VOL XIV. NO. 27 fc-1 Professional-Cards I Hugh B. York, M. D. " MMoscopy, Electrotherapy, X- Ray, Diagnosis, Specialties Office on Smith wick St.. rear Blount Bro. Office hours, 8 to 10 ft. 7 to 9 p. m. Office 'phone 60 - Night 'phone 63 Wm. B. WNrtn - J. a Rhode# Drs. Warren & Rhodes Physicians and Surgeons Office in Bigg* Drugstore • 'Phone ?9 Jos. H. Saunders, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Day phone 53 - Night phone 40 Williamston, N. C. Dr. R. L. Savage of Rocky Mount, will be at the Atlantic Hotel fourth Wendnes day in each month to treat dis eases of the EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT and FIT GLASSES A. &. Dunning - J- C. Suiith Dunning & Smith f Attorneys-/t-Law Williamston, N. C. Robersonville, N. C. Bartons A. Cri*cher - Wheeler Martin Wheeler Martin, Jr. Martin & Critcher Attorneys-at-Law "Williamston • North Carolina 'raoir* *3 S.J. Everett Attorney-at-Law Greenville, N. C. - Williamston, N. C. Greenville Long Distance Phone 328 S. A. NEWELL Attorney at Law Williamston - North Carolina Clayton Moore Attorney at Law Williamston - North Carolina ' John E. Pope General Insurance* Life, Fire. Health, Accident, Live Stock Real Estate •- Brokerage v Williamston - North Carolina Office on Main Street • r % Society Pressing . . Glub . . O. C. Price, Manager Phone No. 58 Up-to-Date Cleatng, Pressing, Dyeing and Tailoring « * Very ' careful attention |given to Ladies' Kid Gloves, Fancy Waists l • * Coat Suits and Skirts Club Rates for Men. *1 , A Clothes called for and deliveifed Agents for Rose & Co. Merchant-Tailors, Chi cago, 111 THE ENTERPRISE Wake Forest Glee Chib The people of the town and community had been waiting in pleasant anticipation for the ap pearance here of the Wake Forest Glee Club, which was booked * | several weeks ago for Wednesday night, the 16th. The members of the Club arrived here on the 1:16 train Wednesday and were met by friends who entertained the entire number at their hordes. A splendid audience greeted the Club and heartily applauded every number on the programme. Mr. Hubert Poteat, Director of the Club, has admirably trained the members, bringing out with pleasing effect the respective talent of each. The songs were catchy and were sung with per fect expression and time Mr. Poteat in "The Bandelero" ex hibited wonderful power of voice which easily places him among the list of artist. The orchestra of ten pieces delighted the music loving audience, the only crit icism was that they had too few numbers on the programme. The hour ended with the college yell, and the entire Club went to the home of Col. f and Mrs. Wheeler Martin, where a recep tion was tendered them. There was a bevy of Williamston girls to meet them, and the time was most delightfully passed in that hospitable home. Later in the evening, a dance was enjoyed at the-Masonic Hall which was a happy final to the occasion. This was the first visit of this or any college Glee Club to Will iamston and the people appreci ated the privilege of having such a splendid set of young men from a North Carolina College come into their town; t Fire Monday Morning An. alarm of fire was given just before 3 o'clock on Monday morn ing, and it was found that the stables on the lot of of _F. U. Barnes was on fire. Mrs. Barnes rushed out and led the horse from the burning building, and a small crowd gathered but as there was no water, could not use the en gine. A small tenant house near by belonging to Mrs. J. D. Leg gett was also consumed. It was occupied by colored people. The origin of the fire is unknown. The stables belonged to Mrs. C. W. Keith, who owns the premises occupied by F. U. Barnes and family. Mr. Barnes was from home, being out of town on busi ness. Besides the feed stuff in the barn, a buggy, harness, saddle and other things were consumed together with forty chickens and eight settings of eggs. Embroidery Club The members of the Club with friends enjoyed the hospitality of Miss Deborah Fleming on Tues day, April Bth. at her home on Haughton Street. Attractive ar rangements for the entertain ment of the guests were made by the hostess, and which render ed the afternoon a most pleasant one. Refreshments were served and enjoyed. The next meeting will be held on April 22nd. To Wed In Jane The marriage of Mr. Francis S. Hassell, of Wilson, and Miss Blanche Gary, daughter of Chief Justice and Mrs. Eugene Gary, will be solemnized in the Episco pal Church at Abbeville, S. C., on June the fourth. Owing to the extreme feebleness of the grandfather of the bride, the mar riage will be very quiet and no cards will be issued, j ♦ I WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, APRIL 1913 Botcher-Ray I The prettiest marriage of the 1 year was solemnized here on ■ Wednesday morning at 7:30, I when Mi6s Delia Benjamin Ray 1 became the bride of Mr. John r Butcher, of Norfolk, Va. The 1 home of the bride's mother in ! East Williamston was the scene ■ of the nuptials, the hall being at ' tractively decorated with ferns and flowers, banks of them form - ing an altar before which the r happy pair stood beneath a floral arch. As the strains of the wed -1 ding march rendered by Mrs.'S. ■ F. Williams, filled the air, little 1 Miss Lyda Cook in white and ! pink, carrying a bouquet of flow ! ers, with Master William Wilson, ■ nephew, of the bride, who bore a basket of flowers, came from the ■ parlor and preceded the bride and * groom. They were followed by ■ Mrs. Matthew Wilson, of Nor -1 .folk, sister of the bride, who was handsomely gowned in blue silk with attractive decorations. Rev. George J. Dowell, pastor 4 of the Baptist Church, gave the vows, ' using the ring ceremony. The 1 bride was charming in a suit of tan cloth with hat and gloves to match, and carried a shower bou quet of lilies of the valley. After the ceremony, congratu lations were showered upon the wedded pair, who took a taxi and went to the A. C. L., station where they boarded the cars for a tour before going to Norfolk where they will make their home. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Hannah Ray and is a very attractive young woman, promin ently connected in North Carolina. She has many warm friends here and elsewhere who wish for her a life of happiness. The groom has made his home in Norfolk for years, and is a talented musi cian, having studied abroad. A Farmer's Suggestion (Contributed) In this progressive day and age of the world, there are a great many strange things happening. One of these many strange things happens in Williamston. That is the town has a stock law and a prohibition law also with two wide-awake policemen. A far mer's hog can't go inside of the corporation even at midnight without being seen and taken to the pound and the farmer has to pay the penalty before securing his property. But about forty (40) blind tigers can ply their trade right in tyroad daylight and cannot be seen by the policemen. Wc cannot account fpr this unless tho officers ' are hog-eyed men. If the far mers would hang a bottle around the necks of their hogs, perhaps, they could go in and out of town at will. More Water Wanted Th? fire Monday morning teach es another lesson on the great and varied uses of water. Nearly every family in town bas a drive pump which is useless in fires when the engine can be used. There should be water and plenty of jt available. Of course, some people don't think so, but that fact does not change the necessity for the heaven-given beverage. There has been a time when people would fight fire with buckets., ' Such an oldtime method is fidtth accord with the ideas of some people, but it has worked in times past if not now. Time and time again have the people seen how ! far behind they are in certain things which count for good. 1 Water is one of those things, and this is a "wet" section, too. - Oak City Items Dr. Edgar Long has been in Baltimore for the last week. Claude Roebuck went to Scot land Neck last Sunday on his car, Messrs. John York, E. L. Perkins and Ervin Bradley ac companying him. Miss Mary Worseley spent Mon day in Scotland Neck. Mrs. W. A. Casper, Mrs. Geo. Daniels, Mrs. Harrison and Whalen Casper drove over to Ed Johnson's place near Hassell. Flave Harrell returned from Raleigh last Wednesday. John Etheridge spent Tuesday in Williamston. Leslie Haislip is the Ruest at the Haislip home. Mrs. Spencer E. Hines and Miss Lila Philpot entertained a few friends at cards last Friday night. Refreshments of cake and wine were served about elev en o'clock. .Those present were, Mrs. M. E. Smith, Miss Margerie Barrett, Misses Lizzie and Annie Mae Harrell; Messrs. Claude Roe buck, Wilmer House, Whalen Casper and Leland Barrett. Mrs. Bob Council is spending a few days in Scotland Neck. Miss Jeffie House spent Mon day in Hassell. . Mr, Claude. Roebuck with a party of friends drove over to Tarboro Tuesday night in his car to attend the show. Those of the party were, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Hines, Misses Lizzie and Annie Mae Harrell and Miss Lila Philpot. Miss Louise Salisbury spent Misses Jeffie and Pearl House. Miss Daisy Council spent Sat urday in Hassell. / Hamilton Items Mrs. R. W. Salsbury left for Tarboro last Friday to visit her brother, R. M. Davis. Mrs. James Johnson and daugh ter, of Norfolk, are visiting rela tives here. Mrs. Walter Deal and children, who have been visiting Mrs. B. L. Long, left Saturday for their home in Gainsville, Ga. Miss Effie Waldo, who is teach ing temporarily in Williamstonj spent the week-end with her parents here., B. B. Sherrod and daughter spent Friday in Greenville. Mrs. W. Z. Morton and child ren, who have been visiting Mrs. R. W. Salsbury, left Thursday. Mrs. C. H. Baker left for High Point Saturday to visit her broth er in that city. Messrs. Don Matthews and Howell Ellis went to Hassell Sun day. Mr. Arrington Kitch in and children were in town Sunday. Mrs. J. C. Ewell spent several days in town last week. Rev. J. T. Stanford filled his regular appointment in the Meth odist Church last Sunday. Notice An Election will be held on the first Tuesday after the first Mon day of May, same being the 6th day, 1913, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and Board of Aldermen for the town of Wil liamston, North Carolina for the ensuing two years. By order of the Board, this 11th day of March, 1913. C. H. Godwin, Clerk. Bitten by Mad Dog Three colored children left here Tuesday for Raleigh to receive the Pasteur treatment for rabies. A family puppy bit them about a week ago, and the head of the animal was sent to Raleigh for analysis and the chemist reported that the dog was rabid. Tfye parents of the little children so licited money to pay their ex penses, and it is hoped thai? the treatment will be effective. There are entirely too many dogs in this community, and the colored people have such a love for the animals that one can find a greater number in their homes than elsewhere. It is not always safe to "keep them especially where there are little helpless children who love to play with the dogs. Tuesday morning, Policemen Ward noticed a dog going toward the river, and saw him bite several animals of his kind. Securing a gun, the police man shot the dog, which was without doubt mad. People with dogs which they value should keep them in confinement, at least, for a time. The Girl Who Has Friends She comes into the room like a sea breeze, laughing, nodding right and left. The "blues" fly out of the window when she comes in They simply cannot stand her sunny disposition. She claps her hands and says our plans are splendid, and sug gest a way to make them even more splendid so modestly that you think it is your own sugges tion. Wherever she goes she sees the funny side of things and she has such a funny whole hearted way of describing them that it is as good to hear her as to have been there yourself —even better, for she has the humorous eye, which is a great gift.— Oxford (Pa.) Press. Honor Roll Ist Grade. - Thelma Brown, Evelyn Sparks, Minnie Robertson Ellen Cowen, Lillian Williams, Pattie Harris, Bonner Gurganus, Carrie Lee Peel, John Cook. 2nd Grade. —Annie Louise Craw ford, Charlie Godwin, Clarence Brown. 3rd Grade.-To be published later. 4th Grade.—To be published later. 6th Grade. Bessie Page, Louise Robertson. 7th Grade.—Sylvia Upton, Fannie B. Martin. Bth Grade. —Alma Sparks, Lucy Green, Clyde Anderson. 9th Grade. Daisy Manning, Leona Page, Gilbert Peel; 10th Grade. - Leroy Anderson, Ollie Roberson, Eva Peel, Ellie Wynn, Myrtle Woolard, Frances Knight, Josephine Robertson, Yates Dowell. r Build It Prospects are good here for a planing mill. With little work one could be established at an early date. Men with the mach inery and experience are waiting to start the movement. Such a plant would help greatly, and soon would pay a good dividend. There is a good profit in sash and doors for the demand is great. This proposition should be en couraged and not. hindered in anyway. We need such indus tries—they make a town and we , must build if we want to keep the pace in the industrial world. Build the planing mill and the peanut factory and then we will be on a surer foundation, for we can help ourselves and others in the county. Plan great things and work for them and success will come in the end. si.oo a Year in Advance Fell Witb Pple A distressing accident happen ed here on Mohday afternoon which wa» witnessed by a nura i ber of people who were watching i John Manning strip a telephone ' pole at the corner near the' post-. I office. The pole was rotten, and f a rope had been attached to a ■ cross arm, but unfortunately Manning unfastened arm and ! the pole fell with him. He was attached to the pole by a safety ' belt and his spikes were deeply ! embedded. It happened so quickly ! that Manning forgot to catch the l_ messenger behind. Fortunately t the pole wae caught by the arm i and turned and fell less rapidly, or else the young man would have i fallen beneath the pole and been i crushed. Bystanders rushed to him, and quickly unfastening the ; belt, carried him into the drug store where Dr. Warren-rendered i aid. It was found that the left hand was crushed and a toe i sprained. Otherwise, there seems i to be no injuries though the shock 1 to the system is great.- He never ; lost consciousness, but bravely waved his hand to friends as he was being borrte to the drug store. Great sympathy was felt for him and the entire town was deeply moved at the accident.- To Vote For Bonds • Martin County is getting in line with other progressives in the State. In May three townships will vote for good roads. These are Robersonville, Goose Nest and Hamilton. It is confidently hoped that all three will vote in , the right spirit, and build better I highways. A large number of . people in every community are always afraid of the tax question. Viewed in the proper spirit, taxes collected for road improvement i make for the good of the whole people. Some individuals might not derive large returns, but they help in added pleasures, greater comforts and higher land values along the route of such improved roads. All three townships are fine farming sections and there are splendid estates in each of them. But the roads in many spots are narrow pathways, and need just scientific drainage, grading, etc., to render them suitable for pleas- I ant travel in autos or vehicles. Then there is the heavy hauling I to and from the farms. Notice the heavily ladened wagons when the time for fertilizers comes. It means something to the farmer and more to his team to have to travel through sand or mud. Williamston township was the first in Eastern Carolina to issue bonds for good roads. A ride on the routes already finished will show what benefit there is in them. Note the improved con dition of the farms. New fences, scientific drainage, -and other good things which show that the owners have pride in their pos sessions and desire that they shall do credit to the section which is making such rapid strides up ward. We believe that the May elec tions will mean better roads in the three townships. The State and Nation is earnestly engaged in a system of education for bet ter highways and we confidently expect Martin County to go along with the movement. Unassisted s Meek .Sister—(sorrowfully)—"] Seems like it wa'n't hardly fair ! fer Providence to give you four I husbands and me nary a one.", > Aggressive Sister— 'Now Het i ty, don't you lay that onto the s Lord. He had nothing to do with j it. I jes' got out an' hustled fer them husbands." • . ■ i .■- ,• ■ N ••:

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