\ntemationa\ Gasoline and Kerosene lik The International Engines have a world wi ie reputation for eo»iioinv and f!ml! j|Jj|f durability. If you need an engine be sure to see us before buying «- - ..- . -V;*" i ' •• ' . " V CARTS We manufacture Carts, Wagons, Buggies and | We have a big stock of Bu ggy Robes, y/ AGO N S Surries and guarantee satislaclion. Don t buy Whips and Harness. Good quality. DC a cart, wagon, buggy or surrey that has features ; 7 BUGGIcb you do not like. Let us make one one-for you ! All kinds of Repair Work done on SURRIES just as you want it. j! short notice by expert Mechanics •ww , ■T} S~yA. T. CRAWFORD & W. L. STALLS. Mgrs Martin jDUPJPy Williamston, North Carolina •5 «f miU- - rv r cur.! 1-7 linphsx'ird methods. '•* : ' ••••■•• ' oJB Regulator ' You will tur -:v *t rt --• milk r-r tU;> rau ;r * numb.r ft of days. T!'> •• • « «* c »'S * diltwa to tl,e | 25c, 30c, + 1 '> 23-tfc. out!, 53.50 "Your money br-ck if ii ftifc " 21 Healing Ointment. 2Sc, 50c cam cut. cwked ami wn fto it oa cows that are afiected and make milking eat;'. fian>|»:'; tree* li/13 Almanac FREE Get Pratt3 Profii-tkaring Booklet Andemn Crawford & Co., J L.. Hafsetl fcCo. HarrUcn, trw. a Co. C !». Camtarpheii JUST RECEIVED j f\Gar Goad of Wire rencing. Galvaniz ed Sc. Rubber Roof ing. Selling at a Low price. Call to see us before buying. G. D. Garstarphen & Go. jj Williamston - - North Carolina | In tne Distiict Court ef the United State*. N. C., the reverionary interest in the fcl- Fortbe Eastern District of North Carolina lowing described property to-wit: In the Matter of ) One house and lot in tie town of B kruTev ter " ' BankrUptCy ' JamesviUe. N. C.. o* Elm Street, bound &Bv virtue of an order of the District ed ou the West by the J aid street and on Court made by J. R. Gsskill, Refrte in the North side by the A. C. L. R, R. Co. the above entitled cause, I will expose to Lot containing 5 acres more or less, sale to the highest bidder for cash on the This 3rd day of March 19x3. 3d day of April, 1913, at the Courthouse HEELER MARTIN, Ja ; , door if Martin County, in Williamston. Trustee in Bankruptcy. — ■——— m Notice I»> virtue of antlierity coil fire i in r.' | leed nl trust execUteii to A. S. Coffield, trnsiee.Ly Elijah Griffin hi the 13th day j ','f February lijlt, itr.il' uly recorded in 1 the uf Dei'' 1 - o:!ii.e for Martin ! County, in Honk 7.7.7., pa«e 251, And j whereas the said A. Si. Ccfl.eld ha- !t --1 parted t!,« State, am' whereas in a speri.i. ] proceeding before (he Clerk cf the c -- j perior Court for Martin county, entitled • [Ton: RiddicV vs El'jnVi Griffin; ' S. A. t Newell, was duly b;>jmuted trustee t.i ; tlie pUce win? stead t'f ill*.' (aid A. S j Coflu-"d. And whereas the stipulation* | ar.d conditior- sUaed in the said deed of j 'trust have not been complied -vith, 11 shall expose at public a union to the j holiest b dder, fir on Mo nlay the . 7til dav of Ap t'. (913 at 11 o'clock ni. at ' catiithm.se in Martin count} the fo.-"t lowing property , to Hit; Hounded on the North hv the James- ! vilie and WtlliHtiistou Road, om the East : hv hft'i'h Browr.. on the So;;tli Viv the • Joue* laud afid or. the West by the Hi;- hard land; this iiKiiide* all tbe 'laud j which El'jirti Griffin pvucbn-ed from I Sbt 1 paid .and Yalts, rjirpt six acre- 1 !-*©hr bj - : atd (-btlfio te M«':« Kiddie*, I Containing bv estimation, 21 aires, more [or less This the sth day of March. 191 v S. A. N'EWKLL, Truatee. Notice \ qualified aa administratrix with will annexed of the estate of Jesse Mi/ell deceab'id, late of Murt.n County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims adjust the estate 0/ said de cersed to exhibit them to the undersign ed at WUliauiston, North Carolina, R. F D,on 01 befoie February :sth 1914 01 this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 13th dav of February 1953- 3-21 MIMMIB MIZBLL. Adtn. Notice Having qualified as Executor upou the* Estate of Milton M Bennett deceased; Notice i 3 hereby given to all persons holding claims sgains said estate to pre sent them to the undersixued for pay ment on or before the 24th day ot Jan'y 1014, or this notice will be plead iu bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to ?aid Estate are requested to &.'akc immediate pa^uwut. This 24th day Jauunry 1914. 1-30 JOHN A BENNETT. Notice Having qualified as Administrator of " the Estate of Henry Slade. decea««sd, IsU : of Martin CojiiVl No« tli Caroliua, this . is to notify all person* having claims against the Estate of said deceased to ex - them to the undersigned at Hamil -1 ton on or before the 7th day of March • 1914 or this notice wtil be pleaded in bar 3 of their recovery. All persons indebted 1. to said estate will please make immed iate settlement. This the 7th. day of March 1913, T. B. SLADE, Adtn. of Henry Slade. Notice ' North Carolina, Martin County. To Kohert RciiKticr end hi* Heirs »t j Law, take notice, on Mat 6th lai2 a; a ! t-»x sile by '-.Jiei (i J, v." C'ftufoid. I 1 .ur- j chased 21% .1 tit- of land listed to Ro'.ert i Rouutree, the t.xer and cost Three, ot-Joo Dolhus th>; ctiliticate of >ale h*n tnj; teen "'ssi t-«i and n- w 11 my pisses- ( si n, and ,ur - f-s the aSo«e and nut • and jo per ten* Mil; lost are paid on or fo'e the 5 li. *' H v or .Via;/ ii»t j I •' all Uinand t .. t for This the stl«. dar r \ Much :,t '. 1- i. H •u Notice I .votth Carolina, Martin Countv, \V. T. 11 ad ley -j ( vs. | K inkotu fhepard and Sandy &heph:trd The defenilaiits ahove named will take \ notice that an action entitled 3s above j has betn commerced ir. the Superioi j j Court of Martiu County to try the title I of Imd ia C '.itrovei >v and establish lines lisfween the pa:tie», and the said ileteud-1 auta will further take notice that thej are required tc> aj pear at the terci oif the S ijtcrior Court oi aaid County to be held 0:1 the'second Monday after the first Monday in June'iyij p.l the Court houwe cf said Count* :n V.'illiamston, North Carolins, and answer or* demur to the complftiut in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court fot the relief de manded iu said complaint. ThisAhe 4th day ot March 1913. J. A. HOBBS, 3-7-4t Clerk of the Superior Court. Notic Under9?id t»y Virtue cf the Power of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage deed, dated September 2th, J507, erecut . Ed by John A. Mizel! and wife to W. H. Bowen, which said Mortgage Deed is duly recorded in the ofSce of the Regis ter of Deeds fcr Martiu Couuty, in Book TTT, page 305, the undersigned will, on Tuesday, the 15th, day of April, 19:3, at three (3) o'clock p. in., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the Court Home Door in Williamston, N. C., the following describedjreal estate, to-v.it: A One third interest in *nd to th* land described as foHow»: iiegin.ning at Luke Mizeli'sJU'est cor ner; running ylizeirs.jiaiL.lw. J. E. Mizells corner; ttence with J. H. Mizell's line to Wright*:r Davis' corner; thence with Wrighter Davif' line to the beginning containing twenty acres more or less. This the 10th. day of March, 1913. \V. H. BOWHN, Mortgagee, William Owners of the Debt t- Edward It. Stewart, Atty. ' Notice Under an 1 1 y virtue of a judgment of I ths* Superior, made in the rpecial pro ! ii'r.iittgrt "e-ti'.ltd Mis'. Mollie F. Ward • el a . e:, otv'.e, Hit undersigned commiu j«ji jtitr will oil Monday the i;ih day of | March 1913. a; I j o'clock at the Court hi ii ■" door in Williauriton, North Caro -1 iin i- if or lor -i'.e to the bidder | fi-r the fuliosving land: 1 ire ho and lot lvina and being in the t-'-wn ni J:»t;iesvi!le. North Carolina, 1 f i an.'!. .I: 11Nnith hv Washington s: ;eti, ! 1 th» Has', by Andrew Strett, on Ihe •; *;v Butler Instiiute and oti the Wtat 1 p Alfred Will's' r lot. Anil being same house a nil lot occupied by J. W. Ward CwritidnibK 't acre, more or less. This the 13th dav cf February, 1913. B. A. CP-ITCHHK. Com. -_ - - . - - - -t- ~ North Carclttia 1 in the Superior Court. County. ) Cornelius Bijxi "Vs. NOTICE. I.»Wrence riinK I *- The defendant above named will take notice that ati action entitled as above has been commenced in the SuneruiY Co'irt of Martin County t > secure ao ab s ditte divorce and the said t'efendaut will fuithet take notice that he is requir ed to apfear &t the term of the Supeiior Court in the said Couuty to be held ou the second Monday after the fitst Mon day in June 19?3 it the Couit House in Williamstoc, North Carolina, aul answer or'demur to the complaint of the said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for a relief demanded in said com plaint. This the 24th day of February 1913 J. A UOBBS, 3 7 4t Clerk Superior Court. w-»t« II I ■Hill 111 II I 111 ■ IIDOWIWtiaMW ■■■■■' ——■* » Mrs. Mattie Speller Doaler in GENERAL MERCHANDISE Phone 35 WilUuirißton, M. C. OHCKESTES SPILLS DIAMOND SHANO e .c'. a,. ■ V.'f i.Arilh-.! yotir I>rc#-Kl * fJf CITT-CiiFtfi-THn Tit, fctAMOMi i ,AN:> i'lLI.iS in hru Gci.» tnetalttc boxes, set lei nilb BlurtO) XAzn !to i inrs. Siimi T«or\y and iwU tai• UI-CUi;s-ItUM V pjAUOM> RKANO I'II.LS, for twent7-liec yeni-B i at Safest, Always Rvllutlu. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ■™ EVERYWHERE rasiKU . j' >i'^XBR3S l A o;>!- I or hatching iiFrnm Three Good Breeds i - Rhode Island Reds Barred Plymouth Rocks r Silve I.ace Wvandottes i 75c per sutt inft of 15 at yards. por eottlng packed , in 60011 ca«.B» f. o. b. , >Vi!liamston. Address) ; I), iiowen s ilß'. K. F. P. I. WilliAtnstan, N. C. Choice Cut Flowers ! Rrsts. i-arnatiorfl and violets a fpicialtv O'.ir f 111 ist i c arrangements in wedding outfits an; qual to the best. Nothing r t '; rin fi' ral offeriugs ' than our styles. Illoominjj pot. plants, palms and fern* in Kteit variety. —Rosi shruberries, ever greens, hedge plant* and shade tu-es Mail telephone and telegraph ord«»rs promptly executed. J. L. O'Quinn & Co. florists f Plvon.es 149. Raleigh, N. C. ! j Wood's Seeds • Tor The Farm and Garden. • ' | Our New Descriptive Catalog I is fully up-to-date, giving descrip tions and full information about the best and moot profitable seeds to Grasses aw Clovers, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Soja Beans, The Best Seed Corns i ' and all other ' Tarrn and Harden Seeds. 1 Wocd'i Sf-i Catalog has long been recognized rs a stan dtrd auihoriiy on Seeds. Mailed cn ."oquaa.; write for it. T. W WOOD &■ SONS, vl sz z.i .v, iuchmond. VA. ■ mmur '* V

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