Hakes Inm Baking Emj )«®H, &AKIN 6 POWDER Absolutely Pure Tbo only baking powder mado from Royal Orapo Oromm of Tartar M ALUM.W UME PHOSPHATE PERSONAL A. D. Mizell, S. R. Biggs and Misse? Irene Smith, Essie Peel and Clara Jones motored to Washington Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. P. MeNaugh ton, who have been visiting rel atives in Augusta, Ga., have returned and are at the Roanoke Hotel. Francfs S. Has sell has been here from Wilson this week to see his father, Elder Sylvester Hassell. Luther Hardison, of Jamesville, was in town Monday on business. Dr. Dillard, ofEdenton, was in town Tuesday. M. B.Gilliam was here last week | with a party from Windsor to at tend the Methodist Conference. Miss Leech, who has been with Miss Ollie Meadows since her re turn from Richmond, left Wed nesday morning. W. L. Manning left for Golds boro Wednesday to accompany a patient to the State Hospital. * Matthew Wilson, of Norfolk, was here to attend the Butcher — Raymrrrriage. Miss Anna Beth Purvis left for Severn Thursday. Ashln Dunn, of Scotland Neck, was in town Wednesday evening. B. M. Worseley with a party of friends motored here from Oak City to hear the Glee Club. Mrs. Hubert Poteat, of Wake Forest, and Miss Genette Dan iels, of Weldon, are visiting Mrs. Wheel r Martin, Jr., this week. Card Of Tbanks I desire to thank neighbors and friends for their kindness during the severe illness of my wife, who is now improving. J. S. Meeks. Ccu'dent Sarvive the Bill First Friend—Did Mathers sur vive that airship collisionj Second Friend -Oh yes, recov ered from that nicely! First Friend—Good. That's fine—Second Friend—Yes, but he's dead. First Friend—Dead? Why 1 thought you said he pulled through nicely? Second Friend—He survived the right, but the apecialist Dr. Bownes, charged him so much for curing him that he starved to death after paying the bill! Choice Cut Flowers ! Roses, Caranations and Violets a specialty. Our artistic arrangements in wedding outfits are equal to the best. Nothing finer in floral offerings than our styles. Blooming pot plants, palms and ferns in'great variety. Pjat-i bushes, shrubberies, ever greens, hedge plants and shade trees. Mail, telephone and telegraph orders promptly executed. J. L. O'Quinn & Co. rURISTfi - ' Phones 149. Raleigh, N. C. FRED M. SHITE, Agent m ||Full?moonJSunday.*£? llKeepryourJdogloffj the street. has been rising again this"week. For torpid liver, use McNair's Blood and Liver J. Pills. Sold by Saunders & Fowden. 25 cents. Monday was the anniversary of the'sinking of the Titantic. Has the cow law been taken off the town statyt books? Remenber|Chill Killer will do the work.^Sold by Saonders & Fowden. FOR SALE.—Field Peas and corn. Address Joshua L. Col train, Williamston, N.C., Route 4 18 4. t. —lf one bottle of Chill Killer fails to break up your chills and fever,fwe will gladly refund your money. I Services at the Methodist and I Baptist Churches on Sunday. 1 J. Paul Simpson and S. R. Biggs have been selling cars for the past week. LOST.—SmaII necklace with goldjdolar attached. Finder will please return to Jos. W. Cowan, City. 1 —For chills and fevers take 1 Chill Killer. It's guaranteed. Sold by Saunders & Fowden. 25 and 50 cents. Now is a good time to clean the town and give the trees a coat of white. The Cooperage Mill shipped four car loads of headings last week. WANTED.—To rent a small engine and " boiler on wheels suitable to run a small sawmill. Address Box 53, R. F. D. No. 4, Will'amstou, N. C. 4-11-2t FOR SALE.-One male thor oughbred Scotch Collie.—T. A. Pa trick,"City. —No Calomel or other purga tive is required when you take Chill Killer. It's the - wonderful purgative Chill Tonic. Sold by Saunders & Fowden. 25 and 50 ' cents. 1 have to lend SIO,OOO on appro ved Martin County Real Estate, loans to run from one to four years, —B. T. Cowper, -Gen. Agent. The Martin County Buggy Co., has a motor truck which they are demonstrating to.the public. The motor is driving the world and business is slow when machinery is left out of it. The stores close now at 7 o'clock and purchasers will have to get down before that hour or wait until next day. It looks like a peanut fac tory here even if the railroad does not cross the river. The com mittee put in some good work in town last week and promise to do more in the near future. SIO,OOO to lend in Martin County, loans running from 1 to 4 years. Apply to B. T. Cowper, Gen. Agent. Occupants of two autos were very much frightened on Monday afternoon, as the machines scrap ed each other on the narrow bend at Speller's store. It is a danger ous curve, but drivers of autos seen to be reckless. It is need less to make laws of any kind in Williamston. for no one regards them and officers are merely ornamental. y Eggs for hatching Stock for Sale My Turkeys and Plymouth Rocks won the blue ribbon and special prizes at East Carolina Poultry Show, Rocky Mount, Jan'y 1918. M. B. Turkeys $5.00 each. Eggs $3.00 per 12. I. R. Duck, Fawn and White. Wingert's strain and "Ringlets" B. P. Rocks $3.00 to $5.00 per trio; Eggs SI.OO to $1.50 per 15. Incubator eggs $5 per 100 Oakhurst Poultry Farm Williamston. N. f*. Cwft Parmele Items #Mrs. sister spent Thursday night in Robersonville. ' Henry VanNortwick is visiting relatives here now. ! L. L. Roberson, who has been ' near Jamesville, on business re turned Friday evening. A crowd of girls and boys from here attended a basket party at i Snow Hill Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bryan from 1 Whitehurst spent Sunday in > town. Mrs. Charlie Whitehurst went 1 to Kinston Friday to visit her sis ■ ter. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Will Taylor and children ftom near Williamston ' spent Sunday here with relatives. \ The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bryan has returned from I the Wilson hospital. Miss Matheson is here visiting her brother. 1 Miss Jessie Whichard spent the week-end with her parents. i Hastell Items 1 * W. D. Jordan, of Richmond, visited his father here last week. J Mrs. R. W. Salsbury spent the . week-end at Tarboro visiting relatives. , Miss Vivia Rives has returned t from a visit to friends in Hobgood. Mrs. R. H. Salsbury spent a I day in Scotland Neck this week. t Miss Jeffie House, of Oak City, spent Sunday and Monday with I friends here. ( Mrs. W. Z. Morton and child ren returned from a visit to Hamilton Thursday. Jesse Coburn and Leon Taylor • went to Robersonville Sunday. Miss Julia Salsbury spent Mon day in Scotland Neck. P. H. Davenport came over : from Hamilton on his car with a party of friends on Friday. i We are glad to note that the two younger children of J. H. Eubanks who have been very ill, are improving some. Leslie Bass from Wilmington came home Sunday to visit relati ves. R. H. Salsbury and sister . Louise went to Oak City Sunday. | DRUGGIST GIVES MONEY BACK Dodson's Liver Tone gets a Four Square Guarantee from Saunders & Fowden Drug Store When an article is sold a drug gist who is willing to give it his i personal guarantee, it's a mighty strong proof of real merit, i That's exactly the case with > Dodson's Liver Tone. It is a pleasant-tasting, vegetable re , medy for a slow and sluggish t liver. Since Dodson's Liver Tone came on the market the sale of calomel has gone 'way down. The reason is simply this: I)od ; son's Liver Tone is safe and harmless and guaranteed to be ' satisfactory—Calomel is often uncertain, sometimes dangerous, ' and no druggist wants .to guar -5 antee that it won't knock you out of a day's work and maybe send ' you"to bed. ' Saunders & Fowden sells Dod son's Liver Tone and guarantee®, it. For you and for your chil dren, it's a good thing to keep a ' bottle always in the house. Saunders & Fowden will give you your money back if you think } Dodson's Liver Tone is not worth I the price. "Keep your liver r working and your liver will not keep you from working," is good 5 advice to go .by. | CAKE FW SALE > The Philatheas will have Cakes ) on sale Saturday morning April ) 26th from 9 to 12. All house keepers come and save yourselves trouble. Place will be announc ed later. , :r ' ' " ft ' _ . I Start an Account 1 ( *0 at our bank and get Into the habit of adding to It every pay day. You £||r |gg KNOW It la the right thing to do. Let Us handle your money—do your bookkeeeping and relieve you from the work. It is good plan to j&t W know what you spend from month to month. A checking account at W our bank will tell you to a cent what you spend each month. We keep a record for you. No man ever tried transacting ALJ- his busi- W W ness through a bank and regretted it. Calf today. * § Farmers and Merchants Bank j| ® ' WILLIAMSTON, N. C. ® W STATE, COUNTY AND CITY DEPOSITORY ji JOHN D. BIOOS C. D. CARSTARPHEN FRANK F. FAQAN J. L. RODOERSON PRESIDENT VICE-PRESIDENT CASHIER ASST. CASHIER If you need some Legal Blank? \y e Q an Supply your needs If you need Advertising? „ r , ir i o £ i • j-v Tlte Enterprise Ir you need r nntmg or any kind? |[ ' .ILIJJUU— LUUMI I ■ 1)11 II . 1.1. MIL ■,l sai EVERY WOMAN Needs and Wants the Newest and I Prettiest Styles in Everything | to Wear. Our Store can | Satisfy in Dress Goods, Accessor-1 ies, Shoes and Millinery I Styles just as Pleasing for Men and Boys. All 1 Staple and Fancy Goods for Spring and Summer Harrison Brothers & Company 9 . Williamston, North Carolina !. - - ■ Notice By virtue of a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust executed to tne by Anthony and Edna M. Burroughs, ' bearing date January 36th 1904. and duly recorded in the Register's office in Martin Connty in Book GGG, page 193, to se cure the payment of a certain bond bear ing even date therewith, and the stipula -1 latiou in said deed of trust not having been complied with, and upon the re quest of the holder of said note, I shall expose at public sale, for cash, on Mon ' day May lath, 1913, at 1 a o'clock M, at the Couxt House door in Martin Coun ty, the following described laud*, to-wit: It being all the land now owned by the said Anthony and Edna Burroughs and which was inherited from their father. James Burroughs. Bounded on the ■ North by F. G. Burroughs' heirs and L Elisha Moore; on the East by the County Poor House land; on the South and West by the F. G. Burroughs land, and all the lines are well known. The whole tract consisting of about 50 1 acres, about 35 of whuh lie 00 the West ' side of the Cherry Road, and being where the said A., and E. M. Burroughs now I reside, and about 15 acres lying on the East aide of said road and being all the land we now own and we warrant title to same. Thia sth day of April, 1913. ( 4-M-tf W. C. MANNING, Trustee. I —Five or six doses of Chill killer wilPstop any case of chills, 1 if not will refund your money. Sold by Saunders & Fowden. 25 and 50 cents. Notice of Sale By virtue of authority contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by Louis Williams and wife, bearing date of the ' 26th day of JaHutry 1904. oud on record in the Registers office in the Court House in Williamston, t« secure the payment r>f • a note of even date and tenor therewith, aud the stipulations in (aid mortgage not having been complied with, I shall on Tuesday the 6th day of May 1913, at a;oo o'clock P. M. at the post office door in the town of Jamesville, N. C., offer at public sale to the highest bidder for cash the following tract or parcel of land to-wit: One tract of land adjoining the lands of Roden Reddick heiia and the lauds of heirs or absigus of Jack Harrell. same be ing situate on the North side of the Liirhtfoot Mill road and containing twen ty-five acres more or less. This the 31st day of March 1913. 4-1 l-4t A. CORY. Notice Having qualified as Executrix of the Estate of Warren Little, de ceased, late of Martin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the Estate of said deceassd io x hibit them to the undersigned on or before the 17111 day of March i>»4,or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. AH peasons indebted, to said Estate j will please make Immediate pay- ! ment. This the 17th day of March 1913. MALI-ZA LITTLIi, Execuuix of Warren Little. ' . I Notice Notice of the entry of a tract of vacant laud in Martin County Robersonville Township lying near and adjouning the land* of j. R. Tan-is, Henry Council Delia Ward, John Mayo and others and I ties bribed as follows: Beginning at J. R. Purvis corner and running a westerly conrt>e with Hency Council Delia Ward and John Mayo to T. J. Taylors line, thence southerly with Taylors line to the Coburn land, thence easterly with the Coburn and Mathews lines to S. L. Andrews .land, thence northwardly with Andrews and Purvis line to the beginning containing two hundred and fifty acres mo tv or less. This March 7th, 1913, S. S. Brown Entry Taker. D. S. Powell, Applicant. Notice Having qualified as administrators upon the Estate of Justus Everett deceased; Notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against said Estate to present them to the undersigned for pay | ment on or before the 20th day of ! March 1914, or this notice will.be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted "to said Estate are requested to make im mediate payment. This 20th day of March 1913. BENJAMIN B. EVERETT/ HATTIE V. EVERETT. 3-ai-6t Administrators*

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