VOL. XIII. NO. 38 ■" | Professional Cards j Hugh B. York, M. D. Microscopy, Electrotherapy, X-Ray Diagnosis, Specialties Office over Farmers & Merchants Bank Office honra, 8 to 10 a. m., 7 to 9 p. m. Office 'phone 60 - Nl*ht 'phone 63 t Wm. E. Warren - J. S. Rhodes Drs. Warren & Rhodes Physicians and Surgeons Office in Biggs Drag Store • 'Phone 29 * Jos. H. Saunders, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Day 'Phone 53 - Night 'Phone 40 Williamston, N. C. Dr. R. L. Savage of Rockv Mount, will be at the At lantic Hotel fourth Wednesday in each month to treat diseases of the Bye, Ear, Nose and Throat and Pit Glasses. a. R. Dunning - J. C. Smith Dunning & Smith Attorney Law Williamston • North Carolina Robersonville, North Carolina Barton* A. Critcher - Wheeler Martin Wheeler Martin, Jr. Martin & Critcher '* Attorneyswtt-Law - Williamston • North Carolina 'PHONK 23 S. J. Everett Attorney-at-Law Greenville, N. C. - Williamson, N. C. Greenville Long Distance Phone 328 S. A. NEWELL Attorney at Law Williamston * North CarOtlna Clayton Moore Attorney at Law Williamston - North Carolina John E. Pope General Insurance, Life, Fife. Health, Accident, Live fetock Real Estate - Brokerage Wi'.liamston • North Carolina Office on Main Street Society Pressing . . GLufcUirn O. C. Price, Manager Phone No. 56 q up o-Date Cleat ng, | Pressing, « Dyeing and Tailoring Very careful attention given to Ladies' Kid Gloves, Fancy Waists Coat-Suits and Skirts Club Rates for Men. Clothes called for and delivered 1 * Agents for Rose & Co. Mercbant-Tailprs, Chi- ,, THE ENTERPRISE North Carolina Agricultural Train As previously published in these columns, the Atlantic Coast Line will operate an Agricultural Train over its lines in North Carolino this summer, under the direction of the Agricultural and Mechanical Col lege, Wrst Raleigh, N. C., and the United States Agricultural De partment. Our farmers should be deeply in terested in the three features that will be demonstrated at each stop made by this train, viz , Live stock, Drainage and Improed Parm Im plements. This is a day of progress and the country that is content with the old methods will have to take a back seat. People in other walks of life have realized that they must apply the latest methods or fail. There is as much, or more, room for improved methods on the farms as in other lines of business, and we are sure that our farmers will take advantage of every opportunity that is offered them. This train will arrive in Williams ton on July 26th. at 2:30 p. m., and remain until 7:30 the following morning. Williamston is the only town entered by the train in this immediate section, Scotland Neck being the nearest point. The farmers in the County should make it convenient to be here that day and examine the improved breeds of stock, etc., which the train will exhibit. It is a splendid opportunity and the people should take advantage of it. Miss Meadows Hostess On Wednesday evening Miss Bliie Meadows entertained a nam ber of ber yoang friends at her home on West Main Street. There were mnsic, song and contests to make the hour pass merrily away. The contest was most interesting, the answer to each question being the name of some plant. Those, scoring highest in this were: Miss Bettie Watson, of Smitbfield, and Maurice Watts. At a late bous delicious refreshment were served in the dining room. Those enjoyiDg the gracious hos pitality of the hostess were: Misses Bettie Watson and Bettie Ward, of Sibithfield, Mary Dare and Jessie Brown, Msrtba Ward, Myrtle Woolard, Hilda Crawford and Eloise Meadows; Messrs. Julian Auderson, J. B. Hopkins, Maurice Watts, Eugene Betbea, W. H. Harrell, Elbert Peel, Bruce Whit ley, F. M. Sbute. An increasing number of people report regularly of the satisfactory results from taking Foley Kidney Pills and commend their healing and curative qualities. Foley Kid ney Pills are a carefully prepared medicine, guaranteed to contain no harmful or habit forming drugs. They can have only a beneficial effect when used for kidney and bladder troubles, for backache, rheumatism, weak back or lumbago. Saunders & Fowden. In Honor of Miss Ellington On last Friday evening Miss Sal lie Hadley delightfully entertained a few of her friends in honor of her house guest, Miss Glenwood Elling ton, of Kinston. Upon the arrival of the invited guests a most interest ing contest was engaged in, Maurice Watts being the successful contest ant. .. Ar 10:30 the guests were Ushered into the dining room and served with fruit, pickles, crackers, pepper deviled crabs, cream and cake. At a late hour the guests - reluc ■ tantly made|tbeir departure declar f ing Miss Hadley a charming hostess WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, JUYL 5, 1912 A Sunday Disaster The waters of the Roanoke Rivtr claimed twto more victims on Sun day. There was to be a funeral service at Cedar Landing conducted by the colored Odd Fellows and a party of tweutv arranged to go from here. Fernie Howard with a couple of gas boats to which a raft was tied, this being made on two small flats, carritd the party down. The return trip was made with safety until about opposite the old railroad wharf. The night was dark and rainy and tne flats leaky. About half-past eignt o'clock one of the flats suddenly sank and the en tire party was thrown into the rush ing waters. There were cries for help which were beard in the town. The men clung desperately to the sides of the gas boats. Those who could swim reached the shore in safety and others were brought out except two, Thad Woolard and Ben Baker. The former has been in the employ of J. L. Woolard for years and was one of the chief workmen in Woolard "s shop. Baker was employed by Andersod Bros on their farm. Both men were in* dustrious and had families. The disaster brought sadness into the hearts of many relatives and friends. Richard Smith and N. S. Godard, who were with Howard on the boat, reached home in safety. Dynamite wis used to try to raise the bodies on Monday, but without avail. Crowds of people stood on the banks all through the day looking for the dead men. Tuesday the bodies were recov ered near the scene of the disaster. Monday Night Dance An impromptu dance was given in tbe Masonic Hall on Monday night which proved very enjoyable. Tbe weather was cool and Alexan der's Band furnished selections suitable to each of tbe favorite dances, and those participating found the hours pleasant until one o'clock. Those dancing were: Miss Delia Lanier and Dillon Simpson, Miss Irene Smkh£and Clayton Moore, Miss Annie Fagan and Harry M. St abbs, Mise Hannah Vic Fowden and Bruce Whitley, Miss Elizabeth Ross, of Seaford, Del., and Harry A. Biggs, Miss Clara Jones and Wheeler Martin, Jr., Miss Beth Purvis and Grover Godwin, Miss Hattie Lou Ward and Maurice Watts, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Dun ning. Stags: W. H. Gurkin, J. W. Watts, Jr., Leslie Fawden, Julias Peel. N. J. Gorham, Cashier Bank of Woodville, Woodville, Ga., had a very severe attacfc of kidney trouble and the pains in his kidneys and back were terrible. ''l got a botlle of Foley Kidney Pills from our druggist and they entirely relieved me, I have more benefit from them than any other medicine." Saun ders & Fowden. Tarboro vs Locals In a game of eight innings, Tar boro and Williamston teams even here on Monday. The visitors had to take the 5 o'clock train for home and so the game was not fought out. If was a battle be tween pitcher Arnheim for t'he visitors and Brown for the locals. The latter, however, bad imperfect support at several critical points and so the score tied. B rowu pitch ed a steady game throughout the hour and forty-five minutes. Score: R H E Williamston 483 Tarboro 474 Batteries: Locals, Brown and Stubbs; Tarboro, Arnheim and De- Berry, Umpire Martin. To the Democratic Voters of Martin County:— Permit me to thank you very kindly for the consideration and confdence so generously manifest ed by your support and cooperation during my continuance in office as Sheriff of your county, and to as sort you that I most heartily and keenly appreciate the same. Not being aware of any com plaint and not having beard any thing derogatory to my perfor mance of the duties pertaining to the office, and thinking that my services and experience might pro bably merit your further considera tion, confidence and support, and assuring you that the best and all that is, of and in me, are at your command, I take the liberty of seeking further consideration at yottr hands, and hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Martin County, sub ject, however, to the wishes of the County Democratic Convention. This 20th. day of June, 1912. J. C. CRAWFORD. R Oyster Evere-it Attorney Reuben Oscar Everett, whose administration as blind tiger prosecutor won bim the sobriquet of Reuben Oyster Ever-It, several years ago, was here yesterday on bis way to Martin county, bis old home, to spend a few days before setting sail for Columbia Univer sity. New Yofk. Mr. Everett will study law up there. He means to spend the summer term at Columbia, wbile his senior partner, Judge James S. Massing, bolds down tbe office in Durbam. He takes occasional sum mer courses between practice and brusbeß up on bis Blackstoue wbile tbe partner is figuring per cent or making out a mortgage Fresh from college, not to fresh to be sure, in 1903 be taught at Durham, took the usual college gradnat's circuitous course to a career, and landed in the law. From an early Bryanesue figure in his lean years to Taftian tremen dousness, he has grown until it is necessary for him to go home every thirty days in order to reintroduce himself to his family. In Durham he keeps a big touring car for bis friends and paddles a bike to re duce his'corporation. He bachelor izea in a house big enough for forty and courts women as the sands of the seashore, innumerable. He isn't married, never has been. He declares that he has an ambi tion now to learn more law, to practice more law, to fill up on wise saws and modern instances. "I am wedded to my profession," he said yesterday. And it is the hope of his Raleigh friends that he will never have to get a divorce from it on the groundof incompati bility and non-support. —News & Observer. For Representative At the request of a number of my friends, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the House of Rep resentatives subject to the action of the Democratic Convention of Martin County. This May 28th, 1-912. A. Corey. In these days of high cost of liv ing, a medicine that gets a man up out of bed and able to work in a few days is a valuable and welcome remady. John Heath, Michigan Bar, Cal., had kidney and bladder trouble, was confined to his bed, unable to turn without help. "I commenced using Foley Kidney Pills and can truly say I was re lieved at once." His example is worth foHowing. Saunders & Fow den. * HASSELL ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Salisbury attende.l the Uuion at Roberson ville Sunday. Miss Marv Whitehurst, of White hurst, was the guest of Miss Laura Salisbury last week. Miss Alma Fleming has been ill for some time, but we hope she will soon begin to improve. Miss Myrtle Roberson spent a few days in town last week. H. H. Burroughs,, of Winston, was here last week visiting friends. Mrs. W. D. Jordan and children visited in Washington last week. Mrs. R. H. Salisbury visited re latives near Rocky Mount and Speed last week. Several from here attended ibe ball game between Robersonville and Hobgood Friday. Miss Lucie Gorham Cherry from Speed is the guest of Miss Louse Salisbury this week. Mrs. Robert Bowers from near Parmele visited her parents here last week. Horace Johnson went to Halifax onVbuiiness Monday. Mrs. Jordan from Elm City is here on a visit to ber son. Wilmer House from Oak City was here Wednesday. C. H. Fleming from Greensboro has been here for several days on a visit to his people. Ends Pain in Surgery Dr. F. W. Forbes Ross, an M. D. ol Edinburgh University, a fel low of the Royal College of Sur geons of England, and a well known London surgeon, claims to have made a discovery which, if established, will mark another wonderful epoch in tbe history of surgery. Briefly, it almost means tbe end ot human pain, for by the injection of a simple non-poisonous combination of two drugs tbe most awful accident or the most dreadful surgical operation can immediatelv after its occurrence be rendered painlej«. Dr. Ross calls the attention of the medical world to his achieve ment in a letter printed in this week's issue of the Lancet. He says: "I have discovered that wide ap plication of a local anesthetic can kill the pain which follows the most severe bodily accident or dur ing and after the most severe surgi cal operation. I have found an absolutely harmless, nonpoisonous antidote to pain and shock which may tfe used without the slightest fear of local or general detriment to the sufferer. "It is a preparation of a i per cent solution of quinine and urea hydrochloride. Experiments for some time past have always been successful. The method is simple, and be used by any intelligent per sons." The perpnration is very cheap; 12 cents will cover it. There is an injection into the pa tient of anesthetized chloroform or ether in the ordinary way, and then five to ten cubic centimeters of the perparatiou distributed in the nerve supply of the part concerned, which will produce a total loss of the sensation of pain. "After the operation effects there should be a single application by multiple injection of the parts at period's varying from 24 hours to a fortnight, when the operation or injury will have been recovered from to Buch an extent that paia will not be normally present"—Sel. "How did the doctor persuade you to stop smoking?" "Made his bill so big I couldn't afford to bu7 more tobacca." —Mil- waukee Sentinel. sr.oo a Year in Advance OAK CITY ITEMS Miss Thelma Beverly is visiting 1 her sisters, Mrs. Charlie and Wille Hurst. Earl Gardner was htre last Sat urday. J. C. Ross and Jessie Crisp took a flying trip to Norfolk laßt Sun day. Spencer Hines has commenced building his new house on Railroad Street. Leola Barrett, of Farmville, ifr the guest of W. E. Barrett and wife this week. James Smith and son, of Farm ville, are visiting at the heme of W. E. Barrett. H. K. Harrell and H. S. Everett went to Hobgood Tuesday. B. M. Wo'rslev and A. R. House left for Stokes Wednesday. Tbe Farmers Union picnic and barbecue was a great success at Conobo Tuesday. A. M. Nason, farming neap Canaan. Me., was badly crippled with 6ciatic rheumatism doe he says to uric acid in his blood. "Foley KiJney Pills entirely cured! me and also removed numerous black specks that were continually before my eves." Foley Kidney l'ills are a uric acid solvent and are effective for tbe various forms of rheumatism. Saunders & Fowden. For Register of Deed* At tbe solicitation of a number of my friends, I have decided to* announce myself a candidate for the office of Register of Deeds of Martin County, subject to action of the Democratic Convention. Very respectfully, S. S. BROWN. George L. Higbie, Manton.Mich,. used Foley Kidney Pills for kidney and bladder trouble. He says: "I find for my case no other medicine equals Foley Kidney Pills for bene ficial effect." 'They are a safe and reliable medicine tor kidney trouble and rheumatism. Contain no harmful drugs. Saunders & Fow» den. Notice There will be a meeting of the- Chamber of Commerce at the City Hall, Thursday night at 8:30. The meeting is called to discuss tbe pro posed enterprises and extension of the track to the river, and also tO' discuss some important new busi ness which means larger things for the community. All citizens in terested in the good of town should attend. Summer colds are bard to get rid of, and frequently lead to asthma r bronchitis, and hay fever. Do not let your cold get a hold on you, but' use Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound for quick relief. W. H. Allen, Chelsea, Wis., says: "We prefer Foley's Honey and Tar Cora pound to other cough medicines be cause it quickly cuies coughs andt colds. It will ward off a cold if taken in time." Contains no opiates. Saunderr & Fowden. Inspected Sites Messrs. Charles and Robert Ba ker, of the Hamilton Pants Mfg_ Company, were in town Tuesday looking for a suitable site to locate' the factory if the company decides, to come here. The lot adjoining the Farmers Warehouse received more favorable comment from the Messrs.. Baker and can probably be secured should the plant be moved. It will; not be definitely decided what will! , be done until some time duiiog the following week.

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