B THE ENTERPRISE rrBMSHED EVKUY FRIDAY U'flH.mrto.t!. N c. * WILLIAM C. MANNING. EDITOR I SUBSCRIPTION KATES Qn Y »gf m • fI.OO ttr itptuKi .... .50 "C> Threo Month* * • - .?5 Strictly Cash in Advance Ente-eil at th» Ftxt nfc- at WilttamMon, ««. C. »* Second Cl»s» Mail Mutter. Address all Communications to THE ENTERPRISE, Willinmston, N. C. - - Friday, January 17, iqi^ it is new Governor Craig. The State under his administration will go forward along every line. If the VTrVi Kenvon hill to prevent liquor being shipped into > dry States pass«.s, there will be a percrptihle change in tlie morals ami financial conditfoi of m.mv of the people in this State. If men would cea.se to di ink the stuff., our State would lie a veritable hnd of hi essedness. To promote harmonv, those members of the Senate who object ed to tie hcni"rity rule, were aske i tc let the matter r st. Woodrow Wil.on waits a harmonious parly to sustain him in the coming four venra. But be inti.rales that th'-ie J i must be a strict nrlherenre to Demo cratic pth'.ciples. and those whu have veertd oft mu-t return >.r tin administration will not redeem its pledges There is oue reform which the Legislature sbou'd institute. That Is, every Jud>>e in North Carolira should be required to convene his court at the hour set unless pro videutially hindered.- Judges have the liabit of appearing a day or a halt late, but every juror must be at the county seat and hang around wasting many hours when be might be at home working. Constitutional Convention Hon. Harry V. Stubbs, of Mar tin County, v* ho at the last Legis lature introduced a bill to hold a Constitutional Convention, has put another bill before the Senate call iug for a Convention, the authority to hold sam-i to be decided at the nevt genera! election. The hold ing of such a Convention is an im portant question for the Legislature to decile Wisdom should prevail, as in atTTjuestions of Constitutions v and amen iiuenis. S :iis very a ' i men throughout the S:ate have .1 ,'revd th it such a Convention s'.to :!.l he held, but there arc- still .\ u '• 1 w'u y >ee great diu ;cr u.1.-s ;x pioper dif!e;;atts c \r. !r >i»..t '.«» ;ic 'idv : 1 j the best at ill ,t Cov.-ntiou. It is] fiope.l thai the j nut i\v:i'r.iM . s at Halet.; ; i w'! d .ode xv.-i lv 111 the in il tcr Give Them Six Months l*or the la..* t twelve years North Carolina Lias made wonderful pro gress a!o:: educational Hues. The splendid work of the late Charles B, Aycock was the foundation stone upon which has been built a larger and (letter structure of ed ucational growth, until bigger and ■ better school h.us-.s add to every district in the State. There, are very few towns which do not have inoderniy equipped High School buddings. Tne advantages offered hoys snd girls iu the rural districts art almost equal to those in town. But the one great Haw in the sys tem is the short tetm in which the country children have to master »he • different branches. There are many who cau on!j:~get two of the v \fr>ur-raoatbs offered them. If we are to be an educated people, arc to give every boy and girl in North Carolina a chance to fit themselves j for the business of life, then a longer school term will have to be given these younger citizens of a great commonwealth. The power to do this mnch ior our children lies in the bauds of the ■ I 1 Legislators at R&leith. It is a question which should be .setteleii new. A six-month term for all the public schools of the State is oue of the most important things before that body. We want it for Martin County, and the county is in line for this or.ward movement. ( We boast of our improvement, let , us have something better to feel proud of. We urge the passage of a bill to give the coming citizens a broader chance to become educated in mind and body. - . .11 TT u.-- Should be Amended The Parcels Post needs an amendment, so that third class nutter can receive the benefit as well as fourth class packages. It is strange that the law should not have mchiucd books printed mat ter, etc , in its scope of helpfulness to the people. It restrict- nuttei which should go through the mails at the low cost now in order. Con gress should at once auieu i the law and make the benefit larger. If we desired to ship a package to one of our customers at RoPer sonville, or Kveretts, it must go by express, costing twenty five cents Tin: same package by parcels post w >uld not cost halt as much, liv regular postage, the cost would be extravagant. The govertime >: evidently has a grudge agaiu-l printers, as it farms out the p.i.u trig of envelopes t» oue firm. t!r.«s t iking thrtiisauds of dollars froui I t'.i * pockets of the ptinteis t hrotigli 1 1 out tLiv rouutrVv It is sptcies of I f .voiitisin which the incomiug Democratic administration should cutoff, (hve the printers a chance to live. They help support tin government, yet rue made to feel the tfleets of a tru-t inaugurated by the government. It is biith time something was b*.iug done. Our Home Town The day Seldom atrives in a man's life when he ceases to be iuteresttd in the daily or weekly paper of the place that he has once called home Granted that it is printed on the poorest paper, grautcd that the typographical display would make the spirit of Beu Franklin blush; granted that thete are no editor ials, or editorials that are not worth reading—grant all this, and still your feelings and iuir:e and those of every other healthy mc.rtal are summed up in this little poeui, from the Denver Post: When the eveuiu' shade is fallin' at the end ; n' o' tin? day, An' a feller rests from labor, stuck iu' a: his- pipe o' clay. There's notbin' dees t:uu mi much good. 1>: fortune up or dou c, j As tin: little c uuty p iprr from his Old Home Town It ain't h thing 1 f ! «'V.ty and its pr iu! ain't ai v,l >- 11 un, Hut it sfaßighte'i out li> letnpei ali.'U a telle, s letlin' uiean, It takes the wtinkbsi ft his face an' bitish.es vff I.la Ir.'.vn, That little country pautr iioci his Old Home Town, it tells- fail ifce parties an' the balls of Pumpkin Row, 'Bout who spent Sunday with who's girl, an' bow the cropt 11 grow, An'how it keeps a feller posted 'bout who's up nif' who is down. That little couuiiy paper from his Old Home Town. Now, I like to rfcad the dailies nc' the story papers, too, An'at times the yaller novels an' some other trash—don't >ou? But when I want some readin' that 'll brush away a frown I want that little paper from mv Old Home Town. "The man who borrow* trouble is never asked to pay it back." CMES'JEB SPILLS 0° LADrs.fi r "V--r Atk your f 3r CIII-CHE:»TV:R'3 A DIAMOND LkaICD rii.L.i la Kip hdJ/a\ Goi.i) oictalllc atulcd with Elue\£/) Klbhon. Tak* mo cxn«n. *.i» eT V/ Bniu»l»t und aik far, CHI-CIU'S-TCK M > BIAMOXB BU4ND PII.LO, f r lw.-titT-8»j ytar« a« Brst,Safest, A'.wav* 11 It?. Lie. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE > I USE OF CALOMEL • PRACTICALLY STOPPED l _ For Bilious Cocstispation 1 and All Liver Troubles. Dan r * gerou* Calomel Gives Way to Dodson's Liver Tone t Evfrv druggi-t in the state has I uoticed a gtest falling off in tbe j sale of calomti. Tbev all give the k same reason. Dodson's Liver Tone i is taking its place. "Calomel is cften dangerous and people know it, while Dodscn's Liver Tone is perfectly safe and gives I etter results," says Saunders i & Fawf'en. t , Dodson's Liver Tone in personally } gnrantet d by Saunders & Fowden who sell-it. A b rve bottle costs 1 50 cents, and if it fails to give easy [ relief in et e v ca-eof sluggishness, you have orlv to ask for your i >tnoney hack. It will be promptly retui ced. DocUon's Liver Tone is a pleasant ' tasting, purtlv vegetable remedy— I harml'.t-s to both children and I adults. A bottle in tbe hou«e may save von a dat \s work or vour children from missing school. Keep your l'ver working and your liver will not ket p yon from workiug. Notice " I'isdcr and by virtue of a po veto f sale contained i" a certain deed of trus'. ex ecuted bv R. T. T«o lor end wife, s. G. Tm lor. to the uudersigned trustee audi bearm/ date tile 14th «lav of Jul) 1905. 1 atit] of recot m Bitok 7. 7. at Ppge 537 Mtr.un Co iit\ Regi-ter. to secure the I p»\ nicnt of sa'il notes of even date nnd ] tenor therewith,, and the stipulations i:i saiii dt'.d of trust cot having been com- j piled wi'.ii, and at the request of the j (lartie.s in interest I shall on Monday the j 3rd Jay of February, 1913 at Jxn o'cloek 1 p. 1:1 the Court Houted&or of Martin County. Williamstou, N. C., clTer at publii sale to the holiest bidder for cash the following described lots or parcels cf land, to wit: Beginuiug in the center of Main Street at J. L Croom corner; thence a North West course '8 yds. to and iron stob; thence a Ncitherly course 17 )ds. to an iron »tob, thence a North Westerly course 37yd». to G N. Croltou's line; thence with »aid Crofton's line a North erly course 15 yds.; thence a South east course 95 yds. to the center of main street; thince down »aid street to the l>eginning. Second T ract: Beginuiug in the Main Road lead,ox from Gold Pout to Hamil ton; thence down said road to U.'T. Taylor's and George Harrison's line; "tTrerrrt- u'tth mud Tavlnr —nnd —Harrison line, a North East course to CI. A. Crof , ton's corner; thence down said Ciofton and Taylor line 26 yds. thence with said Ta\lor and Crofton line a South Wesj course 46 yds. to the Main road; thence up said road jo yds to the beginning. Third Tract: Beginning on Main Street at A, li. Whittteld corner; thence Whitfield lide 77 yds. to the middle of the road leading ftom Cold Point to Hamilton: thence' down said road to Main street, B. H. Roberson and J. A. Taylor's caTlier; thence Koberson {it Taylor line to Main Street; thence with Maw Street 73 yd*, to the beginning, ami know as, the Old Livery Stable Lot. This 3rd dav of January, 1911. W. *ll. WOO LARD, True tee. Notice . Having qualified a» Administrators upon the Estate of J. M. Coburn decens ud; Notice is hereby given to all persona holding cli'inn aguiust raid Estate, to prm-nt them to the undersigned O'or pajr:rit r,u or before the 4111 day of Ja riv'»; 1914, or this aoaoe will 1-e plead .:i I \' c.f tl.eir recovery. All j.uvjls indebted to said list ate are I ma le iin mediate; payment I T.it' 4th day of January ; .lj. H. L. KVKRETT, M. A. CORI'RN, Adm. Trustes's Sale I'lider and by virtue of tiuthotily con-1 tai'ied in a certain deed of trr.it executed 1 to me by John L. Weaver and wife, M. E Weaver, bearicg date March 30th., 1912 to secure payment of a bond, of even date and recorded in the Public Registry cf Martin County, in book ZZZ, nt page 5 J7. and the stipulations contain i ed in said deed of '.rust not having beeu complied with, I shall, no Wednesday, the !2'li. day cf February, nineteen hun dred and thirteen, at two o'clock p. m.. ' in front of the Bank of Robersonville, in the town of Robersonville, in said county otfer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the follow ing described lots of land to-wit: Ist. tract. Situated in the town ojjGold ' "Point, in said county and bound on the North by the lands of J. B. Coburn, on , the East by the lands John L. William, on the South by the lands of A. C. Smith, J. A. Bryan and others and on tha Wert by Main Street in said town of Gold Point, and known as the John Weaver hou*t and lot. id. tract. Situate in ssid town of.Gold Point in said county, and bound on the North by the lands of Jule A. Taylor, on the Eust by Main Street in said town, on the South by the lands of Johu E." Rob erson and on the West by the lands of John ti. Roberson, and being known as the John Weaver store lot. This Jan. 1 Ith. T913. J. C. SMITH, Trustee. i Mrs. Mattie Spellei . Dealer in GENERAL MERCHANDISE | Phone 35 Willlamstoii. N. G Notice Having qualified Tas Administrate ' upon tbe Estate of G. R. L. Roebuck de ! ceased; Notice is hereby given to al { persons holding claims against saic Estate to present thein to the undersign ed for payment 011 or b fore the 7 dcy o December 1913. or this notice will t* plead in bar of their recovery. A'l per sons indebted to said Estate are reques". Ed tomake immediate payment. This 7 dav of December 1912. ELIZIA D. ROEBUCK. Adm*. North Carolina, Martin County. In the Superior Court, Before the Cierk S. H. Hyman and wife Margaret Hytnau C. L. Brown and wife, Annie S. Brown vs. A. R. Brown and wife and G. W. Martii and wife, et als. The defendants, above named, to-wit A. R. Brown and wife and G. W. Martin and wife, will take notice that an action entitled as the above has been commenc 'ed in the Superior Court of Martin County to sell for division a certa'n tract of laud therein situate adjoining the lands of T. T. Council. Richard Gatling and others and being a part of the Jeery Brown tract; and the said defendants will further take notice that they are re quired to appear at the offiDe of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County at the Court House of said county in Williamston, N. C, on the Bth day of February 1913, and answer or demur to the Complaint in said action, or the plaintiffs will to the Court for the | relief demanded in the Complaint. This 31st day of Deceit ber, 1912. J. A. HORBS, Clerk, Superior Court. Notice of Sale I Not ce is lieresbv given that the under -1 signed, commissioner, under and by vir j tue of a decree of the Superior Court of Martin County in the Special Proceed ings thetein pending, entitled, "N. F. Jones et als vs. J. H. Jones et als," will offer at public sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door of Martin County Williamston, N. C. 01 Monday the 3rd. day of February, 1913, at 12 o'clock noon the following describ ed land, to-wit: Beginning at a stob iu the Mill Road beyond where Joseph B. Jones lives, known as the corner of that part or tract of land sold by 11, W. MiTiell to Frances Lightfoot; thence running said Light foot's line to the Moore Mill Run; thence up said run to the line that devides tbe Freeman-Bailey land from the land whereon the said Joseph B. Jones uow lives; theuc« with the Freeman-Bailey line to the Mill Road; thence with the Mill Road to the begiuning. Containing 45 acres more or less, and being the same premises that were conveyed to Joseph B. Jones by H W. Mi/el! & wife by deed of record in Book J. J. at Page 593 of the Public Registry cf Martin County. This 30th. day of Decrmber, 1912. A. R. DUNNING. Com. Notice The undersigned having been appoint ed and duly qualified as administiator of the estate of W. H. Harrell, deceased all persons having claims against said estate are notified to exhibit the same before him on or before the Ist. dav of Jan. 1914 or this notice will be pleaded in the bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will ploatse 111 ike immediate payment. Tnis 31st. dav of Dec. 191?. WHEELER MARTIN, Jk., Adm. Notice Having qualified as admiuistralo'r oi W. M. Daniel, deceased, late of Martin County, North Carolina, this i> to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceused to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the i«th. I day of January 1914, or this notice will Ibe plead in bar of their recoverv. All persons indebted to said estate will j least make immediate payment. This ist day of January 1013. JAMES R. DANIEL, Adm. Notice 1 j The undersigned, having l*;en appoint' ed aud dule rjuulified as admiustrator o! the estate cf Annie M. Lewis, deceased all persons having claims against said are notified to exhibit the same before him 011 or befote the Ist. of Jau 1914 or this notice will be pleaded in tin bar of their recovery. AH persons iude bted to said estate will piease make itn mediate payement. This 31 day of Dec. 1912. J, B. ANTHONY, Adin. Notice The undersigue having been appointee and duly qualified as adminstratoi of th estate of Lafayette Harrell, deceased al parsons having claims against said estati are notified to exhibit same before hin on or before the Ist. dav of Jan. 1914 o: this notice will be pleaded in bar of then recovery. All persons indebted to saic estate will please make immediate settle nient. This 31st. day of Dec. 1912 B. A. CRtTCHER, Adm Tor Sale: One Dynamo, practically new Cost $30.00. Will sell for £15.00 For further information apply to flenry Gurganus - 1 to 4t "Williamston, N. C I MMSUpmI! Hr> ■ nil urnnw ■■■■! u —i— The Woman Makes fie Home L. '• j She ma!:; 3 it bost who, iockrng af;er the culinary tiepertinent, turns her back ly upon unhealthily or even sulfites, i~«od n | accessories. She 13 eccr.omicr.t; she knows t . that true economy dees ViotC-pncirt .r. t:v_* use a' cf inferior most, fb'ir, or bakh" pov r. She n i i-» an earnest advc*at4 cf horr.2 r.icut, home n * 1 baked food, and hr.s prove! the truth c f the :t I \ statements of the expert:; that the best cook e| ing in the world tixlcy 13 done with Roy ; 1 v j Baking Powclar. 3 ! i TOBACCO FLUES □ | e l Have Woolard to make your FLUES atid You will have the BEST I '! CARTS AND WAGONvS VIAIM; TO ORDER i f ; Woioards Combined Harrow and Cultivator i J. L. WOOLARD & CO. I vVILLI AMSTON, N. C. I t Jooannet's Frost Proof Cabbage Plants Are known as the best to be had anywhere by thousands of experienced buyers, and are offered to you at prices e t aitJ LOWE* than you Day for common, inferior plants. WILL \ HAVE ALL VAIIETIES. Plants tied in bunches of 25. JkX PUCES: 75 centa for 500 lots; SI.OO per 1000 1 5000 and e ° V GIANT AiGENTEUIL ASPARAGUS tOOTS, one year and two year old, $4 per 1000, $1 per 100. e COUNT AND SATISFACTION GUARANTKO Low rates by Southern Express Co. Cash with order, please. For a profitable crop scad your orders early to £ UFFI «T CtarUiUiW«k«lWl4 C»bWf« ALFRED JOUANNET, In 18J, MT. PLEASANT, S. C I I i ■ ■ ■ .1 ir^^grS^gBBMBBSaMHagMIMgMMaBM^aBaMgaHBMBMI^SgBSEs" " I deed; of Tmi;T I i 5 : - ' 3 •S * £ •r- aa t " OMR LEQriL BLANKS j £ , ARE THE R WSIIT KINb. • £ 5 rtIONE OK£iEKS * E * t 4 £ -Jl#* QEI V/E PROMPT dNb * v I g CdREFML ATTENTION. z ,* I C THE ENTERPRISE. « ii ! d - II ! t 2 f | I— ry - * "I | '. - E s 3 WARRANTY DEED J c 1 • ' V» 1 1. I I j Try SOLACE At Our Expense i- Monev Back for any case of Rheumatism, Neuralgia. or Head- JI ache that SOLACE Fails _ „ to Remove SOLACE REMEDY is n recent medical dis H covers* oi three German Scientists that dissolves | I'ric Acid Crystal* and Purifies the Blood tt is « easy to take, and will not afTect the weakest | stomach, tt UimruMtl iv.idn llie T«f. F.iod and " Drug l.tw to be absolutely from opiates or te harmful drugs of any description. :u SOLACE a pure aiievlfic in every way, and sr has been proved beyond question to be the surest Jr and ejuickeat remedy for I'ric Aiid Troubles , known to medical science, no matter how IOBR lcl statxiiiijl It reaches ami removes the loot of j e- the trouble t I'ric Acid ) and purities the blood. ! TIIK SOI.ACT CO. of Cattle I'reeV. are the 8 iU- ' 1' S Agents and have thousands of voluntary j testimonial letters whi'h have been received | from grateful people SOLACE hits restored to t m health. Testimonial letters, liters.ure and I I KHE BOX sent upon tcqtlCst. K. l,ee Morris. President of the Fust National lioukof Chico, TMA», wrote the Sol nee Com pany as follows: "1 want you to send a. box of solace to my P. father iu Memphis, Teim , for which I enclose J! This remedy has lwen used hy some friends -. of miae here anil I must say its action was won... J * derful. "(Sieriiedi R L. Morris." Put tip in. asc, 50c. and 1 i.eo. boxes. ITS MIGHTY I'INK TO Bli WELL AND: vol' CAN SOON HE SO BY TAKING SoLACK. 1 ' "NO Special Treatment Schemes or l'ees." Jt'sT j SOIACF. AI.ONK does tli» worls. Write today A fot; the free lio*. etc. " > SOI.ACH REMKDiY CO.. Battlt Creek, Mich, i Wood's Seeds for The Farm arid Garden. Out* New Descriptive Catalog iafully up-to-date giving descrip tions and full information about the be3t and most profitable seeds to grow. !t tells all about Grasses and Clovers, Seed Potatoes Seed Oats. Cov/ ?;as Soja Beans, The Best Sesd Corns ard nil other Farm and Garden Seeds. Woods Seed Catalog has long besa recognisrdao a stan dard authority cn Setds. Mailed oa request; v. vit'i for i | T. W WOOD tr SONS, ff&DSXLN, P.ICIIJIO'ID. VA. It = "• i

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