VOL. XIII. NO. 35 Professional Cards Hugh B. York, M. D. Microscopy, Electrotherapy, X-Ray Diagnosis, Specialties Office over Fanners it Merchants Bank Office hours, 8 to 10 a. m., 7 to 9 p. m. Office 'phone 60 - Night 'phone 63 , _ Wm. E. Wtrrcn - J. S. Rhodes Drs. Warren & Rhodes Physicians and Surgeons Office in Biggs Drug Store - 'Phone 29 Jos. H. Saunders, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Day 'Phone 53 - Night 'Phone 40 Williamston, N. C. Dr. R. L. Savage of Rockv Mount, will be at the At lantic Hotel fourth Wednesday in each month to treat diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and Fit Glasses. A. R. Dunning - ]. C. Smith Dunning & Smith Attorneys-; •t-La v/ Williamston - North Carolina Robersonville, North Carolina Burrous A. Critcher - Wheeler Martin Wheeler Martin, Jr. Martin & Critcher Attorneys-at-Law Williamston - North Carolina • 'pbonk 23 S. J. Everett Attorney-at-Law Greenville, N. C. - Williamaton, N. C. Greenville Long pittance Phone 328 S. A. NEWELL Attorney at Law Williamston • North Carolina / Clayton Moore Attorney at Law Williamston - North Carolina John E. Pope General Insurance, Life, Fite. Health, Accident, Live Stock Real Estate - Brokerage Williamston • North Carolina Office on Main Street Society Pressing . . Glub . . o. C. Prioe, Manager Phone No. 58 Up-to-Date Cleaing, Pressing, Dyeing and Tailoring Very careful attention given to Ladies' Kid Gloves, Fancy Waists Coat Suits and Skirts Club Rates for Men. 1 Clothes called for and delivered Agents for Rose & Co. Merchant-Tailors, Chi cago, 111"-"-" THE ENTERPRISE MASS MEETING OF CITIZENS A Chamber of Commerce Organ ganized Last Night—Commit tee Sent to Consult A. C. L Officials Pants Factory to be Se cured A call for the citizens of the town to meet last night in the City Hall was responded to enthusiastically. The desire to have the town move onward and upward has seized the business men and at this meeting a Chamber of Commerce wa?. organ ized with H. W. Stubbs, President; W. C. Manning, Vice President, and S. A. NeweJl. Secretary and Treasurer. The following compose the Executive Committee: T. F. Harrison. Dr. J. H. Saunders, G. W Blount, W. T. Meadows, J. G. Godard, W. H. Biggs, J. L. Has sell, J. W. Anderson, Dr. John D. Biggs. Arrangements were made to ac cept the terms upon which the Hamilton Pants Mfg. Co. will come here and it is confidently thought that in a short time the plant will be secured and greatly enlarged. The A. C. L. R. R., after making a survey of the track tn the river, submitted the cost to Attorney Stubbs and a cofamittee was sent to Rocky Mount today to confer with Supt. W. H. Newell about the building of same. These gentle man were. W. C. Manning, R. J. Peel, J. L. Hassell, A. T. Crawford, S. A. Newell, A. Hassell and others. - Support Your Home New spiper A good local newspaper is one of the surest signs of a progressive commnnity and it is to every far mer's interest to do what he can to make his paper a good paper. It tells him things which he should know and which no other paper can tell him. Often it will be the best advertising medium he can use and if the editor realizes that the farmers in his territory are trying to help him make a good paper, be is more than likely to be willing on his part to do all be can to advance the interests of the rural sections. We realize that too many local papers give practically all their attention to the town and neglect the country districts, but we wonder sometime if this is not almost as mueh the farmers' fault as it is the paper's. Get in touch with your local paper. Send in to it any item of news you may have. Let the editor know about any good farming that is being done in your neighborhood. Help him to see that the prosperity of a town is founded upon the prosperity of the way yon can help him make a bet ter paper and enable him to be of more service to you and to tbe community.—The Progressive Far mer MOVI 91 Nil! says a policemen to a street crowd, and whacks heads if it don't. "Move on now," says the big, harsh mineral pills to bowel con gestion and suffering follows. Dr. Ring's New Life Pills don't bull doze tbe bowels. They gently per suade them to right action, and health follows. 25c at Saunders & Fowden. Sunday Services The Lord willing, we will have services at the home of Miss Polly Pulley on Sunday *t 3 o'clock. We want to meet at 1 o'clock and en gage in song service. There will be books furnished to each one pre sent. The text will be: "Heart not Right in the Sight, of God". Everybody is cordially invited to attend this service. WILLIAMSTON, N. C.. FRIDAY, JUNE 14. 1912 June Tcrm of Superior Court The June Term of Martin County Superior Court will convene here next Monday, June 17th, with His Honor, Frank Carter, Judge pre siding. The term is set for one week only and the cases are unim portant both civil and criminal. At this season of the year, the people in the country are busy and the crowds are always small. Solicitor Richard Allsbrooks, of Tarboro, will represent the State in the pro secution of the criminal docket. The following civil cases wlil be heard on June 19th: Bowling vs Biggs andCoburn. Watters vs Stallmgs. Gurganus & Son vs Tandy Wil llams. Davenport vs Mizell. , Adams vs Ange. Cowan vs R. R. Cooper et als vs Marriner. On June the 20th, motions will be heard as follows: Stallings vs Stallings. Francis vs R. R.J Staton vs N. S. Peel. Martin vs Peel. Hassell & Co. vs Peel. W. J. Whitaker vs Peel. Hnghes & Co. vs Bank. Tate vs Sellings. Hassell vs Lloyd. Hinkle vs Woolard Bank vs Live Stock Co. Critcher vs Thomas. Sherrod vs Sherrod. Biggs vs Gurganu*. Cratt vs Leggett & Leggett. H«yman vs Harrell & Ross. Long vs Mayo, Adm. Trust Co. vs Live Stock Co. Harper vs R. R. White v» White. Davis vs Davis. Martin & Brown vs Sykes. Sherrod vs Sherrod. Bell vs Bell. Roberson vs Roberson. After a frightful coughing spell a man in Ntenah, Wis., felt ter rible pains in his side and his doc tor found two ribs had been broken. What agony Dr. King's New Dis covery would have saved him. A few teaspoonful ends a late cough, while persistant use routs obstinate coughs, expels stubborn colds or heals weak, tore lungs. "I feel sure its a Godsend to humanity," writes Mrs. Effie Morton, Colum bia, Mo. "for I believe I would have consumption today, if I bad not used this gTeat remedy." Its guaranteed to satisfy, and you can get a free trial bottle or 50-cent or sr.oo iiae at Saunders & Fowden. Tbe annual catalogue 'of the North Carolina College of Agricul ture and Mechanic Arts, at Raleigh, has been received. It shows an enrollment for tbe year of 6i9stud ents, divided as follows: Agricul tural 293, Mechanical Engineering 106, Electrical Engineering 90, Civil Engineering 77, Chemical 27, and Textile 26. Persons interested in technical education of this grow ing institution. Address, The Registrar. West Raleigh, N. C. For Rqglstw of Deed At the solicitation of a number of my friands, I Cave decided to announce myself a candidate for tbe office of Register of Deeds of Martin County, subject to action of the Democratic Convention. Very respectfully, 8. S. BROWN. For Register of Deeds I hereby announce myself a can didate for Register of Deeds, sub ject to the approval and action of the Democratic .Convention. Sylvester Peel. • ~ nm 'it »»i.uae^_ J. L. Cherry. MIR CoHgfcs ini Breaks Ribs A. & M. College Saint John's Day This time honored celebration will be held this year at Oxford Orphanage, Oxford, N. C., on Sat urday June 22ud, instead of Mon day 04th. This has come to be one of the most representative gatherings which occurs in our State. Each year, for.a great many, it hag been the custom for the Grand Lodge pf Masons to hold a Special Communi cation at the Orphanage. In this way this occasion has been the means of bringing together large crowds, and friends from all over State have begun to look forward to It with great pleasure. Each year the crowds stem to get larger. Last year it was esti mated that 10,000 to 12,000 people attended. Preparations are now begun looking to the entertainment of even larger cumbers than usual. The railroads have made arrange ments to put on sale reduced rate tickets and to run Bpecial excursion trains on all the roads on that day coming into Oxford. The address of welcome will be delivered by Mr. T. G. Stem, of Oxford N. C., and the oration by Rev. F. H. T. Horsefield, Rector of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, Oxford, N. C. »The inspiration of these occas ions has reached and tendered many hearts as they behold the great work being done for the Or phan children of our State. The location is one of the most attrac tive in the State and the Institution is the oldest and one of the largest. Body of Man Found In the Windsor Ledger of last week, it was reported that the body of a white man was found washed ashore near Avoca on the Sound. The skull wa crushed }and several teeth knocked out. It is supposed to be the body of the man that passed down the Roanoke River and was tied up both at Hamilton and Jamesville. The Corouer of Bertie held an inquest but there was nothing by which tbe person could be identified, the body hav ing ou only a shirt. A Card This is to certify that Foley's Honev and Tar Compound does not contain any opiates, any habit forming drugs, or auy iugredients that aould possibly harm its users. On the contrary, its great healing and soothing qualities make it a real remedy for coughs, colds and irritations of the throat, chest and lnngs. The genuine is In a yellow package. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and accept no substitute, Saunders & Fowden. Died at RobersonviHe The death of Mrs. Maggie Sals bury Whitfield, wife of Mr. David Whitfield, occared at Robersonvllle Tuesday night. She was a youngL woman being about thirty years' old and was married last year. For years sbe with her brother and mother had been living in Robery sonville, having moved there from the home place near Hassells. Sbe was the only daughter of the late Augustus and Rosa Salsbury and was possessed of splendid qualities of bead and heart. Friends and relatives throughout the county sympathize with the bereaved hus band in hfc sore affliction. The fuoeral services were con ducted by Rev. N. H. Shepherd, of the Missionary Baptist Church, on Wednesday afternoon. A large numbet* of friends paid the last mark of respect to the dead and floral offerings covered the mound. The interment was in the Cemetery at Spring Green Church. The Potato Crop The farmers in this section have to a great extent ceased to plant Irish potatoes for shipping purposes. Two years the crop sold at such a low price that U discouraged peo ple. But this is true as a whole, yet there are some who have continued planting for early ship ment and when a year comes when the price is good, a neat little bank account i 9 secured for a rainy day. Last year the number of barrels in this immediate section was distres singly small though good stock brought $4 00. A small acreage here this year is bringing good re turns. If the farmers had seen their opportunity and planted fair sized crops, then the condition would have been much better. The men who succeed at farming never allow themselves to be caught in the reverse of prices. If a crop is low-priced one year, they go right on with the planting the suc ceeding season. One of the most successful farmers in this section— one who began life in a very hum ble way and without a cent to in vest, made bis money, about $30,- 000, by raising cotton every yeaf even when it reached its lowest margin. He put in about the same namber of acres and sold it when the market reached the highest mard. It is true that he produced other crops, but it is also true that he made his money on cotton when the price was low. The craze for high prices has taken hold of the world and one failure puts some men almost out of business because they have not the courage to try again and again. One Turner in Martin County, Mr. J. L. Wynn, who lives near Everetts, is a very successful pota to raiser and he plants each year. This season be had eight acreo— three of which failed to give any results, and from the sale of the crop produced he realized over $1,400. Then those acres will produce another crop, so one can readily see where he succeeds where others fail. It is not safe to be come discouraged with the splendid opportunities found in farming. Mrs. Lela Love wife of Wiley Love, a farmer living near Covena, Ga., says: "I hare taken Foley Kidney Pills and find them to be all vou claim for them. They gave me almost Instant relief when my kidneys were sluggish and inactive I can cheerfully recommend them to all sufferers from kidney troubles Saunders & Fowden. For Sheriff I hereby announce myself a can didate for Sheriff of Martin County subject to the action of the Demo cratic Cenvention. Respectfully, Harmon T. Roberson, Jr. Til! Put \r End To It Charles Sable, 30 Cook St., Roc hester, N. Y., says he recommends Foley Kidney Pills at every op portunity because they him prompt relief from a bad case of kidney trouble that {had long both ered him. Such a recommendation coming from Mr. Sable, is direct and convincing evidence of the great curativej qualities of Foley Kidney Pills. Saunders & Fow den. Bank Of Oak City The Bank of Oak City, this county, that was organized less than two years ago, bas met phenomenal success. It has just let the con tract for a handsome building and will celebrate its anniversary by holding its second annual meet ing next October in the new build ing. si.oo a Year in Advance Choir Entertained (Reported) Mrs. S. A. Newell and Mrs. Lovett Hanison entertained com plimentary to the Junior Choir of the Methodist Church and a num bers of their frien'ls, Tuesday even ing at the home of the latter. The evening was made more enjoyable by two well planned contests. Is* the first prize, a fan, was tied for bv Misses Emma Robertson,. Fannie Myrt Manning, Rose Crow ell and Sue Legget and HenTy Gurkin. Miss Legget drew the lucky straw. In the second Misses Mary Smith and Fannie Biggs- Martin, and Maurice Watts tied. By "virtue of the longest straw Miss Smith carried of! the prize, M landscape. Refreshments were served on the porches, which were beautifully decorated with Japanese lanterns. The evening was mndi enjoyed by every one. Those present were Miss Annie Fagan of Edenton and Grover C- Godwln, Miss Marv Smith, of Ply mouth, and Bruce Whitley, Misses Catherine and Dorothy Pender of Tarboro and Oscar Anderson, Mies Frances Knight and Eugene Bethea* Miss Emma Robertson and Elbe«t Peel, Miss Josie Robertson and Jee David Thrower, Miss Sue Leggett and Henry Ourkin, Miss ITSMLJ. Woodhouse and Louis Bennett,Mfcn Helen Truht and Yates DoweS, Miss Fannie Biggs Martin and Louis Manning, Miss Mat-y Bradley and Dnke Critcber, Miss Fannie Myrt Manning and Roland Robert son , Miss Sallie Had ley and Maurice Watts. Miss Hilda Crawford amil' W. H. Harrell, Miss Irene Ander son and Wig Watts, Mrs. W. C, Manning. Miss Leona Page and > Miss Rose Crowell. When Boylig Bvv Only the But Costs no more but give the besi 1 results H. L. Blomquist, Esdaile. Wis., . says bis wife oosiders Foley's « Honey and Tar Compound the best cough cure on the market. "She has tried various kinds but Foley's gives tbe best result of all." Saun ders & Fowden. A Great Production The Manager of the Dixie Thea tre bas secured the greatest produc tion in the world of motion pic tures. These pictures are from the Btaging of Dante's Inferno, one of the masterpieces of literature. It is founded upon the poet's vision of tbe infernal regions. The films were secured at a cost of SIOO,OOO and the Dixie will show them at an- • extra cost. Those who love tbe artistic should not miss this oppov- - tunity. Critics call it one of tbe most magnificent productions ever exhibited. Monday night it will be presented at the theatre and the price of admission will be 20 audi 30 cents. The advanced prices are necessary cover cost of ren tal. The Dixie management is endeavoring to give some of the-, best films which can be secured so x as to please a public that wants the best in shows. The price is lnsigni* . ficant compared with the beanty of the pictures. Then there can be gained a better appreciation of the work of Dante the poet. Remena ber Monday night at tbe Dixie. Theatre. _Jirs. M. A. McLaugbin, 512 Jay • St., La Cross, Wis., wiites that she - suffered all kinds of pains in bet / back asd hips on account of kidney/ ; trouble and rheumatism. "I got t some of Foley Kidney Pilte and i after taking them for a few days > there was a wonderful change in t my case, for the pain entirely left ' my back and I am thankful there is such a medicine as Foley Kid ney Pills." Saunders & Fowdeiv

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