STOLE $4,OOO,(BO IN JEWELS Stanislaus Zalog W -itee from Chicago Solution of the Paulino Monas tery Puzzle. 4 I Warsaw, Russian Poland.—The mys tery suiTo;:nding the theft from tte Pauline Monastery at Crenstochcwa ot jewels and votive offerings valued at 14,000,000, which since 1309 Ue.3 puzEled the brothers, seems at length to be solved by the receipt of a letter from Chicago. The writer ot thi3 communication to the monastery confesses that he, Stanislaus Zalog, was the thief; that he was then a lay brother, and that Father Damatius, who Is now serving a sentence In the Siberian mines tor the murder of his cousin, was not im plicated, as has always been sup posed. The letter seems genuine and the Russian police are taking steps to have Zalog arrested, but the former brother defies the police to trace hiai. It appears that Zalog remained at the monastery more than a year after the theft and not until Damatius was ar rested did he escape to America The robbery of the jewels which decked the ikon of the and Child In the Pauline Monastery cre ated a great stir three years ago, and when, in October, 1910, Father Dama tius was arrested In Austria for the murder of his cousin, Vaclav Macocn —which crime he confessed —it wan believed that the motive for the dead was to b« found in a desire to shut the mouth of a man who could testify against him la the matter of the rob bery. Damatlua admitted the murder, but denied the theft of the jewel*. He ad mitted also that he had taken money from the treasury and bad squandered it upon Helena Ostrowska, wife of the man he murdered. He told how his servant, Stanislaus, evidently the man now confessing the thefts, had assists ed him in disposing of the body in a large ottoman, which together they thrdw into the River Varta. Stanislaus Zalog disappeared and has never been heard of until now. The most valuable thing stolen was the jeweled crown from the head of (be Virgin. PAIR ARE BOTH MAIDENS "He" Worked for Six Montha aa a Plumber's Helper Without Arous ing Suspicion. London.—The extraordinary case of a girl of twenty-three named Adelaide Dallamore, who passed for six months as the buaband of another girl, la causing much interest here. The two women were domestic ser vants and were so much attached to one another that they determined not to be parted. So Dallamore dressed as a man and got a job as a plumber's assistant, which position she held for six months without any one of 40 men suspecting she was not what she pre tended to be, but supposed her to be a particularly well behaved young a married man. She is a stoutly built, fresh com plexioned, bright girl with an unusual ly low voice and she carried out the deception so well that she might nev er have been found out had not rela tives Informed tho police. In the even ing she would put on ,a god suit of clothes and take her "wife" out. When questioned by the police she told them that £he and her friend were very happy "I was much healthier," she Baid, "working ten hours a day as a plum ' ber's assistant than ever I was in ser vice." Her ' wife" corroborated this and said she preferred Adelaide in men's clothes to skirts and they both swore they would never be parted anyway MAN GROWS BEAN IN HIS EAii Removed After It Has Sprcuted One and a Half Inches —Wac Per forming Tricks. Providence. —A singular accident oc curred on the North Eud farm, cn Prudence island. Harold-Parker, wjic is visiting Mr, ;;nd\/lr?. Brayton en the farm, jv&s pKying tricks for the young peAe, and among others per formed tbV tirao-honored a tup? of "putting -kls--mouth.4ind .mai lag them come out of his ears," This trick be performed with audi dexterity that when he was throng 1 ! with it lie had a hard white boan tightly wedged ia each ear. One jt these wca dielodgsri by Mrs. Brsytoc, but the ctlur her efforts. In a lew days it w,is discovered t*;e heat had caused the "bean to sprout. It grow as rapidly as beans usually do and a few dayc later waft fully aa inch and a br.h' long. Cartel a Ifray ton'took hin guest to the hospital in Newport where 11: c bean, sr.rout, root End all, was taken out. BRAIN SMALLER THAN CHILD'S Late Dr; Musser 3hovm to Have Developed Aicng One Line - Philadelphia.—Experts- at tb? Vas ter Institute of Auatomy have just r-rmipleted tfae -■ fcxrucl!2i..lon of "the br.v.i of 'oh:i I! Muaeer, a noted —diagnostician .wiiQ died , recently.. found that Dr. Mussel's brain weigh ed, Jess than that of a well-developed .Child. It was 25 ounces lighter than the brain of Daniel Webster and 24 ounces lighter than that of James Fislr; the New Tork gambler who was murdered a few years ago Scientists say Dr, Musser developed along one line, not broadVnln? out IA all lines, , and therefore not fully developing ell ] parts of the brain. RECOBDJOR IRK Freighthouse Razed by Fire Re- ! placed Over Sunday. Town Joins In an Effort to Repair Damage Done to Depot In Order to , Prevent interference With Business. Council Bluffs, la.—Some strenuous construction work was done hero when a freighthouse, dostroyed by fire, was rebuilt almost over night. At 6:46 o'clock on a Saturday eve ning the freighthouse of the Chicago and Northwestern railway was de stroyed by fire The building, 36 by 310 feet, included the office, which was two stories high. The problem presented was how to provide freighthouse facilities for the opening of business on Monday morn ing. It was decided to solve the prob lem by putting up a new building. The telegraph and telephone were pressed Into instant service. Neces sary workmen and materials were or dered from a doxen points. Arrange ments were made with a local lumber yard to deliver material on Sunday morning at seven o'clock. At the saine time everybody was busy get ting near-by material concentrated and mustering the different forces. Men were picked up aa far east as Uedar Rapids and as far west aa Fre mont. Neb. On Sunday morning at six o'clock a special train had arrived at Council Bluffs from Boone with men and material, and other forces had arrived on different passenger trains, so that about eighty mechanics and artisans were on hand at aeven o'clock. Twenty men arrived from the west at eleven o'clock. Then the work was under way In earnest. It waa found that the transfer plat forma and the platform In front ol the old building bad not been de stroyed by the Are, so It watf decided to erect a temporary building directly upon the floor of the larger transfer platform. The rrame was up and partly sheathed at 11:30 a. m. At lire o'clock In tho afternoon the building waa entirely Inclosed and the root was nearlng completion. / By Monday morning the building was entirely finished, 26 feet wide and 120 feet long. The work was contin ued till the building was 175 feet long over all. Platforms were built, but the building built on Sunday waa en tirely finished and ready for business by Monday morntn*. SPARROW AS PEST KILLER English Bird May Be Uaed Against the Alfalfa Weevil In the West. Washington, D. C.—The English tparrow, originally Imported into this country to destroy insect pesta, but known chiefly In recent years as a pest among birds, may come Into Its )wn again, according to the officials of the government biological survey It has been found that the sparrow Is a vigorous enemy of the alfalfa weevil, an evil which threatens to spread throughout the alfalfa farmlpg terrl tory of the went as the cotton boll weevil has spread In the iouth. 8c far tho weevil ha 3 appeared only In Utah and part of Wyoming, but a doz en other states, it Is said, will be af fected within a few years unless a real enemy of the pest Is introduced to fight It. The biological survey is planning to experiment with other birds this sum mer and will not recommend that the English sparrow be 3ent Into the al falfa territory unless no other effec tive enemy of the weevil can be found # The bureau of entomology has received from its agent in Italy a num ber of parasites which feea* on the alfalfa weevil and these will be sent to Utah at onco. TO END PRETTY GiRL CHAW Vatu&r Faculty Considering Aboliahi.-g of a Famous Custom at tlie University. Poughkeepsie, N. V.—The Vansar .faculty Is seriously contfflaringjlban doning the custom of selecting "tic twenty-four prettiest jjlrlc ir, tho soph omore class to carry the famous daisy chain It !s said the selections have frequently caused much ■ ill fcellt>R among member of the class. Slorr.e of the cclleye of! cisls also object- to the' custom on the ground that the prominence given to it ia likely to lead outsiders to think that personal comeliness is more highly esteemed at Vhisar than scholarly attainment. The daisy chain at Vassar dotes , back nearly fifty years to the time J the college was opened in ISOS Out of the sophomore class each year averaging 2EO students, a committer of class officials picks a group of twenty-four young women who neeai to them to be the iacst beautiful and graceful in the class. This year's DC lection included ten girls from middle Atlantic states, nine from the west; four from New England and cne from the south. QIpI KlHurf Sitting With . Mqosic, Pa. —Keeping a tryst with her lover cost the ''life of Louise Burns, 17-years old, one of the belles of this city. While she was under a coal car on a siding near the Lang cllffe colliery chatting with Raymond Curl, 19, a Delaware and Hudson lo comotive bumped into the standing train, and before the girl could crawl j out the wheels of several cars passed over her. ? ' % ITffte.:- ***** ■ ISM I MS Man's Eyes Open Since Stricken With Sorrow. Spends His Nights at Work and Com., plains of No % Weariness —Fur>> nishes Puzzle Physicians Cannot 3olve. Trenton, N. J. —Having been with out sleep for thirty yeara, Albert E. Herpin, a Trenton man, at last com plains of feeling weary. Mentally he experiences no weariness, but he says he is physically weak and believes a nap of only five minutes' duration would give him new life. Physicians who have been following the sleepless wonder's case for years say he Is merely suffering from overwork, and lo not agree with the theory that so many years of wakefulness has caused bis physical health to fall. Bine« the power of sleep left him Herpin has never kefore expressed a desire to even doze. He has shown no lassitude day or night. The only rest he gets Is when h« sits In a com fortable chair for several hours each night, bui he does not even then close his eyes. His sleeplessness has brought him :onsiderable money, as he thought >ut Inventions during some of his resting periods that proved successful. He works every day. excepting Sun lay, in a local pottery, and he spends most of the night working out Inven tions or decorating pottery for friends. Herpin la always In good spirits and when he reports to his employers in the morning he seems as fresh as iny of the other workmen who hsd lours of sound sleep. Those who work with the sleepless man assert that he keeps constantly busy and ex hibits not the slightest symptoms of lrowsiness. The only complaint that Herpin has made because of his oon lltlon Is thst he becomes lonely fre quently at night when he has nothing to keep hlra busy. Herpin lost his ability to sleep aft »r the death of hla wife, 30 years ago. He was then 30 years old. He con sulted physicians, who studied his itrange condition, but who were un ible to help him. Prom time to time he has been secretVy watched at night. The medical men who undertook this task are convinced the man has not ilept a moment since first attacked by the strange malady from which ha is t>elteved to be suffering. Experts from all parts of the United States have visited Herpln's home aad itudied his condition snd have gone iway convinced thst he has been iwake longer than any man in the world. Herpin enjoys the visits of .hese experts, ss many of them remsln with him for nights. He says he never Mlteves he will sleep again. __________________ ' •** GERM IS SLAIN BY HOT AIR French Physician Discovers New Method Which May Revolu tionize Treatment. Paris.—A remarkable new treatment if diphtheria haa Just been communi cated by the distinguished physician. Robert Rendu, to the Lyons Medical association. In the course of his experiments with the bacilli of this disease Dr. Rendu found that they were extreme ly sensitive to heat, and he was able to kill them In fifteen minutes at a temperature of 50 degrees (122 degrees Fahrenheit) or in ore minute at 80 degrees (170 degrees Fahrenheit). To apply such heat to the murivm membrane in the throat In whirl: diphtheria microbes congregate t.h! inhalation of lipt air seemed a possi ble method, and In experiments with himself the investigator found to his own surprise ths.t he -ass able Vlth ■)ut, any difficulty to inhale air at 101 degrees or the boiling point (212 d - ?ro?B Fahrenheit) for fro minutes «■ 3 time. Cases In which this treatment ha -ilreadAjgerm tried on diphtheritic pa tients IBrßfatcri to be completely su - eetsfal, 'but' some doubts exist as t> the hot air or to tfco serums, applied it the same time. BACHELORS FORM NEW CLUB t/ancouver Man o?"janii« to Pronote Wi/e-Oeskina Activity Among !/iembert, Vancouver, Wash. —Bachelors of Vancouver have organized a club for the sole purpose oi obtaining wivn.. The formation ant', election of office:*; occurred Thursday everting. The heaii cf the organization, (' - rnent Scott, a prominent business man, says that all love-sick maidens of var!- 3ue and uncertain agon may put. In their bidt; fcr the would-be benedict 1 ;, iad they will receive the prompt at tention of the board, who rill act them. Sooihte His Coneclencc. Washington.—A consolence-troubled citizen of Shcpherdstoivn, V,\ Va.. for* ty years old, who vised someYancelod = PBBtagc-£ia.m ps, has eent-ten cefttr M the treasury tr» pay the debt. He wrote • fSfcfcretarr" >fn r Vra£h ti—rrt •-wh'!r " he used only three canceled two-cent Btamps, he was sending tetl cents to "make sure." Ball Breaks Man's Nose. Venice, Cal. —Oscar Hidinger taunt ingly told Miss Ruby Dunn that he never saw a girl who could throw a baseball hard. The girl threw it. • Dunn wears a broken nose. | J YOUR PRINTING! 1 § To the man with good taste $ the subject of having his print- *£& x aS attra( -** ve as P oss it>le i s ® ra ito ® always one of much interest. M ffll Our printing is given careful $ attention qK jst the view of giving ;M ® our rons the ® ® Beft and mo£t original ideas for ® jw their money. If you are not m familiar with our work, we 0 ® want you to drop in and look ® ffr x ° ver our line of specimens | | THE ENTERPRISE f § % CCCCCC €•€•€•€CCCC For Register of Deeds I te> ;by announce myself a can r didatt Dr tbe office of Register of Ceeda. i Martin County, and ask tuy ftii jds and fellow Democrats : to give me tlieir support, which I assure them will he appreciated, j And if elected I promise to fill the office to the best of my ability and 1 to render to each and every one the proper courtesy duet'iem. ! Respectfully, 1). J. Mheics ; | • Notice ' ; Having qualified as Administrator upon 1 Uie Kfitate of Martha deceased; ! Notice is hereby to all person hold , j ing claims against said Estate to present ! J them to the underpinned on or l>efore the - | 51st day of May 1 it 3 or this notice will > I (c plead in bar of tlidr recovery. . | All person* indebted to ea'id estate an: ! requested to make immediate payment. This 31st day of May 1912. , 6-7 \v £. ROOEIUSON, Adus. 88«5«E$ili§WILLj£ DIAMOND ! • ■ ' _ , V-&&-YL ' o»" iJ "«a lki>ZF c , ; ' yntir t t cln-crir : J\ DliilOl.-U liKu.- > 1 :i,t,s in I.! p an-i/A' 1 Ootn sue' st-'i... t.;tu I, j Jiloroa. 1' > .:n Io rnsi. l!uy >l -ur \'/ ? r.'. 1 »»!'. t'-.r . j |i 1: \ U l» fjrtv yc». 1 1 .in' t.t.i.'r *. ' 1 ■»•■*«. ISOLD 3Y ALL DRUS6iSTS : 'iiMi: Ft/ P'? V Mr 9 P ' iV " p m ■ ' T&iau C/i-.n i M l.tilt TBBTUD • Foley Ksdaey Pilis 1 j TOMIC IN ACTION - QUICK IN RESULTS ' j Give proitipt relief frorr. BACKACHE, j KIDNEY ar.d BLADDER TROUBLE, j RHEUMATISM, CONGESTION of tbe | INFiSti??IMATION of the j BLADDER and ali annoying URINARY 1 ' IRREGULARITIES. A positive boon to > ; fct: ->L:E AGED and ELDERLY 1 i P®. ; -B and for WOMEN. _ H/, I HIGHEST RCCCMMEHDATION S i. luft--', CT tVaL-!iM(ton St.; CoQurnvUtot j ltd., is in hi« «sfK>esr. Hu wrl n-a bs: "riva^e stoljf tullorod min h !im, nij ki'taevi r.Ofl blac". j ior I liail»over«backaohos and uiy kidney action too frenneut, rausinc me to los» rnmdi slosp it night, and in my bladder tbi>rfl wasronstanl fain. I took.Foley Kidnny Pills for eotne tim«, »uif am ooir freo of ali trontilu uud again able to S >e op and arotind. Foiey Kiduoy Villa tara m/ { Ughost rscommoadati. a,'* For Sale by Saunders & Fowden ; | C. D. CARSTARPHEN & CO. | {General Merchants When you want the Best in Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, i Hats, Dress Goods, Millinery, Furniture, Hardware, Stoves i'.j® anc * Ranges, Wire Fencing Gome to See lis 0 n i Kj* ~ W '■-\m Qf 0 G. D. Garstarphen & Go. ■ Williamston - - North Carolina O€JCSC?C?€?C* C-C-C-CCfC €•€*€# - Bl NftU A M A3HEVII.IE, N. C > h.i? rrerwl Boy* fov C&Mege end Man- I|iu Tl n 111 COL K MNGUAM*iloo«Hor 119 y> ;m Our Crndiiatos Excel C. ri in all the Coll»£*!e th«y aU« nI. North n 1 South. VentlUtlo.i. Sanitation anl Safety |s ffi Against Flra inonoumul the BEST by ISO Uoctont and 1 v every v>»itin,: Parent. M| H Averaw Gnln of 19 ixjum!* U-tn c: - untranco nccar.nwto3 n:i Climate. For* and Car* of Pu»ll4. Military, tj be!p in tuaUsfi Men U Box sa " TOBACCO FLUES 0 •- Have Woolard to make your FLUES '' and Vou will have the BEST t 1 • -CARTS AND WAGONS r /WADE TO ORDER . - . . _ .. " * _ Wollards Combined Harrow and Cultivator I, / ' .. ' • v \ J. L. WOOLARD r ™ WILLIAMSTON; N. C.

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