PROYA L BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure The only Baking Powdermade fromßoyalCrapeCreamofTartar WO ALUM, NO UIME PHOSPHATE LOCAL ITEMS t AH onttcen to Oii»" cr>l«»»*i»i, '»hrte tf/vtlue i>- to (Kiivrd, «mII Ik* cbarrfvd iu Hit r«»» ol »oc-ptM H line, (count* «ix word® to a llwe), eich V** l '**• inteuill 1* tnarie oil nfipf P -H'rACl*. Yin't j on going toniglni 1 Rub-Mv-Tiiin "'ill cine you —Have you list-d your taxes pro t *rlv? 3t* tie PiiSK'Oi! P;av on June 7tb. —Dou't fail to see to Titanic dieter dtpictfcd at tbe D.xie on Monday. —The (irs*ruction of the Titanic at the Dix : e on Monday night with 400.1 feet of othtr interesting pic tare-. Ain't you going.' sor 6 doses 666 will break atiy cat-e cf Chills & Fever; it arts on the livtr better than Calomel, and does f.c>t gripe or sicken, 25c. Rwb-My-Tism will cure you. —lt is reported that in some parts of the County, bail destroyed much cotton last Saturday and that tbe i 1: mers were plowing and re plan; ;»/. In this immediate sec tion tb. *as no damage, —The C.ftviP'ille Reflector re ported that, two more automobiles bad been purchased in that town. That's nothing this town can bent that record Speed is getting to be tbe chief thing here. —S. R. Biggs, local agent, is ex'-ctmg a arlwd of Bulck cars today The ship nit nt was made direct fiom tbe factory in Michi gan \- —Tike Lo d willing we will have a foot wa-liinu. at my home at 3 o'clo-.k Sunday afternoon. Text "Go ;ud do like Chtist.". The public is invited. —J. L. Cl'ctrv. —J. 11. Thrower a pocket liook on Tue-day containing be twe n; :5 a wi S3O an 4 two passes over t' 1. A. t. L Sora* one is supposed to have taken the purse from hi* coat which wns h.iiigittg on the li-ide do .r &t the railraad ofiice T litre 1■» 110 t'» the thief. —A party picmcsd nt the "llig Mill 'on Wednesdnv and elegr. t 'cue with other good tbuigs wa, served. Dr KHodes and H. A. carried the party out on Hitit machines and the day was fully sj>eot. The office force desire to thank their thoughtful friends for a tray laden wtol"*Ciie, etc. —Mi>B Rosa Crowel'l was hos'.e-s 'o a number of her fritjnds on l.w Friday evening. it beioti the fifteenth anniversary o.t her birth. The evening was a must enjo\able one the young bcstess received mar.y pretty gifts. Alexander'* Orchestra furnished music during the Lours and delicious refresh ments were served. —The Martin Couuty Buggy Factory is headquarters for every thing in the vehicle line, hames.-., etc. All kinds of machiuery made by the Harvester Company can be supplied by them also and farmers Would do well to ste them before making bargains for peanut pick ers and ether things necessary to every progressive farmer. Read «d in this issue. For Register of Deed A: the solicitation of a number of mv friends, I have decided TO announce myself a candidate for the Office of Register of Deeds of Martin County, subject to action of tbe Democratic Convention. Very respectfully, S. S. BROWN. I PERSONAL BRIEFS | s*»»»************£******>* Homer Feel came down Sundav to visit his famil/ dear here W. T. Me iicvs an 1 family spent Mood iv in Rocky Mount. Master Albert Clark, who ba« been be-e witli his brother, return ed to Durham Monday. Col. and Mrs. Wueeler M&rtiu left for Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ransoo,oiEnfield, were in town Saturday. Mrs Allen Richardson, of White ville, is visiting relatives near here. Mrs. M. E. Betbea spent Sunday in Hamilton. Edwin S. Ward is at home from school at Richmond. Arthur White wen* to Parmele on business Monday. Charles Biggs returned from Washington Sunday. Mrs. J. W . Williams, of Everetts, was iu to;vn Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Gurkin. of Dardens, were in town Wednesday. Miss Katherine Pender, of Tar boro, is visiting Mrs. A. S. CofField. Editor Manning went to Palmyra Thursday. B Haywood Kuight is at home from Chapel Hill. Mrs. J. G. Godnrd, Jr., went to Greenville Wednesday to visit rel utives. S A. Newell attended the Con gressional Convention »t Elizabeth Citv. W. H. Som\ner>, of Clearemont, Va., ha.*> been m town thi*- week on business Rev. Rnfus Bradlev aud W. E. Daniel attMided-the S. S. Institu'c at Scutlaud Neck l ist week. Miss Mary Robertson and Mrs. | Virginia Bobbin left Monday for Norfolk. Misses Louise and Sylvia Upton have been visiting relatives in Ply mouth tor the past week. | El'er Strickland, of Scotland • Neck, pr. uched at Smith wick . Cretk Strvhiy and left Monday ; luonuig 'or home. Miss VV*ill Suciet left Wednesday ' for Stlmn to vi.s'.t. fi it-nds. Frorv ! there she will 30 to her home ir: , Blacksbiug, S. C. Dr. John 1). Biggs and Clayton ! Moore left Wednesday for Eliza . beth City to attend the Congress jional Convention. ■ . | Miss Kceter, who been teach iug in Greenville, spent the week- J end here with Mrs. L. C. Harrison. 11 She left Monday morning for hei . home in Bbicksburg, S C. J, W Jordin, a well known den tist of Hopkinsville, Ky., lecentlj had an opeiatioti for bis kidney > trouble, but he says; "Th> firs . real rt lief I got was after taking Fole\ Kidney Fills. They ease*' ' the terrible puiu iu my back ant : accomplished more good than aay ; thing I had tried I gladly re 4 conimecd them." Saunders » Fowden. > Seaside Excursion Fares 1 i VIA Atlantic Coast Line R. R Tbe Standard Railroad of the South r WEEK-END RATES ) For Saturday and Sunday fore r noon trains, June i&t, to Sept. Btl ' inclusive, limited to midnight o following Monday. 1 . Wilmington, N. C. and retun $5-00 CALOMEL IS DANGEROUS It a Powerful Chemical Made from Mercury—People Should be Careful The only sure way to avoid tbe danger of calomel is to take do calomel. ■ Dsdson's Liver-Tone, a vegeta ble liquid of pleasant taste, more than takes its place. Where cal omel shakes yon np and shocks your liver, Dodson's Liver-Tone, mild but effective, builds up and strengthens. It ' livens up the | liver." [ it may be taken without any re [ striction of diet or habits. You , can give it to yot'r children with fine results. Get a Ijottle at Saunders & Fow den and if it doesn't do all that yon think it onght—if it doesn't make ■ bilious sp*>llp mere trifles—if it doesn't "liven up your liver." yo'ir j money will be waiting for you. J. B. SPELLER Dealer in Wood, Shingles, Poultry, Eggs Furs, Wall Paper and Baseball Supplies r Williamstou - North Carolina r ~i vie Ladies Shampooing and Massaging . Done at Your Home by f | LADY MASSUESE Patron Solicited » • Mrs, M. Alexander Q I'bonc u(-B t J Williamstou - - N. C. | ! Br J. T. R. Neal, f-1 side Drug Co., S. C. I writts recently. "I have been a TpraciVfinV phy-icinn and druggist 1 lor over 35 yeat# and have sold and administered many kidnev medi ciiu's but no»".e to equ-j! Foley Kid a | ovy Pills.' Thev are to j any I ever used anil give t l t quick je&i' permanent relief." S.iundeis „ Sr Fewden. i l'urc a,r, pare witter, pi;-e food j * • Und puietuorals toneth'.r form a r j quarte-r which will make *us a i happy and a healthy people — —^ 1 ; 11. A. Waggoner, A Iron, W. Va., " i >:i\s that Ftilev'.i Honev and Tat ■ " j Compound is the bent medicine for 1 cor .is and colds he h;v: ever iik: i>. He ruvs: "Kvcty man y at: ' rotuan tel's me it is the ben I tho lave ever used and whoevct [hit* - s-.d it once, always crmet > j back tor it ogain." There are nc w opiates in Foley's Honey and Tai c-1 Compound. and it is salrst foi .children. Saunders & i-' tvden* ;i ; ecs YCAR*' Ccrv^":fr' ! *Ae. r All'' l " nillif* cSelcb fiflJ t'.'.f i''lio»? n.:f %\t m our «pn»hia fic« * ul»r nu Uirori.*': I* ',»r.>taWj- r>iitrtlt{ibl& ■- nMtmttal. HANDBOOK 'u Pntosita Sv>ut f-v.». t> IMS HjWlloy Icrm-Jra; pato .n. V'HioiiH tl ronijli ilium A Co. reciiva ' tn*i;\ without cc»rpi». Jut ha >1 Scientific JMilcaa. y! K Imr 1« "n\r tT.*#'.t7. Ijtrwi eto . I nnlirtu II I>f Mt UtSa ;• M'n .l. I'o. i ,f? * >t j rem ; l»uf n-onUu, H. Sold ky al\ rcwk>i'>*ljrn. k; MOKN&no. a 6,8 NewYof!i Branch 0800, ti'JS F W*rl)sU»-tor., 1». C. , d If You New Paint at all i- you need good paint, and what paint cai i be so good, or do so much good as Pun Paint? The .jueition is can you tell pur paint when you are it, and, therefore, ar C you not liable to buy the adulterated kin unless you demand if in which case the analysis, guarantee am forfeit on each can protect yob absolute!; n FOR SALE BY U W. H. WILLIAMS WillhuiLston, N. C. - • ■, •;% Reoort of tbe Condition of the Bank of Martin County l Williamstou, N. C.,.at the close of busi ness ApriV rS, J912 RF.somcas: Loans and Discounts f 174,887.73 '■ Overdrafts 10,809.77 > All other stocks bonis, mtga 3,375.00 Banking house fur. and fixt'rs 1,850.00 Due from banks and bankers 9,586 91 National bank notes, etc. S.S 2O 1 Total 1a06.0J9.72 . liabiutkb . Capital Stock • 10,000.00 ' J Surplus Fund 20,000.00 Undivided profits, less current ■ | expenses and taxes paid 1,671.83 | Bills Payable 25,000 00 | Time certificates of deposit 39,195-73 ! Deposits subject to check 105,014.77 J Due to Banks 147-40 1 1 ' Total |206,019.72 Sttte of North Carditis, County of Msrtin, »«: I, C. H. Ooil«Hti, Cs»hier of the sboT«-n«meJ 1 bank, do solemnly swear that the »bo?* state . «ent is trje to the bcot of my knowledge and belief. C. H. GOKWIM, Cssbier t Ct-r^ct— Attest; J. O. Got'ttrd, Warrea H.- • 1 t!iKß s . w - C. Manniog, Directors. Sub»crilieJ and to before me, this iday 1 of May 191s. Eurroua A. Critcher. Notary Pablie REPORT OF THE CONDITION OH THE Bank of Robersonville Roberßcnville, N. C., at the close of bus iness April 13,1913. - KESOCRCfS: t Loans and discounts f 43,905.35 Overdrafts 2,423.04 J Banking house ?2,540.05; fur niture and fixtures $1064.39 3.604.J4 Due from banlcs and batikers Silver coins, etc. 2,401.22 Total | LIABILITIES I Capital stock I 15,000.00 Surplus fund 9,600.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 86S S5 Dividends unpaid 440.00 j Time certificates of deposit »3.56 i 93 j Deposits subject to check 57,597-*5 Cashier's checks outotandiEg j0i.43 Total f 97,869 47 Kthts of hosth CAaoLiy*, County of Martin, j «s:—l. J. A. Mi«?U, caabitr of tfce abore natned tmuk, do »oletntjly swear that the a^ove Iftatrmenti* true to the be»t of my knowledge and belief. J. A. MIZHLL, Cashier I Correct Attest: J. H. Roberson, Jr. K. 1.. I *-mttll, A. S. Roberson Director*. I ,S«b»cribed avvj sworn to before me. this :7th. • t'.av of April tftX ] C. SMITH Notary I'atllc, 1 $7.90 via Norfolk I $9.75 via Richmond ro 3 Washington D. C. and s return via Atlantic Coast Line R. R. TLe Standard Ratlrmd of the South Accouut naveiliuj; Co'.umbu^ Monuinent', a . June ttie BtLi, " t lie Atlantic coast ! L'ue Railro d r.lters the above r.t , i tractive trip rate. T j SELLING DATE Juoe sth, r 16th, 7f!i an«l f»H' trains scheduled to r 'arrive D, C., .before, II noou, June Sth, 1912. t FINAL LIMIT. To reach ori r *;iual starting point not later than mii;i'.'v'lit, Jun-i 12th; unless ticket 01 , r deposited Jos. Richardson, ir I Special Aueut, 1419 New York ! ave, Washington, I"). C , by ori^in "J ai putchaaer, upon pay meet fee U«aured anil including, July u, llgia. | Fnr schedules, renetvatiors and jot her inform uion, 'ce local Agent, pr ftddress T. C. WHITE, Geu P.U9. Agent, Wilmington, N C. Notice Having qualified a» Administrator upon the Estate of Thomas Moore deceased; Notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against said Estate tc " present them to the undersigned for pay ment on or before the 23d day of April IQI3, or thia notice will he plead in bar in of their recovery. re All persons indebted to said estate are re requested to make immediate payment, re This 23d day of April 1912. id 4-29 J. S. PEEL. Adm., Ejeretts, N. C Notice « lloving qualified as administrator of the estate ot J. S. Wyna, deceased, late j of Martin county, N. C.; This is to notify all persona having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Williamstou, N. C., |( j on or before May Ist, 1913, or this notice . will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to ?aid estate will please make immediate payment. This 23d day Aptil 1912. jl-29 J- G. GGDARD, Adm, »-.» . ... E , & yjW _____ "" . » | BUICK i a y ® The Car that will Live Up T' w under ALL conditions. jx The Toughest Road Car W fjt Made. r" ik A Car that has Style, Pow- er, Speed and Endurance. W g S. R. BIGGS, Agent | a W £ Til git ' {J Ipenn Mutual Life Insurance Co.| ft OF'PHILADELPHIA J #§■ Is a purely mutual company and is one "fi >J of the Oldest, Safest, Sanest, and J jj Strongest 1 Insurance Companies in i> fi America J| A Noted for its liberal contracts and £ large Dividends for its policy holders "t? r S #6. A. NEWELL, A^entJ;\ I® ft I also represent} several of the > - strongest Fire Insurance Companies * • m 1 TAX NOTICE | N"ortli C.rolina—Martin County. I.J. C. Crawford, Sheriff of Martin County, have this day levied ion the following tract® or parcels of land, bingand being in tbeCounty ("of Mnttjn, and will sell sstne for ca>h at uhlic auction before the iCcuit'aoue door of said Couuty, ca Monday the 3d day of June, 1912, for the t;ixe« due and unpaid for the year 1911, unless the taxes and ' ja!l legal charges are paid on or h«fn:« that date. / This the ist day of May, 1911. J. C. CRAWFORD, SberjT. Martin County. Name D'scripiion Taxes and cost WilHanjston Township . ■ Slade, Joseph, 1 vacant town lot S> 16 $ 1.30 $1 46 1 Cress Roads, Township - • I Keel, L. W. H., 1 town let Hamilton St., 2.24 ' 130 3.54 : Peel, Stephen, heirs, 25 acres land adj. XS. I'. 51 ! 1,30 I.SI : I Page, Wm. 8 acres land adj. J. B. Coflield 57 1.30 1.87 Robersonvillo Township Bunting, W H, 31 acres land adj. W H I.eggett " acres land adj. A. Rawls 9.74 1.30 11.04 Bullcck, J H, 1 town lot on Railroad st. 9 1,30 1.39 Jackron, J C, 1 town lot in Parmele 15 1 30 1.45 Hamilton Township Hitch, Frank, one piece land val. SSO 41 1.30 171 Sheirod, Lucy T. 1 town lot adj. Asa. Johnson 2 town lots, Residence 13 60 1.30 14 90 Everett, Luvenia. r town lot, Res. 2.81 1.30 4. 11 Goose Nest Township Benthall, Charley, 1 store lot Oak Cit>» 60 1.30 1.90 t Blind, S B 9*4 acres of Council land 31 1.30 1.61 ; Jseal, Mrs. E. 8., - 44 acres land, adj. Harrell 329 1.30 4.59 ' Shields, Ed. 25 acres land adj. Bell 1.49 1.30 2.79 I The Demons of tht Swinf t are mosquitos. As rbev sting they put deadly malaria . germs in th bloed. Then follow the icy chill: : and the strength fails; also malaria " often pave* the way for deadly typhoid. But Electric Bitters kill f and cast out the malaria germs e frcm the blood* give you a fine ap petite and renew your strength, j "After long suffering." wrote Wm , Fretwell, of Lucama, N. C., "thre s bottles drove all the malaria fros ■ my system, and I've bad gooc health ever since.'' Best for al stomach, liver and kidney ills. 5 •cts. atjSaunders & Fowden. The Ideal Barber Shop Y B. R. BARNHILL, Prop. ® Williamston - North Carolina s Sanitary In Every Respect >; The Ideal Pressing Club a B. R. BARNHTO., l'top »• i Williamston - North Carolina j All kinds of Cleaning, Press | ing and Tailoring. Special at tention given to Ladies Gar d ments. Club rates for men— JJ clothes called for and returned. Q Phone r36 Satisfaction Guaranteed t

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