Babies are smart. Ton seldom heai one repeating the nonsensical things women say to them. As a rammer tonic there is no medicine that quite compares with OXIDINE. It not only builds up the »y*tem. but taken reg ularly. prevents Malaria. Regular or Taate «sss formula at Druggists. Adv. Suitable Attire. "How were the sailors dressed who were left on the desert islands?" "In maroon suits, of course." Burduco Liver Powder. Nature's remedy for biliousness, eonstipation. indigestion and all stom ach diseases. A vegetable prepara tion, better than calomel and will not salivate. In screw top cans at 25c each. Burwell & Dunn Co., Mfra, Charlotte, N. C. Adv. The Beat Bhe Could Do. "Why don't you want to let me bold your hand?" "What good would It do you to hold my hand?" "It would make me glad and give me courage, perhaps, to—to say some thing that I—that I —er —" "Then pleaae hold both of my hands." * Know* Tetterlne Cures Eczema. _ . MocksvllU. N. C. I have a friend In the country here who h«a suffered for years with Eciema. and I told him If he used Tetterlne he would soon be relieved, for It Is the only thing that I ever used that would kill It _ .. , _ P. 8. Early. Tetterlne cures Eciema, Tetter. Ring Worm. Itching Piles and every form of Scalp and Skin Disease. Tetterlne 50c; Tetterlne Soap 25c. At druggists, or by mall frorn the manufscturer. The Shup- , trine Co., Savannah, v Oa. SWlth every mail order for Tetterlne we ve a box of Shuptrine's 100 Liver Pills eo. Adv. The Kind He Was. Many funny things happen in the courtroom. A short time ago a negro was tried on the charge of killing another negro In the, county court. "What kind of a man was this man you killed?" the negro was asked. "Well, Bah, b'lieve me," said the wit- i ness, "dat nlggah was a ignorano nious pusillanimous degen'ate."—Co lumbus Evening Dispatch. England's Motto. "Dieu et Mon Droit"—God and My Right"—the royal motto of England, was the parole of the day given by Richard I. (be of the Lion Heart) to his army at the battle of Gisors. in France, on the 20th of September, j 1898, when the French army was Big- j nally defeated. Dieu et Mon Droit i appears to have been first assumed as a motto by Henry VI., 1422-1462, Sem per Idem—"Always the Same"—was one of the mottoes of Queen Eliza beth; also adopted by Queens Mary and Anne. A DRAFT. Green —Is your son, who is study ing art in Paris, learning to draw? Wise—Well, he draws on mo every week or 80. . "PROUD AND GLAD" Because Mother Looked 8o Well ! After Quitting Coffee. An Ohio woman was almost dls- | traded with coffee dyspepsia and j heart trouble. Like thousands of others, the drug ; —caffeine —in coffee was slowly but j steadily undermining her nervous ! system and interfering with natural digestion of food. (Tea is just as in jurious as coffee because it contains caffeine, the poisonous drug found in coffee.) "For 30 years," she writes, "I have ' used coffee. Have always been sick- i ly—had heart trouble and dyspepsia i with ulcers in stomach and mouth so bad, sometimes, I was almost dis tracted and could hardly eat a thing , for a week. "I could not sleep for nervousness, I and when I would lie down at night I'd belch up coffee and my heart would trouble me. It was like poison to me. I was thin—only weighed 125 lbs., when I quit coffee and began to use Postum. "From the first day that belching and burning in my stomach stopped. I could sleep as soundly as anyone and, after the first month, whenever I met any friends they would ask me what was making me so fleshy and looking so well. "Sometimes, before I could answer quick enough, one of the children or my husband would say, 'Why, that Is what Postum is doing for her'—they were all so proud and glad. "When I recommend it to anyone I always tell them to follow direc tions in making Postum. as it is riot good to taste if weak, but fine when It has the flavor and rich brown color." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read the little book, "The Road to Wellvillc," In pkgs. "There's a rea •on." Brer ml the above letterT A new nppean trom time to tint. T»*y are ifaslat. tea*, ui tall »t fcimaa (■teres t. A ST. A BIG POULTRY SHOW MAM MOUTH "EXHIBIT OF FINE BIRDS FOR CHARLOTTE JAN UARY 10-15. TO BE HELD IN AUDITORIUM Many Fanciers From All Ssctlona of the Bouth Will Have Displays at the Show. Many Notable Features Have Been Planned. Charlotte. —Poultry fanciers all over the South Atlantic States are display | ing a keen interest in the great bird exhibit that is to be held in Charlotte, j January 10 to 15, under the auspices of the Southeastern Poultry Associa tion. It is expected that there will be at least 6,000 hlgh-clasß specimens on exhibit which will make the local display one of the largest in the coun try, ranking along with the great At lanta show in sixe and quality. Char lotte has always been quite a center for the breeding of high-grade birds and there have been numerous shows held in the city. These exhibits have been increasing in sixe and excellence yearly untilthe time has come for a | great exhibition. Invitations have I been sent out to fanciers all over the Southern country, with a number in the North as well, and it is expected that there will be a large response. The show this year, as stated, is be j ing promoted by the Southeastern Poultry Association ,a corporation chartered under the laws of North Carolina, with Btock scattered over Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia and the Carollnas. This will bo the sixteenth consecutive annual charlotte show. This corporation has an authorized j capitalization of $25,000. Prizes this year will be larger than j ever offered in this state before, and will be equal to prizes paid by all the leading shows of the country; Five dollars will be paid for first prize in singles and $lO for first pens. A large number of cups and specials, as well j ' as cash special prizes will also be of | fered. Second prize will be $2.50 in | singles and $5 in pens. Ribbons for j three, four, five and six. Proposition a Paying One. Wilson.—About eight years ago J. C. Hales, president of the Branch Banking company, of this city, and Frank Lane, one of Wilson's most pro gressive and prosperous farmers, at | an outlay of S4OO planted forty acres j in pecan trees—five hundred seed- j lings and two hundred grafted trees. | Of the grafted plants only fifty are living. They came Into bearing this j year and the fruit is of the finest va- j riety, measuring three-fourth by two ! inches, and of fine flavor. Ail of the I five hundred seedlings are in a thrifty condition and when they begin to bear I the indications are that the proposl | tion will be a paying one. —— Lone Survivor Remains of Wreck. New Inlet Lifesavlng Station, N. C. ! —A lone survivor of the crew of the New York schooner John Maxwell, I driven on the treacherous Hattaras shoals while bound from Norfolk to | Savannah and broken In two by a raging sea, clung tenaciously In the I rigging of the wreck lifesavers j from this and nearby stations watch- j ed helplessly for an opportunity to | rescue him, A United States battle- 1 ship from the Southern drill grounds ! I and a revenue cutter at last report ! j were steaming full speed to reach the j spot in an attempt to save him. Floral Fair at Concord. Concord. —The annual floral fair held by the Ladies' Aid Society of St. I James Lutheran church in the Cannon | & Fetzer building was the most suc | cessful event of Its kind ever held. More than 400 people attended, the entrance fee of 6 cents amounting to s2l. The display of chrysanthemums | excelled in beauty and size any ever exhbited here. One side of the store was a bank of the beautiful flowers. The visitors were served with chicken j salad, oysters, coflee and various deli j cacles. Candy and fancy work fere also sold. The total amount realized | was $lB5. | Young Man Killed By Train. Asheville.—Oscar Rogers, a young man living about eight miles from Asheville, was struck by Southern passenger train No. 11 near his home and instantly killed. Rdgers, It ap pears. was walking beside the track and tried to cross Just after passing a pile of lumber, which had been placed beside the track. T*he lumber ob scuring his view and he did not see the train until it was right upon him. Mr. Rogers, who was only about 18 years of age, was well konwn in this section of the state. Auto Sticks In Mud; Burns Up. Chapel HiU. —An automobile party from Chapel Hill that attended a rally at Dawson's schoolhouße, twelve miles from Chapel HIU, relate the har rowing experience of having to flee for their lives from their machine, which caught lire, while they were endeavoring to replace the car from a mudhole in the road. The origin of the fire that destroyed the automobile is supposed to have been from a lan tern used In seeing how to probe the automobile out of the mad. LAND OF THE LONG UAF PINE Latest News of General Interest That Has Been Collected From Many Towns and Counties. Salisbury.—The Southern Lutheran conference of the North Carolina Sy nod is in session at Christiana church eight miles east of Salisbury. Salisbury. The Gamewell fire alarm system for Salisbury has been shipped and will soon be installed. The city's new automobile hose truck Is also expected soon and upon Its arrival a firemen's parade will be pull ed off, exhibiting; the city's splendid Are fighters and apparatus. Salisbury.—ln federal court here a mistrial was had in the Buit of Fred Foflin against the Southern Hallway Company for $12,000 for Injuries re ceived some months ago at Spencer. The docket of court was light, this be Ing almost the only case of any con sequence. Forest City.— A most distressing accident took place in this town when Reed Lynch, the six-year-old son of Mr. W. Lee Lynch, fell while attempting to climb upon a wagon driven by Yates Bridges. The vehi cle passed entirely over the lad and his injuries were so severe that death ensued in a few minutes. Chapel Hill.—Students, represent ing Woodrow Wilson and Bull Moose Clubs of the University of North Car olina, met here in joint discussion of the campaign. Four hundred stu dents and town people were present and frequently interrupted the speak j ers with loud apluuse. Dr. C. L. Ra . per presided over the meeting. Washington.—ln a decision handed | down by the interstate commerce commission It is held that rates charged by the Southern for fertilis ers shipped by the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company fr6m Blacksburg, S. C., to Tryon, Hendersonvllle, Sa luda, Black Mountain, Flat Hock, Dav i idson and otner points in North Caro lina are not unreasonable. Burlington.—The people of Ala | mance county have had a big day in honor of their next president, Wood ; row Wilson. Chairman J. 11. Vernon | had made arrangement for every pre- J clnct in the county in some way to celebrate the day, there being Demo cratic speakings by four distinguish ed Democrats in four places in the county. Scotland Neck.—Benjamin Smith, I an old colored man who lived between here and Spring HiH died several dayu ago. Tliem la a good bit of hla tory attached to this old negro, those | who know him claiming that he was ! a body servant and trusted attendant I of Gen. Robert E. Lee and wan the j man who bore the message to I'resi j dent Daviij from Lee telling of his j aurrender to Grant at Appomattox. Klnston.—Charlie Chamberlain, a | 17-year-old negro of Green county, j was bound over to superior court af ter a hearing before the mayor for j stealing a check from the Centrnl to bacco warehouse here. The cheek, I which was made out to two tobacco 1 farmers, was for slD4.lti. Chamberlain helped the farmers unload their wiig j on at the warehouse and watching his chance, stole the check, which was to j cover their sal 6 from a plgeonholo ! in the office. . Morehead City. catches of fish are being made here I dally and that is no fish story hut | the literal truth. F. G. Willis caught 65 cero and king mackerel weighing | 1,200 pounds and Willis Fuleher caught GB, weighing 1,200 pounds, liy 7 o'clock that evening there was on the floor at Wallace's fish house over 6,000 pounds of cero , caught with liook and line by four people. This is the largest day's catch of this va riety of fish ever made here. Charlotte.—Charlotte is going to have a new Young Women's Christian Association building costing at feast |60,000. Not an individual present at the dinner at the Southern Manufac turer's Club doubts this for an instant. Already eight one-thousand - dollar subscriptions have been secured, which added to the $5,500 on hand to stat with makes a total of $13,500 contributed toward the amount aimed at, which must be all secured by the night of Monday, November 11. High Point.—The literature depart ment of the Woman's Club, assisted by some of the leading citizens, la ■trongly agitating the matter of se curing a public library for High Point. It is quite probable that the Carnegie library plan will be used. Spencer.—A charter Is now being prepared for the Spencer Merchants' Association and an application will be made to the secretary of state at an early date. The association is in a fluorlshing condition and the mem bership is increasing. All merchants In Spencer and East Spencer have been enrolled except one firm. Washington.—The following presi dential postoffice appointments for North Carolina were made: Postmas ters, John M. Burrows, Ashehoro; Isaac F. Snipes, Ahoskie; Carl W. Smith, Hamlet; Maggie Lewis Bau con Littleton; Cicero Osborne Ball, West Raleigh. Raleigh.—Lewis Turner, the man who was arrested recently, charged with pickpocketing and robbing En gineer H. G. Elmore of his pockctbook some cash and valuable papers, has been remanded to Wake county jail In default of a S3OO bond for trial at the next term of superior court. . BABY'S HAPPINESS DEPENDS ON HEALTH When your baby la cross and fret ful Instead of the happy, laughing lit tle dear you are accustomed to, In all probability the digestion has become disarranged and the bowels need at tention. Give It a mild laxative, dis pel the Irritability, and bring back the happy content of babyhood. The mother should make sure that the laxative used contains no opiate or narcotic drug. A mild, pleasant tasting, harmless laxative like Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Is Ideal for children because of Its natural com position and gentle action. A small j dose of Syrup Pepsin at bedtime will bring easy, certain relief next morn ing, and with no distressful griping or ether discomfort. You can get Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin at any drug store. Your name and address on a postal to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 203 West Bt., Montlcello, 111., will bring a free tflal bottle by return mall. Adr. Waa Not Guilty. "Mordeoal Judson," roared Colonel White, who had been aroused In the middle of the night by a suspicious noise In his poultry house, "Is that you In there, you black thief?" "No, Bah," humbly replied a fright ened voice. "Dls is muh cousin, Ink Judson, dat looks so much like me and steals everything he kin lay his dog-gawn han's on. Ah's at home dls minute, sah, a-sleepln' de sleep o' de jest."—Puck. . AS A nRHF.DY FOH MALARIA In any form ICIIxIr Unltak has no squat. It cures tha most obatlnata and lon* standing caaea. "It glvss pleasure to certify that the 'Ellalr Babek' cured mo of chills and malarial fever, with which I have suf fered for a long time."—August Epps, Nance's Shops, Va. s It contains no quinine and Is equally beneficial to young and old. Kllxlr llabek, 60 cents, all druggists, or Klocsewskl & Co., Washington,.D.C. Adv Fond Memories. "Baggs Is such an ugly man, Miss Pretty face, that I cannot understand why he seems to interest you so." "Of course, you can't, but with his dogged expression and hiß pug nose, he reminds me so much of my pet terrier." Long-Felt Want. Man (entering store) —A card in your window says; "Boy wanted over sixteen years." Proprietor—Yes, sir; have you one? j Man —No. I just dropped in to ask ;ou if you weren't discouraged, that's ' nil. A Household Remedy. Which works from outside. CHES ' TOL (Chest Ointment) will relieve quickly croup, coughs, colds, pneu monia and all affections of chest and | throat. Use freely and RUB! RUB! RUB! Now sold by all medicine deal ers. Should be In every home. Burwell 4 Dunn Co., Mfrs., Charlotte, N. C. Adv. Sound One. "What's your objection to my labor theory?" "It won't work." Regular prscticing physician* recommend i and prescribe OXIDINfE for Malaria, be cause it in n proven remedy by years of ex perience. Keep n bottle in the medicine chert and ndinin inter at first sign of Chills and Fever. Adv. At the Prison. j "What are you in for, my poor fel low?" "I'm afraid It's for keeps." nnr.M Yarn hfai> ac urcr I Try Hlok*' OAPUDINK. Ife liquid pleas ant to tnke—effect* inimftillat e—good to prrvpnt Blck Headache# and Nerroua irradarlicn also. Your money bark if not aatlwfled. 10c., 26c. and 600. at metliclue utorca. Adv. Natural Results. "Why are you so miserable?" "Been Joy riding." TO DRIVE OPT MALARIA _ AND lltll1.1) U»* THE SYSTEM Take tha Old gtacdurd UKUVM S TAHTULICsi CHILL TONIC. You know what you art taking. The fortuala In plainly printed on every bottle, •flowing it i> •Imply Qulnlna and Iron in a ta«t*i**t l form, and the nt«»et effectual form, kur grown people and child ran. 60 mdU. Ad r. Rather Mixed. "What is your walk in life?" "I'm an aviator." As a summer tonic there is no medicine ; that auite compares with OXIDINE. It not only builds up the system, but taken reg ularly, preventa Malnria. Regular or Taste less iformula at Druggists. Adv. Listeners seldom hear any good of themselves —or of anybody else. Mrs. Wlnalow's Roothltm Syrup for Children * teething, eoftene the gumi, reduces lnflamma : tloa, allay* pain,cures wind collo, 26c a bottle.Uv. Probably a woman tells secrets so that she won't forget them. \ L TP THERE U a time above all times when a I / /\ f ] woman should be in perfect physical condition H I J / J It Is the time previous to tha coming of her babe. g f J \l During this period many women suffer from headache, v stesfflkuoos. pains of various description, poor appetite, caiinifmmiimiiiiiiiiiim";;; l iiiiiiiii;: , l ::i;;i:ii;ii':imii and a hostofothcr ailments whkh should be eliminated in m j DR. PIERCE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION I It a scientific medicine carefully compounded by an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to the needs and requirement* of woman's delicate sytten. It has been recommended for over forty years as a remedy for those peculiar ailments which make their appearance during the expectant'* period. Motherhood l> made easier by its use. Thousands of women have ■ been benefited by this great medicine. Your druggist can supp'y you In liquid or tablet form, or you can send 50 one-cent stamps tor a trial box ol Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Tablets, to Dr. Pierce, at invalids' Hotel and Surgical institute, Buffalo. 1 It is your privlledge to write to Dr. Pierce for advice, and It will be gladlu f] given free of charge. Of course all communications are confidential. N PUTNAM FADELESS DYES i Too Much of a Good Thing. "I was very happy," said the pro feasor, "when, after years of wooing, she finally said 'Yes.' " % "But why did you break the en gagement so soon after?" asked his i friend. "Man, it was she that dissolved It." | "Really?" said the friend. "How did I that happen?" "It was duo to my accursed absent mindedness. When, a few days later, I called at her home, I again asked j her to marry me."—Youth's Compan ion. 11. A. Waring, 13 Fairy St., Orange burg, 8. C., writes, "I was confined to ; bed. My friends thought I would die of ! consumption. Three of the best doc tors in South Carolina attended me without results. Had fallen oft In weight from 147 to 115. Tee Bee Remedy saved my life." Ask your drug- ( gist for Tee Bee Remedy, price sl, or six bottles will be sent you charges paid for |5.00. Address Tee Bee Rem- j edy Co., Box 766, Charlotte, N. C. Adv. i Breaking It Gently.. Pat—Mrs. Flannlgan, yure mon Molke has just fell off th' scaffoldln' | and killed hlmaelf, bedad! Mra. Flannlgan (collapsing In chair) —Hlvlns! Pat—Alsy—alsy! 'TIs only his leg thot'a bruk. It's rejoiced ye'll be to hear It whin ye thought he was killed furr-r-st!—Puck. \ A great majority of summer ills are i due to Malaria in suppressed form. Ijis- I situde and liendachea are but two symp toma. OXIDINE eradicates the Mnlnria germ and tone« up the entire system. Adv. Now the farmer Is being Informed that the safety of the country depends on hlB vote. I » CASTORIA Forjnfants and Children. >!SAiP$i K ' nil ' lw " avs Always Bought tj» A\egetable Preparation for As - m few similating the Food and Regula- fliA W t fcjjl ting the Stomachs and Bowels of -DWcUo LUO M\ !j|li.ij>i>ih-iw^yag g Signature sir Promotes Digestion, Cheerfu- M W' ?j ness and Rest Contains neither of fk Alf Opium.Morphine ncrrMineral Ml\ lM !ii NOT NARCOTIC ftUlr ||| S**4 • | \/V Jtx So*nm • \ I V ■ l\ jMMSmK,. I 1 A W if? d*"' j"' • I Jew* 8 u i > m. iC\ ft In •\3 ftiCnriinmUSiitr»- / . |1 1 111 ■*! ♦ HrnrmSfd I 11 I! 1 nL I \1 ul Irtmwrfmm A favor t MJL p #0 A perfect Remedy for Constipa- //» II CD fc'l) lion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, I ll «y WwU **{c Worms .Convulsions.Feverish- I \bj „ fctG ncssand Loss OF SLEEP I Bp. LAM flypf '[III Fac Simile Signature of FUI UlUl | j.j VporQ THE CENTAUR COMPANY, I Nil If I UUI O jfr| NEW YORK. ' under the FoodandJ I lj| ITB BIA Exact Copy of Wrappsr. TM . „„ T . UPI OOM „.„, mmw „J. W.LDOUCLAS|~* *3.00 *3.50 *4.00 *4.50 AND *5.00 W FOR MEN AND WOMEN [iAl'S 0/ Boya wmmr W. L. Doug/mm 03.00, 03.80 « 03.00 School J Mhamm, bmamumm onm pair will rtoaltlvaly outwear two W- w "s%?] palra at ordinary ahoaa, MOW aa Ihe man'a ahoea. A W.LDouglas makes and sells more $3.00,53.50 & $4.00 shoe* 1 yfijh than any other manufacturer in the world. \ f -&3k THE STANDARD OP QUALITY FOR OVER 30 YEARS. The workmanship which bat made W. L_ Douglas shoes famous the we(U Over U maintained in every pair. Ask your dealer to show you W. L. Douglas latest fashion* for fall and wistar wear, notice the thort vamps which make the foot look smaller, points in * •hoe particularly desired by young men. Also the consarvatlue sty Its which have made W. L. Douglas shoes a household word everywhere. If yon could visit W. L. Douglas large factories at Brockton, Mass., and SM for yourself how carefully W. L. Douglas shoes are made, you would tbea est* derstand why they are warranted to fit better, look better, hold their shape mad wear longer thsm any other make for the price. fait CoHr I fttl*. CAUTION.—Te protect jrom tninil inferior alio**, W. L Douela* stamp* hi* nam* n the ko4- torn. Looic for the ilftnp. Bewere of *ubtitiit*>. W. L. Douglas h.loe* era aoid in 7S MI , atofra* wd ahoe dealer* every where. No mattar wbara iron live, they are wlthia yiieviaath. If your daalar cannot aupply you, writa direct to factory for catalo* showing Sow te anlae ■r ■*!! Shoe* aant everywhere, delivery eh tree* prepaid. WXkDousiaa. Brnrhtna. Mast. BACKACHE"GETS ON THE NERVES" Many who suffer from backache and weak kidneys are unnaturally Irritable, fretful and nervous. Not only does constant backache "get on the nerves", but bad kidneys tell to eliminate all the uric add frost the system, and uric acid irritates the nerves, keeping you "on edge" and causing rheumatic, neuralgic pains. Doan's Kidney Pills care these ills by curing the kidney*. acut«l| from b e tVh»*" anoperatlon waninj \lg | J would not onment \Jk? ami wft« (ftrm up J|(>|^r to did. Doan'a Kid ney PIIU cured me complutoly." "Etmj ttaun Gat Doan'a at Aoy Dru« Btor*. Ha a Baa DOAN'S K p? t "* T FQ3TER-MILBURN CO.. Buffalo. IW Taafc TYPEWRITERS New, rebuilt, second hmd and shopworn Typewrite** $lO and up. We sell sup plies for all makes. Oais it the best equipped repair department Is tt* South. Deal with ua and amve money. J. (t. CRAYTON & CO , Charlotte. N. O, S3 rmiUlg clal Attention. Prices rriiwMi feJttSy Service prompt. Bend for Price LML LANXILAL'B art htorr, ciiAßLurrofl. *, c Alien s L'kerin**HuiTecim-»4 hronlcl leers, ii«as llcen.HcPofalouillceri.VtrlcoielllrfpiJto' lol«nt l'leers,Mercurial l'lc«rt,U'hll«Hw«A' liifr.Mllk LofffFeverSores,•! I#Mmrm. Bf+mMMt M iUi tr—, J. I>. ALLKN, iJept. Al4, BL. PsuLHJml BBBfegjfl CUsdm sud WrtiAaa tW^ji BR& >, JHlfwr tap H ' r *° itm youthful OnTat I'SJBPrerwnts hair fall in*. 6fto. anl tI.QQ at In w»it*U. Ik J I ol at home or at Saniurlum. Book uS ||J|*ul)iprtKrw. I)H. 11. M.W(K)fXKV« ftT > 11 TOU HAXITAIUI a, A TLA ST A, 6MMM #5 DROPSY 1 of, nsnallf re more iv#> T mL ~nffn ff an * short breath in a few dajsaoft ik entire relief In 16—46 dajrs, trtmi tnatoMi KRKK. BB.UUUUIINia, laßAJltai^ lamiMiWiMing ■*»»« W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO.