VOL. XIV. NO. 3 J Hugh B. York, Ms D. Microscopy, Electrotherapy, X-Ray Diagnosis, Specialties Office over Farmers & Merchants Bank Office hours, 8 to 10 a. m., 7 to 9 p. m. Office 'phone 60 - Night 'phone 63 Win. K. Warren - J. S. Rhode* Drs. Warren & Rhodes Physicians and Surgeons Office In Biggs Drug Store - 'Phone 29 Jos. 11. Saunders, M. D. \ Physician and Surgeon Day' Phone 53 - Night' Phone 40 Williamston, N. C. Dr. R. L. Savage of Rockv Mount, will be at the At lantic Hotel fourth Wednesday in each month to treat diseases of the E>e, Kar, Nose and Throat and Glasfes. A. R. Dunning - C. Smith Dunning & Smith Attorneys-.'t-Law Williamston - North Carolina Robersooville, North Carolina Burrons A. Critcher - Wheeler Martin Wheeler Martin, Jr. Martin & Critcher Attorneys-at-Law 7 Williamston - North Carolina 'phoitk 23 S. J.. Everett Attorney-at-Law Greenville, N. C. - Williamston, N. C. Greenville Long Distance Pbone 328 S. A. NEWELL Attorney at Law Williamston - North Carolina Clayton Moore Attorney at Law Williamston '• North Carolina John E. Pope General Insurance, Life, Fije. Health, Accident, Live Stock Real Estate - Brokerage Williams?on - North Carolina Office on Main Street | Society Pressing I . . Glub . . I O. C. Price, Manager Phone No. 58 Up-to-Date Cleaing, Pressing, Dyeing and Tailoring Very careful attention j given to Ladies' Kid J I Gloves, Fancy Waists I Coat Suits and Skirts | Club Rates for Men. I Clothes called for and delivered Agents for Rose & Co. Merchant-Tailors, Chi a cago, 111 THF PNUFPPRIS-F JL JL Jl 1 m S JL M SL^ i LOCAL ITEMS i All notice® published la this column, where rmiw U to be derhred, will be ckupd at the rate o i* orali a liae, (coant six word* to a Use), each lame. Special rate will be made oa oag contracts. . , —WANTED —CIean, white rags not scraps at this office. —Thb En- TERPKISB. \ —Vote early Tuesday morning and then see that your neighbor votes. —Today is all Saints' Day ac cording to the calendar. —Election day Tuesday from sunrise to sunset. —Bishop Robert Strange will preach both morning and night in the Episcopal Church Sunday. The public is cordially invited to bear him. —The quail law is out today and for the woods and fields with dogs and guns. —Sunday closed the pastorate of Rev. J. T. Rigbtsell, who for a year has been pastor of the Chris tian Church here. —The Graded School pupils had holiday on circus day. —Services at the Baptist and Methodist Churches on Sunday. —There wiil be a baptismal ser vice at the Episcopal Church im mediately after Sunday School Sunday morning. —John L. Rodgerson is prepar ing to have a residence erected on his lot on upper MaiifStreet. —The grading at the railroad crossing on the main street leading to East Williamston, is imperfect and so a bit unsafe for motor cars at present. —Sunday afternoon, Rev. J. E. Rigbtsell immersed several candi dates for baptism in tbe pool at the Baptist Church, which was kindly loaned to the Christian Church for 1 'i that purpose. —Tuesday is a National holiday as well as election day and the banks here will close. —Dave Sherrod, an inmate of the County Home, was killed on the Plymouth branch of the A.C.L. R. R. near here on Wednesday by the five o'clock train. The unfor tunate man had wandered' down the road and was sitting on the edge of a cattle guard. The engineer fail ;d to discover him until too late to stop, but blowed the whistle to warn him. Being weak of m>nd, he arose and instead of getting off, deliberately walked across the track in front of the engine. He was killed instantly and one leg was cut off. The conductor brought his body here and notified the proper authorities. University Happenings The first meeting of the year of the Chemical Journal Club of the University was held this wetk in Chemistry Hall. The meeting was presided over by Dr. C. H. Herty, who gave an accotiut of the iSth International Cougiess of Applied Science at Washington and New York. Dr. Htrty's lecture was followed by the presentation of brief resumes by Bu'rke Haywood Knight and William L. Jeffreys of two of the papers presented before that con gress at its national meeting.— Greenboro News. Huntsville, Al*. W. C. Pollard, a well known citizen, says. — 'I have u*ed Foley's Honey & Tar Compound and found it a most ex cellent preparation. In fact, it suits my case better than any cough syrup I have ever used and I have used a good many, for I am now over seventy years old.'' Saunders ,& Fowden. WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER i. 1912 PERSONAL BRIEFS Messrs. J. G. Staion and W. C. Manning have been in Wilmington this week on business. Mrs. James G. Staton left Mon day for Charlotte where she will attend the Missionary Council of the Southern Dioceses which as sembled there Tuesday. Mrs. F. W. Hoyt has been in Washington this wesk. Dr. and Mrs. Sawyer and child ren, of Windsor, motored here Sun day afternoon and spent several hours with their cousin, Mrs. Wheeler Martin, Jr. Miss Delia Ray and mother are at home after several months visit to Norfolk. J. Davis Reed, of Portsmouth, has been in town this week cn business. Death of an Infant Lucy Isoline, infant daughter of John Hopkins and his wife Annie M. died Sunday morning at the early age of three months and twenty days, she was a bright pre cious child, the idol of the home, and it was sad to have to part with tbe little darling so early nfter its entrance into the household where it had so graciously endeared itself. But God knows best, and He gath ered the bright little bud and took it to his own garden, where He Himself fiiay watch over it, till it shall bloom and blossem into rich est perfection. The funeral exer cises were conducted from the home on Monday afternoon by Rev. Geo. J. Dowel!, and the little white casket containing the dear little body was deposited in the Hopkins cemetery, where it will sleep In undisturbed repose until Jesus snail call for it on the morning of tbe resurrection. T'ae parents have the sympathy of many friends who were present to sympathize with them, in the less of thei» child. Alabama, Florida, North Caro lina, South Carolina, Kentucky, Tecnes-see. Twinges of rheuma tism, backache, stiff joints and shooting paint all show your kid neys are not working right. Urin ary irregularities, loss of sleep, nervousness, weak back and sore kidneys tell the need of a good reliable kidney medicine. Foley Kifcey 'ills are tonic, strengthen ing and restorative. They build up the kidneys and regulate their action. They will give you quick relief and contain no habit" form ing drugs. Safe and always sure. Try them. Saunders & Fowden. Hurt by Engine Mr. Eli Rodgerson, of Bear Grass Township, was painfully hurt on Tuesday morning by be coming entangled in the shaft of a gasoliue engine which was being used to ruu a peanut picker. Dr. J. H. Saunders was summoned and fouud the unfortunate man suffer ing intensely from his bruises and lacerated arm- It seems that the clothing of Mr. Rodgerson was caught in the shafting and he was thrown around and thus received Tiis injuries. The engine was s.top ed as soon as possible and the in jured man removed to his home. "Tells the Whole Story." To say that Foley's Honey & Tar Compound is best for children and grown persons and contains no opiates tells only part of the tale. The whole story is that it is the best medicine for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and other affec tidns of the tniroat, chest and lungs. Stops la grippe, coughs and has a healing and soothing effect. Rem ember the name, Foley's lioucy & Tar Compound, and accept no substitutes. Saunders & Fowden. Mr. Bond of Edenton The appearance here of W. M. Bond, or Edtnton, on Tuesday uigbt, was.awaited with interest by both the friends of Senator Sim mons and Gov. Kitchin. Mr. 80n37 of Edenton, who is oue of the foremost lawyers in the East and a man of splendid character, has been advocating tbe candidacy of Senator Simmons in many places in the State. He was here by in vitation of Simmons' frien-ls who were asked to divide time with Albion Dunn, elector for the Hirst District and an advocate of Gov. Kitchin, but the request was de nied The speech of Mr. Bond, of Eienton, woiiM hev>-'v-H *? have b?en delivered before an uu dience who was not in the least versed in ancient historv, and in cidentally in tbe historic evi nts connected with Edunton, whers Mr. Bond was reared. OIK T .UQHT a glimpse of Cjluuibus, the I).jkt of Wellington, Mrs. Suiratt, "Mar yann" Butler, the Third 1' iriv and the sainted dead whose quiet repose has made Kdknton .>-o;l the Westminister of the Western World. His audience was au in telliget.t one, uud probably liad learned all those things in history in the common schools of NV>rth Carolina. What every one wanted, and failed to get, was an explana tion of why Senator Simtnous bad voted with the Republicans so of ten. The Kitcbin adherents, who are fair-minded, were anxious to hear both sides of the great ques tion agitating tbe entire State. They heard only a slight reference to Mr. Simmons' attitude on tbe questions which have been upper most in the minds of tlie Nation with*® the last four years. Instead be attempted to fix in the hearts ol his hearers that Mr. Kitcbin bud never done a thing in all bin life but eat at a free lunch counter, bad sought to keep the heel of the negroes on the necks ot the white people of the Kast. To this latter charge, he returned repeatedly, HO that it became laughable to thosi who bad known all about the con ditions of things in the trying time of Fusion rule. He abused Col lier's Weekly, but failed to mention the fact that William J. Bryan had said time and time again that Mr. Simmons w.s not the man to re present tbe great State of North Carolina. This and other impor tant things in the campaign now waging, were passed silently, by the m*an, who himself aspired to sit at tbe free lunch counter, av he re fers to any office held by Honorable W. W. Kitchin, Governor of North Carolina, but found that he was not Bond enough to put the Small man out of buiiness. The speech wa« a disappoint ment to the friends of Senati.r Sim mons, who had hoped to hear his coi'rse ably deluded. It made friends stronger for the Governor, who in his address here several week ago, spoke intelligently of his candidacy against Senator Sim mons. J. K. Cotton, 1303 No Market St., says. —"I heard of Foley Kid ney Pills and took them for my case of kidnev trouble. After tak ing them a few days the pain left my back, my kidneys act.»d regu larly and the annoying bladder trouble was cured. I glaaly re commend Foley Kidney Pills." Saunders & Fowden. Dan J. Joyces Sanville, Henry Co., Virginia, sajs:—"l took a cold with a cough which hung on for two years. Then I comenced using Foley's Honey & Tar Com pound and the cough finally left me and now lam perfectly strong and well." Is best and safest for children and contains no opiates. Saunders & Fowden. Help Save the Country On Tuesday next, the fate of the Nation for the next four years will be decided at the polls. The fiee men of these United States will then decide whether they shall wear longer the yoke of oppression placed upon their necks by the high tariff Republican pnrtv, and whtjcli haj grown more oprcssive wirh each administration.* Shall we be the puppets of the money tru-.t ind (iniquitous tariff leaders, whp are just lining their own nests with the small earnings of the masses, which go to purchase the common necessities of life at fabu lous prices, or shall we throw off the burden of Republicanism and help the ps-«sj>le m!»> This de cision can be made at the polls, on Tuesday bv every voter in this w b.;it land. Woodrow Wilson stands for the nil* of the masses, for freedom from burdensome taxation which cunch the rich and euipovcrish the laborer. Me is leadei of pure Democracy, the very essence of whuli makes for the rale of the people ami overthrow of tbe money powers which are dominating the Country, making us slaves to do their bidding A vote for Wood row Wilson and Thomas Marshall will be a protest against the slavery of the masses. It is the duty of every North Carolina Democrat to work .aid vote early for the man who alone stands for a government of and by the people. The sigus all point to tbe election of our National ticket, but even in defeat it is good to feel that you stood for the honor and integrity of your country. Tomorrow is Wilson Day. Remember to do your best and be ready for the opening of the polls at sunrise Tuesday morning. Some Good Tobacco On Fiiilay iast, Garrett & Staton sold 011 the Dixie Warehouse floor, one baru of tobacco le.-s 300 pounds 11 being the iourth curing. This >ale lias made some of tbe best salts on the market here this season. The loss ol one barn by fire cut his margiu in profits greatly, but with all that he has made splendid sue cess First because he knows how to cultivate, cure and care for the weed, and second because he sold on tbe home market at the Dixie It is ahvays best to handle your crop at home. A Mitchell, a geural merchant oe-tr Bagdad, Ky., writes Us: —"I think Foley Kidney Pills one of the kidney medicinestheie is. My daughter was in terrible shape with kidney trouble aud 1 got her to take it. She is comple tely cured now. I think it one of the greatest medicines made." Saunders & Fowden. Tomorrow is Woodrow Wilson Day. Let every man in Martin County and in Noith Carolina, who desires the rule of the people do some thiug to aid the election of the Lemocratic nominee for ptesident. It is a critical period in the history of this great Nation. Work and vote for Wilson and Marshall. Notice of Sale By virtue by power of sale contained in a certain mortgage executed by J. E. Moore to the undersigned, as mortgagee aud bearing the date of the 29th day of November 1910 to secure the payment of H certain bond of even date and time therewith, and the stipulations of the said mortgage not having been complied with. I will, on Monday the nth day of Nov Martin County, Williuiiiston, N. C., offer at public sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described laud to-wit: Situated on 11 corner of new-town street adjoining the lands of Windsor Alexan der, I. B. Davis and othera and known as the Joicy Moore lot. This the nth day of October 1912. ELIZABETH ALEXANDER. Mortgagee. —:„J State r.ihr trv . " "'."I - si.oo a Year in Advance To the 1 obacco Farmers If you will grade your own to bacco and then sell with tis yott will jet the highest price for everr pound of it. Redmond Hatrison has just finished selling bis crop with us, as bs has done for the past 8 years. Buyers from other mar kets offered him $175.00 for three acres. We sold It on our ware house floor for $431.18 This alone will show to the farmers the wis dom of grading their own cropp. Dam-y Taylor offered to sell his crop of 6 acres for $600.00. We advised him to grade it and to sell with us. He did and we sold it for $l,lOO 00. Samuel Rodgers graded his crop and sold off of 6 acre:; $1,515.80 worih of tobacco. J. H. Wynn sold hi 9 last curing with us last Friday— 95albs. which averaged $35 76 per hundred. Be wise, farmers, and come to see us. Adkins & Bailey, Robersonville, N. C. The P e ril of Sprcta) P r ivilrge The way lo defeat the conspiracy of special privilege is to vote for Governor W. W. Kitchin in the Senatorial primary. If the special privilege classes can succeed in netting enough Democratic reac tionaries in the Senate to hold the balance of power as they did when Grover Cleveland was President, tlitre will be no relief fcr the peo ple and ibe cost of living will con tinue to advance until all farmers nnd workers will find themselves si avis used to build up fabulous wealth for the few manipulators of government. The Scottish Chief. Kitch«n on the Press In his speech at Albemarle, N. C., on Oct. 16, 1912, in behalf of his candidacy for the Senate, Gov ernor Kitchen made tbe following reference to the attitude of the St ite press. 'While a number cs the big dalv papers of the state are bitterly opposing tee in the senatorial cam paig-i, I am gratified to note the constantly increasing support I am receiving from the county and local papers which are closest to the heart* and home of the people. I .iui standing for tbe people in thjs and I gratefully acknow ledge my appreciation of tbe cor dial co operation I am receiving from so many of the newspapers of tlie people. lam iuclined to think more of these papers are now sup porting tue than any other candi date; at least I have a most gener ous shaie. Tbe purest patriotism and the truest democracy are not to be found in the city haunts of "big business," but on the farm and iu the villages where men live 111 the open and are in closer sym« pathetic touch with their fellow men."—Durham Sun. DODSON'S LIVER-TONE INSTEAD OF CALOMEL Just as Sore — Always Safe -No Effects Ever Follow this Pleas ant Tasting Liquid As a remedy for a torpid liver calomel has more than met its match in Dodson's I y iver-Tone. It dees not the liver on to perform its work at the cost of its strenght. Colotnel depends for tis power upon exciting the liver to do more work, and often the liver is too weak to stand such treatment, and you are worse off than before. Dodson's Liver-Tone cannot cause any of the dangerous effects that often follow the use of calomel. It ii entirely vegetable and pleasant to the taste, and is suitable for children and grown people. Get a 50c bottle at Saunders & Fowden under the guarantee that if it doesn't satisfy you that it is a perfect substitute for calomel you get your money back.

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