SAVED FROM i Ml OPERATION How Mrs. Reed of Peoria, IDL, Escaped The Sur geon's Knife. Peoria, I1L—"I wish to let every on* know whst Lydia E. Pinkham'sV egetable oCompound0 Compound has done forme. For two year* I suffered. The doc tor Mid I had »tumor and the only remedy wai the surgeon's knife. My mother bought me Lydia EL Pink ham'a Vegeta ble Compound, and today I am a well and healthy woman. For month* I suffered from inflammation, and your Sanative Wash relieved me. I am glad to tell anyone what your medicines have done forme. You can use my testimonial in any way you with, and I will be glad to answer letters."— Mrs. CHRISTIN J RSHD, 106 Mound St, Peoria, lIL Mrs. Lynch Also Avoided Operation. Jessnp, Pa.—"After the birth of mj fourth child, I had severe organic inflam mation. I would have such terrible pains that it did not seem as though I could stand it. This kept up for three long mentha, until two doctors decided that an operation waa needed. "Then one of my friends recommended Lydia E. Pinkhara's Vegetable Com pound and after taking it for two months 1 waa a well woman."—Mrs. Josara A. LTNCH, Jessup, Pa. Women who suffer from female ills should try Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegeta ble Compound, one of the most success, fol remedies the world has ever known, before submitting to a surgical opera, tion. The Writer That Doea Most. That writer does the most who gives his reader the most knowledge and takes from him the least time.— C- C. Colton. Solemn Warning to Parsnts. The season for bowel trouble Is fast approaching and you should at one* provide your home with King's Diar rhoea Cordial. A guaranteed remedy for Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Flux, Cholera Infantum and all kindred dis eases. Numerous testimonials on our flies telling of marveloua oures can be bad by request. Burwell & Dunn Co., Mfrs., Charlotte, N. C. Laying a Foundation. Little Bobby (the guest) Mrs. Bklmper. when I heard we were goln' to have dinner at your house I sturt- i ed right In tralnln' fer It. Mrs. Sklmper (the hostess) —By sav 4ng up your appetite, Bobby? Little Bobby—No'ra. By eatln' a square meal first. TEMPERANCE MEETING. ooe , V SUffl I J First Beetle —What kind of a meet ing was that at the Oak boll last ■ night? Becond Beetle—Must have been a temperance meeting. The place was ! full of water bugs. A WINNING BTART A Perfectly Digested Breakfast Makes Nerve Force for the Day. Everything goes wrong If the break fast lies In your stomach like a mud pie. What you eat does harm If you can't digest It —It turns to poison. A bright lady teacher found this to be true, even of an ordinary light breakfast of eggs and toast She j says: "Two years ago I contracted a very annoying form of Indigestion. My stom ach was In such condition that a sim ple breakfast of fruit, toast and egg gave me great distress. "I was slow to believe that trouble could come from such a simple diet, but finally had to give It up, and found a great change upon a cup of hot Postum and Grape-Nuts with cream, for my morning meal. For more than a year I have held to this course and have not suffered except when injudi ciously varying my diet "I have been a teacher for several years and find that my easily digest ed breakfast means a saving of nerv ous fore* for the entire day. My gain of ten pounds in weight also causes me to want to testify to the value of Qrape-Nuts. * "Grape Nuts holds first rank at our table." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. "There's a reason." Read the little book, "The Road to Wellvllle," in pkgs.. ■fit ml tk« ikm letter T A aew ARCHITECTS ILL • 60 TO CHARLOTTE " r i FOR THI MEETING NEXT YEAR— CHARLOTTE MAN ELECTED PRESIDENT. NOTED SPEAKERS PRESENT Hon. Locke Craig Welcomed the As sociation to Aeheville Where This Year's Session Wse Held—This Besslon Lasted Only One Day. Ashvllle. Members of the North Carolina Archltectual Association, gathered at the Langren hotel here for the day's session, decided on Charlotte as the place of meeting for the midwinter meeting, elected officers, heard several Important lec tures on architecture and adjourned until the midwinter meeting. The gathering was called to order by President Rogers. After the in vocation by Dr. Byrd, the architects were welcomed to the city by Hon.- Lock Craig. Mr. Craig assured them that Asheville was proud to enter tain such a body of men. Responses were made by C. C. Wilson, of Co lumbia, 8. C., on behalf of the Bouth Carolina Association, of which he is president, and W. O. Rogers, of Charlotte, president of North Caro lina Association. Glenn Brown, of Washington, sec retary of the American Institute of Arohltects, delivered an address on architecture at the morning session telling of the work that has been accomplished, and that Is intended to be accomplished by the architects. The visitors were given a drive to the points of Interest about the city, and at the evening session Henry R. Dillon, of Chicago, gave an illustrat ed lecture on architecture, telling of the right and wrong ways to erect buildings and illustrating his vari ous Ideas with photographs. The following officers were elect ed: W. 0. Rogers, Charlotte, presi dent; W. H. Lord, Asheville, vice president; Franklin Gordon, Char lotte, secretary and treasurer, and theso, with L. L. Hunter, of Char lotte, and Frank Thompson, of Rale igh, will constitute the board of di rectors. Many Teachers Receive Trslnlnfl. In a statement Just Issued by Dr. J. Y. Joyner, state superintendent of Piiiblic instruction relative to the teachers training activities In thlß state during this vacation season It Is shown that there are over 1,200 teachers receiving special training In the summer schools of the State University, the State Normal and in dustrial College and the Fast Caro lina Training Institutes that are being held in most of the counties of the state and others who are availing themselves of other means of Improv ing their personal equipment for teaching. Insect Has Attacked Cotton Crop. A small Insect, resembling tlnv grasshoppers, is said to be Infesting the cotton fields of the farmers of Mecklenburg county and considera ble alarm Is being stirred up as a con sequence of the finding that the pest has made lis presence felt in sections of the county. For some time, farmers universally have been wondering about the slow development of their cotton crops, but blamed the tardi ness for the most part on the charac ter of the weather which has been anything but favorable to rapid ma i turlty of cotton. Negro Killed by Seaboard Engine. Isarn Cowser, a negro preacher and for several years an employe on the Seaboard Air Line Railway, was run j over and Instantly killed by a switch engine. Sowser had stepped aside to dodge freight t-aln number 22, Just entering the yard, when he was caught by the shifting engine. No one saw the accident. Political Situation Interesting. As the democratic county primary, which will be held at Forest City,, Aug. 3, draws nearer the political situation In this county grows more Interesting, and Its outcome Is await ed with much interest. With about 21 bats in the ring now and moro being thrown In for the different county offices the result Is now. In doubt. Probably the hottest race will be for sheriff, representatives and state senate, but the main Interest Is in the fight for sheriff. C. E. Tan ner is opposed by J. V. Ware. Rumcrs of Confession Aflost. "Frank Gladden, has confessed." This Is the report that spread like wild lire and 'phone calls and Inquir ies came from the remotest sections of the county. Several men drove six and eight miles to Shelby on the strength of the rumor. Gladden is in Jail to be tried again for the mur der of Mr. and Mrs. John Dixon and the self-confessed murderer and ne gro, John Ross, who accuses Glad . den is in the cell next to him at the county Jail. Sheriff Wllklns quickly branded the report as (Hike.- THE COUNTY ROAD BONDS The Convention to Consider the Prob lem of the Stat# Security For the County laauaa. Charlotte. The coming conven tion of the North Carolina Good Roada Aaaoclation to be held here August 1 and 2 la attracting atten tion from peopla all over the state. The committee la charge of the con vention haa received a number of let tera of congratulation and inquires daily from the intereat manifested already, the prospect for a large at tendance la bright. The moat important question to come before the aaaoclation will be that of the state becoming security for county bonds that are issued for the construction of public roads. A bill to thia effect was pasaed by the Houae of the General Assembly of 1911, and came within a few votes of paaslng the senate after a lengthy de bate. Aa la yell known the state can issue its bonds uaually at a rate that is one per cent less than that for which a county can sell Its bonds. The bill provided that the state ! should accept the county bonds ;is | bearing 6 per cent interest and issue j Its bonds at 4 per cent to corer the amount of the county bonds; that the | county should pay the state each I year for forty years 5 per cent in- ' terest on these bonds. As the atat»* , Is to pay only 4 per cent on Its bonds, this would leave 1 per cent the state could have as a sinking fund to take care of bonds when they fell due. At the end of forty years this would amount to the principal of the bonds and the state would pay on Its bonda and leturn to the county their county bonda cancelled. Thus the county has to pay only a 6 per cent Interest on Its bond Issue, and the state, with out any expense, has been able t pay the principal of the bonda fo the county. This question will he the one gone Into more carefully perhaps than any other. Seven Prisoners Break Jail. Set en prisoners, three white anu four negroes, escaped from the | county Jail and as yet havs not been j located. All of the prisoners had I been allowed to stay out in th* outer corridor on aocount of the heat and ( as soon as It was dark seven or them slipped through the window nf- j ter Hawing two heavy bars In two j All of the prisoners no doubt would havo escaped If they had not been | asleep. As soon as the escape was known the officers sent msftsatfta all ' over the county to the people to be on the lookout. Thoae escaping arc: j George Smith, Ralph Bowman and H Paul Bradshaw, white; Will Black- j well Charlea Davis, Oeorge Allison and Reld Thomas, colored. The white men had been brought here from Taylorsvllle for safe-keeping, while Alexander county is building a new Jail. Rutherford Medical Society Meet. The Rutherford County Medical 1 Society met at Forest City with a i good attendance. The entire meeting was devoted to the discussion of pel lagra. Dr. J. F. Slier of the pellagra commission now located at Spartan burg. S. C., was present and gave an Interesting discussion on pellagra, giving a brief history of the work thai they are doing In America and Italy. Dr. Slier condemns the newspapers Impressing the people that pellagra Is an incurable disease, he says "in vestigatlon proves that the mortal ity rate Is not more than ten pel cent." Dr. Henry Norrls of Huther fordton gave a second report of the cases treated In the Rutherford hos ptal and the observations gather ed. Politics In Forsyth County^ After being In session nearly all day the Forsyth Democratic county convention, which was attended by the largest crowd, perhaps, In the his tory of the county, nominated the fol lowing: State Senate, Former Judge EL B. Jones;—House —of—Representa- tives, William Porter nnd S. J. Ben nett, sherifT, Oeorge W. Flynt, re nominated; register of deeds, J. M l,entz; treasurer, T. W. Farrlsh; county commissioners, M. D. Bailey J. D. Waddell. Edward Mickey; coro ner. Dr. W. N. Dalton; surveyor, E A. Conrad. Successful Farmers' Institute. One of the most successful fat mers' Institutes held In Durham: county was held at Bilboa, a flag station about three miles east of Dur ham. A very large crowd of farmers attended the Institute, and took much interest in the various speak ers. Mrs. Orr and Miss Leola Mon day made talks to the women of the farms, mainly about preserving, bread making, and other topics for making the farm home a more at tractive place. The men directed theii talks to the farmers. Conditions Are Satisfactory,' While it may not be apparent that anything is being done to push the building of the Norfolk Southern road. President B. T. Lamb has Just finished a tour of Inspection over the proposed route in company with W. H. Hudson, reporting that the condit ions are satisfactory, and that the eff.irts of the company are be ing met with hearty co-operation on toe part of the people. Engineer* are now engaged on the survey which will be followed In the extension of the j Norfolk Southern in contemplation. MADE BIG PROFIT FOR STATE Purely Business Argument for the Es tablishment of Sanltorlums for the Tuberculosis. According to figures contained in the annual report of Dr. H. L. Barnes, su perintendent of the Rhode Island state sanltorlum. the earnings of the ex patients of that institution during the year 1911 would amount to orer $266,- 000. This Is a sum three times as large as that spent each year for main tenance of the v institution, including four per cent, interest and deprecia tion charges. The actual earnings in 1911 of 170 ex-patients were obtained by Dr. Barnes. These ranged from 12 to $Bl per week, the total earnings for the year amounting to $102,752. On this basis, Dr. Barnes computes the figures above given. He says, how ever: "While Institutions for the cure of tuberculosis are good investments, there Is good reason for thinking that Institutions for the isolation of far advanced cases would be still better investments." Out of a total of 46,450 hospital days' treatment given, 39,147, or 84 per cent., were free, the treatment costing the state on an average S2OO per pa ; tient. Out of the 188 free cases invest!- | gsted, 66 had no families and no in- E come on admission to the sanltorium. Out of 132 patients having homes, the number in the family averaged 5.1, and the average family earnings were 6.46. In 69 cases the families had no income, and in only five cases were there any savings, none of which amounted to as much as SIOO. WRONG DIAGNOSIS. VV* s»V Doctor—What is this? > Blower—l call It "A Kansas Cy clone." Doctor —Oh! Ah! I see! I mistook it for an Bttsrk of painter's COIIQ: HOW TO TREAT PIMPLES AND BLACKHEADS For pimples and blackheads the fol lowing is a most effective and eco | nomlcal treatment: Gently smear the ! affected parts with Cutlcura Oint ment, on the end of the finger, but do not rub. Wash off the Cutlcura Ointment in five minutes with Cutl cura Soap and hot water antj continue bathing for some minutes. This treat ment is best on rising and retiring. At other times use Cutlcura Soap freely for the toilet and bath, to as sist in preventing inflammation, irri tation and clogging of the pores, the common cause of pimples, blackheads, redness and roughness, yellow, oily, mothy and other unwholesome condl | tlons of the skin. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Sample of each j free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post-card "Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston." To Protect the Flowers. Edelweiss and other characteristic Swiss flowers are said to be In dan ger of total extinction because of the craze of tourista for collecting them. Women tourlstß especially are always anxious to take away souvenirs in j the way of a plant, and do not Blmply pull the flowers, but dig up the plant. 11 Is proposed to Introduce a law that will prevent the buying, nulling rt|g glng of edelweiss, flre lily, Siberian spring crocus, Alpine columbine, the Daphne, Alpine violet or other na j Uonal flower. Cost of Living Reduced. The King Fruit Preserving Powder j will keep perfectly fresh all kinds of fruit, apples, peachei, pears, berries, plums, tomatoes, corn, okra, cider, | wine, etc. No air-tight Jars needed. Used more than 26 years from New York to Florida A small package puts up 60 pounds of fruit and taste to Just as when gathered. Saves money, time and labor. Height of Selfishness. Some men are so selfish that if they were living In a haunted house they wouldn't be willing to give up the ghost.—Florida Times Union. The formal* I* plainly printed on erery botUe, ■bowing It Is simply Quinine >M Iron In a MMw , tons. MM th* moat (ttetul font, for grown people |M children. SO oania. An Epigram. ' It isn't every woman who will make you a good wife who will make you a » good husband I—Satire.1 —Satire. Don toro Hiio Acair Try Htcas- CAPCDTN*. It's liquid—pleas ant to Utke—offsets Immediate— food to prevent Sick Headache* and Mamma Headaches aleo. Tour money back If not gatlgfUd and Ma. at medicine mm. i - I. The Cheerful Color. Gabe —Do yon ever get the blaeeT Btevs —Not If I have the long grew. Patience Is No Virtue! *wK»S«*.i • JsT Too patiently do many women OMrU endure backache. languor, dls sI - and urinary h thinking them part of jfytomtn's lot k Often it is only kidneys , yfeand Doan's Kid- Pills would cure the case. A North Caroßaa Cue Mrs. JT. W. Wilkinson, R. F. D. No. I. Statesvllle. N. C.. ears: "I suffered ; acutaly from bladder Inflammation and almost complete retention of the kid- j ner secretions. My usual weight was 140 pounds, but I had run down to *>. The doctors said my only hope was an operation bot I would not consent and t was given up to die. Doan s Kidney Pills cured me completely. Get Dosa's st my Drag Store, SOc. a Boa iDonn's KODAKS Lfffit® orders girea Spa- | f Hlim a Lai Attention. Prices reasonable. l-NSAr Service prompt. Bead for Price Uet. libs aiit AST stess, uuaLssros, a & I W. N. U., CHARLOTTE. NO. 3(M9l£ It's hard to lose some friend*—and | it's impossible to lose others. for SUMMER HEADACHES Hicks' CAPUDINE Is the beat remedy—os Batter what canaee them—whether from the heat, alttlng In draughts, feverish condition, etc. 10e., Be. and Wo. per bottle at medio!ae stores. Msny a girl strives to make a name for herself rather than attempt to maks a loaf of bread. CLAIMS SABER SAVED HIS Lin. Mr. Chas. W. Miller, of Washington, D. C., writes of Elixir Babeki "I can heartily testify to the virtue of roar preparation known as Babek. as 1 consider that It was the means of my re covery from a bad case of Intermittent fever and the saving of my life." What It did for him it can do for r«*. If you suffer from any form of malaria. Elixir Babek, 50 cents, all druggists, or Klocsewskl A Co., Washington, D. C. Fit Punishment. The Wicked Soul was sitting on a hot stove, drinking molten lava and fanning himself with a chunk of red hot sheet iron. "And who is the poor wretch?" asked Dante. "That," replied Satan, "is the first man who aald, 'ls it hot enough for you?'"—Milwaukee Sentinel. COR Luncheon—or picnic I sandwiches, nothing equals Loaf serve it cold with crisp new lettuce. It U a tarty treat and economical a* well At All Grocers Llbby, McNeill A Ldbby SMITHDELAJL COLLEGE Forty-four year* training i WM ,r° n « men and woman f at ' busineee. Snskkssplag ( WSflßVrUfißS^SWtkaaJ sad farfbk Cearme. HABBmI rWgNovfation-Derand night Stndrerutilof. TheTldest Soathir7colltge Collse* el Wllllssi snd Msry. Fesade* Is ISSS Healthful altnation and blatorlo aaaoclaUona. On C. a O. Railway, half-way between Port Monroe and Richmond; I ml. from Jameetown; IS ml. from Yorktown Degreee of A. 8,8. a, M. A., Special Teachers' Courses. Excellent athletic field. Total cost per eeaalon of nine montha (board and fees) tSSS. Write for annual catalogue. 1.1. tllSSft, Isfiitrsr. WMl—i>nn. MrgMs DAISY FLY KILLER « ■ Sl**. H*at, class or osiaantat. eaarealtat, cheap. Lasts all seasss. Made of metal, eaatsplllar tig oreri wtU not aalt oe Injare aaytktag. Guaranteed elTsetlm •old by dealers as * seat prepaid far U. EABOLO SOIIXBa, ISS BeSaU Ave. Sreeklya, B. f. SAVE YOUR MONEY* Ons be* el Tntt's PMs sere mmy dsßars la dee* tor's bttls. A riaidy lor dleeases of the ttver, sick keadache, dyspepsia, cositlpstlsa SM bSleasnsss, a erillioa people endorse Tuffs Pills KODAKS ofltmS* rifmigf asstmsn and Ansco aims, mailed poeS- Mail y FOR SALE—ItI A. IN NIUON CO.. VA.. near town; «» a. cult.. I r. hee. cellar, barn, outbldgs., t tenant heee, Ml fruit tra, stock, mschry, ate. J. A. ERASER. Lorlngton, Va CAN MICE! BE CURED? IT CAHI The reeordof the Eellam Hospital Is without parallel la history, havlag eared to stay eared ponsaaeaUy, vlthont the ase of the kalte or X-Ray over M pet ceaV of the many bund teds of suSersrs from eases* est laturs at Virginia. We Uaaraatoo Oar Oalee. KBLLAM* HQBPITAL The Sum and Substance of being a subscriber to thia paper is h>t yctuand your family become attacbed to It The paper becomes a member of the fmaSky and its coming each weak will be as welcome as the ar rival at anyone thafs dear. It wfl keep yon Inform*4 om the doings o# tte cotnmnnity sad the bargains of tte twitWnM rogvlarty nd rented wfll e nobis putman; ib«*t MM sf tbs saboaripdan. ; | We're Opposed | I Mail Order Concerns Because— TUf Im Mtct cortnWed • cm W> hutbenng tba milimHi elomkwra— Eny ceot iramd by «beaa (roa the commuaity b • dind U alao« «wy ceae lhair pncea cu biMl r*W bate, IwitetodalajrisMoemaf |ooda U aad ttM poaiUbjr af —toksa I iaiUiog eadara. But- Tba Mt«l ku. tak k to bey wbare gooda an cbaap»i>. Local vntk b uwally aacaad My fa d* g mm ai bfa aa played today. Therefore Mr. Maarbaal aad Beaaeaa IM**, bm! your coßptttMi widk the* ows wifim — | almliiiag Advertise! Tbe local (eld ia yoata. AD jros Mad U U to avail rour aalf ol tbe opportuaibae ofeted. Aa adrartieameal in ikaa paper will canrr vow ■imf iato huecbad* oi iaaw ia tba coa. atapKv. Itiatbewretf iwadiaai ol killing roar pa»M torn padte. A «paea tbh dee wea*! caal lech. Cm b I •ad va m ebeal Ik aapjilsHa,aa, IM ALV COUNTRIKS. aahw Snttwui am* Mw,l momy mnd gfltn ik* tmtnU. •jjjgjj u' l»M»f*ma«l Pnotlca fc>»»aal*aty. I MS SMS Wwat. aw- **»»« **»«■ Hat SSaa.^ KILL™. COUCH w_OOßß_™a_^UNCß^ w,th Dr. King's New Discovery FOBCBPSf s JSSftu I*HPMJ. THROAT AND IUNQ Twouatn. I OUAIUVTXBO SATIEFAOTOX* | OB MOKBT BJJPNPBJX rroanKri I CARJ"-! DO TOO know of anyoas who li old enough to read, who has not two that rigs at a railroad croaaing? If aroryooe tee aarn he sons tea or otter, than why J mail Om railroad lat tte sign rot awayP Why 4m tte railroad company continns to tee* thoaa ilim at amy crossing> Maybe you think, Mr. Merchant, "MOM sTsiybody knows my store, I don't have tosdvertfos." Yoor Mora and your goods naad mora art >a 11 Istof than tte raS> roads Mod do to warn pa opto to "Look Oat for tte Cm* I I Tte Pspoitiam kotta ara e tootinally they are mmiriaalTy doing S I |mi boainaasw I If H pejra to ran a fcw ads *TMod ■, ■ stent Ckilsfi tkna, k car- I Li Ifi)aat boatoeaa. tbat'i ad, to U±L ADVERTISE in WSkTHIS PAPER ... • '.J!,