VOL. XIII. NO. 30 Professional Cards Hugh B. York, M. D. Microscopy, Electrotherapy, X-Ray Diagnosis, Specialties Office over Farmer* & Merchants Bank Office boura, 8 to 10 a. m.. 7 to 9 p. m Office 'phone 60 - Night 'phone 63 Win. E. Warren - J. S. Rhodes Drs. Warren & Rhodes Physicians and Surgeons Office in Biggs Drug Store * 'Phone 29 Jos. H. Saunders, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Day 'Phone 53 • Night 'Phone 40 Williamston, N. C. Dr. R. L. Savage of Rockv Mount, will be at the At lantic Hotel fourth Wednesday in each month to treat diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and Fit Glasses. ( , A. R. Dunning • J. C. Smith Dunning & Smith Attorneys-»/t Law Williamston - North Carolina Robersonville, North Carolina Burrous A. Critcher - Wheeler Martin WbMler Martin, Jr. Martin & Critcher Attorneys-^t-Law Williamston - North Carolina •PHOHTB 23 S. J. Everett Attorney-at-Law Greenville, N. C. * Williamston, N. C. Greenville Long Distance Phone 328 S. A. NEWELL Attorney at Law Williamston - North Carolina Clayton Moore Attorney at Law Williamston • North Carolina John E. Pope Genera! Insurance, Life, Fire. Health, Accident, Live Stock Real Estate - Brokerage Williamston - North Caroling Office on Main Street —1 Society Pressing . . Glub . . O. C. Price, Manager Phone No. 58 Up-to-Date Cleair.g, Pressing, t)veing and Tailoring Very careful attention given to Ladies' Kid Gloves, Fancy Waists | Coat Suits and Skirts Club Rates for Men. | Clothes called for and I delivered Agents for Rose & Car, Merchant-Tailors, Chi cago,>lll THE ENTERPRISE J. C. Crawford for Sheriff I was glad to see through the columns of your esteemed paper that J. C. Crawford had announced himself again as a candidate for sheriff to succeed himself. Nothing affords me more pleas ure than to again have the oppor tunity to support this competent and efficient official for this office which he has held for fourteen years with credit to himself, satis faction to the people whom he has served and with honor to the great party to which he owes allegiance. I have nothing but good to say of those who are opposing Sheriff Crawford for they are honorable and worthy men yet I do say with all seriousness that the office of sheriff is not one that you cun pick a man any day to £ll. It is the most drfficult office iu the county to fill taking more than one term to become thoroughly acquainted with the workings of the office and I ask what is the reason for turn ing out a man who has been tried and found to be not wanting in all the requirements that go to make up this great office. A man who is in the very noontide of his richest vigor at that period in his life when he can best serve the people of this county. Some contend that he has held the office long enough but no on° questions his fitness. Where I ask in the whole realm of human en deavor is a fnau turned down be cause he has proven himself com petent and fit. This is no time in which we can experiment with new men for the exigencies of the situa tion demand a man who is thor oughly alive to the things going on in this county and no man is more alive to his job than Sheriff Craw ford. The people of Williamston recall that dreary night last August when foul murder was committed on the main street of our town and with what due energy and dispatch the sheriff went about to hunt down the perpretrator of this dastardly deed and within an hour after the crime he had the victim in jail Every man in Anvrica cannot be President, every man in North Carolina cannot be Governor or United States Senator and every man in Martin County cannot be slieriff. A man must be endowed by nature with a certain gift to make a competent sheriff and Mr. Craw ford has demonstrated that he is possessed with this gift. It is said that at each man's birth there is a fairy god who stands sponsor at "his christening and if this be so the god of detective genius must hare stood spousor at sheriff Crawford's birth for he seems endowed with this gift of detective instinct which has n»ade him so successful in hunting down any victim who has perpretrated any crime in our county and al ways has brought them before the bar of public justice. He bears the record of being among the first sheriffs in the state to fxrttle his taxes at Raleigh and we know with what success he has ra the county having each year a smaller iasol vent list than the year previous. The United States is the greatest country on the globe, North Caro Una is the greatest state in the Union and Martin County is the greatest county in NorAi Carolina and she has the greatest Sheriff aai let us keep htm there. Au increasing number of people report regularly of the satisfactory results from taking Foley Kidnfev Pills and commend their healing and curative qualities. Foley Kid ney Pills are a carefully prepared medicine, guaranteed to contain no harmful or habit forming drugs. They cau have Only a beneficial effect when used for kidney and bladder tiroobles, * for backache, rheumatism, weak back or lumbago. Saunders & Fowden. v' WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, JUYL iq, 191 2 To the casual obersver even, this age has the appearance of being one among the most frivolous in modern times, yet more things worth while arc being done. This condition seems like a paradox, but viewed with calm intelligence, the truth of it can be readily seen. Frivolity is only holding those, who, perhaps, are not capable of any higher desires—whose natures were cast in uarrow moulds too weak to make for that happiness found only in right living. The rapid pace of life iu towns and cities has been the rock upon which many human ships have gone to ruin, if not morally, then financially. There was a time when the great desire to forsake the farm and live in the whirl and swim of the towns hurt the farming indus-try in the South. Boys and girls catching the spirit of the age wanted ' to see the world," as they expressed it, and fretted beneath the yoke of duties at home. The healthy, sun tanned boy often merged into the poorly-paid, sicklv-looking clerk behind the counter. The drudge and isolating of their hemes, no doubt, caused to a large degree this desire. With the vast improve ment in farming, the rural mails, telephones, high schools and neigh borhood clubs, has come a change. The boy and girl on the farm have almost as many advantages as their city friends as far as training goes. Then the present system of educa tion inaugnrated by the States, makes it easy for any boy or girl of indus trious habits to receive a college training at the leading io-i stitutions of learning. As for ad vantages to make a living, the farm boy leads by a lap or two. The most indepenuent man on earth is the farmer who lives at home and boards at the same place. This truth though clothed in sim ple language, has a beautiful color ing which is being appreciated by the entire Southland, so that "back to the farm" acd "stay on the farm" are slogans that are being put into action, and are making foV the building up of the country as nothing else hts for years. A i ide through our own county will give one a picture more glori ous than that painted by the hand of any man. Here you can get an idea of the progressive spirit in the souls of those who dwell where lofty pines whisper through the hours, rhedding an aroma pure and sweet—where the merry hum of oees and insects mingling with the soft, low notes of the birds, color and lend a chrm to life as no art of man has or evtr can d®. Where the threads of gold hang gracefully from the mammoth italic and the cotton fields are aglow with bloom and cattle browse rn shaded pas tures. There is life—true life, for 'tis said that God made the country and man made the town. Boys on the farms are beginning to s*ee beauties in earth and s4cy ! which once they vaw tot. Tb«rv ! are realizing thM. the soil beuncfc their feet has within it *tored ( wealth grra-ter than can be found ia stuffy offioes or among whirliuj machinery. To them the old ias become dearer, for ca*»fnl and tender hands have added to its comfort and appearance. There has been a upttf* among the farmers of the South. No longer do we see them fstr bar hind people in tui towns, abreast with the tfrnes —for education aud those accomplwli menta which fit men and womoo for intelligent society—using lb** J. L. Hasseil latest in farming implements owners of high bred stock, fest teams and automobiles. u "Back to the farm" has dtme wonderful tniDga for this beloved land of ours —"stay on the £«rm" will do greater things in the future. Stay on the Farm ' A To the Democratic Voters or Martin County:— Permit me to thank you very kindly for the consideration and confidence so generously manifest ed by your support and cooperation during my continuance in office as Sheriff of your county, and to as sure you that I most heartily and keenly appreciate the same. Not being aware of anv com plaint and not having beard any thing derogatory to my perfor mance of the duties pertaining to the office, and thinking that my services and experience might pro bably merit your further considera tion, confidence and support, and assuring you that the best and nil tbat is, of and in me, are at your command, I take the liberty of seeking further consideration at your bauds, and hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Martin County, sub ject, however, to the wishes \of tie County Democratic Convention. This iotli. day of June, 1912. J. C CRAWFORD. Embroidery Club Mrs. J. J. Stroud cm Thursday afternoon of last week, entertained the members of the Embroidery Club at the Roanoke Hotel. "Bird Twist," a very pleasirg contest was the first number of the pro gramme for the hours, and this was followed by a gameof "Rook." A most delicious salad course was served followed by ice cream and cake. Those who werfc the guests of Mrs. Stroud added another de- HgQSH afternoon to the list of social affairs given here this sum mer. Summer colds are hard to get rid of, and frequently lead to asthma, bronchitis, and hay fever. Do not let your cold get a bold on you, but use Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound for quick relief. W. H. Allen, Chelsea, Wis., says: "We prefer Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound to other cough medicines be cause it quickly cures coughs and colds. It will ward off a cold if taken in time." Contains no opiateß. Saunderr & Fcwden. I For Representative At the request of a number of my friends, I hereby announce myself a candidate for tlie House of Rep resentatives subject to the actioc of the Democratic Convention of Martio Couuty. Th»is May 28th, 1912. A. Corey. George L. Higbie, Manton.Mlch, usftd Foley Kidney Pills for kidney and Madder trouble. He says* '"I find for my case no other mecftciut equals Foley Kidney Pills for bene ficial They are a safe and raliabfe medicine lor kidney trouble and rheumatism. Contain no harmful drugs. Saunders & Fow d*». For Register ot Deeds I h*s«by announce myself a can didate for the office of Register of D*c6s of Martin County, and ask my fttend« and fellow Democrats to ghre me their support, which I aesuoca Ifc«in will be appreciated. Ajjd it tlocted I promise to fill the office to WIG best of my ability and to rttrder to each and every one the p»oper courtesy due them. Respectfully, / _ D. J. ME®KS. The Jaamtr ia the biggest asset whan .-taken with the w>il from vrWoh he draws those products wbiA Ibe markets of the world nxrfjt have. Then stay on the farm and Hve the life of the man who bat the best God has given to Hte •features. Our New Enterprise The removal of the Hamilton Pants Manufacturing Company to Williamston is the outgrowth of public enterprise on the part of the citizens, who estimating fully the value of the businefs, made a bid for i* and secured same. This company was organized at Hamilton eleven years ago with Mr. William L,. Sherrod as Presi dent, a position which he has held ever since and Mr. Sherrod is welljßow through out the State as one of the wealth iest and largest planters East of Raleigh He is n prudent busi ness man and adds tone and strength to any concern iu which he takes stock. The Secretary and Treasurer, Mr. Charles H. Baker, has given and will continue to give careful attention to every detail of the work. Aside from the work at the factory, he sold last year $45, 000 worth of goods on the road His industry coupled with splendid fore-ight, has put the business on a safe, paying basis, which makes it an industry to be decreet in any community. Mr. Robert Baker, another member of the company, has been thoroughly trained in the mechauical workings of the plant and devotes his entire time to the 0 inside. The authorized capital stock of the company is $50,000, and it comes to Willmtuston with an in creased stock paid in by Messrs. G. W. Blount, N. S. Peel and C. H. Godwin These men are among the best in the commercial life of the town and county, being exten sivtly engaged in farming, mer chandising and banking. The factory will open here for business about the 15th. of Septem ber next, and with improvements and splendid shipping facilities will be better prepared to serve the trade in both old and new territory. In addition to the regular line of goods from $9.00 to $48.00 per dozen, they will also make a special line of made-to-measure trousers running from sfroo to SIO.OO ptr pftir. These will be made by ex pert tailors. The plant will be located on the lot adjoining the A. C. L,. Railroad station, a position which will great ly facilitate shipping by express and freight. The factory will be gin operations with trained em ployees, and fall and spring orders can be filled promptly and satis factoriaWy. The principal trade of the company is in North Carolina, but thev have good business in the Stites of Virginia, South Carolina and Ifloiida. imperial Committees At the meeting ou last Thursday nigh* called by the Chamber of Commerce, Messrs. N. S. Peel, W. C. Manning, H. \V. Stubbs, S. A. Newell and Mayor Godwin were appointed to meet the Agricultural Train which will arrive here on the 26th. instant. A committee of three was also named to consider the proposition to erect a uep.nut factory here.' These were: John D. Biugs, J G. Godard, and G. W. B'ount fconMiN' OFF) ' (com£ au L |Q Q WN!_ ll!psr t He "Pulled Down" a Fly. V ;- • ' ti - s[.oo a Year in Advance- An Increased Endowmet for Trlnty College An effort in now being made to add million dollar) to the endow ment of Trinity College. This movement took definite shape when abopt a year and a half ago, the General Education Board of New* York offered to contribute one hundred and fifty thousand dollaxs of this amount if the College would raise the balance. Eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars have already been pledged on condition that the College obtain by Decem ber 31, of this year subscriptions, for the remaining hundred and fifty thousand dollars. These sub scriptions may be paid in five equal annual installments, the first to be made ou or before January 31* 1913, and the last not later than January 31, 1917. The subscrip tion may no to the general endow ment fund of the College or they may be designated for special uses like the establishment of scholar ships, special collections in the library, or the maintenance of the College in any of its departments. Whenever derirtfd the donation wilt be kept as a seperate - fund, thtts preserving the identity of the gifts as well perpetuating the names of the givers. District committees are being organized in the chief c:nters of populetion on and the campaign is on throughout the State. It means so much for the cause of Southern Education that it must of course *ucce-d. Fine Tobacco Mr. E. W. Garrett, who fartns on the lands of J. G. Staton just over the bridge at Black Swamp, is one of the best tobacco raisets in this part of the State. This year his crop is unusually good. Mr. H. T Beasley, of Wake County,, who hus been in the tobacco busi ness for over thirty years, pro nounces it the .finest piece of to bacco that he has ever seen. This is a fine compliment to Mr. Garrett, but the \ellow weed in his field serves all that can be said about it. It is a delight to the eyes and shows • what Martin County soil can duce. For Register of Deeds At the solicitation of a number of my friends, I bave decided to acnounce myself a candidate for the cflice of Register of Deeds of Martin County, subject to action of the Democratic Convention. Very respectfully, S. S. BROWN. r IF I MISS this on£" jt'sJ - MBACK TO the] n\Hor?SFOR Ho Beat Out a Slow One. | F