A Royal Baking Powder Hot Biscuit is the luxury of eating MADE AT HOME- PERSONAL Asa J. Manning was here froln Jamesville on business Monday. Mrs. W. P. McCraw is visiting relatives here this week. Dr. B. L. Long was here from Hamilton on Monday. C. A. Baker and Rodger Crit cher came home from Norfolk to spend Easter. Grover C. Godwin spent Easter here with his parents. Misses Harriet Settle, Fannie Murt Manning and Sallie Iladley came from the A. C. College to spend Easter. Miss Sallie Dunn has been in town this week. Mrs. J. K. Ellison and little son with Miss Mary Bell Ellison arri ved here Sunday night en route from .Jacksonville, Fla. Mrs. S. A. Newell and children spoilt Easter in Conetoe. W. B. Watts spent Sunday with his parents. Prof. J. T. Jerome preached in Tarboro Sunday. Miss Pem Gladstone was the guest of Miss Irene Smith while in town this week. Mrs. R. L. Smith and little son were here from Robersonville Monday. Mrs. W. E. Warren and Miss Deborah Fleming went to Pacto lus Monday. Miss Ruth Crowell spent Easter here with her mother. Mrs. Wheeler Martin, Jr., is visiting Mrs. C. J. Sawyer in Windsor. John T. Lynch, of New York, W. H. Brew, of Philadelphia and W. B. Simmons of Richmond, were here Wednesday on business connected with the purchase of large timber interests. Jack Riddick, of Scotland Neck was in town Tuesday and Wed nesday on business. Mr. Staton Bailey and wife were here from Everetts Wednes day. J. A. Mizelle is here from Greenville. Miss Alice Gibson came up Wednesday from Hardens to visit relatives. Hr. D. T. Taylor was in town Sunday on professional business. Mrs. J. P. Boyle and Miss Hattie Darden were here from Hamilton Thursday. Tor Sale! Fifty Ba&« of Vlr&inln Seed Peanut*. In perfect condition and flno stock. See, write or phone J. B. HARDISON Route 4, WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Eggs for , hatching Stock for Sale My Turkeys and Plymouth Rocks won the blue ribbon and special prizes at East Carolina Poultry Show, Rocky Mount, Jan'y 1913. M. B. Turkeys $5.00 each. Eggs $3.00 per 12. I. R. Duck, Fawn" and White. Wingert's strain and "Ringlets" B. P. Rocks $3.00 to $5.00 per trio; Eggs SI.OO to $1.50 per 15. Incubator eggs $5 per 100 Oakburst Poultry Farm i Williamston. N. G. LOCAL —Tuesday Day. —The Methodist District Con ference will meet here in April. \ —For torpid liver, use McNair's Blood and Liver Pills. Sold by Saunders & Fowden. 25 cents. —The Graded School pupils en joyed a holiday on Monday. —The coming of "The Private Secretary" has been postponed until later in April. High winds have been blow ing for the past two days, and Msrch is going out with a howl. —Remenber Chill Killer will do the work. Sold by Saunders & Fowden. —Owing to the enforced ab sence of several characters in "The Private Secretary" the play will be posponed for the time. It will be produced later. —Five or six doses of Chill Killer will stop any case of chills, if not will refund youn money. Sold by Saunders & Fowden. 25 and 50 cents. —The Cooperage Mill suspend ed work several days last week on account of the high water reaching their logrlanding but did not come up to the mill. —lf one bottle of Chill Killer fails to break up your chills and fever, we will gladly refund your money. —The Wake Forest Glee Club will be here on April 16th. Those who enjoy the bes£ will await its coming to town. Remember the date, April 16th. —For chills and fevers take Chill Killer. It's guaranteed. Sold by Saunders & Fowden. 25 and 50 cents. The Board of County Commiss ioners met here Monday to order elections for the three town ships which will vote on good xoads. —No Calomel or other purga tive is required when you take Chill Killer. It's the wonderful purgative Chill Tonic. Sold by Saunders & Fowden. 25 and 50 cents. —LOST. —Small necklace with gold dolar attached. Finder will please return to Jos. W. Cowan, City. - CHRYSANTHEMUM Plants for sale at 5 cents each. See Mrs. Theodors Roberson, Williamston, N. C. —Trap Shooting is the favorite pastime now with the sporty folks in town. The trap has been placed at the base ball park. Messrs. K. B. Crawford and John Cook have so far taken all the honors. —The Christian and Episcopal Sunday Schools hunted eggs on Monday, the former on the lawn at the Godard home and the lat ter on the Church lawn. The littld folks as well as the older ones had a good time. —Rev. Morrison Bethea left Tuesday morning for Lewiston from whence he went to Wind son to officiate at the marriage of Mr. Louis Thompson, of Lewis ton, and Miss Sal lie Lyon, of Windsor. Afterwards Mr. Be thea will go to Creswell to attend the Convocation of Eden ton. Easter Day here was one of | those perfect ones of which poets have written, and young and old alike enjoyed the day. Theye were services in the Baptist, Methodist and Christian Churchep The only service in the Episcopal Church being those of the Sun day School, which opened at ten o'clock. . There were appropriate hymns and readings with a short talk by Supt. A. D. Mizell. The children presented their of ferings, laying them upon the altar. The amount was found to be $85.25, being $20.00 more than any previous year. Miss Laurie Ellison had the largest offering among the pupils, which was $6.65. For several years she has had this distinction. —The little daughter of Mr. Gurganus who lives on the Biggs Farm near Skewarkey developed a case of scarlet fever on Monday, and a uumber of children who were out there for a picnic were told to remain at home from school. Most of them belonged to the fifth grade taught by Miss Annie Cooper. —N. S. Godard who on Wed nesday afternoon was carrying J. W. Allen and another man across the river in a canoe, turned the boat on purpose and all fell out in the surging current. To play jokes on the Roanoke is rather dangerous. Those who engaged in such things need cor rection. If any one had been drowned, the trouble would not ended there. —Mrs. F. D. Winston, who is manager of "The Thespians" of Windsor, is thinking of bringing the troupe here in the near future, and will present "Sleepy Hollow" which has been seen with so much satisfaction at Edenton and Ply mouth. Windsor talent always pleases here, and with the high class orchestra which will accom pany it the show is sure to please. But at present the river is up and the bridge across Conoho Creek has washed up. If arrangements can be made with Mrs. Winston, the date will be announced later. Notice Having qualified as administrators upon the Estate of Justus Everett J deceased; Notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against said Estate to present them to the undersigned for pay ment on or before the 20th day of March 1914, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make im mediate payment. This 20th day of March 1913. BENJAMIN B. EVERETT. H ATT IE V. EVERETT. 3«»2l-6t A am in Ist rators. Notice Having qualified as Executrix of the Estate of Warren Little, de ceased, late of Martin County, j North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the Estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned on or before the. 17th day of March 1914, or this notice will he plead ed in bar of their recovery. All * f peusons indebted to said Estate will please make Immediate pay ment. This the 17th day of March 1913. MAUZA LITTLE, ExecuUix of Warren Little. Notice of Sale Under and by virtue of decree of the Superior Court, Martin County in the Special Proceeding therein pending, it being a pro ceeding to sell for partition the lands described in the petition of \V. T. Hyman, Mary Hyman, Van Chance, A. R. Brown, 1). L. Brown. Nathan Knight, Peter Burnett and others, the undersi gned commissioner,' will on Fri day the 25th day of April, 1913, at 11:00 o'clock A. M. in Front of the Bank of Oak City in the town of Oak City, Martin County, North Carolina, offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described tract or parcels of land, to-wit: First Trait: Situate in the town of Oak City, N. C. and bounded on the North by the lands of Spen cer Hines; on the South by Charlie Hurst; on the East by the Rail road; and on the West by Z. M. Whitehurst. Second Tract: Situate in the town of Oak City N. C. and bound ed on the North by the lands of Everett & Daniel; on the West by H. K. Harrell; on the South by the Railroad; and on the East by Burnett Bros. This the 25th day of March. >9*3- A. R. DINNING 3-28-41 Commissioner. Eggs For Hatching Crystal White Orpln&ton 51.30 [per setting of 13 CM* THEO. ROBERSON . Williamson, N. C. fc BANK YOUR MONEY With The Farmers and Merchants Bank WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Which combines capital; confidence, consistency and courtesy. The big man with the big roil and the little man with the little roll are alike welcomed. Our doors are open to borrowers and depositors alike. Our purpose Is to make our bank a mutual benefit to the community in general and its patrons in particular. We invite you to start a checking account with us. STATE, COUNTY AND CITY DEPOSITORY JOHN D. BlOaS C. D. CARSTARPHEN PRANK F. PAGAN J. L. RODGERSON PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT CASHIER ASST. CASHIER AT COST! The Entire Stock of O. K. Cowing & Co. I have been appointed agent to sell the stock of O. o K. Cowing & Company, consisting of General Mer chandise and Heavy and Fancy Groceries, This Rl' __ II stock must be sold as quick as possible. Bargains to numerous to mention await thoee who take ) advantage of this Closing Out Sale (I __ !================= |J. B. McQOWAN II (UNCLE McADOO) f\ , CCCC€e€•€•€• €•€?€ CC-CCCC [EVERY WOMAN Needs and Wants the Newest and Prettiest Styles in Everything I to Wear. Our Store can Satisfy in Dress Goods, Accessor- I. ies, Shoes and Millinery Styles just as Pleasing for Men and Boys. All Staple and Fancy Goods for Spring and Summer Harrison Brothers & Company Willlamston, North Carolina