THE ENTERPRISE . PUBLISHES EVERY FRIDAY WlUiuMtoo, N. C. ' WILLIAM C. MANNING. EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATES Oat Yttr .... si.oo BLI Months ... .50 Three Mouths - - .*5 Strictly Casta In Advance Entered at the Po»'. Office at Wllliinmton, H. C. »» Second Cliu Mall Matter. Friday, November 8, tqia Woodrow Wilson The flan Tbc revolt of the voters of tbe country on Tuesday against the Republican party, was greater than ever in tbe history of politics in the American Nation. For dav tbe ureal papers of the North hail predicted the election rrt Woodrow Wili>on, but the figures were as tonishing to every man who vote ' for or against the Democratic noiniuees. The victory is ours but tbe re rpnusibility i» large. We ni* a great people with diversified in terests, and without wi*dotu cvt n in this wondrous hudslid?, em :- can be made which tn : ght bring concern to the hearts of the mass* >. Wetmst, however, t >the leader ship ot the t*'o uieat 111 istei niin'> ot th-: country— WiNon aud liryun. Mr. Taft has beeu repudiated by his j'iiriy, the greater part of which has followed the wily Colonel The government under the control of Mr. Wdwn should appeal to the disaffected ir.imbei in the Repub'ii cau party in the Wortli, liast ard West. They wiil teadily see that tbe country under Deinoo atic rule means that, the people are to have the ascendency and not the grasp ing money kings. Woodrow Wil son, the Man, will safely steer tbe old Ship of S ate and the people will rule and not the bosses, Senator Simmons Chosen The Senatorial contest in Noitb Carolin 1 was waged with a vigor ,v ttnpnraHed in the State. The re spective advocates of Simmons, Clark and Kitchin worked hard to convince the people that their man was the best for the good of the legislation in the S?nate at Wash ington City Thecharacter of none of the candidates his ever been as sailed—each one had done gien things for his State, so the cam paign was a warm one with goo.l Democrats endorsing the several aspirants;. The friends of Senator Simmons left no stoue unturned to re-nouiinate him, aud they succeed ed by majority. It was a 25,000 splendid fight by the three men who asked for the suffrages of the people. Every good Democrat in North Carolina will bow to the will of the people, and that will has been ex pressed in the selection of F. M. Simmons to succeed himself in the greatest legislative body in all the world. The work in that body for the next four years will be no child's play and every Democrat will stand by Wocdrow Wilson in his fight for the best policies for the govern ment of this glorious Republic Martin Countv voted a good majority for the Democratic ticket in both County, State aud Nation. Tbe day was ideal warm and clear, •□d the workers were busy fioc: the beginning of the day until the sun set. There was no effort made by the Republicans 1.0 poll their full vote, and so in some precincts, their vote was smaller then for tbc past election. The interest in tie Senatorial contest almost over shadowed tbe of tbe ticket, but perfect good feeling prevailed as becometb Democrats. , Tbe Bull Moose ticket receiveu only 11 vote* in Martin County. Tuey &houid be ir*un*l to* "keeps." »' ■ ' BAKING POWDER Adds Healthful Oualitiesfotfielbod Prof Prescott, of the University of Michigan, testified before the Pure Food Committee of Congress, that the acid of grapes held highest rank as an article of food and he regarded the re sults from baking with cream of tartar baking powder as favorable to health. Royal it the only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar. I ' • Jonannet's Frost Proof Cabbage Plants Are known ao the best to be had anywhere by thousands ' °* buyers, and are offered to you at price* JFJMMR Y -iftLv. LOWER t1 in \oiit>ay for common, inferior plants. WILL I HAVE ALL VABIETIES. Plants tied in bunches of 25. PRICES: 75 c.-n's for 500 lots; *I.OO per lOOOj 5000 and '''JLF JOUANNETS EARLY GIANT ARGEVTET'FL ASPARAGUS CtSs!*' ROOTS, o ie \ car and two year old, S4 per 1000, $1 per 100. *COVJNT AND **TI»FACTION GUARANTCCO Low/ates l>y .inuther'i F.«i>re«i Co. with order, please. JHrr a profitable crop m-ud your orders early to 1 WI*MFT, BOX 183 MT. PLEASANT, S. C. • Pianos and Organs ; TUNED Satisfaction Guaranteed i (ioo. W. Rico i P. •. R x 23 Willinniston, O. C. j 1 Notice This ia to notify al! persons liaviug j f claim-: >■;; iiti:.t tin- lii'.e tiun of J C. K( t>- erlson it Compnuy, ol Roberm>nville, N I C., thiii a dissolution of said partnership I win caused In t!ie dentil of J C. Rob?r- ■ son, on ilu* .itli. day of Oct., 1912, am' j that lliev w'i'i present their claims to the j t »a or before tht firt-t flay I of Nov . : 13, at RoberHotl nlfe, N. .'.it i rriiuireil l>> law in such cases, ; j. i,rit(»nbßTSo\. Surviviug partner. Notice By virtue of a power of sale contained I ' iu a certain trust deed executed to me by j A. 8. Simmons and wife, bearing date I>ec, nth. KJO7, and duly recorded in the Register's office of Martin County in Book T T T, ut psge 372 to secure the payment of certain bonds'bearing even 1 date then with, and the- stipulations in r said trust deed not liavinJi been complied with. I shall expose to public sale, to the highest, for cash, on Saturday, the ' 30th day of November. 191J , at two ' o'clock p. 111., iu front of The Bank of 1 Ro^ersonvillc of Robersonville, N. C., . iu said countv, the following described lands to wit: Lying and being in Kobersonville Township in said county, and being lot 110 5 in the Abner Cobiirn land division, 1 and the share div.wu by R. B. Brown hi . said division, and beginning at a stake I 011 the public path, and runs thence X. 69 ' 3 W. to T. A. Andrews' line thence with said Andrews line to old tine of Pitt r County, thence with said county line S, ) 70 11. 117 poles, thence N. 9E. 38 poles, thence S. 87 W. 38 poles to said public t path, thence with said public path to the beginning. ' This 29th. day of Oct., 1912. J. C. SMITH, Trustee. 1 ■ 1 Notice By virtue of a power of sale contained , in a certain trust deed executed to ine by A. S. Simmons and wife, Nancy " Simmons, bearing date November, 20th., r 1905, and doty recorded in the Register's • office of Martin Couuty, iu Book P P Pai 1 page 319. t° secure the payment of u j certain bond bearing even date therewith and the stipulations in said trust deed not having beeu complied with, 1 shall expose at public sale, to the highest bid der, for cash, on Saturday, the 30th. day | of November, 1912, at two o'clock, p, in., in front of the Bank of Robersonville, ot Robersonville, N. C. in said county, the ' following deticrit>ed lands, to-wit: • Lyiug and being in Robersonville : Township in isaid county, and beginning » on the public path, at a pine stump, the % our ucr of ua Siniuioas and Sarah Knox, runs thence down said path a northerly com so to a lightwood stake, a corner of ' lot no .5 it} . the Abner S. Coburn land I divisiou, thence a straight line across the • field a southerly course to a corner of lot' no o, tnence a northerly with the line of said lot no 6to the run of a_ br&ncli, ' titence down the run of said branch its 1 various courses to the branch which runs through the A. S. Simmons field, thence a southerly course a straight line to n j su.k- in Sarah Knox's line, thence with Sarah Knox's line to the beginning. | This 29th. day of Oct., 1912. A. R. DUNNING, Trustee. | UNION CENTRA L ! j! | PAYS CLAIMS PROMPTLY | II | " f !■ Williatnston, N. C. j I'rank F. Fagan, Agent, I Uuiun Central Life Ins. Co. Williamson, N. C. I I Dch! Sir We befc to acknowledge J j receipt of check fur $493 08, being ' 1 the Htnouit due the e-tnte of our I I lite brother, Mc. IL l.egtett, after I | iKmUh'lii jj due 0.1 j temiuir | ' ;j n,;lc - ; " *rTZ~""]n II v.e Retire try congratulate 11:1: J iH I'. '.u 1 ventral on the prompt pay- i II ment of this death claim. Proof j i f was mailed to tbe Raliigh j otiucon the ifith in»t. and you ( || ! had tin check in lwud ready to 'j I piesssit to Us on A'lunst 74th We 1 I also desire to comrieud the t'nion I i| j Central for promptly, paying tliis I claim without any contest. Our I I ! brother had allowed his policy to 1 lapse and he died Iwfore the health j ' certificate reached the home office, \' He was itnured ~hr 1 other I companies but the I'nion Central j I ' was tbe fi r st to make settlement 11 I of the claim. [ j I •' Very respectfully JhSMK B. I.UiliKtT, I John R. Leoi'.utt, I | Adtns of Jlc. 11 lAvgett. | : For information concerning ! j | Union Policies and j thier large Diyidents. call on I ! or write (' ! PRANK F. FAG AN j SPECIAL AGENT Williamston, North Carolina * TTIT-IITTT-mi T 111111 * FOR SALE 12 Chrystal White Orpington Roosters THEO. ROBERSON Williamston, N. C. BULBS IF YOU PLEASE Our new stock of French and Hol land bulbs are now arriving aud to plant early insures good flowers Remember we make the finest wed ding bouquets and floral designs Mail, phone and telegraph orders promptly executed by J. L. O'Quinn & Co. ~ FIUOKISTS ->■ Phones 149. Raleigh, N. C. FRED M. SHUTE, Local Agent Administrator's Notice Having qualified as administrator ot the estate of J. C. Robertson, deceased, late ol Martin County, Carolina, this is to notify all persons baviug liuiui-. aj;ainst said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at Robersonvillr N. C , or or before the first day of November, 1913 or thia notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persoar. indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This Oct. 19, 1912. > A. S. RORKRSON, MARY A. ROBERSON, Administrators. ■ • . *■ * i . .■■■■ •: «'A i•>-.v. • ' '* • if— — ~ ii ".•. . • • I Just Arrived! / J , ' A Car Load of the Finest i unDQrc 1 nun olq ( | AND MULES H- I * — —■ - • . - ii j !! Ever Brought to Ii Williamston 'I ' # It will pay You to see them j Before Buying » \ > ! Walter Hassell Main Street >j& J Williamston - - North Carolina -1 ' J

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