THE ENTERPRISE PUBLISHED KVKRY FRIDAY *" Wtltiamcton, K. C. WILLIAM C. MANNING. EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION KATES On%ir - - ' oo Si'. Uotithi - ... .50 Three Montb» - • - .J5 Strictly Cash in Advance Rnlered at the l'o»'. OtOce >t WltlU'dstoil, M. C. at Second Ct»»s Maj) Miitter. Friday, November i, tqi2 Don't let any one vou not to vote It is every mat's privi'ige and duty also. Vote the Mraight Democratic tic ket Tuesday, and your co:- science will he clear, for y>u " ill have the satisfaction of kuop.ii;e that you have done all you cou'd for your elf and your neighbor. Don't he fooled hy what some .may say, hut go ahead ajul vote tor men who represent progres sive Democi acv —tnen who ate aliened with Woodr.,w W ilao'i. Your vote will help in the Cglf against the domination of the bit.' interest* that are trying to thr ill, the workinjjmm, and 1 nve f uceved ed to a large measure Principles Above Men ' Senator Simmors, and his f>! ljwers, have the tit.l t to charge their views on public «j'.estiot«a hm a defenss of his nc-'.rd is r„ tion of the 1) tnocrati. partv'sp i tion on tho'-e qtufstioi's sinT- it found tug anil i! :t t; ;\ i nt hy tie natty to tin: I' ft S i. ate this wm't-r one halt t'j m-"'t b.'ts oi this •-) i organi/aHuo wh:c:t his he n our only rc-fiine '' ill K>e confidence 111 it It :s «-tir duty to think of what ff ct thr- electi .•> o' a man will have upon the—p;ixLv. Principles a'eabov- men —tri P . pJ - 1 Notice By virtue of a power of Mile contaiiH-d iu a certain trust deed executi d t" im b\ A. S. Simmons and wife, l*!atitr ditt Dec. lltil. 1407. uud duly rtiotdel 11 the Register's office of Martin Count* in Dock T T T. it j. ■ ■ ,\7 • to iceiiu payment of certair Iniudt- lieM>n ; - c.n date therewith, nnd the Mipnl.oioi ■ said trust deed ik>l having been complied with I shall expose ti> inihlie *«1 ■ !■) ,h • highest, for usli, 011 Suttin'av tin 30th day of Nmx-iut)"!, tot j , t - o'clock p. nt., in tioutoi The J'.anl. ol Robersonville of Robersotiville, N. p tn said coutilv, tin- ite.v rlll -«1 lauds, to wit: Lyiug and bcii g ia 1' ili„- on«:ll Township in s.nid county, «nd boittg t tio 5 iu the Abner Cobttrn laud division, audlheshaiedtHWiiby Biuv.-u in siiil division, ami at a stake on the jiublic jinth, and rims theace N. bq'4 W. to T. A. Andrews' li;ie ilieuce with said Andrews line to qjd hut ot l ilt County, thence with naiil countv lifte S. 70 E. 117 poles, thence N 9 E 3H |i.>iea, tlience t>. «7 W. (Kilts, to wii.i pt.*>lic path, thence will, aaul public |m|li io the beginning. This 39th. day o! Oct., 1 )i»>, J. C. SMITH, rnutee. Notice i BULBS IF YOl) UKASE I By virtue of n power of mile contain*! 1 o llr tii xv »t >ck of French and Hol in a certain trust ... .» | Um , buM . at(J uow an , m t0 by A. S. SiniUioiiH i»t«i v. »(*. N.u.m , .. Simmon?, brv'tu - *l"tr Nrvrru'v.-r, jo'.b,, P l,l ' l ' ™rly injures «OWMS 1905, and duly recoriU"! in tli* R> j-.i-li-. t | KtJtnetubrt ? make Hit tiu«M wttl* o£Bce of Maitin Cornity, in K«»ok P J ftnd flui v» 1 page 319, to Rerun- th«' payment qt a|,, ~ , t » • , 1 , • . 1 .1 .1 1 Mhjl !».»*»»>•• ami tekK^uiLiirdeiS eertain bona bcariug evyi | 1 " * and the stipulations in ;«\. J trus' iecd | piomt»t!y -.'xeeuted by not having bet;n complied v.i'.h ' ilml! r y • jir -expose at publicMb- u> :hc hwbtsi bid-1 J' Ol v.X) der, for cabli, on S-Ui-r-itw, tin- 3.-ill. day 1 -■ r(OR IH t > of November; 191 a, ri twno'dvKU p, m, ' pfc olies 14 ,, # RaUh'h N. C. in front of tin; Ilrtnk of Kobrrsorivilk', i>t i - . ... , ~ . ... ~ „ . , , .111 Rtil) .>llllll , 1 ■»'« »;;** •! N. C. m wid cunty, 'be ' ' - j «—™ valuable unni on the public putb, at .in: sL: ,r.'\ the. P/'lfi V* A » corner of as Simmon mid Ksk>\, j jp rou* thtuiG iluwii Mitl jja'.U ji i;ur l uei j course to a light%?ood ;nl: • > corner of ~"-~y • • lot no 3in the „U>rut :i Coittir :> UuiO | division, e V'n.l »cTO*O-b* i' OCI CS 'Mt>. . • field aMntheiiv c .v. * • :• • ->« >*• _> i 114 in cultivation. All no 6, tbcnci- a r">rtlioly with if. : line of I soia lot no oto tne run x a ivant\a, 1 aau :.' f.». thence down the ruu btai. h its j P||b|fc t> 1 ▼aiious coniih..- " she brsnch *vLi• •« luui^r' through tbe A. B. Sw»>one i'vl' ~ 1 hence : ... a ccstherlv ccnr>ie a str.-'t,l»t linv t. a•' stake in Sarah Knox s hue, theints «itb ; Allrt \ I/ \ >-♦ t • filnrah Knox's ti. tit l.igKiiiiaf;. : ii IlUtt vJv' This 29th d-f , A. H IM'VNTS'I, 7- I WII V 1, II Powder W r AbsohifelyPure w, , ,Jm HieonlyßaKlngPfwdarmade MM ; ,>> WW j£s ; , Joaannet's Frost Pro,)! Cabbage Plants t -ifJfffi, Are known as the K»n io t«.- had anywhere by thousands fk>'^ ot ' :;pi-ti bn n . J "I arc ctiered to you at prices I.O'.'TR tl'an , i -■■ a.aion, infarioi pluats. WILL HAVf. All, VAHlI.iH.'>. Punts tied in bunches of 25. re?) PRICES: 73 cents t- s " > lots, SI.OO p»r 11-00j '>ooo and »X;%ra»-lK over 85 cent!) per lOUO. JOU/INNrTS I;IK! V C ivr AftGENTEUIL ASI'ABACUS tool's, one y..»> ;I.I! nv-. • r old, fi per 1000, *1 per 100. COUNT AND fcATIIFACTION CtMRANTEID .1- Tin f f.* "V'sjijLJ '.•:! .. Caili with crdcr. plcarc. •7 I'Fnr a »»rofi'.»Mc »« ,» «-r»l your ordets :arly to Altt» JtUAMM. rmi». MT nus,wr, s.c. Notice Under and 1 «, virtue of uti ordi of th- Superior Court'ol M'irtit! County, made in tin ••.nectd |iroceedings entitle I: I. I! Mtzcll, C. I(indvin, Lane lt d wife Maud La?te, Nathan T» iJizsTi h fain si I nlre Mi'"ll, Uo'spn t-'i'h.u. (i-ei F.ilhiun. The'iiidtraigned Commissi--eera wit! el Mcn;di>-' 'he .till «U> ' V'-.'-.'-et at tne' i-e o'clock nt tilt t'i el' 'I '1 1 |• I- ii W'illiati.atou Noi'li 1 hioliiiii, ottci foi nle to the liigboat lii idet, for utxh i eitaiti tract of lanii ' . on! Iteing in AVilliamston Maitm Com t\ North Catolina, adjnji'ng the] '.i • !- s i M I' (iodwiu andothci ■ .. • ; HI tn, v tlesaril.ed an fo'.Ui.»•: begin | uit n it iiie watet (nik uear \ti old 1 'ad. jh> Black Swamp, alonj; the sanl luid ti '".v I - f.oiii 'A ,'iiuu;. '- " Vi'i J in f t.t.i, |',;i-'ic down said W'lli nnatrin 1 [ .011', Wat.,j rond towa-ds Vi'liaiiiv | ton to John Watts line, thence South 7N ] degree* \V 1 10 poles to the rue to lisc't J S. >. nip, litence down the variou coutnis 10 ll.uSve A ii,p (o the hcuinuing, roti | tiimcj; il 1 v-six acres or 111 re »: 1n d. T'ni> the th dav of October iui.. b. A. CRITCHKR, Coutuiiastoner. FOR SALE j 12 Chrystal White Orpington Roo»u;»r» ;THEO. RORERSON | "M"ii\t?'stcu, N 4 '. ntun■!>»»— m Bfii— j i'N K)iN CENTRAL j f I'AVS CLAIMS PROMPTLY j #: " flj \V'illia;it!itoti; N. C. An.■! ft 31, 191 a. f! j, l i.iuU i. i t I IIU.M Central Life Ins. Co. Wi'linuiston, N. C. fl ii We ben to acknowledge I I! u-cMpt f cheek for $493 08, being $ fi thij amoi"it ('lie 'he estate of our jfi y laic brother, Mc. H. Lexxett, after A 9, 11r 111 ■ c 11:1 x balaoce dueonpremium i |F t desire to congratulate lie K 1 I at' Mi.i t iitral OR the ptompt pay* A fi rai-jit v l ih.s death claim, l'tooi* In a ,>f ,ii.wis mailed to the Ral. B |J oflice on the 16th inst. and vou I '/ hn'l the ti?ck in band ready to f Jji pit rul to us on" August 24th. W'e ■ H nlsn 1 1 c • re to c.ui'ineni 1 the I Tniou J ijj U'litiit! Mr promptly paying this 1 || cli im ilbout any contest. Our I ft l.'ull'i fid allowed his policj to ill jr i t.d he died liefore the heaKli r .• ntUio Ue reached the home office.* ,1 1U mis insured in several other a t 'inj M'l'.butthe Uuioti«»! s 1 Mus tiie fi r st to mtike settlement J, of the cl iiu\.' H Vv ; icß;.ectfulh , JKSSIK B. LKGGKTT, JOHN R. LKCCKTT, . - Adms. of Mc. H. Leggelt. r f'oi :>i!oimation concerning f Unio' Central Policies and 1 thui 1 '£•: Divideuts, call on ■ or wiile 1 I RANK F. FAGAN i SPECIAL AQENT I VViir»nt«tnn, North Carolina I Notice of Sale - Hy viituv ' 1 Dower of sale contained iti n ihmi iiii deed ill Ivust executed by Eli .tit!', in ' si: > wife, .SaraH A. Guiyanun, It. tile underpinned, as trustee, aiiu beat mj: dute tfc «jth dav of November. 1908. of leeard in Hoot: V V V at pigc 47a, 1. > Registry, to secure tne 1 • incut o ,v. certain bonds cf cuu • berewitl , arid t'l -'tip-j'o t' pi »;• eft" ctl «f tru.t not hviup I»hii i-i ir'.'lH nth, tod at the REQUEST •1 v. ••• ti • v.?'« the U'lderaipmHl trusts wih, t«p Monday the 4tn day ol y *>* T«?»nn C* .it Joorof Martin County at v '. IT offiv at u'ib'ic fctle v. : r,cr, fcr cam the fol !• «my .11 1 .«■ i ianl to wit: 1. • ninii'.. m tbe eornor of Main and 1 >5 'urd.-i l 1 '' ituru»UKli » ii" un-nee Nuv.ii Vftterl, the II M, Burroughs' laud 70 .>•. tj e t.Unl) « 1 * MtiiWt i-ei .JS vhrds to fVirmi>Uon Mreei; tacui EltniiiKlon atroet to I'. _ »•••' iifirjJ *t:e •'DJIiU I"ud oonvcvi-'l »• imi Gturpanus, bv vV, C. >■ recoi'i ••• »h' P• no te's office i>l damn Countv... ■ i'iiit. Octu 1 vu« iuist. 1912. *y *« nv.. r » > Just ■/ ■ - ■ - f. - . / % /ft Arrived! 1 1 i A Car Load of the Finest HORSES A N D MULES Ever Brought to Williamston V > —-r It will pay You to see them Before Buying Walter Hassell - /• I . ' • Main Street- , ;W■ • V - Williamston - - North Carolina