For a Galled Horse ffm Try ft W HANFORD'B Balsam of Mynfi For Galls, Cuts, Limmm, Strains, Bunches, Thrush, Old Sores, Nail Wounds, Foot Rot Fistula, Bleeding, Etc. Etc. Made Sine* 1846. Prica 2Sc. SOc and f 1.00 All Dealers RESINOL A SAFE SKIN TREATMENT You need nev£r hesitate to uae Resl nol Soap and Realool Ointment. There is nothing in them to injure the ten dereat surface. Resinol is a doctor's prescription which proved so success ful for eczema, ringworm and other Itching, burning, unsightly skin erup tions, that it has been ueed by other physicians all over the country for eighteen years. No other treatment for the skin now before the public can show such a record of professional ap proval. In a single month, two hundred and twenty-one doctors wrote us indorsing the Resinol preparations. They would not have done so If they had not found them highly valuable in their own prac tice. They prescribe Resinol freely, confident that Its soothing, healing ac tion is brought about by agents so bland and gentle as to be suited to the most delicate akin —even of a tiny baby. The nearest druggist sells Resinol Ointment (50c and $1.00) and Reainol Soap (25c) or you can try them free by writing to Dept. 13-K, Resinol, Bal timore, Md., for liberal sample of each. Its Origin. Misß Elsie De Wolfe, is one of the reception-rooms of the Colony club, WHB talking about the new servant trust. "It originated In the Philippines," she said, "among the army servants there. It traveled west to Honolulu. It is now spreading, they say, on t% San Francisco. "This coming trouble reminds me of a story. " 'Who originated the proverb about a rolling stone gathering no moss?' one man asked another. "The other man quietly replied: " That, my dear fellow, is a quota tion from an eloquent but vain appeal to a suburban cook to stay on one mouth more." Answer to Query. The act of uplifting the hand during the taking of an oath Is BO ancient that it would be futile to even attempt to Bay when It started. Homer at tempts to Bay when it started. Homer mentions It as common among the Greeks of his time, and It Is also found in the earliest Biblical time. For In stance, Abraham, the father of . the Jewish people, says: "I have lifted up my hand to Jehovah," showing that even at that remote period the prac tice was existent. It was from the Jews, of course, that the practice found itß way Into Christendom, where It liaß ever since held Its place In ju dicial trials. The Difference. ,_"ln the old times of torture, they used to mangle prisoners." "'Yes. Now we merely Iron t^em." Sweet Bits o! Corn Skilfully cooked — Post Toasties —At Your Service. Ready to eat direct from tightly sealed sanitary package. From our ovens to your table Post Toast ies are not touched by human hand. Delicious with cream and sugar or fruits. For sale by grocers everywhere. Post Toasties have Distinctive Flavor -ft r-~ SERIAL STORY STANTON n WINS n Br Eleanor M. lapse Author of "The Gam* and the Candle," "The Firing Mercury." etc. tlluMnHom far Frederic Tbarabsrffc Uupjrrigbl MU Tfce Bokhs-Merrill Cuuipun/ 4 BYNOPBIB, At the beginning of great automobile race the mechanician of the Mercury, Stanton's machine, drops dead. Strange youth, Jesse Floyd, volunteers, and la ac cepted. In the rest during the twenty four hour race Stanton meets a stranger. Miss Carlisle, who Introduces herself. The Mercury wins race. Stanton • receives flowers from Miss Carlisle, which ha ls- T", —.—.— ; CHAPTER 111. The Finish, and After. Morning arched Its golden hours across the still speeding cars, and melted slowly Into noon. The weary drivers had settled to steady endur ance gaits, saving their energy and their machines for the more spectac ular work of afternoon and evening. At nine o'clock that night the race would end. The Mercury car had registered ninety miles more than the Duplex, both of them being many tens of miles In advance of the other competitors. At six In the morning Stanton had gone in for a brief rest. At eight he was back, and kept the wheel until ono In the afternoon. Victory was In hlc hands If nothing happened to his car; an hour pjid a half lost in re pairs would transfer all his advantage to the Dupletf. He was jealously afraid to lntrulit his machine to his assistant drlv4r, and consequently merciless to hid mechanician and him self. But Flo)*l made no complaint. At half-past >ne, all the cars wers sent to their ;amps while an hour was spent in laving the track hur riedly mended by gangs of workmen. The road-bed Wi places was furrowed like a plowed field by the flying wheels. Meanwhile the afternoon crowds flowed In, filling the stands to suffocation, missing on the prome nade, banking In a solid row of pri vate automobiles behind the screen. When at half-past two the racers were recalled to start anew, Stanton sharply scrutinised his mechanician bofore leaving the camp. "I'm going to keep this car until the end of the nice," he announced, not unkindly. "If you don't think you can stand seven hours of It, say so; and I'll have them find some one to re lieve you. They can rush Rupert here from up the Hudson by four or five o'clock. If you get In for It, you'll finish, if I have to tie you In your seat. I'm driving to win." The scarlet of resentment flushed through Floyd's grime-streaked pallor. "You won't have to tie me," he promised, white teeth catching his Hp. "11l not flinch. Go on," Stanton actually laughed, bending to his levers. "I didn't mean to tie you to keep you from runnfng away, but to keep you from fainting and falling out," he explained. "But —" The car bounded forward. The track hnd been filled In with wet mud from the Infield —on the first circuit the heavy Lozelle car skidded and went through the fence at the north turn. After that, nothing could have Induced Stanton to allow his machine in oth&r hands. Hour after hour passed. The noisy music of the band crashed out mon otonously; the crowd swayed, mur muring. applauding, exclaiming, argns eyed and kaleidoscopic In color and motion. At sunset, when the Mercury made a trip into camp for supplies, neither of its men left their seats. The beam ing Mr. Green came to shower con gratulations upon Stanton, and with him the head »f the Mercury Com pany, himself it former driver whose quiet appreciation had an expert's value. Stanton was leaning across the wheel, chatting with them, when his employer brok«J the thread of speech. "What is tie matter with your mechanician, Sianton?" he queried. Stanton turntl. suddenly conscious of a light welgl t against his shoulder. With his movement, Floyd also start ed erect, their glances crossing. "Nothing," .the driver briefly an swered to the other's question. "Tired, perhaps; he has been working. As you were saying—" But the glimpsed picture stayed with Stanton; the fatigued young face against his srtn, the drowsy, heavy lidded syes flashing keenly awake, the involuntary expression qf angry shame at ;&• moment's weakness. And he would sooner have tied Floyd In his seat, after that, than have added the fine Insult of offering to relieve htm. "Ready," so in i one called; the work men scattered In every direction, and' the Mercury wis off onoe more. "Car oomin'," Warned the mechani cian, as they a lot from the paddock entramoe on ti the track. "Duplex ahead." Floyd waa hlitaelf again, watchfully MIMMHke, aoichalaatly fearless. Color and glow fkdcd from the iky; once more tb« March-light* flared oat around the track and transformed it to a stiver ribbon, running between walla of ebony darkness exoept where the lamp-gemmed stands arose. Al ready newspapers were being cried announcing Stanton's coming victory. Driving evenly, steadily, refusing all challenges to y speed duels and at tempting none of his deadly tactics of the night before, Stanton piloted his car to the inevitable result. At nine o'clock the flag dropped, and amid a hubbub of enthusiasm the Mercury crossed the line, winner. Later, when the triumphant tumult In the Mercury camp had somewhat subsided, Stanton walked over to where Floyd was leaning against a column of unused tires. "You've had twenty-four hours of me," he said abruptly. "How did It strike yout" Floyd raised his candid gray eyes to the other's fsce, and In spite of ex haustion smiled with a glinting frank ness and humor. "If you want me to tell you—" he began. "I have asked you." "It struck me rather hard. But— I'd like you to like me as well as I do you." "I need a mechanician to race with me for the rest of the season," Stan ton gave brief Information. "Do you want the position T" Floyd straightened; even In the un certain light the color could be seen to rise over his face. "You'd take me; youT" "Yes." "You know—oh, I can tune up a motor, I understand my work, but for road racing—you know I can't crank your car or change a tire without help." Stanton smiled grimly. "I guess 1 am big enough to crank my own car," he quoted at him. "You have your nerve, I can't have a whin ing quitter to drive with me. I make you the offer; take or leave it. But remember, I am likely to break your neck." "I'll chance that," anawered Floyd, drawing a quick breath, and held out his slender hand. "I'll come." The pact was made. In after time, Stanton came to wonder at Its bald simplicity. The assistant manager overtook Floyd, a little later, when that young mechanician, at least superficially cleaner and wrapped In a long dust coat, was leaving the training camp "See here, Floyd; you are going to race with Stanton right along, he aays." "Yes, air." Mr. Green agitated his foreboding bead. "You won't get along With him," he Stanton Was Leaning Across the Wheel Chatting With Them. asserted darkly. "No on« doe*. He, he la—you'll tee. But you won't leave ua on the edge of a race, will you? We are entered at Massachu setts, for week after next; youll turn up on time, no matter what be doea In between T" "Surely, air. I would not leave any one without notice, of courae." "Plenty of notice, Floyd. For you can't atand Stanton." Stanton at tbat moment waa In hta tent, contemplating with cynical apec ulatlon a floriat'a box of fragrant green leaves lying on a chair. There waa no card with theae, but they were apraya of laurel. In fancy he aaiw the meaaage that bad accompanied the orchida, the delicately engraved let ters : Valerie Albert on Carlisle. Did abe take him for a matinee Idol, be acofled; or, what did abe want? Some thing, "abe wanted something of him. What? Only amuaement. probably. He had not grown to manhood -la New York city without learning that men and women In * certain set alleged their extreme wealth as a license, which freed then, from the restraint «♦— Jt: r iBi&V tif "T "- "- 1 of small conventionalities, and arro ganfly took such diversion as the. mo ment offered. And should be play the game to which she invited him, or decline it? Was it worth wbii«? He was weary to exhaustion, but still he remained gazing at the box of laurel. "You can't stand Stanton," Mr. Green was warning Floyd, byway of farewell. And the mechanician was laughing. CHAPTER IV. Ths Road to Massachusetts. Stanton and Floyd did not meet again for a fortnight. Their ways of life did not run parallel except when a race was due or taking plaoe. The Mercury car bad gone back to the factory for a thorough overhauling, after the twenty-four-hour grind, and it would have as soon occurred to Stanton to seek out his machine as his mechanician. Some drivers grow sentimentally attached to their cars, watching them fondly and jealously; he did not, consistently and tempera mentally practical In outlook on the minor facta of life. It was la the railroad depot, the morning he started for Maaßachusetts, that Stanton saw his mechanician for the first time since the Beach victory. Floyd waa seated on one of the wait ing-room benches, reading a magazine; in his gray suit and long overcoat, his head with lta clustering bronze curls bent over his book, he looked like a particularly delicate and pretty boy of eighteen, perhaps even a trifle ef feminate. Remembering that cry from the midst of the perilous strug gle with the Duplex: "Cut him closer; he's weakening! Cut him close!" Stanton's lip curved In amused appre ciation as he crossed to the absorbed reader. "Good morning," be remarked. Floyd glanced up, then rose with an exclamation and held out hlB hand, hla ready color rising like a girl's un der his fine, clear skin. "Good morning; I didn't see you coming," he responded. "No, you were reading. You are go ing—" "To Lowell. The car Is aboard, you know." "I did not know," corrected Stan ton with indifference. He waa study ing the other curiously, striving to analyse his singular attractiveness and to And the reason why he, Stan ton, should feel pleasure at the pros pect of having this companion at bis side; he, who had never formed friend ships as most men did. Floyd laughed, his grey eyes mis chievous. "W«ll, I know. We've been working all the week at the machine, and we've got her ticking like a watch. You doot bother about that—l suppose rou don't have to, It's tip to us. But If you will take her out on the track to morrow, I'll tune her up to the last notch." Suddenly Stanton put hla finger on the thing he sought, one thing that made this mechanician different; and voiced hia thought before considering wisdom. "You're a different class, Floyd," be stated abruptly. "You're no workman, nor descendant of workmen." Floyd atared, startled at the brusk irrelevanoe, then melted Into a straight, direct smile as be met tbe keen gase. (TO BB CONTINUED.) Leaning Tower's Secret. The Leaning Tower of Ptaa la tn no danger of telling. For over eight hun dred years it has been Inclined to one aide, but It la aald to be as aafe to day aa when it waa built. Thla is be cause tbe workmen found it settling to one side while they were electing It, so the tower was made accord ta«ir • :v:r COULDN'T RAISE HEADOR HAND kmi Had Lost All Hope of Re covery. Now Rau Sew iof Mackine. Scottsvllle, Ky.—ln an Interesting letter from this place, Miss Jennie Meador write* as follows: "I was in an awful condition, caused from wom anly trouble. Wu confined to my bed, and couldn't raise my bead or band. In fact, I had lost all hope of ever getting well. I began taking Cardul, tbe woman's tonic, and I can now work in the gar den, run a sewing machine, have gain ed 15 pounds, and am as happy as can be. You may publish this letter If you wish. I wish all ladles suffering from womanly trouble would gi ve Cardul a trial, as I am sure It would help them." Cardul is m pure vegetable extract, that has no severe medicinal action, but acts mildly and gently, as a medi cine should act, and therefore can have no bad after effecta. You can rely on Cardul to help you, Just as it has helped so many thou sands of other women in the past half-century. It goes to. the seat of tbe trouble fnd builds up womanly strength where it is most needed. It Is always wise to have a bottle of Cardul on hand, ready for use. Qet a bottle today, so that you can take a dose or two whenever you feel you need it. At your drug store. SHClMllmilrmtimt on yourcaac andM pane book. Horn* Treatment for Women," sent fit plain wrapper. Dally Thought . I Whether you be man or woman you I will never do anything In the world without courage. It la the greatest quality of the mind next to honor. — Jamea Lane Allen. To Strengthen Glassware. Boiling a piece of glassware In a weak solution of salt In water, and allowing It to cool gradually will make it less brittle. POB WEAKNESS ANO LOSS OV APrK- Tbe Old iwiwl etmwtbentnc tonle, (IHoVMHTARTBLHHBcbIII TONIC drives oat Ma laria and bollda up the ajratriu A troe tonlo and aura AppeUier For adnlta and children. IS cents Montenegrin Nationsl Dress. The national dress of Montenegro Is very picturesque, consisting of bright and varied colors. The head gear is a becoming cap. MSADACHB AND BILIOVI ATTACKS Caused by Malaria removed by the uae of Bllslr Babe It cure for auch ailments. "M yself and whole household had Buf fered very much for some time with Malarial Fever. 'Elixir Bakek' has cured ua perfectly, so that we enjoy at present the best of health."—Jacob Eb erly. Fairfax Court House, Va. ClUxlr Bakek SO cents, all drujralsts or y Paroela Post prepaid from Klocmaw- Ski * Co., Washington, D. C Intelligent Dutch Cows. "Cattle unaccompanied by a drovar are forbidden to cross this bridge," runs the Inscription on a signpost near Haarlem, Holland. DOB 9 TOUR HEAD ACHEf Try Bk-ka' OAPUDINE. It'a liquid pleas ant to take—effecta Immediate—good to prevent Hick Headaches and Nerrona Headaches also. Your money back If not aatlalled. 10c., me. and Ha. a* medicine store*. Adv. Defined. "Maud, what is call money T" , "It's the kind, I guess, you tele phone your husband you must have." Logical. "Why did the bride elope with the groomsman?" "Because he was the best man.'* Important to Mothers , Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and tee that It In Use For Over SO Yean. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Paying Well. "Were you aatlsfled with the work on your place, digging for oil?" "Yes, It was well done." What some to Iks need is a fool-proof pay envelope that can't be opened un til they get borne. Profitable Side Dressing The «•« of tide dressing k increasing f 00 COTTON and CORN. It pais to i*» •' one uses the right good*. TWnSr Two applications of 200 lbs. each per yg,, i acre are recommended by a well-known gfftijp ff Southern investigator and experimenter. He suggests MttjSt H • 5-5-5 formula, or a mature of equal parts of Acid I 5S Phosphate, Kalalt and Nitrate of Soda. Side dress cotton when the plants are 10 indies high and again when die bloom begins to open. Where Kg? cottofi is inclined to rust* use KAINIT making two applications of 200 pounds each per acre. This n also effective against root lice and cut worms on corn, if applied early enough. It will pay you to try it, for Potash Fays. Order Kainit now before the auppTy B NT—UIIT We MB Kainit and Potaih Salt*, any quantity from one 200-lb. bag up. t GERMAN KALI WORKS Wlnj Ctwl Mfci Iml ft Tial Mid NEV OILCANS. LA. ' SATAMAI. CA.^^ FOLEY KIDNEY PUIS RICH IN CUBATIV* QUALITIES PON BACKACHE, RHEUMATISM, Kt PHOTO ABO SUOPW Maker SPECIAL TO WOMEN Do you realise tbe fact that thousands of women are now using A Soluble Antiseptic Powder as a remedy for mucous membrane af fections, such as sore throat, naaal or pelvic catarrh, inflammation or uloerm tlon, caused by female ilia 7 Women who have been cured say "It is worth Its weight in gold." Dissolve in water and apply locally. For ten years tbe Lydla HI Pinkham Medicine Co. has recommended Paxtlne in their private correspondence with women. For all hygienic and toilet uses It baa no equal. Only 60c a large box at Drug gists or sent postpaid on receipt of price. Tbe Paxton Toilet Co., Boston, Mass. __ j We are headquar- L| m I ten for Em, Poultry. ■ mm Fruit*, Potatoei and I 1111 Vegetables. If yo« I ■ II Ik ■ want a reliable Arm and hVVV/ a Uve house, ship us. We guarantee highest market prices and prompt re turn. Quotations sent on application. WOODSON-CRAIG CO„lnc. TYPEWRITERS #AII makes, sold, ranted and skillfully repaired. Rented fS for 3 months and np; rent applies on purchase. American Typewriter Exchange, Inc. Hems Offlos, 60S E. Osis St, Riefcmond, Vs. HOME CANNING OUTFITS Handaomest Lisa In America. a 3.7 s UP| Cana and Supplies. Catalogues Free. THMP HDWt.AMrt.CO.,IWMm,W.C. ftL* KODAK FINISHING VDniTB *7 pbalofiukle awMMa. Amj roll W rBJUIK ,doped for tea. Print* »• to Ic. Mall your Mb fllma to Depta. PARSONS OPTIC AL CO., S44Kln« St. .Charleston,B.C. Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief —Permanent Cure CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fail. Purely vegeta- ble act surely ■Carters Softer VER dinner dis- B PILLS. tress-cure 9r indigestion, improve the complexion, brighten the eyes. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRKX Genuine must bear Signature A* KODAKS f BllllW eiai Attention. Priree reaaonabla. MMBerrlce prompt. Sand for Price La at. usaiM ua arses, uuumai, a. a AfIIKTI to aeil hleh claaa rapid aeller; most families want several; bl( profits: success aa sured Tbe Hwala Bros. Mfs. Co.. Bmelle. Ala. READERB 2 Used la lu oolnaua aboald Insist upon havTnf what they aak for, refailna all aabatitotea or laltaUoM. Virginia Saras Write for my catalogue of t *° u " HILL Perfect Mpoon Holder. Wonderful patent. Sell several to everybody. Send for partle. Sample Ic. Schaltae Co.. Hlnteaville, Me.

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