VOL. XIII. NO. 34 r Professional Cards j Hugh B. York, M. D. Microscopy, Eleetrothe.apy, X-Ray Diagnosis. Specialties . Office over Farmers & Merchants Sank Office hours, S to 10 a. m., 7 to 9 p. ra. Office 'phone 60 - Night 'phoue 63 Wni. K. Warren - J. S. Rhodes Drs. Warren & Rhodes Physicians and Surgeons Office in fliggs I)trig Store - Phone 19 Jos. H. Saunders, 31. D. Physician and Surgeon Day' Phone 53 • Night' Phone 40 Williamston, N. C. Dr. R. L. Savage of Rockv Mount, will be at the At lantic Hotel fourth Wednesday in each month to treat diseases of the E>e, Ear, No*-e and Throat and Fit Glasses. A. R. Dunning • J. C. Smith Dunning & Smith Attorneys. t Law Williamston • North Carolina Robersonville, North Carolina Burrous A. Critcher - Wbeelcr Martin Wheeler Martin, Jr. # Martin & Critcher Attorncys-at-Law Williamston • North Carolina 'rucNH 23 S. J. -Everett Attorney-at-Law Greenville, N. C. 1 - '.ViUiamston, N. C. Greenville Long Diitance Those 52S S. A. NEWELL Attorney at Law Williamston Nc.rth Carolina Clayton Moore Attorney at Law Williamston • North Carolina John E. Pope General Insurance, Life, Fire. Health, Accident, Live Stock Real Estate - Brokerage Williamston • North Cr>rolica Office on Main -Su*et Society Pressing s . . Glub . . O. C. Price, Manager J Phone No. 58 Up-to-Date Cleaing, | Pressing, Dyeing and B Tailoring Very careful attention I given to Ladies' Kid I Gloves, Fancy Waists I Coat Suits and Skirts Club Rates for Men. Clothes called for and delivered I I C]| ents or se Merchant-Tailors, Chi- cago, 111 j THP FMTPPPPN C 111 jL*r .Ur I i I L-4 fix rl\ 1 The Match Trust (Contributed) The price of matches hasiccreas ed 25 per cent within the last six months. The Republican govern ment is fostering every trust that can possibly live under the light of the sun. But for the immense dis ; tance of that orb, these same Rep j üblicans would corner the sunshine : and sell it for a dollar per rav de ! livered when and where they decid ed. In the case of the natch trust, j the c : tizens of Williamston are es 1 ! pecially interested because they aie forced to pay so much into the al ready well-filled pouches of the ) trust just to g=t a little light, where they should be given the full glare of electricity. The government has established a pest office (or did establish one j here in thedong ago) and all things , necessary 10 accommodate the peo ple (for it is the office or the peo ple), are supposed to be provided. But it is all supposition for one , essential thing is lacking—a light to enable the renter of a box to • work the combination. The build -1 ing is equipped for electric lights, : but these are cot allowed to burn I any longer than it takes to open the mail. So unless voa come down with the mail pouches, a man 1 will have to use nearly a box of j Diamond or Coast matches to pro- 1 cure his mail. This is where the match trust gets the innings on this people here. The ltss light the 1 more matches f.ud greater earnings for the trust, .so that the g. 0. p. can be boosted. 1 The office here is a presidential appoiutmeut and vaysa good salary —surely enough to furnish lights. Any official receiving his pay from the public treasury should desire to j furnish the nest to the people. Folks arc tired of being inconveu . ienced and kept in the dark. It is earnestly hoped that the' Baltimore • Convention will/start a movement to furnish us more light and better light, and so keep the match bill dowr. Movs on Now! savs a policemen to a street crowd, M * and whacks heads it it don't. "Move on now," says the big, harsb mineral pills to bowel coil . gtstion and suffering follows. Dr. Ring'.s New Life Pills don't bull idoze tee bowels. They gently per- Isuade them to right action, and j health follows. 25c at Saunders & ! Fowden.. in Memoriam Nellie Louise, infant daughter of ] !J. H. and Lizzie Gurgauus, was lbornue.il Williamston, December | .15th, 11) 1-, and died of meningitis, j ! May 30th, 1912. She was a patient 1 little sufterijY, 'making no complaint during her illness, but bore her sufferings with the fortitude of a 1 little heroine. The funeral was | conducted by Elder G. J. Dowe'l and her mortal remains lie resting in the Baptist Cemetery. "Why should our tears in sorrow / flow; Whan God recalls his own; Aud bids them leave a world of wo^, For an crown."' "Sure when thy gentle spirit fled, To heaven's fair, bright and azure dome, I With wings outstratched, God's angels said; ; Welcome to Heaven's Home Sweet Horn;.'' HetprttntßeD down Excuses Mrs. J. E. Henry, Akron, Mich., tells how she did so: "I was both ered with my kidneys and had to go nearly double. I tried a sample of Foley Kidney Pills and they did me so much good that I bought a bottle and feel that thev saved me a big , boctor's bill." Saunders & Fow- I den. i"'-'* s r r...v » ~ 'it is'». . & . -hi WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1912 Body of Woman Found While fishing in the upper waters of Creelt on Monday, Mr. Jor Gurkin found the body of a woman in the midst of some bushes. He did not investigate enough to fully ascertain whether it was the body of a white or colored wnnan, but thinks that it was white. He reported to the authorities here, but as the body was fourd in Ber tie County, it was deemed advisa ble to report the same to the auth orities in tlia* - county and Sheriff Crawford reported the case to the Sheriff of Bertie. It i- supposed that the wouian " was drownded somewhere up the river during th; freshet several weeks ago and was floated down through the swamps and became entangled in the bushes at the spot found. Last week the body or a negro was found floating in the tiver and was tied up at Hamilton, but was later cut aloose and after wards it was tied up at Jamesville, From tbere it was allowed to float out into the Sound. These cases should have the attention of the Coroners of the counties where they are found. It is terrible to know that human bodies are fioatirg about on the waters adjacent to centers of life and activity. Later information has been re ceived that the Coroner of Bertie County held an inquest over tho body and found it to he that of a white woman, aud that she was the, victiom of foul play, as the breast had been.split open from the throat downward. Tbere is eo clue to ' her identity. Mm Coughs snd Brtaks Ribs After a frightful coughing speil 1 a mau in Neenah, Wis., felt ter rible pains in his side and his doc tor found two ribs bad been broken. 1 What agony Dr. King's New Dis covery would have saved him. A few teaspoonful ends a late-cough, while persistant use routs obstinate cough®, expels stubborn colds or heals weak, sore lungs. "I feel sure its a Godsend to humanity," writes Mrs. Effie Mortoq, Colum bia, Mo. 'for I believe 1 would I have consumption-today. if I hul not use! this great remedy." Its guaranteed to .satisfy, and you can get a free tried bottle or 50-cent or $1 00 size at Sounders & Fowden. Manning-Brown On last Sunday evening at four o'clock, June* 2nd 1912, the nup tial rites were solemnized between Mr. James R. Manning, an iudus- j tnous and prosperous young man of Martin County and Miss Alice ! Brown, also of Martin County, v/bc is loved and admired by all who| have had the good fortune to know -"her Tin biide's boose was the ; scene of the happy event, and the! ceremony performed by Elder J Ashley D. M'.zell, of the Primitive j Baptist Church. After the ceremony the bridal party repaired to the home of the groom for the reception. A ho-t I of friends and relatives join ic many congratulatory wishes that nothing may ever mar their pleasure along the bridal path, and that in numerable joy* and infinite happi ness may be as laurels upon this happy union. A Friend. Taylor-Daniel There was a beautiful marriagei at the Vifinif nf Mr. Jack Crnftnn in . Gold Point, Sunday evening, June 2nd, 1912. Mr. J. T Taylor, of Robersonville, and Miss Blanche Daniel, the beautiful and charming daughter of Mr. McDaniel, of Robersonville, were happily urited by Christian cere:uouy. We wish them a happy voyage over the matrimonial sea. S. W. Summerell. j / . 1 w ~ :.. . HASSELL ITEMS W. A. Fleming has returned heme after an extended business I trip to Kentucky. Mr#. \V. Z. Morton and little Miss Elizabeth, of Ro')-* wnville, have been visiiting relr.fves here. Mrs. F. L. Haislip ar.c. little son, • of Hamilton, visited here hsr week. i Mrs, Nancy Purvis, who has beir. real sick, is now convalescent. ; \ !* «-> •• Mr>. W. D. Jordan and children i spent several dais .vith fiiendsnerr Stokef. *1 -t >ve;k. f Mrs. from Bilhel his been >*recili ig sou»e time ;«t the • home of T. P. Roberscn refir here. \ —Mr*. R. W. Silsburv, of M'.niil- 1 ton, spent last week bere. Mrs. J. N. Barteu, of Norfolk, | is the guest of Mrs. M. K, S'arliugj this w>-cl:. Mts Reuben Purvis cud mother, of Robersonville, spent Sunday at the home ot J. S. Roberson R. H. Salsbury and daughter, Miss Laura, are spending the week iQ Raleigh. • [ Lee Roy Rollius, of Farmville, is here superintending the mill for his father. F. L Maislip, of Hamilton, was lere last week taking tax list. Miss Louise Salsburv v:*-itetl re latives in S]>eee la?t week. J. M. S. Salsbury aad son Char .its were he;e Tuesday eu route for Hamilton. 1. Mrs. John Rawls, Eelhavcn. is tHiitirrg her parenth iiere ~ Pan 1 WaHn c?, v. f Kins to n" vi si ted | friends here Sunday. J.>ck Shericd. of Enfield, was |here Sunday. \V. 2- Morton spent Tuesday j night here. I Miss Vivia Reeves was here one Id.iy last week to meet friends from j Greenville who :ie visiting her. * - —•» ♦ cr»-~ OAK CITY ITEMS 1 Mrs. M. L. HaisLp spent Sunday j with her relatives. Mrs, W. T. I Inrst spent the 4 «*. i week at Bethel. I j Mrs. Cartwright Taylor is spend- I ing some time with Mrs Charity • Hurst. j I The little child of Mr. and Mis. j IMly Thomas died Monday night and was buried near Oak City. Mrs. T. \V. Davenport and li'tle j daughter ate spending some time at Seven Springs near Goldsboro. Mrs. Clara liverett spent Sunday Utid Monday wiih her —'■!\ri-s ! h'fttie Johnson. H M. Worslt-v made a business j trip to Stokes the nr.-U ot this ?;eek. « R. W. House went to Scotland Neck Monday. The Passion Play i The managers of the Dixie Thea tre announce that the films of The Passion Play arrived by express; Thursday and so to-cight there | will be no such situation that embar-' i rassed them when they were to have presented the Titanic disaster. : The films for tonight are the same I I J preseuted here several weeks agoi i and the pictures were made from j 1 tho original 00 acltd rn tli» prlnci-t . pality of Bavaria in Europe--,Those j who have never seen -the pictures should not let thisopportuuity pass. It will make an impression which will fast through life and out's con ception of the Bible story clearer j than any learned by reading. For the instruction of children, the pictures are fine. Don't miss it j tonight. .... | GOLD POINT ITEMS Rev. S W Summered filled his I appoint uent at the Christian j Chinch here Saturday night, and L S uuday. '- u Mrs Alice Lawrence, who has j been visiting her sisters here, re : turned to her hotne in Hamilton I Sunday. Mrs. Carrie Williams, who has : been visiting her sister, Mrs. A. C. i Smith, returned to Williamston | Sundhj*. j It is reported that B. H. Rober tson will move to Robersonville to : lu'e is another year. Miss Vivian Roberson, who has teaching music «t Winterville School, is spending vacation j at home John Everett, of Robersonville.! was in town Saturday. j Miss Mittie Williams, of Hamil ; ton, is here this week. Our fathers have ju-it commenc ed digging Irish potatoes. J. E. Roberson, of this place, is ; having a handsome brick residence j erected 111 Robersonville and we j learn that he will live there another I year. Lc-vry Cioom left Sunday morn ing for Oak Ridge, where he goes ; t.o Itfurti the automobile trade und | will open up a first class repair shop jto 1 tn i chin is on bis return. i Mrs. W\ A. Robertson, of Rober . I souville, has been the guest of trieuds aud relatives in town the I past week. > j j Frank E. EJwards has opeiud a '-cool- dtnile st;ind in the J. I, Weav ' er stoic. I J A. Bryan has a fine field of ' seven acres of tobacco. Our farmers have been very busy . of late chopping cotton, planting ! peanu's aud desttoying Gen. Green •j 3nd crops are looking line. It will soon be time f«.r caudida j to- to be coming around haudshak j ing, and. or cour-v, we expect to . have some nic- barbacues. R. T. Tayloi is quite ill at h:s j home here with rheumatism. j Mrs. Will James and children, of I Wiliiaaiston, ar.' visiting relatives | b-.r,. There was quite a suprise mar j riage here Sunday evtuiiig, when | Jack Taylor, f Robersonville, and Miss Blanche Daniel were married ! by Rev. S. W. SinumerelL W. A. Roberson, of Roberson -1 j ville, was h-re Sunday. For Sheriff 4 1 l)frfer>" 111) nonr. c. myself a l'aT, Ididate for Sheriff of Martin County j subject to the action of the Dem> 1 cratic Convention. Respectfully, Harmon T. Roberson, Jr. Ttifl* Pm \n Erid To It Charles Sable, 30 Cook St., Roc hester, N. \\, says he recommends | Kidney Pills at every op j portuuity because they him ; prompt relief from a bad case of ! kidney trouble thatfhad long both -1 ered him. ' Such a recommendation j coming from Mr. Sable, is direct land convincing evidence of the great curative, qualities of Foley j Kidney Pills. Saunders & Fow j den. J —~ 11 —m m mrnm For Representative" » At the request of a number of my friends, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the House of Rep | resentatives subject to the action of the Democratic Convention of Martin County. This May 28th, 191,2. A. Corey. • / - . St. oo a Year in Advance ''Base Ball Dope" The Williamstori Giants are lim bering up and it looks like every body will be doing it soon. n ase 8~.11,' as you ktlGw, is one o£ the two great American games. Some play both with rucces*. But this is no time for batting average*. The Giants have with them this sea sou Doctor Ward, the terrible Spit H ill demon. Doc's flipper is i;j fiue shape, as he is fresh from the Battle Axe team of Richmond. IJandsoroe Ilarrv, drafted from the Reds, w:!l receive the pill from the l>ac in hi? usual style and grace. When I hey ;;et together will be going joint. Tik Mexican Kid -.vil! hold forth at first, as he did in PJepiunt Butte. I where be was th*. \ ride of the West. We are glad the Indians spared his life. Casey Junes will "Railroad Rag" at second and call all trains going South. Vt tilard 'feel will t;o the Grass hopper glide at short. Joe Crowfoot will be there with the Bunny hug at third. Simpson will sing "My Old Ken tucky Home" in tne outfield. Knight, Bethea, Robertson, Peel and others will be* with the gang to ■ apply theVmergeucv brakes. > This bunch of Aristocrats will be 1 le.l by his Royal Highness, the i Duke of Astoria. If >ou bavei't anything for 15ase . BaH, don't let anybody know it. j If you have r.erd it C. Q. D. - ■ "'«»■ • Supplies Human Hands 1 A recent demonstration of the "I economies effected bv putting elec tric:tv to wo'k 'V'oinj the chores" [; ol the fa r .n showed that electric I power can i-upplaut human muscle iin this field quite as well as the I electric liyht can supplant the old, ' oil-diippiug bnin lantern. The generator, > riven by an oil engine, supplied c.iritut lo an outfit af " ciot )t> for jt, iutarj it.: pump for ' the firm .valor sup] !/, j cmtrifn ' I gil pum;- f>o irrigation and valaa |b e tor fire purpo-vt* also, a dairy ,; inst-illation (free i;om the dust , thrown by t»t-."and shutting) con- Msting or relngeratti g machine, ' a milk cooler, a ci-.-r'tn separator, k | an automatic churn .in 1 butter I worker, a bottle wv.sbtr, an ice . I cream tret nn electric truck, a ( j large threshing m-.c'iuue, corn shel j leis and feci chopper;, laundry i machinery, machines, silo I filler, flexible bat!, sheep shearer | and LIMES ,HK! caVt'c sroor.ier, ■ j ventilating f-.ns and kon.-hold j equipments iid jding cooking | devices. —Hx. When Buying: Buy Oary «he Best ! I Cost's no mere but give the best ■ | results j H. L. Blomquist, lisdaile, Wis.,. i says his wife cosiders Foley's '■ Iloney and Tar Compound the best j cough cure on the market. "She j has tried various kinds but Foley's Kives the best result ot nil " Saun ders & Fowden. Locke Oaig Nominated | Democrats in State Convention nominated Locks Craig for Gov ernor on Thursday, and E. I*. Daughteridge, of Rocky Mount for Lt. Governor. Woodrow Wilson was endorsed for Democratic uom inee for President. Kits. jVI, A. Mof,[itti(btii| 512 Jftj La Crpss, Wis., writes that she uliurtd all- k-nnis or patns In her back and hips on account of kidney trouble and rheumatism. "I got some of Foley Kidney Pills and after taking them for a few days there was a wonderful change in my case, for the pain entirely left my back and I am thankful there is such a medicine as Foley Kid ney Pills." Saunders & Fowden, : - aura —ir^-ftintttfliillut