VOL. XIV. NO. 10 Pproi^OMrCai^j Hugh Be York, M. D. Microscopy, Electrotheiapy, X-Ray Diagnosis, Specialties Office on Smith wick St., rear Blount Bro. Office hours, Sto lot. m., 7to9p. m. Office 'phone 60 - Night 'phoae 63 Win. E. Warreu - J. S. Rhodes Drs. Warren & Rhodes Physicians and Surgeons Office in Biggs Drug Store - 'Phone 29 Jos. H. Saunders, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Day 'Phone 53 * Night 'Phone 40 Williamston, N. C. Dr. R. L. Savage of Rockv Mount, will be at the At lantic Hotel fourth Wednesday in each month to treat diseases ot the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and Fit Glasses. A. R. Dunning - ' C. Smith Dunning & Smith Attorneys-ft Law Williamston - North Carolina Robersonville, North Carolina Burrous A. Critcher - Wheeler Martin Wheeler Martin t Jr. Martin & Critcher Attorneys-at-Xaw Williamston •_ North Carolina THONK 13 sz-n 4 :: " S. J. Everett Attorney-at-Law Greenville, N. C. - Williamston, N. C. Greenville Long Distance Plione 328 STANEWELL Attorney at Law Williamston - North Carolina Clayton Moore Attorney at Law ? Williamston - North Carolina John E. Pope General Insurance, Life, Fire. Health, Accident, Live Stock Real Estate - Brokerage Williamston - North Carolina Office on Main Street Society Pressing 1 . . Glub . . I o. C. Price, Manager J Phone No. 58 Up-to-Date Cieaing, | Pressing, Dyeing and Tailoring Very careful attention given to Ladies Kid ' I Gloves, Fancy Waists Coat Suits and Skirts n' CIUIJ Rates for Men. Clothes called for and delivered ' Agents for Rose & Co. Merchant-Tailors, \Chi cago, 111 THE ENTERPRISE • s ; - i^' WWWWWIMWIWWMI BRIEFSj B. Haywood Knight is at home from Chapel Hill to spend the holidays. Judge Francis D. Winston was here Tuesday on business. Miss Annie Cooper was called home on Tuesday by the illness of her moth er near Windsor. Rev. and Mrs. Dargan, who were en route to Windsor on an auto, spent Monday night in town. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Simpson, Mrs. A. R. Dunning, MTfU* Henry Crawford and Miss Hannah Vic Fowden motored to Washington Wednesday. Mrs. Sarah Jane Griffin, whose home is near Jamesville, spent last week as the guest of Mrs. Wheeler Martin, Sr. Wig Watts, Jr., came home Sat urday night to speud the holidays. W. B. Watts and W. Roy Hamp ton, with a party of friends, motor ed here Sundav and spent the day. Albion Dunn drove here from Greenville in his "Overland" on Sunday to see his sister, Mrs. J. D. Biggs. Rev. J. T. Stanford arrived last Friday and entered uoon his work for the year. He preached both morning and night on Sunday. Mrs. Stanford visited relatives iu Greenville before coming here to join her. husband. Misses Fannie Biggs Martin and Franees Elizabeth Knight will leave Monday for Jacksonville, Fla., where they will spend the holidays with Mise Anuie Laurie Bony. Miss Annie Pagan leaves Mbn day night for Edeuton to spend Christmas with her mother. W. D. Jenkins, of Durham, has been in town this week 011 business. J. W. Baker, who has been at Kenlv for months, is at hot^e. Rev Claudius F. Smith spent Monday evening in town as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Staton. i Rev. Rufus Bradley was town Tuesday from Hamilton where lie went to officiate at the "Darden- Baker marriage there that day. Honor Roll For the month ending December 6tb. 1912. Ist. Grade.— Esther Harrison, Herbert Peel Bonner Gurganus, Minnie Robertson. 2ud, Grade. —William Harrdl. Grade. —Elizabeth Burras, Mary Gladys Watts, Jiui Cook, JuleCat-r Wynne. 41I). Grade.—"Estelle Crawford, Raleigh Bradley. sth. Grade. —William Ellison. 6th. Grade. —Bessie I'age,Louise Robertson. ;th. Grade.—Carrie Dell White, Geo. Howard Kent, Sylvia Upton, James Edwin Hatred. Bth. tirade. —Lucy Green, Gil bert Peel, Alfna Sparks, Mary Bradlev, Fitzhugh Robertson, Rob ert Anderson. 9th. Grade.—Lcona Page, Daisy Manning. ioth. Peeh,~ Leroy Anderson, CJllie Roberson, Ellie Wynne. A Card * ... .f I wish to express ruy sincere thanks for every act of kindness and sympathy shown me by kind friends and neighbors,# during the illness and death of my wife. May the Lt>rd reward each - one in Sis own good way. Eli Ray. "If poetry be criticism of life, then a reference to life should form the basis of all criticism of poetry." WILLIAMSTON, N. C,, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20. 1012 w. - * | LOCAL ITEMS All notice* published In tbi* column, where revenue 1* to be derived, will be charged at the rate ot 10 cents a line, (count six words to a line), each issue. Special rate will be msde on on I contract*. —A MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR. —Gasoline \6)4 cent bv tie bar rel—Martin County Buzgy Co. —Christmas Wednesday and then the New Year. Remember the unfortunate at this joyous season. —Gasoline cent by the bar rel —Martin County Boggy Co. —Full moon Mouday. —Buy early and avoid the rush on Christmas Eve. —All the Sunday Schools in town will have Christmas trees for the pupils. —Gasoline i6 } /j cent by the bar rel—; Martin County Buggy Co. —STRAYED —From my piace, one brown grade Jersey bull com ing two years eld, unmarked. formation rewarded.—S. E. Hardi son, Williamston, Route 4. Dr. Savage, of Rocky Mount, will be in town on Monday Decem ber 23rd. instead of the fourth Wednesday on account of the holi days. —John E. Pope has sold his residence to Mrs. Louio C. Harri son, and will build on the lot re cently purchased by him on Haugh ton Si reek-) Gasoline cent by the bar rel! Martin County Buggy Co. —FOR CASH. —One mule 6 years old next spring Guaranteed sound, work anywhere. Weight 945 lbs. Apply to J. D. Simpson, City. —Mr. Charles Metz, who has had charge of the road work iu the township ior this year, has resigned and left for his home in North Dakota While in the community, he made many friends, and his work as a road builder has been very satisfactory. —The office was made brigtcr on Tuesday and Wednesday by handsome calendars presented by the two bunks in town. These institutions know the fine art of advertising, hence their success. Their htrengtli means gteater things for Williamson and Martin County in the future. —The Telephone Company is bav iitg the cable completed up Main Street. Lineman McFarlaml from Greensboro is doing the work, which had been begun several momliß previous. Called for Another Year At a Conference of the baptist Church Sunday morning, Kev. Geo. J. Dowell was unanimously called to serve the -congregation another year. He has already served them about six y>arv and .this tecall speaks well for the rela tion that exists between pastor ana people. This has been a strenuous year with the Church, owing to the expense of remodeling the parson age, buying more 'land for the cemetery, putting in electric lights etc. Yet the Church with the help of the ladies, has discharged the indebtedness, given more to mis sion and schools^nd colleges than it has ever done. Seventeen mem bers have beeh added by baptism, anci there is perfect pesce and good wiir now and nss been through all the prt«e;it pastor's administration. Ted—you believe that wom an should lw/id the reins?" Ned—"lt is all right when you have the girl out in a sleigh."— Judge. A Good Year 7 Just a glance at conditions in this community, will «how that there has been much improvement In material thing". Hervest days are ended and in summing up the re sults, it is found that with the ex ception of the peannt crop, the sea son has been a most profitable one. The tobacco market was unusually active and both the farmers and the warehousemen realized good profits. Ou» has only to watch the produce being marketed to get some idea of the busine-s done in the town. The establishment of tbe Hamil ton Pants Mfg. Co , here and its splendid outlook, the building of the track to the river and the mill of the Willigmston Cooperaee Co., are anion# the most important com mercial features in the crowth of the town. The pinning mill and ■the seed peanut factory of Gur ganus and . Staton are industries which couiK largely- The Tele phone Company and Electric Com pany have given good service, the former being, perhaps, the largest in the number of subscribers that any town, except the larger ones, j has in North Carolina, fetid the | town ii> the best lighted,, tbe lines reaching. into all the suburbs. With a splendid City Hal! and the Mas onic Hall, there is ample space and accommodation for those things which amuije. One merehantile firm, Y. E Tonma & Bro., hay re cently come here, and the others with the grocery stores, are firmly established, Anderson, Crawford & Co., is the largest firm in tbe county and the others are running close seconds. S. R Bigjfs Drug Co., and Qaunders & Fowden have up-to date and attractive stores, where anything from a pill to handsome silverware can be pur chased. Ail lints of trade have prospered during the year. A com plete summary of the cummercial gtowth of the town and community cannot be made without naming the Martin County Buggy Company, which is operated by A. T. Craw foid and W. L. Stalls This lirm has made remarkable growth for the past year. They have sold car load after car load of machinery, repaired everything from an auto down and turned out liand-,oine vehicles They are the largest a/- j verlisers in the county an'. l good results. Another neW/fndu-> try is the garage of S. Mr'' lbg.;s j which is fitted with the latest in machinery. Mr. Bigg-; is an expert nnehinist with years of ex penence J. 1' Simpson also hus fitted up aj garage, sells machinery, repairs,! and is agent for automobiles. The j best harrow on the market is made! here by the fi f m of J L W'Oolar !,! who also does wood wo:k and hasj a repairing department. All these' and*of.her things which go to mike! a good town, Williatnston has and much of it has come in 1912. Taking the whole county, it may be seen that there has been wonder-' fill strides in the building up of same. Harming has improved greatly and the bank statements are j largely produced by the deposits of' farmers in the various fections. j Robersonville, the next'town in size to Williamston in the county, hasi made an immense increase in popu lation, business, etc. The tobacco, market, Hosiery Mill, Guano Kac-' tory, Parker Buggy Co., are among its best commercial assets, J. II Roberson & Co , are doing the lar gest trade in merchandise, and in the buying and selliug of cottou and peanuts, and other firms in the town are keeping pace. Everett s, Hamilton and Janiesville have good trade apd in each of them there is marked improvement. So the New Year will open with brighter prospects fcr the future of the people of Martin County. They have the soil, the integrity and tbe industry to fit them to ait at the head of the table among the coun ties of tbe St^te. A Pleasant Dance Thr>«-e win attended the dance at the Masonic Hd! on Wednesday evtninn, will remember the occa sion eg one of the hoppiest here in years Invitations had been ex ♦ended to tte young people of Gr ffins Township, and quite a number down and introduced the square dances a* were enpyed in the years past before the modem figures had been the rage. They brought with them four musi cians. who rendered airs suitable to the fu*ure-, and did it with a mas ter's touch of the bow. Every thing w is ready for the opening of the dan.-e at 7:30 but a heavy rain delayed the coming of the dancers until a little later. There was a large crowd of spectators, who thoroughly enjoyed every moment and felt again that riesire to trip the light fantastic j hey did in the years goie by. The floor wis crowded with dancers, who were prompted by Mr: Dawson Griffin and oth rs. Later Alexander's Orchestra played popular and the wait 2 and two step were danced for a short time. An elegant supper consisting of tuikey, b.tui, celery, pickles,sauces, saitines and coffee was served at the conclusion of the dance, tables beit>g arranged on the stage. The young men here who arrauged for the dance with all who were present appreciated and thoroughly enjoyed the presence of the visitors, and hope that tne visit will he repeated in the near future. An iuvitation was extended to tue town ptople to attend a dance in Griffins some time dining the holidays^ Embroidery Qub Mis*. Dsborah Fleming was host es-. t» the Embroidery Clrb on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. J. T. Jerome was Ljn r guest. The hout wis spent in the transaction of business needlework and in the enjoyment of th.- delicious refresh ments wuicli were served iu the d lining room. Tile table was beautifully arranged, the center piece being a tiny Ci.iri-.tm is tree decorated and lighted with colored can lies. Tne oflice of Njecetary, which ha.i been left vacant, was filled by the election of Mrs. Grov the president, Mrs. J. G. Statim, having been chosen at the l ist nueliug. Tile next meet ing will held with Mrs. llardi son 0:1 December 31st Death oi Mr. Bynun Wynn N.*„r Williamston. December 11 tli. j j\2, after months of suffer ing, the spirit of Mr. Bynum Wynu It ft h's ema'ciateuhody and return ed to the God wSio made it. A wife, ti|r>.c daughters aud five sous mourn the.r loss. He said before he passed avay°"thaf"Tie had made souie mistakes, but he had prayed to God and believed he had receiv ed forgiveness. And he had never wilfully wronged his? fellowmeu." He had seen sixly years of eatthly life atul was tired and willing to go where h: could re-st. Two sons within the last fourteen months had preceded him to trie grave. The funeral services at the residence and the Baptist Cemetery 5 were conducted by Ke\\ Geo. J. fbowell. May the sorrowing friends look to the Comforter and find consolation in this sad hour. "I say my dear," exclaimed a "poldeu youth" to a pretty nurse maid in Hyde Park. "I wish I was a youngster in your charge." / '"So do I," responded the girl. '"I should then have the chance of teaching vou better manners." —Red Hen. —Gasoline cent by the bar rell Martin County Buggy Co. SI.OO a Year in Advance The Servant in the House '"There's i lot of brother* kMbc kin' about the worM as we know of." This striking sentence spoken by the Drain-Man in the second act of "The Servant in the House'* furnishes the keyuot of the entire play, which comes to the Opera House on Monday December 23. The pb.y,which has been acclaim- , ed from coast to coast as one of the greatest plays in all »be wide range of English drama, ft mi as a lasting contribution to the English literature, is on the idea of univer sal brotherhood and it teaches with compelling force the lerson that man's highest hapointsa comes from unselfish service to oihers. The ccnttnl figure in the play is a quitt, impressive man, garVd in long, flowing oriental robes who ! lias taken a place us butler in vta* ! home of nil English clergyman, and who wields a uncanny | influence over everyone with whom jhe is brought in contact. I It must not be imagine*! that ' The Servant in the House" is a dry preachment, a dr&rratzed sermon, or a prosv succession cf platitudinous speeches. It is a drama that throbs with life, iti.it is instinct with powcr"and dramatic force. And it is acted by one of the most remarkable companies recently seen on the American stage, a company wnicb iuJndes among Its members no less then three former star* and is headed by the most popular of younger American playeis, Victor E. Lambert. Fine Statements The statements of the banks in Martin County published last week, showed a splendid condition cf all of these institutions The Bank of Martin County lias been on tbeßoll of Honor for sometime. It is ninth on the list in S'orth Carolina. There are nine hundre 1 Roll of Honr.r banks in the United States. Tliis distinction is reached only when the surplus and profits ex ceed the capital stock. - It is the olde st bank in the County, and bed oi! Novf-tr.ber 26th.aepo.ii t.s e mount ing to $179,319.99 The Farmers and Merchants is s-.c'iml in age, and showed on the dire dc* posits to the sum of JS;SS 659 39. It will be seen that tbe Williams tou banks have comH;ne l deposits of exceed, n the sums in the other tour b:u;k- by $15?,- 69.5.27 The whole amount de po->its in the county $585,- 260 39, find the total or statements, $720,792.23. The Back* of Xober sonville stands third i ■ th■: list of deposits with sll2 343.73, this in stitution making gr~«E strides sicce the beginnim; of the year. The Banks of Hamilton, Oak City raid Jamesvill e, ha ve 11 ed i'. Abie: ncr eases and .Vtarcin County should be and ir, proud of her bauking iusth-nioas. A* Card |~T~Uikc thi 1 method o l Iny thanks to the good people of Wtlliamxton Baptis: C/.urch for the love and confidence they have shown me during the six years, J and especially for r'ur.r renewed ! confidence in having called me to serve them another year. I thank them for the generou i gifts of this week enlarging our pantry supplies and thus encouraging us to go on cheerfully in our work. Witb a heart full of love and best wishes for all the people of this town and comm.uni.tx. I beg leave to say that I am here to serve'you to the best of ray ability. Come to the services when you can and feel welcome. Pray for us and if yon need any service which I can ren , der, commend me and I will onljr be too happy to serve you. Yours to serve, Geo. J. Doivell.