unknown origin destroyed the stables of J. H. Cobb in Beaver township. With the building 13 head of stock were lost, the Are burning so rapidly that only two horses could be gotten out. The loss is estimated at $3,800 with only j SSOO Insurance. Raleigh.-y-The ten-year sentence of E. P. Bruton, Richmond county, for ; manelMghter is commuted by Gov. J Kltchin to five years on recommenda tion of the trial judge, solicitor, coun ty officers and most of Jurors and oth ers. Charlotte.—According to the official tabulation of Chairman W. F. Harding of the Democratic county executive committee which Is just announced Messrs. J. C. McNeely and P. D. Prioe, of the old board of education, were .re elected in the primary, the three new members being Messrs. J. P. Arddrey, J. O. Reld and Walter W. Watt. l- A»..- W.. DOCTORS ADVISED THE HOSPITAL ■ Mrs. Herberger, Who Would Not Consent to Go There, Finally Relieved At Home. St Louis, Mo.—Mrs. Mary Herber ger, of this city, says: "I was sick in bed for ten weeks, wl£h womanly troubles, and had four of the best doctors waiting on me. Every one of them Bald I would have to go to the hospital and have in operation, but I would not consent lo that. I thought I would give Cardul a trial. When I began to take the first bottle, I could not turn over in bed, but had to be lifted. Before I finished the first bottle, my pains were leaving me, slowly, and toon I was out of bed and walking ground. My pains have not come back, ilnce. I weigh 15Q lbs. and feel fine. Cardul saved me from an operation. ( am going to keep it in the house, for I would not be without It." Cardui's strengthening effects quick ly show themselves In many different ways. This is because the ingredi ents, from which It Is made, go to the source of the trouble, and by act ing specifically on the cause, relieve or cure and help bring back health and strength. In the past 60 years, more than a million women have been benefited 1 by Cardul. Just try It. 1 ff. B.—Write toi Ladlra' AdvUory Dept., Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat tuootli Trnn., for Ipn-lal Inalrnc tlona, and 04-pa*e book, "Home Treat ; I neat for Women," lent In plain rrrap- L per, on request. Genuine Maple t>u(jar. i There are few people outside the . maple sugar making districts, says a . writer In the Country Gentleman, who \ really know what the genuine article s tastes like. The sui>erlor flavor thus t spoken of Is probably due In a de gree to the same causes that make strawberries eaten off the vine and • cherries consumed on the tree so de -1 lectable. The writer quoted, however, ' puts some of the blame for the poor f flavor of commercial maple BUgar on r the "wily wholesale dealer and • mixer." r i A woman can remember how a man t once made love to her long after she - has forgotten bis name. , The mml stubborn ooeUveness yields, gently and naturally, to the persuutivu action of Oarflekl Tea. i , Fourteen per cent, of the egg Is al , bumen. r grIgICfISTORIA jokJj iiiiiiiiiii'i'iiiiiMi'iniiiiiiiiMiiniiiiiiniii'MiinTTTTTTmTr For Infants and Children. ' CASTQRII Kind You Have I Always Bought r« ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT * Is AVetfe table Preparation Tor As - # | Bears the A, !j| ■i.iM>-if-ntiinriiin.« Signature /A.y S»" Promotes Digestion, Cheerfu- MIW lr' ?j nessand Rest Contains neither Xrv/I tr l (> Opium, Morphine nor Mineral v #l\ Jtj Not Narcotic |L\| y fa F«,p, ofOU DrSAMU£IMM£A tfri S—nm * \ I ■ 1 4 * MftAr//* Sm/ts • 1 \ J W - I |tl | "«i %zz£us~u. ) \ .TV I 11 I 11 * ■* »lf. / \1 L/ 1 j.Qj WmkrfnHt f/itror ' P a ■ Ij'o Aperfect Remedy forConstipa All u 11 Q 0 —— sW lion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, i 11 www £{c Worms .Convulsions.Feverish- 1 Ik/ _ , _ | ™~£r VJ For Over 1 ~:I£SIL Thirty Years & NEW YORK ' i iHnnnßtTnDiA xfouarantecd under the Foodaij I MII 111 w Exact Copy of Wrapper. TMa oaxTau* ewunr, »>■ oit*. ■■■BDHHBHHBHHHBHHIHHi ; Special Offer to Printers This paper is printed from ink made in Savannah, Ga. by the SOUTHERN OIL & INK CO., Savannah. 6 t % Price 6 cents r per pound, F. O. B. Savannah. Your patronage solicited pomade Vaseline A choice dressing: and preservative lor the hair. Highly ' l1 «3BP ' refined; delicately perfumed. Checks dandruff and keep* scalp in healthy oondltlon. • Pomade Vaseline is put up in attractive bottles and In EhkKk^/^ID ' oollapstble tubes. Insist on Pomade VASELINE. PRUV > If your dealer does not carry It, write us. W# will slim bojrtad to miml too frw llluatratad booklet, 81 pp.. dtocrlb- [:' m lnsr other- cboU* preparation® for tolUtaad family um. IML Chesebrough Manufacturing Company 17 Stmt* Str—t (CoawlMaUa) N.w York Clergy and Religious Press endorM MILAM the most rellsble Reconstructive tonic snd blood renovstor We,the undersigned, hereby certify thai l we hare taken Milam »/ith very benefi cial remit*. Believing it to be a valuable remedy, we authorise the publication oi our endorsement. Rev. 1. Cleveland Hall, Rector of Church of the Epiphany, Danville, Va. ' Rev. R. L. McNair. Pastor Presbyterian [ Church, Charlotte C. H., Va. Rev. J. C. Holland, Pastor Keen Street Baptist Church, Danville. Va. ' Rev. H. D. Guerrant, Methodist Minister. Danville, Va. ■ Rev. D. P. Tate, Methodist Minister. , . Danville, Vfc "The Methodist" t endorses Milam The endorsement of "The Methodlit" !• > not to be had by anything of doubtful tner . It, but this paper stands ready to lend Its j Influence for that which It believes will tend to the betterment of humanity, spiritually, 1 morally, materially or physically. i When euch men as Revs. D. P. Tate, l Horace D. Guerrant and others of like high ] character give their unqualified endorse ment to the physical benefits derived from the remedy advertised on the last page of r of this paper, we feel safe In commending It " to our readers.—E. G. Moeely, in "The " Methodist" for September. : "The Baptist" Endorses Milam. MUtm Is the name of a great medicine now be> Inn manufactured in Danville, and from the tes „ tiinonials of some of our best citizens we can safely recommend it to our friends who are suf a feringwitb any of the diseases it proposes to cure. The men at the head of the company man ' ufacturlng this medicine can be relied on.—Rev. 0 J. E. Hicks, In the Bap'ist Union. Ask your druggist or writ* for booklet 5 The Milam Medicine Co., Inc. >- Danville, VM. * PREVENTION n better than cure. Tutt's Pills If taken In time d are not only a remedy for, but wUI prevent SICK HEADACHE, biliousness, constipation and kindred diseases. - Tuffs Pills *' C.1.. M......... wnnted to handle a necessity •n d&ICS lTlanagfrt fur Automohllrt. There l» tlf money In tills proportion for men who ran handle territory. Mu*t liuve IM) to enable you to carry atock. ■ill* VeicsaUer Works, 104 Hoar** As*., Grand llaplda, Blrfc. W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 22-1912.

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