VOL. XIII. NO. 31 J Hugh B. York, M. D. Microscopy, Electrotherapy, X-Ray Diagnosis, Specialties Office over Farmer* & Merchants Bank Office hours, S to 10 a. ra., 7 to 9 p. m. Office 'phone 60 - Night 'phone 63 Wm. E. Warren - J. S. Rhodes Drs. Warren & Rhodes Physicians and Surgeons , Office in Biggs Drag Store • 'Phooe 29 Jos. H. Saunders, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Day 'Phone 53 - Night 'Pbtine 40 I Williamston, N. C. ' I Dr. R. L. Savage of Rockv Mount, will be at the At lantic HoteMourth Weduesday in each month to treat diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and Fit Glasses. A. R. Dunning - J. C. Smith Dunning & Smith Attorneys k t Law Williamston - North Caroliu2 Robersonville, North Carolina Borrows A. Critcher - Wheeler Maitin | Wheeler Martin, Jr. Martin & Critcher Attorneys-at-Law Williamston - North Carolina 'phon* 23 S. J. Everett Attorney-at-Law Greenville, N. C. - Williaicston, N. C. Greenville Long Distance Phone 328 S. A. NEWELL Attorney at Law Williamston * North Carolina Clayton Moore Attorney at Law Williamston - North Carolina John E. Pope General Insurance, Life, Fire. Health, Accident, Live Stock Keal Estate - Brokerage Williamston - North Carolina Office on Main Street C j Society Pressing j I . . Glub '. I II O. C. Price, Manager J Phone No. 58 -to-DotC Cleairg, |J | Pressing, Dyeing and ij (Tailoring • tf|T Very careful attention 0 s ™ i given to Ladies' Xid B Gloves, Fancy Waists 81 Coat Suits and Skirls 1 Club Rates for M?w. ■ Clothes colled for and I delivered Agents for Ro6e & Co. I Merchant-Tailor?, Chi- jj cago, HI j THE ENTERPRISE Mrs. B. T. Wynne Dead Last Thursday afternoon, Jnfy 13th, at 3 o'clock the funeral ser vices of Mrs. Mary Wynne were conducted from the home near Everett? by Rev. Geo. J. Do well in the presence of a large assembly of friends and relatives. She was the daughter of the lace Daniel and Cynthia Mobley and at the time of her death was adout 56 years of age. On December 18th, 1879, she was married to B. T. Wynne, Esq., who with four children sur vive her. These are Ashley D , Joseph H., Ellen D , and Mollie Wynne. Hers was a long and tedious ill ness attended with great pain and suffering most of the time. Her sickness began December 1910 and lasted until July the 17th, when she was relieved by the sleep of I death. j Mrs. Wynne was an excellent type of the good and faithful wife and mother. The neighbors found in her a true frieud; the sick, a sympathizer; the neeily, a helper. Some 22 years anoshe was baptized into the fellowship of I'iuey Grove Church at Everetts by Elder Gee. J. Do well, and during her whole life was a faithful member. Strange are God's mysterious dealings, and His ways past finding out, but He doeth all things well. We are as sured that it was right to call this dear one home, or He would have left her to cheer the loved ones now ] mourning to be !eft so disconsolate. ' May this sad dispensation of His ; providct.ee lead them to strive to 1 reach that beautiful laud to which we are confident she has gone, where faith is swallowed up in fruition aud hope in possession, until tbey shall plant their feet ou the everlnstirg Rock of Ages, and find fiim footing when the world and all its possessions shall slip from under their feet. Then the same God whom she loved aud served shall reunite the scattered family and they shall dwell with the Saviour in ihe New Jerusalem forever. May he who tempers the wind to the shorn lamb, mercifully watch over them to the er.d of life's journey. "He that has msdt bis refuse God, Shall find a most secure adobe; Shall walk all day beneath his shade, And thtre at night, shall rest his head." Farmers' Meetings - 0 Editor, Enterprise.— j A series of farmers meetings will I soou be held in the couuttes ot the First Congressional District. At these meetings lectures will be made by experts on vitel topics re lating to the farm, and I am very sure fchat every faimer who attends will be benefitted. Ihe following is a partial itinerary of the places and dates of the meetings. Swan Quarter, Hyde County, Monday August 12-th. Mackeys Ferry, Washington County, Tuesday August 13th. Columbia, Tyrfeli County, Wed nesday August 14th. Greenville, Pitt County, Thurs- I day August 15th. Washington, County, 1 Friday August i6t&. Willifimston, Martin Ooduty, jSaiurday August 17th. Very respectfully, Jno. H. Small. ■ m \ t m —* An increasing number of people report regularly of the satisfactory result* froui taking Foley Kidnev Pills and commend 'their healing and curative qualities. Foley Kid ney Fills are a cafefuily prapar*d medicine, guarantied t3> fcoctain no harmful or habit farming drugs. They can have . only a beneficial effect when used fcr kidney and bladder troubles, for backache, rheumatism, weak back or lumbago. Saunders & Fowden. . WILLIAMSTON, N. C.. FRIDAY, JUYL 26. 1912 Bold Hold-Up ——— Sunday night when about five miles from town on the Washing : ton road, J. A. Woolard, son of the late J. L. Woolard, was held up bv two negroes, who wore a white Cloth abont thetr faces. Yonng : Woolard had driven out to bis father's farm after the Inte train had come in to carry a friend. When returning about ten o'clock, he saw a mau come out from the road which leads to the home of Mr. Kader Lilley and heard him call for him (Woolard) to stop. : He struck his horse but the animal was caught by the Degro who held a pistol in his hand. Another ue [ gro came up between the wheels • and demanded that he turn the con -1 tents of his pockets out. Wool -1 ard, though naturally frightened, : had presence of mind eucugh to slip his purse containing about #s.co in the waistband of his pants und then turned all his pockets out, finding only about Si. 25. The 1 men had demanded the money upon , the threat that they would take the team, while pointing a couple ot guns nt the boy. After thi money was secured, they let him go and he drove quickly to town and re ported the crime to the sheriff. WoolafU failed to recognize the men, but it is thought that they were from town and seeing the young man go out and suspecting that he car.itd seme cash, secured bicycles aud waited for him to re turn. Such occurrences ere rare in this section and it is a serious matter, 1 The number of vagrants around 1 the town make it highly probable that the parties reside here. Founder of The Enterprise Monday afternoon, Mr. J. Dale, of Kinston, was a most welcome , visitor to the office. Thirteen years ago Mr. Dale came here and established Thk Enterprise in j tbe old Williams Building. Mr. Dale soou sold the paper to ! tbe late G. W. Newell and has j , since engaged in the business of a | marole yard at Kinston, where he does better work for less monty than the average monument dealer. The letters which appears at the head of the paper, designating its name were cut from a piece of wood | by Mr. Dale wjtn a knife. Later j lead type was used as now. v It is an odd fact that the first] copy of The Entbri-kise that rolled off tbe old Washington hand j press, wa r takt-n by W. C Man ning, who ten ycers after became editor. Coming events did not j : cast their shadows before him, and j so he knew not of the responsibility , wbich should come to him later. I Mr. Dale was-much pleased with ; tbe looks of things about the office \ and expressed his appreciation of | the sheet whi'.h is'sent out weekly, j We enjoyed bis visit aud hope ; that he will come again because we j •live—as we desire no stone for I years to conic. Sunday School In3tit«t« j Mr. M. W. Braba&m, Field Sflt- j retary ot the Sunday Board 1 of the North Carolina Coniaranee, * M. E Churcb, South, wtfl conduct: & Suadov School Institute 111 tl>t' Methodist Church hetfjAugwt 2-4. Tbe Sunday School in tirfe iamston nnd Hamilton Charg#s *re expected to attend thie lastStu.Se. .AM the Sunday Schools in town i : cordially invited to A. !tf.' Nason, twining near' : Canaan, Me., w»s badly o*ippfed I with sciatic rheumatism due iw j ' says to ujic _,acid in hi* blood. I ' "Foley KiJney PilU entirely curad L . me and also removed uumuoitt black specks that were continual y before my ev«i." Foley Kfdnar ' l'ills are a tmic acid solvent and ape, • effective for the variotft forini of' rheumatism. Saunders & Fowden. 1 • P , ' To the Democratic Voters of Martin County:— Permit me to thank you very kindly for the consideration and confidence so generously manifest ed by your support and cooperation during my continuance in office as Sheriff ot your county, and to as sure you that I most heartily and keenly appreciate tbe same. Not being aware of any com plaint and not having heard any thing derigatorj' to my perfor mance of the duties pertaining to the office, and thinking that my service® and experience might pro bably merit your further considera-1 tion, confidence aud support, and j assuring you that the best and all I that is, of aud in me, are at yourj command, I take the liberty of 1 seeking further consideration at your hands, and hereby announce myself as n candidate for the office! of Sheriff of Martin County, sub ject,. however, to the wishes of thej County Democratic Convent'on. This 20th. day of June. 191 2. I J. C. CRAWFORD ! Summer colds are hard to get rid) of, and frequently lead to asthma,' bronchitis, a"nd hay fever. Do not let your cold get a hold on you, but! use Foley's Honey and Tar Com-! pound foi> quick relief. W. H. j Allen, Chelsea, Wis., sa>s. "We prefer Foley's Houey and Tar Com-1 pound to other cough medicines be- j cause it quickly cures cough- and' colds. It will ward off a cold if I taken in time." Contains no opiates. Saunderr & Fcwdcn. For Register ol Deeds 1 hereby announce myself a can didal e/pr tbe office of Register of Deeds of Martin County, and ask my fiiends and fellow Democrats to give me their suppo.t, which I assure them will be appreciated./ ' And if elected I promise to fill the | f • office to the best of my ability and to render to each r.nd every one the proper courtesy due t'lem. Respectfully, I). J. Mkeics. For Register of Deeds I hereby announce myself a can didate for Register of Deeds, of Martin County, subject {o the ap proval and action of the Democra tic Convention. Very respectfully, Sylvester Peel. j*.' -J* ft * The "Pop" Ular Man. ■" , J //T\ I k 6 * Sfr ' /if / | fl""- 1 H# Wat "Caught Between Banes." OAK CITY ITEMS W. F. Hurst has returned from a visit to Richmond. Miss Emily Allsbrook, of Port Norfolk, is the guest of MissLizsie Harrell. Mrs. Charlie Hurst is entertain ing her younger brother and sisters this week. Tbe family of Mrs. Sue Burnett spent Monday at the home of N. M. Worsley. Prof. j. D. Everett, of Weldon, speut Saturday and Sunday with relatives here. Miss Jeffie House returned from Stokes Saturday. Miss Fay Beverly spent last week j with her sistirs here. ■ Mrs. J, W. Hines $ visiting herj sister. - I 1 Miss Bessie Casper spent Sunday 1 iu Hasst'.l with Miss Hilda Knignt. Miss Emily Hines is speuding several with friends in Vir -1 gin ; a. • ' Bernard L. Hines has been ap-j 1 pointed assistaut to the Dentai Sr.r- ! : peon at Ft. Monroe. He is now at; j Ft. DuPont. Del. # The L/idies Aid Society of the | j Missionary Baptist Church gave an j ice cream supper last Wednesday! I night, for the purpose of raising 1 funds for beautifying the churcb lawn. State Farmers' Convention The Tenth Annual State Far mer#.' Convention will be held at the A. &M. College, Raleigh, N. C . Aug. 27, :3 and 29, 1912. The progrsm is almost complete an p l speakers cl National reputation been secured. Dr. C. G. Hopkins of the Illinois Experiment Station, will discuss the Use of Rock Phospbte as a Fertilizer. I)r. Hopkins is consid ered the best authority in the Unites States on this subject. Other speakers for the first day are Prof. C. E. Goodrich, Washington, D C., on Humus; E. G. Moss ol Granville Co. on the Quality as Compared with Yield of Tobacco; Prof. W. F. Massey, Apostle of the Cowpea, end Mr. Bradford Ktiapp, in charge of the Demon stration Work in the South. The second day is Live Stock Day. Mr. C» L. Opperman and Mr. Helmer Rabild of Washington, D. C , Mr. E. B. Moore of Char lotte, will talk on subjects related to the production of livestock. Also on this day the N. C. Berk shire Breeders' Association v;:ll hold their Second Annual Sale of 50 pure trcd Berkshire hogs. The third day will be Economic , Day. Dr. J. L. Coulter of the Census Bureau will discuss Far mers' Cooperative Societies Mr. J. | G Brown oi ReJeigh on the Rela tion of the Banking System ta the Farfflar; Mr. J. W. Bailey of Ral eigh cn the Torrent; System of Registering Land Titles. A special program is being pre pared for women acd will be nr.- notinced later. For complete pro gram o,r information, address I. O. Scbanb, Secretary, West Raleigh, N C In these days ot high ot liv ing, a medicine that gets a man up out of bed r.nd aMe to 7i»ork in a few days is a valuable and welcome remedy. Joiwi Hsatfi, Michigan Bir, C&l., had kidney and bladder trouble, yvgs confined to his. bed, unable to turn without help. "I cocrmienoed using Foley Kidney Pills and can truly say 1 was re lieved at once." His example is worth following. Saunders & Fow- I den. .' ' SI.OO a Year in Advance Poverty Soshul One of the mot unique acd en joyable affairs here for years was the Proverty Soshul given by the Aid Society of the Baptist Church on Tuesday night at the Dixie Warehouse. The arrangement and' management was under the direc tion of Miss Pattie Dowell. The large warehouse was brilliantly ill* uminated and at convenient spots'* about the floor were placed tables (rem whence things good to eat were served in attractive style and a rustic well furnished refreshing lemonade. But the chief features were the trials before Judge Dun ning and the District School con ducted by Mrs. John D. whose impersonation of the old maid teacher could not have been ex celled. Policeman Kowdeu arrest ed people and carrying them be fore the Judge, bad fines for spoon ing, flirting, sport ng, etc., impos ed. Tbis created leads of fun. The commencement exercises of tlie school in which the older peo pie acted as pupils was funprovok ire. The debate between John L. Hassell and judge Dunning to de cide the whulesomeness of peas and collards, was one of the most at j ti active numbers on the programme. Everybody lincl a good time and i partook heartily of the 'cue and | other things. The proceeds I amounted to S6O. Notice To the Democratic Voters of the 2nd. Senatorial District. I have decided to btcr me a can didate tor tbe office as one of the Senators from this district, in the Next General Assembly of North Carolina, tiod respectfully solicit the support of ull democrats of said district, boih at the primary and- Convention. Respectfully, W. A. Thompson, Aurora. N. C. N. J. Gotham, Cashier Bank of Woodville, Woodnlle, Ga., had a very severe attack of kidney trouble aud tbe oains iu his kidneys and back were terrible. "I gotabottle of Foley Kidney Fills from our druggist and thev entirely relieved me, I have more ber.efit from them than any other medicine." Saun ders & Fowden. For Register of Deeds At the solicitation of a number of my friends, I have decided to announce myself a candidate for tbe office of Register of Deeds of Martin County, subject to action of the Democratic Convention. Very r«ppectfally, S. S. BROWN. For Sheriff I hereby announce myself acan tlidnfelor Sheriff of Martin County subject to the action ef the Demo cratic Cenvention. Respectfully, Harmon T. Roherson, Jr. For Representative At the request of a miraberof my, friends, I a. noucce myself 1 candidate for the House ot Rep resentatives subject to the actiou of the Democratic Convention of Martin County. This M?y 28th, 1912. A. Corey. Geoige 1,. Higbie, Manton.Mich, irsed- Foley Kidmy tiill.-i for. kidney aud bladder trouble.. He says: "I find for my case no other medicine equals Foley Kidney Pills for bene ficial effect." They are a safe and reliable medicine forkidney trouble aud rheumatism. Contain no harmful drug.;. Saunders & Fow den. —- *