VOL. XIII. NO. 36 : Hugh B. York, M. D. Microscopy, Electrotheiapy, X-Ray Diagnosis, Specialties Ofice over Farmers & Merchants Bank Office hour*, 8 to 10 a. m., 7 to 9 p. m. Office 'phone 60 • Night 'phone 63 Win. K. Warren - J. S. Rhodes Drs. Warren & Rhodes Physicians and Surgeons Office in Biggs Drug Store • 'Phone 29 — ~ Jos. H. Saunders, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Day 'Phone 53 - Night 'Phone 40 Williamston, N. C. Dr. R. L. Savage of Rocky Mount, will be at the At lantic%Hotel fourth Wednesday in each month to treat diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and Fit Glasses. A. R. Dunning - J. C. Smith Dunning & Smith Attorneys vt-Law Williamston - North Carolina Robersonville, North Carolina Burrous A. Critcher • Wheeler Mai tin Whetler Martin, Jr. Martin & Critcher Attorneys-at-Law Williamstou • North Carolina 'phomih 23 S. J. Everett Attorney-at-Law Greenville, N. C. - Williamston, N. C. Greenville Long Distance Phone 328 S. A. NEWELL Attorney at Law Williamston • North Carolina Clayton 'Moore Attorney af Law Williamston • North Carolina John E. Pope Gcitttal Insurance, Lift, Pli*. Health, Accident, Live Stock Real Estate - Brokerage Williamston • North Carolina Office on Main Street {society Pressing I . . (Hub . . J 0/& Price, Manager Phone No. 58 Up-to-Date Cleaing, Pressing, Dyeing and Tailoring Very careful attention given to Ladies' Kid Gloves, Fancy Waists Coat Suits and Skirts Club Rates for Men. Clothes called for and delivered Agents for Rose & Merchant'-Tailors, Chi- THE ENTERPRISE Ordinance Needed This tows is beginning to live on high speed in the automobile line. There ire getting to be numbers of cars and reckless driving should never be fallowed in the beginning or after. There is an ordinance which demands that a rate of ten miles per hour be observed in the town limits, but no attention is paid to it. Watch the can as they come . speeding on the sand-clay drive along Haugton Street, and you will readily see that the ordinance , is violated dozens of times each day. Reckless driving is always attended with danger even if the , power is within the hide of an ox —he is apt to take a sudden dive into an adjoining wood. No man has a right to endanger the lives of others, and all accidents can be traced to the recklessness of some 1 one. Perhaps, the most "dangerous drive is the curve at the store of J. B. Speller. It is very short and narrow and two machines coming in opposite directions at a rapid rate are certain sooner or later to crash and some one will pay the penalty tfith his life. The City Fathers should pass 'an ordinance requiring a speed at this curve of five miles au hoar, every, violation to be met with a penalty of SSO. Just one lone fifty would be suffi cient to teach others the lesson. If such an ordinance is not passed and enforced, there will be trouble tor cue if not more peopie and when lives are lost or serious in juries sustained the damage cannot be repaired. Court Held One Day What was, prehaps. the shortest session of the Superior Court of Martin County, was held here Monday. The June Term is usual ly as short as is consistent with the dockets, for the farmers are too busy with the crops to spend much time in town, and so the term is often to them a great inconvenience. Judge Carter had the cases on the criminal docket disposed of, Hill Johnson, who was so charmed with the pistol of his employer that lie took it away with him, received the longest sentence—six months on Edgecombe roads. Several other minor cases were tried and the civil docket which contained only a few minor castr, was laid over until September. Judge Carter left on the after noon train for bis home in the We*t, The visiting lawyers Wt also and the June Tertfl Of Court ended almost before it began. Wolfe-Stone Wendesday morning, June 12, bride's home, Kittrell, N. C. Miss Florence Stone was married to Mr. Roland Wolfe, of Florence, S. C. The ceremony was perform ed by Rev. N. G. Bethea. Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe left for Florence, S. C., their future home. The groom is the youngest brother of Mre. F. K. Hodges of Williamston, and has been living in Florence for the past year where he has a poei» tion as book keeper. Mil toifbi 111 traits Ribs After a frightful coughing spell a man in Neenah, Wis., felt ter* rible pains in his side and his doc tor found two ribs had been broken. What agony Dr. King's New Dis covery would have saved him. A few teaspoonful ends a latt CO*£n, while persistrnt to* J-ottbt 'obstinate cobglu, expels stvbfeWn colds or heals weak, lungs. "I feel sure its a GcdSsend to humanity," writes Mr*. Effie a!or ton, Colum bia-, Me. "for I believe I would have Consumption today, if I had not "used this great remedy." Its guaranteed to satisfy, and you chn get a free trial bottle or jO-cent or SI.OO size at Saunders & Fotvden. % / - ■ WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, JUNE 21. 1912 HASSELL ITEMS We are sorry to learn that Mrs. T. F. Roberson is sick this week. Jettie Jordan, of Elm City, is here visiting his brother, W. D. Jordan. W. F. Haislip came home from Buie's Creek this week where he attended school the past term. Miss Hettie Johnson, of Oak City, spent two days here this week with relatives. Mr. Will Rives and bride are visiting his parents near here. Mrs. Carrie Howell and Miss Louise Salisbury spent a few dnys in Bethel last week. Miss Hettie Overton, of Stokes, is spending some time with Mrs ). D. Rawls, Jr. Misses Laura and Julia Salisbuiy spent Monday in Robersonville. William Grey came up from Rob ersonville Sunday to spend tbe day with friends near here. Miss Hattie Jones from Scotland Neck visited friends here last week. T. H. Johnson visited his parents near Oak City Sunday. — ./ A Little Child Dead * Hmma Virginia, the teu moDth old infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Smithwick, died June 10th, 1912, after two week* suffer ing. The little child was bright with the promise of .life and had always been strong physically, but the ravages of disease wasted the strength of tbe little body and God sent his angels to take her home where pain would be no more. "She is not dead Tbe child of our aiiection, , j Bnt gone unto that school, Where she no longer needs Our poor protection And Christ Himself dotb rule." Friends and acquaintances Bym , pathize with the bereaved parents in their great sorrow. k Card This is to certify llaat Foley's Honev and Tar Compound does not contain any opiates, any habit forming drugs, or any ingredients that could possibly harm its users. On the contrary, its great healing and soothing qualities make it a real remedy for coughs, colds and irritations of the throat, chest and lnngs. Tbe genuine is in a yellow package. • Ask for Foley's Honey ind Taf CoittpOUnd and accept no substitute. Saunders & Fowden. For Register of Deed At the solicitation of a number of my friends, I have decided to announce myself a candidate for the office of Register of Deeds Martin County, subject to action of the Democratic Convention. Very respectfully, S. S. BROWN. Htlptl ti Klip Down Expenses Mrs. J 4 E, Henry, Akron, Mich., telle how she did so: "I was both ered with my kidneys and had to go nearly double. I tried a Mtfltyle of Foley Kidney Pills and they did me I so much good that I bought a bottle . and feel that thev Baved me a big , boctor's bill." Saunders & Fow den. ITT • ♦ » Mrs. M. A. McLaughin, st2jay , St., La Cross, Wis., writes that &'c : suffered all kinfo fef in her r back and hips on tk'cbuntof kidney 1 trouble and rtfaumatism. "I got ' some of Foley Kidney Pills and ■ after taking them for a few days * theft tvas a wonderful change in * my case, for the pain entirely lefl 3 ay back and Idm thankful there r is-such a medicine as "Foley Kid- J ney Pills. 'JL Saunders & F^wdete To tkie Democratic Voters of Martin County:— Permit me to thank you very 1 ; kindly for the consideration and ' confidence so generously manifest ed by your support and cooperation during my continuance in office as , Sheriff of your county, and to as sure you that I most heartily and keenly appreciate the same. Not being aware of any com plaint and not having heard any- 1 thing derogatory to my perfor , mance of the duties pertaining to the office, and thinking that my services and experience might pro bably merit your further considera tion, confidence and support, and assuring you that the beßt and all tbat is, of and in me, are at your command 1 , I take the liberty of seeking further consideration at your hands, and hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Martiu County, sub ject, however, to the wishes of the County Demociatic Convention. Thie aoth. day of June, 1912. J. C. CRAWFGRD. k Tfcey Put tn End To II Charles Sable, 30 Cook St., Roc hester, N. Y ("'iiys he recommends Foley Kidney Pills at every op portunity because tbey him , prompt relitf from a bad case ol kidney trouble that{bad long both : ered him. Such a recommendation coming from Mr. Sable, is direct and convincing evidence of tbe great qualities of Foley Kidney Pills. Saunders & Fow den. Killed Bear with Knife W. C. Ellis, a young man of Griffins Township, is the champion bear fighter of this section and per haps of the State. Youug Ellis works in the log woods fcr the Dennis Simmons Lbr., Company and while en route 1 home on Thursday afternoon of last week, he discovered a bear crossing the road in front of him. Feeling in his pocket for a weapon he found only a pocket knife. With , this he rushed on the beast and stuck the blade of the side of the , bear's head. It was so finily im bedded in the bone that for an in stant Ellis could not withdraw it, and his hand slipped off and land ed in bruin's mouth, two teeth going into his finger. Before any further damage was done, the bear opened hi* mouth EJllis withdrew nis hand, pulled the kni/'e out and cut the throat of bear, which was about a year old, rather small and in poor condition. Mrs. Lela Love wife of Wiley 1 Love, a farmer living near Covena, ' Ga., says: "I have taken Foley Kidney Pills and find them to be • all you claim for them. They gave me almost instant relief when my kidneys were sluggish and inactive. I can cheerfully recommend them to all sufferers from kidney troubles Saunders & Fowden. rrjrwr— -— -rrcrmm For f At the of a number of my ! friends, } hereby announce myself ; a candidate for the House of Rep j resentatives subject to the action of - the Democratic Convention of Martin County. I. This May 28th, 19x2^ Coiey. j Win KgrfSt the Best J t _ Costa m tt&re but give the fcfest t results i H. Ksdnfft. Wis., s says wife cosiddfs Foley's n Hdfeey and Tar Cotttf.cfcnd the, ! best ft tough cure on tbe 'ittyket. "She 'e bas tried various kinds but Foley's 1-; gives tbe be3t fewilt of all." Sauu t. ders & Fowden. DARDEN ITEMS Miss Mary Hooker, of near Ply mouth, was a visitor in Dardens Sunday. Miss Alice Gibson has returned from an extended visit to relatives in Williamston. Miss Dernice Fagan Is at home from the E.-C. Training School. J. A. Getsinger is in Bertie County this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Mizell, of Plymouth, t-pent Sunday in the home o! J. F. Jackson. Hilary Riddick took Misses Etha Biggs and Annie Robbins to Church on Long Ridge Sunday. Mrs. Annie Bateman is home from a visit to Jamesville. Mrs. J. T. Carson is visiting rela tives this week at Pactolus. C. B. Fagan made a business trip to Jamesville Tuesday. Mr. ami Mrs. Alexander Getsin | ger, of Flo-ida, spent a few days here last week visiting relatives. Mrs. W. T. Coburu spent Tues day in Plymouth. Miss Minnie Smith is in Ply mouth vi her brother, F. R. Smith. Miss Bnrntce Fa,;an attended a house.party at the home of her I coutin, Mi-s Mary Hassell. at j J.uneaville last week. Many Shirtwaists Nta:ly ico wearers of shirt waists—cr, more properly, coat sbirts—appeared on the streets of Raleigh today, defying public opin- | ion, if it might be against comfort, and reveling in the freedom from coats. Every summer tbe ranks of! the female wearers of shirtwaists have increased, and it is expected that be!ore July comes several hundred Raleigh men will be mem bers of the shirtwaist company. There is really no reason wbjha man should not appear on the streets without his coa*. Let him keep his face and hands and shirt clean and there is no objection to his going sans his coat. At least that is the argument of the fellows who have started out this warm weather without their coat. —Times Robcrson-Parker On June 14th, at Robersonville, Mr. Harvey Roberson and Miss Lena Parkc-r were married 'at the residence of tbe bride, Rev. D. A. Futrell, of the Methodist Church, preforming the ceremony. After the ceremony, the newly wedded pair boarded the A. C. L. train and left for a Northern tour. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. D. B. Parker and is one of Rober sonvillt's most attractive young women. Mr Roberson is a mem ber of the mercantile firm of W. A. Roberson & Co., and is one of the leading young business men in Martin County. Tbe marriage of Jliese young people at this time Was a litttle surprise \Q their many friende but they received hearty congratulations and will be gladly welcomed on their return to Rober* sonville. e —,r - m 1 Embroidery Club Despite &e absence of several mem bets, the meeting of the Clnb at tb% home of Miss Anna Ortw f#tl was a mist delightfti one. ' As the days are warmer fcow, the t houra are more giveb a pleasant exchange of ideas than actual work. Miss Crawford gfcrved eefreshments 8 which were Enjoyed by those pres t ent, for the hostess possesses tht e happy 'faculty of pleasing whosoevei s enters her home. Tbe next meet i- itig will be held with Mrs. K. 3 Crawford on June 28th. si.oo a Year in Advance The White Memorial fht movement to erect a suitable shift lo the memory of the lament ed Captain W. R. While, who on August 15th, 1911. was shot down by Brad Bagley, and died a martyr to the cause of good government, has not to this time reached that point which the citizens of the town desired. The failure has not been from a lack of appreciation or in difference, but because of a failure to collect the proposed funds. Some people paid at once and these funds ar- in hand, and now it Is desired to secure the full amount and erect the memorial in the near future. A shaft to the memory of Cap tain White will not only show how men who die tor duty's sake are esteemed but will n'so tell to the present and future generations that the citizens ot Williamston stand tor law ind order. Wheeler Mar tin, Jr. has the list of subscribers to the fund and is interesting him j self in the movement. Those who hr.ve not contributed and- desire to do so, can hand the amount to hira and receive credit f 9 r same on the list of dorory. m Base Ball '"Dope" Williamston officially starts its season in base bull here ou Mon day June 24th, when the Giants clash with Aurora, one of the strongest and best equipped ball j organizations in the State. Great interest is manifested in the coining gime as thf-re is and has been a gor.l de.tl of rivalry between the two teams from the base ball standpoint. Williamston :s out for the cham pionship of the State this season, and at thv* present time the outlook indicates that they will gather it In. The faus of this city have been clamoring for au orderly and win ning team for the p.tst few years. To give this the management only "desirea these sport-ioviiig fans to ,Wftness th-: op.-ning and tlien if they should desire to criti cise the teim, let them come to the manager and do so, for the Mana ger is managing this team and is responsible for bis players. The following list tabulates the I men who will don the Williamston uniform this season: Stubbs and Jordan, catchers; Ward, Brown and Taylor, pitchers; Taylor, rst. base; Moore, 2nd, base; Teel; s. s.; Jordan, 3rd. base; Moore, E. I).; Knight, Godard, Robertson, Ward, Brown, Peel, outfielders For Register of Deeds I hereby announce myself a can didate for ' Register of Deeds, of Martin County, subject to the ap proval and action of the Democra tic Convention. Very respectfully, Sylvester Peel. BETTER TO TAKE THAN CALOMEL Dodson's Li vet-Tone, a Whole some, Reliable Medicine that Takes the Pace of Calomel Dodson's LI vet' Tulle strengthens the liver—it does not drive it to its work by over stimulating it as caK oin*l dcts. [ Godson's Liver-lTone uoes not ► have any of the* jlaDgerous after • effects of calomel. It is a vegeta ble liquid—- absolutely safe for either e cbHdren or grown people. Every t body Mfkes its taste. 7 'NV restriction of habit of 4|W s necessary. i- 'Get a bottle at Saunders 0 den drug store, 50c, and try it. If tr it dosen't satisfy you, if it doesn t take the place of you can. 3 get your money back asking fot . r |