' K|. i' i - \ ~ %'THE ENTERPRISE ■■ ■« .. i.. i • ■ «■■■"• «» J * PI'IILTSHKD HVKRY IKIOAY WtlKari>(c'u, t*. C. v WILLIAM C. MANNING. EDJTOIi SUBSCRIPTION RATES Ot, f "?#•* - - - - Jioo j S!i ilonths .... .50 j Three Months - - - .25 Strictly Cash In Advance fiutrred at the c*.: 01T.cs ;it Wil'i.«:n«4u;i, X. C. *• Hfcoud t'!#.«* MAil Mutter. Address all Communication* to THE ENTERPRISE, Williaifiston, N. C. Friday, March 21, v We are iu receipt of an invita tion to attend the East: s rvices at Parmele Industrial Institute, of which Prof »V C Chant.: is prin cipal. This school is dnmg ter>t things for the colored you«h of this section, atil Prof Chance is to bt on his work. Tiu Easter programme is verv attrac tive. The simplicity of the President should plea-e the mas-.es u-ho are made to feel often that those in authority boast themselves of their power and the usual pomp atteud inß't. II owever, simplicity will I not please the crowd who think life one ureat fashion show with thetn as the central figures. Ours is a democracy, let all thing-- accord therewith. Charles B. Ajcock diel on April 4th. Iyl r. It will be a fitting me morial to haee in the hands of the people whom he loved, everv copy of his life and speeches. The;e 10,000 copirs \et 011 hai:d ol the first edition, ami an tffort is luing made to sell them before the un- niver>arv ot that hour when Hie State !o,t its greatest son. W. F, Marshall, Raleigh, N. C , is sule agent for the book Thatshculd he In every family in the State. Corn Clubs From a circular sent cul from the office of I. O Scauh, Raleigh, it is seen that these arc sevcutt\'i hoys who have entered the Coin Club lor 1913 in Martin County. This is encvuiragifig and shoivj. 1h.4 th, work is being appreciated by om yon i»; intn. The gruitsttt 11 iiiiiHt r of contestants in any county is-thm ot with seventy five. W; li a good season there will be smue corn raised iu North Carolina b> boys who art* le.puitii; the valuero: scientific fanning in uro ducing corn,the »la;*ie graiu of the country. We hope that some bor in Mar tin Count) may bs ah!n to capture the first prize iu th; Slate. Why not? We have the soil and tue iu du •trv down in these ports. A combination of both v, iil work wouJers not only in the raising of corn but of others faruf products The World's Tragedies Today centuries ago, there was enacted the greatest Tragedy eve f conceived by mm orplanned by the mind of the Infinite. On Cnlvary's rugged brow the Cross with its Victim bunging between .1 sin* ctirsed woild and that world of cud lesi joy, overshadowe-d the treat tragedies of past and future tiras' and pushed wide the gate for th:" resurrection of » lie soul troin sin and destruction. To millions living and millions dead 'he Trpgedy of the Cross becsme a vital force, which entered iuto their lives and made for hip,her ideals and heaven born desires, ghitifying and uplift ing huuianitv tbrovigboiiuhe world Then there is the Tragedy of /"Sin in whi h s: ir-d iouU bt?f: against the t v i».' of evil over flowing and en^u'fitig—tired . seeking to nt . :v/ay Jmn-pollcsv! t: -~- J ~ -*n4 thv Oh rhry veiice 04 iu . «!S>»! »e- of b itan, whose chief aix iu to i',b men and women ol lb i* 1 tt,'.r;i v audfiouor —despi;ii}g th.* MHmers ol the Vic tin tb ' .Hi 1 ' ■ **>« tuig v' e 'U&i ",r4'h-4.T» >\ ««. >f » .. 1 ,~«ti • ci i'S ijHr'o v'bi'drc'u, is'.fcei, bur.- nry. ofct in the slr.-et. - victim* of drurkpb /allure, and sometimes mo«l>ers ; ~labori;ig in factories —no sunshine that glows on their face* so wan and pale—mothers ic dark ened hovels Or attici, pinched and drawn, barely eartiiuj,' a loaf ol b/ead whiiev the heel of greed presses heavily tSpoo their ueci.>. v\\ altb revelling ia gilded salons, laughing at the pain they e.usv? not a fear that some day they may send a cull for one diop cf w ait r across the urea' ab\ t-s to that place *\»berc the 111■ 1 e children, the titer, niolheis ui.d ail the oppressed find i-tv uid comfort thrvUg'i counties?- ages. The Tragedy of Sin pt educes the Tragedy ot Poverty aud vcc vc.-a. These «re the which f.te being played every d;y by the mi!- ii ids -ui s "l.iiiclr mtU"* cbeM-s it 1 d sicken their heatt- ate the thitgs which made the heart of the Infinite send the Son to Cui ry Sh»11 the sacrifice be 111 v tin? For some, yes, but the radi ance of that Cro»9 shall, not now but --ome dry, roeke for peace and gladness. TbedawtHs even row breaking over the earth and the re surrection of the world from sin and selfishness shall couie, and the truth shall make it ftee. Tar Heels 011 Top Washington City, or rather the present government will have many prominent servants from the Tar Heel Stale. Senator Simmon* has hoen elevated to the position of chairman of the finance committee and Senator Overman is on li e committer su rules. North Caro lina intellect will have rcu.'b to do wilh tbe slifping of matters for the next four years. All opposition to Senator Simmons died in the plan ting f)i a harmonious Heinecrricy. Progrcseives in the Senate which is Democratic now. Shall thtre be any good reason why the p:trtv c-.nnot u>d r a lUfilidg - to the peopl> ? —We Inve ■confidencem- 4K> C-tra linifins who have btt'n t;iveii .i |)irt iu the in uMuoment nl alia 'is, and the Stale furls iusi pride in the lion JIS it i>. ricciviui. -rrrrsr*- s.- :na:t:r r.SMzn. The Tax Problem There is some worry over the mill" 11 •!*. !.,r bond i*-sut. pisse'd In tlu L.v.i l.uuie. Those against si 111- lir 11/ have been in favor of a re ussincut of lax values. The opposition to the latter method tht'ougmnit the Slate hilled it 111 lie le^i^la I .w body. The nr/11 mtnt i- that at the present rssess inent of vi.hw, and that done* hon estly, aud the collection of the special i;. xe bv the sheriffs of Hit Stale, pletuj ot mouey vvyuld be riis-yl to inert all d minds. The.peo, b- wh > ]»av full value are the s .in!! property owner*. • -s tu l who h.tve Urge vi't:t s do not come up to the reqaiivitn-ots. ') his could be re medied largely by the tax list ■i.Aoi:i «.•t'.Mrssorg- Many have the hi nt of \ a'ueing iheir property at the loi'cst. when giving it in for Us.i.s, and next day offering it for £>ile a; ati advauced price. There is .1 teniwdy for all this, and then we would not have to issue bonds, or re- - -.•rty. Tlu-remedy in fight ut band, if only the proper authorities would apply it. It will soon bo tint? for listing taxes for another voir, and this matter should be attended to all over North Carolina. Motice Hr,ir . (|u:slit*MKi as administrators u-jH ii the i' of Justus Everett r!. : jvd ■ v ••• > i v is hereby given T:. .1 ,« >•?- MIS holding claims r. •! :• i'j . Estate to present it- ni i. 1 r ersigned fyr pay nfi'.t i . cfure the 2otl» day of !!' Ii ■ ihis notice will be ' — ' rhfir rem very. . 'f.Uebted to sail t . t :.!••• . misted to make im- I .1 • . > . - It iMt>. ;»Qt i;.,V j| JuirCb *9I.V ' TV !*; EVERETT, j * h.\ >,■ t . 1 VERETT. jI * »i:Aj.,IwUS. '■# " • Ji 'f •• j - CALOMEL IS UNSAFE .. / ■ Tf Local Druggist who Sells Dodson's Liver Tone Guarantee* it to Take the Place of Calomel If your liver is 10: workih-i'jast right, you do not need to take a clmnce ou Retting knocked all out by, a do-;e r[ calomel. Ga to Saun ders & Fow.'.en who sells Dodson' 1 - Liver Tmie, and pav 50 cents for a Mage bo-.tle. You will getahatm less vegi table reinidy that will stan y =tir liver without violence, and if it dees tot give complete :ti^laction tli? druggist will refuud vout mono with a btnile. If you buy b l>ottle of Dodson's Liver Tone fdr* \our.-elf or ;our children, you have insured your family relief from attacks of con •.lipn'ion, biliousness, l*zy liver and heada:h-. It is as beneficial and safe fo ch Inr ti -t-i tor adults. A bottle of Dcdson's Liver Time is sonieth jig every man .or wornau should keep iu the b«use. YoAr inoocv ib safe because you can re turn the bottle if it fails y> satisfy. Notice Having qualified as Executrix of lite Estate of Warren Little, de ceased. late of Martin County, North Carolina, this is to notily all persons having claims against the Estate of said deceasad to ex hibit them to the undersigned on or before the 17th day of March >914, or this notice will be plead "ed in bar of their recovery. All peJsons indebted to said Estate will please make Immediate pay ment. This the 17th day of March 191.5. MA LIZA LITTLE. ExecuUix of Warra«J«jttle. A Call for Mothers r "While their daughters "turkey tnt" and "bunny bun," or parade the streets dres ed more after the f ishiou of the woman of the stvee's than ot modest gitlliood, where ate the mothers? If thoughtless girls do .-tick tilings, what .-hull be said of mothers who have ?.o far forgot ten llie duties of mothetbood as to permit or encourage them. Ai Palm Hutch the other day when a thoughtless (or worse) y ung man had made all arrangements fot (he } oungi 1 sit to tuikey trot in bath ing costumes on the befell to the accompaniment ol a talking tnach ine, a mother wti i had a proper sense of her duty decliued to have her daughter t ike part in such a proceeding and the vulgar perfor mance was nipped io the hud- But wlure are the mothers that demand a tcstiaiuiug hand? Da they no 1 oritur care about the amusements their daughters seek? Are they no longer concerned how their daughters drefc? Is tniideniy modesty becoming a thing of the past? A revolution iu maimers and morals is tnking place, with little or no protest from those who should be fust to speafc —the mothers.' The vogue of filthy and baa&tly ' dauets in supposedly good society, the vulgar aud suggestive styles, and the general laxity of couduct, even :>tuong boys and girls still iu their tariv teen?, constitute a ter rible indictment of the mothers of the day whose eyes have been so blinded that they do not see wluther we are moving. Give us a revival of old-fashioned mothers who will restore tie simple customs that u*ed to characterize the period of childhood and Vonth." The above is a clipping from Leslie's Weekly and was handed to us by one of the ministers of the town with the request that we pub lish it, which we take pleasure in doing, as the check-rein is needed on the modem "run away" society. We thiuk it very important that all thinking men as well as women, should do whut they can to put a stop to the thoughtless ti. .I.i ui modem duss. -The 1, '.i t HIV Ohio has taken up the matter and proposes to prohibit the m arinof :>ny dreas not - miy ac cord with deeeucr. " u n. • . T You cat nnt duam yourself iu'o a tharatte : yOv .nust for** -'aud - r • ' -v Frjudc tS ' f '* T- ' " - * H /Hi. SJpR That Pride of Ownership If you don't have a motor car yourself, a friend probably has, or perhaps you have been picked up by a comparative stranger on the way down / town. You have enjoyed the ride and with every # experience perhaps sub-consciously but neverthe less certainly you felt a kind of envy for for the man at the wheel. v " Buick Appearance It s the appearance of the car that makes the people take that second look. And did you ever realize what an influence that second look has in giving you that pride of ownership? It's a feeling you always have when you own your own Buick. f " . ( • \ Buick Power The Buick overhead valve motor has more power per •5 , v cubic inch of piston displacement than any other type of motor ever built. It cosls us more to make it but it cb£ts you less to run it. ■ ' ' '• Roadsters and Touring Cars $950 to $1650 S. R. BIGGS MOTOR CAR CO. -. Williamston, C. Notice Notice of the entry of a tract of vacant land in Martin County Robersonville Township lying near and adjouning the lands of J. R. Purvis, Henry Council Delia Ward, John Mayo and other* and described as follows: Beginning at J. R. Purvis corner and running a westerly course with Henry Council Delia Ward and John Mayo to T. J. Taylors lint, thence southerly with Taylors line to the Coburn land, thence easterly with the Coburn and Mathews lines to S. L. Andrews land, thence northwardly with Andrews and Purvis line to the beginning containing two hundred and fifty acres more or less. This March 7th, 1913. N S. S. Brown Entry Taker. D S. Powell, Applicant. 1 In U»e District Court of the United States. For the Eastern District of North Carolina In the Matter of 1 W. V, Wahers'l> In Bankruptcy. Bankruptcy ) By virtue of «ti order of the District Court, made by J. R. Gaskill, Kelere iu the above entitled cause, I will expose to snie to the highest bkMer for • on the 3d day ijf April, 1913, tit the Courthouse 1 doer of Martin County, "in WniTarcrtbn, N. C„ the lowins; described property to-rrit; One house and lot in Ibt tow 0 of I Jamcsville, N. C.„on Rltn Stiact, bound ed oa the Wes-t by the s«.id ar.d 0:1 ; the North side by the A. C. i. KB. Co. I,ot contfchiJtag 5 tcrc - more cr ), ■ i\ This i Trd day of March ivji j. WIIfcELBR .M.vkTlN, Ja , * Tjr.i'.ca in Rankr -vcy. ■>£ - vs.. .4, .S-' - 4* • * . •»- .- _ Wt TOBACCO FLUES Have Woolard to make your FLUES and You will have the BEST CARTS AND WAGONS IVIADE TO ORDER Woloards Combined Harrow and Cultivator J. L. WOOLARD & CO. WTLLIAMSTON, N. C.' I _ Notlce Eggs For Hatching i There is taken up at the honie ot Mr. 1 J. 11. Ausbon in Martin County liober- Gryetol Whlto Orpington sonville Township one Red Uutt Headed j Bull about sor o vears old nimke 1 jrap | 'per netting of 15 off, aud wood uud«r left also one l - * , White asjfl "Red sfotOrT' Tt«j7ler " j ">r~ % • TMEO. ROBERSON T " « j cai-i lijuivc i liyht *tr aud t-plit in left ears. The owner or I Will aniston; N C. owners cf.aaid cattle a c hi rtby t to redainf r*.id «att!t or fnid c itlie will f„. , , at the experatixn of this noti> ?, he Hs- • " P' « ttr u remedy pmed of.acemdtng totlu l.v,' .;©vrrr.ing ; a»air»6t srtAd;n"«t. injUutieirce such cased. , : „ > , '* • w Vliia Ist dny M.uch 1013 . ,** a ; uettce —St. . iv S r.'j' it', r, of S ' A- \ . . m % ' \ ' ' I