VOL. XIV. NO. 5 Professional Cards | Hugh B. York, M. D. Microscopy, Klectrotheiapy, X-Ray Diagnosis, Specialties Office on Smith wick St., rear Blount Bro. Office hours, 8 to 10 a. m., 7 to 9 p. m. Office 'phone 60 - Night 'phone 63 Wm. B. Warren - J. S. Rhodes Drs. Warren & Rhodes Physicians and Surgeons Office in Biggs Drug Store • 'Phone 29 Jos. H. Saunders, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Day 'Phone 53 - Night 'Phone 40 Williamston, N. C. Dr. R. L. Savage of Rockv Mount, will be at the At lantic Hotel fourth Wednesday in each month to treat diseases of the Eye, Kar, Nose and Throat and Pit Glasses. » ■ ■ —— A. R. Dunning • C. Suiith Dunning & Smith Attorneys^'t Law Williamston • North Carolina Robersonville, North Carolina Jlnrroufl A. Critcher - Wheeler Martin Wheeler Hart in, Jr. Martin & Critcher Attorneys-at-Law Williamston • North Carolina PHONK 83 ~ S. J. Everett Attorney-at-law Greenville, Nv C, . Williamson, N. C. GreeaviU* lUkig lii»U»ce Phone 328 S~*A. NEWELL Attorney at Law - Williamston - • North Caroliua Clayton Moore Attorney at Law Williamston - North Carolina John E. Pope General Insurance, Life, Fire. Health. Accident, Live Stock Red Estate - Brokerage Willitmstoa - North Carolina Office on Main Street Society Pressing . . Ghib . . o. C. Price, Manager Phone No. $8 Pressing, Dyeing and Tailoring '* Very careful attention -given to Ladies' Kid Gloves, Fancy Waists Coat Suits and Skirts jjg Club Rates for Men. Clothes called 'for and delivered Agents for Rose to. Co. Merchant-Tailors, Chi cago, 111 M THE ENTERPRISE State I.if Resolutions of Respect In loving memory of John Clay ton Robertson, Robertsonville, N. C. Whereas, our esteemed friend and honored president, John Clay ton Robertson, has been taken from among us by that Reaper whose name'is Death, thereby bringing sorrow and sadness to all of us and an irreparable loss to his loved ones at home. We, the committee appointed by the Directors of the Bank of Rob ersonville to prepare suitable reso lutions, do hereby resolve; Ist. That by his death tbebank has lost a trusted and efficient of ficer, and its members a true and loyal friend; 2nd. That, while bowing in bumble submission to the infallible decrees of the onlv wise and omni piJtcnt God who teaehetb us that it is appointed unto man once to die, we wish to place upon recotd an expression of our great grief at the Budden and unexpected depar ture of our dear friend; 3rd. That w? extend our most profound sympathy to his many friends in the commercial world, his brothers, sisters, aged mother, sorrowing wife and daughters and his church; 4th. That we seek to perpetu ate his memory by emulating in our lives every characteristic of him that will make our livta better and nobler; sth. That a copy of these reso- Jutious be spread upon the minutes of the bank, and one sent to hi* family, and that the same be pub lished in some newspaper. A. S Roberson, V. J. Jeffress, R. A. Bailey, . , Committee. '- * ■ « « Received Appointment " 1 Mr. Rob?rt H. Balhbury, ex mcinber os the Board of County Commissioners, has been appointed Director of the Central Hospital at Raleigh, succeeding Dr. John D. Biggs, whose resignation was ten dered and accepted. Dr. Biggs was chosen to succeed his father, the late Dawson Biggs, who was for years one of the ablest members of the Board of Directors. The selection of Mr. Salsbury is a wise one, as his interest in the good ol his State never flags, and bis long service in the public affairs cf Mar tin County is an asset upon which he can draw in discharging the duties of Director of the Hospital. A Mitchell, a gtnral merchant near Bagdad, Ky., writes us:-"I think Foley Kidney Pills ore of the greatest kidney medicines there is. My daughter was in terrible shape with kidney trouble aod I got her to take it. She Is comple tely cored now. I think it one of the greatest medicines made." Saunders & Fowden. Bank of Jamesvilk The Directors of the Bank of Jamesville met Tuesday at the banking bouse in Jamesville. A careful survey of '.he business of the institution developed the fact the increase of business over that of last yesr was s hundred percent. This is a fine showing and is highly satisfactory to officers, stockholders and patrons. The institution is a convenient help to Jamesville, and is s credit to the benking business of the State and County of tfartln •Huntsville, Ala. W. C. Pollard, a well known citizen, says.—"l have used Foley's Honey & Tar Compound and found it a most ex cellent preparation. In fact, it suits my case better than any cough syrup I have ever uaed and I have used a good many, for I am now over seventy years old.'' Saunders & Fowden. WILLIAMSTON, N. C.. .FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15. igp Our Orphan Home The Thanksgiving Proclamation of the President, which has just been published to the people of this great country, calling upon us to stop our usual vocations lonj enough to consider frcm whence comes the unprecedented prosperity which we as a nation have been enjoying, comes with a voice of authority. Truly every heart can find genuine gratitude to the Great Giver of all good. While your minds are direct®! to the consideration of the Source from whence these blessings come, and a feeling of thanksgiving is thereby engendered for the good ness of our Heavenl.f Father, we feel that this is the best time to bring to the attention oi our read ers the needs of the various orphan homes in our state, where the little ones who have lost their earthly protectors are being cared fir and trained. These children receive the great blessing of these homes through your generosity. They are depen dent upon you. Their numbers are increasing, as are the advanta ges they receive, which necessitate larger contributions from the peo ple. God has blessed our people and he expects us in turn to help bless our homeless little ones. Nobly have the people of North Carolina measured up to their dnty in this tegard in the past, and we believe they will not be any less mindful of the needs of our orphan children this thanksgiving seasrn than they have been in the past. Williamston Graded School Honor Roll for Month ending November Bth. i9f2, 3rd. Grade. —Frattcii Manning, Elizabeth Burr Aft, Martha- {Made Hassell. 4th. tirade.--Hazel Betbea, Os car Ayers. sth. Grade. —William Ellison, C D. Carstarphen. 7th. Grade. —Sjlvia Upton, Car rie Dell White, Geo. Howard Kent. Bth. Grade. —Gilbert Peel, Clyde Anderson, Alma Sparks, Lucy Green. 9th. Grade. — Daisy Manning, Leo 11 a Pape. loth. Grade. —Eva Peel, Ollie Roberson, Leroy Anderson. ' Tells the Whole Story." To say that Foley's Honey & Tar Compound is best for children and grown persons and contains no opiates tells only part of the tale. The whole story is that It is the best medicine for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and other affec tions of the tnroat, chest and lungs. Stops la grippe, coughs and has a healing and soothing effect. Rem ember the name, Foley's Honey & Tar Compound, and accept no substitutes. Saunders & Fowden. In Memoriam In sad but loving remembrance of our darling little son, Thomas W. Craigie, who departed tibia lite one year ago today, November 9th. 1911. God needed one more angel child, Amidst His shining band, And so He bent with loving smile And clasped our darling's hand. By his loving parents. Washington, D. C., November 9th. 191 a. Dan J. Joyce, Sanville, Henry Co., Virginia, says:—"l took a cold with a cough which hnng on for two years. Then I comenced nsing Foley's Honey & Tar Com pound and the cough finally left me and now lam perfectly strong and well." Is best and safest for children and contains no opiates. Saunders & Fowden. Colored Teachers Meet On NovemSe: qtli. 1912, the Colored Teachers' A-sociatiou of Martin County wasc.illed to order in the coloredCr.uled School build ing by Prof. R. J. Peel, at 1:30 p. m. Having failed to elect officers previously, that was the first work of the session anl resulted in the choice of the following: W. C. Chance, President; J. W. Morrissey, Sec'y; Miss lola Everett, As?t. Sec'y; W. V. Orinood, Treasurer; P. R. Pearce, Serjeant at Arms; Miss Emma E. Andrews, Reporter. Prof. Peel gave a most helpful and eucotirnging talk. All who beard him, felt much encouraged for the future of the Association. It .- .guested by him that we oegin the Reading Circle at once. Several teachers decided to buy in dividual books. The Association will provide some. The teachers pledgtd thetuselves to briug at leist one more to the regular metting on Dec. 7'h. iyi2. The Program Committee made the following to le rendered at that meeting: Music, Invocation by Chaplain, Music, Phonics by Miss E. I. Green, Solo by Miss Alice E. Hyman, Primary Arithmetic by W. V. Ormond, Journal, Miss Maggie Jones. Birthday Parly Quite a number of the little friends arid neighbors of Miss Annie Louiye Crawford, daughter of Sheriff and Mrs. J. C. Crawfoid, Were invi ed to join her in the cele* bration of her birthday en Novem ber 2nd , at the home of her parents An Ilaughton S'rcet. Pleasant gan:ea were arranged for the little Quests and the hours were spent joyously as only young hearts know how to spend. The little hostess WHS presented with rainy pretty gifts, which delighted the little girl. Delicious refreshments were served in the dining room where appropriate decorations with can dles, were used. Alabama, Florida, North Caro Una, South Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee. Twinge* of rheuma tism, backache, stiff joints and shooting paius all show your kid neys are not working right. Urin ary irregularities, loss of sleep, nervousness, weak hack and sore kidneys tell the need of a uood reliable kidney medicine. Foley Kidney Pills are tonic, strengthen ing and restorative. Thty build up the kidneys and regulate their action. They will give von quick relief and contain no habit form ing drug*. Safe and always sure. Try them. Saunders & Fowden. A Good Month of Sales From reports received at the State Agricultural Department, 32,345,936 pounds of tobacco were sold in North Carolina during October. Greenville leads the sale with 6,064,824 pounds with Wins ton-Salem it close second. Of the total amount the two markets in Martin County sold 353,559 —Rob ersonville selling 182,33s and Wil llamston, 171,327 pounds of the weed. The crop has been deliver ed early to the buyers, and many farmera blundered by rushing their crops to the early sales. —I will sell you checks for as much $lO. for five cents. All over $lO. ten cents, either Bank. —J. B. Speller. J. K. Cotton, 1303 No. Market St., savs.—"l heard of Foley Kid ney Pills and took them for my case of kidnev trouble. After tak ing thetn a few days the pain left my back, my kidneys acUd regu larly and the annoying bladder trouble was cured. I glaaly re commend Foley Kidney Pills." Saunders & Fowden. Corn Exposition The longest painting ever execu ted in this country or abroad, ac cording to au'hentic statements will form a striking feature of the decorations for the educational building at the Fifth National Corn Expos'tion ntxt January. The canvass tor this immense paint ing will be nearly a sixth of a mile in length, by nine feet wids. It will eitend entirely around the big steel building which will house the exhibits from the department of agriculture and the thirty or more states which will enter the Exposi tion. The canvas will cover about 7,,50 d square feet of space and 533 pounds of dry paints will be nec cesuary in the execution of the work. I* * V The artist who will transform this material into a rntunmoth work of art is Mr. K. E Sprngue, of Columbus, Olio, who executed a somewhat .similar, though .smaller, piece of work for the Fourth Ex position. Mr. Sprague now a te-icleut of Columbia and is be ginning upon his huge task. The ciuvas will be diAided into thirty or more spaces, into will be painted landscape scenes typical of the statu; whose exhibits will be arranged below. Exhibits of the lushest class ate bring secured for the Exposition, and it is the purpose to p'ace them in an ari'stic setting of correspond ing high quality Floral decora tion# vv'M aho contribute to this . fleet. ( Birthday Party Little Miss Elizabeth Hassell, "jho reached her seventh year on Saturday, November Q'h., had a number of her youug friends to litlp her celebrate the event at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hassell ou Haughton Street on ibe afternoon of the hippy d»y. Tbo little hostess was given many' pretty gtfts, and these delighted the childish h'?a.t that is so full of the joy of living. There were music and game-, to help fill the houfwitb merriment, and ices, fruits and cakes were served on the dining table, the center piece of which was aglow with seven candles, while candlebras from which soft lights ft 11. ornamented the nientel. After leaving the dining room, each guest was given torpedoes, and there was much fun found in ex ploding them on the front pave i mcnt. • ■ • *— * Parents Day Wednesday, November 27th. will be Piirents Day at the Graded Schools. Ail parents aad others interested are invited to visit the school and see the work in pro gress. The Principal urges all parents to come out and see what their children and others are doing. They will be interested themselves and will give children and teachers au incentive for work by thus showing their interest. A MEDICINE'AS GOOD AS YOUR MONEY Money Promptly Refunded if Dod son's Liver-Tone Fails to take Place of Calomel The Saunders & Fowden drug store sells Dodson's Liver-Tone as a perfect substitute for calomel. If you try one bottle and find that it not just as sure in its action as cal omel and at the same time gentler and without the bad after effects of calomel, please call and get your money back. It will be given you promptly. Dodson's Liver-Tone is a vegetable liquid with a pleasant taste, that livens up the liver, midly but suiely, instead of whipping it into action as the strong chemical calomel docs. It is used by both children and grown-nps for consti pation and inactive liver. That is why the Saunders & Fowdea drug store is willing to guarantee it absolutely, not with another bottle, but with your money back. Isn't a medicine with a guarantee like this worth a trial? $1 .00 a Year in Advance A Great Meeting Dr. J. J.'Taylor, of Lexington, Ky., whose memory holds first I place in the minds and hearts of all Carolina people, who knew him, is now conducting a series of meetings in Chesttr, W. Va., which iscrown ed with splendid success in the beginning having bad 65 additions with the closing of tbe third sermon. Dr. Taylor's ability as a Biblical expounder is not questioned bv any people. The truth as it is in Christ Jesus the Lord being made plain and forcible by him, found its way into the hearts of splendid men and women of Robersonville and Will iamston; has tran« formed their lives into active Chrtstians who are today doing their part to hold up the banner of our King. As this report comes to us it is only meet ing our foiegone expect inns, aud we rejoice with all those to whom pardon and peace hnve come W« ivjoico JO the anticipation of Dr. Taylor's return to North Caro lina the coming >eaV ami bespeak for him greater things to be ac hieved. W. H. Holliday. Robersonville. N. C. — Pleasant Country Dance 1 A happy, party of young folks motored to Griffins District Thurs day night of last week, and attend ed a dance givsn by the young men of that section The hours were spent in the enjoyment of the Square dance," which is much more delightful thau the modern figures and waltzes. The mustc by local talent was good, and every one was made to. feel the warm welcome extended by the promoters of the dance The party from tojru was composed of Misses Irene Smith, Hannah Vic Eowden, Marie Everett, Peel, Clara Jones, Mildred Alexander and Mrs. H. D. Cook and Messrs. H,' A. Biggs, Clayton Moire. Leslie Fowden, Collin Peel and Dr. J. S. Rhodes. German Club (Reporteil) The WiSliarastou High School German Club met at the home of Miswes Kllie and Maud Wynne, Friday evening, November Bth. 1912. The Club was organized with the following names as Char ter members—Misses Mary Dare Brown, Laurie Ellison, Frances Knight, Sue Liggett, Eva Peel, Josephine Robertson, Ellie and Maud Wynne, Myrtle Woolard and Mrs. J. T. Jerome; Messrs. Leroy Anderson, Yates Dowell, Ollie Robertson and J. T. Jerome. President, Leroy Anderson; Sec retary, Miss Frances Knight. A round table discussion in Ger man followed, led by Mr. Jerome. Refreshments were served by the Misses Wynne. The Club adjourned to meet next Friday evening at the home of Yates Dowell. There is nothing stronger hi the small boy than his sent* of it justice. Wound this once and whether mother, teacher, or one of any other intinat: relation, yon have shaken his faith almost for a life time: and you have sinned against yonnelf and him irretrievably. As a child, do yon remember a flogging yon received at home or school, when you knew that the administrator was merely giving vent to his tern* per, or do you remember a story someone yoa loved and trusted pot ou you? We don't like to speak of these things in the after years, hot we do well to think of them, at the same time maintaining ourself-6on r trol that we may not offend the taith and confidence of any child.. —Miss Linda Clement, in The- Progressive Farmer. N *• ... .. ..... .-• . "iPi i k