VOL. XIV. NO. 14 T Professional Cards j Hugh B. York, M. D. Microscopy, Electrotheiapy,X-Ray Diagnosis, Specialties OfEce on Sciithwick St., rear Blount Bro. Office hours, 8 to 10 a. m., 7 to 9 p. m. Office 'phone 60 - Night 'phoned Wni. E. Warreu - J. S. Rhodes Drs. Warren & Rhodes Physicians and Surgeons Office in Biggs Dru« Store • 'Pboue 29 Jos. H. Saunders, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Day Phone 53 - Night 'Phone 40 Williamston, N. C. Dr. R. L. Savage of Rockv Mount, will be at the At lantic Hotel fourth - Wednesday in each month to treat diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and Fit Glasses. A. R. Dunning - 7 C. Smith Dunning & Smith Attorneys i't Law Williamston - North Carolina Robersonville, North Carolina Burrous A. Critcher \ Wheeler Martin Wheeler Martin, Jr. Martin & Critcher Attorneys-at-Law Williams!on • North Carolina 'PHOS.J-. 13 S. J. Everett Attorney-at-Law • Greenvi'.le. X. C. • NViiliamstou, N C, GreeiivilU* J.ont: Distance Phone 318 S. A. NEWELL Attorney at Law Williamston - North Carolina , Clayton Moore 1 Attorney at Law Wii'.iatnston - North Carolina 1 ~ . 1 John E. Pop ej General Insurance, I , Life, I'tie. HeitUh Arcideat, Li\e Stock | Real Estate - Brokerage J Williamston - >Jorth C&rolina j Office- 011 Main Street fsociety Pressing . . Glub . . J O. C. Price, Manager J Phone No. 58 I § Up -to-Date Cleaing, | -""-Pressing, Dyeing and I Tailoring Very careful attention gived to Ladies' Kid Gloves, Fancy Waists Coat Suits and Skirts Club Rates for Men. Clothes called for and delivered ✓ ; Ajgents for Rose & Co. V* Merchant-Tail#rs, Chi- THE ENTERPRISE Paul Gilmore Here » Since the opening of the City Theatre here three years ago, there have been many splendid plays which have pleased the critical audi ences. But the mcst famous actor — one of the stars on the American stage— was Paul Gilmore in "The Havoc" on Friday evening of last week, Williamston is for tunate in being placed in the list with the best show towns in the State, and attractions which go to the larger towns very often come hete. Paul Gilmore, i>eihaps. has never played ic to small a town, and never had a more appreciate audience. The play deals with a social problem which men and women in all ages of the world have tried to solve, and in trial have wrecked their oWn and the happiness of others. There are only four in the c&st, and one plays an insignificant part. It was the story of a faithless wife and false friend, who wrecked a home and ultimately the happiness of all con cerned. Paul Gilmore as "Mr. Craig," the husband of the wife who loved another, was superb in the treatment of the theme, which he proved was false. There i was no flaw in the interpretation of his role and his woik was as earnest as if he had been playiDg before a crowded house in a large city. His appearance here was flittering to the tov.n and to the management of the Opera House, and those who have had no oppor tunity of seeing Paul Gilmore before, thcrcughlj enjoyed the privilege of seeing him 011 a Wil liamston stage. Btfote the last act, he spoke a few ( ples»'«ut Aords to the audience in return for the enthusiastic tjp'ause given him. A Pleasant Dance Tlk x otnu: men cf Griffins Dis trict gave a most delightful dance on Wednesdav evening to which the young people of Williamston vitre invited. Much regret has been expressed at the inability of a party to leave from here. The cars which could have been used, vvi: 1 e broken Mid so 110 easy means of locomotion couid be pouted so as to make the trip. The yonuu people here had plauned to attend ami had locked forward to the oc Cis-iion with plea-.uabie aniicipa tion, for they knew that nothing J;ad been kit undone to render the evening one long to be remember ed. It is hoped that anotbes ftp port unity t? ili be glvoU tliem to a«: cept tbe splendid Southern bospi-i tulitj of the peopie of Gnilitis. . - _ _ ] With Mrs. C. H. Hassdl j , Mrs. Gushing Biggs Ilassell entertained a small number of j on Saturday evening at | bridge for her broth cr, Mr. Henry Woolard, of Wilson. who is her guest. Those enjoying M*s. j Hasset!'* hospitality were; Mrs. Kader B. Crawford, Miss K'&ie Peel, Miss Clara Jones, Mr. Harry A. Biggs, Mr. Luke Lamb and Mr. Robert Baker. m 1 ■ A Bear Grass Near-Antique A near antique in the Senate this sessiou is Hon. H.,W. Stubbs, of Martin. He began in 1889, and has served five teims in the Senate and six in the House. He would be the real grandfather of both bodies, but for the fact that he is what Hon. Pete Murphy calls a ' floating mem ber," rotating from the House to the Senate or vice versa, according to the desires of his constituents in his county, or in the group of counties composing the senatorial district. He is one of the youngest and handsomest looking members of either body, and has been given this distinctive appellation every 1 session for the last quarter of a I century—News and Observer. WILLIAMSTON, N. C.. FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, iqi.} Annual Meeting The regular annual meeting of ! stockholders Of tlVu Farmers and i Merchants Bank ?n held at their Banking House on Wednesday the 15th. inst at 2-30 p. ni , 187 out of 1 the 250 shares of stock I eiug re -1 presented. Presiltnt Biggs in his ; annual report called attention to ■ the remarkable progress made by ! the bauk during the past year 5 Many new accounts have been ► opened aud the depo- its at the close : of the year were much higher than » they had ever been before. The net profits for lht year were ; 26 per cent of the capital stock, l which is nearly six ptr cxi.t more 1 thau the preceding year. A Diyi 1 dend of Ten Per Cent was paid to I the stockholders on Jan. Ist, 1913. Very little money was borrowed from other banks during the past year so that expens* was greatly reduced and it is hoped that it will : be practically eliminated this year. 1 The same officers and directors were re-elected for the ensuing year as follows: John D. Biggs, Presi : dent, C. D. Carstarphen, Vice- President, Frank F. Fagan ; 1 Cashier, J. L. Rodgersou, Asst. . Cashier, Directors: John D. Biggs, C. I). Carstarphen, N. S. Peel, J. D. Simpson, W. H. Crawford, A. Hastell, F. U. Barnes, G. W. Blount, Kader Lilley, Wheeler Martin and R. W. Salsbury. Farmers Insurance Company The Martin County Branch of the Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Association of North Carolina met in animal session at the Court House in Williaaiston ou Monday, January 6th. 1913. The meeting was called to crder by John D. Simpson. President, wi*.h H. M. Burias, Secretary. The Secretary's repott showed that tbt' condition of the Company was ihf; be-t since its organization in the county, having a larger tiuin i er-of policy holders with * greater •irnount of insurance). \ There has been but cue assess ment levied in two years, and the actual cost of insurance dating tlies'.- years has been less than one tenth tf one peiciiit. W. C. Manning was elected President aud Janus L Ccltrain, Secretary fort tlit present \etr.^ Buried Sunday R*y. J. T. Stand foul was called | from Hatniltcn Sunday to perform 1 the burial set vices over the body of Mi-. Thomas Hardy, who died at her Ir.une near Vernon. Church I en Saturday. SLe was ilie daugh ter of the late Joseph Jenkins, and is the sixth niembtr ot 'net family to die in the last tight months. Her mother clicd first, :>ince the father and four children have died. Mrs. Wynn is survived by her I lrusbaud hu.l A brother, G. C. | Jenkins, who lives pn the Godwin farm near town. v Wynn-Woolard There was a pretty home rnar i rage at the residence of Mr. Robert [ Woolard on Sunday morning, Jan -5 uary 12th. 1913. in th^ presence of I a few relatives and friends, when : Miss Fannie Woolard and Bud t Wynn were made one in Christian , matrimony. Bud is a son of Mr. - Henry W T ynn, of Cross Roads, and > is a fine young man, a Christian 5 and successful farmer. Miss Fan s nie is a daughter of Mr. Robert f Woolard, is a beautiful young lady, 1 a member of Christian Chapel t Church, and one of Martin County's s accomplished teachers. i We bespeak for them a happy f and prospesous life over the matri a moaial sea. S, W.'Summerell. Money The year clorsed with the cost of living at about the highest mirk in a quarter of a century. The highest point reached in the year was very near oae hundred per cent over the lowest point reached in the lowest year within this genera tion. That was 1896 1 But th's is a little misleading. The average for tbe last three years has been only about fifty per cent higher than the average of the three lowest year»ifrom 1895 to 1897. But fifty per cint means a goad deal to the mpr&vith a nearly fixed wage. It tnfana, fur examp'e. that an m come of S6OO a year fifteen years ago was as good as an income of S9OO a year now. Actually, there was far more saving then, for a period of rapidly rising prices al ways means au era of wild specula tion and extravagant ways of liv ing. Thrift is at a discount. This is tht moral aspect of an inflated and depreciating currency, for au inflated and depreciating currency is exactly what rising prices m-*an, j and nothing more Many able! men thought, in the first Brvan 1 campaign for example, that a to'dj standard would give us a dollar of stable value. This it has uttirlyi failed to do.—Colliers. Died near Oak City The death of Milton Bennett at the home of his son near Oak City on Thursday la«-t, removed j from earth one of the oldest and j most highly respected citzens of' Martin County. He bad lived : nineteen years more—Uum :h« ■ of man, and until aj. few years ago, was actively engaged in cultivating his farm aliout three! miles West of Williamston, He had raised a large family, several; or whom survive him, among them i bis oldest son, John A. Bennett, at whose home he uitd. His was! h life of peace arid tri.">t in the nooil-: ne-w-s and mercy of God, and earnest! service to Him .He w&s for years j a devoted "member of Skcw.ukey,; land with his f.iithful wife, was! aI- , ways present at the services unless , sickness prevented. Truly a sir j van! in Israel has gone to his re ; ward "likT; ripened fruit, be ft 111 into the lap of mother earth." ' Health Board Meets ■! Monday, rhr Board of Health f' Martin County met and trans, c'.ed I such business ns come before I*. ' JJ! e Board is composed 01 Dr. ! L Long, Chm. Bund of County Commissioners, Mayor B 1 ? . God-j win t of Williamston, ,R. J Peei, Stipt. of Public Instruction for j, Martin County, Dr. j. E Smith J wick, of Jamesville, Dr. E. M. Long, of Hamilton, thelatter being Chairman of the Health Board. ! The annual election of Superinteu-1 | 1 dent of Health for Martin County! was held, and Dr. W. IS. Warren. 1 was re-elected to serve another j year Notice Seven years I have run the Bible [ and Grocery House. "In God we 1 trust." I have paid or must pay) your accounts for you. "Bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ." "Render unto I Caesar the things which are Caesar's and unto God the things which are God's." All persons indebted to J. L. Cherry are asked to come forward in January 1913. Bring all you are able to pay and your account t will be balanced and receipts in full be ( given to you. Tbankiog you for your trade in . the past, lam Your friend, John L,. Cherry. WiUiatnstou, N. C. OAK CITY ITEMS Miss Fannie House, of House, is one of the teachers in tbe new school building, which was opened Monday January 13th. Claude Roebuck and John York Spring Green, have gone into the mercantile business here. Robert Salsbnry, of Hassell, was iu town Sunday-. Milton Bennett died at the home of his son, John Bennett, last Thursday morning He was eighty nine years. The dance last Friday in the hall of the new bank building was largely attended K. H. Rawls, of Robersonville is clerking this year for the Oak City Supply Company. Mrs. H. S Everett and little daughter have returned from Rob ersonville. Miss Ophelia Savage, of Speeds, is visiting Miss Susie Burnett Miss Nellie Whitley from Wash jington, and Miss Adalee Whitley j from Hobgood were the guests of ; Mi-.*e Pearl and Jeffie House the | latttr part of last week. Master Tom Partnele j has taken a position with H. K. I'xarrell. Huch Sm th and Z;b White hurst from Greenville were in town last werk. Governor Kileliins Admin istration Vwtir vt-ars ; c.luvjaign, WilliomJA'akou Kitchin *.v-ih inaugurated inthepreaeiiceof a vast .vncour.-e ot North Carolinians on the tast 'fronr of tlir capitol. He m.ide ;*n eloquet/. speech and 1 entered upon the duties of the great I 0f:.. - -. •> i'li tirm r --.clve to measure 1 !up to i*s Lii j'.i iefpiii;s:bilitits ToiL-v. after four years 01 service l ' i'i nh'i'ii h » In 1 '« en diligent and faithful !'t laysilov.il tin:-resronsi •ll Ii ir4n■ i te'iKiis to ihe ] rivate | itjiton. He uoes bat k. home with] • a cjusciou- ; n»s of having served j h'i' S:e ■. .•;! and with Rrati lic .tion (>; s.eeingbis administrution J 1-e ■.villi .1 1 i-cjrd that is honorable '.us During the four years 1 hi r (',.1 r! 1«.: Kit-.hi:i has been at! . th'- h-.-;?u. N ill Ca-oiina has gore 1 jf. 1 cV-:'d i'i '.ucttti 31, ;:i) indiistr; . I lin • !• devel ij.ment and it; | •.v :• rt in-i',.li liiVf I' vund tin Stati ■ o'liiiii '-i-rv.>,-;u-ij:i the.sidl: :i tlic-ie ,•;1 :. - 'h it V.Ol king for tLe f ! :crt> ■ m-.i-.t of 'he coti.monwealth. I Into th-: pr-.:tise of his j.udessiou 1 •a he;e awr-iits him, Govern-1 I or Kitcir.n -vi 11 carry with him the. ''beany goo'l wi-lies of the whole peoplv id NorthCarbiiua. In Ral* i cigh. a is're the Cioveuor and his 1 'vhole family have made many j friend.-, at their depar- \ tur-j .ire «• u.'.ine and deep.—Newt I 1 I ! and O' »server. Hurt Thumb A young son of Mrs. Henrv I - Edwards, while at work 011 Tliuri- j ! day at the I'atits Factory, had the j j misfortune to get his thumb in tbe | way of the machiny that brads the i buttons on pants, and sewed the thumb and button together, tbe ! brad going cleartlir ougb the thumb | and clinching.on tbe other side. It took Dr. Warren some time to get tbe pair of pants from tbe boy's thumb, but at last reports the boy l is not much worse after the acci r dent. For Rent! 1 LaFayette Harreil Farm Near Oak City. Apply ixt JS, A. CRITCHER si.oo a Year in Advance ANM AL STATEMENT of - 8. S. BKOWN, KEtiISTKK OF PL CDS FROM DECEMBER M, 1911 to DEC. Ist, 1»I3. No. 400 To Suffolk Feed and Fuel Co., cement 86.00 401 To J. F. Purvis, lumber bridge 5.(H) 402 To Iroquois Mfg Co., paint. court house" 31. G5 403 To Kdwords and Bro'.ightCii, Tax books sheriff 15.5^ 405 To Uailey and Barnhi!). county poor 45.80 406 To H. H. Satilsbury, com mißsioner 82.40 407 To Zaph Howell, ropnlrts bridge 4.39 408 To B. S. Cowing com i* 11. G* '.OH To Stroud. P.ailey and Bari hill, lumber 8.74 409 To H. ('. Sprui!!. ea:»Y 26 50 4js To H'fhvnifls : tjffjfoHT supplies. court limine 3.06 41!t To R. C!. Si*\tcn, liridg» work 4.12 420 To J. A. Hobbs, Clerk'K fees 4.60 421 To H. M. Al"v»ind»'r, ;-nti toxin 11.10 422 To A. 15. Ay ere. county poor 16.C0 42:) To'C. D. Carstarpiien & Co., county i>oor 20.2S 421 To Roanoke Bridge Co., Iron bridge 100.CO 425 To Joe Purvis, labor court house 6.k2 42ti To A. S. Cofftfld. making Tax list 324.63 42" To T. W. Davenport. lum ber bridge 54.23 43S To Anderson, Crawford ti Co., county i o;>r 9. Si 42!) To J.'C. Crawford, booid prisoners 18. GO 4::o To \V. H. Williams, paint ing court housf roof 15.00 431 To J. D. Howm. nipt , co." iio i in,' 26 40 432 To Winston phon? rent 4 50 •lu3 To Dr. W. C. \V;M'rcn. Tirpr: —h".iii-fi 40.00 131 Tll O. K. Cnrt-in- t'j.. ccsun ty poor 4.G0 1 To .1 I>. lie-v :i county lion,' .25.03 I To i>r W !■;. .). AV * , I; alii". ' 3j '3O I' 'ln 11. i I•iil' i. :■ ; i 11rs btit'r; 3.50 4 To i.iitli.iiii !"!»1 •)».••.. C'. aii s . c.c.iri . wi,:.. 12 GO f. To IJuill. I .V vi lli,;. lUMiI; fcrid'; I .' I3ti.«>9 r. T,i J . 1' r in :•,»• ■. i.'naril is-.,., | ... 20. 10 IV To .1- T Prow 11 .. s .ii-'. r•- pairs 1., id;; I i . .0 To 11 iidi 1 > i" • , . ii'. 1' !l To K'l.l " • .! t . I.rids."-; 19. 20 . HI:] 1 . ,• ' 12.00 i 1 To T., w •* 1 •.• - ■' Si iT:i 13. i>> 1 'lll V . V. !{ •: ■ • •cail , 4 29 | I.' T > Vl.'l ! i.i.i .'• ..i; I > , ~, . ...v. , , .IK. 21 ( C .ntUMe t '.'i ' 11- iiv I I Don't Delay j our Mib-ripi' ;.t ins been j Kcetitiv 1, .hist there arc | -an-, in ..tr, i.t»- -• *lt ia aVolutc | Jy r,tct«ss" ir:c'-.r,T K ev» j sl'.O'.lid be I -Vii ■•••»: ' 'OOll. ! a debt to li.' yuV.tsher is as j binding rt- tint *■> your giocer. j And more thai: th*-. I'> p." per can | run 011 hot ~r. Ii i'.ke- lctbor, I gasoline and tbe ru;ce*s*«ry paper* typt, ttc', to ° 1:1 tssne. Kach of tlieie tbiiigs cos k i» money. . We to."I that ir.it s :Vcnber» ajipreciate our tiiorvs t.» tbem fifty-two iiisnos yearly. >ut so roany ioftbt;tn just ne',;le t to mail or j bring otie dollar o* as the case | may be to pay up and ncouraj;e |us in our work. Careidlly looli at your lablei and remember that we , need the amount due.. i The famous Paul Jone9, having ' resolved to pay his debts, first dis» •• charged those wuich 2re tettned j. [ debts of honor. An artisan, who " was one of his creditors called on *. him and presented his bill •'I have no money ju-t now, my v j friends," said Joues. | "But, sir, I know that you paid ? away 50 pounds this morning and ! that you still have some left." •'Oh! that was a debt of honor." ' "Well, sir, I will make mine o»e --also;" and so saying the man threw his account into tne fire.—Excha»- ge 1■ L. ' .. - . . I H

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