I The Improved I. H. C. Stalk Cutter I W We have at our factory ready for immediate delivery a few of the International Harvester Stalk Cutters. This cutter has been greatly improved and has many advantages that others have not. Let us explain v J 0 their many advantages. \ 4 t 1 THE I. H. C. CULTIVATOR f m' \ x The I. H. C. Cultivator being almost entirely constructed of steel is tree from all heavy and cumbersome ]|? construction and is much stronger than the ordinary cultivator. Can be supplied with 4, 6or 8 shovels jvj or surface cultivating attachments. Write or call 011 us tor further information. % Harness, Buggies, Surries, Carts and Wagons jjj We have just received a big stock of Harness and are offering them at attractive prices. ~^ iHave your Buggy, Surry, Cart or Wagon made just like you want it. Come to our Factory, tell what you want and §? we will deliver the goods. Remember we use the celebrated Don-Ton Axles. Big stock of Buggy Robes and Whips X Bring us your Repair work. We have a large force of skilled mechanics and can do any kind of Repairing on short. , notice. Our prices are resonable. I The Martin County Buggy Company I $ . ASA T. CRAWFORD and W. L. STALLS, Manager {WILLIAMSTON .... NORTH CAROLINA © & &€•€• C C C C €•€■€■ €•€•€• €-€-C€-&€€-€-€-€-€-£-€-&€€-€-&& 13 To Hadley and Bnilthwtck. bridge ' 2.00 89 To.!. I). Bowen, sunt., county 2 V 7. A. EllUon. freight bills 17.55 43 Mii>s Ireruj Suutb. stenog'r 1.2." Aug. 17. Cash from sale building bridge 50.00 52 To J. T. Bullock, lumber home N 26.50 « J B. Waters, hauling m'c'hy 200 -P Anderhon. Crawford k Co., o£ bonds, Farmers & Mer -14 To Anderson. Crawford and bridge 7.52 To J. G. Staton. haullivg 4 Good Roads Machinery Co.. supplies 28.73 chants Bank 3,0i>0.00 Co., county poor 33.00 £3 To Jno. E. Pope, Insurance brick 4 00 repalts road machine i 7 31 4i H. M. Hurras, services 36.00 Premium on same 50.00 15 To Theodore Hassell, board warehouses • 30.00 91 To A. Corey, lumber bridge.* 16.75 C Sylvester Peel, survey of 11.R 3.50 1> Pioiyit Pros., Teed 2.88 Interest accrued 39.17 of elections 2.00 54 To J. C. Crawford, court 92 To J. A. Roberson. pay roil 6 F D. Stewart, pay roll 215.43 50 S. T. Overidge & Co., feed 05.00 1C To Dr. J. H. Saunders, cor- 55 To Robert Wells, bridge w'k 1.50 bridge w'k 207.4s J. P. Simpson, wagon 15.00 Hovt Hardware supplies 2.05 $23,071.40 oner's jury k witness 11.80 56 To J. A. Hobbs. recording K! To Anderson, Crawford and '■> Mist Irene Smith, stenoi'r * •- Good Roads Machinery Co.. I, S. S. Brown. Register of Deeds for I.' To J. A Hoblts, C. S. C*. fees 3.10 jury 3.35 Co.. sup. county home 4." v o;> :• »l. M. Purr is. expenses . coops 16.50 Martin County, do hereby certify that 18 To \V. W. Roberson. lumber 57 To R. G. Sexton. repairs 94 To c\ and Co., l'» K. B. t sid, it stir m ■■ J- K. Iltggs Ivtu Co.. sup- foregoing is a true and correct bridges 5.00 bridge 2.00 county poor 1-.ol' policy " I'li-.v \:vl> statement of Will lams ton Township 19 To W. .1. Taylor, repairs 5s To J. C. Crawford, board .., To Bailey and Bi.rnl.ill. '•' E. P-'p 'n it rati i«('i i> • • ' I- 51 •t. M. Purr..!- ",2.4'f Road Fund. as IK on file and of record bridge 1.00 prisoners 36.60 hiidg« w'k 3.M>l 1- Sa»!ti« . t. I. !» ila;-;-. II .v Co.. supplies 12.23 i:» my office. 20 To H. M. Bunas, expense 59 To J. L. Hassell and Co'.. * !'I To J. C. Crawfoid. •••m*,.V:'Cic*l!a:t. 1" i.:li■ ■■ (."rawiV»rd k Co.. Witness m> 'hand and official seal, asso. coin. 20.50 county poor 12.15 inx prisoners 6.50 IJ So. Sttii.ip Stat lon-i y ('•:. suppi'i-* 15 14 ti-is 't!i day of November, IM2. vj To W. I>. Hadley, clerk To J. T. Edmondson. con- ■: To JC. Crawford, con* • f pitntln'j bonds -1 i"i 57 j i\ S ; i,• s- .:. J v ukou- 7Vf.«> sS. BROWN. Register Deeds, to (Ota. lu.oo vcying prisoners 7.3> Inc. prisoners » 2 1 '4 Is T Bc.t r A' (' it.«. '■ !• P. Cod-. ,i: supervisor, S .i t J and nubscrilied betorc me 22 To R H. Salsbury, expense '1 To H. 11 Lilley. Co. poor 0.00 :■•> To J. ('. Crawford. edTT* l " 144 50 ;.t* s. •'. 56." 4" (l-:s . 2nH. 1912. asso. eon;. 17.30 - To Edwards and Broughton. prisoners 2 .(•" Ne .*s »:.? adv-rPt- I F 1 >d .in Sui sjr. J. A. HOBBS. 21 To J. A Robersori. pay roll " License Book 5.50 To 11. S. Coni.it; COIM 12.7' ;i. !:oudi 2.7 i i-, t - , 'iTe .. Clerk Superior Court. bridge -,v'k r.'.c23.t::: T» s. It. niggnDrttg Co.. 1 To J. C. t.'i i: - ■ L. P «r.» •!. i: '. » A ;» I;, w. !*;«• *!!: 1 Al, VI'KM KM Ol' S. atw 24 To .1 A Tlobba. cotr't niedb eie county home 5.7» i'e s - pi:-- ■ !. W.-.»: it-l »ork >i: IUII(iV>, HK»ISTKIt Ol BKKR.H, schedule 27.''6 MToW. S. Taitlk, ice c. b .75 km To Virginia s'biV M.d »: a • -V « - iur..!;. > 7" - rv , I liOM ?>K KMHKK Kt. IPII TO 23 To J. C. Crawford, court t-5 To Ent'.i pi If- Priutius. Co.. A..' 4 i ro:. I.; 'a- " • R. S Cr:i i. "Una m.i-I . -i • :• . P t .-up.d';-.- 22" l» I I 1-1, s •',('.'ul. , 3.35 stationery •• •23 ! 02 JC WIJI-V Migf'.i. i i u"'. • ■ ■■ '1 P. • I »rt: -• ' *.■»«» - : '''i 21. To E, F. Godv in. court ' To X. P. Manning, iuinbet I W. A l.ii, 1 • .alii and |d.e» - •I > .21 •. a-It ueni .1 >' Ciaw .',?l.eu 4 .'••• bridgew 16. st» .'>3 To R"r S. (Yprle I • 11, i• • • «■»l s i' J I. 1 1 iv ' . MI;- • »I d I. iV • it ;riMi:.ts 1.'i3.00 L 7 Tt> .1. H. Ward, court To Iff. i Hardware Co.. palnl " Drtdgr 7 .vi - J P U■' 'i id i•• . |;i:, schedule 6.t'e tnd nails ,fi. H4ToO. K. Coving Co., foit.iC ' P'.tii. k -417" r1 ,« C.. ; %i t a.j.u ii M. iiur -21; To A. Corey, court echeduii- 1.43 »s io lroiuols Mtg. Co.. paint poor !« *" ' Ho - , i Ha np. a.• ('•« . I! ipl'l •* •* - a i cl.ca.-' .. en: I >.75 Z' To It. G. Allsbrooks. cou.t court he use- 28.76 lcs To Martin Co.. lit i«d: au YIP Di. t=■ i•• Siatuti Iti'ulxT • 2" ! •' ■'•> i:vr'. Sup . !•*••' "t '■ •' -m frot.! II '«! Bur- Ft»hedule 31.00 C.j To Stroud Bailey and Barn- Co.. brick 127.r0 .. C. !• ( ; i -i a ». i • ' 1 uu w at'diouse rent 3.75 30 To E. K. Roberson. court hill, lumber bridges 40.10 106 To W. A. Roberson and Co. in. le?d 2«t« tGlide I: n. i Machiu" «"• Forv i."—Cash ft on; IP M. Hur echedule ' 2.33 70 To Seabron Brown, repairs cement. 4 vOO :l Alantiin;; U IP ».-•'!!. ativdiis- road tnachlr.' * s-- r.u.. -warehouse rent 15 00 31 To J? E. Held, court schedule 3.20 bridges 9.60 m>7 To Wiley Rogerson ;nd 'V in? , .6.25 C« B. F. s ip- rvi»o •. " " --Cash from J. A. Hobb». 4.2 To V. A. Jackson, court 7' To C. !i. Catfcta; ph>D. Trens., "lumber bridge s •" -•*> Hoyl Hard v. are Cq.. eup- i-nj « ol 1 Jury tax 20.90 schedule „ 1 .CO pd. bridge lumber ' 9.51 Pjß To Slatle, Rhodes and l>liei - 11.23 ' t I Godv,m. sup. Mar- * Cash"*frvm H. M. Bur -33 To Tom Allen, court schedule 7.40 72 To Willlp.mstou Tel. Co.. county poor 12.f«/ 26 C D. Carfctarph'-n A.- Co., , pay roll .-1 _ ras .v.itehous > rent 11.25 31 To Warren Waters., court phone, rent * 6.75 109 To W. O. Wynn. bridge w'k 4.D0 fciipplira H'.ill I- F Godw : |i Supprvisor. A; r!l is—Cnsli front J. A. schedule m 8.40 7.! To C. I>. Cnrstarpheu and Co., 110 To Dr. W. |j, Wart en. sup": •" T. C. Cook, jhoohis' t. lira 10 m. nay roll , 372. 4 il dili)-. Jury tax 10.95 35 To R. S. Crltcber, court county poor 20.00 health ■* ?Ti".fiO 11 1.1 Burris. expense Nor- 7' !i F. Godwin. Supervisor. A.,t;i :*—Cnsli iront J. A Hobbs. schedule 1.10 74 To J. 4 Roberson. pay roli 111 To Bailey and Barnhill, folk buying team 15.0n l>av roll l.n>*». aune warden «> '.*.50 36 To Joe GJiham. court schedule 2.10 bridge- w'k 39.62 county poor 14.00 2;» W A. ElFwon, freight bills 17.23 P. F. Gwlwia, Su; '-rviiw.. May 14 Cash from IP M Rur -37 To Josephine Jones, court 15 To Tom Bagley. repairs bridges .60 112 To J. R. Ward, 'bridge 3" Mat Din Co, Hugg> Co.. pile pay r :11 s»s j.'raf. warehouse ijcnt 11.25 schedule 2.13 76 To Julius Hardlson. repairs repairs 7,90 criver 1" B. F. Godwin Sup": visor, Av.t. 3 Cash from J. A. w " CS To J. B. Aileu. court schedule 1.10 bridge 2.00 113 To Baker and Roberson, 11 Hamon & Kelly, iron hot*- pay roli 77 8 ) Hobbs. Jury tax 3.55 39 To Dock Ward, court schedule 1.10 77 To W. A. Ellison. Agt.. county poor 12.50 - Sept. 16—Cash from J. B. Coffleld. 40 To Geo. Rascoe, court sched- freight bills f.28 114 To bridge re- •' 'J. L. Hassell & Co. sup- !»».* ro " 1.002.99 >• marriage license.? 155.00 * ale 1.60 75 To C. D. Carstarphen and pairs 1.50 plies f>7.02 7" Enterprise Printing Co.. Sept. 21— Cash 'front IP M. 41 To John Hopkins, court Co.. "coroher"a ItftT tk'kets l€: 00 8a) B lmn inn.i.i'c2s,l3.A■ S, Cofaeld, Regr Deeds printing 4.00 Bunas, lumber sold 10.00 schedule 1.130 79 To H. M. Burras. cetnm'r. 5C.90 ue To H. C. Spruill. oomm'r 15.95 fees 7.20 76 M; nufacturor's Rocor37"ad- " T'aslTTroin J. C. Ci'ftW -42 To Gas" Bailey, court SO To Ward and Rollins, repairs 117 To J. B. Roberson, sand 24 Anderion, Crawford & Co., v vertisiug bonds 25.20 ford, sheriff, tax settlement schedule 1.60 bridge 27.77 iron bridge 10.50 supplies 23 61 77 E>. F. Godwin. Supervisor. 1 fir 1912. 11.649.24 43 To S. L. ROSS, court schedule 1.&0 SI To Casper Bros., repairs 118 To Wllllamston Tel. Co.. 1* 51 art ill Co.. Brick Ac I'ile Co., sup. *; pay roll 1.240.07 " 44 To J. T. Edmondson, court bridge 13.95 phone rent 2.23 brick .80.50 7S P. F Godwin. Supervisor $12,122.94 schedule ' r. 3.20 8S To A. J. Roberson. repairs Ufi To Anderson. Crawford and '•"'» C. I>. Carstarphen, Troas. pay roll P742.11 fS. S. Brown. Register of Deeds 45 To W. A. Roberson. court bridge 4.80 Co., county poor 10.71 "pay toll ai)d-i»tt-pp4ie» 1,041 S3 70 H. J.P Burras. services 12.00 for Martin County, do hereby certify schedule 4.10 S3 To H. W. Stubbs. Co. atty 25.00 121 To Grimes, Roberson and •'' J. L. Woolard, repair,s and • >"0 P. F. Godwin. Supervisor. that the foreeoin? is a true and cor -46 To O. P. Robefscn. court 84 To Anderson. Crawford and .Tamos, bridge dam 50.00 work 14.53 . nay roll 454.69 reel statenrent of Martin County, schedule 4.10 Co., sup. county Jiome 44.66 H ,v Burrw :ervloes BVOO Statement Mllliamson Toitnuhip General County Fund, as 'is on Hie 47 To Harvey Roberson. court 83 To J. D.*Bowen. supt. $10,676.01 "i-W. A. ElileOft. rrelsii'l: bills **• Hwl Fnml * ' and of record In my office. schedule 4.10 county home 27.50 htaienient of 'OT. C Cook, shoeing team 37? Witness my hrnd and official seal, 48 To J. T. Edmondson, court 86 To Anderson. Crawford and V.'ILM A.MSTOX TOWXSHIP HO \D 4i 8 R. Bi?s.- Drug Co., sup- 1911-April 1. 'Cash from sale this the SOth day of November, 1912. schedule 4.10 Co., county poor 19.63 FIWD. plies 1.60 of bonds. J G. Sruton 15,600.00 8. S. BROWN. 49 To A. B. Ayers. county poor 12.00 87 To B. R. Jenkins. B'd of 42 J. 1,. Hassell & Co. supplies 310 Int-rest Accrued 230.00 Sworn to and subscribed to before 56 To Dr. W. E. Warren, supt.. elections • 3.60 No. 43 C. D. Carstarphen. Treas. 1912—May 30 Cash from Spec- me this 2nd day of December. 1912. health " " 30.00 88 To N. S. Hardlson, repairs 1 Farmers & Merchants B'k, pay roil 518-12 .Jal tax. sheriff's settle- j, A. HOBBS, 51 To J. D. Coitrain. repaire bridge -> 8.02 dft Horse •

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