THEENTER.PR.ISE Published Weekly. WILLI AMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA The telephone has Invaded Jerusa lem. The "movies" will be next They can cut down the alt* of the the dollar, bnt It rounds Juat aa big. People who complained of aprlng ferer a few days ago are recovering New York haa a new dance called the "pareala glide." Thla orite la well named. Alaska has granted women tb rigHT" to rota Now all It needa U the women. '. - • , There are persons still living who remember when there were four sea sons to the year. A Chicago aplnster calla hersell "Mrs." In thla instance there being nothing In a name. The cubist gown Is referred to ai Indescribable and the ensuing de acrlptlon proves It What haa become of the old-fash loned baseball player who never wai an actor In the winter? In aome cltlea the hoapltala keep op*n house all night for the conveni ence of "Joyriding" parties. Talking about the alleged coreet trust, there seems to be a demand that It be squeezed to death. One way to drive out the unclean songs would be to put mualcal and lit erary merit Into the clean ones. The average woman can make u( her face much easier than her mind— and ft stays made up quite bb long. Why do the great planlata anl artists always feel, of their facoi whllo having their pictures taken? Thla discovery that aome atars an cold- suggests similar dlscoverlei made by varlaua atage-door Johnnlos A man out of work won a prise foi telling why he waa Jobless This mighi sound promising, but 299 other men failed. A western man recently atole a house. Possibly he wanted to mort gage It so he could buy an automo bile. There are very few exceptions *r. the rule that the city man who wanti to go back on the farm never lived on one. A college professor who has not ■ vocabulary extensive enough to elim inate swear words failed In his ed ucation. Having oiled the tee and thrown the niblick Into the third speed, the resolute golfer approaches the fir ing line. Now that men are wearing hats with the ribbon bow In the back, why not begin to year vests buttoned up the back? A physician dechireß that peopl* should eat all the undlgeatible food* on the market. Newlyweda, pleaas take notice! " > While a Chicago man was away from home the roof was stolen off his house. Another one of those caaea of seeing stara. A contemporary asks if aulctde Is Justifiable? It depends on whether yau are pursued by a bill collector or Just an ordinary bore. Next time the telephone girl tells you the line you want 1b busy, bear In inind that there are only 9.000,000 phones in this country. ' Complaint Is made of the new nick el that It will not go Into a alot. Therein It shows the reasoning pow er or Inanimate things. It Is suggested that babies' dresses be flreproofed. This system might be re-enforced with a muscle to prevent the eating of matchea. The young woman who breaks hei Engagement to a young man becausi he Is too successful certainly sets ■ new standard of eligibility. ' An eaatern firm, hoping to frustrate .burglars, tacked the following sign on the safe: "This safe open." Next morning the firm was $3,000 out. Approximately five per cent, of the total population of the United States gets his or her living more or lees from electricity and Its ramifi cations. Some will be shocked to now this. The blushing young curate who told his congregation that for "three days Jonah, was in the society of the whale." established a new point In • anatomy. * The Harvard student who has be come a doctor of philosophy at the age of eighteen, demonstrates again that youth will not Be denied. One Important detail of winter businee appears to have been over looked. Where are the figures on the year's output of Auerkraat? • • ■ ... MRS DEMAND CITY OMSALONIKI GREECE, IN POSSESSION, IS CON CENTRATINQ HER ARMY TO OPPOSE RIVAL'S CLAIM. POWERS BACKING BULGARIA Servian Troops Are Being Withdrawn From Scutari a and Are Marching Home to Servla. London—Bulgaria Is making for mal claims to the possession of Bal onikt, now occupied by the Greek troops, according to a dispatch from Belgrade, Servla. The dispatch adds that Bulgaria is taking military meas ures to support her claims, while Greece is concentrating hor army along tho railway leading to Salonlki Vienna, Austria.—The powers com posing the triple alliance, Germany, Austria Hungary and Htaly—advocate that Salonlki should be given to Bui garla as compensation for the ces sion of Sllistria and a strip of Bul garian territory to Roumanla. Russia and France, on the other hand, are of opinion thit Greece should have Salonlki, while Kngland appears to favor the view of the triple alliance. It wns announced that Greece had transferred a division of her . army from the province of BJplrus to Salon lki. rettlnje, Montenegro.—The Servian troops which have been assisting the Montenegrin army in the siege of Scutari have withdrawn and are now marching back to Servla. This leaves Montenegro standing practically alone in Its defiance of the powers. The official Gazette declares that the heavy Montenegrin losses sua talned during the recent assault on the Tarabosch forts were due mainly to the Servian artillery, which con tinued to Are while the allied troops wero storming the works, "The Bervlan commander forgot to rive the order to cease fire," says The Gazette, HUERTA CALLED ASSASSIN Constitutlonsllsts Will Repudlste Any Loan Made With Huerta. ,New Orleans, la.— The Constitution alist party of Mexico will repudiate any loan contract made with the Huerta government In Mexico, accord ing to a statement issued through the local Junta of -the party. The statement was given to the press on the direct authority of Gov. Venustla no Carranza of Coahulla, military leader of the forces which are now working to overthrow Huerta. "In view of his base treachery and the brutal assassination of President Madero and Vice President I'lno 3ua rez," reads the statement, "Vlctorlano Huerta lias no more constitutional right to the presidency of Mexico than would have had the notorious as sassin John Wilkes Booth to the pres dency of the United States after tho murder of President Abraham Lin coln. Huerta and his cohorts are usurp ers, without the slightest basis of constitutionality to their so-ealled government. The Constltutlonallst party desires to serve notice that It will not recognize any loan or debtß contracted by Huerta or his ac complices. Would Bar Immigrants. Washington.—Representative Rod denbery of Georgia Introduced a rad leal immigration bill which will re strict the Influx of aliens by Imposing a lterary test, a $25 head tax and the requirement that each alien must have SIOO In his pocket. The pres ent head tax is only $4 and Mr. Rod denberry says this Is paid by the steamship companies. Quoting the report of the Immigration commission he said our immigration laws were woefnlly Inadequate as compared with those of Canada, Australia, Natal, Cape Colony and New Zealand. Weak laws feeble administrative policy account for many undesirable Immi grants coming to those shores, he : said. i L 1 Plan Blue Sky Law. Tallahassee Fla Representative W. E. Russell of Putnam county will 1 Introduce a blue sky law In the leg j Islature similar to the Kansas law to ' drive from the state fraudulent land and Investment companies. He de clares that the state has been Injured ! by the operation of such concerns, , and that no company dealing In Flor Ida lands or securities will be allow ed to do business unless they comply 1 with the law. This will kill off a number of companies nov handling I Everglade land on Installment plan. MeJcans Kill TwoAmeHc»ns. i Guar mas, Sonoro. Mex. —Two Ball ora of «he United States cruiser Call fornla *ere killed and three otheri . wounded in a,street fight at Maxat i lan. Two or three Mexican pollcri i men were wounded In attempting to arrest the American sailors. Admiral Cowles Is investigating the Incident 1 Investigation of the fight between th discloses that at an early hour th« bluejackets and Mexican gendarme* party. Their action was resented and a fight ensued. AFTER THE FLOOD RECEDED AT DAYTON t^BßKM^HflHH^^Cj^^^^^9 :^| iji^' vKlilraßk sK^ National guardsmen guarding the food and medical auppllea Intended for the destitute, homeless and sick of Dayton, Ohio. : CONGRESS IN EXIRASEBSICN s , CONOREBB OPENS UNDER DEMO r CRATIC DOMINATION AND IS ORGANIZED. , Thousand of BHIB Were Introduced In ths House and SoAres In I the Senate. Washington.—Congreaa opened In , extraordinary session undor Demo cratic domination, waa enlivened by ( the actlvltlea of a healthy youth, the progreaßlve organization In the house , and an Invasion of petition-bearing r suffragettes. The youth who disturbed proceed ( Ings was In the senate gallery and he tried to halt a recess of that body ) by shouts of "Mr. Chairman." Taken ( in charge, the youth gave his name as George B. Clemmer of Monroe, N. C., and said he was a "herald of the Prince of Peace." I Thousands of bills were introduced in the house and scores In the sen t ate. The Panama canal tolls question reappeared within a few hours after the session convened, when Senator , Root reintroduced his bin of last ses ' slon for a repeal of that provision of the new Panama canal act which would permit American coastwise ' ships to enjoy freedom from tolls. Speaker Clark was reelected over 1 James R. Mann, Republican, and Vic tor Murdock, Progressive, and other ' officers of the house also were re elected. The Progressive strength was tested on the speakership, Mr. t Murdock receiving 18 votes. ; WILSON BREAKS PRECEDENT i > President Was Applauded Whan Hs Appeared and Whan He Left. Washington.—President Wilson has } abridged the gap that for over a cen . tury separated the pilots of public business —the executive and leglsla - tlve branches of the government. Not t as a cog In a machine, not as an Im- I personal political entity, nor as a t mere department of government, but t s the human president—he went to r congress to speak about the tariff. With a sweep of decision that shat tered precedent the president brushed aside atl imaginary boundaries be tween congress and the executive of fice and rescued himself, as he ex pressed, it from that "isolated Island of jealous authority," which the pres- Idency had come to be regarded. B Congress, somewhat startled when t it heard that the president had deter ( mined to deliver his message by word l_ of mouth, had prepared for a eeremo e ny of unusual importance and such P it was; *pt when President Wilson n arrived m tho midst of the great aa p semblage, riding through throngs of h cheering people in the streets, and, I later, looking up Into galleries crowd k ed with privileged ticket holders, he seemed after all what he said he waa, | "a human being trying to co-operate o with other human beings in a com mon service." t Japan Protests to United Btstss. Washington. President Wilson sought to avert a diplomatic tangle with Japan over the bill pending in 5 the California leglslflure through ° which Japanese would be prevented from owning property In that state. The Japanese government had filed formal protest with the state depart *• ment against what it considers a pro r~ posed Infringement of treaty obllga tions. The president conferred firs' y with Secretary Lane of the Interior " department, who halls from CAllfor- K nla, and later with Senator Worka. Michigan Woman Denied the Ballot. Detroit. Mich.—For the second time in less than six months, on the face of returns available, a constitutional 18 amendment permitting woman snt (rage was defeated In Michigan. The \ five amendments to the state constl ° tutlon were lost The initiative, ref II erendum and recall and the pension t ing of firemen provisions all appeared * to be increasing their leads as late 10 return! trickled in. The municipal »• ownership proposition in Detroit, which required a t to I victory to carry, was adopted. iN:W AMENDMENT ADOPTED I , - " * THE PEOPLE WILL HEREAFTER ELECT U. 8. SENATORS BY DIRECT VOTE*. 1 Amendment for Populsr Election Is Ratified by Thirty-Six Statee of the Union. I * * Washington.—Direct election of United Btatea senators by the people , was authorized and made compulsory . when the Connecticut legislature rat ified the constitutional amendment submitted by congress less than a ! year ago. Ratification already had been given by 36 states. While the proclamation of the sec , retary of state announcing flnal rati Acatlon of the amendment by 36 | states is required by law, Benatorc Uristow and Borah leaders In the di I rect elections fight in congress, ex pressed the opinion that the amend ment is for all practical purposes now a part of the constitution. "Any man who may be elected to the senate hereafter must be elected directly," said Senator Borah. The new amendment to the constl tutlon for the popular election of sen ators 1B the seventeenth to be adopt | ed. It reads: "The senate of the United Btates shall be composed of two senators from each state, elected by the peo ple thereof, for six yearß; and each senator shall have one vote. The electors In each state shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of , the most numerous branch of the stat« legislatures. 1 BOLD BANDITS BLOW BANK Robbers Blsst Safe, PI re on Poses, Cut Telephone Wires and Get $4,000. Rome, Oa. —Auto b&ridits dynamited the vault of the Bank of Commerce, at Summervllle, Chattooga county, and while loaded down with loot, waged a deapeiate pistol battle with awakci?od citizens, who rushed Into tho public square. The thieves made a successful get-away in the touring car which they had concealed In the woods, near the town after shootinhg down two men. They secured more than three thousand dollars in cash, together with valuable negotiable se curities and SI,OOO worth oT stamps kept in the vault by Postmaster Neai. Deafening explosions shortly be fore one o'clock brought citizens to the scene. First to arrive were Dep uty Sheriff William Alexander and Steve Garrett, who opened lire upon the robbers as they appeared from the wrecked bank building. A pitched battle followed In which Alexander and Garrett were »hot twice, but both will recover. Every on e of the town's 1,800 people surged around the wrecked building and then made arrangements for a hurried pur suit, while the bandits were making haste to get away over rough roads. Marketing Conference Meets. Chicago.—Chicago housewives paid 2 cents a pound or from 8 to IS cents a head for fresh cabbage. One South Water street commission merchant paid 91.50 to $2 a crate; down in the Rio Grande county on the gqlt coast of Texas cabbage was rotting on the farms. The • searc6 for an answer to that problem prompted farmers, truck growers and agricultural experts from thirty states and Canada to start a three days' Inquiry here. Cabbage 1» only one of the products tht la caus ing a shake of heads. U. 8. Troopers Wounded by Mexicans Naco, Ariz.—With little advantages to either side state forces alternately attacked Naco. Senora. or were met - midway by OJeda's small federal force defending the border towp. While on patrol duty Private White of the Ninth United States cavalry was wounded in the hand and leg. Troni d peter Flemmlng was shot through the a shoulder, the ball piercing body failing j into his blouse poeket C. J. Brown, I, another negro trooper, waa shot la the o abdomen while la camp. He probably HOPS IN BATTLE WITH THE STRIKERS • ' FIXED BAYONET* ARE WITHOUT TERROR FOR THE STRIKER* IN BUFFALO. WOMAN IS FACALLY SHOT Hundreds of Troop* Patroled Streets, Lut Striker* Succed in Blocking Tro.ley System. t Buffalo, N. Y.t— Xroopa with fixed oayoneta held no terror (or the »tria .ng carmen of the International Hall way company and their sympathizers and the riotous scenes of iormei days of the strike were not only as numerous but of a more eerious na» lure. All efforts to resume traffic were blocked, and all the cars were withdrawn at nightfall after an in lermittent operation of leas than foui hours. Once the troop* used their rifles. A woman and man Wfre wounded and a boy received a thrust from a bayo net. The woman will die. The most serious disorders occur red on Main street, almost within he business section and °n Niagara street, near th« International bridge. It was at the latter point, that the trouble occurred. Near the Interna' tlonal bridge the Niagara street oar lines pa«s under a railroad bridge. A gang of rioters carrying heavy timbers rushed upon the bridge as a ;ar was approaching and tried to 1 drop more obstructions when troops urtered them to halt They jeered at '.he soldiers. Another warning was jiven while the soldiers leveled their rifles. The hooting and Jeering con Unued and another piece of timber came over the of the bridge. "Fire!** came the command. A dos en rifles replied. A boy and a wom an fell. The crowd which had rap Idly assembled In large proportions broke and began to chase the street car that had just passed under the bridge. The soldiers followed with fixed bay onets and drove the throng to the curbs. During the melee one man re celved a bayonet thrust in the hanf The wounded In this disturbance were: Mrs .Ida Lorich, 25 years old, shot In back; fatally injured. Harold Muna, 16 years old; bullet wound in right arm, not serious Thomas Amseden. 22 years old; bavonet thrust In right hand. There were several other exchange* of shots between soldiers and rioters without serious reaults. DRUGGIST KILLS HIMSELF "I'm Going to My Room and Take a Good, Long Sleep," He Said. Atlanta. —David U Brown, aged 60 years, a promiuent druggist of Ma con and proprietor of two atores in that city, came Into the lobby of the Dakota hotel about four o'clock in the afternoon and walked up to the head clerk's desk. He had been stopping at the Dakota for five days, which he had been spending in Atlanta on a business trip. "Borwn," he said to J. B. Brown, chief day clerk. "Let me have my key. I'm going to the room and take a good, long sleep. You needn't call me." He waa smiling and evidently In buoyant spirits. Brown proffered the key and watched the aged guest as he walked into the elevator. Thirty minutes later * telegram came for the Macon druggist The clerk went up stairs to deliver the message. When he stepped across the thresh old of room SO7, the one occupied by the druggist the clerk discovered the man lying on the bed, doubled up, as though In pain. A bottle of carbolic acid, the contents drained, lay, near by upon the floor. He was dead. From Congress to Prison Cell. 8t Louis. —Former Congressman !Tarry M. Coudrey and Harry E. Gard ner were sentenced to Imprisonment in the federal penitentiary ~at Leaven worth, and each waa fined $1,504 In the federal district court here. The two men were convicted of using the mails to defraud. Ate Companion te Save Own Lives. I Paris. —Mall advice from French 1 Guinea give details of a horrible sto » ry of oanlnballsm. Four Inmates of 1 the of the colony made ' their escape. Three of the men were ' recaptured In m boat at the mouth of ' the Mana river. According to their > story, they wandered in the forest for ■ eight days. Their scanty provisions 1 were soon finished. Machevel drop * ped from exhaustion. The others de -1 cided to kill and eat him. Machevel K made a feeble effort to run, but war killed and eaten by bis companions. 1 Great Strike Is Threatened. 1 Brussels. Belgium.—The first active ' move In preparation for a great gen -1 eral strike to enforce the grant of 1 manhood suffrage In Belgium was '• made by the sending out of the coun f try of many children of the 300,000 or 8 400.000 workers, who will lay down '• tbelr tools at the bidding of the Social ® Ist party. It Is expected that the train & service will cease or be greatly im '• Jeded. and the wives and daughters 6 of hundred* of workmen with the Ut 1 tie ones of their families are crossing HOUSE HUTS REJECT FREE SUGAR APPEAL TO STAND BY THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE • GOES UNHEARD. PRECIPITATED A BIG FIGHT Rainey Begs the Caucus Not to Do sort Tho President in His Struggle For Party Platform—The Data Has Bean Loft Open. Washington —lmmediate free sugar was rejected by the house Democratic caucus by an orerw heliping vote after an appeal of Democratic leaders to stand by the President inL»the Waya and Means committee. * This leaves the sugar schedule un changed from the compromise form. In "which It was presented to the cau cus by Chairman Unoerwood and hia colleagues of the committee after conferences between the White House and leaders of both bouses of con gress. The Democratic members of the committee. Including such free trad ers as Representative Harrison of New York and Rainey of Illinois, stood as a unit for the three-year gradual reduction to a free sugar basis. Besides this action the caucus left open th exact date when sugar wonld go on the free list in 1916. An amendment proposed by Repre senatlve Hardwlck of Georgia pro posed that the time It should take eifect should* be May 1, 1916, so as to be effective before the beginning of the canning season. Tbe caucus agreed to leave the matter to be brought up by the Ways and Means committee after all the rest of the tariff bill had been disposed of In caucus. \ The overthrow of the immediate sugar movement came, at the close of a day of arguments and the amendment proposing that" sugar should become free with the opera tion of the new tariff law was made by Representative Hardwlck. It pre cipitated the real fight of the day and was lost by a vote of IS6 to 39. After the schedule had been assailed tor boors by the opponents of the sugar planters in Louisiana and the boet sugar growers. Chairman Un derwood vigorously defended the proposed rates. In his speech to the caucus he pleaded strongly for a united party in support of the bill. Envoy To Mexico Not Yet Chosen. Washington.—'President Wilson haa not yet chosen an ambassador to Mex ico to succeed Henry Lane Wilson, Re publican appointee, wno submitted his resignation along witn other diplo mats March 4. Georke W. Guthrie, for mer mayor of Pittsburg and Demo cratic state chairman of Pennsylvania who has been tentatively decided up on, is disinclined to take tbe post, though no formal offer of it was made to him. Mr. Guthrie ts likely, how ever, to be made ambassador to a Eu ropean court, possibly Italy. With the appointment of a new ambassador to Mexico, is linked closely the question of recognising the Huerta government Appointments Sent to Senate. Washington.—'Among the nomina tions sent to the senate by the presi dent were: To be third assistan secre tary of State.—Dudley Field Malone of New York; to be counsellor for the state department—John Bassett Moore of New York; to be collector of customs for the district of Beau fort, 8. C.—Franklin P. Colcock. Beards "Lion In His Den." New York.—Vice President Marshall served warning on men of vast wealth and on "special privilege" that the temper of the American people had reached a point where it no longer would brook oppression. He told members of' the national Demo ratio club that the spirit of unrest was such that unelss reckoned wtth the Institu tions of the government might be Jeop ardixed and the country revert to pa ternalism or turn to socialism. Convicts Aid Conflagration. Lansing, Kan.—Fire that destroyed four large buildings and caused a loss estimated at $600,000 In the Kansas penitentiary was spread by convicts who scattered burning papers in build ings not in the path of the flames, ac cording to a statement by Fire Chief Michael Bahler of Leavenworth. His opinion was ecu firmed by some of the prison officers. The fire started when the armature of a motor in the twine 1 plant suddenly burst into Samoa. The ' state carries no insnrutee on its struc tures. r. f — ■ New Btory of Madera's Death. ' New Orieana. —A sensational story of the manner In which President Mt ' dero and Vice President Pino Baares 1 of Mexioo, were put to death and of how two ruralee who did the assas sin's work on the direct orders of their 1 superiors were likewise slain In an effort to conceal the evidence of the 1 major crime, was brought here by Martias Oviedo, former private secre ! tary to President Madero, who eecap ed from Mexico City and later Join -1 ( THE constitution*! forces -J& GOT.

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