if FOtETS % OTEZSM*® STOPS COUGHS - CURES COLDS r»1 ill I Opto— Is %»fm Far Cka+.n DISFIGURED BY SKIN ERUPTION j __________ Xf That Is Your Plight, Let Resinol Clear It Away! Pimples, blackheads, rashes, ringworm •ad, worst of all, that red, itching, scaly torment, eczema, vanish when you use Resino! Ointment and Resinol Soap. There is no doubt about it. EvA though your akin is so unsightly with aniption that you shun your friends and your friends shun you, Resinol makes it •War and healthy, quickly, easily and at trifling coat. When you are sick of wast ing time and money on tedious, expensive treatments, get Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap from the nearest druggist and you will quickly tee why it has been prescribed for eighteen yeara for just auch troubles as yours. The Resinol treatment works so gently, and is so absolutely free from anything that could injure even the tenderest skin, that it is perfect for healing the skin troubles of infants nnd children. You can test Resinol Qintnient Wexinol Soap at our expense. Write to f)cpt. 5-K, Resi «oU Baltimore. Md nnd wr will send ypu a generon* trial. Resinol Ointment (50c and 111 and Resinol Soap (25c), by parcel post on receipt of price. .We are headquar- Ll ■ ters for Kgg', Poultry, |l Fruits, Potatoes and I 1111 If you ■ II ll ■ wanta reliable firm and !■ " W a live house, ship us. We guarantee highest market prices and prompt re turns Quotations sent on application WOODSON-CRAIG CO.Jnc. Salesmen Wanted W* have a CASH weekly proposition for a reapon ni»n u> hindir our line of HIUU UHAI'II rUHUKHT Mock. tiOMPLIGTB NKW OUTUT 'KKH Write aI once for our liberal offer and •ectne extUufelra Agency W. T. HOOD A. COMPANY SLD DOMINION NURSERIES. Richmond. Vs. Mention thin paper when wnUng Hsism | nanM and bMutiftas tha nth jwa^^TssßM^ri^^ Praranto bftlr falMnjr. 111 ■ IITf It Mrti to>urn hitrliertrado I ml nn| I Lll In all tuelght werk*. Til- Vlf U |1 I ril Itlon wltti set of tools,fcift; ■ ■ Ilia I lilr with your own tools, IXi W»* rea while learning. ('all or write. RICHMOND BARBER COLLEGE, Richmond, Va. # TYPEWRITERS AH roikM. »«>ld, rented and skilfully repaired. Henlfd 15 for 8 mouths, rent sipltea on purchiue. AHIRIC4R TtPfWHTf.H IX . Inf . Hm« 01m, Ol kill UlrHl, Mlrkw««4, U. Srißn KATW*. UlYn quick re- j unuro, )lrf uauslly remove ■wal ling aud abort breath In a few (lay* and ; onilr« relief In lf>-45 daja, trial trcattueut I FIiKR. Hoi A.AlUal^U*. SSgttift Sflfw ITCHING LIDS UITKX- Send for picture of farms In South Iflllßtai rl free. No dark Irs or moaqultoes. 40 a. $lO6 Otjirrs. H. Mil, Mountain View. Mu. Bornr Co. Special Seed Corn, Bred twenty fears for purity A yield 12 buahel shelled. fl sob C. W. Tompkins A Son. (iiilnea. Va. PARI! HWWPRQ deal ring to sell or exchange, lAnffl unncno write oa Ko, Advertising A Distributing Co., Hot 948, Klrhuiuud, Va WANTRI>~ Agents—-Two to four dollars gaily Klght houra work Sample snd cats tog free Write to W. 44. Parsons, llovsh-k Vails, N. V., 43 Main HI. FOR EAL.VC—3IO A IN (IKKKNItVff.t.K CO . ▼a., all cony.. 175 s cult . * r dwelling I tenant hcus«a outhldgs . ate . will sscrlflce. 1. D Robinson. Gsryahurg. North Carolina. W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 13-1913. Classified Column eOTATO PLANTS— Nancy Hall and Porto Rico Yams. J 1.75 per thous and M. L. Kant, Waldo, Ha. AGENTB WANTED— IOO per cent. Belling "Electro-Edge" Raior Strop paste Puts keen edge on any raior; buyer* everywhere, sample 25c tcoln.) J. E. Rue, Littleton, N. C. aWEET CLOVER SEED—For spring •owing, white and yellow cultivated biennial varieties. Price and clrcu lars how to grow It, free. Jno. A Bheehan, R-4, Falmouth, Ky. PARCEL PoßT— Your Dyeing and •leaning The superior service of the Bouth's largest exclusive establish ment is now your door. We handle everything that can be successfully cleaned or £yed and pay return post age ' on -everything except gloves. Write for catalog today. The Ben- Vonde Co., "Quality" Dyers St French \ Cleaners, Charlotte, N. C. Charlotte Directory JLg Flrat cUm work. Write lor priOM. SsrMe * Crssllt Comssai — —Charted*. Berth Carol in* LETTER TO FARMERS 9 m STATE CHEMIST ADVISES USE OF GROUND LIMESTONE ON FARMING LAND. HARD AT WORK ON MATTER Mr. Kilgora Who it an Expert on Agricultural Chemiatry Say* That Thia Lima Can Be Uaed With Goo* Reaulta. ! ■ Kalelgh Dr. B. W Kllgore, atata chemist, la issuing a letter to the farmers of the state, calling their at tention to the great concessions in freight rales made by the Southern Railroad to be concurred in by the other railroads of the state, it ia amid, for of lime for agricultural purposes. The main drawback In the past to the extensive application of agricultural limes to the soils of the state, he says, has been the high coat to the farmer, due to high tranapor tatiou charges. Effective now in North Carolina a very greatly reduced rate goes into effect, cutting the freight charges practically In half. Based on 30 tons to the carload, the new rate la SO cents a ton for 10 miles. C 5 cents for 50 miles, 85 cent* for 100 miles, $1.15 for 200 miles, with proportional in crease for longer distances. The Nor folk Southern has announced new rains about the same as the Southern rate, and the other roads are to Isau'' schedules on lime very soon. Doctor Kllgore and the Department of Agriculture have been working on this matter for more than a year, aid ed materially by the president of the Southern Hallway, who now take* the Initiative In promulgating the reduced rate. It having been shown that there are large numbers of farmers suffi ciently alive to the value of the use of thin ground limestone. The state chemist, who is an expert on agricul taural chemistry, says tills lime can be used with good results, in many cases better than the burnt lime. It should be applied at the rate of some think like one-half ton to the car Ju»t after the been broken, sc rtiat the lime will be worked Into the soil by cultivation. It can be obtained at the mines at from $1 to $2 a ton In bulk The black soils of eastern Carolina aud uoJIf In other sections of the state rich In vegetable matter are especially improved. It Is said, by ap plications of the agricultural lime. Error In Judicial District Act. Raleigh,—There is an error In the act prescribing the courts for the 20 Judicial districts that would prove very serious but for the fact that r companion act lucludos a feature that cures the matter, it la thought. Ih act, No. 1512. spclfles the number o' each judicial district and the counties composing it and then specifies thi courts for each of the counties. Th«- paragraph that should specify the eighth district, composed of New Han over. Brunswick and Pender Counties Is left out, the courts for each of th« counties being given without reference to what district th«y constitute How ever, act No *>ot» specifically name? each of the 20 districts and the i-oun ties constituting each district. Governor Makes Appointment, Raleigh.—Governor Craig appointed ' John Sprunt Hill, banker and businesr | man of Durham, the North Carollnr 1 member of the American commisslor for the study of the application of thi co operative system of agricultural pro duction, distribution, and finances In European countries. Under the direc tion of the Southern Commercial Con gress, this subject was made'a nation al question at its last April meeting New OfHcsrs For State Prison. Raleigh —After k session continued until nearly midnight the new Board of Directors of the state's prison an nounced the election of J. S. Mann of Hyde county as superintendent of the prison, to succeed Capt. J. J. Laugh inghouse; E. F. McCulloch of White Oak, Bladen county, as chief clerk tr succeed Thomas Fenner, and Dr. J. R Rodgers to succeed Dr. McGeachy. Solicitor of Seventh District. Lenoir. —A telegram was received here by Mr. Thomas M. Newland from Governor Craig, notifying him that h had been appointed by him solicitor of the new seventeenth judicial district, which embraces Caldwell, Burke. LJn coin. Cleveland aud Polk counties. This appointment meets with the hearty approbation of the local bar and will no doubt give general satis faction throughout the district. Mr. Newland is a son of Benjamin New land of Tennesee and a nephew of ox- Lieut. Gov. W. C. Newland. • Farmers Capture a Robber. Klnston—Farmers captured a rob ber at Caswell station three miles from here on the Norfolk Southern when he attempted to enter the depot several days ago. and held him until the sheriff and deputies could arrive In an automobile. The prisoner, a ne gro named Walter Faison, alias An drew Williams. Is believed to be • much-sought store breaker who bar operated on an extonsive scale re cently In Jacksonville. Kfnston and Goldsboro. Ho claimed Newborn to be hU bom*. » trar.? 'nr.t TERRIBLE AGONIES WORSE MISERY Advices Frew Durut'i Neck TeO sf Mrs. Bazemore's Trying Ordeal, sad Her Condi tioa at Present Durant's Neck. N. C—Mrs. Emma Base more, or this place, says: "Words tall to express my appreciation and gratitude for the benefit I received from Cardul, the woman's tonic. I suf fered agonies from womanly troubles. I tried different doctors, but they didn't help. The last one I went to ■aid I needed an operation, so I agreed to It, and bore those terrible pains. I felt better, but only for a short time, and soon the misery was worse than ever before. I began to use Cardul, and It made me feel entirely different. Now I am the picture of health, weigh- ing 170 pounds. Before I started the treatment, I could not do my house work. Now I can do my work, and 1 feel so much better." Cardnl, the woman's tonic, acting In Ita gentle, healing way, upon the wom anly organs, helps to restore your nat- j oral rigor, and to build up the woman ly constitution. If yon are tired, worn-out, weak, ner rous, or suffer from any of the ail ments peculiar to women, do what 1 orer a million other women have done —try Cardnl. It cannot do you harm, and la almost sure to help you. Just ss It has them. Begin taking Cardui today. . Your druggist sells It. ' •> . N. D .—WrUt tr: Chattanooga Medicine Co., Ladies' Advisory Dept.. Chattanooga. Tenn., for SftcU! Imttrtt, titm on your caae amiM page book, Home Treatment for Women," sent In plain wrapper. Adv. Perfectly Clear. "I wonder why so many trains are | late?" said young Mrs. Torklns as she watched the man chalk up the figures . on the blackboard "Well," replied her hiiHbanrf, "for j one thing, traffic is much heavier than It used to be." "Of coarse! And the heavier a load j Is, the harder work a locomotive has i to pull It!" rOK WEAK7VKSH AND I.OHS OK APPE- j TITE. Tlw> OM Standard grn.-mi itn-agtheßlag 'onle, HROVMX TASTBI.SHBi-hlll TONIti (IrWnn out Ma- , Urls ssd Nllds ID th* STUNMII A tmo tonln and ssrw Appatfasr. >'«r adults nnd ctilMrcn. 60 «»nf». . Matter Easily Explained, Two lawyers met on the street. "I've j been wondering about you," said one. "What were you wondering about me?" "Well, I've heard you address , a Jury and I thought that you were tho most eloquent man in Cleveland. Then I've heard you make an after-dinner ' speech at a bamiuct and you were—- [ pardon me^-pretty rotten Now, how | la that?" "I'll tell you When I'm talking to a Jury my, dinner depends on my speech. When I'm talking to a j bunch of diners I've already had my j dinner." HOW IT WAS. ill "How did yo' ail get yo' noae bust- j «d?" * "1 done slipped down an' plumb lit on my back." "But, name o' goodness, sah!—yo' i nose Isn't located on yo' back." "No, sah; an' needer was Brudder Jones." THE KNOW HOW To Fsed Children and Gst Good Re sults. There are more nervous persons made so by undigested food lying In the stomach than the average tndi- j vidual would suppose. If food remains undigested in the I stomach. It begins to ferment, sot up gas and a large portion is thus con verted Into poison. That's why imperfectly digested food | may, and often does, cause irritation j of the nerves and stupor of the mind— j brain and nervee are really poisoned, i "My daughter had complained for : ■one time of a distressed feeling In ! the stomach, after eating, which set ! me thinking that her diet was not ! right," writes an anxious and intelli- | gent mother. "She had been fond of cereals, but had never tried Grape-Nuts. From reading the aooount of this predigest ed food. It seemed reasonable to try drape-Nuts for her case. "The results were really wonderful. The little brain that seemed at times unable to do Its work, took on new life and vigor. Every morning, now, before going to school, she eats the crisp little morsels and is now com pletely and entirely well, she seems to have a new lease on life—no more distress In the stomach, nor head vche, but sound and well everyway." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek. Mich. Read the book, "The Road to Wellvitle," in pkss. "There's a Reason." Rnr ml tfce «>m letter? A mot mmm ■»»■■■" IMa Uae t* ll»r Tter MiMiMMIHk Uii, m fall •( hmmtmm iAL... 1 .iEijiiJflSiHiifatitiSßi NEWS OF NORTH CAROLINA •hot Paragraphs of State News That Ha* Been Condensed For Busy People of State. j Charlotte. —Visitors in the city re j eently from various sections of the ! county brought in reports of consider able damage wrought by the recent ! storm in the various localities. Spencer.—Politics has warmed «p> ; in East Spencer, a twin town to Spen -1 cer, and located Just across the rail road yards. A v munlcioal ticket Is suggested with former Mayor H. C. Buecfc for reelection, being a leading Socialist. Burlington.—Ferry Murray, a young man of West Burlington was arrest ed. charged with having committed the assault upon Miss Mary Walton several days ago. He was given a hearing before Justice of the peace and bound over to Superior Court. Salisbury.—Pleading guilty to an assault upon a helpless colored man. Dan Jones, In East Spencer two weeks ago, J. 8. Finger, a young white man, was sentenced to one year on the county roads by Judge Teo. 'F. Kluttz. of Rowan court. Shelby.—The three-year-old child of "MF and Mrs Matt Brooks was play ing about a bftcket of hot water In the yard where its father was preparing to kill s hog and was scalded to such an extent that the burns caused Its death The child w&s a girl, and has a twin brother. Washington, D. C.—North Carolina lands another Juicy slice of patronage in the appointment of Hon. W. H. Osborne, of Greensboro, as com mis sioner of internal revenue. The an nouncement was Just made that the appointment will be sent In when Congress reconvenes. Stateville.—Mr. Ix>n Slierrlll of North Newton has been working for two years on an and thinks it will be ready for Its first flight In a short time This is no plaything. Mr Sherrlll. who is a genius in such things, studied out a plan by which he thinks air navigation will be made simple. While his model Is rude In construction, he believes he has the right idea. Wilmington.—The plant of the Wll mington Handle Works in South Wilmington was destroyed several days ago by Are originating In the dry kiln The loss is estimated rough ly at $.15,000 to $50,000. with some thing more than $25,000 Insurance. I The handle works was one of Wil mington's youngest and most thriving Industries. Washington. Senators Simmons and Overman wrote to Secretary of Agriculture Houston endorsing Daniel Washington. Senators Simmons and Overman wrote to Secretary of Agriculture Houston endorsing Daniel W. Adams of Ashe county for appoint ment a# Chief Forester. Mr. Adams has been in the Forestry Bureau sev era! years and is In line for promo tion The Senators advised Secretary Houston they would call upon him In regard to Mr. AdamS* appointment the llrst week In April. Washington—Secretary Daniels of the Navy Department announced that he had selected Howard A. Banks of Hickory, N. C., for his private secre tary. Mr. Banks who will assume his duties in a few dfiys, is owner and editor of The Hickory Democrnt. He was graduated from Davidson Colleg» In 1888 and did post graduate work at the University of North Carolina. Salisbury.—Statesvllle brought the banner delegation to the big Pythian meeting held in Salisbury recently, having about 35 men in the party and IS candidates for Initiation. Lexing ton brought 21 men with six candi dates. Rowan Lodge. In Salisbury had nine candidates and Salisbury furnished 23. There were also a num ber from other places including Con cord. Leuoir and North Wilkesboro. Shelby'The Board of Aldermen Is preparing for tho installation of a city mail delivery service. A Char lotte engineer came up and went over the situation with the members of the board. A blue print will be made of the town, the streets surveyed, named and placarded and the houses nura bered. Postmaster B. A. Baber say* the postal receipts, if they keep up tho present rate of increase, will ex ceed the SIO,OOO. mark, which quail fles the town for free delivery service. Forest City.—Rutherford county has enlisted In the good roads column of the state. April 2" the citUens of this county will vote on a $250,000 bond is sue for buildlfig and maintaining good roads. Much enthusiasm is aroused and the issue is expected to carry by a good majority. Greensboro. —Mason W. Gantt, who served as chief deputy under the late Clerk Fobis of the Superior Court, was appointed clerk by Judge H. A Foushee. Othe^ applicants were Dr J. R. Gordon and W. G. Bradahaw Mr. Gantt's appointment is effective at once. Charlotte. —The water board met recently In the office of the superin tendent of the wter works, and an nounced formally that the new water works plant would be formally turned over to the city on April 24th. The 10 townships of Greene county %re soon to be reduc ed to nine, following an act by the racent Legislature which abolished Willow Greone. adding its territory to Ormonde, of which it was formerly a part. The abolished township Is in the eastern part of the county, ad joining Pitt, and is one of Greene's most prosperous soctlous. URGING GREAT SALS OF CANNED FOODS Dealers, rrooers. Jobber! and manufac turer* alt over the country art Joining bands during: tlx* week of March llet to April Uh in an effort to acquaint hous*.- wlvea with the economy and quality of canned food*. It la now a well known fact that neat 1* the only preservative uaed In preparing these economical foods. The cans are sealed and sterilised at a temperature of 80 degrees, which prevents any contami nation and keeps the contents fresh ana wholesome as the day the tins were filled In the canneries. National Canned Foods Week, during I which dealers and grocers will make i canned food* their aales-feature*. Is for 1 the purpose of demonstrating to house- I wives that the coat of living can be cut ! with such foods, and that they may be served In hundreds of delightful ways, i and thus served daily without monotony. 1 The farmer's wife esperlstly finds It ad vantageous to relieve herself of all the | cooking possible and Canned Foods en i able her to do this and at the aame time ' Improve the quality of her meals. Women In every community should ob- I serve National Canned Foods Week by 1 going to the dealers and putting In a sup ply. The saving and general satisfaction In the use of Canned Foods la entirely worth while.—Adv. j Deep Diaalmulation. "You seem Inclined to encourage your wife to be a suffragette." "Yea," replied Mr. Meekton. "If I j can thoroughly convince her that I I desire her to march and make i speeches, maybe she'll got resentful S and Refuse to do so." Burduco Liver Powder. Nature's remedy for biliousness, constipation, indigestion and all stom ach diseases. A vegetable pre par a ! tlon, better than calomel and *IH not salivate. In screw top cans at 25c each. Burwell & Dunn Co., Mfra., Charlotte, N. C. Adv. Paradoxical. "What caused him to go crooked?" "He got in straightened circum stances.' ASK FOR ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE, I tba Antloaptlo powder to ahaka Into your I •hoe#. Hellevsa Corns. Bunions. Ingrowing Nails, Hwollcn and Hwratlnf feet. misters and Callous apota Bold evsrynrhsr*. 26c. t Don ! accept any substitute. Sample FRKR. 1 Addrssa Alien S. Olmstad. Leßoy. N.Y. Adv. Not Much. "My feelings have been lacerated." "Did It take?" Only One "BKOMO QUININE" | That l» I.AX ATI VM BKUXtI Of INIMM. Look for ihn signature of ■. W (JROYH. l utes a Cold In On* D»y, Curat Grip Is Two Days. Be. When an actress dies or is sued , for divorce her real names comes out. , Mr*. Wlnalow'e Soothing Bjrup for Cblldren 1 frilling, softens the fumi, redoren Inflamma- Lion,allays paln.CHree wlud colic Jbc a bottle J* One touch of weather makes the whole world sit up and talk about It. unouaandd' ofJfoman* Have Been Restored to Health By Lydia C.. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. There is no doubt about this fact. Why! during the last 30 years we have published in the newspapers of this country volumes of letters from women who have been re lieved of all their suffering by the timely aid of this grand old medicine. Letters like the following, true, genuine and 1 honest expressions of gratitude coming from grateful hearts. Surely you can believe these women. Mrs. L 8. BRENNER, Hudson, Mich., Bays s *' Sometime ago I wn taken with a terrible pain in my right side, such •harp paint just like a knife sticking me. I tried hot applications but that did no good. I went to our family doctor (we wore living In Fayette, Ohio, St that time) and he said it waa organic inflammation. I doctored with him • while but kept getting worse. The pain waa so terrible I could hardly stand on my feet. I would have that sharp pain in my right side, and a dull heavy pain the whole length of my limb. I realised that something had to be done quickly, so I looked up all of your advertisements I could find, and saw several that described my ease. I got a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and It helped me from the first dose, and when I had taken two bottles my trouble was rone. Your medicine has done so much for me that I am willing you should publish this letter for the ■ake of other suffering women."—Mrs. L. 8. BBXNSBB, Hudson, Michigan., Mrs. L E. BOWERS, Girard, Pk, say*: ** I take pleasure In informing you of what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for ma. I had a aide spell last February, and for some months after that I waa not regular and bad many bad feelings. I was tired all the time, had dull headaches, not much appetite, ana also what the doctor called organic Inflammation. Tour Vegetable Compound has entirely cured me ana I feel that too mnch cannot be said In Its praiss es lam now able to do my own work. Yon are perfectly welcome to use my testimonial for the bcneCt of others."—Mrs. L. E. BOWKBA, R.F.D. No. 1, Girard, Pa. Mrs. ELIZABETH GENTILCORE, Buffalo, — **l feel that I must write to you about your wonderful remedies. About ten years ago I waa troubled with female weakness and was all run down, I was tired all the time and could hardly walk without feeling diny. I heard about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, took It, and also used the Sanntlve Wash. I got stronger, and have not had those dissy spells since. I feel that I owe my health to you, and hope your remedies will help others as they have me. I tried most everything I heard of, and yours are the best medleines for women's ailments."—Mrs. Euzum On moon, M Glor Street, Buffalo, New York. For SO Tears Lydls E. Pinkham's Vegetable . Compound has been the standard remedy for fe male ills. No one tick with woman's ailments /// Jr does jiirtioe to herself if she does not try this fa- S / ■tons medicine made from roots and herb* tt If 17'' wf has restored so many sufferingwomen to health. II u I BtfhWrite to LT9IIEJPIWKHAV MFDICIITE CO. fA VT {P IS IMF (COSFIDEHTUL) LIHN.MASB., for advice. Your letter wiU he opened, read and answered by a womai) and held In strict confidence. the Horse Clad«®TT~" and Eagar for Work JA I aicn 111 •789 y\ »»»»>M4dlrt. Ml MnMitMWi U 1- . HHkJP WWJamnKilirtij nr. Dal kr M ■ I IMSahr Tha Stewart BaN BMVIM 11 "SiSf gßf J\ A CByljg MhMiw 11 i i'Tli NltilwtD " ,Mlo„d. ami hi WHY INCUBATOR CHICKS DIE gg&g *l* taMsTc w«*LOIS! Stiff Joints Sprains, Braises m relieved at oa» by an applica tion of Sloan's Linimdht. Don't rob, just lay on lightly. - Sloan'* Liniment ha* dooe good Uian anything I hare erer triad for iti* joint*. lgo« myhand liurteo badly that 1 had to Mop work right in Uw buiiut time of the year. I thought a* ftxtt that I would have to have in* hand taken off, hut I got a bottle c« Bloaa'i Liniment and cured my hand." WILTOK Wa»Ki.aa, Morn*, Ala. Good lor Broken SIMWI O. 0. JOKE*. Baldwin, It. L, write* : —> l o*ed Sloan'* Linliuent for brakes aiaews a bore the knee eap oaa*ed by a fall aad to ay great ■atWfaetioawa* able to reanme work In lew thka three week* attar the aocirient." SLOAN'S LINIMENT ptae tor Sprain U> H*WBT i. ToMl,* Someraet St., rial nil eld, N.J-. write* : " A friend .prained hUankle to badly that It went blaok. Ha >»>>K !i r} wh *° I told him that I would hare him oot la a week. 1 applied Sloan * Liniment and In four day* he wa* working and ■aid SJoan'* wa* a right good Tial «oT.^ld 2 »tbo on horse*, eattle, I tjU eheepand 7'fe.^Plr poultry*ent free, u , SMf Beaton, JH i > -.. . JHPL— - . k KODAKS Sffug olal Attention. rfuooftbk Berrlce prompt. Bend for Price LiM, uuuti am mna auauiTM. a. a CABBA6E PLAHTS eeVd '"(a'l'l 'TarleSeJC "Wakeßelda"a*peelalty. tl per thousand. Kiire wortfc Farm, Boute », Marebrllle, Jt. O.

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