VOL. XIV. NO. 18 |-— Professional CanhTj Hugh B. York, M. D. Microscopy, Electrotheiapy,X-Ray Diagnosis, Specialties Office on Smith wick St.. rear Blount Bro. Office hours, 8 to 10 a. m.. 7"to 9 p. ia. Office 'phone 60 - Night 'phone 63 Vm. E. Warren - J. S. Rhode# Drs. Warren & Rhodes Physicians and Surgeons Office in Bigga Drug Store - 'Phone 29 Jos. B. Saunders, M. b. Physician and Surgeon Day' Phone 53 - Night' Phone 40 Williamston, N. C. Dr. R. L. Savage of Rocky* Mounr, will be at the At lantic Hotel fourth Wednesday in each month to treat diseases of the Rye, Ear, Nose and Throat and Fit Glasses. A R. Dunning • T C. Suiith Dunning & Smith Attorneys i t Law Williamston - North Carolina Robersonville, North Carolina Btjrrwu A. Critcber - Wheeler Martin Wheeler Martin, Jr. Martin & Critcher ... Attorneys-at-Law Williamston - North Carolina 'THOVM 23 S. J. Everett . Attorney-at-Law Greenville, N. C. - Willlamaton, N. C. Greenville Lou* Diataoce Phone 318 S. A, NEWELL Attorney at Law Williamston North Carolina Clayton Moore Attorney at Law Williamston • North Carolina John E. Pope General Insurance, Life, Fire. Health, Accident, Live Stock Rcfcl Estate - Brokerage Williamston • North Carolina ' T Office on Main Street ,* ■• Y ■ . ' r "T*"! Society Pressing • Glub . . Price, Manager ' ' Pttooo No. 08 . . {J Up-to-Date Cleaing, Pressing, Dyeing and Tailoring ! f i" , ' Very careful attention :gi,Ven to Ladies' Kid ...» .Gloves, Fancy Waists Xoat Suits and Skirts Club Rates for Men. Clothes called for and - Agents for- Rose & Co. - Merchant-Tailors, Chi cago/ 111 THE ENTERPRISE MWWMWIMMWMWM I PERSONAL BRIEFS | Clayton Moore has been to Rich mond and Emporia this week on business J. C. Smith, of Robersonville, was here Saturday on professional business ✓ S. H. Clark was here from Everetts Tuesday. W. B. Watts spent Snndav in town. Rev. G. J. Dowell has been out of town for the past week with his brother, Rev. Claretx; Dowell. Mrs. J. H. Tucker, of Edenton, came Monday to visit Mrs. F. K. Hodges. Mr. an J Mrs. W. B. Ballard left for Rocky Mount Monday. W. Fountain Lipscomb speut Sunday hers with friends. Messrs, J. G. Baiuhill and Ed James were here Monday from Robersonville. Miss-Annie Kate Thrower and Mary King Ellison spent Sunday in Robersonville. * Jesse Darden, of Dardecs was here Sunday visiting relatives. Rev. M. E. Bethei was called to Lewistonon Monday to attend the burial of a child. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ewell with a party of friends motored here Sun day from Hamilton and spent the day with relatives. Mrs. Mary Peel with Mrs. G. W. Hardison and little Miss Katherine spent Thursday in Tarboro. Mrs. C. W. Kellinger has retur ned from a visit to Western Caro lina and Memphis, Tenn. Frank S. Hassell, who has been receiving treatment in Grace Hos pital in Richmond for the past month, has been visiting his father here this week. Friends were glad to see him out again and much im proved. m mm Embroidery Gub The nearness of St. Valentine's Day and the spirit which makes it one to be enjoyed by all who have not lost the love for romance ther their years be few or many, gave Mrs- John D. Biggs an oppor tunity to provide unusual pleasure for the members of the Embroidery Club on Tuesday sfte.uooa at her home in East Williamston, The uumher of members in attendance was smaller as the Lenton reason had commenced, but there were several honor guests whose presence added to the occasion. These were Mtfldames Whetler Martin, Sr., J. T. Jerome, Clyde Powell, S. F. Williams and Mis Annie Mizelle. On entering the home, one was struck with the beauty of tbe in terior . arrangement —red hearts everywhere and soft, rosy-hued lights and graceful potted plants brought back to the mind of each memories cf dajs gone by when the boy-lover had with untrained but loving hsnds, cnt out a heart of red and sneakiag up to the front door, left It tbere for tbe girl whom be wanted to be his Valentine, The dining room was especially attrac tive, tbe table being decorated with hearts and appropriate place cards. A salad course was served and en- Joyed. The next meeting will be with Mrs. W. H. Crawfotd on Monday, Fedruary 24th. The hundreds of thousands of book lovers throughout the entire country who have rwd erjV.yed "Fwkter." -> c a noeelWJltba fiat* sed to know that the hero of the tilmberlost promises to be rptse • "be greatest stage favorite of the present J theatrical season. WILLIAMSTON, N. C.. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY i 4. iqij | LOCAL ITEMS J an nottcet published In Oiia coluirn, where revenue Uto be derived, * ill be charged at the ( fate ol 10 cent* a line, (couat *ii words to a tine), each ianie. Special rate will be made on ong contractu I—Don't 1 —Don't forget u> attend the meet ing at the City Hall on the a6th. —Work for a peanut factory. Tell your neighbors about the meet ing on the 26th' instant —Remember the meeting on the 16th. at the Hall —A peanut factory will briiij and living prices for the crop to be raised. Work, fur it. Begin today. —See the educated pony tomor row night at the City Theatre. —Soon it will be herring time and the Rcanoke will be more pop ular than usual. Reports from other waters sav that shad is very abundant —The drizzling rains have made the roads and streets bad for both vehicles and pedestrians. A few days of fair weather will render them hard and dry, though. —Delicious home made candy and stuffed dates, the gift ot Mrs. A. R. Dunning, vwK'highly appre ciated and thoroughly enjoyed by the office force on Thursday. —Today is St. Valentine's Day. —Tomorrow is tbe fifteenth au > niversary of the destruotion of the Maine in the harbor of Havaua. * —Street Commissioner Biggs is : planning to make it easy walking where the railroad crosses the two principal streets leading into East Williamston. The lumber is al ready on the ground. —lt happened that every minister ' was out of town Sunday morning and tbere was no service nearer ' than Skewarkey. Prof. J. T. Jerome filled the appointment of the Baptist pastor Sunday evening and preached an interesting sermon to an attentive congregation. —The Hamilton Pants Mfg. Company is advertising for work ers. Their business has increased rapidly. The work is pleasant for women and girls, who can make good wages from tbe beginning. —FOR SALE: SIO,OOO William ston Township Bonds, bearing 6 per cent interest, bids received until March 3rd, 1913. For further in formatirn apn'v to Dr. 11. L. l«*»og, chairmen Board County Commis sioner;, , Hamilton, N. C. God willtng, I will preach at the home of Miss Polly Pulley on Sun day at 2 o'clock. The public is Invited.—J. L. Cherry. —The town is building a drive way to the plant of the Cooperage , Company. It open* on tbe street to tbe river at the corner of Reubin FpeMer'# stt re lot. This will be a great convenience, and is an im- , provement to tbe town. The mill , is an interesting place for the pec- , pie to go, and tbe road will enable ; one to drive In vehivle or moter. , Heretofore tbe only route was , through the Wilson farm, and tbe , road is not in good condition. I Show at Hamilton The Hamilton Graded School j gave a very entertaining concert on the evening of February 7th. for tbe benefit of tbe school piano. The latest song* rendered as specialities and a couple of forces ' were acted. One of them, "Chops," 1 was a first clsse vaudeville act in t r-Vr*' Sh"»»r*»d is "Chops" ] kept tbe large audience in an up ' r-«r from start to finish. Musi: was furnished by Miss Man- 1 son of tbe school faculty. A neat 1 sttn v?" r ?v.Y'-z* A wWcb will be ] I used for the payment of debt on j | piano. j I JAMESVILLE ITEMS J. W. Ward and family have moved to the old homestead in the country. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marks left Saturday for Scotland Neck. MUs Dina Belle Gardner spent Sunday with Miss Maud Holliday. Mrs. S. A. Evans returned to her home in Rowesvil'.e, S C., spending several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs J. B. Allen. Wesley Allen left Monday for Kenly, where he has accepted a position with the Dennis Simmons Lumber Company. t Mrs. S. F. Darden is spending the week with her pureuts. Mrs. Charles Walton returned to Richmond Thursday after a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hol liday. . I W. C. Mantling was here Friday | on business. Messrs. Will Spruill and Johnj Getsinger were in town Monday on | business, . J. W. Baker was hen* from Will iamston last week. "v I R B. Holliday went to William ston Saturday. C. B. Fagan was in town Tues day. Mark Hall, the lumber inspector from New Bern, is iu town this week. Mrs. J. K. andS. H. Kvausi-pent Thursday night in Williamstoni with Mrs. P. H. Brown. Mrs. L. W. Bateman from Ply mouth is in town this week. " Mrs. J. B. Hardy entertained quite a number of the young peo ple iu town Monday evening in honor of Mr. S. F. Darden, Misses Eula and Marina Robersou and Annie May Allen. A most pleas act eveniog was reported. E. E. Roberson left Tuesday for Washington and other points. Mrs. J. W. Rogerson spent a few days this week with her daughter, Mrs. A. S. Brown. H. C Jackson and son returned from Charleston, S. C.,onSnnday. There seems to be more attrac tion about the new mill at Astoria t than was about the old one, as a large number of young folks walk ed down to the mill on Sunday. Wednesday p. m., February sth. about six o'clock, L. N. Waters, sawyer for the Dennis Simmons Lumber Co., at the Astoria Mills, had the misfortune to have his leg broken and to receive other injur ies. In operating the saw which was cutting a log, a Knot under neath the timber caught ia the carriage, moving it backwards and hurting the piece of log against Mir. Waters! completely stunning him. His condition was such that be could not be moved at once, and it was nearly two hours before he was placed 00 a stretche* and carried to his home. Dr. Smith wick soon ar rived on the scene and gave him all necessary attention. The injured man is doing very well, but it will be several weeks before be can be out again. Friends frish for him a speedy recovery. Mr. John Pa gan is supplying his place at the mill. . All of the many characters intro duced in the book have been retain* ed in the dramatization of j ".Freckles." Of course, the prin cipal characters in the {day, as in the novel, are the witted, self re liant aad lovable boy, Freckles; The Angel; McLean, the manager of the Grand Rapids lumbrt comp any; The Bird Woman; Mr. and Mrs. Duncan; The Man of Affaris; Lord apd Lady O'Moore and Black Jack and Wessner. the timber thieves. „ HAMILTON ITEMS C H. Baker spent Sunday with his family. MJS. B. B. Sherrod and Mrs. R. W. Salsbury made a flying visit to Tarboro last week. Mrs. M. I. Fleming has ju-rt re turned from a visit to Tarboro, Rocky Mount and Enfield. ' The Dramatic Club of the Hamil ton Graded School gave an enter- i tainment Friday night. M ss Codie Purvis has returned j from an extended visit in j combe Gounty* Miss Mafrtfl Council visited) Washington last wetk. Mrs C. H. Baker Daid a short visit to Mrs. E.* L. Perkins in! Greenville recently. Misses Laura, Julia and Louse Sahbury spent the week-end with | Mrs R. W. Salsbury. J. B. Clotnan spent Saturday and Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. J Arlington Kitchin iu Scotland Neck Dr. Edgar Long has moved to Oak City to practice medicine. We j wish him much success. Miss Effie Waldo's school closed Wednesday. We ate gld to see her bright face on ourstreetsugain. Mrs T. B, Slide left Saturday for an extended visit to Macon aud Rileigb. Mrs. John Davenport aud c iild reu returned Monday from a visit of two weeks to relatives in Wash ington Charlie Perkins gave a very en joyable party at the home of Mrs. D. C. on Mouday evening. Every one reported a most delight ful time. Mr. and Mr. Frank Hailsip spent Sunday in the couutry. Curtis Bethea spent Saturday with his parents in Williamston. The Hamilton Book Club held its regular meeting with Mrs. C. H. Baker on Tuesday afternoon. The programme was very interest ing—"Current Events," Mrs. B. B. Sherrod; "Founding of James town," Mrs B L. Long; Read ing—a Selection, Miss Manson. The Club metts with Mrs. J. P. Poyle on Febrnary 25th. Judge Waldo recently received an announcement of the marriage of his grandson, Mr. Wm. T Grimes, Jr., and Miss Alma Mar gareitte Fudge, of Nashville, Tenu. where he bas been located for some time. Delightful Evening Mr. C. D. Perkins entertained a small number of his friends on last Monday eveniog at a birthday party at the home of Mrs. D. C. Jones ou Main Street, Hamliton. The residence was brilliantly illuminated and tbe interior decora tions were in keeping with the oc casion. Mr. Perkins and Miss M. B. Jones received in the hall and Mis* Annie Jones showed the guests to the cloak room, and from thence to the parlor, where the presents were arranged on e table. These were numerous and beautiful. Punch was served in the hall by Misces Annie Jones and Martha Council. The hours were spent in games, contests and music. The prize was presented to Miss P. S. Manson. At eleven o'clock a three course supper was served. Those present were Misses Man son, Helen Edmondson, Lelia and Blanche Pippen, Martha Council, LHlie Llovd, Mary Anthony, Lida Inscoe, Maggie Befle and Annie Jones; Messrs. P.- P. Peel, C. B. Baker, D. rt G. Matthews, J. L. Pritchard, A. Harrell, Curtis Be thea and J. H. Edmondson. Then came the hour for bidding the host goodnight, aud to wish him many happy returns of the day. / SI.OO a Year in Advance Meeting Called A cnlled meeting of the Chamber of Commerce was held Tuesday right at the City Hall 'for the pur pose of inaugurating a movement to provide ways and means for the erection of a peanut factory at Williamston. The extremely rainy weather kept many of the citizens from attending, and so the number present was smaller than had been I expected. However, everybody ; fTisent concurred in the opinion : ihat time was a pressing ived for | such n riant, and that with theaid of tbe farmers thtro should be no [reason whv a sufficient amount of money could not be raised for the erection r.nd equipment of an up-to | date plant. As stated above, the bad weather I preventing the gathering of as large ! a number as desired, it was decided that it was best not to take any ac tion at themeeting. But on motion it was ordered that a call be made for the farmers to meet with us on Wednesday, February 26th., in the City Hall at 1:30 o'clock p. m. Every one who reads this notice is requested to tell h s neighbor about it, and to come and bring his neighbor with him. The meeting will mean much to the planters of peanuts in Martin Countv. Married Wednesday Mr. Eli Gurganus and Mrs Bettie Newberry were nr r.-ied in Gilmer ton about live tn les ttom Norfolk on Wednesday afternoon at"*four o'clock at tlie residence of her sis» Ter. Tfev M E Betbea, of William stou, officiating. The marriage was quiet, only a f«-w friend? of the contracting parties being present. A party ot friends left here Wednes day muraing to attend the mcrriage. These were, Messrs. C H Godwin, C B. Hansel!, J R Moblcy, W. A. James, G. N' Gurganus, J. W. Watts and K. B. Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. Gurganus will make their home at the Gurganus residence on upper Main Street. Coming The first successful rival to the famous "Princes 1 : Triaie," the edu cated horse of the warpath at the Jamestown exposition, is "Chime," a pretty pony which is beiug featur ed in vaudeville in tbis teetionof the country now. "Chime" will be introduced to the Williniston thea tre jjoers at the Moviug Picture theatre Saturday Feb. 15th. The . wouderful'little nnimi) is said to be in every way the equal of the re nowed "Trixie." Much patience on the part of Bobby Fountain, the owuer-trainer. coupled with his h»- mate intelligence, has made "Chime" a star of dnmb perform ers. Prices io and 20 cents. 0 m m The Eastern Company presenting "Freckle*" is positively guaranteed by the management to appear here. This is the same identical cast and scenic production that will be seen in New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Pittsburg, Buffalo, Rochester, Syra cuse and Cleveland. Attention, Confederate Veterans! The General Convention, U. D. C., extended time for bestowing Crosses of Honor, to give to all who desire another opportunity. I request that every eligible posed to fire of battle) Veteran fa the counties of Beanfort, Hyde, Martin, Washington, Tyrrell ant Dare, who has not a Cross, apply to me at once. If Veteran be dead, the widow (having endured hardships of the war,) or descendant f« eligible. Application blanks will be gladly , sent to all applicants in above * counties. Positive ditfl ntisst be given. Please do not delay as time is re quired. Lena Windley, _ Pres. Pamlico Cnapter, U. D.C., Washington, N. C.

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