VOL. XIV. NO. 32 I Professional Cards | Hugh B. York, M. D. Microscopy, Electrotherapy, X- Ray, Diagnosis, Specialties Office on Smith wick St.. rear Blount Bro. Office honrn, 8 to io«. m., 7 to 9 p. m. Office 'phone 60 - Night 'phone 63 Wm. K. Warren . J. S. Rhode# Drs. Warren & Modes Physicians and Surgeons Office in Bigga Drug Store * 'Phone 79 Jos. H. Saunders, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Day phone 53 - Night phone 40 Williamston, N. C. Dr. R. L. Savage of Rocky Mount, will be at the Atlantic Hotel fourth Wendnes day in each' month to treat dis eases of the EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT and FIT GLASSES A. R. Dunning - ?• C. Smith Dunning & Smith { Attorneys-it-Law Williamston, N. C. RobersonVille, N. C. Bnrroua A. Critcher - Wheeler Martin —' Wheeler Martin, J*. Martin & Critcher ~ Attorneys-at-Law Williamston - North Carolina 'PHomc »3 S. J. Everett Attorney-at-Law Greenville, N. C. Williamtton, N. C. Greenville Long DUUnce Phone 328 S. A. NEWELL Attorney at Law Williamston - North Carolina Clayton Moore Attorney at Law Williamston - North Carolina John E. Pope General Insurance, Life, Fire. Health, Accident, Live Stock Real Estate - Brokerage Williamston - North Carolina Office on Main Street Society Pressing . . Club ; . O. C. Price, Manager Phone No. 58 {jj Up-to-Date Cleaing, Pressing, Dyeing and Tailoring Very careful attention (given to Ladies' Kid Gloves, Fancy Waists Coat Suits and Skirts ~Club Rates for Men. Clothes called for and delivered . Agents for Rose & Co. Merchant-Tailors, Chi cago, 111 m THE ENTERPRISE Mr*. James A. Hobbs Dead Saturday morning, May 17th. 1913, at 11:00, the soul of Annie Deborah, beloved wife of James Ashley Hobbs, passed gently away after suffering intensely with pneumonia for several days. She was the oldest daughter of the late Samuel A., and Martha A. Long, and was born near Hamilton in Martin County on July 7th. 1846, being at the time of her death sixty-six years, ten months and ten days old. On May 16th. 1866, she was married to James A. Hobbs, who with five children survive her. For forty-seven years she lived happily with her husband, being a helpmeet indeed in his life and labors, and a kind and loving mother to the children who bless ed her marriage. She was in every sense a most estimable woman. For over twenty years she had been a member of the Primitive Baptist Church, being one of the first members of the Church at Hamilton, and living out the life of the dear Saviour in humility, love and good works manifested to those around her in acts of kindness and Christian ministration. The children surviving her are, Mrs. Frank Armstrong, of Hob good ; Mrs. J. D. Howell, of Bay boro; Messrs. Roland, Charles and Floyd Hobbs. The eldest son, Charles Hobbs, is living in Florida and could not reach here in time. She also leaves two brothers and three sisters. The sympathies of the com munity and friends elsewhere are extended to the sorrowing ones, especially to"the*lonely husband. The funeral services were con ducted at Hamilton on Sunday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock by her pastor, and the interment was in the cemetery there. M. T. Lawrence. Died In Robersonville The death of Mr. Jake Wynne occured at Robersonville on Sun day morning. He had been a great sufferer from rheumatism for years, and had recently been to Hot Springs, Ark., to get re lief. He waft the son of Mrs. Staton Wynne and married Miss Carnie Perry several years ago, and she with the mother and sis ter and several brothers survive him. After leaving the farm of his father he worked in the hos iery mill at Tarboro even after his health was impaired, and pro vided comfortably for himself and wife. His years were few, being only thirty, but God knew best. For a number of years he had been a member of the Metho dist Church and his faith never wavered. Monday his body was brought here and taken to the Methodist Church, where services were conducted by Rev. J. T. Stanford. The interment was in the family cemetery at the homestead on the Hamilton road. The General Assembly for 1913 passed acts authorizing an elec tion for issuing bonds for good roads in fifty-five counties in the State. Surry county had eleven townships asking for such acts— more than any other in North Carolina. But the larger number won for good roads, especially in the West. ■ Three townships which lost are in Martin county, however—the first in the East to have a township vote for good roads, that of Williamston. The tide of progress sweeps onward, even though th&re are some who inconsistently fight the measure. The State is moving upward. WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, MAY *3. 1913 Bond Issues Good Roads in Williams Perhaps, it is a shocking sur prise to broad-minded and highly intellectual citizens of Martin County that a measure which promised to build up the com munity socially, morally and financially should meet with such disastrous defeat as did the good roads question in Williams Town ship on May 15th. 1913, when a large majority of voters cast the anti-road ticket. And in all probilbity, the deep thinking and progressive element of people are wondering seriously about what influences could have been brought to bear in the vot ing down of a proposition which promised relief to a burdened people. Well, the surprise came to me when I saw men go to the polls and vote "anti" after telling me only a few days before and with out solicitation, to count on their support of the measure, while others who had expressed their willingness to help stayed at home for some cause which has not yet appeared. Some men when asked their motive for vot ing against the measure, would with sneaking eye, quivering lips and wavering voice, reply: "Taxes." Others, men of fam ily, saying that they had to vote as some one else demanded, while others were bold enough to say that it made no difference to them so they were making their time. Of all the elections I have ever witnessed, that of prohibition not excepted, there were more influ- ences at work in this election than in any other I have ever seen. If f were called upon to mention them, I think that I should say first of all that there was probably some distrust or lack of confidence in the Board of Trustees, which had been aroused through foul means; next and probably the most potent one was, "Ignorance." This could have been overcome but for. the next two, which I shall have to call "Selfishness and Prejudice". All these combined, perhaps, with intimidation and coercion became an insurmountable barrier to succees—a menace to any high degree of intellectual force and a bar against the progress of a well-meaning people. When I mention the fact that a member of the Board of County Commissioners and one of the Trustees of the measure worked and voted against the good roads movement, I shall have eliminat ed the surprise with which the thinking people have been struck and set at ease the wonderings as to the cause. Men came from an adjoining townshipeither through solicitation or voluntarily, and as sisted in infuriating our citizens against a reform measure. These same men assumed the position of spies to watch the men who had the ballot box in charge—an act impudent to every fair-mind ed voter. But the man who stood at the polls is a man of honor and nothing could have turned him from his duty, stand ing between the contending forces unshaken by temptation or in timidation. Also to the public I desire to commend the forty-seven men who were loyal to the principle they had espoused, and voted to relieve the poor and unequally burdened few of thfe uniquitious system of public servitude. S. E. Hardison. "My wife says she knows me like a bobk." "Well, you don't object to that do you?" "I'm not sure. You see, my wife reads terribly trashy litera ture." . High School Commencement The Williamston High School will close on Friday evening, May 30th with Senior Class On Thursday evening, May 29th. at 8:30 o'clock, Dr. Charles Lee Smith, of Raleigh, will deliver the literary address in the Opera House. Owing to the addition of the eleventh grade, there will be no diplomas given this year, but a declamation contest will be held between three boys belong ing to the Senior Class, and three girls will contest for the best es say. The programme for Thursday evening will be: Opening Chorus—School. Invocation—Rev. J. T. Stan ford. Report—Supt. J. T. Jerome. Introduction of Speaker—Rev. G. J. Dowell. Address—Dr. Chas. Lee Smith Chrous—School. The Senior Class is composed of the following: Alvis Yates Dowell, Eva Irene Peel, Leßoy Anderson, George Oliver Rober son, Maud Elizabeth Wynne, El lie Lenora Wynne, Frances Eliza beth Knight, Josephine Roberson, Susie Elizabeth Leggett, Laurie Weddell Ellison, Myrtle Irene Woolard, Mary Dare Brown. Chief Marshall—Oscar Ander son. Hassell Items Henry Roberson, of Roberson ville, spent Sunday with relatives here. "Mrs. Starling with Mrs. T. H. Johnson spent Tuesday in Hamil ton." Misses Jones and Allsbrooks from Scotland Neck spent Thurs day here with friends. V. G. Taylor, Jr., was in town Sunday. Miss Addie Coburn and mother spent Saturday night and Sunday at the home of J. S. Roberson near here. Roy House with Miss Aldine Whitley of Washington passed through here Monday taking a pleasant ride. William Haislip came home from Buie's Creek Academy this week for the holidays. A. S. Roberson with Mrs. Rob erson, Ralph and Calloway motor ed from Robersonville Sunday afternoon. Elmer Southall of Rocky Mount, spent Monday with friends here. There was a picnic at Butler's Bridge Tuesday. A good time was reported. Miss Laura Salisbury visited in House last week. Board Organized The Board of Town Commis sioners met and organized, ap pointing Messrs. W. T. Meadows and W. H. Crawford Street Commissioners and E. A. Ed wards, Chief of Police. They commenced at once a crusade against filthy back lots, and the change is greatly appreciated. Another requirement will betnat the police wear uniform in regu lation style. The new goverment starts off with the good wishes of the town and hope that much will be done in the matter of cleanli ness and improved streets. Card of Thanks We wish to express our heart felt gratitude to the people of Williamston and Hamilton for their exceeding kindness and sympathy to us during the illness and at the time of the death and burial.of our dear wife and moth er. | J, A. Hobbs and children. Z : r - • Oak City Items The Misses Emily and Mary Hines have returned home from school for the summer. Miss Williams from Raleigh is the guest of Miss Hattie Everett. Roy House has returned from Wake Forest. J. W. Hines spent Monday in Greenville. Miss Hannah Long left for Sanford last Friday. Bernard L. Hines spent Thurs day and Friday with his father on his return to Fortress Monroe after spending the winter among the around Washington City Mrs. Brantley Tew, of Port Norfolk, is spending a few days among relatives. Earl Gardaner, of Rocky Mount is spending some time at the home of Capt. John Hyman. Miss Aldine Whitley is the guest of the Misses House. Lucius Davenport, of Speeds, spent Monday here. Mrs. J. W. Wiggins, of Tar boro, spent Thursday and Friday with relatives here. Willie Worsley has gone to Tarboro for a few days. Miss Mary Worsley left for Tarboro Tuesday to recuperate after her recent illness. Whalen Casper left for Ports mouth Monday. J. R. Etheridge is on the sick list again. Clyde Davenport is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. W. A. Casper Miss Besiie Manning, of Has sell, spent "last week here with her aunt. Louis Edmondson and family from Edgecombe spent Snnday with Mrs. Bradley. Parmele Items Miss Fannie Andrews spent Sunday in town. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Taylor and little son spent Sunday here. Sheriff Crawford was here last week. Rev. M. A. Matheson is now in Kinston. W. W. Harper is at home now. John Edmonson was here Sat urday. There will be services at the Methodist Church Sunday morn ing and night. Rev. J. M. Warren held ser vices here Sunday morning. I ' There was a special election held here Tuesday for Parmele School District. There was an overwhelming majority for the jSchool. We are glad to report that the town has at last come on the side of good schools. Chattanooga to Welcome Veterans The United Confederate Veter ans hold their annual reunion at Chattanooga May 27-29 and at the same time the Sons of Con federate Veterans will hold their reunion. Hardly a more suitable place could be found for such a gather ing, as in and around Chattanoo go were fought-two of the heavi est battles of the Civil War, the battle of Chickamauga and the battle of Missionary Ridge. Two lesser battles were also fought there, those of Lookout Mountain and Orchard Knob. The Veterans will truly be in their glory in these surroundings We are giving our readers in this issue a special story covering a history of the territory with pictures of several monuments now on the battlefield. We are sure it will prove interesting to you. - si.oo a Year in Advance Hamilton Items Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Salsbury left last week for a visit to Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Salsbury at Au gusta, Ga. P. H. Davenport, B. B. Sher rod, F. L. Haislip and F. L. Gladstone motored to Williamston Monday afternoon. Mrs. B. B. Sherrod attended the Episcopal Convention at Tar boro last week. r The funeral services of Mrs. James A. Hobbs were held from the Primitive Baptist Church here Sunday afternoon at two o'clock. Dr. and Mrs. M. I. Fleming and Miss Annie Jones motored to Enfield last week. Mrs. Martha Purvis and Miss Delia Purvis are spending some time at Virginia Beach. Miss Pattie Sherrod left for Tarboro last Wednesday. Miss Anthony is visiting her uncle in Greenville. Mrs. M. W. Ballard-spent Sun day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Waldo. Mr. and Mrs. Arrington Kitch in and children, of Scotland Neck„ \ were in town Tuesday. Miss Penelope Slade and W. S„ Rhodes spent Sunday in William ston. Miss Maggie Belle Jones has returned from a visit to Norfolk and Newport News. Parmele Graded School The progressive citizens woo a splendid victory in Parinele on Tuesday when the vote to levy a special tax to maintain a Graded School was 61 to 36. There was some bitterness aroused in the contest and a strong advocate of the tax was threatened in a letter received the day before the elec tion, but there was no disturb ance during the voting hours. The fight was a great victory for those who want better schools and are willing to pay for thtm. The educational movement is on in North Carolina and there are none to stay its propress. Parmele needs and can have a splendid training for the children of that section. START YOUR LIVER, DON'T STOP WORK Dodson's Liver Tone Acts Mildly, but Surely. Livens UP the Liver and You Stay On Your Feet. It is the experience of calomel users that if they take enough of the drug to have the desired effect it seriously interferes with their work the day after. But this is the least important item, for calo mel is often a dangerous drng and acts on the system violently. Don't take chances with cal*» mel. Get a bottle of the pleasant, safe and perfectly harmless Dod son's Liver Tone, guaranted to take the place of calomel. In stead of making you feel worse the next day it makes you feel better-and you actually are better, for no remdedy in the whole world livens up the liver,, regulates the bowels and really rejuvenates the system any better than this dose. - You are the sole judge of its merits. Saunders & Fowden is fully authorized to hand you back your money without question if it fails to please you—and relive you. Remember, if you feel consti- - pated and bilious, what you need J. is Dodson's Liver Tone. A large •"! bottle and a good guarantee for 50 cents from Saunders & Fowdea . ' IIS . 'i - -ii • ,£i