|jjj| We are Distributing Agents for the Standard Oil Co. y II and can furnish you Gasoline, by the at Norfolk %f a gm b prices. We also retail it at our factory for the conven- jj ience of our customers who do not wish to buy a barrel. Jpi Local Agents for the International Harvester Company *| II T- v. and will be glad to have your order any kind of Garo- *1 II Every Farmer Gould Use a Motor Gar line Engine or Farming Implements. The I. H. C. Jjj| Advantage machinery has-a world-wide reputation for durability || II The farmer wants to be up-to-the-minute in these times if he is and strength, Get our Catalog. {going to make a success of his vocation. The I. H. C. Auto Wag on will do your work in half time required by wagon and teams. We manufacture H.gh Grade 11 Just the outfit to haul your produce to market, leaving your team RIKTiyiPQ Ci\ it A at work In the field. Haven't you often had to make a quick trip ISi across country for repairs or supplies—Gee, the old horse did go ___, «g II slow. You know you have often wished you could take the faml- 3.11(1 \^3.^ollS !$i ly on a little trip, or outing, and the horses are always to tired on 1® Sunday or the distance too long. Think of the pleasure you can And do all kinds of Repair Work on Short Notice! ® have and the pleasant time the wife and children could have if- you had an I. H. C. Motor Car. You might just as well have a , \y e carry a llice Stock of Buggy Robes, 3£ © good time, life I. short any way. enjoy it while it lasts and while w and Ham See them before g TO you have a chance. Next time you are in town come in and let us r jjj show you this car. Talk it over with the boy and see wha the says buying, yOU will DOt regret it. & wjr 0 S** 1") p A. T. CRAWFORD &W. L. STALLS. Mgrs 3* Martm CiOUllty OUggy V-«OUnty Williamston, North Carolina 8 the WormsT I \ \ Plstl'*n your horses, cattle, eheep and hogg. It I j \ |!/4jWr A 1» *>ot possible for your stock to do well, | \ I r MkLti' m-ike the profits they should, when In L. JW\l 'Ot. «■& the run-down condition which always re- ■ • '\\ »L (|> cults from the presence of Intestinal. ■ tT~ J worms. Worm Powder \* I GUTU/X la » safe. im remedy which rids stock of ■ I |jty./y> worms without unfavorable after-effects. r I \BUr~l. Ms Its use will surely Increase your profits, and I | V'l/fK wUI be healthier, and therefore less I t -r-" , T.our" Mooer Back tt It Fails" x I IT-1J I I. Anderson, Crawford St Co., J. 1.. Hassell a Co. Harrison, Bro». it Co. C. D Carntarplieu * TOBACCO FLUES "jr " Have Woolard to make your FLUES and You will have the BEST . \ CARTS AND WAGONS MADE TO ORDER Woloards Combined Harrow and Cultivator J. L. WOOLARD & CO. WILLI AMSTON, N. C. PEANUTS WINBORNE & COMPANY Commission Merchants NORFOLK VIRGINIA Consignments and Correspondence Solicited. Personal Attention to all Consignments. ' WE QUOTE TODAY'S MARKET AS FOLLOWS: Fancy Peanuta • « picking, 65 per cent- at 3 7-8 Strictly Prime " s> " " 3 »-» Prime... " 35 - " ' 3' Best Shelling Stock ' 2 7-» Medium « «• ' a «•» Poor •« •• : / * x-4 4-?:-4k Our customers keep the books, but they spend no time and have no trouble in doing so. Every customer has the same record of his account as we have and in the same handwriting. This we accomplish by the use of ik4vst!K e V The One Writing Method of handling credit accounts. With each purchase, we furnish a sale dip which ahowt the goods pur chased, the price charged for each item and the last previous balance all footed up. There can be no error in handling your accounts as You Always Know What You Owe We furnish a holder for the sale slips. We prefer that you file every slip in this holder—a glance at the last one will tell you what you owe. These alips become an expense account, without effort on your part. Will you let us explain our McCaskey System to you? Theo. Roberson & Go. Farm For Sale • A farm as the Grimes Place and being a part of the estate of the late Geo. E. Brown, lying on the Hamilton and Pal myra road and running back to Roanoke River, containing 298 acres, about 150 acres open for cultivation. This farm lies in sight of Williams Chapel Church and the home of Joseph Early, and near school -house. A blue print survey of the land is on file in the Clerk's offibe in Williams ston, N. C. o The whole tract is enclosed with wire fence on front and both sides to the river, a two story dwelling, barn and out houses. A nice place to Jive. For further information address MRS. R. B. SPENCER, Washington, D. C. 1433 Newton St. 5-9-4t Choice Cut Flowers ! Roses, Caranations and Violets a specialty. Our artistic arrangements in wedding outfits are equal to the best. ♦ Nothing finer in floral offerings than our styles. Blooming pot plants, palms and ferns in'great variety. Rose bushes, shrubberies, ever greens, hedge plants and shade trees. i Mail, telephone and telegraph orders promptly executed. J. L. O'Quinn & Co. - - ft o m © Phones 149. Raleigh, N. C. FRED M. SHUTE, Agent Mrs. Mattie Speller Dealer In OENERAL MERCHANDISE Piione 35 Williamston, N. G. JUST RECEIVED f\ Gar L»oad of Wire rencing. Galvaniz ed Si (Rubber Roof ing. Selling at a Low price. Call to see us before buying. G. D. Garstarphen & Go. Williamston - - North Carolina Notice By virtue of authority contained in a certain Deed of Trust executed by E. L. Wynne, bearing date of the and. of September, 1912 and duly recorded in the office of the Register of deeds for Martin County in Book Z. Z. Z., page 589, to secure the payment of certain bonds bearing even date therewith, and the stipulations in said Deed of Trust not having been complied with, and at the rerfuest of the holder of said bonds, the undersigned Trustee, will on Saturday, May the 24th. I9i3,at 12 o'clock M,, at the Court House door in Martin County at Williamston, N. C,, offer at public sale, for cash, to the highest bidder, the fol lowing land, to-wit: It being the Mobley Mill and Mill Site, containing four (4) acres more or less and being same which Harrison Bros, and Company, this day sold E. L. Wynne. This 21st. day of April. 1913. W. C. MANNING, Tinatee. CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND LADIKS I A«b your l>r n „,l.t for CfTI-CHKSTBR'3 A DIAMOND BUAND PH. Vi iu Rrn nnl/V GOLD metallic boxe*, scaled with Blae0; Ribbon. Tacd no OTBII. B«T.fjo«\V Dra««Ut sad salt fur cni-CUKS.TCB • V DIAMOND BRAND PILI.M, for twcntT-flvQ years regarded as Beit, Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS &W e D EVERYWHERE TESTBD For Absolute Safety Deposit Your Money With Bank of Robersonville Robersonville, N. C. OUR MOTTO: Safety First 4 Per Cent Interest Paid on TIME DEPOSITS J. H. ROBERSON, Jr , President A. S. ROBERSON, Vice-President J. A. MIZKLX, Casliier OVER 66 YEARS' E X R E RIEN C I VL J J L J 1 ■ J t ■ V ■ k I !• 1 R 'FFF?R Copyrights Ac. Anyino sending h aket>'li and deacrlntlnn mnj oiileklT nucorcftin our opinion froe whether «u UiTontlo.i ,» i>r.ib*biy patoiiUhlUL CommunlTO tlona»trlrt 1 r rrtnlMcntl.U. HfIFOBUiA o:t I'nteiU# ■out In"., u' I v« imoncr lor nacuruis I'auv.H. i'ntenfi i.-kjn tUrnort liana ft Co. rocolT* tpri 10l notice, without eh,irae, in the ScUKiilic Jli«rican. A tianrtiomelf liinstralod wculilr. I.nrsost clp. cnlatli'ti of r,:i» n'lentSßo journal, lor'na. »J • rnir: four room Uu, tL Sold byuil new,iufv\tar«. MUNNSCo. 361Br *NswYp- Branch Gi»c«. 023 F HU WublDuton, D. C.

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